Early Head Start Gazette - July 2021 - 4C

Page created by Brent Wise
Early Head Start Gazette - July 2021 - 4C
July 2021

Early Head Start Gazette
                    Community Coordinated Care for Children Inc., (4C)

                                           HOW TO PLAY WITH YOUR KIDS

                                1. Use Music.                              hearing the same book read repeat-
      4TH OF JULY               Studies have always shown a link be-       edly.
  INDEPENDENCE DAY              tween music & cognitive development        7. Do new things – we have taken
                                in babies. The greatest growth is          each of our kids on my parents ‘boat,
                                from when they are still in the womb       even when they were young (they
                                to two years of age, the time when         have to wear a life jacket, so be
                                listening-based learning is at its peak.   ready for a little fussing) but they
                                2. Interact with your child.               have all enjoyed the boat once it gets
                                Sing with your baby. Dance with your       moving.
                                baby.                                      8. Play the old favorites: This Little
                                3. TEACHING: You can start show-           Piggy (see the words here), Pat a
                                ing your baby more books and flash-        cake and peek-a-boo are all GREAT
                                cards. An example would be to teach        little songs to sing to your kids.
 The day commemorates           him/her about the dog. Show your
 the adoption of the Decla-     baby a picture of a dog and say “Look      Remember that each child does
 ration of Independence,        at the doggie! Ruff-Ruff!”                 things at their own time, but you can
 signed by all 13 colonies,     4. Teach your baby new words. “Ma-         help your baby by spending “floor
 and which marks the be-        Ma”. Say it to your baby and they          time” with him/her. Play with your
 ginning of American Inde-      will try to repeat the word (or at         child, talk to your child, read to your
 pendence. It is a federal      least babble back to you).                 child…
 holiday, and as such busi-     5. A fun activity is to take their fa-
 nesses, schools and feder-     vorite small toy (rattle, doll) and let    9. SPEND TIME WITH YOUR
 al offices are closed. If      them WATCH YOU hide it under a             CHILD
 the 4th falls on a weekend,    little blanket. You might even want        The most precious thing that we can
 it is observed on the previ-   to leave a little peeking out. Your        give them is our time & attention.
 ous Friday or the following    child will learn to find it now!           https://www.yourmodernfamily.com/how-to-play-with-your-kids/

 Monday.                        6. Read to your baby!* Babies love
Early Head Start Gazette - July 2021 - 4C
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Budgeting Tips to Help You Beat Inflation
You have probably heard the term in-       ings. Your budget will help you deter-
flation. However, do you know how it       mine your spending priorities, which can
affects your finances?                     help you decide what items are the most
In short, inflation is when the cost of    important for you to spend money on –
things goes up. (Alternately, deflation is and which to skip.
when costs go down.) Inflation can af-     Look for Cheaper Alternatives or Try
fect items that you buy on a regular ba-   New Stores
sis, such as food and gas, but it can af-  You can try less expensive or store
fect nearly every purchase that you        brand foods, cleaning products, and hair
make.                                      products. You may discover that there
                                           is not a huge difference in the quality or
There are both long and short-term ef-     taste.
fects of inflation. While inflation can    You can also try using coupons or shop-
have an adverse effect on your financial ping at bulk stores to help your money
future, it can also make it difficult to   stretch a little bit farther each month.       while still having fun by exploring free
meet your financial obligations right now. You may also want to switch to a less          and cheap things to do in your area. You
That is why it is important to have steps expensive grocery store, or cutting eat-        can take advantage of any museums that
in place to deal with inflation so you do  ing out altogether to help save some           offer free admission or free concerts in
not end up busting your budget or worse, cash. You may also use an option like            your area.
relying on credit cards and accumulating shopping at a food co-op or doing con-           Your friends may also be trying to save
debt.                                      tainer gardening so you can reduce your        money, so you may choose to stay in and
                                           food bill.                                     rent a movie instead of going out to one.
Follow these five steps to deal with       Cut Unnecessary Expenses                       Instead of eating out, you may have a
inflation and keep your budget intact. If inflation seems to be overwhelming              night where you cook for each other or
                                           your budget, consider cutting out unnec-       host a potluck dinner.
Get on a Budget                            essary expenses. You can work out at the       Remember Your Priorities
One of the best ways to beat inflation is gym of your apartment complex and can-          When dealing with the rising cost of liv-
to follow a budget or spending plan. This cel your gym membership. You may be             ing brought on by inflation, it is im-
will ensure that you are watching what     able to stretch the length of time be-         portant to keep your financial priorities
you spend, and are only spending what      tween hair appointments by a week or           in mind. Do not live on credit cards, accu-
you make, regardless of how inflation      two. Alternatively, save on gas by taking      mulating debt that you will have to deal
affects the cost of something, like gas.   advantage of public transportation a few       with later.
Be sure to have set budget line items for times a week. You can carpool, as well.
things inflation might affect, such as     Other small sacrifices can help you deal       Continue to save and invest your money,
clothing, food, gas, and housing. Allocate with inflation, as well. Try cutting back      especially for retirement. You do not
your money at the beginning of the         on your daily coffee habit, or make your       have control over economic conditions,
month, and then stick to the spending      own at home and bring it to work in a          but you do have control over your spend-
limits you have set.                       travel mug. Do not buy extra treats at         ing and saving habits. The same advice
You can be flexible by adjusting the       the grocery store, or skip the second          will help you during times of deflation.
spending amounts between budget cate- glass of wine when out with friends.                https://www.thebalance.com/budgeting-tips-to-help-you-beat-inflation-
gories but resist the urge to dip into     Look for free Alternatives
your emergency fund or retirement sav- You can save money and beat inflation

What Can I Do to Protect My Child's Sight?
•   Eat right both during pregnancy and                                                   •Give your child toys that encourage
    after. Your baby will be healthier and                                            visual development.
    you will set a good example.                                                      • Watch your baby for signs that the
•   Provide nutritious meals with fruits,                                             eyes are crossed or turned out.
    vegetables, nuts, and up to 12 ounces a                                           • Look at your baby for any haziness
    week of fish. These foods contain key                                             or clouding in the pupil.
    antioxidants and nutrients such as vita-
    min C, vitamin, E, zinc, omega-3 fatty                                            • Provide sun protection when out-
    acids, and lutein, which are linked to eye                                        doors by means of shelter or UV coated
    health. (Buy fish such as salmon, shrimp,                                         lenses, especially if your child's eyes are
    canned light tuna, catfish, or Pollock.                                           light in color.
    Young children should avoid shark,                                                • Be an example to your child by wear-
    swordfish, mackerel, or tilefish because they contain high       ing the proper protective athletic gear when playing
    levels of mercury.)                                              sports.
•   Provide your child with age-appropriate toys that are free •     Have your child's eyes examined regularly, particularly
    from sharp edges.                                                during infancy and childhood. https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/protecting-
Early Head Start Gazette - July 2021 - 4C
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Dear Parents,                                                   es with UV protection for your child.
                                             •                  Use sunscreen.
July is UV protection month. Wonderful Sunny
warm days are here. It is good for children  •                  Select clothes made with a tight weave;
and adults to spend time outdoors exercising                    they protect better than clothes with a
and playing but it is also just as important to                 looser weave. If you are not sure how
do it safely.                                                   tight a fabric's weave is, hold it up to see
                                                                how much light shines through. The less
Here are some simple rules to protect your                      light, the better. Alternatively, you can
loved ones from sunburns.                                       look for protective clothing labeled with
                                                                an Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF).
•     Limit time in the sun. Stay in the shade, or        •     Wear a hat with an all-around 3-inch brim
      have fun indoors, especially between the                  to shield the face, ears, and back of the
      hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun’s               neck.
      rays are most intense.                              •     Reapply sunscreen often! At least every
•     Keep babies younger than 6 months out of                  two hours, and more often if your child is
      direct sunlight. Find shade under a tree,                 swimming or sweating.
      an umbrella, or the stroller canopy
                                                          Set a good example. Practice sun protection
•     Wear sunglasses with at least 99% UV                yourself, and teach all members of your family
      protection. Look for youth-sized sunglass-          how to protect themselves from the sun’s rays.

Help Your Child Develop Handwashing Skills

    Parents and caretakers play an important role          Young children learn by imitating the behav-
    in teaching children to wash their hands.              iors of adults in their lives. When you make
    Handwashing can become a lifelong healthy              handwashing part of your routine, you’re set-
    habit if you start teaching it at an early age.        ting an example for your children to follow.
    Teach kids the five easy steps for handwash-
    ing—wet, lather, scrub, rinse and dry—and the          What if soap and water aren’t available?
    key times to wash hands, such as after using           Washing hands with soap and water is the
    the bathroom or before eating. You can find            best way to get rid of germs. If soap and wa-
    ways to make it fun, like making up your own           ter are not available, use an alcohol-based
    handwashing song or turning it into a game.            hand sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol,
                                                           and wash your hands with soap and water as
    Give frequent reminders                                soon as you can.
    Building handwashing skills takes time. At
    first, your child will need regular reminders of       Baby Wipes
    how and when to wash hands. It is especially           Baby wipes may make your hands look clean,
    important to remind children to wash their             but they’re not designed to remove germs
    hands after using the bathroom, before eat-            from your hands. CDC recommends washing
    ing, after touching pets, after playing outside,       hands with soap and water when possible.
    and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing their
    nose. When handwashing becomes a habit and             Remember to make handwashing a healthy
    a regular part of your child’s day, they will          habit at home, school, and at play. https://
    practice it throughout their lives.                    www.cdc.gov/handwashing/handwashing-family.html#:~:text=Help%20your%

    Lead by example by washing your hands

Leaf Prints
Looking for a fall or summer craft for toddlers?

Make leaf-print collages, which teach about nature while improving motor skills.

Take a walk outside to collect fallen leaves in different shapes and sizes. Bring the leaves
home, paint one side of them, and press them onto a blank canvas (paper, T-shirt, tote bag,
cardboard, etc.). The painted leaves double as makeshift stamps. https://www.parents.com/fun/arts-crafts/9-easy-
Early Head Start Gazette - July 2021 - 4C
THE WONDERS OF                                              As its name states, 92 percent of watermelon consists
                                                            of water. No wonder it’s the most common melon eaten
WATERMELON                                                  in America and is perfect for staying refreshed and
                                                            hydrated on a hot summer day.
Watermelon — the disease fighter
Did you know watermelon has more lycopene than any          Many ways to eat watermelon
other fresh fruit or vegetable? Lycopene is an antioxi-
dant linked to decreased risk of cancer, heart disease      In addition to eating watermelon as is, you can also try:
and age-related eye disorders.                              Lightly grilling (around two minutes on each side)
Watermelon is nutritious                                    Throwing in a blender for a refreshing beverage or
Watermelon is the perfect sweet treat that is nutri-        Adding to a salad or stir-fry
tious and tasty.                                            Pickling the rind
Vitamin A is important for skin and eye health. Vitamin
B6 helps your body break down the protein you eat, and      Searching for the perfect watermelon
is important for the immune system and nerve function.      When choosing a watermelon, look for one that is firm,
Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system and aids       symmetrical and heavy for its size. There should be a
in the absorption of iron. Potassium is helpful in lower-   yellow spot on the underside as the result of sitting on
ing blood pressure and is important for nerve function      the ground and ripening in the sun. If the spot is very
as well.                                                    pale or white, it may have been picked too soon and will
                                                            not be ripe. https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-
Watermelon hydrates                                         health/the-wonders-of-watermelon

Ingredients                                                 Place the melon in a blender or food processor. Process
2 1/2 pounds seedless watermelon, rind removed and          until smooth. Pass the puree through a fine-mesh sieve
diced (about 7 cups)                                        placed over a bowl to eliminate the pulp and clarify the
1-cup fruit-sweetened cranberry juice (sometimes            juice. Pour the juice into a large pitcher. Add the cran-
called cranberry nectar)                                    berry and lime juices and stir to combine.
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
1 lime, cut into 6 slices                                   Refrigerate until very cold. Pour into tall chilled glass-
                                                            es and garnish each with a slice of lime. https://
Directions                                                  www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/recipes/watermeloncranberry-agua-fresca/rcp-20049628?
Early Head Start Gazette - July 2021 - 4C Early Head Start Gazette - July 2021 - 4C Early Head Start Gazette - July 2021 - 4C Early Head Start Gazette - July 2021 - 4C
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