DIFETTI CONGENITI DELLA MEMBRANA ERITROCITARIA - Aspetti fisiopatologici, clinici e diagnostici

Page created by Melvin Hoffman
Milano, 1 marzo 2018

     Aspetti fisiopatologici, clinici e diagnostici

                           A. Zanella
 Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milano

        Milano 1 marzo 2018
α-CHAIN (280 kd)   21 REPEAT UNITS

β-CHAIN (246 kd)   17 REPEAT UNITS

                                     Milano 1 marzo 2018
REPEAT UNIT OF SPECTRIN               (106 aa)


HELIX 3             HELIX 1                 HELIX 2


                              From MARCHESI V.T. ANN.REV.CELL.BIOL. 1985

                                                            Milano 1 marzo 2018
Spectrin domains after controlled tryptic digestion

    21    20   19       18       17       16       15       14   13        12   11   10    9         8        7    6     5    4     3      2       1

         α spectrin

C         41 kD                       52 kD                      52 kD               46 kD                             80 kD                   N
               V                          IV                         III                   II                            I
         interchain                                                                                                     dimer self-
         association                                                                                                   association
                 IV                                       III                          II                             I
N              74 kD                                    33 kD                        65 kD                        17 kD C
         β spectrin
     1     2        3        4        5        6        7        8         9    10    11        12       13       14    15   16       17

                                                                                                                             Milano 1 marzo 2018

From: Bianchi P, M Narla, Post Graduate Hematology 7 eds. , 2015

                                                                   Milano 1 marzo 2018
A. Defects of RBC membrane structural proteins

B. Defects of RBC ion transport

                             M.J. King & A. Zanella, Int J Lab Hematol, 2013;35:237-43

                                                                              Milano 1 marzo 2018
                             Affects about 1:2000 (Gallagher & Lux, 2003)
                             Dominant transmission in 75% of cases (Tse&Lux,1999)
                             Compensated to very severe hemolysis
                             Excellent response to splenectomy

    “Vertical interactions”

                                    RhAG                            glycophorin C
                                       Band 3

                                             4.2              p55         4.1R

                                         ankyrin         spectrin

                                                                                     Milano 1 marzo 2018

Perrotta S, Lancet 2008; 372:1411-26

• Two factors are implicated in the pathophysiology of HS: an intrinsic red cell membrane
  defect and an intact spleen that selectively retains, damages and removes defective RBCs
• The diversity of membrane imbalance is likely to result in different red cell clearance
                                                                                      Milano 1 marzo 2018

                               0.8                                NC

                                                         Band 3 defect, LR1
            Elongation index



                                                Spectrin/ankyrin defect, AZ15


                                 122   188   224 253        317        386      430   482    553
                                                Osmolality, mOsm/kg
Reliene R, Mariani MG, Zanella A, Reinhart W, Ribeiro L, Miraglia del Giudice E, Iolascon A, Eber S, Lutz HU
                                                Blood 2002;100:2208-15
                                                                                                Milano 1 marzo 2018
Osmoscans from RBC populations from unsplenectomized
                   and splenectomized HS patients

                              Sp defect,AZ16 splenect.
Elongation index

                    0.6                                                  B3 defect,LR2, splenect.

                                                                B3 defect,LR1, unsplenect.

                                         Sp defect,AZ15, unsplenect.

                     122     188 224    253          317        386      430 482        553
                                       Osmolality, mOsm/kg
                                 Reliene et al, Blood 2002;100:2208-15             Milano 1 marzo 2018
Reliene R, Mariani M, Zanella A, Reinhart WH, Ribeiro ML, Del Iudice EM, Perrotta S, Iolascon A, Eber
S, Lutz HU. Splenectomy prolongs in vivo survival of erythrocytes differently in spectrin/ankyrin-
and band 3-deficient hereditary spherocytosis. Blood 2002; 100(6):2208-15

                                                        Sp/Ank deficient cells escape opsonization
                                                        by releasing Band-3 containing vescicles

Splenectomy prevents early loss of immature cells
in both types of defect, but it has an additional
beneficial effect on mature Sp/Ank deficient cells,
prolonging their survival as assessed by 4.1a/4.1b
                                                                                     Milano 1 marzo 2018
Haematologica, 2008; 93(9), 1310

 300 HS pts from 212 families , 141 M and 159 F
 Age at diagnosis 20 yrs (1- 80 yrs):40%:

         splenomegaly                                                         72%

               anemia                                                 62% #

              jaundice                                 40%

     neonatal jaundice                         33% $

            gallstones                         32%


        aplastic crises

    transfusion support

                          0   10     20   30      40     50      60     70          80   90     100
                                                    % of patients

# ANEMIA:   severe 6%, moderate 16%, mild 40%, compensated 38%
$    EXCHANGE TRANSFUSION: 14/82 cases

Mariani et al, Haematologica, 2008                                                        Milano 1 marzo 2018
Clinical features of 259 not splenectomised HS patients divided
according to the type of membrane defect (90 Sp/Ank; 139 Band 3)
                                     • splenomegaly and gallstones more
                                       frequent in B 3 deficient pts
                                     • anaemia, neonatal jaundice and Tx
                                       requirement more common in Sp/Ank
                                     • ExTx similar in the two groups

                                     • isolated Sp or combined Sp/Ank defic.
                                      more frequently diagnosed in childhood
                                      than in adulthood (55% vs. 45%),
                                      contrary to B 3 (60% in adults vs. 40%
                                      in children).

Mariani et al, Haematologica, 2008

                                                                 Milano 1 marzo 2018

Hematologic and biochemical data of 21 HS patients before and after

Hematologic              Pre-splenectomy                    Post-splenectomy

Hb (g/dL)                   10.8     (7.6-15.1)             13.9    (12.6-18.8)
MCV (fL)                    84       (68-106)               84      (73-95)
MCHC (g/dL)                 35.4     (28.3-38.8)            34.8    (33.3-37.1)
Spherocytes (%)             9         (1-32)                4       (3-16)
Reticulocytes (x109/L)      337      (96-640)               51      (11-118)
Unc. bilirubin (mg/dL)      1.9      (0.7-8.9)              0.7     (0.35-1.83)

           Hemoglobin levels                      10.8 g/dL       13.9 g/dL
           Reticulocytes                           337x109/L       51x109/L
            Unconjugated bilirubin                 1.9 mg/dL        0.7mg/dL

      Effects more evident in Band 3 vs Spectrin
      Effects of splenectomy comparable in young (n=6) and adult patients
                                                                         Milano 1 marzo 2018
Br J Haematol 126:455-474, 2011

The laboratory diagnosis of HS is usually straightforward and it is based upon a combination of
clinical history, family history, physical examination (splenomegaly, jaundice) and laboratory data
(full blood count, especially red cell indices and morphology, and reticulocyte count)

                                                                                       Milano 1 marzo 2018
HS due to spectrin deficiency
              Residual Spectrin
81%                53%            28% (+Ank)

                                         Milano 1 marzo 2018
HS (B3 deficiency)   HS (4.2 deficiency)

                                 Milano 1 marzo 2018
-   MCV was decreased in 22% MCHC was increased overall in 38% of cases
-   Hb levels were normal in 38% pts (50% of band 3 and 42% in Sp deficiency)
-   Reticulocyte count was normal in 16/259 (6%)
-   Median n. spherocytes was 7% (range 0-56); 22/259 (8%) pts had

                    Int J Lab Hematol. 2015 Jun;37(3):304-25.

                                                         Milano 1 marzo 2018
Int J Lab Hematol 2015;37:304-25

                                   Milano 1 marzo 2018
Screening tests for the diagnosis of Hereditary Spherocytosis

Osmotic fragility (OF) test                Measure absorbance at 540 nm for fresh       Affected by elevated reticulocyte counts
(Parpart et al, 1947)                      blood and after 24 h incubation. Plot a      Also increased in AIHA
                                           graph of % haemolysis versus NaCl
Acidified glycerol lysis test (AGLT)      Measure the time taken for absorbance of
(Zanella et al, 1980)                     red cell suspension at                        Also positive in AIHA, enzyme deficiency,
                                          625 nm in glycerol to fall to half of its     pregnant women, chronic renal failure
The Pink test (Vettore & Zanella, 1984)   original value before glycerol addition       and myelodysplastic syndrome.
is a modified AGLT                        (AGLT50)

Osmotic gradient ektacytometry            A laser diffraction viscometer that           Distinct deformability curves for red cells
(Clark et al, 1983                        measures red cell deformability at constant   from patients with HS, hereditary
                                          shear stress as a continuous function of      elliptocytosis, hereditary
Laser-assisted Optical Rotational Cell    suspending osmolality (hypotonic to           pyropoikilocytosis, stomatocytosis and
Analyser (LORCA)                          hypertonic)                                   sickle disease (Mohandas et al, 1980)
Hypertonic cryohaemolysis test            % cryohaemolysis at 540 nm after transfer     Positive results for HS, some CDAII and
(Streichman & Gescheidt, 1998)            of red cells from 37C to                      Melanesian elliptocytosis
                                          0C for 10 min

Eosin-5-maleimide (EMA) binding           Reduced fluorescence (green) intensity of     Distinct histograms for red cells of HS.
(King et al, 2000)                        EMA-labelled red cells by flow cytometry      Reduced in CDAII, cryohydrocytosis,

                                                                                                                Milano 1 marzo 2018
Hereditary Spherocytosis                   Dehydrated Stomatocytosis

                 Hereditary Elliptocytosis

                       L. Da Costa, 2013                           Milano 1 marzo 2018
Screening tests for the diagnosis of Hereditary Spherocytosis

Osmotic fragility (OF) test                Measure absorbance at 540 nm for fresh       Affected by elevated reticulocyte counts
(Parpart et al, 1947)                      blood and after 24 h incubation. Plot a      Also increased in AIHA
                                           graph of % haemolysis versus NaCl
Acidified glycerol lysis test (AGLT)      Measure the time taken for absorbance of
(Zanella et al, 1980)                     red cell suspension at                        Also positive in AIHA, enzyme deficiency,
                                          625 nm in glycerol to fall to half of its     pregnant women, chronic renal failure
The Pink test (Vettore & Zanella, 1984)   original value before glycerol addition       and myelodysplastic syndrome.
is a modified AGLT                        (AGLT50)

Osmotic gradient ektacytometry            A laser diffraction viscometer that           Distinct deformability curves for red cells
(Clark et al, 1983)                       measures red cell deformability at constant   from patients with HS, hereditary
                                          shear stress as a continuous function of      elliptocytosis, hereditary
Laser-assisted Optical Rotational Cell    suspending osmolality (hypotonic to           pyropoikilocytosis, stomatocytosis and
Analyser (LORCA)                          hypertonic)                                   sickle disease (Mohandas et al, 1980)

Hypertonic cryohaemolysis test            % cryohaemolysis at 540 nm after transfer     Positive results for HS, some CDAII and
(Streichman & Gescheidt, 1998)            of red cells from 37C to                      Melanesian elliptocytosis
                                          0C for 10 min

Eosin-5-maleimide (EMA) binding           Reduced fluorescence (green) intensity of     Distinct histograms for red cells of HS.
(King et al, 2000)                        EMA-labelled red cells by flow cytometry      Reduced in CDAII, cryohydrocytosis,

                                                                                                                  Milano 1 marzo 2018
EMA-binding test

Flow cytometric test that measures the fluorescence intensity of intact red cells
labelled with the dye eosin- 5-maleimide, which interacts with Lys-430 on the first
extracellular loop of band 3.
EMA-binding test is a sensitive (92%) and specific(99%) tool for HS directly
targeting the structural lesion of this disease.

                                                        Bianchi et al, Haematologica 2012

       Normal control         HS

                                                                             Milano 1 marzo 2018
Use of diagnostic tests for red cell membrane defects

% of centers

       Always performed                 ENERCA White Book 2015
        Performed in particular cases                              Milano 1 marzo 2018
Method with best specificity and sensitivity

                  Combination of tests                 No answer (4)/Not known (4)

RBC Morphology +EMA                                    8
AGLT+ Cryo                     11
OF +EMA+Cryo
Cryo+EMA+SDS                                               2
EMA+pink+OF                                       1
RBC Morphology + Pink                 1     1
AGLT+OF+RIA                                                    EMA-binding
                                 Pink test

                              ENERCA White Book 2015

                                                                      Milano 1 marzo 2018
Number of different diagnostic tests * performed per Center

Number of Centers

                                                            Most centres use a
                                                            “battery of tests”
                                                            (3-6 different tests)

                                                                *Tests considered: NaCl on
                                                                fresh and incubated blood
                                                                (2 concentrations or curve);
                                                                glycerol lysis tests; Ema-
                                                                binding;      Ecktacytometry

                    Number of diagnostic tests/ Center

                                       ENERCA White Book 2015
                                                                               Milano 1 marzo 2018
Sensitivity of single tests in 150 HS patients grouped according to the biochemical
defect. Number represents the ratio of positive cases/total cases; in brackets percent

                                                                           Milano 1 marzo 2018
Sensitivity of various diagnostic tests in 22 splenectomised and 128 not
splenectomised HS patients. Not splenectomised HS were divided according to the
clinical phenotype.

 Bianchi et al, Haematologica 2012                                    Milano 1 marzo 2018
Combined tests’ sensitivity in total HS cases. Number represents the ratio of
         positive cases/total cases; in brackets percent values.


                     EMA + AGLT            EMA + OF NaCl fresh   EMA + OF NaCl inc.    EMA + Pink     OF NaCl inc. + AGLT

Total HS pts.      150/150 (100%)           143/150 (95%)        143/150 (95%)        149/150 (99%)    146/150 (97%)


   •    The combination of EMA & AGLT enabled to identify the totality of HS patients
         In particular, 133/150 (88%) of HS tested EMA+AGLT+, 7/150 (5%) EMA+AGLT-, and
        10/150 (7%) EMA-AGLT+

   •    The combination of EMA & Pink test unabled identification of 99% of HS cases

   •    In case of non-availability of flow cytometry, the association of AGLT & incubated NaCl
         OF had a sensitivity of 97%

       Bianchi et al, Haematologica 2012                                                              Milano 1 marzo 2018
Results of individual diagnostic tests in patients with haemolytic anaemias other
then HS, compared with HS. The shadowed area represents normal reference intervals.

Bianchi et al, Haematologica 2012                                     Milano 1 marzo 2018

              SDS-PAGE analysis of RBC membrane proteins
    CDAII CDAII Ctr                   Hyperbilirubinemia
                                      Splenomegaly                     Band 3
                                              Undetected          hypoglycosylation
                                Band3/ 4.2

                                             Band 3           Ankyrin

                              13% of patients referred with a suspect of HS were CDAII

SDS-PAGE displayed a sensitivity of 97%, being repeatedly normal in 2/101

Mariani, 2008 ; Fermo, 2010                                                    Milano 1 marzo 2018
Milano 1 marzo 2018
                      62 years old female, no consanguinity

  - Moderate haemolytic anemia since childhood
  - HS diagnosed at 19 years (Hb 9 g/dL, Unconjugated bilirubin 1.9-4 mg/dL)
  - Cholecystectomy and splenectomy at 39 yrs , Hb post splenectomy 12.3 g/dL
  - 50 years: diabetes type I

                       32 yrs                      28 yrs

Mild neonatal jaundice, mild anemia and splenomegaly in childhood, HS diagnosed at 4 yrs

          15 years: Hb 13.2 g/dL                      11 years: Hb 10.9 g/dL
          Mild reticulocytosis 3%                    Mild reticulocytosis 3.5%
          Unconj.bilirubin 3.7 mg/dL                 Unconj.bilirubin 2.5 mg/dL
          Cr51 RBC survival: 21 d (25-35)            Cr51 RBC survival: 24 d

                                                                            Milano 1 marzo 2018
Hb                  11.7 g/dL
MCV                 95fl
MCH                 32 pg
MCHC                33.7 g/dL
Retics              63 x 109/L
Unconj Bilirubin    1.8 mg/dL
Serum iron          139 mcg/dL
Ferritin            697 ng/mL
Transferrin sat.    63 %

                                                           Pt   Pt    Ctr

AGLT 50                      >900 sec
NaCl osmotic fragility       normal     Band 3
Ema binding test             12%

HFE Cys282/Tyr               wt
HFE His63/Asp                wt
Gilbert UGT-1A               6/7
                                                                     Milano 1 marzo 2018
SEC23B gene:                        SEC23B gene:
            c.325G>A/wt                         c.325G>A/c.325G>A

                  SEC23B gene:            SEC23B gene:
                  c.325G>A/c.325G>A       c.325G>A/c.325G>A
Hb 11.3 g/dL                              Hb 9.2 g/dL
Reticulocytes 115000/µL                   Reticulocytes 121000/µL
Unconj.bilirubin 3.3 mg/dL                Unconj.bilirubin 1.8 mg/dL
RBC morphology: anisopoikilocytosis,      RBC morphology: anisopoikilocytosis,
elliptocytes 4%, spherocytes 2%,          spherocytes 3%, schistocytes 2%,
schistocytes 2%, dacriocytes 3%

Ferritin         792 ng/mL      (19-87)   Ferritin         501 ng/mL      (19-87)
Transferrin sat. 97 %           (17-52)   Transferrin sat. 97 %           (17-52)
OF : normal                               OF : normal
AGLT50: 210                               AGLT50: 106
Band 3 hypoglycosylation: YES             Band 3 hypoglycosylation: YES

                                                                       Milano 1 marzo 2018

                   GPI                               HE (4.1 deficiency)
    RhAG                             glycophorin C

            4.2                p55       4.1R

         ankyrin          spectrin
                                                          HE (Sp αI/74 )


                                                     HPP (Sp αI/74/ αLELY)
                                                                             Milano 1 marzo 2018
Hereditary Elliptocytosis

• The majority of HE are caused by Sp mutation (spectrin structural
variants), Clinical severity depends on the amount of spectrin variant
incorporated into the membrane,

• The closed the mutation is to
the spectrin dimer interaction,
the less stable is the tetramer
                                    N Mohandas, P Gallagher, 2008

  Typically, heterozygous are asymptomatic, have a very mild
 anemia and often the elliptocytes are detected during routine analysis.
 No splenomegaly, normal or slightly elevated reticulocyte count.

  Homozygous or compound heterozygous may have moderate to
 severe hemolytic anemia (10-12% of the cases)
 The spleen is enlarged and the response to splenectomy is good

                                                                    Milano 1 marzo 2018
Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis

 HPP is a severe form of HE

•   Severe hemolytic anemia during the neonatal period
•   Blood film with poikilocytes, elliptocytes,
    microspherocytes and many fragments and bizarre-
    shaped RBCs

 In HPP the red cell membrane has two defects:

      1) Homozygous or compound heterozygous for structural Sp
         variants (in the region of the dimer Sp self-association site)

      2) Heterozygous for a single structural Sp variant (located in
         the Sp association site) in trans with a low expression α-Sp
         allele (Sp α Lely, Sp α V/41 )

                                                                    Milano 1 marzo 2018
Hereditary Elliptocytosis – Diagnosis

    Blood film examination
    SDS- PAGE analysis ( may detect Truncated α and β chains, 4.1 deficiency)
    Sp functional study                      Tryptic Sp peptide mapping


                                                                  α I/80
                                                                  α I/74 variant
     TG Co          TG Co
      30°             4°

decreased Sp tetramerization

    DNA studies
    Ektacytometry                                     TG Co
                                                                   Milano 1 marzo 2018

       Dehydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis (DHSt)
       Overhydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis (OHSt)
       Cryohydrocytosis (CHC, type I-II)
       Familial Pseudohyperkaliemia

   •   Dominantly transmitted disease
   •   Monovalent cation leak
   •   Mild to severe hemolytic anemia (DHSt, OHSt, CHC-II)
   •   Splenectomy is controindicated for thrombotic or
       thromboembolic complications (DHSt, OHSt)

                                                         Milano 1 marzo 2018
                       Dehydrated stomatocytosis        Overhydrated stomatocytosis
                                (DHSt)                            (OHSt)
                              Xerocytosis                      Hydrocytosis

Frequency                         1:10,000                  1-100,000:1,000,.000
Clinical features        Mild-compensated anemia          Moderate-severe anemia

MCV                      Normal- Slighlty increased     Markedly increased (110-140)

MCHC                             increased                       Decreased

RBC morphology        Stomatocytes 30%

Osmotic fragility            normal-decreased                     Increased

[Na+]i                                >                               >>
[K+]i                                 [Na+]i +[K+]i
                            < intracellular water            > intracellular water
Ektacytometer curve            Shift to the left               Shift to the right

Gene                              FSM38A                            RhAG

                                                                               Milano 1 marzo 2018


Elongation index (0.2)

                            210 247     314 335     407     471   550
                                      Osmolality (mosM)
                          Osmoscans from filtered whole blood

                                                                        Milano 1 marzo 2018
Molecular basis of defects of red cell permeability

                 Piezo1     RhAG     Band3          GLUT1        KCNN4

DHSt     Mutations of FAM38A coding for PIEZO1 protein, a mechanosensitive
ion channel protein that regulates the RBC response to ion fluxes accompanying
mechanical stresses when circulating through narrow passages in capillaries The
mutations cause a gain-of-function (or increased permeability) in mechanically
activated PIEZO1 ion channels (Zarychanski R. et al Blood 2012; Andolfo I. et al Blood
2013; Bae C. et al, PNASS 2013; Albuisson J.et al, Nat Commun 2013).
Mutations of Gardos Channel protein (KCNN4) (Rapetti-Mauss et al, Blood 2015;
Glogowska et al, Blood 2015)

OHSt      Mutations (Phe65Ser or Ile61Arg) in RhAG gene resulting in increased
pore size of the mutated Rh-associated Glycoprotein that facilitates a more
rapid rate of cation leak through the RBC membrane (Bruce LJ et al, Blood 2009).
Other «leaky” red cell syndromes Band 3 ( AE1) mutations (Barneaud-Rocca, 2011),
GLUT1 mutations (Flatt JF et al, Blood 2015).
                                                                           Milano 1 marzo 2018
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in the diagnosis of RBC
                      membrane disorders

 Feasible and reliable method to detect mutations and diagnose patients with
  red blood cell membrane disorders.

 Particularly useful for diagnosis of atypical presenting patients

                     Knowledge of the genetic background
      understanding of the complex genotype-to-phenotype correlations
Next Generation Sequencing


                         I.1                       I.2

                 II.1            II.2       II.3     II.4


Fermo et al, 57°ASH meeting, Orlando 2015                           Milano 1 marzo 2018
Whole Exome sequencing
   Only one candidate gene identified: KCNN4, coding for
   Gardos channel.

   Heterozygous missense mutation was detected as a de
   novo mutation in the proband, and dominantly
   transmitted to the daughter.


Fermo et al, 57°ASH meeting, Orlando 2015                Milano 1 marzo 2018

 Both structural protein defects of the erythrocyte membrane and
functional abnormalities of cation permeability may result in congenital
hemolytic anemias, which are not single-gene diseases. In some cases,
mutations in different positions of the same gene (i.e. Spectrin or Band 3)
may result in different diseases (HS, HE, HSt).

 Although a majority of patients present with adequate
characteristic red cell morphology, clinical features and routine
laboratory testing for making an appropriate diagnosis, in less typical
cases additional specialized tests may be necessary, in particular to
differentiate HS from HSt and from CDA-II, and to correctly identify the
mild-compensated forms.

                                                                 Milano 1 marzo 2018
Paola Bianchi
Elisa Fermo
Cristina Vercellati
Anna Marcello
Anna Zaninoni
Wilma Barcellini

• The effects of defective structural proteins and anomalous cation
permeability on red blood cells are manifested as hereditary hemolytic
anemias, which are not single-gene diseases. In some cases, mutations in
different positions of the same gene (i.e. Spectrin or Band 3) may result
in different diseases (HS, HE, HSt).

• Although a majority of patients present with adequate characteristic red
cell morphology and clinical features for making an appropriate
diagnosis without resorting to additional laboratory testing, occasional
overlapping clinical features of HS and hereditary stomatocytoses (and
CDA II) can occur.

• A diagnosis of hereditary stomatocytosis should be considered when a
patient has a negative direct antiglobulin test, a compensated hemolytic
anemia, high MCV, and possibly elevated plasma [K+]. The proviso is
that HS, enzymopathy and macrocytic anemia are already excluded.
                                                                Milano 1 marzo 2018
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