Dr. GIULIA RISPOLI - Centre Alexandre ...

Page created by Marjorie Waters
[November 15, 2015]

                                  Dr. GIULIA RISPOLI
                                       Citizenship: Italian
                                    Born in Foggia, 23/06/1986
                   E-mail: giuliarispoli@gmail.com / giulia.rispoli@uniroma1.it

Research interests



Post-doctoral fellow, Muséum Nationale d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN), Paris. France.
Title of the project: De la théorie des organisations à la science de la biosphère en Russia.
Perspectives épistémologiques historiques de l'écologie globale.


April 2015
Ph.D in Philosophy, Logic and Epistemology, with highest honors, “Sapienza” University of Rome.
Thesis: Tektology: Energy and Cosmo-evolution in Russian Systems Thinking.
Supervisors: prof. Elena Gagliasso, prof. Roberto Cordeschi, prof. Serena Veggetti.
October 2011
Master's degree in Philosophy of Knowledge: Science, Politics & Communication, “Sapienza”
University of Rome. (Summa cum laude).
Thesis: Dall'empiriomonismo alla Tectologia. Organizzazione, complessità e approccio sistemico
nel pensiero di Aleksandr Bogdanov.
December 2009
Bachelor's degree in Philosophy, “Sapienza” University of Rome.
June 2005
“Diploma di Maturità Classica”, Liceo Classico V. Lanza. Foggia.

Fellowships and grants

15 January–15 February 2016: One-month research residency, The Max Planck Institute for
the History of Science (Dep. II), Berlin.
January 2015–November 2015: 9-month visiting fellowship (Chercheur invité), Centre
Alexander Koyré (Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales), Paris.
2015: Research grant: Systems Theories in the 20th century: Structural Convergences and Borders
Crossing among Biology, Ecology and Whole-Earth Sciences. “Sapienza” University of Rome.
2015: Translation grant to support edition and translation of a Russian text, Università di Milano
2014: Conference grant: Tangential Points between Art and Sciences, Aalto University, Helsinki.
2014: PhD scholarship supplement as a visiting associate in the York Centre for Complex Systems
Analysis, The University of York (UK), Faculty of Biology [Scientific advisor: Dr. Leo Caves].
2013: Funded Research group: La Biosfera e la Semiosfera. Verso una ricostruzione storico-
epistemologica del concetto di spazio in V.I. Vernadskij e Yu. M. Lotman. (Whit Paolo De Luca and
Pietro Restaneo, dep. of Slavic Languages and Literature). “Sapienza”, University of Rome.
September 2012–March 2013: EMA 2 MULTIC Fellowship (University coordinator: TU
Dresden), The National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», Moscow. R.F. [Advisors:
prof. Tatiana Ursul; dr. Elena Maksimenko].
September 2012–March 2013: PhD scholarship supplement, The National University of
Science and Technology «MISiS», Moscow.
2012–2014: Three-year PhD fellowship, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Faculty of Philosophy.
2011: M.A. Dissertation fellowship “EXTRA-EU Countries”, Moscow State University M. V.
Lomonosov, Faculty of Philosophy. MIUR, Ministero Istruzione Università e Ricerca.
2010: M.A. Dissertation fellowship “EXTRA-EU Countries”, Faculty of Arts, Moscow State
University M. V. Lomonosov, Moscow. MIUR, Ministero Istruzione Università e Ricerca.
2010: 6-month scholarship, administrative staff of the Faculty of Philosophy, “Sapienza”,
University of Rome.

Publication list

  Tagliagambe Silvano, Rispoli Giulia (2015) La divergenza nella rivoluzione, La Scuola, Brescia.
ISBN 9788835002581.

   Rispoli Giulia (2012) Dall'Empiriomonismo alla Tectologia. Organizzazione, complessità e
approccio sistemico nel pensiero di Aleksandr Bogdanov, Aracne, Roma. ISBN: 978-88-548-5372-

Co-edited volume with blind peer review process
  With Tikka Pia, Soboleva Maya, and Oittinen Vesa (eds.) Reflections of early Russian Systemic
Thinking on Film Arts and Culture. Bogdanov, Eisenstein, and the Proletkult. Tangential Points
Publication Series, Aalto University, Helsinki [due to be published in February 2016].

Peer reviewed articles with international committee
   Rispoli Giulia (2015) “The role of Isaak Prezent in the rise and fall of Lysenkoism” Ludus
Vitalis, N. 42. ISSN: 1133-5165.

  Rispoli Giulia (2015) “Teorija Sistem i evoljucionnych transakcii v kontekstie uchenija A. A.
Bogdanova”, Filosofskie Nauki, 12/2014, pp. 50-65. ISSN: 0130-9749.

  Rispoli Giulia (2014) “Between Biosphere and Gaia, the Earth as a Living Organism in Soviet
Geoecology”, Cosmos and History, pp. 78-91. ISSN 1832-9101.

  Rispoli Giulia (2013) “la Tectologia di Bogdanov come nuovo paradigma tra la Cibernetica e la
Teoria Generale dei Sistemi”, Epistemologia, Vol. 36, pp. 315-330. ISSN 0392-9760.

   Rispoli Giulia (2014) “Riflessioni sulla cibernetica come prospettiva scientifica, ideologica e
globale”, a cavallo tra USA e URSS, Riflessioni sistemiche, N. 11, pp. 89-100. ISSN 2281-3373.

  With Turriziani Colonna, Federica, “Intersezioni tra biologia dello sviluppo ed ecosistemica:
nuove prospettive per l'evoluzione” Paradigmi [forthcoming, 2015]. ISSN: 1120-3402.

  Rispoli Giulia, “The Path of Cybernetics in the Soviet Union: from Rejection to Celebration in
the Service of Communism” Paradigmi [Accepted for pubblication]. ISSN: 1120-3402.

  Rispoli Giulia, “Serghey S. Chetverikov (1880-1959): Drawing a Synthesis Between Genetics
and Evolution,” The Evolutionary Developmental Biology Reference Guide, Springer Major
Reference Work [accepted for pubblication].

   Rispoli Giulia “Riflessioni sulla distinzione tra antropomorfismo e antropodiniego”, POST,
[accepted for publication]. ISBN: 978-88-5751-358-4.

Book chapters

    With De Luca Paolo (2015) “Russian emigration in Italy in the pre-revolutionary period: the
case of the school of Capri”, Historical memory of Russia: Past and Present, The Yuri Gagarin
State Technical University of Saratov, Russia.

   Rispoli Giulia (2013) “I russi a Capri nel contesto dell'Empiriocriticismo russo” in: A. Biagini,
A. Carteny, D. Shendrikova (eds) Contributi sui rapporti italo-russi, Roma: Edizioni Nuova Cultura,
pp. 107-118. ISBN: 9788868121631.

   Rispoli Giulia (2012) “Naturalismo russo e teorie della materia”, in E. Gagliasso (ed.), Vivi
perché diversi, ETS, Pisa, pp. 103-124. ISBN: 978-884673542-3.

   Rispoli Giulia (2011) “Sergej Andreevich Podolinskij, 1850-1891”, in T. Bagarolo, D. Lepore
(eds.) Lavoro ed Energia, PonSinMor, Torino, pp. 242-263. ISBN: 978-88-902775-8-0.


  Lev S. Vygotskij, La teoria delle emozioni, edit. and trans. by Giulia Rispoli. Forward by Andrey
Maidanskij, Mimesis, Milano. [Under contract; Russian-Italian].

   With Laura Lepore and Dante Lepore, Sergej A. Podolinskij (2011) “Il lavoro dell'uomo in
rapporto alla distribuzione dell'energia” in: T. Bagarolo, D. Lepore (eds.) Lavoro ed Energia. L'atto
di nascita dell'economia ecologica. PonSinMor, Torino, pp. 242-263. ISBN: 978-88-902775-8-0.
In preparation

   “Ivan I. Schmalhausen (1884-1963) and the Development of the Whole Organism” The
Evolutionary Developmental Biology Reference Guide, Springer Major Reference Work. [To be
submitted by December 2015].

   Rispoli Giulia, “The Red, Green Planet: Alexander Bogdanov's Interplanetary Utopia”, in:
Ciència i Ficció, L'esplorció creativa dels mons reals i dels irreals, Societat Catalana d’Història de
la Ciència i de la Tècnica, Barcelona. [To be published in Spring 2016].

Conferences and workshop

October 19, 2015: “How the Earth became a cybernetic system: A historical and epistemological
overview”, Laboratoir d' Histoire, Philosophie et Sociologie de l'Ecologie, Muséum National
d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris.

September 2–5, 2015: “To Mars and Back: The Science–Fiction Interface in Russian
Interplanetary Utopia”, International Congrés Ciència i Ficció, Societat Catalana d’Història de la
Ciència i de la Tècnica, Barcelona.

April 28, 2015: “Axel Berg e la Cibernetica a servizio del Comunismo” Cervelli, Linguaggio,
Macchine, Università di Roma Tor Vergata.

May 15–16, 2014: “Bogdanov’s ecological mind: new perspectives on a cybernetic concept of the
environment”, The Influence of A. Bogdanov's systemic thinking on S. M. Eisenstein via Proletkult-
movement, Aalto University, Helsinki [also member of the organising committee].

April 11–13, 2014: With Paolo De Luca, “Russian emigration in Italy in the pre-revolutionary
period: the case of the school of Capri”, Historical memory of Russia: Past and Present,
International workshop, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University, Saratov, Russia, [Invited].

January 14, 2013: International Conference Vernadskij – Istorik nauki. The Russian Academy of
Science, (RAN) Moscow.

September 3–4, 2013: “La scienza generale dell'organizzazione. Il contributo dell'approccio
sistemico russo di prima metà del Novecento” Graduate Student Conference in Philosophy,
Fondazione Collegio San Carlo, Modena.

July 21–28, 2013: “From the Sun to the Earth: Biosphere as a living organism in Soviet Geo-
ecology”, The 24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine, The
University of Manchester (Symposium: The Planet Earth, the Environment and the Cold War).

June 12, 2013: “L'approccio sistemico russo tra evoluzionismo ed ecosistemica”, Graduate Student
Conference, “Sapienza” University of Rome.

November 19–22, 2012: “Tectology and Evolutionary Systems Theories in Russia”, International
Conference «Study and Achieve», National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow

February 17, 2011: “Iz veshi voznikaet vesh'. Vazhnost' universitetskovo mira”, International
Forum «Russia-Italia» panel discussion on Education, (with prof. M.S. Veggetti and dr. E.
Malerba), “Sapienza” University of Rome.

Forthcoming presentations

February 4–6, 2016: “Rethinking Boundaries: Soviet Cybernetics across the Biosphere, the
Ecosphere and the Noosphere Dimensions”, Exploring the Global Environment, The Max Planck
Institute for the History of Science, Berlin.

May 20, 2016: “Locking up a man in a Spaceship: the Soviet Life Support System and the
Environmental Debate on Sustainability”, The environment goes East Seminars, Ecole des hautes
études en sciences sociales, EHESS, Paris.

Seminars and teaching activities

October 8, 2015: “Cybernetics and systems theories in the 20th century”, Seminar, Le
développement de l'écologie scientifique et l'émergence des éthiques de l'environnement, EHESS.
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. (prof. Donato Bergandi).
April 2015: “Le teorie sistemiche in biologia ed ecologia: Ludwig von Bertalanffy e Alexander
Bogdanov”, undergrad. course in Philosophy and Life Sciences, (TA, prof. Elena Gagliasso),
“Sapienza” University of Rome.
November 13, 2013: With Mattia Della Rocca, “Dall'Empiriomonismo alla Tectologia.
Organizzazione, complessità e approccio sistemico nel pensiero di Aleksandr Bogdanov”,
Laboratorio di Storia e Filosofia della Psicologia e delle Neuroscienze, seminar for undergrad.
students, University of Rome Tor Vergata (holder of the chair, prof. Carmela Morabito).
May 2013: “L'ecologia russa tra bio-geo-chimica e Tectologia”. Undergrad. course in Philosophy
and Life Sciences, (TA, prof. Elena Gagliasso).
June 5, 2012: “Le diffusioni del Darwinismo. Principi e peculiarità dell'evoluzionismo russo”,
Seminar in History of Biology, (holder of the chair: prof. Bernardino Fantini), “Sapienza”
University of Rome.

Attended workshop and training courses

May 9, 2014 Economics and Social Science Research Council-funded Workshop series Complexity
and Method in the Social Sciences, The University of Warwick (UK.)

March 22-24, 2012 International workshop organised by Elena Aronova, Politics and Contexts of
Science Studies during the Cold War and Beyond, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald.

February 2011 30-hour Training course “Representing Knowledge” offered by Epistematica
Knowledge Engineers.

Research affiliation

2013–present Member of SISS, Società Italiana di Storia della Scienza
April 2014–present Visiting Associate in the York Center for Complex Systems Analysis
(YCCSA), The University of York, UK.
2013–present Member of the research group LATACI, Laboratório de Tecnologia Aplicada à
Ciência da Informação, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brasil.

Additional appointments

2013 – 2014 Editor in chief, with Irina Bukreeva, Mosca Oggi. Il Giornale Italiano di Mosca
2010 – 2013 Teacher of Italian, conversational skills, Moskampus, the Italian Institute of Language
and Culture, Moscow.

Language proficiency

Italian mother language
English: very good
Russian: fair
French, Spanish: fluent reading and listening, basic speaking
Portuguese, Bulgarian: reading skills.
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