Discover Staff ord Scavenger Hunt Grow a Reader Storytime Specials Friends of the Library Big Spring Sale - Central Rappahannock Regional Library

Page created by Cecil Mccarthy
Discover Staff ord Scavenger Hunt Grow a Reader Storytime Specials Friends of the Library Big Spring Sale - Central Rappahannock Regional Library
Your FREE guide to lifelong learning at
Central Rappahannock Regional Library     March-April 2023
                   What’s happening

                                          Discover Stafford
                                          Scavenger Hunt
                                          Grow a Reader
                                          Storytime Specials
                                          Friends of the Library
                                          Big Spring Sale

Discover Staff ord Scavenger Hunt Grow a Reader Storytime Specials Friends of the Library Big Spring Sale - Central Rappahannock Regional Library
Martha Hutzel                                                          About Us
                                                                       Welcome ........................................ 1
We have so much going on in the                                        Friends of the Library .................. 2, 13
next two months! The Friends of
the Library are hosting a big sale in                                  Hours & Locations ......................... 14
March. Drop by for bargains, and
drop off pantry staples as part of our
Food for Friends drive.                                                Classes and Events
Our satellite locations, which were
closed with the pandemic, are
reopening! Belmont will re-open
                                                                       children ............................... 3-7
in mid-March and Partlow at the                                           Birth-age 5 .............................. 3-4
beginning of April. Customers
in rural Spotsylvania County will have access to free wifi,               Grades K-6 .............................. 5-6
computers, printing, holds pick-up, books, movies, audiobooks,
homework help, and reading recommendations.
                                                                       teens .................................... 6-7
March is the final month for Adult Winter Reading, while the
Discover Stafford Scavenger Hunt continues through April. Don’t
miss these opportunities to learn about the history of Stafford
                                                                       adults ................................ 8-12
County and keep count of your reading to earn fun prizes!
                                                                          Arts & Crafts ............................... 8
                                                                          Author Talks ............................... 8
We’re kicking off National Poetry Month on April 1 with a
Celebration of Poetry at Howell, featuring local poets and
                                                                          Book Groups ............................... 9
musicians. Feeling poetic yourself? Share your original haiku and
couplets online with us throughout the month.

There’s a cool all-ages event coming up at the end of April at            Games ......................................10
Howell. On April 22, get an introduction to amateur radio direction
finding with the Stafford Amateur Radio Association. The                  Going Green ...............................10
following Saturday, try out your new skills on a “fox hunt,” where
you’ll search for a hidden transmitter using a handheld antenna.          Health & Wellness ......................11
Spring’s Grow a Reader specials for children 5 and under highlight        Language Learning ......................11
this season of rebirth, as well as important holidays in our
communities: Purim, Passover, Easter, and Eid al-Fitr.                    Money Smart     .............................11
Students in grades 6-12 are invited to come by after library hours        Writers..................................... 12
for special Teen Take Over sessions on select Friday nights at
Howell and Salem Church branches. Hang out and have fun
with food, friends, and games. Are you a poet and you know it?         Parks and Recreation ..................... 13
Enter our 20th annual Claudia Emerson Teen Poetry Contest to
share your words and perhaps win prizes!

We have new language learning programs at the library.
English Language Basics for Beginners is an active learning class
that meets weekly at Fredericksburg Branch. Join our Language
Lab in person at Porter or online monthly, for tips and tricks on
learning a foreign language.

Take your crafting and design to a new level with IdeaSpace’s
Glowforge laser cutter. Get badged to learn to cut or engrave         Stay up to date on what’s
materials and quickly create complex designs.
                                                                      happening at your library!
While you’re visiting our branches this season, be sure to check
out two new exhibits--Picturing Women Inventors: A Poster             Every two weeks, we email
Exhibition (throughout March) and Virginia’s Constitutions: A         updates about events
Traveling Exhibition from the Library of Virginia (April 10-27 at
Porter; May 2-20 at Salem Church).                                    and services for all ages.
Wishing you all a happy spring,                                       Sign up at
1                                 March-April 2023
Discover Staff ord Scavenger Hunt Grow a Reader Storytime Specials Friends of the Library Big Spring Sale - Central Rappahannock Regional Library
                                                         1616 Princess Anne St., Fredericksburg
                                                         MakerLab Badges
                                                         Learn to use IdeaSpace equipment, then
                                                         use it independently for your own projects!
                                                         Glowforge Laser Cutter
                                                         Cut or engrave materials
                                                         AV Booth
Support your neighbors in need by donating one or        A 10’x12’ soundproof audiovisual booth
more cans or boxes of food at any library branch         for all your recording needs.
in March. In return, you'll receive a coupon for
20% off your entire purchase at the Friends              Tech on the Go
of the Library Center and Bookshop
or pop-up sales and bookshops                  
in the branches.                                         High-tech equipment you can check out
1 coupon given per visit; coupon                         and use at home!
is redeemed at time of purchase.
                                                         Neewer LED Studio Lights Kit
March, all branches                                      Portable studio lights, useful for lighting both
                                                         indoor and outdoor shots
                                                         Collapsible Green Screen Kit
Radio Transmitter Workshop                               A portable green screen for home use
and Search
All ages, including families. Attendance at
1st session recommended, but not required,
to attend the 2nd session.
Howell, Saturdays, April 22 and 29, 9:00-11:30
April 22: Introduction to amateur radio
direction finding.
April 29: Search for a hidden transmitter using
a handheld antenna. New hunters will be paired
with experienced hunters from the e Stafford
Amateur Radio Association.

Save the date                                                Uncover the who, what, when, where, why,
CRRL-Con is coming!
                 g!                                          and how of pollination by exploring the unique
                                                             relationship between pollinators and flowers.
May 20, Howell Branch                                    The Pollination Investigation exhibition
                                                             was created by Smithsonian Gardens in
                                                             collaboration with the National Museum of
                                                             Natural History and made available by the
                                                             Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition
                                                             Service. It is funded in part by the
                                                             Smithsonian Women's Committee.
                                                             All ages.
                 Level up your skills with the premier
                 video-based online training resource        All branches,
                 covering technical skills, creative         April 3-29
                 techniques, business strategies, and

                                                                          March-April                         2
Discover Staff ord Scavenger Hunt Grow a Reader Storytime Specials Friends of the Library Big Spring Sale - Central Rappahannock Regional Library
Grow a Reader
 Birth-age 5 •
 Specially trained staff present stories, songs, and activities
 that lay the foundation your child needs to get ready to read.

                                                          For children and
                                                          their caregivers
FREDERICKSBURG                  SPOTSYLVANIA                    STAFFORD                       holiday-themed
                                                                                                storytime on
Fredericksburg                  Salem Church                     Howell Branch                     this date
Branch                          Branch                           Mother Goose Time
                                Mother Goose Time                (Ages 2 and under)
Mother Goose Time
                                (Ages 2 and under)               Fridays, 10:00-10:15, except 3/17
(Ages 2 and under)
Tuesdays, 10:30-10:45           Wednesdays, 10:00-10:15,
                                except 3/15                      Toddler Time (Ages 2-3)
Wednesdays, 9:30-9:45                                            Thursdays, 10:00-10:20,
                                Toddler Time (Ages 2-3)          except 3/16 and 4/13
Toddler Time (Ages 2-3)
                                Wednesdays, 11:00-11:20          Fridays, 11:00-11:20, except 3/17
Wednesdays, 10:30-10:50
                                Thursdays, 10:00-10:20,
Alphabet Soup (Ages 2-5)        except 3/15, 3/16 and 4/13       Alphabet Soup (Ages 2-5)
                                                                 Wednesdays, 10:00-10:30,
Tuesdays, 9:30-10:00,
                                Alphabet Soup (Ages 2-5)         except 3/1*, 3/15, 4/5* and 4/19*
except 4/4*
                                Fridays, 10:00-10:30,
Preschool Time (Ages 3-5)       except 3/17 and 4/7*             Preschool Time (Ages 3-5)
                                                                 Wednesdays, 11:00-11:30,
Fridays, 10:30-11:00                                             except 3/15
                                Preschool Time (Ages 3-5)
                                Thursdays, 11:00-11:30,
                                except 3/16 and 4/13             Porter Branch
                                                                 Mother Goose Time
                                Snow Branch                      (Ages 2 and under)
                                Mother Goose Time                Tuesdays, 9:30-9:45
                                (Ages 2 and under)
                                Tuesdays, 11:00-11:15,
                                                                 Toddler Time (Ages 2-3)
                                                                 Tuesdays, 10:30-10:50
                                except 3/14*
                                                                 Thursdays, 10:30-10:50,
                                Alphabet Soup (Ages 2-5)         except 4/13
                                Thursdays, 11:00-11:30,
                                except 3/16*                     Alphabet Soup (Ages 2-5)
                                                                 Fridays, 10:30-11:00, except 4/7*

                                Towne Centre                     Preschool Time (Ages 3-5)
                                Branch                           Fridays, 9:30-10:00
                                Mother Goose Time
                                (Ages 2 and under)
                                Wednesdays, 11:00-11:15
                                Alphabet Soup (Ages 2-5)
                                                                Cooper Branch
                                Wednesdays, 10:00-10:30
                                                                Alphabet Soup (Ages 2-5)
                                                                Fridays, 11:00-11:30,
                                                                except 3/24* and 4/7*

                            3                        March-April 2023
Discover Staff ord Scavenger Hunt Grow a Reader Storytime Specials Friends of the Library Big Spring Sale - Central Rappahannock Regional Library
Grow a Reader                                     All a g
                                                  wit e s
                                                              Spotlight on
Storytime Specials
                                               c ar eg h a
                                                      iver.   Early Literacy
                                                              Early literacy is what children learn
Stories, songs, and activities.                               about reading and writing before they
                                                              can actually read or write. Early literacy
Grow a Reader Special:                                        is not the teaching of reading. It is laying
Hello Spring!                                                 the strong foundation so that when
                                                              children are taught to read in school,
Howell, Wednesday, March 8, 10:00-10:30
Salem Church, Friday, March 10, 10:00-10:30                   they are ready.
Cooper, Friday, March 24, 11:00-11:30                         In our Grow a Reader classes,
Newton, Friday, March 24, 11:00-11:30                         we help lay that foundation. Each class
Snow, Thursday, April 6, 11:00-11:30                          focuses on one of the early literacy skills
                                                              or practices through stories, activities,
Grow a Reader Special:                                        and caregiver-child interactions.
Happy Purim                                                   We will cover early literacy practices
Howell Branch, Wednesday, March 1, 10:00-10:30                and skills such as letter knowledge and
                                                              narrative skills.
Grow a Reader Special:                                        Find more early literacy tips at
Preparing for Passover                               and on the
                                                              Grow a Reader page in the May-June
Howell Branch, Wednesday, April 5, 10:00-10:30                issue of At Your Library.

Grow a Reader Special:
Happy Easter
Fredericksburg, Tuesday, April 4, 9:30-10:00
Salem Church, Friday, April 7, 10:00-10:30
Porter, Friday, April 7, 10:30-11:00
Cooper, Friday, April 7, 11:00-11:30
Newton, Friday, April 7, 11:00-11:30

Grow a Reader Special:
Eid Mubarak
Howell Branch, Wednesday, April 19, 10:00-10:30

Dolly Parton’s Imagination
Library (DPIL)--
Spotsylvania County
Graduation Party
Salem Church Branch,                                          Howell, 2nd Thursdays, 4:30-5:00
Thursday, March 30, 6:00                                      Stories, songs and activities to support
Dolly Parton’s Imagination                                    early literacy practices in an environment
Library- Spotsylvania County                                  that adapts to youth with autism and other
celebrates this quarter’s DPIL                                developmental challenges.
graduates who reside in Spotsylvania County zip               Youth of all ages with a caregiver.
codes and recently celebrated their fifth birthdays.
Presented by the Spotsylvania County affiliate of             Sign up at
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library championed
by Tabernacle United Methodist Church.

                                                                  March-April 2023                           4
Discover Staff ord Scavenger Hunt Grow a Reader Storytime Specials Friends of the Library Big Spring Sale - Central Rappahannock Regional Library
Grades K-6
    For updates and more details on all programs, visit

                                                                     All branches, Thursday, March
                                                                                              M     2,
    Games, activities,                                               during open hours
                                                                     All-day activities and pop-up stories.
    and more
    Coded Communication
    Howell, Friday, March 3, 4:30-5:15
    Snow, Friday, March 10, 4:30-5:15
    Salem Church, Friday, March 17, 4:15-5:00

    Fredericksburg, Friday,
    March 10, 4:30-5:15

    Games and Sports
    of All Sorts                                          Practice your reading with therapy dogs
    Porter, Friday, March 17, 4:15-5:00                   trained to be avid listeners. Sign up at your
                                                          branch to book your time.
    STEM                                                  Towne Centre, 1st Thursdays, 5:30-7:00
    Towne Center, Friday March 24,                        Porter, 1st Saturdays, 10:30-12:00
    4:00-4:45                                             Salem Church, 1st Saturdays, 2:30-4:00
                                                          Howell, 2nd Saturdays, 1:30-3:00
    Earth Day                                             Fredericksburg, 3rd Saturdays, 2:00-3:30
    Fredericksburg, Friday, April 14, 4:30-5:15           Snow, 4th Saturdays, 2:30-4:00
    Snow, Friday, April 14, 4:30-5:15
    Porter, Friday, April 21, 4:15-5:00

                                                          Inspiring Books
    Salem Church, Friday, April 21, 4:15-5:00

    Underwater Exploration

                                                          for Young
    Towne Center, Friday April 28, 4:00-4:45

    Building Bridges
    Howell, Friday, April 7, 4:30-5:15
    In partnership with Virginia
    Department of Transportation
                                                                                                   View the full list:

5                             March-April 2023
Discover Staff ord Scavenger Hunt Grow a Reader Storytime Specials Friends of the Library Big Spring Sale - Central Rappahannock Regional Library
D scover
                                                      Teens                          For updates and more details
                                                                                     on all programs, visit

Scavenger Hunt                                        A teen social space for playing games, doing homework,
                                                      and getting creative.
        Join the hunt!                                Salem Church, Mondays 3:00-7:00; Tuesdays 3:00-5:30;
                                                      Wednesdays 3:00-5:30; Thursdays 3:00-7:00
All branches, February 1-May 1
Pick up a scavenger hunt booklet from any             Time With a Therapy Dog
branch, then locate Stafford County historic and      Read or relax with a therapy dog. In partnership with Blue
cultural markers for a chance to earn a souvenir      Gray Therapy Dogs. Grade 7-adult with disabilities, plus
badge and enter raffle prize drawings from local      their caregiver. Sign up at the branch to book your time.
partners. Sponsored by the Stafford Museum            Porter, 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 10:00-11:00
and Cultural Center in partnership with Stafford      Howell, 3rd Mondays, 11:00-12:00
Historical Society. All ages
                                                      Fredericksburg Matinee: Star Wars: A New Hope
Craft Time                                            Grade 7-adult
Cooper, 2nd Wednesdays, 4:00-5:00
                                                      Fredericksburg, Saturday, March 4, 2:00-4:15
March 8: Felt Flowers
April 12: Scavenger Hunt

All Ages Chess
Drop in for casual chess. Players of all experience
levels welcome.
Porter, 2nd Wednesdays, 4:00-6:00

Chess Time
Drop in for casual chess. Players of all experience
levels welcome. Grades K-12
Fredericksburg, Wednesdays, 5:30-7:30

Origami Thursdays                                       When the library’s closed, the real fun begins . . .
Fredericksburg, Thursdays, 5:30- 7:30                   Come hang after hours with games, food, and
                                                        friends. ONLY for Teens (Grades 6-12)
Drop in to try some Origami.
Grades K-12                                             Salem Church Branch, Friday, March 24, 6:00-8:00
                                                        Howell Branch, Friday, March 31, 6:00-8:00

                                                      20th Annual Claudia Emerson
                                                      Teen Poetry Contest
                                                      Celebrate National Poetry Month by submitting your
                                                      original poetry. Winners are awarded cash prizes and
                                                      invited to read their work.
                                                      Entries will be judged by local poets: Laura Bylenok
                                                      and David Anthony Sam.
                                                      2 Categories: Grades 6-8 and Grades 9-12
                                                      Maximum of two entries
                                                      per person
                                                      Entries accepted online April 1-15:

Grades 4-6
2nd Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30
March 14: Bright Family 1
by Matthew Cody
April 11: Chester and Gus
by Cammie McGovern
                                                                       March-April                                 6
Discover Staff ord Scavenger Hunt Grow a Reader Storytime Specials Friends of the Library Big Spring Sale - Central Rappahannock Regional Library
Teens                           For updates and more details
                                on all programs, visit

Book Groups                               Art
Teen Anime & Manga Club                   Origami Thursdays                          Comic
Come watch anime, read manga, and
chat about your favorite series.
                                          Grades K-12
                                          Fredericksburg, Thursdays 5:30- 7:30       Art Show
Porter, 1st Thursdays, 4:30-6:00                                                     Submissions
                                          28th Annual Johnny P.                      Submit 1-2 original pieces of artwork
Young Adult Book Group                    Johnson Teen Art Show                      to be considered for inclusion in the
VIRTUAL, 2nd Thursdays, 6:30-7:30         Reception                                  Comic Art Show at Salem Church
                                          Fredericksburg, Friday,                    Branch. No copies, just original
Grades 7-12                                                                          interpretations, by artists of any age.
                                          March 3, 7:00-8:30
March 9: Man Made Monsters                                                           Find rules and registration at
by Andrea L. Rogers                                                        
                                          Teen Art Tuesdays
April 13: Queen of the Tiles              Drop in for a chill art afternoon. Bring   Submissions accepted: April 1-29
by Hanna Alkaf                            your own supplies, or use ours. Bring      Exhibition: May 1-31
                                          your own friends, or meet new ones.
Anime Blizzard                            Grades 6-12                                Opening reception: May 8
Watch, discover, and discuss anime        Howell, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays,
with other fans and friends.              March 14 and 28, April 11 and 25,
Grades 6-12                               4:00-6:00
Snow, 3rd Fridays, 4:00-5:00

Middle School                                             Nature Journaling
Graphic Novel
Book Group                                                     WORKSHOP
                                                  Lake Anna State Park rangers help you        In partnership with
VIRTUAL,                                          create a nature journaling sketchbook        Virginia State Parks.
4th Thursdays,                                    and teach basic drawing techniques
6:30-7:30                                                                                      Snow, Saturday, March 4,
                                                  to explore nature through art.               2:00-4:00
Grades 6-8                                        Supplies included.
March 23:
M is for Monster                                                  Grade 7-adult • Sign up at
by Talia Dutton
April 27:
Little Monarchs
by Jonathan Case
                                          All Ages Chess                                                           Grades
                                          Casual chess for all ages. Players of                                     6-12
                                          all experience levels welcome.
Audiobooks featuring                      Porter, 2nd Wednesdays, 4:00-6:00
Female                                    Chess Time
Narrators                                 Casual chess. Players of all
                                          experience levels welcome.
                                          Grades K-12
                                          Fredericksburg, Wednesdays,

                                          Pop Culture Trivia and Craft:
                                          Star Wars
                                          Test your pop culture knowledge            Salem Church, 1st Mondays,
                                          with a family-friendly trivia contest      5:00-6:00
                                          and craft. All ages.                       Howell, 3rd Tuesdays, 4:00-5:30
                                          Sign up at
                                          Fredericksburg, Saturday, April 1,         Porter, 3rd Thursdays, 5:30-7:00
    View the full list:                   3:30-5:00                                  Fredericksburg, 4th Tuesdays,

7                           March-April 2023
Discover Staff ord Scavenger Hunt Grow a Reader Storytime Specials Friends of the Library Big Spring Sale - Central Rappahannock Regional Library
Adults                                  For updates and more details
                                        on all programs, visit

DMV Connect                                  Arts & Crafts
The DMV portable
office will process     add QR               Beginner Crafts                             A Lo
                                                                                                elyy Knit
                                                                                                     Knit Group
                                                                                                          G roup
drivers’ licenses,      code for             Materials provided. Sign up at              Bring your current knitting
ID cards, titles, and                                         or crochet projects.
registrations.          appts link                                                       Beginners welcome.
                                             Fredericksburg, 1st Fridays,
Appointments required:                       10:00-12:00                                 Montross, 2nd                                                         and 4th Mondays, 6:00-7:00
appointment-selector.aspx                    March 3: Cup Weaving
                                             April 7: Playing Card Boxes                 Porter, 1st Thursdays, 6:00-7:45,
Salem Church, Monday, March 27,                                                          and 3rd Thursdays, 3:30-5:30
                                             Nature Journaling Workshop
Snow, Wednesday, April 5, 10:00-2:00                                                     Pop Culture
                                                                                         Pop  Cult
                                                                                              Cu ltur
                                             Lake Anna State Park rangers helplp you
                                             create a nature journaling sketchbook
                                                                              book       Trivia
                                                                                         Tr i   and Craft:
Fredericksburg Linux                         and teach basic drawing techniques to       Star Wars
Users Group                                  explore nature through art. Supplies        All ages. Sign up at
Meet with Open Source and Linux              included. In partnership with
users to discuss IT solutions.               Virginia State Parks. Grade 7-adult.        Fredericksburg, Saturday, April 1,
                                             Sign up at                3:30-5:00
Howell, 4th Saturdays, 9:00-12:00
March 25: Emacs                              Snow, Saturday, March 4, 2:00-4:00          Sewing for Beginners
April 22: ZeroTier                                                                       Learn to sew a drawstring bag
                                             Crochet for Beginners                       by hand. Materials provided.
Red Cross Blood Drive                        Materials provided for learning             Sign up at
Ages 17 and up. Sign up at                   basic crochet stitches. Bring your                            own supplies for any crochet (or            Salem Church, Monday, March 13,
                                             knitting) projects. Intermediate and        4:00-5:00
Howell, Saturday, March 4, 9:00-3:00
                                             experienced crafters also welcome.
Howell, Saturday, April 1, 9:00-3:00                                                     Take & Make Grownup
                                             Salem Church, 1st Mondays,
Porter, Thursday, April 20, 12:30-6:30       4:00-5:00                                   Activity Bags
                                                                                         Pick your bag up in person from a
Science Fiction and Fantasy                  3D Design Lab                               library branch while supplies last.
Fan Club                                     Learn about 3D modeling techniques.
                                                                                         All branches. March: Gardening,
Discuss your favorite science fiction                                                    April: Origami
and fantasy media with other fans.           IdeaSpace, 2nd Thursdays, 6:00-7:00
Fredericksburg and VIRTUAL,
                                             March 9: Extruding
                                             April 13: Fillets & Chamfers
                                                                                         Art Shows
1st Fridays, 4:00-5:00.                                                                  Teen Art Show
No meeting April 7.                                                                      Fredericksburg, March-April

                  Author        SPONSORED BY                                             North Stafford High School
                                                                                         Student Art Show
                  Talks                                                                  Porter, April

Enjoy a range of talks from                  Pam Jenoff
bestselling authors and thought              New York Times-bestselling
leaders. To register or view                 author of The Orphan’s Tale and
recordings, visit          The Lost Girls of Paris
                                             Tuesday, March 28, 7:00
David Epstein
Bestselling author of Range: Why             Kate Beaton
Generalists Triumph in a Specialized
                                             New York Times-bestselling
World and The Sports Game
                                             cartoonist of Hark! A Vagrant! and           Adult
Monday, March 13, 1:00                       Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands
                                             Tuesday, April 4, 7:00
Jernard A. Wells
Award-winning TV host, celebrity chef,       William Kent Krueger                                          Challenge
and author of Southern Modified and                                                      Log 5 books read between January
Southern Inspired                            The bestselling author discusses
                                             Fox Creek, his newest book in the           1-March 31 to earn a mug or blanket,
Tuesday, March 21, 4:00                      Cork O’Connor mystery series, set           while supplies last. Sign up and log
                                             in the north woods of Minnesota,            books at
                                             and his other works.
                                             Thursday, April 27, 8:00
                                                                                       March-April                                8
Discover Staff ord Scavenger Hunt Grow a Reader Storytime Specials Friends of the Library Big Spring Sale - Central Rappahannock Regional Library
Adults                                  For updates and more details
                                                                                          Branch                          N ew
                                        on all programs, visit                            Book Groups                    Always
                                                        Towne Centre
                                                                                          1st Wednesdays, 9:00-10:00
Book Groups                                                  March 1: Favorite Childhood Books
                                                                                          April 5: Finlay Donovan Is Killing It
                                                                                          by Elle Cosimano
The Hague Winery                           Facebook Book Chats
Book Group                                 VIRTUAL, 3rd Wednesdays,                       Porter
1st Thursdays, 6:00-7:00                   7:00-8:00                                      1st Thursdays, 6:30-7:45
Meets at The Hague Winery, 8268            Join us at                March 2: Caroline: Little House,
Cople Hwy., Hague, 22469                   crrlbookchat on 3rd Wednesdays for             Revisited by Sarah Miller
March 2: A Farewell to Arms                lively book chatter.                           April 6: Dimestore: A Writer’s Life
by Ernest Hemingway                        March 15: Beware the Ides of March             by Lee Smith
April 6: Caleb’s Crossing                  April 19: Books That Make You Laugh!                                          NEW
by Geraldine Brooks                                                                       Newton                       DAY/ TIME!

                                           Strangeways Brewing:                           Offsite, 2nd Wednesdays,
Science Fiction Book Group                 Books and Beer                                 6:00-7:00. Books will be available
VIRTUAL, 1st Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00           3rd Thursdays, 6:30-7:30                       for pickup at the Newton Branch.
                                                                                          Ask at branch for location.
Discuss popular speculative and            Meets at Strangeways Brewing,
contemplative science fiction.             350 Lansdowne Rd.,                             March 8: Dragons in a Bag
                                           Fredericksburg, 22401                          by Zetta Elliott
March 7: A Closed and Common Orbit
by Becky Chambers                          March 16: The Vanishing Half                   April 12: The Housekeeper and
                                           by Brit Bennett                                the Professor by Yoko Ogawa
April 4: To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
by Christopher Paolini                     April 20: Unsheltered                          Montross
                                           by Barbara Kingsolver                          2nd Fridays, 11:00-12:00
True Crime Book Group
                                           Mysteries & Thrillers                          March 10: Hamnet
VIRTUAL, 2nd Thursdays, 6:30-7:30                                                         by Maggie O’Farrell
Read and discuss resources pertaining
                                           Book Group
                                                                                          April 14: The Soul of an Octopus
to the month’s case.                       VIRTUAL, 3rd Mondays, 6:30-7:30                by Sy Montgomery
Find recommended reading at                March 20: Under the Harrow                    by Flynn Berry                                 Fredericksburg
March 9: Lizzie Borden                     April 17: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch          2nd Saturdays: 10:00-11:30
April 13: Gianni Versace                                                                  March 11: A Walk in the Woods
                                           Reading Through the Ages                       by Bill Bryson
Books and Wine                             Book Group                                     April 8: March
2nd Mondays except in March,               VIRTUAL, 4th Thursdays, 7:00-8:00              by Geraldine Brooks
                                           Find links to eBooks at
Zibibbo 73, 2757 Richmond Hwy,                           Cooper
Stafford, 22554                                                                           3rd Thursdays, 3:00-4:00
                                           March 23: The Napoleon of
March 6: Mrs. March by Virginia Feito      Notting Hill. A farcical dystopian novel       March 16: Luck of the Draw.
April 10: Crossroads                       from the early 20th century.                   Read a book with the words
by Jonathan Franzen                                                                       “luck” or “lucky” in the title.
                                           April 27: The Tale of Genji. Written by
                                           a Japanese noblewoman in the early             April 20: Free Read
See the History section for                11th century and considered by some
Civil War Book Group                       to be the first novel.                         Salem Church
                                                                                          3rd Mondays, 6:30-7:30
Colonial Beach Brewing:                    See Language Learning for                      March 20: The Book Woman
Books and Beer                             English Language Learners                      of Troublesome Creek
2nd Tuesdays,                              Book Group                                     by Kim Michele Richardson
5:30-6:30                                                                                 April 17: The Beauty in Breaking
Meets at                                                                                  by Michele Harper
Colonial Beach Brewing,
215C Washington Ave.,
Colonial Beach, 22443
                                                                                                 VIRTUAL, Tuesday, April 18,
March 14: The Hobbit
by J.R.R.Tolkien
                                                                  We the Readers                 7:00-8:00.
April 11: The Night Circus                                        Civic Book Club                Girls Like Us
                                                                  Explore a variety of civic     by Rachel Lloyd
by Erin Morgenstern
                                                                  topics to enlighten and        Special guest Michele Trampe,
                                                                  empower you to make positive   Executive Director at Central
                                                                  changes in our society.        Virginia Justice Initiative

 9                             March-April 2023
Civic Labs                                                          Games                                                              Going Green
A casual, interactive experience
offering resources, activities, and                                 Mahjong Players Club                                               Water, Water Everywhere!
conversation about issues that                                      Experienced and beginner players                                   Presented by Lake Anna State Park.
affect our community                                                welcome.                                                           To celebrate World Water Day
                                                                    Cooper, Tuesdays, 1:00-4:00                                        (March 22), join Lake Anna
Water Conservation                                                                                                                     park rangers to discover water
                                                                    Porter, Wednesdays, 1:00-5:00                                      conservation and learn how you can
Calculate your water footprint and                                                                                                     help protect freshwaters and the
learn ways to conserve and sustain this                             Tabletop Game Night                                                Chesapeake Bay.
limited resource. In partnership with                               Play old games, learn how to play new
Lake Anna State Park.                                                                                                                  Snow, Wednesday, March 8,
                                                                    ones, or bring a game to share.                                    2:00-3:00
Snow, Wednesday, March 8, 1:00-2:00                                 Fredericksburg, Thursdays, 5:30-7:30
                                                                                                                                       Tiny Space Gardening
Food as Medicine                                                    Basic Bridge                                                       From vertical gardening to pots on
Learn how you can utilize food to heal                              Novice to mid-level players with basic                             a deck, learn how to grow a great
your body and boost your immune                                     knowledge of bidding and the play of                               garden, regardless of space.
system with these useful resources.                                 the hand.
In partnership with the                                                                                                                Salem Church, Thursday, March 30,
Fredericksburg Food Co-Op.                                          Salem Church, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays,                                2:00-4:00
Towne Centre, Thursday, March 16,
2:00-3:00                                                                                                                              My Garden of a
                                                                    Intermediate Bridge                                                Thousand Bees
Fredericksburg, Monday, March 27,                                   Serious bridge for advanced players.
11:00-12:00                                                                                                                            Enjoy this PBS Nature documentary ary
                                                                    Salem Church, Wednesdays except the                                and learn how you can help the
Porter, Tuesday, March 28, 11:00-12:00                              3rd, 12:00-4:00                                                    pollinators. Free wildflower seeds
                                                                    Snow, 3rd Wednesdays, 12:00-4:00                                   given to attendees while
Citizen Science                                                                                                                        supplies last.
Learn about citizen science, when                                                                                                      Porter, Saturday, April 1, 2:00-3:00
the public voluntarily helps conduct                                All-Ages Chess
scientific research. Citizen scientists                             Players of all experience levels
may design experiments, collect data,                               welcome.                                                           Upcycling Craft:
analyze results, and solve problems.                                Porter, 2nd Wednesdays,                                            Plastic Bottle Planter
                                                                    4:00-6:00                                                          Presented by the R-Board.
Howell, Friday, April 7, 4:00-5:00                                                                                                     Materials provided. All ages.
Porter, Friday, April 21, 3:30-4:30                                                                                                    Porter, Friday, April 7, 10:00-11:30

Civil War Book Group
In partnership with the
Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania                                                                                                            Fierce
National Military Park
Fredericksburg, 1st Thursdays,                                    Porter, Howell,
6:00-7:00                                                         Fredericksburg,
                                                                  Salem Church,
March 2: Opium Eating: An                                         Snow,
Autobiographical Sketch
April 6: Women’s War: Fighting and
                                                                  Towne Centre                                                                                eBooks
                                                                  March 1-31                                                                                  and
Surviving the American Civil War by
                                                                  Explore the inventions of 19 highly
Stephanie McCurry
                                                                  accomplished American women.                                                                eAudio
                                                                  Picturing Women Inventors is organized by the Smithsonian
Historical Walk                                                   Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in collaboration with the
A leisurely walking tour of historic                              Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, and
downtown Fredericksburg. Starts at                                was developed in collaboration with the United States Patent and
                                                                  Trademark Office and made possible with the support of Lyda Hill
Fredericksburg Branch.                                            Philanthropies IF/THEN Initiative and Ericsson.
Wednesday, April 19, 2:30-4:00.
Rain date: Wednesday, April 26.                                                                                                           View the
                                                                                                                                          full list:
Virginia’s Constitutions: A Traveling
Exhibition from the Library of Virginia
Porter: April 10-27, Salem Church: May 2-20
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the current Virginia state
constitution, follow early versions of Virginia’s constitution from its
first days establishing state and local governments to today’s version. n.
An exhibition from the Library of Virginia with support from the Virginia Law Foundation,
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP, Reed Smith LLP, and McGuireWoods.

                                                                                                                    March-April 2023                                           10
Adults                                 For updates and more details
                                       on all programs, visit

Health & Wellness
Alzheimer’s Caregiver                         Chair Yoga                              Memory Café:
Support Group                                 Montross, Tuesdays, 12:00-1:00          Relax and Reminisce
Presented by Julie Burks with the             Presented by certified instructor       Share conversation and nostalgia in a
Alzheimer’s Association.                      Kay Hawkins.                            relaxed atmosphere. For adults with
Cooper, 1st Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00                                                     early memory loss and their
                                              Tai Chi & Qi Gong                       care partners.
Howell, 3rd Tuesdays, 1:30-3:00
                                              Comfortable attire. No experience       Salem Church, Friday, March 17,
Time with a Therapy Dog                       necessary. Class held next to the       10:30-12:00
Read or relax with a therapy dog.             Food Court.
In partnership with Blue Gray                 Towne Centre, Wednesdays, March 8
Therapy Dogs. Grade 7-adult with              and 22, April 5 and 19, 9:00-10:00.
disabilities, plus their caregiver.
Sign up at the branch.                        MWHC Hospice:
Porter, 1st and 3rd Thursdays,                A Journey to Peace
10:00-11:00                                   Presented by Mary Washington
Howell, 3rd Mondays, 11:00-12:00              Healthcare Hospice.
                                              Join via Facebook Live at               Whether you’re a pro or
                                                      want to learn, come bullet journal
                                              No Facebook account needed.             with other enthusiasts. Some
                                              VIRTUAL, 2nd Tuesdays, 11:00-12:00      supplies provided.
                                              March 14: Supporting Veterans at the    Porter, Monday, April 17,
                                              End of Life                             6:00-7:30
                                              April 11: The Gift of Preemptive
                                              Planning: Advanced Medical Care

Language Learning
Language Lab
Learn new foreign
                     N E W!
                                              Conversation                           TOEFL Exam Prep Group
                                                                                     Improve your English and transform
language learning techniques and share                                               your future with this 8-week TOEFL
feedback on current foreign language                                                 (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
learning goals!                               French                                 exam preparation group.
Porter or VIRTUAL,                            Conversation Group                     Sign up at
1st Mondays, 4:00-5:00                        Practice French in a relaxed           Porter, Saturdays, March 4 and 11, and
                                              atmosphere. All levels welcome.        Tuesdays, April 11-May 30, 7:00-7:45
English Language              N E W!
                                              Porter, 2nd and 4th Fridays,
Basics for Beginners                          4:00-5:00
Learn basic English in an active learning
class for beginners.                          English Conversation Groups            Naturalization
Fredericksburg, Wednesdays                    Practice speaking English in a         Information
beginning March 8, 1:30-2:30                  relaxed atmosphere.                    Session
                                              VIRTUAL, Tuesdays, 1:00-2:00           Learn the steps to
English Language Learners                                                            U.S. citizenship.
                                              Fredericksburg, Thursdays,             Presented by U.S.
Book Group                                    1:00-2:00                              Citizenship and
Sponsored by Rappahannock Area                Porter, 2nd and 4th Fridays,           Immigration Services.
Regional Adult Education (RARAE).             10:30-11:30                            Howell, Tuesday,
Call Porter Adult Research Desk                                                      April 11, 12:00-2:00
(540-372-1144, ext. 7339)                     Spanish Conversation Group
to reserve a copy.                                                                   Salem Church, Tuesday,
                                              Practice speaking Spanish in a         April 25, 1:00-3:00
Porter, 2nd and 4th Fridays, 9:30-10:30       relaxed atmosphere.                    Porter, Tuesday,
March 10 and 24: The Italian Cure             All levels welcome.                    May 9, 4:00-6:00
by Melodie Campbell                           Porter, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays,
April 14 and 28: A Long Walk                  3:00-4:00
to Water by Linda Sue Park

11                                 March-April 2023
Lunch & Learn                                                                           Movies
VIRTUAL, Fridays, 12:00-1:00                                                            Cinema Night
Join at No Facebook account needed.                              Cooper, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays,
Women Who Served in WWII                  Poetry as a Witness                           March 14: Gigi & Nate
March 3. Presented by local historian     April 7. Presented by David Anthony           March 28: Easter Sunday
Virginia Lyman Lucas.                     Sam, Vice President of the Poetry
                                          Society of Virginia, North Central            April 11: Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile
Blue Gray Therapy Dogs                    Virginia Region. Explore five poems           April 25: Ticket to Paradise
March 10. What is a therapy dog, and      from American history written in
how can my dog become qualified?          protest to advocate for change.               Fredericksburg Matinee:
                                                                                        Star Wars: A New Hope
Circadian Rhythms:                        Hiking 101                                    A showing of the feature film
                                          April 14. Presented by Stafford County        Grade 7-Adult.
Our Inner Clocks
March 17. Presented by local naturalist   Parks and Recreation. Learn about             Fredericksburg, Saturday, March 4,
Jon Bachman.                              local trails and essential tips for hiking.   2:00-4:15

                                          Discovering Nature
Self-Sustaining Hobby Farming
March 24. Erin and Dave from B&B          at Sundown                                    Writers
Farm share their journey from what        April 21. Presented by local
                                          naturalist Jon Bachman.                       Comic Creators Roundtable
started as a small hobby farm with
only 10 chickens to a self-sustaining                                                   IdeaSpace, 1st Thursdays,
homestead that now includes pigs,         Upcycling                                     6:00-7:00
steers, goats, turkeys, and more.         April 28.                                     Learn tips for making comics in the
                                          Use it up,                                    digital age using drawing tablets and
Finding Your Irish Ancestors              wear it out,                                  art software.
March 31. Presented by Trish Little       make it do,
Taylor. Learn methods and resources       or do without.                                Inklings Writers Group
for researching your Irish                Learn about                                   Learn new writing techniques and
family history.                           upcycling and                                 exchange feedback on current
                                          repurposing                                   projects. All experience levels
                                          things we own.                                welcome.
Money Smart                                                                             March topic: Editing Has Its Place
                                                                                        April topic: Writing Poetry
Free Tax Preparation Clinics
IRS-trained volunteers will help
                                          M i
                                          Music                                         Howell and VIRTUAL,
                                                                                        1st Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30
prepare simple tax returns through        CRRL’s IdeaSpace Presents                     Porter and VIRTUAL, 4th Thursdays,
AARP or Rappahannock United Way.          Watch musical performances
Dates and availability subject to                                                       6:00-7:30
                                          by local artists recorded at
change. Visit
                                          IdeaSpace. View on our YouTube
answers for dates, locations, and         @crrlvideo, playlist:
required documents.
                                                                                        of Poetry
                                          CRRL’s IdeaSpace Presents.
Cooper, Howell, Fredericksburg,
Porter, Salem Church,                     Music Engineering Class
January 23-April 15                                                                     Celebrate National
                                          Presented by local producer                   Poetry Month with local
Your Money Matters                        Zach Gouldman. Watch a                        poets and musicians as
                                          demonstration on using                        they share their original
Mondays in April, 12:00-1:00              the software program                          works. Poets will answer
(virtual). Join via Facebook Live at      Ableton to create beats                       audience questions                    and engineer vocals.                          and have their books
No Facebook account needed.                                                             available for sale.
                                          IdeaSpace, Wednesday,
April 3: First Time Home Buyers’          April 12, 6:00-7:00                           Howell, Saturday,
Guide: Where to Get Started.                                                            April 1, 2:00-3:30
Presented by the Faith Housing
                                                                                        Inklings Writers
April 10: Ten Things I Wish I Knew
Before Starting a Business.                                                             Critique Groups
Presented by the Greater                                                                Share feedback on current projects.
Fredericksburg Black Chamber of                                                         VIRTUAL, 2nd Mondays, 6:00-7:30,
Commerce                                                                                Fiction
April 17: Eating Healthy on a Budget.                                                   Howell and VIRTUAL,
Presented by the Virginia Cooperative                                                   4th Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30, Poetry
April 24: Personal Finance.
Presented by Lamont Brown, CFP,
Principal Wealth Manager of ALNA
                                                                            March-April 2023                                 12
Friends of the Library
           Center & Bookshop 125 Olde Greenwich Drive,
                                Suite 150, Fredericksburg


                             STAFFORD PARKS

                        Adult & Senior Leagues Forming Now

                        Register a Team or Call us to Join a Team

                                Scan Here

13   March-April 2023
Serving Fredericksburg, Stafford, Spotsylvania, and Westmoreland                      NEWS:
                                                                                     You can return library materials to any
                                                                                     branch. Bookdrops are open 24/7. You can
Based on CDC guidelines, customers                                                   renew in person, by telephone, or online
should not visit a branch if they                                                    on any device. The library is no longer
have a fever OR symptoms of                                                          charging overdue fines on materials.
COVID-19. Wearing a mask is
recommended for a full
10 days after exposure                                                               New to the library?
to COVID-19.
                                                                                     Get started at

  Access Services                              Fredericksburg Branch            IdeaSpace:
  125 Olde Greenwich Dr., Suite 155, 22408     1201 Caroline St., 22401         Making+Media
  Mondays-Thursdays 9:00-1:00                  Monday-Thursday 9:00-8:00        1616 Princess Anne St., 22401
  Fridays by appointment                       Friday, Saturday 9:00-5:30       Monday–Thursday 2:00-8:00
                                                                                Saturday 12:00-5:00
  Belmont Satellite Location Starting          Salem Church Branch              Snow Branch
  Belmont Ruritan Club                         2607 Salem Church Rd.,           8740 Courthouse Rd., 22553
  and the Belmont Club of Women                22407                            Monday, Tuesday 9:00-8:00
  7124 Belmont Road, Mineral, 23117            Monday 9:00-8:00                 Wednesday–Saturday 9:00-5:30
  Mondays 4:00-7:00                            Tuesday, Wednesday 9:00-5:30
                                                                                Towne Centre Branch
                                               Thursday 9:00-8:00
  Partlow Satellite Location Starting          Friday, Saturday 9:00-5:30       390 Spotsylvania Mall, 22407
                             early April
  Partlow Ruritan Club,                                                         Monday 10:00-5:30
  3229 Partlow Road, Partlow, 22534                                             Tuesday–Thursday 10:00-8:00
  Tuesdays 4:00-7:00                                                            Friday, Saturday 10:00-5:00
  Fried Center                                 Howell Branch                    Porter Branch
  Germanna Community College                   806 Lyons Blvd., 22406           2001 Parkway Blvd., 22554
  124 Old Potomac Church Rd., 22554            Monday–Thursday 9:00-8:00        Monday–Thursday 9:00-8:00
  Monday-Thursday 5:00-8:00                    Friday–Saturday 9:00-5:30        Friday, Saturday 9:00-5:30
  Saturday 9:00-5:00
  Cooper Branch                                Montross Branch                  Newton Branch
  20 Washington Ave., 22443                    56 Polk St., 22520               22 Coles Point Rd., 22469
  Monday, Friday, Saturday 9:00-1:00           Monday, Thursday 12:00-8:00      Monday 12:00-8:00
  Tuesday, Wednesday 12:00-8:00                Tuesday, Saturday 1:00-5:00      Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 9:00-1:00
  Thursday 1:00-5:00                           Wednesday, Friday 9:00-1:00      Wednesday 1:00-5:00
                                                                                Friday 9:00-5:00

  For updates to branch hours and library services, visit
                                                                              March-April                                 14
You can also read