Lantana Publishing 2021 Catalogue - Just Imagine

Page created by Jane Hughes
Lantana Publishing 2021 Catalogue - Just Imagine
2021 Catalogue
Lantana Publishing 2021 Catalogue - Just Imagine
Sunday Rain
About Lantana                                                                              Rosie J. Pova & Amariah Rauscher

We are an award-winning children’s book publisher and social enterprise with a
mission to publish inclusive books by under-represented voices celebrating every
kind of child and family.

Our books explore social themes that help children grow into brilliant, engaged
little citizens. They promote diversity and inclusion, social and racial justice, female
empowerment, empathy, mindfulness and wellbeing, environmental sustainability,
and more. And because we live on one extraordinary planet, we print our books
with non-petroleum based inks on Forest Stewardship Council certified paper to
minimise our carbon footprint.                                                                                         Elliott has just moved into a new house. He spends
                                                                                                                       his days with his fictional friends, immersed in a book.
Our dream is for every child to have access to an inclusive bookshelf. That’s why                                      When an inviting Sunday rain gathers the local kids
we donate one book for every book a customer buys from our online shop to our                                          to play in the puddles, Elliott longs to join in, but he’s
charity partners: literacy organisations doing outstanding work in the UK, US and                                      too shy to go outside. Soon, Elliott discovers that new
across the globe to inspire a love of reading in young children.                                                       friendships are like a new book — you just have to
                                                                                                                       plunge into the adventure.
In our short history, our impact-focused mission statement has led to accolades
we’re immensely proud of. These include shortlistings for the Bologna Prize for
                                                                                                                              Rosie J. Pova is a Bulgaria-born, US-based children’s
Best European Children’s Publisher of the Year, the Clarissa Luard Award for                                                  author and school presenter whose mission is to
Independent Publishing, the National Children’s Book Award Regional Small Press                                               inspire kids to believe in themselves, dream big, and
of the Year Award and the Skoll Venture Award for Social Enterprise.                                                          follow their passions.

Our books have been making a splash since day one. They have been reviewed                                                        Amariah Rauscher lives in Illinois with her
in The Guardian (with several Guardian Children’s Books of the Month), The                                                          family. She holds an MA in Communication.
Observer, The Independent, The Sunday Times, the Irish News, the Wall Street                                                           She is the illustrator of the popular
Journal and The New York Times, where just last year one of our titles made it                                                           Princess Truly series.
onto the Best Children’s Books of 2020 booklist.

Please enjoy browsing our 2021 Catalogue.
                                                                                                                                                ISBN: 9781911373988 | Ages: 2-5 |
                                                                                                                                                Softcover | Price £7.99 | Extent: 32pp
                                                                                                                                                | Dimensions: 205mm x 260mm |
                                                                                                                                                Category: Picture Book | BIC Code:
                                                                                                                                                YBC | CBMC: A3M79 | Pub date: 4th
                                                                                                                                                Mar 2021 | Rights Held: World

                                                                                                                                                                     NEW in
                                                                                                                                       Key Themes:                   March
                                                                                                                                       Making friends; books;
                                                                                                                                       reading; imagination;
                                                                                                                                       dragons; princesses
Lantana Publishing 2021 Catalogue - Just Imagine
Anita and the Dragons                                                                                        Science and Me
Hannah Carmona & Anna Cunha                                                                                  Inspired by the Discoveries of Nobel Prize
                                                                                                             Laureates in Physics, Chemistry & Medicine
Anita watches the dragons high above her as she                                                              Ali Winter & Mickaël El Fathi
hops from one cement roof to another in her village
                                                                                                             Discover some of the inspirational men and women
in the Dominican Republic. But being the valiant
                                                                                                             who have received Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry
princesa she is, she never lets them scare her. Then
                                                                                                             and Medicine from 1901 to the present day, among
one day, Anita must face her fears and begin life in a
                                                                                                             them Marie Curie, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin and
new country. Will she be brave enough to enter the
                                                                                                             Donna Strickland. A glimpse into the often surprising
belly of the beast and take flight to new adventures?
                                                                                                             lives and sometimes accidental discoveries of a group
                                                                                                             of extraordinary scientists, this fascinating collection
Hannah Carmona is a Latinx writer, actor, and director                                                       shows that the science you learn at school really can
who currently resides in Tennessee. She is the mother
                                                                                                             change the world.
of two girls, co-founder of Collective Art School of
Tennessee, and a YouTuber.                                STARRED                                            ISBN: 9781911373711 | Ages: 7-11 | Hardcover | Price: £12.99 | Extent:
                                                                     Key Themes:                             40pp | Dimensions: 260mm x 205mm | Category: Illustrated non-
                                                           Kirkus    Science; Nobel                          fiction | BIC Code: YFY; YNM | CBMC: D5M79 | Pub date: 1st April
Anna Cunha is an award-winning Brazilian artist who        Review!   Laureates;                              2021 | Rights held: World | Origin: UK | Rights sold: Japanese
has illustrated more than 20 books for Brazilian and                 Biography;
international publishers. Her work has been shortlisted              STEM; Physics;
for the Jabuti Prize and received a João-de-Barro Prize              Chemistry; Medicine; Inspirational
honourable mention.                                                  People; True Stories; Diversity

                                                                     Ali Winter is an experienced anthologist and
      By the illustrator of bestselling title:
                                                                     non-fiction writer who has written for various international
        A StoryAbout Afiya                                           publications and is passionate about seeking out lesser-told
                                                                     stories from around the world.

                                                                     Mickaël El Fathi is an acclaimed French-Moroccan children’s
                                                                     book illustrator who has published widely in France. A former
                                                                     computer graphic designer and 3D director, he now helps
                                                                     children travel the world through his illustrations.

                                                                                                                               NEW in
                                                                     Peace and Me                                              April
ISBN: 9781911373636
                                                                     Inspired by the Lives of Nobel                            2021
                                                                     Peace Prize Laureates
Ages: 4-7 | Hardcover | Price: £11.99
Extent: 32 pages
                                                                     What does peace mean to you? This illustrated                   Age range: 7-11 | Format: Softcover | ISBN:
Dimensions: 240mm x 220mm
                                                                                                                                     9781911373322 | Price: £7.99 | Extent: 40pp
Category: Picture Book                                               collection of inspirational ideas about peace is                | Dimensions: 260mm x 205mm | Category:

                                        NEW in
BIC Code: YBC | CBMC: B3M79                                          based on the lives of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates               Illustrated non-fiction | BIC Code: YFY; YNM
Pub date: 18th Mar 2021                                              of the 20th and 21st centuries, among them Nelson               | CBMC: D5M79 | Pub date: 1st April 2021 |

Rights held: World | Origin: UK                                                                                                      Origin: UK | Rights held: World | Rights sold:
                                                                     Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa
                                                                                                                                     Korean, Japanese
                                                                     and Malala Yousafzai. A must for anyone interested
Key Themes:
Immigration; Dominican                    2021                       in exploring this essential issue of our times, this
Republic; Family; New                                                child-friendly exploration of what peace means to               Key Themes: Peace; Nobel Peace Prize;
beginnings                                                           you and me is a book for every bookshelf.                       Biography; Empathy; Human rights
Lantana Publishing 2021 Catalogue - Just Imagine
      s Soundbite:                                                                                   Escape:
A Poem for our Planet                                                                                One Day We Had To Run
John Agard and Piet Grobler                                                                          Ming & Wah and Carmen Vela
Excitement spreads like bushfire through the jungle.
Earth goddesses are planning a conference! From
Australia to Antarctica, the Amazon to Africa,
goddesses will debate the burning environmental
issues of our times...and bushy-tailed, smooth-talking
Coyote wants in on the action! Can this infamous
trickster come up with a plan to infiltrate the                                                      CLING. Don’t let go. Hold tight. Never
conference and leave a lasting legacy for our planet?                                                give up. FLY. Rev up. Lift off. Soar.
A rip-roaring poem by a master poet, inspired by                                                     PEDAL. Set off. Cycle. Pedal for your life.
Earth Day.
                                                                                                     Throughout history, ordinary people have been forced to
                                       John Agard, born in Guyana, is a world-renowned poet          leave their families and homes because of war, famine,                       NEW in
                                       and performer. He has won numerous awards including           slavery, intolerance, economic and political upheaval, or climate
                                         the Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry, the Smarties             change. These remarkable true stories of escape show how                      MAy
                                              Award, the Paul Hamlyn Award and the Casa              courageous people all around the world have overcome                          2021
                                               de las Americas Poetry Award.                         seemingly insurmountable obstacles in their flight to freedom.
                                               Piet Grobler is a South African illustrator who
                                               has published over 85 books. He has won               Ming & Wah are identical twins who love
                                               numerous national and international prizes            history, plucky heroes and anything by Agatha
                                               including a Golden Apple at the Biennale for          Christie. Graduates of Harvard and Columbia
                                               Illustration, Bratislava (Slovakia), the Children’s   Universities respectively, they have published
                                                  Africana Book award (USA), and two Silver          two previous children’s books and live in Hong
                                                    medals (1997 and 2003) in the Noma               Kong and Los Angeles.
                                                    Concours (Japan).
                                                                                                     Carmen Vela is an independent art director,
                                                                                                     designer and illustrator from Spain. For over
                                                   ISBN: 9781911373735 | Ages: 7-9 | Hardcover       a decade she has been living between Hong
                                                   | Price: £12.99 | Extent: 40pp | Dimensions:      Kong, Brooklyn and Europe, fuelled by her
                                                   280mm x 220mm | Category: Poetry | BIC            love of books, paper and stories.
                                                   Code: YDP | CBMC: C1M79 | Pub date: 22nd
                                                   April 2021 | Rights held: World
                                                                                                     ISBN: 9781911373810
                                                                                                     Ages: 7-11 | Hardcover | Price: £12.99
                                                   Key Themes: Epic poetry; Mother Earth;
                                                                                                     Extent: 40pp | Dimensions: 205mm x 260mm
                                                   environment; earth goddesses; mythology
                                                                                                     Category: Fiction; True Stories
                                                                                                     BIC Code: YFY | CBMC: C5M79
                                                                                                     Pub date: 6th May 2021 | Origin: UK

                                                                      NEW in
                                                                                                     Rights held: World                                 "A remarkable and beautifully illustrated
                                                                                                                                                      book which helps children understand what
                                                                       April                                                                            it’s like to be in someone else shoes. The
                                                                        2021                         Key Themes:                                       extraordinary achievement is that it is still
                                                                                                     Immigration; Asylum seekers; Refugees;                        such a delight to read."
                                                                                                     True stories; Inspirational People; Journeys             — Emily Maitlis, BBC newsreader
Lantana Publishing 2021 Catalogue - Just Imagine
Violet's Tempest
                 s Tempest
 Ian Eagleton & Clara Anganuzzi
                                                                                                                                                                              SuperJoe Does NOT
Ian  Eagleton & Clara Anganuzzi
 Violet’s world has changed. Her voice has gone from a
 giggle to a whisper. So when her teacher casts her in the
                                                                                                                                                                              Do Cuddles
 school play, she is filled with worry. How will she ever stand
Violet’s                                                                                                                                                                      Michael Catchpool & Emma Proctor
 in front ofworld  hasand
             a crowd     changed.
                            overcomeHer    voice has
                                      her shyness? With the
gone    from   a giggle   to  a whisper.   So  when
 love and support of her family, Violet must find her inner
her   teacher
 confidence   andcasts   herwhisper
                  turn that   in the into
                                      school   play,
                                          a roar!
she is filled with worry. How will she ever                                                                                                                                   SuperJoe is convinced he doesn’t need cuddles from
stand   in front of a crowd and overcome her                                                                                                                                  his mum. He flies around the neighbourhood rescuing
shyness?    Withstage
 Self-confidence;  the love
                        fright;and  support
                                anxiety; schoolof heracting;
                                                                                                                                                                              people from escaped tigers, runaway trains and raging
family,      family;
         Violet  mustShakespeare
                        find her for  kids;confidence
                                   inner    The Tempest                                                                                                                       rivers, all while battling his nemesis the Grey Shadow.
and turn that whisper into a roar!                                                                                                                                            Naturally, he refuses all cuddles. Until one night, when
 KEY SELLING POINTS:                                                                                                                                                          he can’t sleep...
 • A 'back-to-school' theme of rehearsing the school play
 • Protagonist finds ways to overcome worries and                     BOOK SPECIFICATIONS:
    anxieties; stage fright is common amongst children                                                                                                                        ISBN: 9781913747657 | Ages: 3-6 | Hardcover | Price: £11.99 | Extent:
 • A celebration of gaining self-confidence and finding                                                                                                                       32pp | Dimensions: 260mm x 260mm | Category: Picture Book
                                                                          ISBN: 9781911373520
    your voice                                                                                                                                                                BIC Code: YBC | CBMC: B3M79 | Pub date: 2nd Sept 2021 |
                                                                          Ages: 3-7 | Hardcover | Price: £11.99
                                                                                                                                                                              Origin: UK | Rights held: World | Rights sold: Dutch
 • A loving alternative family featuring a gay couple                     Extent: 32 pages                               ADVANCE INFORMATION • 16th September 2021
 • Subtle reference to Shakespeare’s The Tempest                          Dimensions: 260mm x 260mm
                                                                          Category: Picture Book
 ABOUT THE CREATORS:                                                     SuperJoe
                                                                          BIC Code: YBC   Does
                                                                                             | CBMC:NOT      Do Cuddles
                                                                                                         B3M79                                                                                     Michael Catchpool is the author of 8 picture
 Ian Eagleton is an education consultant and primary school
 teacher. He is also the founder of The Reading Realm, a
                                                                          Pub date:
                                                                         Michael        NEW in
                                                                                       2nd Sept &2021
                                                                                    Catchpool        Emma Proctor                                                                                  books including The Cloud Spinner, illustrated
                                                                                                                                                                                                   by Alison Jay, which received a Kirkus Star. With
                                                                          Rights held: World | Origin: UK
 popular educational app for teachers. Violet’s Tempest is his           SuperJoe is convinced he doesn't need cuddles from his mum.                                                               a PhD from Cambridge University, Michael is
 debut picture book.
                                                                         He flies around the neighbourhood rescuing people from                                                                    currently a district school effectiveness adviser.
                                                                          SALES &tigers,
                                                                         escaped      DISTRIBUTION:
                                                                                           runaway trains and raging rivers, all while
 Originally from the Seychelles, Clara Anganuzzi studied                 battling his nemesis the Grey Shadow. Naturally, he refuses
 Illustration at Falmouth University before completing an                allMMS   (sales)
                                                                             cuddles.  Until one night, when he can't sleep…
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Emma Proctor is a UK-based illustrator with a
 MA in Children’s Illustration at the prestigious Cambridge               Orca/Marston      (distribution)| Ages: 3-7 |
                                                                                 ISBN: 9781911373520                                                                                               degree in Illustration from Middlesex University.
 School of Art.                                                           T: +44Hardcover
                                                                                    (0) 20 8898    5211 £11.99 | Extent:                                                                           Emma has worked inhouse for many high street
                                                                        KEYWORDS:              | Price:
                                                                                 32pp | Adventure,
                                                                                          Dimensions:      260mm     x 260mm                                                                       clients including Clinton Cards, Hallmark Cards,
                                                                        Superheroes,                    Bravery,   Courage,  Humour,
                                                                          E:                                                                                            Moonpig and Disney.
                                                                        Fantasy,| Category:     Picture Book
                                                                                    Bedtime, Diversity,           | BIC#OwnVoices,
                                                                                                           Inclusion,    Code:
                                                                                 YBC | CBMC: B3M79 | Pub date: 12th
                                                                          LantanaAugPublishing     (review
                                                                                       2021 | Origin:    UKcopies)
                                                                                                             | Rights held:
                                                                         KEY SELLING POINTS:
                                                                         • Makes the superhero cannon more inclusive by featuring
                                                                              a superhero of colour;
                                                                         • a fun-filled fantasy adventure based on a mother-child                  BOOK SPECIFICATIONS:
                                                                         • Showing the value of creative play and the imagination;                        NEW in
                                                                                                                                                   ISBN: 9781913747657
                                                                                                                                                   Ages: 3-6 | Hardcover | Price: £11.99
                                                             Ian Eagleton• ischaracters   of colour
                                                                                an education
                                                                         • Develops
                                                                                                       by an #ownvoices
                                                                                                  consultant     and         writer of colour
                                                                                                                                                   Extent: 32 pages
                                                             primary school     teacher.empathy
                                                                                           He is alsothrough    diversity of
                                                                                                          the founder     & inclusion
Key  Themes: Publishing, Oxford, UK
 Because all children deserve to see themselves in the books teachers.
                                                             The Reading Realm, a popular educational app for
                                                             they read. Violet’s Tempest is his debut picture book.
                                                                                                                                                   Dimensions: 260mm x 260mm
                                                                                                                                                   Category: Picture Book
Self-confidence;   stage fright;;                                                                                             BIC Code: YBC | CBMC: B3M79
anxiety;  school play; acting;                                           ABOUT THE CREATORS:
                                                                         Michael                                                                   Pub date: 16th Sept 2021
alternative family; Shakespeare                              Originally from    theCatchpool
                                                                                     Seychelles, is the author
                                                                                                     Clara       of 8 picture books including Key Themes:
                                                                                                              Anganuzzi                            Rights held: World | Origin: UK
for kids; The Tempest                                                    The Cloud Spinner, illustrated by Alison Jay, which received Superheroes,          Adventure, Bravery, Courage, Humour, Fantasy,
                                                             studied Illustration    at Falmouth University before
                                                                         a Kirkus Star. With a PhD from Cambridge University,
                                                                          an MAisincurrently
                                                                                        Children’s    Illustration    at theadvisor.          Bedtime, Diversity, Inclusion, #OwnVoices, #BlackLivesMatter
                                                                                                  a school   effectiveness                         SALES & DISTRIBUTION:
                                                         prestigious Cambridge School of Art.
                                                                    Emma Proctor is a UK-based illustrator with a degree in
                                                                                                                                          MMS (sales)
                                                                    Illustration from Middlesex University. Emma has worked in-
Lantana Publishing 2021 Catalogue - Just Imagine
The Wall and the Wild                                                                                                My Mindful A to Zen:
Christina Dendy & Katie Rewse                                                                                                                                                                        NEW in
                                                                                                                     26 Wellbeing Haiku for Happy Little Minds                                      october
In a plot of land at the edge of town, Ana                                                                           Krina Patel-Sage
grows only perfectly-sized plants and perfect-
looking flowers, and throws all the irregular                                                                        These haiku poems for the soul gently
shoots and uneven seeds over the wall into                                                                           introduce children to mindfulness concepts
the disorderly Wild. But as her garden gets                                                                          like Om, Yoga and Zen, as well as goals for
                                                                                                                                                                       Key Themes: Mindfulness; wellbeing;
tidier, neater and more constrained, the Wild                                                                        mindful living like Gratitude and Positivity.     poetry; haiku; zen; gifts; NHS 5 ways to
begins to grow...                                                                                                    With its delightful cast of inclusive characters,
                                                                                                                                                  ADVANCE INFORMATION             14th October
                                                                                                                                                                                • inclusion;
                                                                                                                                                                       wellbeing;            diversity 2021
                                                                                                                     this inspirational poetry collection promotes

                    NEW in
                                                                                                                     wellbeing with every letter.
                                                                                                        My Mindful A to Zen:
                    e ptem ber
                   S                                                                                    26 Wellbeing Haiku for Happy Little Minds
                        2021                                                                            Krina Patel-Sage
                                                                                                                      Krina Patel-Sage is an illustrator, author,
                                                                                                        These haiku poems for the soul gently introduce children
                                                                                                                      and designer. Beginning her design career
                                                                                                        to mindfulness concepts like Om, Yoga and Zen, as well as
                                                                                                                      at a children’s publishing house in 2012, she
                                                                                                        goals for mindful living like Gratitude and Positivity. With
                                                                                                                      developed a passion for illustrated non-fiction.
                                                                      Christina Dendy is an             its delightful cast of inclusive characters, this inspirational
                                                                                                                      In 2018, she was shortlisted for Penguin’s
                                                                     American author with a             poetry collection promotes wellbeing with every letter.
                                                                                                                      WriteNow illustration prize. Most days, you’ll
                                                                   wide range of experience in                        find her in the local woods, spotting birds
                                                                  the K-12 educational market.          KEYWORDS:and fungi with her two young sons.
                                                                 She loves just about anything          Mindfulness; wellbeing; poetry; haiku; zen; gifts; NHS 5
                                                                that involves exploration. The          ways to wellbeing; inclusion; diversity
                                                               Wall and the Wild is her debut
                                                              picture book.
                                                                                                        KEY SELLING POINTS:
                                                      Katie Rewse is an illustrator based on            • Inspired by the NHS 5 Ways to Wellbeing
                                                      the south coast of England. She has               • Full of colourful child-friendly concepts and images to           BOOK SPECIFICATIONS:
                                                      been shortlisted for multiple awards and             encourage calm, soulful vibes
                                                     believes illustration can trigger positive         • Practical examples of how children can practice                   ISBN: 9781911373803
                                                     change. She finds inspiration in the                  mindfulness and increase wellbeing                                 ISBN:3-6
                                                                                                                                                                            Ages:      | Hardcover ||Ages:
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Price:3-6 |
                                                     outdoors, travel, and adventure.                   • Showcases an inclusive community featuring characters               Hardcover    | Price: £11.99 | Extent: 32pp |
                                                                                                                                                                            Extent:  32 pages
                                                                                                           of colour, disabled characters, different religions, and           Dimensions: 260mm x 260mm | Category:
                                                                                                                                                                            Dimensions:    260mm x 260mm
                                                 ISBN: 9781913747435 | Ages: 3-7 | Hardcover | Price:      alternative families                                               Picture Book | BIC Code: YBC | CBMC:
                                                 £11.99 | Extent: 32pp | Dimensions: 260mm x 260mm                                                                          Category:   Picture
                                                                                                                                                                              B3M79 | Pub         Book
                                                                                                                                                                                              date: 7th Oct 2021 | Origin:
                                                 | Category: Picture Book | BIC Code: YBC | CBMC:                             ABOUT THE CREATOR:                            BIC
                                                                                                                                                                              UKCode:   YBC
                                                                                                                                                                                  | Rights     | CBMC:
                                                                                                                                                                                            held: World B3M79
                                                 B3M79 | Pub date: 16th Sept 2021 | Origin: UK |                              Krina Patel-Sage is an illustrator, author,   Pub date: 14th Oct 2021
                                                 Rights held: World                                                           and designer. Beginning her design            Rights held: World | Origin: UK
                                                                                                                              career at a children’s publishing house
                                                             Key Themes: Rewilding; Gardens;                                  in 2012, she developed a passion for
                                                             Wilderness; Nature; Environment;                                 illustrated non-fiction. In 2018, she was     SALES & DISTRIBUTION:
                                                             Diversity; Plants; Hobbies;                                      shortlisted for Penguin’s WriteNow
                                                             Habitats and Ecosystems; Ecology;                                illustration prize. You’ll find her in the    MMS (sales)
                                                             Biodiversity                                                     local woods most days, spotting birds         Orca/Marston (distribution)
                                                                                                                              and fungi with her two young sons.            T: +44 (0) 20 8898 5211
Lantana Publishing 2021 Catalogue - Just Imagine
The       Queen
    Queen on our Corner
Lucy Christopher & Nia Tudor
                                          on                                                                                                                      I Am Brown
Our Corner
Nobody notices the queen on the corner. Nobody, that is...
except one young girl. Through her eyes, the woman who
                                                                                                                                                                  Ashok Banker & Sandhya Prabhat
Lucy Christopher & Nia Tudor
dwells in the abandoned plot is a warrior queen, with many                                                                                                        I am brown. I am beautiful. I am perfect. I designed
Nobody   fought  and won.
             notices         When, one
                       the queen    on day,
                                       the danger
                                            corner.comes to                                                                                                       this computer. I ran this race. I won this prize. I wrote
the street and the queen on the corner sounds the alarm, the
Nobody, that is... except one young girl.                                                                                                                         this book. A joyful celebration of the skin you’re in —
little girl must find a way to thank her. Can she bring the
Through her
community          eyes,tothe
              together     turnwoman   who
                               the queen’s   dwells
                                           corner intoina the
                                                          home?                                                                                                   of being brown, of being amazing, of being you!
abandoned plot is a warrior queen, with many                                                                                                                      Teach Early Years Awards Finalist
battles fought and won. When, one day, danger
KEYWORDS:                                                                                                                                                         BookTrust Best Books Guide 2020
comes   to theSocial
Homelessness;   street  and Social
                     Justice; the queen   on the
                                     Awareness;   corner
                                                Equality;                                                                                                         A Guardian Children’s Book of the Month
sounds   the alarm,
Communities;         the
              Kindness;    little girl
                        Empathy;       must find a way
                                   Compassion                                                                                                                     Derby Children’s Picture Book Award
to thank her. Can she bring the community                                                                                                                         2021 longlist
              turn the queen’s corner into a home?
•   A heartfelt story that examines homelessness through               BOOK    SPECIFICATIONS:
                             Lucy Christopher is the award-winning          author   of
    the eyes of a child
• Topical focus on poverty,Stolen,    Flyaway,
                               community,        The Killing
                                            and social justice Woods, ISBN:
                                                                       and Storm-                  NEW in                    'A note-perfect hymn about
• Shows the need for kindness,        She is Course    Director in Creative 9781911373889
                                              and compassion                   Writing            october                 acceptance, pride and belonging' –
                                                                       Ages: 3-7 | Hardcover | Price: £11.99
• Showcases a diverse and    atinclusive
                                Bath Spa    University, UK, where she holds a
                                         community                                                                                  The Observer
                                                                       Extent: 32 pages
                             PhD   in Creative
• From Lucy Christopher, author of acclaimed     Writing.
                                                   picture book
                                                                       Dimensions: 260mm x 260mm   2021
                                         Nia Tudor is a self-taught illustrator     based Book
                                                                       Category: Picture   in                           ISBN: 978-1-911373-94-0 | Mar 2020 | Ages: 3-6 | Hardcover | £11.99 | 40pp | 220mm x 240mm | BIC
                                         Swansea, South Wales. She     BICloves
                                                                                        | CBMC: B3M79
ABOUT THE CREATORS:                                                                                                       Code: YBC | CBMC: B3M79 | Origin: UK | Rights held: World | Rights sold: Dutch, Norwegian
                                         illustrations that play with Pub   date:light
                                                                        colour,    28thand
                                                                                        Oct 2021
Lucy Christopher is the award-winning author of Stolen,
                                         texture She
Flyaway, The Killing Woods, and Storm-Wake.        andishas  a thing for the little details.| Origin: UK
                                                                       Rights  held: World
Director in Creative Writing at Bath Spa University, UK,
where she holds a PhD in Creative Writing.                             SALES & DISTRIBUTION:
                                                                                                                         A Story About Afiya
Nia Tudor Nia is a self-taught illustrator based in Swansea,             MMS (sales)                                     James Berry & Anna Cunha
South Wales. She loves to create illustrations that play with            Orca/Marston (distribution)
colour, light and texture and has a thing for the little details.        T: +44 (0) 20 8898 5211                         Some people have dresses for every occasion
                                                                                                                         but Afiya needs only one. Her dress records the
                                                                                                                         memories of her childhood, from roses in bloom to
                                                                         Lantana Publishing (review copies)              pigeons in flight, from tigers at the zoo to October
                                                                         E:                leaves falling. A joyful celebration of a young girl’s
                                                                                                                         childhood, written by the celebrated Jamaican poet
                                                                                                                         James Berry.

                                                                                                                         Northern Lights Picture Book of the Year 2020
                                                                                                                         New York Times, 25 Best Children’s Books of 2020
                                                                                                                         USBBY Outstanding International Book 2020
                                                                                                                         A Guardian Children’s Book of the Month
Lantana Publishing, Oxford, UK
Because all children deserve to see themselves in the books they read.;                                                                        'A joyous celebration of childhood, culture and place' – The New York Times

          Key Themes: Homelessness; Social               ISBN: 9781911373889 | Ages: 3-7 | Hardcover | Price: £11.99   ISBN: 978-1-911373-33-9 | Oct 2020 | Ages: 3-6 | Hardcover | £11.99 | 32pp | 220mm x 240mm | Poetry |
          Justice; Social Awareness; Equality;           | Extent: 32pp | Dimensions: 260mm x 260mm | Category:          BIC Code: YDP | CBMC: B1M79 | Origin: UK | Rights held: World | Rights sold: Brazilian, Korean
          Communities; Kindness; Empathy;                Picture Book | BIC Code: YBC | CBMC: B3M79 | Pub
          Compassion                                     date: 21st Oct 2021 | Origin: UK | Rights held: World
Lantana Publishing 2021 Catalogue - Just Imagine
Boundless Sky                                                                                                    You're Safe With Me
                                                 Amanda Addison & Manuela Adreani                                                                                 Chitra Soundar & Poonam Mistry

                                                 This is the story of a bird that fits in your hand flying halfway                                                The baby animals of the Indian forest can’t sleep. SWISH-SWISH!
                                                 around the world looking for a place to nest. This is the story of a                                             CRACK-TRACK! FLASH-SNAP! goes the storm. Only Mama
                                                 young girl from northern Africa fleeing halfway around the world                                                 Elephant’s words of wisdom can reassure them, “You’re safe with me.”
                                                 looking for a place of peace. This is the story of Bird. This is the                                             Teach Early Years Awards 3-Star Winner
                                                 story of Leila. This is the story of a chance encounter and a long                                               Kate Greenaway Medal shortlist 2019
                                                 journey home.                                                                                                    A Read for Empathy selection 2018
                                                                                                                                                                  Klaus Flugge Prize longlist 2018
                                                 North Somerset Teachers’ Book Awards
                                                 2020 shortlist
ISBN: 978-1-911373-67-4 | Feb 2020 | Ages: 3-6                                                                          ISBN: 978-1-911373-29-2 | May 2018 | Ages: 3-6 |
| Hardcover | £11.99 | 40pp | 205mm x 260mm                                                                             Hardcover | £11.99 | 40pp | 240mm x 240mm |
| BIC Code: YBC | CBMC: B3M79 | Origin:                                                                                 BIC Code: YBC | CBMC: B3M79 | Origin: UK |
UK | Rights Held: World | Rights sold: Greek,                                                                           Rights held: World

                                          Taking Time                                                                                                             You're Snug With Me                                               STARRED
                                                                                                            STARRED                                                                                                                  Kirkus
                                          Jo Loring-Fisher                                                   Kirkus                                               Chitra Soundar & Poonam Mistry
                                                                                                             Review!                                              At the start of winter, two bear cubs are born,
                                          Taking time to listen. Taking time to feel. Taking time to                                                              deep in the frozen north. And as they learn
                                          cherish you, and also cherish me. This poem is inspired by                                                              the secrets of the earth and their place in it,
                                          principles of mindfulness and invites children around the                                                               Mama Bear whispers, “You’re snug with me.”
                                          world to gaze, wonder and marvel at this astonishing planet
                                          we call home.                                                                                                           A Kirkus Best Picture Book of the Year 2019
                                                                                                                                                                  Kate Greenaway Medal shortlist 2020
                                          Winner Northern Lights Book Awards
                                          Multicultural Category
                                          A Waterstones Best New Children’s Book
                                                                                                                        ISBN: 978-1-911373-47-6 | Nov 2018 | Ages: 3-6 |
                                                                                                                        Hardcover | £11.99 | 40pp | 240mm x 240mm |
ISBN: 978-1-911373-08-7 | Sept 2020 | Ages: 3-6 | Hardcover | £11.99 | 32pp | 240mm x                                   BIC Code: YBC | CBMC: B3M79 | Origin: UK |
220mm | BIC Code: YBC | CBMC: B3M79 | Origin: UK | Rights held: World | Rights                                          Rights held: World
sold: Korean

                                          I'll Believe You When...                                                                                                You're Strong With Me
                                          Unbelievable Idioms from Around the World                                                                               Chitra Soundar & Poonam Mistry
                                          Susan Schubert & Raquel Bonita                                                                                           Everything is new for the baby giraffe.
                                                                                                                                                                   As she bounds ahead and lags behind,
                                          You’ve probably heard the expression “when pigs fly,” but did you know                                                   her mother patiently explains the ways
                                          that in Spain they say “when frogs grow hair” and in Nigeria “when                                                       of the grasslands. And until she grows
                                          chickens have teeth”? A rib-tickling collection of idioms from around                                                    a little taller, older and wiser, her
                                          the world. But the question is: will you believe them...?                                                                mother reminds her, “You’re
                                                                                                                                                                   strong with me.”
                                          Derby Children’s Picture Book Award
                                          2021 longlist

                                                                                                                        ISBN: 978-1-911373-75-9 | Oct 2019 | Ages: 3-6 |
                                                                                                                        Hardcover | £11.99 | 40pp | 240mm x 240mm |
ISBN: 978-1-911373-49-0 | Sept 2020 | Ages: 3-6 |
                                                                                                                        BIC Code: YBC | CBMC: B3M79 | Origin: UK |
Hardcover | £11.99 | 32pp | 220mm x 240mm | Non-
                                                                                                                        Rights held: World
Fiction | BIC Code: YNG | CBMC: B5M79 | Origin:
UK | Rights held: World
Lantana Publishing 2021 Catalogue - Just Imagine
Old Man of the Sea                                                                   Chicken in the Kitchen
Stella Elia & Weberson Santiago                                                      Nnedi Okorafor & Mehrdokht Amini                               STARRED
Every Sunday, I visited my grandpa. Some days he wanted to talk, and other days      What would you do if you woke up one night to find the          Review!
we sat in silence. But one day, he began telling me stories about his life at sea.   shadow of a giant chicken passing your bedroom door?
And that’s when I learned who my grandpa really was...                               Go and investigate of course!
HARDCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-54-4 |                                                  Children’s Africana Best Book Award 2016
Aug 2019 | £11.99 | Ages: 5-8 | 32pp                             STARRED             White Ravens Honour List 2017
                                                                  Kirkus             Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava 2017
                                                                  Review!            HARDCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-15-5 | Jun 2018 | £11.99
                                                                                     SOFTCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-91-9 | Jun 2019 | £6.99
                                                                                     Ages: 3-6 | 32pp

The Pirate Tree                                                                      Sleep Well, Siba and Saba                                            STARRED
Brigita Orel & Jennie Poh                                                            Nansubuga Nagadya Isdahl & Sandra van Doorn
Sam is the fearless captain of the pirate tree. But one day                          When two forgetful sisters fall asleep, they dream about the          Review!
another sailor approaches, and he’s not from Sam’s street.                           things they have lost that day, until their dreams begin to
Can they find something more precious than diamonds                                  reveal something unexpected...
and gold? Can they find...friendship?
                                                                                     Children’s Africana Book Award Honour Book 2018
Derby Children's Picture Book Award 2020 shortlist                                   Georgia Children’s Picturebook Award finalist
                                                                                     A Kirkus Best Picture Book of 2017
HARDCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-87-2 | Sep 2019 |
£11.99 | Ages: 3-6 | 32pp                                                            SOFTCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-92-6 | Jun 2019 | £6.99 |
                                                                                     Ages: 3-6 | 32pp

Shadow                                                                               Mira's Curly Hair
Lucy Christopher & Anastasia Suvorova                                                Maryam al Serkal & Rebeca Luciani
In our old house, Ma told me there was nothing to be scared                          Mira wants her hair to be straight and smooth, just like her Mama’s. But when
of. No monsters hiding behind doors, or in wardrobes, or under                       something unpredictable happens, Mira will never look at her Mama’s hair the
beds. She said there were no dark places at all. But, in the new                     same way again! A delightful celebration of natural hair and the courage it takes
house, under my new bed, THAT’s where I found Shadow.                                to be yourself.
                                                                                     Winner 2019 Northern Lights Book Award
HARDCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-83-4 | Nov 2019 |
£11.99 | Ages: 4-7 | 32pp
                                                                                     Pre-school Category
                                                                                     White Ravens Honour List 2020
                                                                                     SOFTCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-62-9 | Oct 2019 |
                                                                                     £7.99 | Ages: 2-5 | 32pp

Oscar seeks a friend                                                                 Maisie's Scrapbook
Paweł Pawlak; Translated by Antonia Lloyd Jones                                      Samuel Narh & Jo Loring-Fisher
When Oscar meets a lonely little girl, it’s the start of an adventure                Maisie's mama and dada come from different places,
for both of them. Together they make an unusual journey to two very                  but they hug her in the same way and love her just
different worlds, each beautiful and necessary. And it all begins when               the same. A joyful celebration of a mixed-race family
the little girl’s tooth falls out...                                                 and the love that binds us all together.
HARDCOVER: 978-1-911373-79-7 | Oct 2019 | £11.99 | Ages: 3-6 | 32pp |   STARRED      2019 Northern Lights Book Award Winner Family Category
Origin: Poland                                                           Kirkus      HARDCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-57-5 | Mar 2019 | £11.99
                                                                         Review!     SOFTCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-58-2 | Oct 2019 | £7.99      STARRED
                                                                                     Ages: 3-6 | 32pp
Lantana Publishing 2021 Catalogue - Just Imagine
Sing to the Moon                                                             Phoenix Song
Nansubuga Nagadya Isdahl & Sandra van Doorn                                  Tutu Dutta & Martina Peluso
For one little Ugandan boy, no wish is too big.                              Arohan is desperate for a guitar,
But on a rainy day, he is brought down to earth                              so when his grandmother gives him
with a bump. Do adventures only happen in galaxies                           a plain old flute for his birthday, he is
far away or can he find magic a little closer to home?                       understandably a little upset. But the xiao
                                                                             is steeped in the myths and legends of China
Children's Africana Best Book Award 2019                                     and has its own special magic...
HARDCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-39-1 | Oct 2018 | £11.99
                                                                             SOFTCOVER ISBN: 978-0-9932253-4-5 | Oct 2015 |
SOFTCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-40-7 | Oct 2019 | £7.99
                                                                             £6.99 | Ages: 4-7 | 32pp
Ages: 3-6 | 32pp

Nimesh the Adventurer                                                        The Ammuchi Puchi
Ranjit Singh & Mehrdokht Amini                                               Sharanya Manivannan & Nerina Canzi
A fun-filled story about a little boy with a BIG imagination,                Aditya and Anjali love listening to
Nimesh makes even the dullest journey a dazzling adventure.                  their grandmother’s stories, but
                                                                             the night their grandmother
Derby Children's Picture Book Award 2019 (shortlist)                         passes away, all her stories seem to lose
HARDCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-24-7 | Apr 2018 | £11.99                        their meaning. Then something happens
SOFTCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-38-4 | May 2019 | £7.99                         that is more mysterious and magical than
Ages: 3-6 | 32pp                                                             any story. Could their grandmother
                                                                             still be with them after all?

                                                                             SOFTCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-02-5 | Oct 2016 | £6.99 | Ages: 5-8 | 32pp

Tomorrow                                                                     Looking for Lord Ganesh
Nadine Kaadan                                                                Mahtab Narsimhan & Sonja Wimmer
Yazan no longer goes to the park to play, and he no longer sees his friend   Anika has emigrated from India.
who lives next door. Will he ever be able to go outside and play?            Can Lord Ganesh help her adjust to life
An uplifting story about a courageous little boy in a time of conflict.      in a new country?
Middle East Book Award Honour Book 2019
USBBY Outstanding International Book 2019                                    SOFTCOVER ISBN: 978-0-9932253-6-9
                                                                             | Apr 2016 | £6.99 | Ages: 5-8 | 32pp
Little Rebels Children's Book Award 2019 shortlist
SOFTCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-44-5 | May 2019 | £7.99
Ages: 3-6 | 32pp

Kaya's Heart Song                                                            Dragon Dancer
Diwa Tharan Sanders & Nerina Canzi                                           Joyce Chng & Jérémy Pailler
Kaya is looking for her heart song – the song that happy                     It is the eve of Chinese New Year. Yao prepares to wake the ancient sky
hearts sing. Her search takes her on a journey deep into                     dragon, Shen Long, from his year-long sleep...
the jungle where a broken down carousel waits for a
                                                                             SOFTCOVER ISBN: 978-0-9932253-2-1 | Oct 2015 | £6.99 | Ages: 3-6 | 32pp
very special song to make it turn again…
HARDCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-22-3 | Mar 2018 | £11.99
SOFTCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911373-07-0 | May 2019 | £7.99
Ages: 3-6 | 32pp
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