Prospectus 2021 - Catholic Theological College

Page created by Jerome Miranda
Prospectus 2021 - Catholic Theological College
Prospectus 2021
Prospectus 2021 - Catholic Theological College
Catholic Theological College (CTC) is             “Architecture has the potential to nurture and extend
    committed to the highest standards of teaching    our sense of who we are as individuals, community
    and research in philosophy and theology,          or nation by helping us find our relationship to our
    within the Catholic tradition. It shares in the   world—social, physical and spiritual.”
    Church’s mission to spread the Gospel, and        —Gregory Burgess, Architect, 1999
    provides academic formation for people
    committed to the pastoral service of the

    Acknowledgement of First Peoples                  Commitment to Safety and Wellbeing
    We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians         CTC holds the care, safety and wellbeing
    who have walked upon and cared for the lands      of children, young people and adults who
    on which we live and work for thousands of        are more vulnerable as a fundamental
    years. We pay our respects to Elders past,        responsibility of the Church and its agencies.
    present and future. We honour the continuing      This commitment is drawn from, and inherent
    spiritual relationship of Aboriginal and Torres   to, the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ,
    Strait Islander Peoples to this country.          with love, justice and the dignity of each
                                                      human person at the heart of the Gospel. CTC
                                                      complies fully with the Safeguarding Policies of
                                                      the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne and the
                                                      University of Divinity.

2    Prospectus 2021
Prospectus 2021 - Catholic Theological College
Welcome from the Master

It is a great pleasure to introduce you to the community and
work of Catholic Theological College, Melbourne, a college of the
University of Divinity.
                                                                          Welcome from the Master           3
Catholic Theological College provides theological and pastoral
                                                                          Why Study Theology?               5
education for anyone seeking to deepen their knowledge of the
Catholic tradition and to contribute in the Church’s pastoral             Undergraduate Studies             7
mission. It is a community of learning and research in a wide range       Bachelor Awards                   9
of fields associated with the Christian faith, seeking to critically
                                                                          Online & Other Study
engage the sources of Christianity and to creatively respond to the
                                                                            Options                        10
hopes and needs of our contemporary world.
                                                                          Postgraduate Studies             11
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live as
individuals, as families, as faith communities and as societies. It has   Navigating Ageing Project        12
changed the way we work and socialise, and of course the way we           Graduate Certificate in
study. CTC is responding to this emerging situation, with COVID-            Ageing                         13
Safe face to face learning environments and options for online and
                                                                          Graduate Certificate in
blended learning in some courses.
                                                                            Divinity                       14
You may wish to audit a few lectures for personal interest,               Graduate Certificate in
participate in professional development offerings, undertake                Teaching Meditation            15
undergraduate or postgraduate awards, or pursue higher research
                                                                          Graduate Certificate in
in master’s or doctoral degrees.
                                                                            Teaching Religious
Graduates of the College will use their knowledge and skills in             Education                      16
interpreting Christian texts and traditions, pastoral care and
                                                                          Accreditation to Teach in a
spirituality to enhance their employment in ministry, education,
                                                                            Catholic School                17
health, welfare and chaplaincy.
                                                                          Master of Education and
CTC faculty are highly qualified and internationally recognised in
                                                                            Theology                       18
their fields; many are actively involved in the pastoral life of the
Church as ministers, teachers and preachers, which greatly enriches       Typical Research Study
the perspective they bring to their scholarly work.                         Paths                         20
                                                                          Research at CTC                  21
At the heart of CTC is the Daniel Mannix Library, which continues
to add new digital and print resources to a collection that has been      Mannix Library                  22
built up over more than ninety years.                                     Safeguarding                    23
As you explore this prospectus, you will find helpful information
and contact details. I hope that you will also hear an invitation to      2021 Timetable
join us at CTC, to deepen your understanding of Christian faith           Semester 1                      24
and ministry.
                                                                          Semester 2                      25
                                                                          Intensives & STFE               26
                                                                          Graduate Certificate units       27

                                                                          Contact Us                      28
        Very Rev. Dr Kevin Lenehan

                                                                                              Prospectus 2021   3
Prospectus 2021 - Catholic Theological College
“My time at CTC has been nothing shy of a
    harmonious blessing. From the very outset, CTC has
                                                         2020 Graduates
    been a college of warmth and pure belonging, and     Undergraduate: 36 graduates
    only given me the hunger to gain knowledge and to
                                                         Postgraduate: 55 graduates
    become one with those around me.”
    — Liana Ruiz, Diploma of Theology student            Research: 2 Doctorates awarded

    Overseas Students                                    “I have reached a stage in life where discernment of
                                                         a new direction, new career and study are required.
    CTC welcomes overseas students and
                                                         CTC has been extremely helpful. The staff are very
    provides them with a safe, enjoyable and
                                                         approachable, and the units have enhanced my
    rewarding place to study. CTC complies
                                                         Christian faith in understanding, worship and
    with the Department of Home Affairs to
                                                         mission. I am challenged to expand my horizons. I’m
    promote quality education and the consumer
                                                         very grateful to pursue growth in such a welcoming
    protection of overseas students. For more
                                                         and encouraging environment.”
    information, see
                                                         — John Prince, Graduate Diploma in Theology student

4    Prospectus 2021
Prospectus 2021 - Catholic Theological College
Why Study Theology?

Career Paths
Graduates from University of Divinity courses are able to use their skills in many different areas,

• church ministry and careers in church agencies            • leadership positions in Catholic schools

• aid agencies                                              • overseas missions

• bioethics and healthcare                                  • as parish adult faith program coordinators

• as chaplains and pastoral care practitioners              • as pastoral associates

• as directors of mission within Catholic                   • pastoral work
  healthcare, welfare and educational                       • public libraries and research institutes
  organisations                                             • religious education coordination
• education and teaching (upon completion of a              • spiritual direction and pastoral counselling
  teaching qualification)
                                                            • youth work.
• health ministry

Contact your Course Advisor for advice in shaping your award towards your chosen vocation.

 From 2021, the University will offer not only a high-quality and rich learning experience for students,
    but also Australia’s most affordable University degrees in theology, counselling, ministry and

 “Having completed a Graduate Certificate in Guiding Meditation, it has been an easy decision to return to
 Catholic Theological College to complete a Master of Theological Studies. The staff are experts in their fields,
 compassionate and continue to be supportive of my learning journey, especially during the challenges of online
 learning. My studies at CTC have continued to enrich both my personal faith development and my ability as
 a school leader in the role of Religious Education Leader. The knowledge gained through my continued study
 at CTC has left me better equipped to address the needs of my staff and students and drive the learning and
 teaching of Religious Education as well as help shape the Catholic Identity of my school.
 — Beth Walsh, Master of Theological Studies student

                                                                                                  Prospectus 2021   5
Prospectus 2021 - Catholic Theological College
Studying Philosophy will confront you with          The discipline of Biblical Studies is concerned
    perennial questions about the human person,         with the Word of God as the inspired and
    the world and God that have fascinated great        normative foundation of the Christian
    thinkers for over 3,000 years. It will enable you   faith. The Bible contains the story of divine
    to engage in rational enquiry and reflection        revelation in human history. To help students
    both on the Christian tradition and on              discover the enduring relevance of biblical
    contemporary issues that confront us in our         texts, CTC offers a range of units for study
    secular world.                                      towards awards or for personal development.

    St Anselm of Canterbury described theology          Christians believe they are called and
    as “faith seeking understanding.” Systematic        enlivened by the Spirit of Christ. Church
    Theology studies the great mysteries of the         History studies how people have sought to
    Christian faith, leading us to an ever-deeper       put their Christian beliefs into practice and is
    appreciation and understanding of the person        therefore concerned with spirituality as much
    of Christ.                                          as theology.

6    Prospectus 2021
Prospectus 2021 - Catholic Theological College
Undergraduate Studies

CTC offers a wide and stimulating program of
undergraduate studies in theology and related            “I feel privileged to be studying at CTC. I
areas. These studies can be undertaken either for        returned to study as a mature age student.
the highly regarded awards of the University of          The atmosphere is so welcoming, the
Divinity, or by audit (without assessment or credit)     building is beautiful, and its location perfect.
for personal or professional enrichment.                 I have found the academic standard and
                                                         lecturers to be first rate and I am really
• Courses are available full-time or part-time.
                                                         learning so much. We have an excellent
• Some units are available in intensive mode—            library and a spacious modern student
  during the midyear break and on some                   lounge. During my time here, I have
  weekends.                                              discerned a vocation of pastoral care,
• Day and evening classes are available face-to-         and have been able to pursue it within the
  face, online and in blended mode as scheduled          context of my Theology Degree. I can engage
  in the timetable (NB not all units are available in    in some practical Clinical Pastoral Education
  all modes and are subject to change in the event of    units and other supporting units that have
  COVID-19 restrictions).                                me job ready at the end of my degree.”
                                                         —Analiz Deganos, Bachelor of Theology student
The Diploma in Theology introduces students to
the key theological disciplines of Biblical Studies
and Christian Thought and History. This may be
extended by further study in those disciplines and
in the area of practical ministry studies. In 2021, 4
core units of the Diploma are available online (see
page 10).

The Advanced Diploma in Theology and                    Fees
Ministry builds on the Diploma in Theology by
                                                        Audit: $650 per unit
enabling students to deepen their understanding
                                                        Degree: $1,704 per 18-point unit
of the key theological disciplines of Biblical
Studies, Christian Thought and History, and
Ministry. This is extended by further study in
those disciplines and in the area of practical          Students who are Australian citizens or hold a
ministry studies.                                       permanent humanitarian visa may pay their
                                                        tuition fees by FEE-HELP. See the FEE-HELP
The Advanced Diploma in Philosophy builds on            information section on our website.
the Diploma in Theology by enabling students to
deepen their understanding through a specialised
focus on Philosophy.
The Bachelor of Ministry prepares students for
                                                        To explore any of these options, please contact:
the practice of ministry (see page 9).
                                                        Dr Rosemary Canavan
The Bachelor of Theology critically examines
                                                        Academic Dean
life and faith through the study of Scriptures,
theological tradition and historical contexts (see      Email:
page 9).                                                Phone: (03) 9412 3333

                                                                                              Prospectus 2021   7
Prospectus 2021 - Catholic Theological College
Spirituality seeks to appreciate how the          Moral Theology is the area of theology that
    Spirit enlivens the Christian. In an age when     explores questions about the implications
    spirituality is often understood as something     of Christian faith for our lives. It offers
    eclectic and individualist, unrelated to the      an opportunity to reflect critically on the
    Church, the study of Spirituality at CTC opens    challenges of Christian life and considers
    some of the great treasures of the Christian      moral conscience, the social teaching of the
    tradition.                                        Church, bioethics and human sexuality.

    The discipline of Pastoral Studies is concerned   Liturgy has been defined as the “source and
    with applying theological studies to teaching     summit” of all the Church’s activity. The study
    and ministry, and is particularly suited for      of Liturgy enables students to have deeper
    students who are involved in or preparing for     insight into the liturgical and sacramental
    pastoral ministry.                                rituals that help manifest the people of God as
                                                      the Church, the body of Christ.

8    Prospectus 2021
Prospectus 2021 - Catholic Theological College
Bachelor Awards

Bachelor of Theology                                   Bachelor of Ministry
The Bachelor of Theology critically examines           The Bachelor of Ministry prepares students for
life and faith through the study of Scriptures,        the practice of ministry. It establishes foundations
theological traditions and historical contexts. It     for ministry through the study of Scriptures,
aims to broaden self-understanding and facilitate      theological traditions, and historical and
cultural engagement. The Bachelor of Theology          contemporary contexts. It requires concentrated
assists students to develop knowledge across           study in ministry praxis. The Bachelor of Ministry
broad areas of theology and deeper knowledge in        provides a foundation for graduates to understand
particular areas of interest. It develops research     and articulate their identity and place in the world.
and communication skills, and prepares graduates
for further theological study.

Entrance Requirements for the Bachelor of Theology or the Bachelor of
Successful completion of the Victorian Certificate of Education or equivalent; or, a University of Divinity
Advanced Diploma or equivalent theological qualification recognised by the University of Divinity.

Normal Duration
For each Bachelor Award: 3-9 years

 Dual Qualification                                      Dual Qualification
 Bachelor of Theology and Bachelor of                    Bachelor of Theology with the Bachelor of
 Ministry                                                Arts
 Students enrol concurrently in the Bachelor             A student who is concurrently enrolled in
 of Theology and the Bachelor of Ministry and            the Bachelor of Theology at the University of
 are awarded two degrees on completion of the            Divinity and a Bachelor of Arts at an Australian
 course of study.                                        university to obtain up to 144 points towards
 Normal Duration: 4-8 years.                             the Bachelor of Theology on completion of the
                                                         Bachelor of Arts.
                                                         Normal Duration: 4-8 years.

 Fees                                                    Enquiries
 $1,704 per 18-point unit                                To explore any of these options, please contact:

 FEE-HELP                                                Dr Rosemary Canavan
 Students who are Australian citizens or hold a          Academic Dean
 permanent humanitarian visa may pay their
 tuition fees by FEE-HELP. See the FEE-HELP
                                                         Phone: (03) 9412 3333
 information section on our website.

                                                                                         Prospectus 2021    9
Prospectus 2021 - Catholic Theological College
Online & Other Study Options

Online Options in 2021                               Cross Institutional Study
From 2021, in addition to our high quality face-     Do you know that other universities may allow you
to-face learning environment, CTC is offering        to study at CTC?
fully online or blended learning options in some
                                                     Talk to us about cross-institutional study. Check
targeted courses for students who prefer to study
                                                     with your current institution about the flexibility
remotely or in case of future health restrictions.
                                                     of electives and cross-institutional study. Some
                                                     options include Bioethics, Church History, Moral
Diploma in Theology                                  Theology, Philosophy, Spirituality and many more.
The following 4 core units of the Diploma in
Theology will be available in 2021 allowing
those wishing to study this award to undertake
it fully online. Further units to complete the
eight required will be available through CTC in       Fees
2022 or may be enrolled via other colleges of the
University of Divinity.                               Undergraduate: $1,704 per 18-point unit
Semester 1                                            Postgraduate: $2,640 per 24-point unit
•    BN1001C Exploring the New Testament with
     the Gospel of Mark                               FEE-HELP
•    CT1100C Introducing Catholic Theology            Students who are Australian citizens or hold a
Semester 2                                            permanent humanitarian visa may pay their
•    BA1001C Exploring the Old Testament              tuition fees by FEE-HELP. See the FEE-HELP
•    CT1110C Ecclesiology and Ecumenism               information section on our website.

Graduate Certificate in Theology
Graduate Certificate in Divinity
Master of Theological Studies                         Undergraduate Enquiries
The following 3 foundational units for these
awards will be available in 2021.                     To explore any of these options, please contact:
Semester 1
                                                      Dr Rosemary Canavan
•  BN8001C Exploring the New Testament with
                                                      Academic Dean
   the Gospel of Mark
•  CT8100C Introducing Catholic Theology
                                                      Phone: (03) 9412 3333
Semester 2
•  BA8001C Exploring the Old Testament

                                                      Postgraduate Enquiries
                                                      To explore any of these options, please contact:
           Please contact us to discuss options
                                                      Rev. Dr Phillip Gleeson SDB
     for blended and online study in other awards.
                                                      Postgraduate Coordinator
                                                      Phone: (03) 9412 3333

10 Prospectus 2021
Postgraduate Studies

The wide range of postgraduate studies available at CTC makes further study in theology and philosophy
accessible to students with varying undergraduate backgrounds and diverse interests.

Graduate Certificates                                   Masters Degrees
The Graduate Certificate in Theology qualifies          The Master of Theology (Coursework) is an
students in theological study by developing             advanced degree in theology for students with an
or deepening their knowledge and skills in              undergraduate degree in theology or ministry.
theological disciplines.
                                                        The Master of Theological Studies is an advanced
The Graduate Certificate in Research                    postgraduate award for students with a tertiary
Methodology is a postgraduate award for students        award in another area. It enables students to
preparing for a higher degree by research.              lay sound foundations in selected theological
                                                        disciplines and to deepen their engagement and
See the following pages for information regarding       skills in selected areas of theological study.
specialised graduate certificates.
                                                        The Master of Education and Theology enables

Graduate Diplomas                                       students to apply advanced knowledge of the
                                                        nexus between education and theology in
The Graduate Diploma in Theology allows                 professional-practice contexts such as faith-based
students to explore areas of interest in theology.      schools and prepares them for further learning in
                                                        these disciplines. See pages 18–19.
The specialised graduate diplomas allow students
to explore specialised study in a disipline of          Specialised courses enable students to acquire
theology. CTC offers the following specialisations:     a deep and broad understanding of key themes
Pastoral Care, Philosophy and Spirituality.             and methodologies in one of the following
                                                        specialisations: Pastoral Care, Philosophy and
The Graduate Diploma in Divinity allows students        Spirituality.
to explore multiple areas of interest in divinity and
its associated disciplines or to engage with one or
two areas in depth.

 Fees                                                    Enquiries
 $2,640 per 24-point unit                                To explore any of these options, please contact:
 $1,760 per 16-point unit
                                                         Rev. Dr Phillip Gleeson SDB
 FEE-HELP                                                Postgraduate Coordinator
 Students who are Australian citizens or hold a          Email:
 permanent humanitarian visa may pay their               Phone: (03) 9412 3333
 tuition fees by FEE-HELP. See the FEE-HELP
 information section on our website.

                                                                                         Prospectus 2021 11
Navigating Ageing Project

Preparing for the Journey Ahead
A program to help people navigate the new and emerging landscape of ageing.

The Project will equip people with the tools they need to help them to understand and deal with the
experience and ever-evolving concepts of ageing, including uncovering meaning and dispelling the
many myths and mysteries that surround growing older.

The Project will offer an informed, alternative view of ageing. It will aim to answer many of the critical
questions people have as they approach this important stage in their life.

The Project has a number of components:

•   Community-based Seminars
•   University Courses, e.g. the Graduate Certificate of Ageing
•   Publications and Resources
•   Collaborative Research

For more information
Phone: (03) 9412 3331

    Rev. Dr Laurence McNamara CM          Rev. Dr Alan Niven                    Ms Michelle Eastwood
    MLitt (Oxon) STL (Greg) PhD (Adel)    DipEd (Melb) DipMin (MCD)             BA (Deakin) GDE (Ballarat)
                                          BA(Hons) (Leeds) BD (MCD)             MEd (Deakin) MA (UD)
                                          MSocSc (ACU) PhD (ACU)

12 Prospectus 2021
Graduate Certificate in Ageing

The Graduate Certificate in Ageing allows students
to engage in focused learning that will assist them
to undertake pastoral-care roles in residential
and community settings, especially in church-
sponsored aged-care facilities. Graduates will be
able to articulate insights from theological and
ecclesial understandings of pastoral care.

Entry Requirements
Successful completion of an undergraduate
degree, or an approved equivalent

Normal Duration
3 semesters (part-time)

Course Structure
This course consists of 72 points, comprised of:

•     DT8632C Human Ageing: Theological and            “The subject material and subsequent learning
      Spiritual Perspectives                           have enhanced my understanding and growth
      crosslisted as DP8632C/DS8632C                   in providing pastoral ministry to the ageing
•     DT9631C Ageing Persons and Pastoral Care         person. The theological, spiritual and ethical
      crosslisted as DP9631C/DS9631C                   content enabled me to reflect on my own beliefs
•     DT9633C Ethical Issues and Human Ageing          as a Christian and how this has formed my
      crosslisted as DP9633C/DS9633C                   practice. The student support and library
                                                       resources were invaluable as was the interaction
                                                       and open sharing of experiences, reflections and
2021 Timetable                                         support between the Lecturer and students.”
See the 2021 timetable on page 27.                     - Moira Wilding, Graduate Certificate in Ageing student

    Fees                                              Enquiries
    $2,640 per 24-point unit
                                                      To explore any of these options, please contact:
                                                      Rev. Dr Phillip Gleeson SDB
    Students who are Australian citizens or hold a
                                                      Postgraduate Coordinator
    permanent humanitarian visa may pay their
    tuition fees by FEE-HELP. See the FEE-HELP        Email:
    information section on our website.               Phone: (03) 9412 3333

                                                                                            Prospectus 2021 13
Graduate Certificate in Divinity

The Graduate Certificate in Divinity allows students to explore areas of interest in divinity and its
associated disciplines. It serves as a broad introduction to theology or philosophy, and the disciplines that
are associated with them.

Entry Requirements
Successful completion of an undergraduate degree, or an approved equivalent

Normal Duration
1 semester – 3 semesters

Course Structure
Select any three units of your choice (see the timetables on pages 24–27).

Some suggested combinations:

    DS8001C Christian Spirituality A: Patristic and          AP8002C An Introduction to Philosophy for
    Medieval Authors                                         Theology

    BN8001C Exploring the New Testament with                 DP8001C Pastoral Studies I: A Theory of
    Mark’s Gospel                                            Pastoral Practice

    CH8001C Introduction to Church History:                  DP9012C The Parish and Pastoral Ministry in a
    The Early Church, Middle Ages, Renaissance               New Environment


                                                             DS8001C Christian Spirituality A:
    DT9060C Bioethics and Healthcare Ethics                  Patristic and Medieval Authors

    BA8001C Exploring the Old Testament                      AL9201C New Testament Greek A

    CT8100C Introducing Catholic Theology                    DP8002C Pastoral Studies II: Pastoral Care
                                                             and Spiritual Leadership

 Fees                                                      Enquiries
 $2,640 per 24-point unit                                  To explore any of these options, please contact:

 FEE-HELP                                                  Rev. Dr Phillip Gleeson SDB
                                                           Postgraduate Coordinator
 Students who are Australian citizens or hold a
 permanent humanitarian visa may pay their                 Email:
 tuition fees by FEE-HELP. See the FEE-HELP                Phone: (03) 9412 3333
 information section on our website.

14 Prospectus 2021
Graduate Certificate in
Teaching Meditation

The Graduate Certificate in Teaching Meditation
is designed for those seeking to learn the methods
and skills of teaching meditation and meditative
prayer in a variety of situations, including primary
and secondary schools, parishes, hospitals and
other settings. The course includes the history
and practice of meditation and lectio divina and
provides an opportunity for students to reflect on
their own spiritual gifts.

Entry Requirements
Successful completion of an undergraduate
degree, or an approved equivalent

Normal Duration
3 semesters (part-time)

Course Structure
This course consists of 72 points, comprised of:

•     DS8600C Meditation in the Christian               “This unique course at CTC is both
      Tradition                                         informing and transforming me, through
•     DS9611C Teaching Meditation and Prayer            the intellectual, praxis and self-inquiry
•     DS9620C Meditation and Wholeness                  experience. It affords me the credentials of
                                                        a meditation teacher as well as providing
                                                        the basis for further work in Spirituality. An
                                                        excellent course run by exceptional staff.”
2021 Timetable
                                                        - Tom Thomas, Graduate Certificate in Teaching

See the timetable on page 27.                           Meditation student

    Fees                                               Enquiries
    $2,640 per 24-point unit                           To explore any of these options, please contact:

    FEE-HELP                                           Rev. Dr Phillip Gleeson SDB
                                                       Postgraduate Coordinator
    Students who are Australian citizens or hold a
    permanent humanitarian visa may pay their          Email:
    tuition fees by FEE-HELP. See the FEE-HELP         Phone: (03) 9412 3333
    information section on our website.

                                                                                             Prospectus 2021 15
Graduate Certificate in Teaching
Religious Education

Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School (Gain)
The Graduate Certificate in Teaching Religious Education fulfils the requirements of the Catholic
Education Commission of Victoria Policy Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Lead in a
Catholic School for teachers who already meet the VIT requirements for teacher registration. The
course itself does not meet the requirements for VIT registration. The units in this course develop in
dialogue with the Catholic tradition. The course provides graduates with an opportunity to engage with
the Catholic biblical and theological tradition, and the principles and practices that form the basis for
religious education. It provides an opportunity for students to develop and deepen their understanding
of Scripture, theology and religious education, so as to assist them in the preparation, implementation
and evaluation of programs of religious education.

2021 Venues
•     Chadstone
                                                          “I’ve been so fortunate to complete my studies
•     Craigieburn
                                                          at CTC. I have been blessed with extremely
•     Geelong
                                                          dedicated and knowledgeable teachers who not
•     Werribee
                                                          only helped me grow professionally, but have also
                                                          enabled personal reflection that has helped me
Normal Duration                                           deepen my faith. The content taught was relevant
2 years (part-time)                                       to my experiences in the workplace but also
                                                          personally rewarding.”
Course Structure                                          - Katherine Tohme, Graduate Certificate in
                                                          Teaching Religious Education student
This course consists of 72 points, comprised of:

•     BS8602C Introducing the Bible (16 points)
•     CT8605C In Dialogue with the Catholic Tradition: Foundational Theology for Teachers (16 points)
•     CT9606C Being Followers of Christ: Sacramental and Moral Life (24 points)
•     DR8600C Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Religious Education (16 points)

2021 Timetable
See the timetable on page 27.

    Fees                                                Enquiries
    $1,760 per 16-point unit                            To explore any of these options, please contact:
    $2,640 per 24-point unit
                                                        Dr Frances Baker RSM
    FEE-HELP                                            GCTRE Coordinator
    Students who are Australian citizens or hold a      Email:
    permanent humanitarian visa may pay their           Phone: (03) 9412 3333
    tuition fees by FEE-HELP. See the FEE-HELP
    information section on our website.

16 Prospectus 2021
Accreditation to Teach in a
Catholic School

For teachers seeking Accreditation to Teach in a
Catholic School (Gain or Maintain), CTC provides         Feedback from previous participants
opportunities to attend a broad range of lectures        “It was a very professional presentation. I liked
as auditors (without assessment). When approved          how we were able to talk in small groups.”
by Catholic Education Melbourne, these lectures
contribute to the areas specified in the CECV            “I will be reflecting on the content for many years
Accreditation Policy:                                    to come.”

                                                         “Thank you, I really appreciate PL opportunities
•   Catholic identity and culture
                                                         that provide learning that can be activated
•   Prayer and liturgy
•   Scripture
•   Catholic social teaching                             “An outstanding, approachable and informative
•   Theology                                             professional development session. The content was
•   Religious Education                                  rich and full of history, I couldn’t wait to share the
                                                         information with my colleagues.”
An extensive list of sessions is advertised to schools
before the commencement of each semester and a           “I feel far more confident with the origins and
certificate of attendance is provided by the College     current climate within a Catholic school – Where
upon completion.                                         we are going and where we have come from is clear
                                                         as crystal.”
Per 3-hour session: $55                                  “An outstanding, approachable and informative
                                                         professional development session. The content was
                                                         rich and full of history, I couldn’t wait to share the
                                                         information with my colleagues.”

Catholic Dialogue School Today                           “I appreciated Jude and Father Kevin’s warmth
CTC offers annually a 2-day seminar (four                as presenters. They both allowed someone like
sessions) that is open to all teachers – especially      myself (not currently a practising Catholic) to feel
those not teaching religious education.                  welcome and accepted whilst enabling us to learn
                                                         without judgement. Thank you, I am hungry for
These sessions provide a strong introduction             more knowledge.”
to the language and purpose of the Enhancing
Catholic School Identity Project (ECSIP):
2021: Semester 2/School Term 3

It is expected that participants completing both
days will gain 12 hours in Area 2 towards gaining/
maintaining accreditation to teach in a Catholic
School (CECV Accreditation Policy). A certificate        To explore any of these options, please contact:
of attendance is provided by the College upon
                                                         Mr Jude Caspersz
                                                         Learning Support Coordinator
Fees                                                     Email:
Per 3-hour session: $55                                  Phone: (03) 9412 3333

                                                                                              Prospectus 2021 17
Master of Education and

The Master of Education and Theology is a coursework master’s degree that offers teachers an
opportunity to complement and extend their previous learning in education and religious education.
The course consists of a combination of required and elective units, with a high degree of flexibility in
the choice of units. The course duration is three semesters of full-time study or equivalent part-time
study (credit available for a four-year teaching qualification and/or relevant postgraduate studies).

In 2021, the units for this course (details on next page) will be offered by both Catholic Theological
College (at St Francis Xavier College in Beaconsfield and in East Melbourne) and Yarra Theological
Union (in Box Hill).

In accordance with the College’s child-protection policy, all participants must hold either a current
Working with Children Check (WWCC) or VIT registration, and must register at reception each day of

The Master of Education and Theology is a recognised course for sponsored study by Catholic Education
Melbourne and the Catholic Education Office Sale.

Entry Requirements
• An undergraduate degree and
• a qualification recognised for teacher
  accreditation in Australia and
• two years of full-time teaching experience
  or part-time equivalent

Normal Duration
3 semesters – 4½ years

   Participation in this course may assist teachers to
   gain or maintain Accreditation to Teach Religious
        Education or Lead in a Catholic School.

 Fees                                                    Enquiries
 Postgraduate: $2,640 per 24-point unit                  To explore any of these options, please contact:
 Audit: $650 per unit
                                                         Rev. Dr Phillip Gleeson SDB
 Single unit for credit: $2,640 per unit
                                                         Postgraduate Coordinator
 FEE-HELP                                                Email:
 Students who are Australian citizens or hold a          Phone: (03) 9412 3333
 permanent humanitarian visa may pay their
 tuition fees by FEE-HELP. See the FEE-HELP
 information section on our website.

18 Prospectus 2021
Master of Education and
Theology 2021 Timetable

St Francis Xavier College                            Catholic Theological College
4 Beaconsfield Avenue, Beaconsfield                  278 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne

DR9016C Religious Education and Catholic             DS9303C Theology and Religious Education
Identity Through a Pedagogy of Encounter             through Art crosslisted as CT9303C and DR9303C
crosslisted as CT9016C blended mode                  intensive mode
Dr Rina Madden                                       Rev. Dr Elio Capra SDB
2 Thursdays and 2 Fridays: 18, 19 March; 29, 30      3 weekends: 13, 14, 27, 28 March; 17, 18 April:
April: 9am - 3.30pm; plus 12 hours equivalent        9.30am - 4.30pm
online engagement
                                                     CT9017C Christian Faith and World Religions:
CT9013C Doing Theology: Engaging with the            Inter-religious Dialogue in Australia crosslisted as
Catholic Theological Tradition blended mode          DP9017C blended mode
Very Rev. Dr Kevin Lenehan;                          Rev. Assoc. Prof. John Dupuche;
Dr Frances Baker RSM; Rev. Dr Phillip Gleeson        Very Rev. Denis Stanley EV
SDB                                                  synchronous sessions online via Zoom
2 Thursdays and 2 Fridays: 22, 23 July; 2,           6 Saturdays: 24, 31 July; 7 August; 4 September; 9,
3 September: 9am - 4.00pm; plus 2 days               16 October: 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm
asynchronous learning

XS9907Z Master’s Capstone Unit: Enhancing
Teacher Professional Learning for Religious
Education blended mode
Rev. Assoc. Prof. Michael A. Kelly CSsR
(coordinator); Very Rev. Dr Kevin Lenehan
2 Fridays: 6 August; 15 October: 9.30am - 12.30pm;
plus online learning

Yarra Theological Union
98 Albion Road, Box Hill

DR9663Y Leadership for Mission in a Catholic
School crosslisted as DM9663Y and DE9663Y
blended mode
Rev. Assoc. Prof. Michael A. Kelly CSsR
4 Saturdays: 27 February; 20 March; 2 days
asynchronous learning; 8, 22 May: 9am - 4pm

BS9662Y Interpreting Biblical Texts blended mode
Dr Mary Coloe PBVM; Dr Janina Hiebel and
Rev. Dr Francis Otobo
4 Saturdays: 17, 24 July; 2 days asynchronous
learning; 28 August; 11 September: 9am - 4pm

                                                                                        Prospectus 2021 19
Typical Research Study Paths

     Bachelor of Theology
   and/or Bachelor of Ministry
                                                                 Graduate Diploma in
            plus a
     Graduate Diploma in

                                      Research Degrees

                                     Master of Philosophy
                                 Master of Theology (Research)
                                     Doctor of Philosophy
                                      Doctor of Theology

     Graduate Certificate in
                                                                 Masters by Coursework
     Research Methodology

20 Prospectus 2021
Research at CTC

As a college of the University of Divinity, CTC has a long tradition of research excellence, and produces
world-class research in all theological disciplines. The University actively fosters a vibrant research
culture through publications, conferences, seminars, visiting scholars, four higher degrees by research
(HDR), and a research methodology unit for current and prospective HDR students. Research may be
defined as creative work that is undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase our theoretical and/
or practical knowledge and to apply knowledge in new ways. Research degrees are undertaken under
supervision of two appropriately accredited supervisors, one of whom must be a research active faculty
member of the University of Divinity.
Research degrees:
•   Master of Philosophy
•   Master of Theology
•   Doctor of Philosophy
•   Doctor of Theology

Doctorates awarded in 2020

                 Dr Daryl Barclay                                        Dr Rina Madden
                 Doctor of Philosophy                                    Doctor of Philosophy
                 For his thesis: The Multivalent                         For her thesis: Living Between:
                 Moment in Jean Pierre de Caussade’s                     Exploring a Framework of
                 L’abandon à la Providence divine                        Spirituality for Students and
                 and Virginia Woolf ’s Mrs. Dalloway.                    Teachers in Catholic Schools.
                 Daryl was also awarded the
                 University Medal for a thesis of
                 exceptional quality.

                Dr Christopher Morris                                   Rev Dr Daniel Szewc OMI
                Doctor of Philosophy                                    Doctor of Theology
                For his thesis: The Cross Now                           For his thesis: New Evangelisation
                Rooted Breaks in Bloom: A Study of                      in the writings of Eugene de
                Bruno Barnhart’s ‘Wisdom Knowing’                       Mazenod (1782-1861).
                and Wholeness in Christian Life.

 Fees                                                    Enquiries
 Masters by Research:                                    To explore any of these options, please contact:
 3 semesters $18,432 total cost
 Doctorate:                                              Rev. Dr Max Vodola
 Full time $18,384 pa; Part time $9,192 pa.              Research Coordinator
 Domestic students are eligible for FEE-HELP.            Email:
 The University allocates a number of fee                Phone: (03) 9412 3333
 scholarships each year.

                                                                                         Prospectus 2021 21
Mannix Library

 The Mannix Library was founded in 1923 as part of Corpus Christi College—the provincial seminary
 for the Catholic dioceses of Victoria and Tasmania. The seminary and the library were located at
 various times at Werribee, Glen Waverley and Clayton. When Catholic Theological College was
 established in 1972, library services were extended to staff and students of CTC. In 1999, the Catholic
 Archdiocese of Melbourne assumed responsibility for funding the library, which was renamed the
 Mannix Library and relocated from Clayton to its current site in East Melbourne.

 Today, Mannix Library exists primarily to serve the needs of CTC staff and students. The library also
 welcomes members from the wider University of Divinity community and provides library services
 to subscribed members of the general public. The Library provides access to more than 150,000 book
 and journal volumes, as well as a range of online resources. In addition to the main library facility,
 there is also a large compactus area on the ground floor, where historical materials and rarely used
 items are held. These items are available on request. In 2019, a new Special Collections Room was
 built within the main library, to house and showcase rare materials and other items of special interest.

22 Prospectus 2021

In 2021 CTC offers a practical response towards building a safe church.

DP2015C/3015C/8015C Pastoral                             Facilitated by a team of experts
Leadership for a Safe Church
                                                         •     Ms. Sheree Limbrick - Chief Executive
The unit investigates the context, issues and                  Officer – Catholic Professional Standards
theological underpinning relating to the                       Ltd.
safeguarding of Children and at-risk adults in the       •     Dr David Leary OFM - Counsellor and
Church. It forms students as reflective pastoral               Clinical Pastoral Supervisor, Franciscan
leaders responsive to the causes and life-long impact          Provincial Office
of abuse and able to identify the power structures       •     Rev. Dr Jake Mudge - Director of Pastoral
that may enable it. It also develops the capacities            Work, Corpus Christi College & lecturer,
to implement and apply policies to evaluate risk               Catholic Theological College
factors and create a culture of safety and promote
                                                         •     Dr Christopher Morris – Head of the
prevention and inclusion within a variety of Church
                                                               Department – Pastoral and Spiritual Studies,
and church-related settings. Assessment will include
                                                               Catholic Theological College
applying the learning to the student’s own area of
work and ministry
Online on Zoom over 4 Saturdays
6, 20 March; 24 April; 15/ May: 10am - 4.30pm

Consider a Graduate Certificate
The unit complements two foundational units in
pastoral studies at CTC:
DP8001C Pastoral Studies I: A Theory of Pastoral
Practice; and
DP8002C Pastoral Studies II: Pastoral Care and
Spiritual Leadership.
Together these form a suite of three units in pastoral
studies which can complete a Graduate Certificate in
 Fees                                                        To explore any of these options, please
 Postgraduate: $2,640 per 24-point unit
                                                             Phone: (03) 9412 3333
 Audit: $650 per unit
 Single unit for credit: $2,640 per unit                     Dr Rosemary Canavan
 FEE-HELP                                                    Academic Dean
 Students who are Australian citizens or hold a              Email:
 permanent humanitarian visa may pay their                   Rev. Dr Phillip Gleeson SDB
 tuition fees by FEE-HELP. See the FEE-HELP                  Postgraduate Coordinator
 information section on our website.                         Email:

                                                                                           Prospectus 2021 23
2021 Semester 1 Timetable


            BA2400C/3400C/9400C   The Psalms and Wisdom Literature
            DC3001C/9001C         Canon Law A
            DT2002C/8002C         Life in Christ: Foundations for Theological Ethics

            AP1002C/8002C         Philosophy of the Human Person and Society mixed mode

            BA2100C/3100C         The Pentateuch (UG)

            CT2015C/3015C/9015C   The World of the Church Fathers: History, Theology, Spirituality
            XS3901C/3902C         Bachelors Capstone Unit: Theology and Ministry Seminar (5 weeks) (18 or 36 points)
            XS9901C/9902C         Masters Capstone Unit: Theology and Ministry Seminar (5 weeks) (24 or 48 points)
            XT9900C               Masters Capstone Unit: Theological Synthesis (5 weeks) (72 points)
 6–9pm      DP3006C/9006C         Homiletics: Theory and Practice (7 weeks: 22 February; 1, 8, 15, 22, March; 3, 24 May) plus
                                  16 hours practice


            AL1101C/9101C         Hebrew A

 10am–      BN2200C/3200C/9200C   Letters of Paul
 1pm        CT2230C/3230C/9230C   The History and Theology of Marian Doctrine and Devotion
            DS1001C/8001C         Christian Spirituality A: Patristic and Medieval Authors
            AL2502C/3502C/9502C   Hebrew Reading A
            BN1001C/8001C         Exploring the New Testament with Mark’s Gospel
            DL1000C/8000C         Introduction to Liturgy
            DT2041C/3041C/9041C   Catholic Social Teaching in Action

            AP2160C/3160C/9160C   Twentieth-Century Philosophy: Existentialism, Phenomenology, and Hermeneutics
            CH1001C/8001C         Introduction to Church History: The Early Church, Middle Ages, Renaissance


            AL2504C/3504C/9504C   Greek Reading: Narratives
            CH2180C/3180C/9180C   The Spirit of Trent and the Mystery of Vatican II
            CT1100C               Introducing Catholic Theology (UG)
            CT3210C/9210C         God: Origin and End
            DT2020C/3020C/9020C   Human Sexuality
            AP2230C/3230C/9230C   Epistemology: Theories of Knowledge, Language, Interpretation and Science mixed mode
 2–5pm      CT2121C/3121C/9121C   Eucharist and Anointing
            DP1001C/2001C/8001C   Pastoral Studies I: A Theory of Pastoral Practice


            AL1201C/9201C         New Testament Greek A
            AP1000C/8000C         An Introduction to Philosophy for Theology mixed mode
            BA3310C/9310C         The Prophecy of Jeremiah
            CT2201C/3201C/9201C   Jesus Christ: Revealer of the Triune God A mixed mode
            NM402                 Moral Guidance and the Administration of the Sacrament of Penance
 2–5pm      CH2202C/3202C/9202C   Two Centuries of Catholic Experience in Australia
            BN1001C/8001C         Exploring the New Testament with Mark’s Gospel online
            CT2105C/3105C/9105C   The Theology and the Liturgical Use of Icons
 6–9pm      CT3210C/9210C         God: Origin and End
            DT2060C/3060C/9060C   Bioethics and Healthcare Ethics
            RQ9021C               Research Methodologies online with 2-hour seminar in weeks 1, 3, 6, 9, 12

24 Prospectus 2021
2021 Semester 2 Timetable

            BA2300C/3300C/9300C             The Prophetic Literature
            CT1110C                         Ecclesiology and Ecumenism (UG)
            DC3002C/9002C                   Canon Law B

2–5pm       CT2220C/3220C/9220C             Theology of the Human Person online or face-to-face
            AP1200C/8200C                   Introduction to Ethics and Natural Law
            BA001C/8001C                    Exploring the Old Testament online

            AL1102C/9102C                   Hebrew B
            BN2140C/3140C/9140C             The Gospel of Mark
            DS1002C/8002C                   Christian Spirituality B: Modern Authors
            AL2503C/3503C/9503C             Hebrew Reading B
2–5pm       BN3210C/9210C                   The Letter to the Romans
            CT2202C/3202C/9202C             Jesus Christ: Revealer of the Triune God B
            CH1002C/8002C                   Introduction to Church History: Reformation, Asia and Modern
            DT2002C/8002C                   Life in Christ: Foundations for Theological Ethics

            BA1001C/8001C                   Exploring the Old Testament
            CH2183C/3183C/9183C             Ecumenical, Universal and General: The History and Impact of Church Councils
            DT2060C/3060C/9060C             Bioethics and Healthcare Ethics
            AP2120C/3120C/9120C             Medieval Philosophy
2–5pm       CT2131C/3131C/9131C             Baptism, Confirmation and Penance
            DP1002C/2002C/8002C             Pastoral Studies II: Pastoral Care and Spiritual Leadership
            CT1100C/8100C                   Introducing Catholic Theology online
            DT3260C/9260C                   Christian Perspectives on Business Ethics

            AL1202C/9202C                   New Testament Greek B

10am–       AP2220C/3220C/9220C             The Big Questions: Metaphysics
1pm         CT214C/3141C/9141C              Marriage and Orders

            DS2142C/3142C/9142C             The English Spiritual Tradition B: The Modern Period

2–5pm       BA3500C/9500C                   Justice, Mercy and Theodicy in the Old Testament
            BA9100C                         The Pentateuch (PG)
            DT2020C/3020C/9020C             Human Sexuality
            RQ9021C                         Research Methodologies online with 2-hour seminar in weeks 1, 3, 6, 9, 12

                 Classes may be cancelled due to insufficient numbers or mode may be changed by COVID-19 Restrictions.

                                          All timetable information correct at time of printing.

                                                                                                                  Prospectus 2021 25
2021 Intensive & STFE

 Semester 1 Intensives

                                The Parish and Pastoral Ministry in a New Environment
                                3 Thursdays: 11, 18 March; 29 April: 7-9pm; 3 Saturdays: 13 March; 1, 22 May: 9am-3.30pm

 DP2015C/3015C/8015C            Pastoral Leadership for a Safe Church 4 Saturdays: 6, 20 March; 24 April; 15 May: 10am-4.30pm

                                Children’s Spirituality and the Experience of Children Affected by War
 DR9260C                        3 Saturdays and 1 Sunday: 20, 28 March; 1, 8 May: 9.30am - 4.30pm; + 12 hours equivalent online
                                Theology and Religious Education through Art 3 weekends: 13, 14, 27, 28 March; 17, 18 April:
                                9.30am - 4.30pm
                                Ageing Persons and Pastoral Care online synchronous sessions via Zoom 6 Saturdays: 28 February; 14,
                                28 March; 18 April; 9, 23 May: 9am - 3.30pm

 Full-year Intensives

                                Newman and the Nineteenth Century Church
                                12 Saturdays: 17, 24 April; 8, 15, 29 May; 26 June; 10 July; 7, 4, 28 August; 4, 18 September: 10am-1pm
                                Meditation in the Christian Tradition blended intensive learning
 DS8600C                        6 Saturdays: 6, 13 March; 7, 28 August; 4, 11 September: 10am-12pm and 2-4pm + 12 hours
                                asynchronous online
                                Teaching Meditation and Prayer blended intensive learning
                                4 Saturdays: 5, 12 June; 9, 16 October: 10am-4.30pm + 12 hours asynchronous online
                                Meditation and Wholeness blended intensive learning
 DS9620C                        6 Saturdays: 27 February; 17, 24 April; 1 May; 24, 31 July: 10am-12pm and 2-4pm + 12 hours
                                asynchronous online

  Winter Intensives

                                Early Modern Philosophy
                                Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 28, 30 June; 2, 5, 7, 9 July: 9.30am-4.30pm
                                Liturgical and Sacramental Theology
                                Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 28, 30 June; 2, 5, 7, 9 July: 9.30am-4.30pm

 Semester 2 Intensives

                                Christian Faith and World Religions: Inter-religious Dialogue in Australia
 CT2017C/3017C/9017C            synchronous sessions online via Zoom
                                6 Saturdays: 24, 31 July; 7 August;4 September; 9, 16 October: 10am-12pm and 2-4pm
                                Liturgical Leadership in a Ministry Context (UG) 3 weekends: 31 July; 1, 21, 22 August; 18, 19
                                September: 9.30am - 4.30pm
                                Ethical Issues and Human Ageing online synchronous sessions via Zoom: 6 Saturdays: 31 July; 15, 29
                                August; 12 September; 10, 24 October: 9am - 3.30pm

 Supervised Field Education Units

 DP3004C/3005C                  Pastoral Mission and Outreach in a Ministry Context (UG) (16 or 36 points)

 DP9100S                        Clinical Pastoral Education Level 1

 DP9170S                        Clinical Pastoral Education (Specialised)

 DP9273S                        Clinical Pastoral Education Level 2

                  Classes may be cancelled due to insufficient numbers or mode may be changed by COVID-19 Restrictions .

                                           All timetable information correct at time of printing.

26 Prospectus 2021
2021 Graduate Certificate

Graduate Certificate in Ageing

DT8632C             Human Ageing: Theological and Spiritual Perspectives 2022

                    Ageing Persons and Pastoral Care online synchronous sessions via ZOOM 2021: 6 Saturdays: 6 Saturdays: 28
                    February; 14, 28 March; 18 April; 9, 23 May: 9am - 3.30pm
                    Ethical Issues and Human Ageing online synchronous sessions via ZOOM 2021: 6 Saturdays: 6 Saturdays: 31 July; 15,
                    29 August; 12 September; 10, 24 October: 9am - 3.30pm

Graduate Certificate in Teaching Meditation

                    Meditation in the Christian Tradition blended intensive learning: 6 Saturdays: 6, 13 March; 7, 28 August; 4, 11
                    September: 10am–12.30pm and 2-4pm + 12 hours asynchronous online
                    Teaching Meditation and Prayer blended intensive learning 4 Saturdays: 5, 12 June 9, 16 October: 10am - 4.30pm +
                    12 hours asynchronous online
                    Meditation and Wholeness blended intensive learning: 6 Saturdays: 27 February; 17, 24 April; 1 May; 24, 31 July:
                    10am–12.30pm and 2-4pm + 12 hours asynchronous online

Graduate Certificate in Teaching Religious Education (Chadstone)

Venue: Salesian College, 10 Bosco Street Chadstone

BS8602C             Introducing the Bible (16 points)
First Years         8 Thursdays: 25 February; 4, 18, 25 March; 22, 29 April; 6, 13 May: 4.15pm - 7.15pm

CT8605C             In Dialogue with the Catholic Tradition: Foundational Theology for Teachers (16 points)
First Years         8 Thursdays: 29 July; 5, 12, 26 August 2, 9 September; 7, 14 October: 4.15pm - 7.15pm

Graduate Certificate in Teaching Religious Education (Craigieburn)

Venue: Our Lady’s Primary School, Craigieburn Road West, Craigieburn

BS8602C             Introducing the Bible (16 points)
First Years         4 Saturdays: 20 February; 13 March; 1, 15 May: 9.30am - 4.30pm

CT9606C             Being Followers of Christ: Sacramental and Moral Life (24 points)
Second Years        4 Saturdays: 20 February; 13 March; 1, 15 May: 9.30am - 4.30pm

CT8605C             In Dialogue with the Catholic Tradition: Foundational Theology for Teachers (16 points)
First Years         4 Saturdays: 31 July; 21 August; 4 September; 9 October: 9.30am - 4.30pm

DR8600C             Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Religious Education (16 points)
Second Years        4 Saturdays: 31 July; 21 August; 4 September; 9 October: 9.30am - 4.30pm

Graduate Certificate in Teaching Religious Education (Geelong)

Venue: To Be Advised

BS8602C             Introducing the Bible (16 points)
First Years         4 Saturdays: 27 February; 20 March; 8, 22 May: 9.30am - 4.30pm

CT8605C             In Dialogue with the Catholic Tradition: Foundational Theology for Teachers (16 points)
First Years         4 Saturdays: 7, 28 August; 11 September; 16 October: 9.30am - 4.30pm

Graduate Certificate in Teaching Religious Education (Werribee)

Venue: Notre Dame Australia, Melbourne Clinical School, Hoppers Lane, Werribee

CT9606C             In Dialogue with the Catholic Tradition: Foundational Theology for Teachers (16 points)
Second Years        4 Saturdays: 27 February; 20 March; 8, 22 May: 9.30am - 4.30pm

DR8600C             Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Religious Education (16 points)
Second Years        4 Saturdays: 7, 28 August; 11 September; 16 October: 9.30am - 4.30pm

                  Classes may be cancelled due to insufficient numbers or mode may be changed by COVID-19 Restrictions .
                                             All timetable information correct at time of printing.

                                                                                                                    Prospectus 2021 27
Contact Us

    Undergraduate Studies                                        Academic Records Office
    Dr Rosemary Canavan                                          Mr John Bartholomeusz
    Academic Dean                                                Assistant Dean                        

                                                                 Jenny Delahunt
    Postgraduate Studies                               
    Rev. Dr Phillip Gleeson SDB
                                                                 Rose Sultana
    Postgraduate Coordinator

    Higher Degrees by Research                                   Learning Support
    Rev. Dr Max Vodola                                           Mr Jude Caspersz
    Research Coordinator                                         Learning Support Coordinator                              

    Dr Frances Baker RSM
    GCTRE Coordinator

                                   Online Handbook available at

+61 3 9412 3333 | 278 Victoria Parade East Melbourne VIC 3002 | PO Box 146 East Melbourne VIC 8002 |

                                                                                                      CRICOS: 01037A
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