E Boston Terriers Volume 11 - EDOGMAGS

Page created by Ashley Cooper
E Boston Terriers Volume 11 - EDOGMAGS
E Boston Terriers
            A Bi Monthly Publication
Volume 11                              December
   No. 6                                 2020
E Boston Terriers Volume 11 - EDOGMAGS
On The Cover

               E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com   E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
E Boston Terriers Volume 11 - EDOGMAGS
Advertisers in this Edition
E Boston Terriers                                                        listed alphabetically

www.ebostonterriers.com                                                                                                     From the Editor
                                                                                                                        Happy Holidays
        Publisher/Editor                                                                                      It’s hard to believe that 2020 is coming to an end...what a year!!
                 June Krukenkamp                                         Cormier
                                                                                                           We hope everyone has remained healthy during this PANDEMIC YEAR
            junekrukenkamp@gmail.com                                     Dunning
                                                                                                         and we are hopeful that in 2021, we can return to some sort of “normalcy”
                                                                         EQ Transport
                   designers                                                                           Despite these tough times, our supporters and advertisers have remained loyal
                     June Krukenkamp                                                                       to E Boston Terriers . We are forever grateful for the continued support
                       Nicole Pollack                                    Erbele/Fernandes                so that we can bring you new Editions this year, despite the lack of shows.
                      Angie Henderson                                    Farrell                                            I am OVERWHELMED with your support!
                                                                         Griner/ Luciano                               We couldn’t have this magazine without you all!
              Staff Writers                                              Hayes/ Joly                                                 THANK YOU!!!
                          Jani Martin
                                                                         Jones                                      We have a wonderful Holiday Edition with chock full
                          Jane Killion
                                                                         Kennedy/Zibel/Cormier/Allen                 of Beautiful Bostons and we hope you will enjoy!
 Staff Photographer                                                      Lazarova -Cover/ Inside
 Digital Photo Editor                                                    Martin                                     Wishing everyone a safe & happy Holiday Season.
                         Linda Davis                                     Murley                                                  We’ll see you in 2021!
                                                                         Noble Handling
E Boston Terriers is an independent publication and not affiliated       Owens
with any breed club. We are breed specific and offered electronically
and in Print. We are the most affordable Dog Breed publication. We       Pearson
are 5-10 X lower than Dog News / Canine Chronicle / Show Sight
& other printed monthly Show Dog publications. Subscription to E         Preston
Boston Terriers is FREE. It can be viewed 24/ 7 on it’s own websites
for free. All our subscribers are notified first of each new release &
of any news and updates regarding E Boston Terriers. Advertisers
are responsible for the accuracy of their own ads. Publisher cannot
be responsible for the accuracy made in any advertisement. All ads       Tinseth                                                    Sincerely,
approved by advertisers will be published & any changes made
after approval are subject to additional fees. No changes can be
made once Edition is published. We reserve the right to approve                                                                  June Krukenkamp
or disapprove any material submitted. All material on this site is       Wiersma
copyright protected & cannot be used without the written consent
of E Boston Terriers. ©2020 All rights reserved.

                                    E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                         E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
E Boston Terriers Volume 11 - EDOGMAGS
Let us Create Your Unique Jewelry Piece
                                                                                                          All of our Jewelry pieces are handmade & custom designed to compliment your Dog’s
                                                                                                                       individual artwork, which is the centerpiece of our Collections.

                                                                                                        Send us your Photos and our 3D artists will create and design a custom 3D Jewelry piece
                                                                                                                      according to your choice of theme, style, and specifications.

Specializing in custom Sculptures, Jewelry Pieces & other personalized KnickKnacks of your Dog!               Check out how we make your custom Necklace...HERE

                                      Send us your Photos.
                   Our 3D artists will create a custom 3D sculpture for your approval,
            then our technicians will 3D print the piece according to your size specifications.
                  Once printed, the piece will be hand-painted & finished as ordered.

             All of our pieces are custom designed and hand-crafted on-site according to
                               your specifications and photo submissions.

                    You can also order a Masterpiece that we have already created
                                from our Galleries, or at the Web Store.

                                                                                                   Fun KnickKnacks too!
                                                                                                                                                                    Browse our Galleries
                                                                                                                                                                   to imagine the possibilities
                                                                                                                                                                    for Jewelry, 3D Sculptures
                                                                                                                                                            and other works that you might consider.
                                                                                                  Xmas Ornaments, Key Chains Candle Holders & more..

                                                          Check out our Demo Reel
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                                                                                                         of a unique, hand-crafted, 3D designed and printed Masterpiece Creation!

                          E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com                                                                   E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com
E Boston Terriers Volume 11 - EDOGMAGS
Introducing ...New Grand Champion,
              GCH Tar Bay & Heartbeats Friend 4 Life

                                                                                                                           Presented by Margaret Noble

                     achieved his new Grand Championship title in just a few shows,
TNG Designs

              with several Best of Breed wins along the way, including Best of Breed at the
                      National Dog Show! He’s now working toward his Bronze title
                            and we are loving every minute of the adventure!

                          Owned & Loved by Kathleen Farrell
                         Bred by Janet Spicer Lewis and Victoria Wilt
                                                                                                      Handled by Margaret Noble
                              E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                     E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
E Boston Terriers Volume 11 - EDOGMAGS
We came...we masked up...we showed... we WON!               Looking forward a brand New Year!
                      Congratulations to the dogs and their owners
                    who helped Noble Bostons make the most of 2020!

                                     -        New
                            * Bu
                                                                                   MARGARET NOBLE
                                * Sprin                                         PENNINGTON, NEW JERSEY
                                            k l e s - Ne                          www.noblebostons.com
                                                       w C ha
                                                                mpion             moboe3@verizon.net

                         e ke        * Giada                     k e
                      * Z                                      oo
                   i ge                                    * Br
              * Pa      *S
                          abri * Vanna                     * Crock
                              na                                         et t
TNG Designs

                       E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                     E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
E Boston Terriers Volume 11 - EDOGMAGS
Jaxon                                                 is on a Roll !
                                                                                       Last   4 shows Wins...
                                      Distinguished Zapa’s Remmington Steele @ AMVA
                                      Zapa’s Distinguished Kerri of Hope

                                                                                           3 Selects
                                                                                           1 Best of Opposite
                                                                                           7 Best of Breed
                                                                                           1 Group 3!

                                                                                       We are so excited for the shows
                                                                                        to start again next year!.

Thank You Judge
Lee Whittier

      Handled by Shea Skinner                                                         GCH Bronze Distinguished Zapa Action Jaxon @ AMVA

                                                                                              Owned and Loved by Ellen Tinseth

                                                                                                                                                    TNG Designs
                  E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                         E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
E Boston Terriers Volume 11 - EDOGMAGS
continues his winning ways!
                                                                                   Pierce Junior De Sanibel Island
                                                                                          @ Distinguished
                                                                                        GCH Distinguished ZaPa’s Remmington Steele @ AMVA
                                                                                        JCH Luxembourg Mandy De Sanibel Island (France)

        Select Dog
  5 Point Grand Champion Points
       at the San Mateo KC
                                                                                                 Owned and Loved by
       Designated Specialty
                                                                                       Connie Erbele and Nathalie Fernandes
         Golden Gate KC
                                                                                                         Bred by
                                                                                        Nathalie Fernandes & Florence Portier
         Thank you Judge
        Jacqueline L. Stacy
   and Handler Stephanie House
        (not available for photo)
            for this win!

                                                              PJ                                          Bostons
                                                                                                           Connie Erbele

                E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com        E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
E Boston Terriers Volume 11 - EDOGMAGS
GCHS Tara’s Something About Mary Of Delmist

GCHS. Tara’s Sparkling Wine Spritzer ROM X CH. Tara’s Twilight Romance With Denali

                                                                                                                 Handled by
                                                                                                                Sarah Kennedy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       TNG Designs
                                                                                                                                   At 8 years old Mary hits the ring again winning not only Best Veteran but also
                                                                                                                                          Select Bitch for a 5pt GCH Major at the Boston Terrier Club Of CT
                                                                                                                                                    under breeder judge Tom Davis...Thank You!!
                                                                                                                                                      Mary’s love for the ring is never ending!!

                                                                                                                                      Bred By                                                   Owned by
                                                                                                                                    Barbara Grizlo &                                    Dr Stacie Zibel & Michael Zibel &
                                                                                                                                   Michael Hildebrand                                            Barbara Grizlo

                                                                                     E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                    E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
E Boston Terriers Volume 11 - EDOGMAGS
Martin             is proud to have 2 more of his kids finish their championships last month,
                                                                                                      #3 Sprinkles and #4 Autumn.
                                                                                   Watch for more Martin kids in the ring next year!

                                                         Bred & Owned By                                                  Handled by
                                                        Dr. Stacie Zibel , Mike Zibel
                                                                                                                          Sarah Kennedy
                                                              & Barbara Grizlo

                                                           MBISS GCHG DELMIST & TARA’S MARBEELOUS MARTIN
                                                                  MBISS GCHG. Kennedy’s Bumble Bee ROM********* X GCHS Tara’s Something About Mary Of Delmist

                                                                                 Handled By
          E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                          ESarah
                                                                                 Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
Sprinkles                                                                                              ew
              finished her Championship                                                                         Tara’s Sprinkle
                     with 4 majors!

              She is the 3rd Champion
                                                                                                                Of Star Dust
                for her sire Martin!
                                                                                                                W Delmist
                                                                                                           MBISS GCHG Delmist & Tara’s Marbeelous Martin
                                                                                                                    Tara’s Bee In My Bonnet With Delmist

                                                                                                                      Thank You
TNG Designs

                                           Handled by                                                     Bred & Owned By:
                                                                                                       Barbara Grizlo & Dr Stacie Zibel
                                          Margaret Noble

                            E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com   E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
                                                                                                                                             Autumn raked up the specialty wins to finish her championship

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TNG Designs
                                                                                                                                                          from the Bred-By class with 4 majors!
                                                                                                                           New Champion...     We are looking forward to starting her specials career in 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Thank you
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Breeder Judge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tom Davis
                                                                                                                                                                                                               for this win!
                           Ch Kennedy’s N Cormier Autumn Leaves At Delmist
MBISS GCHG. Delmist & Tara’s Marbeelous Martin X BISS GCH. Kennedy’s Dancing With My Heart

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Handled by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sarah Kennedy

                                                                                                                                               1st Show weekend, back to back 5pt majors @ Lenape BTC Specialty Shows
                                                                                                                                               2nd show weekend, BTCA Nationals, 1st place in Futurity, Reg Class Winner & Placer @ all 3 shows!
                                                                                                                                               3rd show weekend & first All-Breed show, WB for 4pt major
                                                                                                                                               4th show weekend, WB & BOW & Best BBE 4pt major @ BTC of CT Specialty Show
                                                                                                                                               to become a New Champion!

                                                                                                                                                      Bred By:                                                                 Owned By:
                                                                                                                                                   Elizabeth Cormier                                                       Sarah & Vicki Kennedy
                                                                                                                                                   & Sarah Kennedy                                                           Elizabeth Cormier
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Stacie Zibel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               & Penny Allen

                                                                                             E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                               E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
t e
                                                                                       lla                   GCH Hessenvilla’s

                                                                       By H                          Firestarter By Kennedy N Delmist

                                                                                                                     Top 20 Breed
                                                    ’s   Flas
                                      N Si
                                                                                                                                                 CC stats thru 9/30/ 20
                       . Ken

                                                                                             Despite the “lockdown” & limited shows this year,
                                                                           Des                Dante’s kids have followed his winning ways.
                                                               Ro   cher
                                                         la Du
                                        ild R
                             .    I’m W                                                          We look forward to watching more “kids”
                                                                                                          hit the ring next year!

                                                                                                                                                                            Handled by
                                                                                                                                                                          Sarah Kennedy

                                                                                                 Bred & Co-Owned By
                                                                                                      Corina Munch

                                                                                                        Owned By
                                                                                                 Sarah & Vicki Kennedy,
                                                                                               Stacie Zibel , Betty Cormier
TNG Designs

              E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                                              E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
om in g S t a r s                                   e su re to ma k e a Heat
        U   p c                                                 ar                                                 wav
    u r                                                                                                               e!
                                                                                 GCH. Hessenvilla’s Firestarter By Kennedy N Delmist
                                                                                 CH. Kennedy N Cormier’s Flower Power

                                                                                                                                  TNG Designs
Kennedy N Cormier’s Hot Commodity At Barcomm                               Kennedy’s Firebug
                 Owned By: Vicki & Sarah Kennedy                     Owned By: Sarah & Vicki Kennedy &
                    Betty Cormier & Bert Rettick                                  Penny Allen

                  E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com     E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
      CH. Cormier N Kennedy’s Mischievous Calvin N Hobbes TKN
      CH. Quinlan N Kennedy’s Tumbleweed X GCH. Kennedy’s N Cormier Hey Look Me Over CGC

                    Calvin finished quickly with multiple Best of Breed wins
                              from the classes over ranked specials.
           His first weekend as a special he won Select dog for a 5pt GCH Major
TNG Designs

          owner handled by his mom Betsy, which was also her first time handling!
                        Calvin is also excelling in the performance rings                  Bred By: Elizabeth Cormier & Sarah & Vicki Kennedy                    Handled By:
                            showing how diverse the Boston can be!                         Owned By: Betsy Grady                                       Sarah Kennedy & Betsy Grady

                            E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                            E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
C               arver                   is halfway to his Grand Championship in limited showing!
                     He is now a proud daddy having his first son ( Geordie) from his first litter
                                    win a specialty major in his very first show!

                                                                                                              Carver’s son...


              CH. Kennedy N Cormier’s Wood Carver At Delmist                                         Lannon’s Detective Inspector @ Carrob
              BISS GCH. Kennedy’s Ivyrose Tyler Tells It Like It Is
              GCH. Kennedy’s N Cormier Hey Look Me Over CGC                                          Geordie wins WD @ BTC of CT Specialty.
TNG Designs

                                                                                                     Thank you to breeder judge Tom Davis.

                    Bred & Owned By: Elizabeth Cormier & Sarah & Vicki Kennedy                           Owned By: Cheryl & James Robicheau
                                   Co-Owned By: Stacie Zibel                                            Bred & Co-Owned By: Bill & Jan Lannon

                             E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                              E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com


Paint Outside The Lines
      ( Sire-CH Honor Sunglo’s Framed Portrait )                                                                                                       A Million Dreams Reimagined

                                                                                                                                                             ( Sire-CH Legend’s Rhythm And Blues )

      Reserve Best In Show NOHS
                                                                                                                                                                    Multiple majors

      Multiple NOHS Group Winner
                                                                                                                                                              including BOB out of the BBE
      Multiple Group Placements
                                                                                                                                                                  over ranked specials


                                                                                                                    am R
                                                                                                  Thank you
                                                                                               to all the Judges
                                                                                         who have recognized our dogs
                                                                                                    in 2020.

              Rogue  GCHS Legend’s
              Gone Rogue Pour Me Another
                    ( Sire- Mackendick FireSunglosIcedWine )
TNG Designs

                           Top 10 NOHS                                                                                                                LEGEND’S        Boston Terriers
                           Top 20 Breed                                                                                                                          Lisa Wiersma
                          Top 20 All Breed                                                                                                                 LegendsBostons@gmail.com

                                         E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                          E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
                                                                  Boston Terriers


                          Fibi                                                                         Carmen
                           CH. VICTORIA’S SECRETS Torques                         CH. QUICK DECISION Torques

                                CH. Mtnviews Destiny at Ever Single                    CH. Mtnviews Destiny at Ever Single
                               Multi CH. Kennedy’s Strong as the Wind                    CH. I’m Girls with Class Torques

                               Rosalyn                                                         BeBa
                                       Multi Ch                                        IntCH CIB, Multi CH
                                NOBODY KNOW ME Torques                          X- WOMAN AMERICAN SURPRISE Torques
                                          Int CH. Kennedy's Special Story Bee      AmCH Mtnview He’s The Bees Knees
                                                 INTCH. CIB, Multi CH.             Multi CH Kennedy’s Strong as the Wind
                                         X- Woman American Surprise Torques

                                                                                                              my hope and new family member
                                                                                                                   BELIEVE IN ME Torques
TNG Designs

                                                                                                                           BRAZ AMCH Gunther’s Of Henry
                                                                                                                              Multi CH Cristina Torques

              Breeder/ Owner : Izabela Oles                                                            http://www.zwingertorques.de/

              E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                            E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
Royal Commander has continued to exceed our expectations

                              ’s a n d                                as he enjoys the Show Ring and everyone can see that. A huge thank

                    o s a r t          r
                                                                      you to all the judges that have recognized his efforts and especially

             C H B               a nd e                               Judges James Moses for the Specialty Win, Mrs. Anne Savory Bolus
           G                  m
 BISS               C  o m                                            for the Breed win, and Mr. David Bolus for the Group Placement.
             o ya l                                                   Expertly handled by Paul Catterson, Thank you Paul! We look to the AKC
    l ja ’s R
G i                                                                   Nationals and next year for lots more fun!
                                                                      Best in Specialty
Owners                                                                Nebraska Boston Terrier Club
Matthew Estell,
Bosart Bostons                                                        Group 3 Placement
Jane Cole                                                             Waterloo Kennel Club
Gilja Boston Terriers
Matthew Estell

                        E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                       E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
WOW... What a weekend!                                                                           Thank You Judges...
                                                                                                                                 George Milutinovich,
                  The first show in Northern California all year and the ChriMaso Crew
                                                                                                                              Debbie Campbell-Freemen,
                                      did not disappoint!!!

                                                                                                                                  and Peggy Lloyd!


    GCH ChriMaso’s Two Tickets to Paradise for Esther
                                                                                                     K           orben

                                                                                                                        ChriMaso’s Magic of the 5th Element
       GCHG ChriMaso’s Roll on 18 Wheeler CA BCAT                                                                                                   GCH Oui Believe in Magic ROM
         GCH Tam-Ra’s Watch It Wiggle                                                                                             GCH ChriMaso’s Two Tickets to Paradise for Esther

                     Ticket finished her Grand Champion title in style                                            Korben was awarded WD & BOW the first three days
              by taking Select Bitch at the Golden Gate Boston Terrier Club                                           for a total of 3 majors and 12 points including
                              Designated Specialty on Sunday.                                                one at the Sierra Gold Boston Terrier Club Designated Specialty!
                             Thank you judge Jacqueline Stacy

                                                                                                 Have a wonderful and safe holiday season!!
               for finding my pretty girl among the beautiful competition.
TNG Designs

                      Bred, owned, adored, & shown by                                                         Bred by Pamela Preston & Debi Huml
                              Pamela Preston                                                              Owned & Loved by Pamela Preston & Mary Gale

                                       E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                       E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
Shown in only 2 sets of shows this year.    A big thank you to judges Mr Arley D. Hussin at the Sierra Gold Boston Terrier Club Designated Specialty
                                                                                                                                                           in conjunction with the Sacramento Valley DFA show in Reno, NV
                                                                                        2 weekends - 2 Best in Specialty wins!!                    and Ms Peggy Lloyd at the Sierra Gold Boston Terrier Club Designated Specialty
                                                                                                                                                               in conjunction with the San Mateo KC show in Corning, CA

                                                                                                                                                                       for finding my boy in such stiff competition.
                                                                                                                                                                 Also a huge thank you to the clubs who worked so hard
                                                                                                                                                                           to make these shows possible!
(GCHP2 Sabe’s Simply Invincible x GCHS ChriMaso’s Come On Baby, Light My Fire ROM*)

                                                                                                                        is now...

                                                                                               MBISS Champion
                                                                                      ChriMaso’s Simply a Three Alarm Fire at Cedona

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TNG Designs
                                                                                                                                                               Loved and always Owner-Handled by Rene’ Owens
                                                                                                                                                                     Bred and co-owned by Pamela Preston

                                                                                         E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                            E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
Announcing ...
                                              Grand Champion!

                                                                                                       Grand Champion
                                                                                          ChriMaso & Avalon’s All For One & One For All
                                                                                         CH. Lynnleigh’s Weather Watch ROM* X GCHS ChriMaso’s Come On Baby, Light My Fire ROM*
                         After 10 months of being out of the show ring,
              D’Art bursts out this fall winning Select Dog at 4 of of the 6 shows               Loved, Owned and Shown by
                               held in Reno, NV and Corning, CA.                                         Lynda Bradley
          Thank you to the following judges for rewarding this showy boy’s breed type.                 Avalon Boston Terriers

             Sacramento Valley DFA         - Sulie Greendale-Paveza
             *Golden Gate Boston Terrier Club Designated Specialty*

             Oakland Kennel Club - Debbie Campbell-Freeman
             Oakland Kennel Club - George Milutinovich

              San Mateo Kennel Club - Peggy L. Lloyd                                                             Bred by
             *Sierra Gold Boston Terrier Club Designated Specialty*                                            Pamela Preston

                                                                                                           ChriMaso Boston Terriers

                          E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                        E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
Damian                                                                                 Ch Philmar-Burnett’s Invincible Strike Force
                                                                                                                                         (GCHP2 Sabe’s Simply Invincible x Burnett’s Little PNW Sweet Peaches)
                    Although we have had almost no shows this year, my main Man, Damian
                                       has made me extremely proud!

                My deepest gratitude to Carolyn Herbel for the phenomenal AOM and NOHS BOB awards
                   at the Greater Atlanta Boston Terrier Club (host club shows before the BTCA National
                  in September and also to Jacqueline Stacy for the BOS and NOHS BOB awards at the
              Golden Gate Boston Terrier Club Designated Specialty at the San Mateo KC show in November.

                                                                           I’ll be on cloud nine
                                                                           the rest of the year!
TNG Designs

                                                                                     Owned, shown and adored by
                                                                                            Mary Murtey

                                      E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                          E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com   E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com   E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com   E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com   E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
Hi-Society                                                Boston Terriers                  F orev e r T
                                                                                                                  l …
                                                                                                                      n t
                                                                                                                          l y
                                                                                                                                wa y
                                                                                                                                       ss e
                                                                                                                                             ateful …


                                                                                     e ho                                                                ea   m
                                                                                     W      pe that
                                                                                                      2021 will b g                         l l yo   ud
                                                                                                                 rin                 yo u a
   Cindy Davis                                         Sam Chrisman
cindyd049@gmail.com                        samandk9@hi-society-boston-terriers.com

                      E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                     E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
t 2021 will bring

                                                 Hi-Society                    is so proud of these dogs and their dedicated owners.
              Do It
                                                                                          Hi-Society’s The Rest Of The Story At HCA
                                                                                         NAC,NJC,NCC, TN-N, WV-N, TG-N, HP-N, BR-N, Novice Versatility
                                                                                                        Owner - Virginia Hoffman
                                                 Hi-Society’s Whiskey River

                                                              RN, NA, CGC
                                                      Owner - Renate Skinner


              Hi-Society’s I Can Do It
                       OA, OAJ
               Owner - Carol Grassech
TNG Designs

                                                                                                  Hi-Society              Boston Terriers

                                 Cindy Davis                                                                    Sam Chrisman
                           cindyd049@gmail.com                                                      samandk9@hi-society-boston-terriers.com

                          E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                       E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
Multiple Best in Specialty Show Winner
                                                             Multiple Group Placements
                                                             Award of Merit at the 2020 Boston Terrier National Specialty
                                                             #11 Boston Breed (AKC 10/17)

                                                                                           Handled by
                                                                                           Jess Pearson
TNG Designs

                                                                                             MBISS GCHB
                           Thank you Judges
                                                                          DH & Motif’s Silver Lining for Azlyn

                                                                                                                              TNG Designs
                    Rodney Merry & Cindy Pagurski
                                                                                       BN RN AX OAJ CGCU TK
                        Owners: Jess Pearson, Marsha Dixon                           Breeders: Steve & Bryan Hollewell
                                  Suzanne Shiloh                                         Richard & Suzanne Shiloh

              E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                       E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
              In loving memory...                                Sire of...
                                                                                                        Top 10 Boston Breed & All Breed 2015
                                                                Multiple Champions
                                                           *Multiple Grand Champions
                                                                                                            Reserve Best in Show Winner
                                                         *Multiple Canadian Champions                          Multiple Group Winner
                                                               *European Champion
                                                                                                         Multiple Best in Specialty Winner
                                                            *2016 BTCA Best Bred By
                                              *2017 AKC National Championship Best of Opposite
                                                             *2018 BTCA Select Bitch
                                               *2018 #1 Boston Terrier Bitch Breed through 11/30
                                            *2019 BTCA Boston Terrier of the Year 2nd Runner Up
                                                           *2020 BTCA Award of Merit
                                                              Multiple Group Winners
                                                       *Multiple Best in Specialty Winners
TNG Designs

                                         *Multiple Top 20 Bostons breed, all breed, and Owner Handled
                                                            *Multiple Crufts Qualifiers

                                                  RBIS MBISS GCHS                                                                             You were my favorite hello
                                          Motif’s John Bernard Books ROM                                                                       and my hardest goodbye
                                                                                                                                                 7/39/13- 11/20/20

                                                     Handled through his show career
                                                       by Amanda & Vito Ciaravino
                                                            & Sabrina Rundle

                                                                                                           Breeders/Owners: Jess Pearson
                                                                                                              Richard & Suzanne Shiloh

                           E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                                E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com   E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com   E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
Empire’s Blame it on the Casanova

Our Nova finally made his long-anticipated debut on the California scene at the
Oakland Kennel Club & San Mateo shows in Corning, CA. He took home both a
reserve Winners dog and a 3-point major by taking Winners Dog!! While waiting
for the show season to start, he tried his paw at Fast Cat and now has points
towards his B-Cat. I and his other owners, Lynda Bradley and Mary Murtey are
immensely proud of our boy.

Nova is bred, owned and shown by Sandi Ayer.

                    E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                   E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
PARIS Notre Dame De L’Aige De La Tournelle
                                                               (Boston Style Showman at Heart X Forever Black and White Devils)

                                                                                                         Beautifully presented by Stephanie House

                                                                                                         Thank you Adeline for giving me
                                                                                                         the opportunity to have Paris in my home.

Boston Terriers
                                                                                                               Owned and loved by Nina Hayes and Adeline Joly
                                                                                                               Bred by Adeline Joly

            E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                         E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

                                                                                                                                         MBISS GCHG CH Fiveforks Geometry Matters At Kayas X CH Kayas Livin’ On The Edge
                                               BISS Kayas Absolute Hooligan
                                                                  7 month old Star had a great first weekend out.
                                                Saturday she was awarded a 4 point major at the Sierra Gold Boston Terrier Specialty
                                                  under Peggy Lloyd. Sunday she was awarded WB BOW and on to Best of Breed
                                                      over a large field of specials for her first BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW win
                                                         under Jacqueline Stacy. Thank you both for recognizing her quality
                                                                and awarding our baby girl with these prestigious wins.

                                                             Thank you to my best friend and breeding partner Adrienne
                                                                         for sharing this lovely girl with me.

                                                                      She is truly a Star!

                                                                                                                                                                                 TNG Designs
                                              Owned and Loved by
                                                Helen Dunning
                                                                                                                Bred & Co owned by
                                                                                                                Adrienne Hullender,
                                                                                                               Kayas Bostons, Virginia

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
On July 26, 2020,
              Beth Griner spotted this beautiful boy on Facebook and said...                 EVER SINGLE REAL SHOWMAN
                            “I have to have this pup”!                                            ( T-Bo’s Love On The Rocks - Ever Single Out-This-World )

                                 Arrangements started with co-owner Jason Luciano

                                and on Sept. 27,   “Marcel ” began his journey to the USA.
                           On Nov. 19, the day Jason and Beth had been waiting for arrived
                                         and Marcel did not disappoint them.
                                   On his first day in the ring, with co-owner Jason,
                                  Marcel won WD and BOW, earning a 4 pt. major.
                                  The next day, Marcel was awarded WD for 2 pts.
                                  At the Boston Terrier Specialty and on Saturday,
                                               Marcel was awarded RWD.
                                On Sunday, after co-owner Beth “called Marcel out”
                                on social media for his performance the previous day,
                             Marcel took BOB over 7 beautiful specials for a 5 pt. major.

                                       All this at 6-1/2 months old!

                                                                                                                   Thank you to Judges,
                                                                                              Elizabeth Muthard, Fred Bassett, Thomas Davis and Sharon Smith (pictured)

                                                                                                                 for recognizing his great attributes.

                                                                                                              Special thanks to Nathalie Chassaing
TNG Designs

                                                                                                                 for entrusting Marcel into our care.

                                                                                                     Owners: Jason Luciano & Beth Griner

                    E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                         E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
Merry                                               and Happiest
       Christmas                                            of New Years
                                                               From,                                            Lyssa,
                                                                            (GCh Ta-Koda's Written N The Star's By Alpha)

                                                                                                     and the whole
                                                                                            Ta-Koda Gang.
TNG Designs

              E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com        E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
Stay Safe everyone & have a
                                                Happy Holiday Season

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com         E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
E Boston Terriers is offered in                            E Boston Terriers is available in both on-line and Printed versions.

Electronic format                                         The print version may be ordered as a Magazine and shipped directly to you
                                                                                thru a seperate Printing company..

   & hard copy
                                              The cost is affordable and the hard copy version will arrive within 2 weeks after placing your order.
                                                              To order, go to our front page & order the current Edition Hard Copy.
                                                               Back issues are available. Contact us for any Editions prior to 2019.

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                             E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
FEB/MAR ...................New Year Edition
                                                 Deadline Jan 20

                                                 APR/MAY.................. Pre National Edition
                                                 Deadline Mar 20

                                                 JUN/JUL......................Post National Edition
                                                 Deadline TBA

EDITIONS & DEADLINES                             AUG/ SEP.....................Summer Edition
                                                 Deadline Jul 20

                                                 OCT/ NOV.......................Fall Edition
                                                 Deadline Oct 1

                                                 DECEMBER....................Holiday Edition
                                                 Deadline DEc 1

                                                                 Dates may be subject to change.
                                                        Any/ all changes will be updated on our website.

   E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com             E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
Boston Terrier Stats                                        Canine Chronicle Stats from
                                                  January 1, 2020 up to & including Sept 30, 2020

    All Breed                                                    Breed

    E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com         E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
TNG Designs

              E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com   E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
Order your
E Boston Terriers Ad
      in Print
                                                                              A Treasured Keepsake

- Museum Quality Custom Gallery Prints                                         - Suitable for framing or to use in your photo album / srapbook
- Professionally printed on Glossy Polar Pearl Metallic paper                  - Great collector’s item to own or give as a gift
- Custom imprinted with the month, year & edition that the ad was featured.    - Order with your Ad or purchase Back Prints from previous editions .

         Offered in 8 ½ x 11 only ($40.00) + S&H                                        Order on our website              www.ebostonterriers.com
                                                                                  (You must send us your Address and which Edition your Ad was featured in)
ABOUT OUR ADS                               SUBMITTING FINISHED ADS                        CLUB SPECIALTY ADS                                                                                                                                                                                              PAYMENT FOR YOUR AD
ADVERTISING   All our ads are in color & created in a     Final ads must be submitted in PDF for-        What we need if you are placing a Spe-                                                                                                                                                                          Payment must be received at time of Ad
              “wide-screen view” equivalent to a 2        mat & must also be >300dpi.                    cialty Club Ad:                                                                                                                                                                                                 submission. Cover & preferred pages
                                                          Page dimensions for our wide screen ads:       Club logo, Text copy for the ad & must                                                                                                                                                                          require payment in advance to reserve.
              page spread. This allows more room for
                                                          15.0”W X 9 0” H.                               include Club giving the Specialty & Date
              your ad material and you get 2 pages for    Please submit 1 spread with these dimen-       of Specialty,                                                                                                                                                                                                   We accept all credit cards CC / Pay Pal.
              the price of ONE AD! This includes all      sions. We are no longer using 2 individual     Location of Specialty, Superintendent &                                                                                                                                                                         Please use our secure payment site to
              Specialty Club Ads as well. We can design   pages (L & R) .                                closing date, Judges.                                                                                                                                                                                           make payment. You do not need a Pay
              your Ad or you can send us a finished Ad.   Please make sure no important Ad infor-        Results & any candid photos from the                                                                                                                                                                            Pal account to pay thru our site with a CC.
                                                          mation is in the center of the spread as it    Specialty if you would like a follow up
                                                          will be “cut off” in the seam of the Printed   collage/ coverage of your Specialty (addi-                                                                                                                                                                      See our Pricing schedule on our SHOP
              WHERE / HOW TO SEND ADS
                                                          version.                                       tional fees apply ). Results & photos must                                                                                                                                                                      page & contact us if you need Special
              E mail us to request an ad. We will re-                                                    be submitted to us directly.                                                                                                                                                                                    Pricing (Bulk Advertising).
              spond quickly & work with you on all you    SPECS
              need for your ad.                           All photos to be used in ad layouts must       IMPORTANT POLICY INFORMATION                                                                                                                                                                                    All AKC Boston Terrier Judges are noti-
              All ads can be done electronically by       be submitted with >150 dpi resolution in       1) All our ads are designed for free. Addi-                                                                                                                                                                     fied of each new Edition.
              sending us photos & information via         JPEG, PNG, TIFF formats. A high resolu-        tional design fees may apply for custom/

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Regular Ads
                                                          tion photo is necessary for proper viewing     special graphic design.
              email. If you need to send hard copies of
                                                          of your ad on the Internet.                    2) Once we have completed your ad, we
              photos, we can accept them at our mail-                                                    will send you a proof for review.
              ing address.                                Please send all ads electronically via email   3) We will need to know within 48 hours
                                                          attachment or CD/ in regular mail.             of receipt of your ad proof ad if we need
              INFORMATION WE NEED                         All photos & text can be send directly via     to make any changes /corrections.
              FOR DESIGN                                  regular mail if you need your ad done by       4) Free design fee includes up to one
                                                          our designers.                                 revision/ change to your ad if needed and
              1) What type of ad you want (Full page/
                                                                                                         any further changes after that will require
              Club Specialty ad, Classified, etc.)        TEXT ARTICLE SUBMISSION                        additional design fees (except for correct-
              2) Are you submitting a finished ad or do   Text articles can be submitted as email        ing any errors on our part).
              you need us to design your ad. Design       attachments or in a PDF file. We do not        5) Your ad will be considered approved if
              fees may apply.                             charge or pay for article submissions but      we do not hear from you within 48 hours.
              3) Payment for your ad. (We must receive    reserve the right to accept or decline.        6) Once your ad is approved, no changes
                                                                                                         can be made without additional design
              payment before we begin your ad).
                                                          CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING                         fees.
              4) Photo of your dog (high resolution of    We are offering a special classified sec-      7) No further ad material or text changes
              300dpi or greater) . 2 - 4 Photos max-      tion.                                          can be accepted after the deadline.
              imum. Additional photos may require         If you would like to have a small ad or

                                                                                                                                           Classified Ads                                                                                                                                                                          Club Ads
              additional cost.                            listing run for the entire year, this is for
              4) Information about your dog (registered   you! All half page Ads are featured in our
              name / Sire & Dam/ Breeders/ Owners).       Classified Section.
              5) Text/ copy for the ad.                   Premium Kennel listing / Merchant (color/
              6) Any additional info (logos, graphics,    logo) 3.5” by 2.0”                                 BREEDERS LISTING                                                                                                                       & Classifieds
              background requests, etc)                                                                                                      Ivy Rose
                                                                                                                                                                         NOBLE BOSTONS
                                                                                                                                                                         Living, learning & loving Bostons,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              HiFly’n Boston Terriers

              7) Additional design fees are required
                                                                                                                                                                         since 2003
                                                          Double business card ads/ Merchant list-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Agility and
                                                                                                                                        Claudia and Brad Dickinson                                                                                    Therapy Dogs      Jani Martin

 With us
              for more than 1 revision or for custom
                                                                                                                                           Montauk, New York                                                                                                            Spokane Washington
                                                                                                                                                                                Thomas & Margaret Noble

                                                          ings (color / photos) 3.5” by 4.0”
                                                                                                                                                                                          New York, NY                                                                  509-216-6002   www.eqbostons.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sheryl Sindt | www.hiflynbostons.com                     info@eqbostons.com
                                                                                                                                              Breeder of Merit                      moboe3@verizon.net
                                                                                                                                                                                  www.noblebostons.com                              hiflynbostons@comcast.net                           www.facebook.com/eqbostonspage

              designs (photo editing/ removal of                                                                                         Delmist
              backgrounds, special graphics, and any
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sidestreet Kennel
                                                                                                                                         Bostons                                                                                                                                           Maryanne R Mack DVM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Boston Terriers and Pugs
                                                                                                                                 Stacie Zibel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Granby, MA
                                                                                                                                 Bloomfield, CT 06002

              additional photos, etc.)                                                                                           860232-6685                                                                                                                                              www.sidestreetkennel.com

                                                                                                                                   Kennedy’s Bostons                          GODDESS VALLEY BOSTONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Orlando, FL
                                                                                                                                      Sarah & Vicki Kennedy
                                                                                                                                      99 W River St
                                                                                                                                      Orange, MA 01364

                                                                                                                                                                                      Silvia do Valle, DVM, MS, CVA
                                                                                                          Breeding Top Winning & Top Producing dogs for over 25 years!

                                                                                                                                     E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                                              E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com

                    E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                                                                                                                                             E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
                                          Stacie Zibel
                                          Bloomfield, CT 06002                        Jani Martin
                                                                                      Spokane Washington
                                          860232-6685                                 509-216-6002   www.eqbostons.com
                                          stacielz@aol.com                                            info@eqbostons.com

                                             Kennedy’s Bostons

                                              Sarah & Vicki Kennedy
                                              99 W River St                                                 Boston Terriers
                                              Orange, MA 01364
                                                                                                                    LaRelle Clark
                                                                                                                Davidsonville, MD
                       Breeding Top Winning & Top Producing dogs for over 25 years!
                                                                                                                   301 655 1923

                          MJC RANCH
                                                                                       Tre Run Bostons

                                                                                      Laurie Cowhig
                            Boston Terriers, Labrador Retrievers
                                   Arabian Show Horses

                                  Mike and Jill Curiel                                          trerunbostons@comcast.net

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                                               E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
BREEDERS LISTINGS & Classifieds                                                                                 ITS RAINING CATS AND
                                                                                                               Distinctive and Unique Dog Breed
                              Mobile Veterinary Health Care Services

                                              Nicholas Valenti D.V.M
                                              Selden , New York
                                              631 696 7440
                                             (Serving Long Island)
                                                                                                                -   Classic and simple designs.
                                                                                                                -   Beautiful breed type in our pieces.
                               We make house calls for your pet.                                                -   Unique designs which are very affordable
                                                                                                                -   A great way to show off the breed you love
                                                                                                                - Many different designs.

                                                                                                                                   Visit us at
   Lisa Wiersma                                                                                                         www.itsrainingcatsanddogs.net
                                                                                                                      Email Marilyn at: sushimom@aol.com
     Erskine, MN
   legendsbostons@gmail.com   www.legendsbostons.com                         Advertise Here
                                                                       for only $60 for a double
                                                                       sized business card ad for a
                                                                               Full Year!

                                                                                                                        ~ Best in Show Video
                                                                                                                        for your Show Dog ~
                                                                                                                           Featuring High Defintion
                                                                             Standard Business card/                Gorgeious Video of your Show and Dogs
                                                                                 Breeders listing                       Live Streaming Video available!
                                                                                  $30.00/ year

                                                                                                                              Vist us at

E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com                                         E Boston Terriers | www.ebostonterriers.com
Happy Holidays

Stay safe & we will see you all
          Next year!
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