DESTINATIO Nl - Destination Florida Keys

Page created by Vincent Stewart
DESTINATIO Nl - Destination Florida Keys
Winter 2021                       Florida's #1 Visitors Guide


Palettes in
The Art of Living                 Key West
in the Keys
                                    Food &
                               Wine Festival
                                        + Tons of
                                   Other Events
                                    & Activities
What’s On
the Menu?
Your Guide to the
Key’s Top Restaurants

              FLORIDA KEYS & KEY WEST
DESTINATIO Nl - Destination Florida Keys
DESTINATIO Nl - Destination Florida Keys
s e t
                        Sun raded  J u s t
                       Go t U  p  g

D AY S A I L S · S U N S E T S A I L S · P R I VAT E C H A R T E R S · S P E C I A L E V E N T S

        LO C AT E D I N                                              3 0 5 -2 93 -724 5
  HISTORIC KEY WEST BIGHT                                       W W W. S A I L - K E Y W E S T.C O M
DESTINATIO Nl - Destination Florida Keys
Nothing Can Top It                                                                        WINE TASTING TIPS

12th Annual Key West Food & Wine Festival                                                See: First, look at the wine. Is
                                                                                       it clear or opaque? What sort of
                                                                                       hue does it have? Does it have

           amed one of the                              chef collaborations; to        any sediment? All of these things
           10 Best Food                                 local funky events that are    can tell you more about the wine.
           and Wine                                     uniquely Key West.               Swirl: Then swirl your glass
Festivals in the country, the                              Some of our favorite        gently. This will help awaken some
Key West Food & Wine                                    standout happenings            of the aromas of the wine.

Festival roars onto the                                 include the indulgent            Sniff: Once you’ve swirled your
                                                                                       glass, smell the wine. What kind
island on Wednesday,                                    “Grand Tasting” on
                                                                                       of aromas can you pick up? Any
January 27 and lights up                                Thursday, January 28 where
                                                                                       fruits, florals or herbal notes? Does
the town through Sunday,                                you can taste over fifty
                                                                                       it smell like it was aged in oak?
January 31.                                             specially selected wines on
                                                                                         Sip: Start with a small sip of
    The festival attracts thousands of     the beach; “The Absinthe of Ernest” a
                                                                                       the wine. Let it coat your tongue
culinary explorers from around the         brand new event on Friday, January 29       and palate (don’t swish it like
country who descend on the tropical        that revolves around the sampling of five   mouthwash!). This can help you
island to escape the winter and delight    distinctive Absinthes; and the Original     pick up on some more nuanced
their senses.                              Shrimp Boil on Saturday, January 30 at      flavors of the wine.
    Now in its twelfth year, our own       Matt’s Stock Island Kitchen & Bar.            Savor: When you’ve got a
home-grown culinary arts celebration         Of course the list of fun things to do    good taste, savor the wine. You
includes over thirty fun and delectable    goes on and on.                             can either swallow or spit. Ask
events: from extravagant waterfront          For complete details and                  how long the wine lingers on your

tastings during the famous Key West        late - breaking news, go to                 palate. This is the finish.

sunset; to intoxicating winemaker and

4     DESTINATION FLORIDA Florida Keys & Key West
DESTINATIO Nl - Destination Florida Keys
WINTER 2021   5
DESTINATIO Nl - Destination Florida Keys
10-15 Arts Scene                                                       33-42 Xplore                                            43-62 Good Eats


         Florida Keys & Key West
                                                                       what’s inside...
                   Publishers                                          4 Flip Flops Required                              38 Fly Like Iron Man
          Karen L. Davis/Pamela Childs                                 Key West Food & Wine Festival                      High - Octane Fun At Barefoot Billy’s

                        Comptroller                                    8 - 9 Top Picks                                    41 High Seas Romance in Key West
                        Karen Davis                                    The Best of the Florida Keys & Key West            Classic Harbor Line Takes You There

            Marketing/Creative Director                                11 - 15 Arts Scene                                 43 - 62 Good Eats
                 Pamela Childs                                         Gallerie s & Museums you won’t want to             Cool spots to eat, drink and party
            Art Director/Brand Manager                                                                                    46 The Pulse of Islamorada
                 Marsha Michaels                                       14 Walk this Way                                   Lorelei Restaurant & Cabana Bar
                                                                       Gallery Walks & Openings
           Account Manager Key West                                                                                       54 Bite
                 Peter Arnow                                           15 It’s a Stock Island Happening                   Ziggie’s Honey Grilled Chicken Recipe
                                                                       Collections Key West
                Adventure Contributor                                                                                     55 Elegant Bite Size Pieces of Art
                 Mayor Gonzo Mays                                      16 - 17 Time Travel                                Cupcake Sushi
                                                                       Museums that Fascinate
                Photographer At Large                                                                                     58 Signature Recipes and Noteworthy
                    Peter Arnow                                        18 - 19 Footlights                                 Restaurants
                                                                       Here’s What’s Happening On Stage                   New KEYS EATS Cookbook
                       Lance Belew                                     20 - 32 What’s Up                                  60-62 What’s On The Menu?
                                                                       Happenings from Key West to Key Largo              Sample menus from the Keys’ top
          PUBLISHED QUARTERLY                                          22 All I Want for Christmas…
      P.O. Box 1233, Key West, FL 33041                                Key West Holiday Fest                              63 - 66 Shop
                                                                                                                          Where to discover lots of great finds
                 Online Edition @                                      24 Behind the Hidden Door
                                                                       61st Annual Key West Home Tour                     64 Hello Gorgeous!
                                                                                      Zero Dress Code                              28 Bring a Big Appetite!
                                                                       Original Marathon Seafood Festival                 67 - 69 Nest

                                                                                                                          Scope out your own home in paradise
                                       33 - 42 Xplore
                                                                       Top attractions around the Keys                    70 - 72 Sleep Tight
        To become a Marketing Partner                                                                                     Recommended Lodging Properties
                                                                       35 Close Encounters of the Cool Kind
       or to order complimentary copies
                                                                       Fins Are Optional At Aquarium Encounters           73 - 74 Getting Around
       for your lodging property, please                                                                                  Local area maps
          contact us at 305-849-3482                                   36 Hoist the Sails!
                                                                       Key West’s Wrecker Race Series

                                                                       ABOUT THE COVER
                                                                       With three Pulitzer Prizes to his credit, the late Jeff MacNelly is arguably the world’s greatest
       119 Trees Planted This Issue                                    editorial cartoonist and the most critically acclaimed of the 20th Century. One of Key West’s
                                                                       most famous snow birds, MacNelly’s political cartoons were frequently reprinted in Newsweek
Member of the Lodging Association of the Florida Keys and the          Magazine and the Sunday New York Times and also syndicated in thousands of newspapers
official in-room visitors guide for the Keys top lodging properties.
                                                                       around the world. DESTINATION Florida is privileged to feature MacNelly’s work on our winter
  Additional distribution at high traffic areas throughout Monroe
       County including: Key West Chamber Of Commerce,                 cover. You can see an exclusive collection of his fine art reproductions, original canvases, pen
  Key West Business Guild, Marathon Chamber Of Commerce,               & inks, sculptures and Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoons at Key West’s acclaimed Gallery
 Islamorada Chamber Of Commerce, Key Largo Visitor Center.
                                                                       On Greene, 606 Greene St. Info: 305-294-1669;

         Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.                          Special thanks to Key West’s Gallery On Greene

  6       DESTINATION FLORIDA Florida Keys & Key West
DESTINATIO Nl - Destination Florida Keys
DESTINATIO Nl - Destination Florida Keys
TOP PICKS                                                                    BEST PORTERHOUSE STEAK
                                                                                                          Ziggie & Mad Dog’s
                                                                                                          Truth be told, you can’t go wrong with anything
                                                                                                          on the menu of this legendary
                                                                                                          Keys’ landmark because all the food here is
                                                                                                          truly world class. Steak lovers will revel in the
                                                                                                          tender 12 oz. Center Cut Filet, tasty 16 oz. New
                                                                                                          York Strip and full flavored 21 oz. Bone-In Rib
                                                                                                          Eye, but it’s the 28 oz. “Czonka” Porterhouse
                                                                                                          that is totally over the top. Team one up with
                                                                                                          a linebacker-size baked potato and you’ve
                                                                                                          got yourself a winning combination. Find it at
                                                                                                          MM 83 Bayside, Islamorada. 305-664-3391;

    BEST LOBSTER BLT                                                                                      BEST ISLAND CHIC
    Key Largo Fisheries                                                                                   Snook’s Bayside
    Until recently, we always thought there                                                               Hidden away at the end of a private lane,
    was nothing like a great Maine lobster                                                                just off US 1, this chandeliered Grand Tiki
    roll. Of course that was before we                                                                    with its flickering torches, lush plantings and
    discovered the Lobster BLT at the “Take        BEST KEYS SUNSET                                       SOBE-style sofa lounges is oh-so-chic! A
    Away Cafe” on the docks behind Key             CELEBRATION                                            gorgeous, open-air dining area, sprawling
    Largo Fisheries. Perfectly cooked, firm-       Lor-e-lei Restaurant &                                 5,000 square foot patio and multiple bars all
    tender lobster (not fried - Sacre Bleu!)
    is generously heaped on a buttery
                                                   Cabana Bar                                             have unobstructed views of the Bay, giving
                                                                                                          you a ringside seat to one of the best sunset
    Croissant fused with crisp bacon, juicy        Cited as one of the "Best and Brightest Spots          celebrations in the Keys. The fresh, island-
    ripe tomato slices, fresh Bibb lettuce and     in Florida,” this casual, family-friendly hangout      inspired dishes, are also first rate. Truly a great
    a healthy slather of spicy mayo. Also          is home to the world famous Lor-e-lei Fishing          place to kick back enjoy a piece of paradise.
    first rate: the incredible Lobster BLT Soup    Guides and lively Sunset Celebration. Great            Find it at MM 99.9 Bayside, Key Largo. 305-
    loaded with bacon and lobster. YUM!            casual fare with an array of tasty sandwiches,         453-5004;
    Find it at MM 99.5, Oceanside at 1313          fresh local seafood, ribs, steak, and chicken.
    Ocean Bay Dr., Key Largo. 305-451-             Live entertainment by local bands. Happy
    3782;                   Hour specials from 4 - 6pm. Find it at MM82,
                                                   Bayside, Islamorada. 305-664-2692;
Keys Pawn
Maybe it’s just us, but when we think “pawn
shop” we think “eh, maybe not.” Not so with          BEST
Keys Pawn. This place is like no other pawn          SEAFOOD JOINT
shop we’ve ever seen (even the ones on TV).          The Square
The folks here have been supplying dealers
from all over the world with luxury watches,
high-end jewelry, rare antiques and collectibles     Bar & Grill
at super low prices for over forty years. Now        Chef/owner Lynn Bell and her
they’ve opened this new brick and mortar with        top culinary crew are creating the
a terrific ever-changing inventory that also         most intriguing small plates and entrees,
includes a wonderful collection of rare guitars.     pastas and ever changing specials, making this hip
The prices and selection are phenomenal, so if       roadside Bar & Grill a true “Destination” restaurant and earning it a “Top 10” ranking in the Florida
you’re into snagging great deals, this Pawn’s        Keys & Key West restaurant scene. You’ll also find a terrific selection of boutique wines and craft
for you! Find your next treasure at 91551            beers. Find it at MM 22, Oceanside, Cudjoe Key (305-745-8880) and at its new waterfront
Overseas Hwy., Tavernier. 305-962-1956;              location in Islamorada at MM 80.4, Bayside (786-901-5678);
8    DESTINATION FLORIDA Florida Keys & Key West
DESTINATIO Nl - Destination Florida Keys
BEST Wedding Cake - Not!
Cupcake Sushi
Let’s face it, coming up with innovative wedding ideas is no easy task, especially when it comes to the cake. So when we
discovered Lori Shubert’s “Cupcake Sushi” in Key West, we knew that we had stumbled upon something really special. With options
like salted caramel, red velvet and key lime, these elegant bite size pieces of art are deliciously creative and are unlike anything
we’ve ever seen. Lori and her team can roll the cupcakes on location, create a custom centerpiece for your reception, or have an
assortment of your favorite flavors dropped off. If you really want to “wow” your guests, Cupcake Sushi is the frosting on the cake.
Find it at 1114 Truman Avenue in Key West or hit them up at Info: 774-627-8703.

BEST HAPPY HOUR &                                       BEST REGIONAL ART                                  BEST SUSHI        Ambrosia
TAPAS                                                   COLLECTION                                         Chef/Owner Masa and wife Noriko are
Tavern N’ Town                                            The Gallery On Greene                            making waves at Key West’s hip, vintage Santa
                                                            No one personifies the Key West art            Maria Hotel where their edgy Japanese
This favorite local hang
                                                            scene more than Nance Frank, Gallery           restaurant and sushi bar is renowned for its
has not one, but two,
                                                           Director at Gallery On Greene in Key            authentic, artfully crafted plates including
terrific daily Happy
                                                         West’s Historic Seaport. Her meticulously         Masa’s premium bluefin tuna creations and
Hours with generous
                                                       curated collection of authentic, historic and       other full-flavored dishes like the Spicy Seafood
2 - for - 1 libations from
                                                     museum-quality regional art is an absolute            Carpaccio with fresh jalapeño, sweet onion and
5 - 7pm and again from 9 -
                                                     visual delight. Here you’ll find Pulitzer Prize       Yuzu pepper paste. Tradition and innovation
11pm. The early Happy Hour
                                                     winners like political cartoonists Jeff MacNelly,     collide with all kinds of intriguing signature
also features a revolving lineup of
                                                     Mike Peters and Tony Auth; poet/writer/visual         rolls and Japanese specialties. Find it at 1401
top notch entertainment that draws a
                                                     artist, Annie Dillard; and photographer David         Simonton St, Key West. 305-293-0304;
big local crowd. But what really hits
                                                     Hume Kennerly. Lots of Key West icons, too  
the ball out of the park are the Tapas
                                                     including Mario Sanchez, Tennessee Williams
Nights on Tuesday and Thursday
                                                     and Suzie dePoo. And while The Gallery
where globally-inspired small tasting
                                                     On Greene is a favorite stomping ground for              BEST SAILING CHARTER
plates of gourmet appetizers
                                                     serious art collectors, it’s also a popular spot
are all artfully prepared. A
                                                     for more casual buyers, like us. Find it at
                                                                                                              Sunset Sail Key West
Late Night Tapas menu is                                                                                      Capt. Seth Salzmann's spirited fleet of
                                                     606 Greene St, Key West. 305-294-1669;
also available from 9 - 11pm.                                                                                 authentic sailing vessels are what exploring
Find it at the Key West Marriott Beachside                                                                    the Keys is all about. With three different
Hotel, 3811 North Roosevelt Blvd, Key West.                                                                   schooners and a blue water cruising ketch
305-296-8100;                                                                                under his command, he and his gregarious
                                                                                                              crew will whisk you away for a variety of
BEST ROMANTIC                                                                                                 private daily trips including Sunrise and
SUNSET SAIL                                                                                                   Day Sails, Sunset and Starlight Sails, and
Schooner America 2.0                                                                                          Snorkel Sails to the reef, coral gardens,
Regaled as Key West’s most stunning sailboat,                                                                 and ship wrecks. Whatever boat or trip
the classic 105’ Schooner America 2.0, with                                                                   you decide on get ready for the real deal.
her sleek teak decks and 3600 square feet                                                                     Because as soon as you pull out of the
of billowing white sails, looks as if she sailed                                                              harbor, the sails go up and the engines
straight out of romance novel. The glorious,                                                                  go off so you get an authentic sailing
two-hour champagne sunset sail is the most                                                                    experience every time. Find it at 202
elegant and romantic sunset sail that Key West                                                                William St, Key West. 305-587-4488;
has to offer. You’ll be surprised at how fast and                                                   
smoothly this luxurious lady cuts through the
harbor while you sip on a glass of bubbly and
take in the sights. Departs from the Schooner
Wharf Bar in Key West’s Historic Bight. Info and
reservations: 305-293-7245;

                                                                                                                                       WINTER 2021           9
DESTINATIO Nl - Destination Florida Keys
Leave Your Legacy
                 in the Florida Keys

Give back to the place you love by starting a                             Together, we can craft strategies to help you realize
personalized fund at the Community Foundation                             your philanthropic goals, whether you want to
of the Florida Keys. In a few simple steps, put your                      support a specific cause or organizations, lend a
charitable dollars to work in areas that are most                         helping hand for people in need, or make the Florida
important to you:                                                         Keys better for future generations.
 • E nsure the health of our beautiful marine
    ecosystem and restoration of the world’s third-                       Create a custom fund with your name, honor
    largest barrier reef system;                                          someone you love, or commemorate a special event.
 •P  rovide essential services for our dedicated                         Give today or ensure a legacy through planned gifts.
    restaurant and tourist attraction workers, whose
    families are mostly living paycheck to paycheck;
 • S upport the vibrant cultural institutions and
    preserve the unique historical treasures you love;
 •W  hat’s your passion? With over 300 nonprofits
    actively serving our incredible islands, the
    possibilities are endless.

      Join Us In Paradise for Good
   Schedule a meeting during your visit
    at 305-292-1502 or visit

                           $25,000 minimum suggested to ensure forever gifts to your favorite causes
                                                     The vibrant art scene is constantly          "happening" that showcases everything from
                                                                                                  paintings, Cuban art, sculpture, and glass, to
                                                evolving, and you'll find numerous
                                                                                                  antiques, island collectibles, and local fine art
                                                galleries from Key West to Key Largo, as          furniture. Oils and acrylics; impressionism,
                                                well as many cultural arts venues.                art, magical realism; variety is one of our
                                                                                                  main components. The show is ever-changing
                                                     Combine all of this with the Keys' rich
                                                                                                  and always unfolding. Find her funky space
                                                history, diverse culture, and beautiful           just down the dock from the Hogfish Bar &
                                                tropical locale, and it's no wonder that this     Grill, behind the double red doors. Call for
                                                                                                  an appointment if the doors aren't open.
                                                small slice of paradise is now considered
                                                a world-class destination.                        Gallery On Greene
                                                                                                  600 Greene St
                                                                                                  Key West, Fl 33040
                                                NOTEWORTHY GALLERIES                              305-294-1669;
                                                Collections Key West                              Open Daily 10 am - 6 pm
                                                6810 Front St                                     Key West's Premier Art Gallery
                                                Stock Island/Key West, Fl 33040                   "Miami has Art Basel; Key West has the
               Gallery On Greene                                                                  Gallery on Greene." This premier gallery

                                                Daily 11 am - 3:30 pm                             showcases a mind-blowing collection of
 nternational influences, a laid-back
                                                A Gallery of the Ages                             authentic, historic, museum-quality regional
 atmosphere and unrivaled natural beauty        Artist/owner Karen Wray has lived on Stock        art. Gallery Director Nance Frank is a
 have made the Florida Keys and Key             Island for over 35 years, and her collection      powerhouse curator and handpicks works
                                                of work is astonishing. More than just an art     from 37 listed artists. Including Pulitzer
West a magnet for creative spirits.                                                               Prize-winners Jeff MacNelly and Annie
                                                gallery, Collections Key West is a tropical art
                                                                                                                                continued on page 12

                                           Artist Kimber Fiebiger

                                                                                                                              WINTER 2021        11
                                                   Dillard; legendary painters and sculptors
                                                   Mario Sanchez and Suzie DePoo; master
                                                   impressionist Peter Vey, and many other
                                                   highly acclaimed Key West names. The works
                                                   here span a wide variety of mediums and
                                                   attract both casual buyers and serious art
                                                   collectors. Frank also arranges art tours to

                                                   Key West Art Center & Gallery
                                                   301 Front St
                                                   Key West, Fl 33040
                                                   Open Daily 10 am — 5 pm
                                                   Home for Local Art & Artists
                                                   Key West's oldest art gallery is a popular
                                                   forum for local artists who showcase various
                                                   styles that capture the colors and mood of
                                                   Key West. The Center also produces two of
                                                   Key West's biggest art events, including the
                                                   upcoming Old Island Days Art Festival on
                                                   February 22 - 23. Takes place from 10 – 5
                                                   pm on Whitehead and Caroline Streets.

                                                   Key West Woodworks
                                                   6810 Front St
                                                   Stock Island/Key West, Fl 33040
                                                   Open Daily 11 am — 3:30 pm
                                                   Wood is Good
                                                   Key West Woodworks is the longest-running
                                                   custom woodworking shop in the Keys.
                                                   Having their sawmill affords access to the
                                                   islands' exotic tropical hardwoods: Cuban
                                                   Mahogany, Woman's Tongue, Jamaica
                                                   Dogwood, Buttonwood, and Tamarind, to
                                                   name but a few. Whether you are interested
                                                   in a one-of-a-kind dining room table or you
                                                   want to purchase raw wood slabs for your
                                                   projects, these guys can show you a wealth
                                                   of wood.

                                                   The Studios of Key West
                                                   533 Eaton St
                                                   Key West, Fl 33041
                                                   Open Tu-Sa 10 am - 4 pm
                                                   Live The Creative Life
                                                   TSKW stages an extraordinary line-up of
                                                   contemporary art and rotating gallery ex-
                                                   hibits, workshops, classes, and performances.
                                                   They also provide in-house residency
                                                   opportunities for artists worldwide. Many
                                                   world-renowned artists and Pulitzer Prize-
                                                   winning authors unite with local audiences
                                                   and art practitioners at all stages of their
                                                   creative careers. Be sure to check out their
                                                   website for upcoming events and late-
                                                   breaking updates.

12   DESTINATION FLORIDA Florida Keys & Key West
WINTER 2021   13
Gallery Walks & Openings
First Thursday                                                                                              February 13 - 14
Art & Shopping Walk                                                                                         Enrique delValle, Dancing at The
Key West: Stroll this collection of great                                                                   Boogaloo Lounge, 1950s
galleries, unique boutiques and design                                                                      Key West/Stock Island: Takes place
studios, span-ning from The Studios of                                                                      from noon - 4 pm at Collections Key
Key West at Eaton and Simonton, to                                                                          West, 6810 Front St, Stock Island.
Guild Hall Gallery on Duval and all the                                                                     Info: 305-923-4778; 305-923-4778;
galleries and boutiques in the neighboring                                                        
500 Block of Fleming. Takes place from
                                                                       Peter Vey
6 - 9pm.                                                                                                     February 27
                                                                                                             Priscilla Coote Opening
                                                   Jan 7 - 28
Third Thursday                                                                                        Key West: Priscilla Coote utilizes vignetting,
                                                   Color Cuts
Walk On White Gallery Walk                                                                            lens flare and color shifts to create a certain
                                                   Key West: Works by Cynthia Black on view
Key West: One of Key West’s original art walks                                                        mood. Takes place from 5 - 8pm at Gallery on
                                                   daily at The Studios of Key West, 533 Eaton St.
includes exhibitions and receptions at galleries                                                      Greene, 606 Greene St. Info: 305-294-1669;
                                                   Info: 305-296-0458;
and shops along White St from Southward to                                                  
United. Starts at 6pm.
                                                   January 9 - 10
                                                                                                      March 4 - 25
                                                   Will Fernandez & Kate Peachy:
Third Thursday                                                                                        Orisha: The Lost Saints, Michael
                                                   Pointallism & Portraits
Morada Way Arts & Cultural District                                                                   Marrero
                                                   Key West/Stock Island: Takes place from noon
Art Walk                                                                                              Key West: This extraordinary photo series
                                                   - 4 pm at Collections Key West, 6810 Front St,
Islamorada: Fine arts, live music and “culinary                                                       explores the disappearing Santeria religion from
                                                   Stock Island. Info: 305-923-4778; 305-923-
art.” Takes place from 6 - 9pm along the                                                              the Florida Keys. On exhibit at The Studios of
Morada Way Arts & Cultural District, MM 81.5,                                                         Key West, 533 Eaton St. Info: 305-296-0458;
Oceanside. Info: 305-664-2471;                                                              
                                                   January 30
                                                   Mike Marrero Opening
                                                                                                      March 4 - 25
                                                   Key West: Award winning photographer,
First Fridays                                                                                         Floral Feast, Katlin Spain
                                                   playwright, and film & theatrical director, Mike
Upper Duval Street Stroll                                                                             Key West: Katlin Spain pieces shapes of color
                                                   Marrero takes center stage from 5 - 8pm at The
Key West: Galleries, boutiques and cafes open                                                         together into large scale oil paintings. Takes
                                                   Gallery On Greene, 606 Greene St, Key West.
late for exhibitions and receptions on Duval St                                                       place at The Studios of Key West, 533 Eaton St.
                                                   Info: 305-294-1669;
from Truman to United. Starts at 6pm.                                                                 Info: 305-296-0458;
                                                   February 4 - 17
Second Saturday                                                                                       March 4 - 25
                                                   Ann McKee Auction Preview
I Love Stock Island Art Stroll                                                                        The Female Gaze: Strength &
                                                   Key West: Get an advance preview of the
Key West/Stock Island: Over 10 local artists                                                          Vulnerability, Meggi Siegart
                                                   highly anticipated annual auction which will be
at several different locations showcase their                                                         Key West: Self-taught artist, Siegert utilizes her
                                                   held on Tuesday, February 17. Proceeds help
works. Takes place on Dec 12, Jan 9, Feb                                                              background in art therapy and social work
                                                   fund the vital grant program for Keys artists.
13 and March 13 from 11am — 5pm at the                                                                to create glimmers of emotional depth and
                                                   Takes place at The Studios of Key West, 533
Stock Island Arts District. Info: 305-731-5780:                                                       intimacy. On exhibit at The Studios of Key West,
                                                   Eaton St. Info: 305-296-0458;                                                                                 533 Eaton St. Info: 305-296-0458;
                                                   February 9
December 12 - 13                                                                                      March 13
                                                   Esterio Segura Opening
Holiday Gift Show                                                                                     Mike Rooney Opening
                                                   Key West: Esterio Segura makes use of
Key West/Stock Island: Karen Wray throws                                                              Key West: Rooney’s subject matter varies,
                                                   humorous imagery to address socially and
open the doors of her fabulous gallery for                                                            but always captures what he loves the most:
                                                   politically charged themes from Cuban history.
another one of her signature “Happenings.”                                                            water, boats, and the beach. Takes place
                                                   Takes place from 5 - 8pm at The Studios of
Takes place from noon - 4 pm at Collections                                                           from 5 - 7pm at The Gallery On Greene, 606
                                                   Key West, 533 Eaton St. Info: 305-296-0458;
Key West, 6810 Front St, Stock Island. Info:                                                          Greene St, Key West. Info: 305-294-1669;
                                                   February 13
Jan 7 - 28                                                                                            March 13 - 14
                                                   Peter Vey - A Key West Diary
A Novel Idea                                                                                          Steve Bickis & Karen Wray: Old Town
                                                   Key West: Peter Vey’s works exude lush floral
Key West: Works by Christie Fifer on view daily                                                       & Kinetic Alterations
                                                   details, formal architectural patterns and
at The Studios of Key West, 533 Eaton St. Info:                                                       Key West/Stock Island: Takes place from noon
                                                   intricate almost abstract flowery geometric
305-296-0458;                                                                               - 4 pm at Collections Key West, 6810 Front St,
                                                   forms. Takes place from 5 - 8pm at Gallery on
                                                                                                      Stock Island. Info: 305-923-4778; 305-923-
                                                   Greene, 606 Greene St. Info: 305-294-1669;

14   DESTINATION FLORIDA Florida Keys & Key West
It's a Stock Island Happening
Collections Key West

         rtist Karen Wray loves her life on       around the world
         Stock Island. She's been a "Wharf          The show is ever-changing
         Rat" for over 35 years, long             and always unfolding.
before this tiny spit of land just across the       In unison with Collections
channel from Key West was the hip place           Gallery, she and her husband
it is today.                                      Jimmy also own
  Her edgy off-the-beaten-path Collections          Key West Woodworks
Key West is tucked right by the docks next        - the longest-running custom
to the Hogfish restaurant.                        woodworking shop in the
  Located upstairs in the former Stock            Keys. Having their sawmill
Island Yacht Club, Collections Key West is        affords them access to some of
                                                                                                Street on Stock Island. If Karen's not in
not just the island's premier art gallery; it's   the islands' most exotic tropical
                                                                                                dollars to donuts, she's hanging out on
an "Art Happening".                               hardwoods: locally harvested Mahogany,
                                                                                                the docks finding inspiration for her next
  "Karen has masterfully curated a unique         Woman's Tongue, Jamaica Dogwood,
                                                                                                project. Just ring her up at 305-923-4778
mix of classical and modern paintings,            Buttonwood, and Tamarind, to name just a
                                                                                                (Collections) or buzz Jimmy at 305-394-
kinetic sculpture, exquisite lamps, antiques,     few. They stock thousands of board feet for
                                                                                                5249 (Key West Woodworks).
fine wood furniture, jewelry, and island          about any project imaginable.
                                                                                                  See you on the dock!
collectibles as well as art relics from             You can find them both at 6810 Front

                                                                                                                          WINTER 2021        15
                                                                                                   West's Ft. Zachary Taylor            Hemingway was motivated to write some
                                                                                                   from Confederate attack,             of his best works including “To Have and
                                                                                                   this historic military fort is       Have Not,” a novel about Key West during
                                                                                                   filled with unique artifacts         the Great Depression. Take a leisurely stroll
                                                                                                   and memorabilia. You can             through his studio, home, and gardens and
                                                                                                   tour the grounds and see             meet some furry descendants of Hemingway’s
                                                                                                   displays of Florida Keys'            legendary six-toed cat.
                                                                                                   history, meet Robert, the
                                                                                                   haunted doll, and view               Florida Keys History & Discovery
                                                                                                   junkyard sculptures by               Center
                                                                                                   Stanley Papio and the                On the Property of the Islander Resort
                                                                                                   painted wooden carvings              MM 82 Oceanside
                                                                                                   of acclaimed artist Mario            Islamorada, Fl 33036
                                                                                                   Sanchez.                             305-922-2237;
                                                                                                                                        Open W - Su 10am — 5pm
                                                                                            Ernest Hemingway                            Where the “Old Keys” Come to Life
                                                                                            Home & Museum                               This fascinating educational attraction
                      Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum                                        907 Whitehead Street                        encapsulates what living in the “Old Keys”
                                                                                            Key West, FL 33040                          was really like, through a series of engaging
East Martello Museum & Gallery                                                              305-294-1136;                               exhibits that include the infamous Labor Day
3301 South Roosevelt Blvd                                                                                    Hurricane of 1935, Henry Flagler’s Railroad,
Key West, FL 33040                                                      Open Daily 9am-5pm                                              the Overseas Highway, legendary anglers
305-296-3913;                                                 Retrace The Footsteps Of Hemingway                              and fishing guides along with a host of other
Open Daily 9:30am — 5pm                                                 A registered Historic Landmark and one of                       special displays.
Home Of Robert The Haunted Doll                                         Key West’s most historic and unique legacies
Built in 1862 by the US Army to protect Key                             where the late Nobel Prize winner, Ernest

        MUSEUM                                                                                                                            Key West Bight

                                    Florida Keys                                                     Men
                                                                                                    ad fo tion this
                                                                                                     admis$2 OFF

                                                                                                                                                    Open Now
       On the property of the Islander Resort, Islamorada, MM 82 Oceanside                                                                         Memorial Day
      Open Wednesdays through Sundays • 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.                                                                                     Thursday-Friday-Saturday

           305-922-2237 •

     Florida Keys History and Discovery Foundation, which operates the Discovery Center, is a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization.

16    DESTINATION FLORIDA Florida Keys & Key West
Mel Fisher
                                                  coins, gold, emeralds, swords, and more
                                                  are all on display here, along with special
                                                  historical exhibits that explore maritime
                                                                                                     200 Greene Street
                                                                                                     Key West, Florida
                                                  Oldest House Museum                      
                                                  322 Duval St                                         305.294.2633
                                                  Key West, FL 33040
                                                  Open 10am — 4pm; Closed Weds & Sun
                                                  Built in 1829, Key West’s oldest house
              Key West Custom House               was home to the wrecker Captain Francis
                                                  B. Watlington, his wife Emeline, and their
Key West Custom House                             nine daughters. The former estate includes
281 Front Street                                  three buildings: the main house, the kitchen
Key West, FL 33040                                house, and the exhibit pavilion. The property     People are
305-295-6616;                           showcases a treasure trove of family portraits,
Open Daily 9:30am — 4:30pm                        original furnishings, many maritime artifacts,
                                                                                                    talking ...
National Landmark & Museum                        and a gift shop, as well as works by Key
Originally home to the island’s customs office,   West’s famous Cuban-American Folk Artist,             “Spectacular
postal service, and district courts, this         Mario Sanchez. In the rear of the house is              museum”
architectural marvel was built to keep pace       the spacious, peaceful “Lily’s Garden,” where
with the increasing population and wealth
                                                  you can see the only surviving Cook House in
generated by Key West’s lucrative trade           South Florida.
                                                                                                      “So interesting”
routes and maritime industries. Today, this                                                                    ...
beautifully restored national landmark is home    Truman Little White House                               “Huge fan
to an award-winning museum and the official       111 Front Street                                     of this place”
headquarters of the Key West Art & Historical     Key West, Fl 33040
                                                  Open M-Su 9am - 5pm;
                                                                                                     “So many artifacts
Key West Lighthouse & Keeper’s                    Guided Tours until 4:30pm                                to view”
Quarters                                          Florida’s Only Presidential Site                             ...
938 Whitehead Street                              Originally constructed in 1890 as naval             “Well done and
Key West, FL 33040                                officers housing, this historical compound
305-294-0012;                                                                                  great story”
                                                  became the winter White House for President
Open Daily 9:30am — 4:30pm                        Harry S. Truman, who spent 175 days of
A Tribute To Key West’s Maritime Heritage         his Presidency here from 1946 to 1952. It           “One of our Top
Originally “manned” by a woman Keeper             has also been used by six other Presidents         Three in Key West”
when it opened in 1848, the Key West              including William Howard Taft, Dwight D.                     ...
Lighthouse is now one of the island’s most        Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter
iconic attractions where you can walk up 88                                                            “A must see”
                                                  and Bill Clinton. Tours take place every 15 -
steps to the top of the light for a birds-eye     20 minutes throughout the day.
view of Key West and explore the belongings,
photographs, and words of the lighthouse          Key West Turtle Museum                            New Exhibition
Keepers who bravely kept the light burning
through threats of war and weather.
                                                  200 Margaret Street
                                                  Key West, Fl 33040
Mel Fisher Maritime Museum                        Open Th-Sa 11am - 5pm
200 Greene Street                                 A Piece of Key West History
KeyWest, FL 33040                                 Located next to a former turtle cannery
305-294-2633;                       building, this former fish house is now home
Open M - Su 8:30am - 5pm;                         to the Key West Turtle Museum. Here you
Sa & Su 9:30 am - 5 pm                            can explore the history of the green sea
A Bounty Of Shipwreck Treasures                   turtle fishing industry and see a burgeoning
The legendary Mel Fisher and his team of          collection of archeological objects and turtle
treasure hunters come to life at this fas-        bones. Opened by Mel Fisher Maritime
cinating maritime museum that displays a          Museum, the Turtle Museum focuses on turtle
bounty of precious loot salvaged from the         conservation efforts, including promoting
Spanish Galleon, Atocha, which sunk off           awareness, protecting habits, and tagging for
of Key West over 400 years ago. Treasure          research and study.
                                                                                                        WINTER 2021      17
      he Florida Keys and Key West are
      home to a thriving performing arts
      community that stages world-class
theater, dance, and concert productions
from Key West to Key Largo. Historical
luminaries, including playwright
Tennessee Williams, novelist Ernest
Hemingway, and poet Robert Frost,
created some of their best works. That
tradition continues today as more and
more writers, artists, musicians, dancers,
and performers flock to our small piece
of paradise from all over the world.
                                                                                         Fringe Theaer, Key West
Christopher Peterson's Eyecons
Key West: Often compared to the legendary        way he transforms himself into more than               Fringe Theater Of Key West
Jim Bailey, master of impersonations,            a dozen famous women right before your                 Key West: Fringe creates community-focused
Christopher Peterson is, without a doubt,        very eyes with the help of his "magic closet."         theater that is light on its feet, reflects a variety
one of North America's foremost female           Catch him in the Crystal Room Cabaret at La            of theatrical voices and is also affordable.
impressionists, both visually and vocally. His   Te Da, 1125 Duval St. Tickets and info: 305-           The troupe’s acting is always superb, and
hit show, EYECONS, is one of the hottest         296-6706;                                  the production choices are really unique.
tickets in town, and you'll be amazed by the                                                            Now located at the Key West Armory, 600

 Live Theatre
 At Its Best!

                                                                                                                             2021 Season
                                         Simply                                                                   For forty-eight years from January
                                           the                                                                   through March Impromptu Concerts

                                         Best!                                                                 has presented six concerts featuring a
                                                                                                             variety of professional ensembles playing
                                         Hit Musicals                                                         classical music in all styles. This year we
                                                                                                             regretfully have to cancel our season due
                                            Winning                                                            to the Covid-19 virus. Thank you to all
                                            Dramas                                                           who responded to our recent survey which
                                                                                                              helped us come to this difficult decision.
                                          Comedies                                                           Please check our website for updates and
                                                                                                                         special performances.
                                         Radio Plays
                                         and more!
                                         For what’s
                                           in the                                                                       Stay well and safe.
                                         wings, visit
                                                                                                                    Thank you for your support! • 305.294.5015

18   DESTINATION FLORIDA Florida Keys & Key West
White St. For more info on this
season’s exciting lineup, tickets and
more, call 305-731-0581 or go to

Key West Theater
Key West: Originally built in 1848 as
the 1st Baptist Church of Key West,
this newly renovated performing
arts center is home to a Community
Stage, Rams Head Promotions,
Grateful Guitar, Back Stage Listening
Room and the Key West Theater
Recording Studio. It’s the place to go
for top tier music, concerts, comedy
& variety specials as well as locally
produced Key West events. Located
at 512 Eaton St. Info: 305-985-

Randy Roberts Live!
Key West: Spotlighted on television's
hit series "America's Got Talent,"
Randy Roberts shines in this live,
multi-media tribute to some of the
world's most beloved performers.                        Waterfront Playhouse, Key West
His uncanny impersonations of Cher,
Better Midler, and Mae West are                    on Weds, Feb 3, and continues through
spot-on. He'll have you rolling in the aisles      Sat, Feb 13. Based on the 1988 children's
when he performs a titillating striptease as       novel about a five-year-old girl with the gift of
the bawdy Gypsy Rose Lee. But nothing              telekinesis, "Matilda the Musical" takes to the
compares to "Consuela," Roberts' self-created      stage on Weds, Mar 3 through Sat, Mar 20.
character, which can only be described as          Edward Albee's Pulitzer Prize-winning play,
Ann-Margaret, Liza Minnelli, and Joan Rivers,      "Three Tall Women," an autobiographical
all rolled into one powerhouse performer.          view of the playwright's mother, opens on
Catch this amazing show at La Te Da's Crystal      Wed, Apr 7, and runs through Sat, Apr 17.
Room Cabaret, 1125 Duval St. Tickets and           Based on Paramount's hilarious farce-meets-
info: 305-296-6706;                     murder mystery movie, "Clue" is one comedy
                                                   whodunit you don't want to miss. Opens on
Red Barn Theatre                                   Wed, May 5 and plays through Sat, May 15.
Key West: Now in its 41st remarkable season,       Located at 310 Wall St. Tickets and info: 305-
Key West's venerable Red Barn Theatre's new        294-5015;
season makes full use of the gorgeous, open-
air Zabar courtyard that fronts their theater.
The bricked space, comfortably shielded by a
magnificent Royal Poinciana, accommodates
socially distanced outdoor seating for 40
people. Located at 319 Duval St. Info and
tickets at 305-296-9911;

Waterfront Playhouse
Key West: The Waterfront Playhouse kicks off
its 82nd season with "Every Brilliant Thing," a
journey through grief, healing, falling in love,
and discovering what life has to give.
Plays Tues, Dec 3 through Thurs, Dec 12. "The
Rocky Horror Show" screams onto the stage
for New Year's Eve and plays through Fri, Jan
15. "A Life in the Theater," by Pulitzer
Prize-winning author David Mamet opens                            Red Barn Theatre, Key West

                                                                                                       WINTER 2021   19
WHAT’S UP                                                     Due to COVID 19, please double-check the dates of these upcoming events.

                                                          classical guitarist Matteo Jampol on     to revel in the colorful street performers, local
                                                          Fri and pianist Bobby Green on Sat       artists, psychics and food vendors who have
                                                          and Sun. Takes place from 5 - 7 pm       made Key West's Sunset Celebration a world-
                                                          at The Gardens Hotel and Cottages,       famous, multicultural happening. Experience it
                                                          526 Angela St. Info: 305-294-2661;       nightly at the end of upper Duval St.
                                                                                                   Every Tuesday
                                                          Nightly                                  Mario Sanchez Original Works &
                                                          Jazz at Tavern N Town                    Lecture
                                                          Key West: Some of Key West's top         Key West: Owner of Key West's renowned
                                                          talent, including "Island Chanteuse,"    Gallery on Greene, Nance Frank, has curated
                                                          Carmen Rodriquez, and Michael            multiple exhibits of famed Cuban artist Mario
                                                          Thomas, perform nightly from 5-7 pm      Sanchez with catalogs for his exhibition
                                                          during Key West's best Happy Hour.       presented by The American Folk-Art Museum,
                                                          Takes place at Marriott Beachside        The Museum of the City of New York as well
                                                          Resort, 3841 N Roosevelt Blvd. Info:     as Cuba's National Museum. Her weekly
               Key West Sunset Celebration                305-296-8100;            presentation about Sanchez's life and work is
                                                                                                   fascinating. Takes place at 2 pm every Tues at
                                                 Nightly                                           the Gallery on Greene, 606 Greene St. Info:
                                                 Key West Sunset Celebration                       305-304-2323;
                                                 Key West: Each evening, about two hours
Cabaret @ d'vine Wine Gallery
                                                 before sunset, flocks of people gather at Key     Wednesday – Saturday
Key West: This is a great hang if you want
                                                 West's Mallory Square and on the pier behind      Cabaret in The Gardens
to kick back with a fine glass of wine. Settle
                                                 the Margaritaville Resort & Marina to watch       Key West: Key West's Gardens Hotel is one of
in for an intimate cabaret performance by
                                                 the sun slowly sink into the Gulf of Mexico and   the most beautiful boutique hotels on the island,
some of Key West's favorite performers like

                                                                                                                                         59 LES PAUL

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               Highest prices paid for gold, watches, diamonds and jewelry! Best interest rates on loans!
20   DESTINATION FLORIDA Florida Keys & Key West
and every Weds through Sat from 5 - 7 pm,            Every Other Sunday                                                   Key West Tropical Forest and
you can enjoy wonderful, live piano music in         Key West Artisan                                                      Botanical Garden, 5210
the Hotel's intimate Cabaret. Full bar and stellar   Market                                                                 College Rd. Info: 305-296-
wines are the coup de gras. Find it at 525           Key West: Shop                                                         1504;
Angela St. Info: 305-294-2661; gardenshotel.         a curated outdoor
com.                                                 market offering fine                                                     Nov 25 - Dec 31
Every Thursday                                       crafts, art, and jewelry                                                Key West Holiday Fest
Truman Waterfront Farmers Market                     from talented Florida                                                  Key West: Key West's
Key West: Enjoy shopping locally at this weekly      Keys makers. Stock your                                              colorful month-long holiday
market, brimming with fresh local fruit and          pantry and fridge with fresh                                      celebration includes all kinds of
produce. You can eat-in or takeaway all kinds        produce, artisan cheeses, local                                fun festivities that take place all over
of goodies from international food vendors           seafood, honey, pickles, and more.                       the island. For a complete list of events,
and shop some terrific arts, crafts, and other       Free entry and parking. BYOB (bring your          go to
merchandise. Takes place from 2 - 7 pm. Info:        own bags). A different themed event takes place
305-731-3385;                 from 10am - 3pm every other Sunday (12/13,        Dec 1
                                                     12/27/, 1/10, 1/24, 1/31, 2/17, 2/14,             Light Up Key Largo!
Every Sunday                                         2/21, 3/7 and 3/21) at Higgs Beach. Info:         Key Largo: For one magical night, you can
Jazz in The Gardens                                  305-731-3385;                ice skate in the "Diving Capital of the World"
Key West: Enjoy some terrific jazz amidst                                                              as Key Largo lights Monroe County's tallest
lush flora and fauna during this free hang that      Monthly                                           Christmas tree. The celebration also includes
draws Key West's top jazz cognoscenti. Full          Every Third Saturday Native Plant                 an Ice Skating Rink, Santa's Workshop,
bar, champagne, and fabulous wines. Takes            Sale                                              Carolers, lots of holiday goodies, and lots
place from 5:30 - 8 pm at the Gardens Hotel,         Key West: Peruse over 2,000 native, rare and      more. Tree Lighting at 8 pm. Takes place from
526 Angel St, Key West. Info: 305-294-2661;          endangered plants from the Keys, Cuba, and        5 - 9 pm at the Murray Nelson Government                                    the Western Caribbean at this terrific monthly    Center, MM 102. Info: 305-451-1414;
                                                     plant sale. Takes place from 9 am-Noon at the

         Now All Over
       Florida Keys & Key West
 Southwest Florida • Greater Tampa Bay
    Greater Daytona • Palm Beaches

 Big Spring/Summer Issue
  Deadline Mon, Feb 15

  D     ESTINATIO                        N

          Florida's #1 Visitors Guide

                                                                                                                                      WINTER 2021        21
All I Want for Christmas…
Key West Holiday Fest

     ord knows 2020 has been one tough          November 25 with the
     year and a little extra holiday cheer is   festive Lighting of the Harbor
     definitely in order. So what to do?        Walk in Key West’s Historic
     For some, celebrating the holidays         Seaport.
means quaint New England Villages,                This free event, which
frozen snowmen, the scent of wood-              stretches through New Year’s,
burning stoves and hot mulled cider. But        features nautical light dis-
not here in the Keys and certainly not in       plays, tree-trimming parties,
Key West where we pay homage to the             concerts, great shopping and
holidays in a unique and wonderful way          incredible dining. Don’t be
that turns traditional celebrations upside      surprised to see Christmas
down.                                           trees created from old
     As one of America’s top tropical           wooden lobster pots and                            popping up all over the island, this is your
holiday destinations, Key West is a small       sea worn buoys, or drag queens flaunting           holiday in the sun.
town that’s big on holiday cheer. And           festive costumes on Duval Street.                    For a complete schedule of holiday
nothing embraces its holiday spirit more          If a balmy tropical get-away adorned             events, ticket info and room bookings,
than the annual Holiday Fest celebration        with twinkling lights, historic inns decked        go to Happy
which kicks off at 6 pm on Wednesday,           out in their holiday finest, and fun festivities   holidays!

                THE ORIGINAL                                                                                   Great Gift & A

 Pirate Night
                                                                                                               Wonderful Keys

   Before                                                                                                       The acclaimed
                                                                                                                family holiday

  Christmas                                                                                                     storybook by
                                                                                                                celebrity local
                                                                                                                Keys author,
      “This book is precious!”                                                                                  “Mayor Gonzo”
         –Paula Deen, Celebrity Chef                                                                            Mays
      “An exceptional writer...”
         –Philip Burton, Shakespeare Scholar,
          Writer, Director, Professor
                                                                        Available at
                                                                  Key West Kite Company
      “Brilliantly illustrated by artist
                                                                 408 Green Street, Key West
      Ron L. Thomas, this merry tale about Ol’
      White Beard, his sloop ‘Yuletide’ and a                        Hooked On Books
      pod of endangered Beluga Whales, adds a                        MM 81, Islamorada
      buccaneering twist to a holiday classic that
                                                                    Order online at
      you will enjoy reading again and again!”
         –Pamela Childs, Publisher,
                                                                                                                         Local Celebrity Author
          Phoenix Rising Media Group                                                                                      “Mayor Gonzo” Mays

22    DESTINATION FLORIDA Florida Keys & Key West
Behind the Hidden Door
61st Annual Key West Home Tours

          s you meander around the streets                                                 will be provided and you’ll need to wear
          of Key West, you can’t help                                                      a mask.
          noticing all of the cool houses                                                    As always, all proceeds from the
nestled among flora and fauna. Wouldn’t                                                    tours stay in our local community
it be just fabulous if you could see what                                                  fulfilling OIRF’s mission of “Celebrating
was behind some of those front doors?                                                      and sustaining Key West’s unique
     Well, here’s your chance.                                                             architecture, culture and history.”
     Now in its 61st year, the annual Key                                                    For a complete list and map of homes,
West Home Tours,™ one of the oldest and                                                    go to Info: 305-
longest running home tours in America, is                                                  294-9501.
                                             homes and gardens reflecting the varied
back. Old Island Restoration Foundation
                                             tastes and originality of their owners.
(OIRF) has been throwing open the doors                                                           KEY WEST HOME TOUR
                                             These incredible restorations, creative
to some of Key West’s most interesting                                                            SCHEDULE 2020/2021
                                             renovations, and unique interiors often
properties since 1960, and these                                                            FRI DEC 29 & SAT 30 2 - 6PM
                                             showcase personal art collections,
upcoming tours promise to be exceptional.                                                   FRI JAN 15 & SAT 16 2 - 6PM
                                             antiques, and much more.
     During the four 2-day tours, which                                                     FRI FEB 12 & SAT 13        10AM - 4PM
                                               This year, the number of visitors allowed
run from December through March,                                                            FRI MAR 12 & SAT 13 10AM - 4PM
                                             inside each home will be limited, sanitizer
you’ll be able to visit five gorgeous

                                                                                              IN PARADISE
                                                                                               Average Temperature: 71º
                                                                                                   Sunset: 5:38 p.m.
                                                                                                Average Rainfall: 1.8”

                                                                                               Average Temperature: 75º
                                                                                                   Sunset: 5:50 p.m.
                                                                                                Average Rainfall: 2.0”

                                                                                               Average Temperature: 76º
                                                                                                   Sunset: 6:16 p.m.
                                                                                                Average Rainfall: 1.8”

                                                                                               Average Temperature: 73º
                                                                                                   Sunset: 6:31 p.m.
                                                                                                Average Rainfall: 1.7”

24     DESTINATION FLORIDA Florida Keys & Key West
                                 OPEN WEEKENDS
                                       8am to 2pm



(305) 872-4103 • 30250 Overseas Highway • Big Pine Key, FL 33043
                                                        WINTER 2021   25
Dec 6                                                                 along the shoreline to          delightful interiors and exteriors. The tours take
Tree Trimming Party & Toys                                                 celebrate the holiday      place from 2 - 6 pm, and proceeds benefit the
For Tots Drive                                                                 season. Kicks off      Old Island Restoration Foundation. Tickets and
Key West: Bring your nautical ornament                                           at 7:30 pm. The      schedule available online at Info: 305-
for Schooner Wharf Bar's big                                                       top spots for      294-9501.
beautiful 8' Christmas Tree and                                                      viewing are
enjoy a free holiday cocktail -- rum                                                  between MM      Dec 31
egg nog, Swedish glog, or hot                                                         103-104.        New Year's Eve Fireworks on
applejack. Prizes for most original,                                                  Info: 305-      Blackwater Sound
most nautical, and most popular with                                                 451-4502.        Key Largo: The back bay is the setting for the
the crowd. Takes place at 6 pm at                                                                     annual midnight New Year's Eve fireworks
the Schooner Wharf Bar in Key West's                                             Dec 13               extravaganza hosted by Sundowners, MM
Historic Seaport. Info: 305-292-3773;                                           Key Colony            104 bayside, with live music to accompany the                                                           Beach Lighted            festivities. Info: 305-664-4651.
                                                                          Boat Parade
Dec 12                                                              Key Colony Beach: Key             Dec 31
Boot Key Harbor Lighted Boat Parade               Colony's Lighted Boat Parade shoves off at 6        New Year's Eve Celebrations in
Marathon: Marathon gets all decked out with       pm from the 7th Street Canal and makes three        Key West
their own festive Lighted Boat Parade, which      passes by the Judges' Stand before heading          Key West: Ring in 2020 with a "Conch Shell
sets sail at 6 pm from the West end of Boot Key   up and down the 8th - 12th Street canals. Info:     Drop" at Sloppy Joe's Bar, 201 Duval St; the
Harbor (7 Mile Bridge side) and slowly winds      305-743-7214.                                       descent of a super-sized red high-heel shoe
its way East into the harbor towards Sombrero                                                         carrying drag queen Sushi at the Bourbon St.
Marina Dockside. The parade continues until       Dec 13                                              Pub/New Orleans House complex, 724 Duval
8 pm.                                             December 29 - 30                                    St; a big New Year's Eve Bash at the Schooner
                                                  61st Annual Key West Home Tours                     Wharf Bar, 202 William St; and a huge replica
Dec 12                                            Key West: Festively-dressed Key West homes          of a Key lime wedge splashing down into a
Key Largo Lighted Boat Parade                     and gardens take center stage during this much      larger-than-life margarita glass at Ocean Key
Key Largo: The waters of Blackwater Sound in      anticipated self-guided tour that showcases         Resort & Spa, 0 Duval St.
Key Largo shimmer as decorated boats parade       exquisite restorations, creative renovations, and

26   DESTINATION FLORIDA Florida Keys & Key West
January 12 - 13                                     local seafood, honey, pickles, and more. BYOB
Livingston Taylor Concert                           (bring your own bags). Takes place from 10
Key West: Described as "equal parts Mark            am - 3 pm at Higgs Beach. Info: 305-731-
Twain, college professor, and musical icon,"        3385;
Livingston delights audiences with his charm,
upbeat storytelling, and vast repertoire of         January 27 - 31
musical genres. Showtime: 7 pm on the Hughes        Key West Food & Wine Festival 2021
View Rooftop at The Studios of Key West 533         Key West: As one of the nation's Top 10 Food
Eaton St, Key West. Info: 305-296-0458; tskw.       & Wine events, this festival attracts thousands
                                                                                                                  Key West Food & Wine Festival 2021
org.                                                of culinary explorers from around the country.
                                                    There are over 20 unique events showcasing a         February 5
January 15 - 16                                     diverse collection of wines and inventive cuisine.   Susan Werner Concert
61st Annual Key West Home Tours                     It's a great opportunity to celebrate the local      Key West: Contemporary folk singer Susan
Key West: The annual Key West Home Tours™           culinary arts community and enjoy waterfront         Werner crafts lyrics that are as sharp as thistles
is one of the oldest and longest-                   tastings, winemaker/chef collaborations, and         and every bit as funny as they are on point.
running home tours in America and features          lots of funky local happenings. Info: 305-292-       Showtimes: 6 pm and 8:30 pm on the Hughes
five lovely homes and gardens on each day's         1622;                            View Rooftop at The Studios of Key West 533
tour. Each stop reflects the varied tastes and                                                           Eaton St. Info: 305-296-0458;
originality of its owners. Takes place from 2 - 6   Jan 31
pm. Tickets and schedules available online at       Annual Schooner Wharf Wrecker's                      February 12 - 13 Info: 305-294-9501.                       Cup Race                                             61st Annual Key West Home Tours
                                                    Key West: This is the first leg of the spirited      Key West: Residents open their doors for a
January 24                                          7-mile race to Sand Key, where bragging              good cause during this popular event. You can
Key West Artisan Market: Up-Cycle/                  rights are the top prize. The race kicks off at      tour private homes ranging from colorfully,
Recycle Edition                                     1 pm with an Awards Ceremony at 7 pm.                quirky preserved relics to avant-garde designers'
Key West: Shop a curated outdoor market             Takes place at Schooner Wharf Bar in Key             visions. Take place from 10 am - 4 pm, and
offering fine crafts, art, and jewelry from         West's Historic Bight. Info: 305-292-3302;           all proceeds benefit Old Island Restoration
talented Florida Keys makers. Stock your pantry                                   Foundation. Tickets and tour schedule at oirf.
and fridge with fresh produce, artisan cheeses,                                                          org. Info: 305-294-9501

                                                                                                                                         WINTER 2021     27
Bring a Big Appetite!
Original Marathon Seafood Festival

 f it’s March, it must be time for the              Fork” feast as local chefs showcase their
 Original Marathon Seafood Festival!                talents using their Keys-based recipes.
      For over four decades, this affordable          Of course, Florida spiny lobster, with
foodie fair, which takes place on Saturday,         beans, bread, butter, and coleslaw is
March 13, and on Sunday,                                      a festival staple. You can still
March 14, celebrates the                                           indulge in other favorite
bounty of local anglers with                                       indigenous offerings like mahi     Popular Keys entertainers rock the
gourmet delicacies from the                                        mahi, Key West pink shrimp,      park’s giant amphitheater throughout the
waters of the Florida Keys.                                        stone crab claws, smoked fish    weekend, as well, along with more than
     The 15,000 pounds (yes                                        dip, and much more.              200 vendor booths, a Keys Artist Village,
15 THOUSAND pounds!) of                                              Conch lovers can also have     boat show, and art exhibition.
fresh, succulent seafood served                                it every which way: as ceviche,        The fun starts on Saturday, March 13,
here is caught, cleaned, and cooked by              chowder, golden-fried fritters, or as a bun-    from 10 am - 9 pm and continues on
local commercial fishermen who also                 hugging “konkwurst” sausage.                    Sunday, March 14, from 11 am - 5 pm.
prepare bushels of oysters and bags of                There are many landlubber offerings,            Mark your calendar for this one. It all
clams from the west coast of Florida.               including hamburgers, hot dogs, sausages        happens at Marathon Community Park,
     Scores of community volunteers serve up        with sides of baked beans, coleslaw, hush       MM 49, Bayside, Marathon. Info at 800-
generous plates during this “Fisherman-to-          puppies, and French fries.                      262-7284;


                                        FLORIDA KEYS

                               SEAFOOD & MORE!
              $5                                                                   March 13 & 14, 2021
                                           PARK                                                  over 200 vendors
                                            NO PETS                                local seafood • live music • games
           ADMISION                        ALLOWED!
                                               service dog only!
                                                                                           • Raffle giveaways & more

28    DESTINATION FLORIDA Florida Keys & Key West
Feb 14                                                                                      Feb 23
Ben Harrison Concert                                                                        85th Gala at Key West Tropical Forest
Key West: Spend Valentine's Day                                                             & Botanical Garden
swooning along with Key West's                                                              Key West: The island rocks during this 1930s
favorite troubadour for upbeat                                                              themed costume extravaganza. Big Band
classics and new songs. Showtime:                                                           music; catering by the Iron Chefs; and fun
7 pm on the Hughes View Rooftop at                                                          photo ops. Takes place from 6:30 - 9:30 pm
The Studios of Key West 533 Eaton                                                           at the Key West Tropical Forest & Botanical
St. Info: 305-296-0458;                                                           Garden, 5210 College Rd. Info: 305-296-
Feb 20
Zoe Lewis In Concert                                                                        February 27 - 28
Key West: Affectionately known                                                              56th Annual Old Island Days Art
as "a band in a body," Zoë plays                                                            Festival
vintage jazz and world-beat grooves                                                         Key West: This nationally recognized juried
on anything from the piano to the                 Key West Headdress Ball: Mardi Gras       fine art show attracts fine artists from across
spoons. Showtimes: 6 pm and 8 pm                                                            the country and includes painters, sculptors,
                                               the Coffee Butler Amphitheater located off
on the Hughes View Rooftop at The                                                           photographers, collage artists, and other
                                               Whitehead St at the end of Southard. Info:
Studios of Key West 533 Eaton St. Info: 305-                                                non-functional fine arts. Takes place from 10
296-0458;                                                                         am-5 pm at Truman Waterfront Park. Info:
                                               February 20 - 21
Feb 20
                                               Annual Gigantic Nautical Flea Market
Key West Headdress Ball: Mardi Gras                                                         Feb 28
                                               Islamorada: Get great deals on new and
Key West: Get out your feathers, glue guns,                                                 Annual Bra Walk
                                               used boats, marine equipment, electronics,
and ribbons for the Key West Business                                                       Islamorada: Join the Islamorada Moose
                                               fishing tackle, dive gear, nautical arts &
Guild's annual fantastical headdress                                                        Lodge's annual March Against Cancer during
                                               crafts, and more from over 200 vendors.
competition. Includes special performances                                                  this fun "Poker/Pub Run" event where you
                                               Takes place from 8 am - 3 pm at Founders
by some of Key West's top entertainers.                                                     draw cards at various locations. Registration
                                               Park, MM 87, Bayside. Info: 305-712-1818.
Showtime 8 pm (gates open at 7 pm) at                                                       begins at the Whistle Stop from 10 am - 2
                                                                                                                          continued on page 31

                                                         Live Female

                                                                                                                KEY WEST

                                                                                                                        WINTER 2021       29
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