Durham Women v Lewes Sunday 13 September 2020, 12pm FA Women's Championship - Durham Women FC

Page created by Tom Nguyen
Durham Women v Lewes Sunday 13 September 2020, 12pm FA Women's Championship - Durham Women FC

                                                                        Durham Women v Lewes
                                                               Sunday 13 September 2020, 12pm
                                                                     FA Women’s Championship
Durham Women v Lewes Sunday 13 September 2020, 12pm FA Women's Championship - Durham Women FC
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Durham Women v Lewes Sunday 13 September 2020, 12pm FA Women's Championship - Durham Women FC
Good afternoon and welcome to today’s            making that mistake and providing the              and the focus is on Lewes.
game against Lewes.                              opportunity for the quality finish at the end.
                                                                                                    It’s an old cliche, but like any team in this
I’d like to extend a warm welcome to Simon      I’ve said it a few times over the last few          league Lewes will be tough.That’s been
Parker, Maggie Murphy and all the players,      months, but the medical, sports science,            proven year after year. We went down there
staff and officials who have travelled today.   coaching and strength and conditioning staff        the season before last and it was a very
                                                have been absolutely unbelievable with the          tight game. They’ve had some changes, but
Looking back on our last game at Liverpool, I players.                                              essentially we know nothing about them - so
was really happy with the way we competed.                                                          we have to treat Lewes with the utmost
There are things that we need to work on        What they did with the squad over lockdown          respect and focus on being the best version
ourselves in terms of possession, but that will was fantastic and you really couldn’t tell the      of us we can be.
be a season-long project for us to ensure we difference in fitness levels between the two
keep improving as a team. We competed           teams.That speaks volumes for our players           It’s going to be strange playing without our
ever so well with Liverpool - and when I say    and our staff - and truthfully, that’s the expec-   supporters here, but please keep involved,
compete, we weren’t dirty. We were physical, tation we put on the players They need to be           back us on social media and support the girls
yes, but if that’s not allowed in the women’s   in the best shape they can because this is a        - they need it.
game then why are we all involved?              demanding league.
                                                                                                    When we can open the doors to bring you
Our players are not without some cuts,           We’ve been here before when we’ve had              back, I’m sure we’ll make it a fantastic
bumps and bruises themselves after a fiercely    huge results against the so-called bigger          experience - as we’ve always strived to do.
contested battle - which is what you would       teams, and then we let ourselves down.The
expect from top level players. But we’ll never   mentality this year is different. We’ve got        Thanks once again for your support.
make that an excuse - win, lose or draw.         quality all over the team and there’s probably
We’re not here to let teams just dance round     more competition for places than there ever        Lee Sanders
us and watch on as they have their own way.      has been before. If that adds that little extra
                                                 one or two per cent, then fantastic.
But the game is over now and it’s a good
point. It was a monumental achievement for       I think we’ll be focused on the future.
the ten players to really press Liverpool into   Liverpool is gone now, it’s out the window,
Durham Women v Lewes Sunday 13 September 2020, 12pm FA Women's Championship - Durham Women FC
Good afternoon and welcome particularly when it gets to the             in the past.
to today’s game against Lewes. end of the season, so it meant
                                     a lot to us to get that and you    We are absolutely desperate
Last weekend at Liverpool, we could see it in the celebrations          to see our fans back cheering
gained a fantastic result to start - particularly when the goal         us on as soon as it is safe and
the season. Not many teams           comes in the 87th minute and       possible - but we know they’ll
will go to their ground and          against a team like Liverpool.     be following us from home, so
pick up points, so it was great                                         we want to get off to the best
to come away from there with         All the girls have just been       start we can.
something after such a great         buzzing all week, but the result
performance.                         was put to bed straight away       Thanks as always for your
                                     as we have to turn our focus to    brillaint support!
We did have a lot of chances,        today’s game.
especially in the first half, to try                                    Sarah Wilson
and pinch more - and we have Today we face Lewes, and we
plenty to work on in training        don’t know a great deal about
this week to keep improving.         them going into today’s game.
                                     We have to start from scratch,
Everyone knows in this league focus on us and not worry too
that every point counts,             much about what has happened
Durham Women v Lewes Sunday 13 September 2020, 12pm FA Women's Championship - Durham Women FC
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Durham Women v Lewes Sunday 13 September 2020, 12pm FA Women's Championship - Durham Women FC
Durham Women v Lewes Sunday 13 September 2020, 12pm FA Women's Championship - Durham Women FC
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Durham Women v Lewes Sunday 13 September 2020, 12pm FA Women's Championship - Durham Women FC

Lewes FC Women was established in             fifth round of the FA Cup, losing to WSL    Last season, Lewes FC Juniors was
2002 and joined the London & South-East       side Everton in front of 714 fans at the    formed, following the absorption of local
Regional League, winning the Premier          Dripping Pan before finishing the WPL       boys and girls club Bridge View, whilst
Division League Cup in their inaugural        campaign in 5th place and winning the       the player pathway has been developed
season under boss Jacquie Agnew.              County Cup.                                 further this season with the launch of new
                                                                                          U15 and U16 girls teams.
The team won the London and South East        The club was promoted to the second
Regional League in 2006/07 and secured        tier of women’s football in the following   Arguably the club’s most significant move
both the League Cup and County Cup in         summer following a successful application   was the launch of Equality FC in 2017,
2008/09, regaining the county title was       to become part of the FA Women’s            a ground-breaking campaign which saw
in 2011.                                      Championship.                               Lewes become the first and currently only
                                                                                          club side in the world to have an equal
Season 2011/12 saw Lewes sweep all            During their time in the WPL, the club      playing budget for both women and men’s
before them, winning the Ryman League         made a conscious decision to invest in      senior teams.
Cup against Eastbourne Town and going         the women’s section, creating a player
undefeated in the League to claim the title   pathway from age 16. In 2014/15, a Devel-   This attracted considerable international
by a massive 15-point margin and with it      opment Squad was established to become      publicity at launch and continues to do
promotion to the WPL.                         a feeder team to the first team, whilst     so, with interest from media organisations
                                              the U18 side won the County Cup, a feat     around the world and even a feature
Managed by John Donoghue, Lewes               they repeated in 2016 as the Foundation     documentary being filmed to record the
achieved respectable mid-table positions      Squad.                                      club’s first season in the FA Women’s
in each WPL season, and claimed the                                                       Championship.
club’s first-ever national title with a win   At the start of the 2016/17 season, the
against Huddersfield Town in the 2016/17      club joined forces with Newman College     You can follow Lewes on Twitter -
FAWPL Plate final.                            in Hove to launch the Newman Lewes FC @LewesFCWomen
                                              Girls Football Academy for 16 -19-year-old
The following season, Lewes reached the       girls.
Durham Women v Lewes Sunday 13 September 2020, 12pm FA Women's Championship - Durham Women FC



Durham Women v Lewes Sunday 13 September 2020, 12pm FA Women's Championship - Durham Women FC

Durham Women signed-off           effort held by Lewes stopper          in.
2019 at New Ferens Park with a Faye Baker.
comfortable victory over Lewes.                                         It would be two shortly after,
                                  The Wildcats continued to push        with Lewes failing to clear after
After a cagey first-half, goals   forward, but struggled to test        Abby Holmes surged into the
from Abby Holmes, Lisa            Baker in a first half bereft of any   box – with Robertson the bene-
Robertson and Beth Hepple         real chances.                         ficiary as she slotted home from
secured a much-needed three                                             close range.
points for the Wildcats.          Robertson came closest to an
                                  opener, with her effort clipping      A third would come late on as
Lee Sanders made just two         the post after a well-worked          Hepple’s free-kick found its way
changes from the side that beat move handed her a chance in             through a crowd of bodies and
Coventry, with Ellie Christon     the area.                             into the bottom – topping-off a
and Lisa Robertson coming into                                          superb afternoon for Durham.
the side.                         A breakthrough would
                                  eventually come on the hour           Durham XI: Borthwick, Hill,
And Robertson had one of the mark, when Holmes met                      Robertson, Robson, Hepple,
first chances of the afternoon, Robertson’s corner with a crisp         Sharpe (Achterhof), Gears
firing over from 25 yards, before volley which found its way            (Manders), Bell (Cox), Salicki,
Nicki Gears saw a near-post       through a crowd of bodies and         Christon, Holmes
                                                                Tatiana Saunders
                                                                An experienced stopper who joined the
                                                                Rooks this summer from French side
                                                                Thonon Evian Grand Geneve.
                                                                Nicola Cousins
                                                                Has previously played in the top tier for
                                                                Yeovil Town, and brings vast experience
                                                                to Lewes. Is a threat in both boxes.
                                                                Simran Jhamat
ONE TO WATCH                                                    Midfielder
KATIE ROOD                                                      Has spent time with Liverpool, Leicester
                                                                City and Coventry United before joining
New Zealand international Katie Rood made her move to           Lewes this summer.
Lewes permanent last summer, having previously been on          Sarah Kempson
loan from Women’s Super League side Bristol City.               Midfielder
                                                                A Lewes club legend, Kempson rejoined
Rood has also spent time in Italy playing for Juventus, but     the club this summer after previously
before then was top goalscorer for Glenfield.                   shining for the side as they climbed the
The striker’s pace, directness and clinical finishing ability   Hannah Griffin
makes her a constant threat for opposition defences.            Foward
                                                                A pacy winger, Griffin joined Lewes this
                                                                summer having previously played youth
                                                                international football for England.
                                                                Georgia Timms
                                                                Handed the number nine shirt by Lewes
                                                                after putting pen to paper in August,
                                                                Timms was prolific for Oxford United in
                                                                the third tier last season.
                                                                Ellie Hack
                                                                Formerly of Brighton, the cultured young
                                                                centre back already has some senior
                                                                experience under her belt.
                                                                Laura Hartley
                                                                Another summer signing, Hartley also
                                                                made the short move from Brighton to
                                                                the Dripping Pan.
ONE TO WATCH                                                    Ellie Noble
FILIPPA SAVVA                                                   Has caught the eye with some stunning
                                                                long-range strikes from midfield.
Filippa Savva was another addition to Fran Alonso’s squad       Formerly of Oxford United.
for the 2019/20 season.                                         Emily Donovan
Savva joined from Liverpool Feds, one of then-manager Fran      Ex-Yeovil Town player who is versatile
Alonso’s former clubs.                                          across the forward line.
                                                                Sophie O’Rourke
The young midfielder has captained Cyprus U19s and played       Defender
in the Euro Qualifiers for Cyprus. Lewes claim she’ll be        Has impressed since joining Lewes after a
sharing her love for Greek music with her teammates.            spell in Iceland.

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Greetings from..... Oh, hold on, this will be I choose my words carefully; I know I am       Thank you Lee, Dawn, Mark and all at
a little bit different!                       one of the lucky ones who gets be at the       Durham WFC for allowing us once again
                                              match. Be assured, having witnessed and        to cover the action and to the FA for
I suppose most things will be for a while     commentated on a few “behind closed            rubber-stamping it. Looking at last week’s
but at least our beloved Durham WFC are doors” games (including one at Maiden                game and result we have a lot to look
back in action.                               Castle recently), it isn’t the same without    forward to.
                                              the fans. Hopefully it won’t be long, as
Well, if I was to be writing for a physical   long as it is safe. It also makes our cover-   Today, Lewes are the visitors. A club
programme (I miss them!) it should now        age more difficult - commentary needs the      famous not only for being pioneers in
be “Greetings from The Rooftop!” which        energy created in the stadium, to feed off,    equal-pay but also for hiring out Beach
doesn’t mean I’ve gone to great and           as well as the match being played out in       Huts to watch their Home games! I expect
dangerous lengths to see our club; the        front of us - but don’t worry DHR has been     I’ll be wishing for a Beach Hut by Full Time
commentary position at Maiden Castle          practicing!                                    - my last visit to “The Rooftop” featured
is on top of the Changing Rooms (this                                                        torrential rain - hopefully the New Ferens
brings its own adventures but more on         We’re looking forward once again to being      Wind doesn’t follow us down to Maiden
that later!).                                 bringing the Durham WFC action to our          Castle!
                                              listeners in UHND and the wider world,
It has been a long time since our last        as we have done since the first season.        Lewes have visited twice and there have
Home game, it had seemed like an age          We hope to have 500+ new listeners this        been lots of goals; no guarenteed Home
pre-lockdown, but here we (nearly) are at afternoon which adds to the pressure. At           win this time though, as always, but hope-
last. We’ve been entertained by “Looroll      time of writing, we may well be coming to      fully plenty to cheer about back home.
keepy-ups”, virtual quizzes, messages         you with pictures on Facebook as well; so
from the players and even a computerised you have a choice of how to keep up with            Enjoy the game and let’s hear the “Wildcat
win against Sheffield Utd to help us cope the game. We hope you enjoy whichever              Roar”!
but now, at last, we get to share a Home      coverage you choose; please let us know
game together.                                (and bear in mind you’ll probably have a       John
                                              better view than us if you’re watching!).      @JADMiddy
T: 0191 543 6946
E: windsorroofing9@gmail.com
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It’s been an exciting few weeks     are continuing to work hard      the raffle draw over on the
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who have returned to training       they are ready for when we       which can be found at
and, in some cases, their fixture   return to action.                @RTCDurham.
                                    This week also saw our annual    As we continue training, we
Our under-11, under-12 and          RTC Sponsorship Raffle take      are ensuring that we continue
under-15 teams have all already     place - which saw one lucky      to comply with all relevant
begun their league seasons and      company win the top prize of     government guidance relating
are all delighted to be back on     having their company logo        to COVID-19 - to make sure our
the pitch. And, as you can see      featured on our playing shirts   players can continue to play in
from the picture above, there       for the 2020/21 season.          a safe and enjoyable environ-
were even some special treats                                        ment.
on offer for our under-12 side      The winner of the raffle was
after one of their most recent      Rocket Medical PLC, while in     For information on our Regional
league fixtures!                    second place were The Clark      Talent Club, email centre
                                    Lister Brain Haemorrhage         manager Maddy Wood on
Our under-14 and under-16           Foundation.                      maddy.wood@durhamwfc.co.uk
teams don’t start their league
season until October 31, but        You can watch a full video of

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It’s been over a year since Emily Roberts played a
competitive game on home soil - and The Wildcat caught
up with the forward to discuss injury recovery, pre-season
and the support of the fans...
“It’s just frustrating. You get I’m looking forward to getting     And on that front, Roberts
so frustrated at your body      back again.”                       feels Durham will have no
because it won’t do what you                                       problems.
want to do.”                    Recovering from an injury can
                                often be a lonely experience -     “Everyone gets on really well
Before we can look forward,     but not for Roberts.               and it’s such a nice, tight-knit
we have to look back. And for                                      group.
Emily Roberts, that means       She was backed by Durham’s
reflecting upon one of the      squad, staff and supporters,       “We’ve been trying some
most difficult years of his     all of whom were regularly on      new formations and obviously
playing career.                 hand with supportive               we’ve had some new players
                                messages as the former             come in.
For having consistently caught Lincoln and Doncaster Belles
the eye since her arrival at    player progressed through her      “So we’ve been trying new
Durham in 2016, the winger      rehabilitation.                    things, but everything is going
suffered a major setback                                           well.”
during the 2019/20 season -     “It was absolutely lovely,” says
after being forced to sit-out   Roberts.                           With the friendly fixtures out
the entire campaign after a                                        the way, focus now turns to
persistent and niggling injury. “The girls have been               the bread and butter of the
                                fantastic, and so have the fans    FA Women’s Championship.
There were hopes that the       and everyone.
tricky forward could return to-                                    Last weekend saw the
wards the end of the season, “It’s always hard coming back         Wildcats pick-up a deserved
but then came COVID-19 and from injury, but knowing                point at title favourites, while
the curtailment of the season. everyone is behind you makes        this Sunday sees Lewes -
                                it a lot easier.”                  another tricky opponent - visit
That did, however, give                                            the North East.
Roberts extra time to build-up And the winger has already
her fitness - and meant that    made a quick impact upon her       And in an added challenge,
the winger and her team-        return.                            Durham will have to tackle
mates were raring to go when                                       the Rooks without their usual
they returned to Maiden         She scored a stunning goal         backing of home support.
Castle in July.                 against Sheffield United in
                                pre-season, before playing         And while Roberts knows that
“Obviously it’s been tough for a key role in the 1-1 draw at       will create a ‘weird’
all the girls in how long we’ve Liverpool last weekend.            atmosphere, she’s hopeful
had off,” said Roberts.                                            that fans can soon return to
                                “That was nice,” she said of       Maiden Castle and help drive
“But everyone was buzzing       the early goal.                    the side on up the second tier.
to get back into pre-season.
We’ve all been working hard “It’s been a long time coming,         “It’ll be a bit weird, a bit
while we’ve been in lock-       so it was nice to see the ball     quiet, but we just have to
down, and pre-season has        in the back of the net.”           make the most of it.
gone well.
                                It was a productive pre-season     “Hopefully we’ll see the fans
“Now we’re looking forward for Roberts and the Wildcats,           as soon as we can.”
to the start of the season.”    who won two and drew one of
                                their five warm-up fixtures.       Emily Roberts is available to
“I’m looking forward to                                            sponsor the 2020/21 season.
kicking a ball again,” she      But while results are one
continued.                      thing, developing squad har-       Please email maddy.wood@
                                mony is equally as important       durhamwfc.co.uk for more
“A season out is not nice, so during pre-season.                   details.
             S H AV E
  H E G I RL
T            T A S T IC
   E N F A N




             DH1 1HP
Durham Women FC are delighted to        of the 2022/23 season, meaning        and beyond.”
confirm a new three-year agreement      Durham fans will once again be
with Hummel – who will continue as      decked out in the iconic Hummel       Speaking after the deal was agreed,
the club’s                              chevrons when we take to the field    the Durham manager said: “The
technical teamwear partner.             for the 2020/21 FA Women’s Cham-      club has worked for over a decade
                                        pionship season.                      with the Hummel brand and the
The iconic sports brand have been                                             quality of the kit and training wear
long-standing supporters of the club    Gary Bright, Head Of Teamsport        has been nothing short of outstand-
and have provided our fans, players,    Hummel UK, added: “The Elite          ing for our fans, players and staff
coaching staff and youth sides with     Group and Hummel UK are de-           over that time.
playing and training wear, as part of   lighted to extend our long standing
a partnership which is now moving       relationship with Durham Women   “We feel our values align. We may
into its 14th year.                     FC for a further 3 years.        not be the biggest name worldwide
                                                                         but we are growing, rapidly, and
Indeed, our latest Hummel shirt –    “The popularity and participation   their support of ourselves over the
which was introduced at the start of levels of the women’s game in the   years has been fantastic – and not
the 2019/20 campaign – has proven UK is growing rapidly, and we are      just us, but female sport has been
immensely popular and will be worn proud to be associated with a club front and centre for many years
once more by the Wildcats as they the stature of Durham.                 across Europe and the rest of the
head into the new campaign.                                              world with Hummel and i look
                                     “We wish manager Lee Sanders and forward to the next three seasons
And the two brands will continue to everyone connected with the club     working with them again.”
work together until at least the end every success for the coming season
Beth Hepple’s stunning late finish saw       Durham continued to take the game to            from range.
Durham take a deserved point from title      their hosts with Salicki the next to threaten
favourites Liverpool.                        as she sent a powerful header onto the          With chances at a premium, the game
                                             roof of the net – during what was a strong      became far scrappier with some tasty
The midfielder dinked the ball home in the spell pressure for the Wildcats.                  tackle from both sides adding an edge to
dying minutes to hold the Reds to a draw                                                     the game.
after Rachel Furness’ opener.                Moments later, Galloway sent a hooked
                                             volley into the arms of Laws as the visitors    Iris Achterhof was injured late on and, with
Lee Sanders handed debuts to Mollie          completely dominated the opening half.          three breaks having already been taken for
Lambert and Bridget Galloway at Prenton                                                      substitutions, Durham were forced to play
Park as he picked from a full-strength side. But against the run of play, it was Liverpool   out the final ten minutes with ten players.
                                             who struck first. Furness latched on to a
And it was Durham who had the first          long ball before firing into the bottom         But even with their numerical
chance of the game – Sarah Robson            corner despite pressure from Ellie              disadvantage, Durham continued to press.
dispossessing Furness on the edge of the Christon.
box before drilling narrowly wide.                                                           And they got their rewards with just three
                                             The first half petered out after that, with     minutes left on the clock as Hepple man-
Liverpool bit back and twice came close      Furness and Christon both attempting            aged to loft a fine effort over the heads of
through Rinsola Babajide who drilled a       long range efforts which failed to trouble      Laws and in.
low cross across the face of goal before     either stopper.
sending a drilled effort wide after a short                                                  Christon saved the Wildcats late on as she
corner.                                      And the second half followed a similar          hooked a Furness header off the line, as
                                             pattern and was a far more sedate affair.       Durham claimed a well-deserved point.
Gears then came close to opening the
scoring when her cross from the right        Laws had to be alert to hold a rasping
almost caught out Rachael Laws, who did drive from Hepple while Megan Borthwick
well to tip the dipping ball over the bar.   showed safe hands to keep out Babajide
Megan Borthwick           Hannah Reid

Sponsored by:             Sponsored by:

County Blinds Durham      RTC Under 11s

Kathryn Hill              Lauren Briggs

Sponsored by:             Available to sponsor

Tony Waters

Mollie Lambert            Sarah Wilson
Sponsored by:
Craig Morley              Sponsored by:
Supporting Independence
Outreach Services Ltd     ‘The Wild Ones’

Beth Hepple               Molly Sharpe

Sponsored by:             Sponsored by:

Darrin’s Super Ices       Stuart Dryden

Nicki Gears               Iris Achterhof

Available to sponsor      Available to sponsor

2020/21 SQUAD
Bridget Galloway       Ellie Christon

Available to sponsor   Available to sponsor

Becky Salicki          Abby Holmes

Available to sponsor   Sponsored by:

                       Lee Morpeth

Emily Roberts          Sarah Robson

Available to sponsor   Sponsored by:
                       Harry Tidbury
                       Neil Thornton
DATE         OPPOSITION           COMP.   RESULT      1        2        3          4         5
September 2020

   6           Liverpool (A)      FAWC     D 1-1   Borthwick   Hill   Salicki   Christon   Holmes

  12             Lewes (H)        FAWC

  27         London City (H)      FAWC

October 2020

   4           Leicester (A)      FAWC

  11         Crystal Palace (H)   FAWC

  18         London Bees (A)      FAWC

November 2020

   8           Charlton (H)       FAWC

  15         Sheffield Utd (A)    FAWC

December 2020

   6           Blackburn (H)      FAWC

  13           Coventry (A)       FAWC

  20           Liverpool (H)      FAWC

January 2020

  10             Lewes (A)        FAWC

  17         Crystal Palace (A)   FAWC

  24         London Bees (H)      FAWC

February 2020

   7         London City (A)      FAWC

  14           Leicester (H)      FAWC

March 2020

   7           Blackburn (A)      FAWC

  28           Sheffield (H)      FAWC

April 2020

  25           Charlton (A)       FAWC

May 2020

   2           Coventry (A)       FAWC

2020/21 STATS
6         7          8          9         10       11      Sub 1    Sub 2       Sub 3

Lambert   Robson   Hepple (1)   Roberts   Galloway   Gears   Sharpe   Achterhof   Wilson
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1    Hannah Reid        1    Tatiana Saunders
2    Kathryn Hill       2    Samantha Quayle
3    Lauren Briggs      3    Rhian Cleverly
4    Mollie Lambert     4    Danni Lane
5    Sarah Wilson       5    Nicola Cousins
6    Sarah Robson       6    Ellie Hack
7    Beth Hepple        7    Emma Jones
8    Molly Sharpe       8    Ellie Noble
9    Nicki Gears        9    Georgia Timms
10   Iris Achterhof     10   Sarah Kempson
11   Bridget Galloway   11   Simran Jhamat
13   Megan Borthwick    12   Charley Boswell
14   Becky Salicki      13   Ellie Leek
16   Ellie Christon     14   Paula Howells
17   Emily Roberts      16   Emily Donovan
21   Hannah Greenwood   19   Hannah Griffin
24   Abby Holmes        20   Sophie O’Rouke
                        21   Filippa Savva
                        22   Katie Rood
                        24   Megan Mackey
                        31   Laura Hartley

                        NEXT UP
                        AT HOME
                        Durham v London City
                        27 September
                        12pm kick-off
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