DISC Mini-Assessment - Lavi Institute

Page created by Jeffrey Frank
DISC Mini-Assessment - Lavi Institute
DISC Mini-Assessment
                 a Preliminary Assessment to Identify you DISC Behaviors

Successful leaders throughout history have one thing in common—they know themselves. This means they
don’t underestimate what they can do, they don’t sell themselves short and they know their own limitations.
More importantly, by understanding themselves, they are able to develop plans to overcome their shortcomings
and take full advantage of their strengths to improve their communication and effectiveness with others.

DISC is the ideal tool for use in the workplace. It enables leaders and teams to identify their individual
performance style. The DISC Assessment does this using the universal language of behavior – HOW we do
what we do.

Please follow the instructions carefully and do not overthink your responses. It is best to follow your initial
choice and then move to the next section.

Please prepare 10-15 minutes of uninterrupted time to complete all 24 sections. Each section consists of 4
words or phrases. Select two of the words/phrases that best describe you by darkening in the box to the left of
only those two words/phrases. Complete all the sections before moving on to discover your results.

If you are unsure of what a word means, you can view the brief definitions on page 4. Again, don’t stress over
finding the ‘right’ answer, go with your gut and move on.

Section 7


                                          This is NOT a test

                                   There is no right or wrong

                   This is only an idenitfier of your behavior style

                               Relax and go at your own pace
                                                      1                                                  © DISC-U.org
Select two of the words/phrases that best describe you by darkening in the box of only two words in each
section. You may view the brief definitions on page 3, but do not continue until this page is complete.

Section 1                               Section 9                               Section 17
     Analytical                              Autonomous                              Considerate
     Fair-minded                             Calculating                             Liberated
     Impartial                               Diplomatic                              Tactful
     Systematic                              Unhindered                              Unbound

Section 2                               Section 10                              Section 18
     Idealist                                Analytical                              Incisive
     Optimistic                              Enthusiastic                            Neighborly
     Reflective                              Passionate                              Realistic
     Thoughtful                              Systematic                              Sociable

Section 3                               Section 11                              Section 19
     Adjusting                               Ambitious                               Aspiring
     Assertive                               Conservative                            Competitive
     Calculating                             Stable                                  Harmonious
     Decisive                                Zealous                                 Unreserved

Section 4                               Section 12                              Section 20
     Active                                  Adjusting                               Dependable
     Enduring                                Flexible                                Loyal
     Progressive                             Patient                                 Unconstrained
     Steadfast                               Persevering                             Unreserved

Section 5                               Section 13                              Section 21
     Careful                                 Accurate                                Innovator
     Independent                             Detailed                                Open Minded
     Meticulous                              Uninhibited                             Trailblazer
     Unconstrained                           Unrestricted                            Unprejudiced

Section 6                               Section 14                              Section 22
     Accurate                                Consistent                              Accessible
     Exhilarated                             Convincing                              Practical
     Factual                                 Logical                                 Pragmatic
     Inspiring                               Persuading                              Trusting

Section 7                               Section 15                              Section 23
     Collaborative                           Agreeable                               Attentive
     Cooperative                             Assured                                 Contemplative
     Driving                                 Considerate                             Inquisitive
     Forceful                                Determined                              Speculative

Section 8                               Section 16                              Section 24
     Alert                                   Consistent                              Constant
     Methodical                              Instinctive                             Dynamic
     Reserved                                Spontaneous                             Enterprising
     Watchful                                Undeviating                             Stable
                                                   2                                                © DISC-U.org
Accessible    Friendly and easy to talk to                     Impartial     Treating rivals equally and fairly
Accurate      Correct with details; exact                      Incisive      Intelligently analytical and clear-thinking
Active        Engaging or ready to engage in physically        Independent   Free from outside control, not easily
              energetic pursuits                                             influenced by others
Adjusting     Willingness to alter situations/decisions to     Innovator     Introduces new methods and ideas
              accommodate                                      Inquisitive   Curious and inquiring nature
Agreeable     Enjoyable, pleasant and willingness to agree     Inspiring     Creating positive feelings in a person
Alert         Able to think clearly. Quick to notice things.   Instinctive   Automatic response to situations
Ambitious     Showing a strong desire and determination to     Liberated     Freedom from social conventions or
              succeed                                                        traditional ideas
Analytical    Using analysis and logical reasoning             Logical       Capable of clear and sound reasoning
Aspiring      Directing one’s ambitions toward                 Loyal         Constant support or allegiance to something
              achievement                                      Methodical    Responding according to systematic or
Assertive     Quickly showing confidence & determination                     established procedures
Assured       Self confident                                   Meticulous    Great attention to detail
Attentive     Polite, courteous and interested in comfort of   Neighborly    Helpful and friendly
              others                                           Open Minded Willing to consider new ideas
Autonomous    Having freedom and acting independently          Optimistic    Hopeful and confident about the future
Calculating   Intentional use of reasoning and experience      Passionate    Driven by strong feelings or belief
              when making decisions                            Patient       Tolerant of delays or problems
Careful       Showing thought and attention to avoid           Peaceful      Inclined to avoid conflict
              potential dangers                                Persevering   Continuing a course of action regardless of
Collaborative Wishing to work with others to achieve things                  difficulty
Competitive   Strong desire to be more successful than         Persuading    Convince someone of something through
              others                                                         reasoning or argument
Conservative  Holding traditional values and cautious about    Practical     Focused upon application of integral parts
              change                                           Pragmatic     Sensible and realistic approach to things
Considerate   Careful not to inconvenience others              Progressive   Favoring or promoting change or innovation
Consistent    Reliable and avoidant of change and              Realistic     Showing sensible and practical expectations
              uncertainty                                      Reflective    Characterized by deep thought
Constant      Unchangingly faithful and dependable             Reserved      Cautious to reveal emotion or opinions
Contemplative Expressing prolonged thought                     Sociable      Outgoing and engaging in activities with
Convincing    Able to get others to believe in something                     others
Cooperative   Willing to be of assistance and provide help     Speculative   Comfortable taking action based upon
Decisive      Ability to make decisions quickly and firmly                   intuition
Dependable    Trustworthy and reliable                         Spontaneous   Open, natural and uninhibited manner
Detailed      Focus on intricate parts and their interaction   Stable        Preference of continuity above change
Determined    Being resolved not to change and to maintain     Steadfast     Resolutely firm and unwavering
              a firm decision                                  Systematic    Acting according to a fixed plan or system
Diplomatic    Skill of being professional, warm and adaptive   Tactful       Sensitivity in dealing with others or issues
              to other’s needs                                 Thoughtful    Showing consideration for needs of other
Driving       Having a strong focus and influence                            people
Dynamic       Full of energy, new ideas and constant change    Trailblazer   Pioneer, innovator
Enduring      Continuing or long-lasting                       Trusting      Belief in a person’s honesty or sincerity
Enterprising  Showing initiative and resourcefulness           Unbound       Not restricted
Enthusiastic  Intense and eager enjoyment or interest          Unconstrained Not limited
Exhilarated   Energetic, animated and happy                    Undeviating   Constant and steady
Factual       Focus on details and facts                       Uninhibited   Expressing feelings/thoughts w/o restraint
Fair-minded   Impartial in judgment                            Unhindered    Not limited to restrictive perceptions
Flexible      Willing to change and adapt to different         Unprejudiced Not showing distrust or preconceived ideas
              circumstances                                    Unreserved    Open to new ideas and thoughts
Forceful      Assertive, vigorous and powerful approach        Unrestricted  Without limits
Harmonious    Free from disagreement                           Watchful      Careful and observant of others and situations
Idealist      Focused on satisfying conception of what is      Zealous       Great energy or enthusiasm
                                                          3                                                    © DISC-U.org

Complete the DISC Mini-Assessment by selecting two words from each section by filling in the box to the left
of each selected word for each of the 24 sections.

To self-score your results, copy the marks you made on page 2 to the Self-Scoring Form on page 5 that line up
with the same words. Then add the numbers together next to the two boxes in each section that you just filled

Find the total for each row on the Self-Scoring Form by adding the numbers of the three boxes from left to
right and place in the column at the far right. (i.e. add the total from Sections 1, 9 and 17 together and enter
the total in the far right under ‘Z1.’)

To find the score for your Mini-Assessment profile, use the totals in the far right column on page 6 and enter
them below in their corresponding place. Then add the two numbers together and divide the results by two.
This is your number for each of the four DISC scales, D, I, S, and C.

W1              + W2                   =                      then divide by 2:                     = D Scale

X1              + X2                   =                      then divide by 2:                     = I Scale

Y1              + Y2                   =                      then divide by 2:                     = S Scale

Z1              + Z2                   =                      then divide by 2:                     = C Scale

Repeat the end results here: D                 I              S               C

The scale with the highest number is your primary DISC type. The scale with the second highest number is
your secondary type.

If you have two scales with the same high number, choose one as your Primary DISC type based upon the
style you most identify with. To learn more or to take the online Comprehensive DISC Assessment for the
Workplace go to DISC-U.org.

               My primary DISC Type is:

               My secondary DISC Type is:

                                                     4                                                 © DISC-U.org
Self-Scoring Form: To self-score your results, copy the marks you made on page 2 to the same boxes below.
Then add the numbers together next to the two marked boxes for each section. Finally, add the numbers
across each row.
 Section 1
     Analytical     10
                                  Section 9
                                      Autonomous 1
                                                                   Section 17
                                                                       Considerate     10
     Fair-minded    1                 Calculating 10                   Liberated       1
     Impartial      1    Total        Diplomatic 10 Total              Tactful         10 Total
                                                                                                    (Total for
     Systematic     10                Unhindered 1                     Unbound         1             1, 9, 17)

Section 2                         Section 10                          Section 18                          X1
    Idealist         10               Analytical         1                Incisive        1
    Optimistic       10               Enthusiastic       10               Neighborly      10
    Reflective       1    Total       Passionate         10   Total       Realistic       1    Total    (Total for
    Thoughtful       1                Systematic         1                Sociable        10            2, 10, 18)

Section 3                         Section 11                          Section 19                         W1
    Adjusting        1                Ambitious          10               Aspiring        10
    Assertive        10               Conservative       1                Competitive     10
    Calculating      1    Total       Stable             1    Total       Harmonious      1    Total    (Total for
    Decisive         10               Zealous            10               Unreserved      1             3, 11, 19)

Section 4                         Section 12                          Section 20                          Y1
    Active           1                Adjusting          1                Dependable      10
    Enduring         10               Flexible           1                Loyal           10
    Progressive      1    Total       Patient            10   Total       Unconstrained   1    Total    (Total for
    Steadfast        10               Persevering        10               Unreserved      1             4, 12, 20)

Section 5                         Section 13                          Section 21                          Z2
    Careful          10               Accurate           10               Innovator       1
    Independent      1                Detailed           10               Open Minded     10
    Meticulous       10   Total       Uninhibited        1    Total       Trailblazer     1    Total    (Total for
    Unconstrained    1                Unrestricted       1                Unprejudiced    10            5, 13, 21)

Section 6                         Section 14                          Section 22                          X2
    Accurate         1                Consistent         1                Accessible      10
    Exhilarated      10               Convincing         10               Practical       1
    Factual          1 Total          Logical            1    Total       Pragmatic       1    Total    (Total for
    Inspiring        10               Persuading         10               Trusting        10            6, 14, 22)

Section 7                         Section 15                          Section 23                         W2
    Collaborative    1                Agreeable          1                Attentive       1
    Cooperative      1                Assured            10               Contemplative   1
    Driving          10 Total         Considerate        1    Total       Inquisitive     10   Total    (Total for
    Forceful         10               Determined         10               Speculative     10            7, 15, 23)

Section 8                         Section 16                          Section 24                          Y2
    Alert            1                Consistent         10               Constant        10
    Methodical       10               Instinctive        1                Dynamic         1
    Reserved         10 Total         Spontaneous        1    Total       Enterprising    10   Total    (Total for
    Watchful         1                Undeviating        10               Stable          1             8 16, 24)
                                                     5                                                 © DISC-U.org
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