IMPLEMENTATION KIT Saskatchewan College of Family Physicians - Patient's Medical Home

Page created by Kimberly Hardy
IMPLEMENTATION KIT Saskatchewan College of Family Physicians - Patient's Medical Home
Saskatchewan College of Family Physicians
IMPLEMENTATION KIT Saskatchewan College of Family Physicians - Patient's Medical Home
© 2021 The College of Family Physicians of Canada
                                        All rights reserved.
This material may be reproduced in full for educational, personal, and non-commercial use only, with
                  attribution provided according to the citation information below.
 For all other uses permission must be acquired from the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
                                    How to cite this document:
   College of Family Physicians of Canada. Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood Implementation Kit:
          Saskatchewan. Mississauga, ON: College of Family Physicians of Canada; 2021.
The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) thanks all organizations and other contributors
               for their invaluable assistance in developing this Implementation Kit.
IMPLEMENTATION KIT Saskatchewan College of Family Physicians - Patient's Medical Home
The Patient’s Medical Home (PMH) is the vision for the future of family practice in Canada put forward
by the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC).1 The PMH emphasizes the role of the family
practice and team-based care in providing high-quality, compassionate, and timely care. However,
family practices are not the only settings involved in a patient’s care.

The concept of the Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood (Neighbourhood; Figure 1) takes this idea of
team-based care in the PMH further to describe and reinforce a network of care involving multiple
providers and services outside of the clinic.

Figure 1. The Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood. The services shown here are not exhaustive but indicate
the types of broad health services found in a Neighbourhood connected with a PMH.

Within this model, the PMH acts as a hub for          and addictions supports and other social services.
coordinating care within the Neighbourhood.           In Saskatchewan, health networks are being
The Neighbourhood includes the many realms            developed that consist of collaborative teams
of health care outside of primary care, such as       that include physicians and community partners.2
referrals to other medical specialists, health care   These networks further align the province
providers, hospital, long-term care, and home         with the Neighbourhood vision by providing
care structures or broader social and community       integrated services to meet the health needs of
supports such as community-based mental health        individuals and communities.

                Implementation Kit — Saskatchewan The Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood 2021             1
This Implementation Kit has been collaboratively         • Leverage digital health and virtual care to
designed by the CFPC and the Saskatchewan                   enhance your practice
College of Family Physicians (SCFP), and is
intended to complement the CFPC’s Best Advice        If you and your clinic team are working to
guide for the Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood.3      implement the Neighbourhood principles in your
The Kit is organized around a number of tangible     practice, the steps outlined in this kit will help you
actions you can take right now to further align      do that. If you are just beginning to implement the
your practice with the Neighbourhood vision,         more foundational PMH principles in your practice,
without relying on systemic change or more           you may wish to consult the steps outlined in the
resources (e.g., financial, human resources):        Saskatchewan PMH Implementation Kit before
                                                     consulting this kit.4
    • Get to know your patients’ health care
      needs and preferences                          The following list of resources is not exhaustive.
                                                     Resources are hosted by external organizations, and
    • Connect your patients to community             as such the accuracy and accessibility of their links
      resources                                      are not guaranteed. You can find citation details—
                                                     including document titles and website links—in the
    • Build interprofessional relationships to       References section at the end of the document.
      provide more continuous care

    Get to know your patients’ health care
    needs and preferences
    Knowing the breakdown of your patient population (e.g., age, social determinants of health),
    what health concerns are most relevant to each patient group, their satisfaction with the level
    of care they receive, and what supports they need will help inform your practice organization.
    Particular attention should be paid to individuals with different needs or who experience
    challenges accessing care, such as people with disabilities, multiple comorbidities, and/or
    members of LGBTQ+, immigrant, or racialized communities.

Learn more about your patient panel and find opportunities
to enhance your knowledge of your patients’ health needs
1. Add and use screening tools to obtain more            » Poverty: A Clinical Tool for Primary Care
   detailed information on your patients’ health            Providers in Saskatchewan: A primary care
   and access to services. Tools are available              tool for screening and supporting pa-
   through the following organizations to                   tients’ living situation and socioeconomic
   enhance patient screening:                               concerns as part of their overall health5

2   Implementation Kit — Saskatchewan The Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood 2021
» Building on Existing Tools to Improve            2. Consult Your Health System, a set of
     Chronic Disease Prevention and Screen-             interactive tools that allow users to view
     ing in Primary Care (BETTER): Evidence-            regional health indicator data from across
     based recommendations for chronic                  the country, developed by the Canadian
     disease prevention and screening includ-           Institute for Health Information (CIHI).7
     ing an algorithm for targets and care
     pathways adjusted for diabetic and non-
     diabetic patients6

Improve your ability to care for individuals who are
members of vulnerable and marginalized populations,
such as those with chronic conditions, as well as members
of LGBTQ+, immigrant, or racialized communities
3. Complete self-assessments to determine the        4. Consult the fact sheet developed by the
   extent to which you and your clinic provide          CFPC’s Indigenous Health Committee to
   culturally competent care:                           better understand the role that systemic
                                                        racism can play in shaping an Indigenous
  » Promoting Cultural and Linguistic Com-              patient’s clinical experience, and what you
     petency: A self-assessment checklist for           can do better to help address this.10
     primary care providers to assess the cultural
     competency of their physical office environ-    5. Consult the Safer Places Toolkit, a
     ment, communication skills, and attitudes8         comprehensive resource developed by Alberta
                                                        Health Services that provides physicians and
  » Is Your Space Positive?: A self-assessment          their staff with tips to increase awareness,
     to help you make your organization more            encourage self-reflection, and build skills to
     inclusive to people of all sexual orienta-         create more welcoming and safer care for
     tions and gender identities9                       LGBTQ+ patients and their families.11

Learn more about your patients’ care preferences
and experiences
6. Use existing patient experience surveys to          » Saskatchewan Health Quality Council’s
   better understand where your practice can              primary health care survey12
                                                       » Health Quality Ontario’s Patient Experi-
                                                          ence Survey and Support Guide13,14

              Implementation Kit — Saskatchewan The Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood 2021              3
7. Create an anonymous comment box for
   your waiting room and an anonymous
   form for your practice website, placed
   in locations that are easily found by your
   patients, and set up a process to regularly
   review what comes in.

    Connect your patients to community
    Connecting your patients to appropriate community resources can improve their overall
    health and well-being by addressing their social determinants of health. Understanding which
    community resources are available to your patients will help you tailor your approach to each
    patient’s specific needs.

Learn more about the community resources available
to you and your patients that can improve their overall
health and well-being
1. Direct your patients to 211 Saskatchewan,            by location and/or category (e.g., food and
   an online database of government, health,            clothing, employment). This service is also
   and social services that can be searched             available by telephone (dial 2-1-1).

Build in-house knowledge of available community resources
2. Create internal documents to keep track                 munity resources, using the Community
   of community resources that you consider                Map Prototype and Database tool16
   part of your Neighbourhood. The Health
   Commons Solutions Lab has developed tools            » Ask other service providers (i.e., your
   to help you achieve this:                               Neighbours) to confirm or fill out details
                                                           on their services using the Community
    » Create an online database of community               Resource Cards tool.17
      resources, and/or a Google map of com-

4   Implementation Kit — Saskatchewan The Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood 2021
3. For additional templates of internal documents    4. Consider making certain members of your
   for your Neighbourhood, consult the Appendix         staff responsible for maintaining internal
   of the CFPC’s Best Advice guide.3                    documents and contacts with other service
                                                        providers in your Neighbourhood.

  Build interprofessional relationships to
  provide more continuous care
  Relationships between your clinic (i.e., the PMH) and other service providers (i.e., Neighbours)
  are the foundation of a successful Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood. Signing collaborative
  care agreements that clearly delineate Neighbours’ responsibilities and expectations can help
  formalize these relationships and increase continuity of care by streamlining communication
  and referral processes.

Develop collaborative care agreements with other service
providers in your Neighbourhood
1. Ask service providers to whom you                     » Referral platform(s) to use for communi-
   regularly refer about how they view their                cating requests
   relationship with your practice. Determine
   whether they would like to formalize their            » Expectations about communicating the
   participation in the Neighbourhood.                      urgency of a request

2. Collaborative care agreements should be               » Expectations for ensuring timely access
   tailored appropriately to your practice, the             to consultations and appointments, and
   service provider you are working with, and               sharing results
   your patient population. Components of
   successful collaborative care agreements              » Digital health functions that are available
   include:                                                 and how they will be used to coordinate
                                                            patient care
  » Specific details about what information is
     required to make an effective referral              » An outline of each party’s roles and re-
                                                            sponsibilities in managing patient care

              Implementation Kit — Saskatchewan The Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood 2021              5
3. Use the following examples of interprofessional     » Referral Agreement between Practice
   agreements as guides for building your own             A and Practice B: A modifiable referral
   collaborative care agreements:                         agreement between a primary care prac-
                                                          tice and other specialist practice, devel-
    » Sample Care Coordination Agreement:                 oped by Accountable Health Partners.20
      An example of a collaborative care agree-
      ment outlining the expectations of family      4. Focus on building and maintaining
      physicians and other specialist practices         relationships in instances where a collaborative
      (Neighbours), developed by the American           care agreement is not being developed (e.g.,
      College of Physicians18                           if either party is uncomfortable with signing).
                                                        Tools from the Health Commons Solutions Lab
    » Referral-Consultation Process: A guideline        can help you achieve this:
      for standardizing referral processes, devel-
      oped by the College of Physicians and Sur-       » Ask other service providers to confirm or
      geons of British Columbia.19 The guideline’s        fill out details about their services using
      appendices provide templates for referral           the Community Resource Cards tool or
      requests and confirmations.                         Provider Profile Cards tool.17,21

    Leverage digital health and virtual care
    to enhance your practice
    Digital health tools are invaluable resources for developing an effective Neighbourhood.
    Leveraging available tools can help you streamline communication and referral processes
    between you and your Neighbours, improve the management of your patient panel, make
    it easier to communicate with your patients, and improve your ability to conduct quality
    improvement initiatives within your practice.

Use digital health and telemedicine to improve referral
and consultation processes with other service providers
in your Neighbourhood
1. Leverage the LINK program, which provides           2. If your clinic uses MedAccess or Accuro
   direct access to consultations with other              you can leverage the Automated Referral
   specialists via 1-844-855-5465.22 Check the            Template, which automatically populates
   website for availability and other details.            patient information from your EMR to ensure
                                                          all the necessary information is included.23

6   Implementation Kit — Saskatchewan The Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood 2021
Use digital health tools to provide virtual care and
communicate more effectively with your patients
3. Consult the Virtual Care Quick Start Guide,     4. Complete the Essentials to Getting Started with
   a comprehensive tool kit developed by              Virtual Care Checklist, a concise checklist of
   the Saskatchewan Medical Association               steps to follow before you engage in virtual care.25
   that provides detailed advice on topics
   such as virtual care workflows, available       5. Consult the Accelerating Change
   technologies, and patient communication.24         Transformation Team’s EMR tip sheets for
                                                      providing virtual care using select EMRs (Wolf,
                                                      Med Access, Healthquest, Accuro, or PS Suite).26

Use digital health tools to start or improve management
of your patient panel
6. Request your BestPractice Panel Report,            » Panel Processes Change Package: A com-
   which are available to all family physicians          prehensive tool kit for panel management
   in Saskatchewan.27 These reports provide              that provides tools for identifying patients
   information on panel demographics, continuity         on the panel, maintaining panel processes,
   of care, health service use, and prescribing.         and optimizing care management of pa-
                                                         tients on the panel28
7. The Accelerating Change Transformation
   Team (ACCT) has developed multiple                 » Panel Maintenance Tool: A tool to help
   resources to aid in panel management:                 clinics develop and assess their own pro-
                                                         cesses for maintaining panel lists29

Use digital health tools to conduct performance
measurement and research projects in your practice
8. Consult the Saskatchewan PMH                    9. Consult the Saskatchewan Health
   Implementation Kit for advice on starting          Quality Council website to learn about
   quality improvement projects that are              current quality improvement initiatives in
   manageable in scope and size for your              Saskatchewan, including the Clinical Quality
   practice.4                                         Improvement Program (CQIP), a 10-month
                                                      course designed about leading improvement
                                                      work in health care that focuses on clinical
                                                      quality improvement projects.30,31

              Implementation Kit — Saskatchewan The Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood 2021                7
1.   College of Family Physicians of Canada. A    6. BETTER. The BETTER Program website.
     new vision for Canada: Family Practice—The      2015. Accessed
     Patient’s Medical Home 2019. Mississauga,       October 13, 2020.
     ON: College of Family Physicians of
     Canada; 2019. Available from: https://       7. Canadian Institute for Health Information.       Your Health System website. 2019. https://
     VISION2019_ENG_WEB_2.pdf. Accessed    
     October 13, 2020.                               ga=2.30080255.193302703.1602606657-
                                                     1031501330.1602606657. Accessed October
2. Saskatchewan Health Authority. Health             13, 2020.
   Networks: Team Based Care website.
   2020.      8. Georgetown University National Center for
   Services-Locations/Health-Networks-Team-          Cultural Competence. Promoting Cultural
   Based-Care. Accessed October 13, 2020.            and Linguistic Competency: Self-assessment
                                                     checklist for personnel providing primary
3. College of Family Physicians of Canada.           health care services. Washington, DC:
   Best Advice guide: Patient’s Medical              Georgetown University National Center for
   Neighbourhood. Mississauga, ON: College           Cultural Competence; 2009. Available from:
   of Family Physicians of Canada; 2020.   
   Available from: https://patientsmedicalhome.      Checklist%20PHC.pdf. Accessed October
   ca/resources/best-advice-guides/the-              13, 2020.
   patients-medical-neighbourhood/. Accessed
   October 13, 2020.                              9. Hamilton Family Health Team. Is Your
                                                     Space Positive? Hamilton, ON: Hamilton
4. College of Family Physicians of Canada.           Family Health Team; 2015. Available from:
   Patient’s Medical Home Implementation Kit:
   Saskatchewan. Mississauga, ON: College of         Document-2926. Accessed October 13, 2020.
   Family Physicians of Canada; 2019. Available
   from:    10. College of Family Physicians of Canada.
   uploads/PMH2019_ImplementKit_SK.pdf.               Health and Health Care Implications of
   Accessed October 13, 2020.                         Systemic Racism on Indigenous Peoples
                                                      in Canada. Mississauga, ON: College
5. Centre for Effective Practice. Poverty: A          of Family Physicians of Canada; 2016.
   Clinical Tool for Primary Care Providers           Available from:
   (SK). Toronto, ON: Centre for Effective            ResourcesDocs/uploadedFiles/Resources/_
   Practice; 2016. Available from: https://           PDFs/SystemicRacism_ENG.pdf. Accessed             October 13, 2020.
   Poverty_flowSK-2016-Oct-28.pdf. Accessed
   October 13, 2020.

8    Implementation Kit — Saskatchewan The Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood 2021
11. Alberta Health Services. Sexual Orientation,        17. Health Commons Solutions Lab. Tool:
    Gender Identity & Gender Expression                     Community Resource Cards. Toronto,
    (SOGIE): Safer Places Toolkit. Edmonton, AB:            ON: Health Commons; 2020. Available
    Alberta Health Services; 2019. Available from:          from:            CommunityResourceCardsTool-hccj.pptx.
    info/pf/div/if-pf-div-sogie-safer-places-toolkit.       Accessed October 13, 2020.
    pdf. Accessed October 13, 2020.
                                                        18. American College of Physicians.
12. Saskatchewan Health Quality Council.                    Sample Care Coordination Agreement.
    Measuring the Patient Experience website.               Philadelphia, PA: American College
    2020.                  of Physicians; 2014. Available from:
    experience. Accessed October 13, 2020.                  documents/clinical_information/high_value_
13. Health Quality Ontario. Patient Experience              hvcc_project/sample-care-coordination-
    Survey. Toronto, ON: Health Quality                     agreement.pdf. Accessed October 13, 2020.
    Ontario; 2015. Available from: https://               19. College of Physicians and Surgeons of
    qi/primary-care/primary-care-patient-                   British Columbia. Professional Guideline –
    experience-survey-en.pdf. Accessed                      Referral-Consultation Process. Victoria,
    October 13, 2020.                                       BC: College of Physicians and Surgeons
                                                            of British Columbia; 2020. Available
14. Health Quality Ontario. Primary Care Patient            from:
    Experience Survey: Support Guide. Toronto,              PSG-Referral-Consultation-Process.pdf.
    ON: Health Quality Ontario; 2015. Available             Accessed October 13, 2020.
    documents/qi/primary-care/primary-care-             20. Accountable Health Partners. Referral
    patient-experience-survey-support-guide-en.             Agreement between Practice A and
    pdf. Accessed October 13, 2020.                         Practice B. Rochester, NY: Accountable
                                                            Health Partners; 2017. Available from:
15. 211 Saskatchewan. 211 Saskatchewan            
    website. Accessed                   uploads/2017/06/Referral-Agreement-
    October 13, 2020.                                       Template.pdf. Accessed October 13, 2020.

16. Health Commons Solutions Lab. Community             21. Health Commons Solutions Lab. Tool:
    Map Prototype and Database. Toronto,                    Provider Profile Cards. Toronto, ON:
    ON: Health Commons; 2020. Available                     Health Commons; 2020. Available from:
    CommunityMapPrototypeTool-j8dz.pptx.                    ProviderProfileCardsTool-b3lw.pptx.
    Accessed October 13, 2020.                              Accessed October 13, 2020.

                Implementation Kit — Saskatchewan The Patient’s Medical Neighbourhood 2021               9
22. eHealth Saskatchewan. LINK website.           27. Saskatchewan Health Quality Council.              Physician Panel Reports website. 2020.
    aspx. Accessed October 13, 2020.                  performance/physician-panel-reports.
                                                      Accessed October 13, 2020.
23. eHealth Saskatchewan. Automated Referral
    Template website. https://www.ehealthsask.    28. Accelerating Change Transformation Team.
    ca/services/Referral-and-Consult-Tools/           Panel Processes. Edmonton, AB: Accelerating
    Pages/Automated-Referral-Template.aspx.           Change Transformation Team; 2018. Available
    Accessed October 13, 2020.                        from:
                                                      panel-process-change-package.pdf. Accessed
24. Saskatchewan EMR Program. Virtual                 October 13, 2020.
    Care – Quick Start Guide. Saskatoon, SK:
    Saskatchewan Medical Association; 2020.       29. Accelerating Change Transformation
    Available from: https://www.emr.sma.              Team. Panel Maintenance Tool. Edmonton,          AB: Accelerating Change Transformation
    Virtual%20Care%20Quick%20Start%20                 Team; 2018. Available from: https://actt.
    Accessed October 13, 2020.                        tool.pdf. Accessed October 13, 2020.

25. Alberta Medical Association. The Essentials   30. Saskatchewan Health Quality Council.
    to Getting Started with Virtual Care              Saskatchewan Health Quality Council
    Checklist. Edmonton, AB: Alberta Medical          website. 2020.
    Association. Available from: https://www.         Accessed October 13, 2020.
    getting-started-checklist.pdf. Accessed       31. Saskatchewan Health Quality Council.
    October 13, 2020.                                 CQIP – Clinical Quality Improvement
                                                      Program website. 2020. https://www.hqc.
26. Accelerating Change Transformation       Accessed
    Team. Electronic Medical Record Supports          October 13, 2020.
    website. 2020. https://actt.albertadoctors.
    org/EMR/Pages/default.aspx. Accessed
    October 13, 2020.

                           The College of Family Physicians of Canada
                        2630 Skymark Avenue, Mississauga, ON L4W 5A4
10                  Kit — Saskatchewan
     Implementation 905-629-0900          The Patient’s
                                   |        Medical Neighbourhood 2021
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