CULTUREThe Florida Keys & Key West 2023

Page created by Charlie Maxwell
CULTUREThe Florida Keys & Key West 2023
    The Florida Keys & Key West 2023
CULTUREThe Florida Keys & Key West 2023
welcome to
                         Welcome to paradise,
                         where the ocean greets
                         you each and every
                         morning and around
      Mayor Craig Cates
                         every corner you’ll fnd
 the lush tropical landscape of the islands and,
 if you’re lucky, you may spot a Key Deer or
 two. Our small but vast island chain is looming
 with history as you drive past remnants of
 the Overseas Railroad built in 1912 by Henry
 Flagler or make your way to the Southernmost
 Point, spotting conch cottages along the way.
 Whether you come to bask in the sunshine,
 be entertained by our talented musicians and
 artists on every Key, explore our stunning
 coral reefs, or learn about our rich history
 and culture, there is
 something for everyone
 to enjoy. Florida Keys
 living is something to
 behold, it’s unlike any
 other place in the world.    Mayor Craig Cates

Photo courtesy of Andy Newman/ Florida Keys News Bureau.
CULTUREThe Florida Keys & Key West 2023
table of
"200 Years of the Florida Keys"
by Jill Zima Borski............................................... 2
“The Florida Keys: Historic Lighthouses,
Island Wonders, Natural Beauty”
by Brad Bertelli.................................................... 6
Calendar of Events.............................................. 9

about the cover artist:
                        Lucy Hawk is a Key
                        West based artist who
                        creates hand cut paper
                        artwork. She uses a
scalpel-like knife to intricately cut away her
designs from solid pieces of paper. Much of
her subject matter is inspired by the natural
side of the Florida Keys, quirky island life
and the colors of our coastal environment.
Meet Lucy in person at her working studio,
located inside of Sacred Space Gallery,
which she co-owns with local artist Barbara
Sage. Sacred Space features artwork by
local women, including Lucy’s original paper
cuttings, prints, and notecards. You can also
fnd her work at the Key West Art Center,
the Green Pineapple Boutique, Stone Soup
Gallery and the Key West Collective. You
can purchase Lucy’s work on her website
( and connect with her
on social media @lucyhawkart.

   ©2022-2023 Monroe County Commission.
            All Rights Reserved.
   Event listings are for use as a guide in contacting the event
coordinator to receive information on dates, times and locations.
 Every eıort has been made to ensure accuracy, but verifcation
  should be made when planning to attend these events. Dates,
 times and locations are subject to change. Neither the Monroe
   County Commission, Monroe County Tourist Development
    Council, nor their agency may be held liable for incorrect
                information, errors or omissions.

                                    Culture                          1
CULTUREThe Florida Keys & Key West 2023
                                                                       of the
Story by Jill Zima Borski                                        FLORIDA KEYS

       here’s a lot to celebrate in the Florida Keys as shown    shaping the Keys we know and love today.
       by its endless event calendar and traditional nightly     Monroe County is to celebrate 200 years of notable moments
       sunset celebration at Mallory Square in Key West.         in 2023, following the lead of its most well-known city. Key
The Keys’ remarkable history is always foremost in residents’    West, the Southernmost City, held its bicentennial in March
minds, due to the islands’ migrations and the special            2022 with a focused week of activities, including the debut of a
development of transportation, architecture, commerce, culture   historical documentary and museum display, the creation of a
and community. Infuential milestones such as the Civil War,      time capsule to be opened in 50 years, a joyous parade and an
Great Depression and World War II also played a role in          environmentally-friendly drone freworks show.

2 The Florida Keys & Key West : 2023 Culture Magazine
CULTUREThe Florida Keys & Key West 2023
Lithograph Key West in 1855 by Chandler & Company is one of the images
                                                              featured in the “Key West 200” exhibit at the Custom House Museum on Friday,
                                                                   January 21, 2022. Photo courtesy of the Key West Art & Historical Society.

With 200 years as a county, events are to be held throughout        harbor of Key West and constructed from 1846-1875, Fort
the 112-mile-long island chain. Residents and visitors are sure     Je‘erson was a link in the chain of coastal forts that stretched
to recall or learn history while celebrating a remarkable time      from Maine to California.
to be in the Keys. They can visit historical treasures such as      Valuable undersea treasures like Mel Fisher’s motherlode
Fort Je‘erson, a massive coastal fortress located o‘shore of        of gold, silver and artifacts from a particular shipwrecks of
Key West in the Dry Tortugas. The largest brick masonry             yesteryear also add to the Keys mystique. Shipwrecking and
structure in the Americas is built with more than 16 million        salvage e‘orts recognize a primary occupation of days gone by
bricks and covers 16 acres. Poised to protect the valuable          and remind us to be wary of the Keys’ shallow shoals.

                                                                                                                Culture                3
CULTUREThe Florida Keys & Key West 2023
The refurbished Old Seven Mile Bridge, at left, connects Marathon with historic Pigeon Key.
                                       Photo courtesy of Andy Newman/ Florida Keys News Bureau.

More common than arriving by boat is driving to the Florida             celebration as we learn from one another, revel in a variety of
Keys, which is an adventure on the Overseas Highway. The                cultures and share and acknowledge various viewpoints.
highway earned the designations of Scenic Byway and All-
                                                                        One quirky tendency of local residents is to describe locations
American Road and is built on the original route carved out by
                                                                        by mile markers. Once upon a time, the miles of the Overseas
Henry Flagler and his Florida East Coast Railway. Completed
                                                                        Highway were designated by one-and-a-half-inch by three-inch
in 1912, ferries once had to shuttle cars from key to key where
                                                                        green and white signs bearing descending numbers installed on
a roadway did not yet exist while otherwise traveling on the
                                                                        four-foot silver poles. Key Largo was roughly mile marker (MM)
narrow road from the mainland to Key West.
                                                                        112 to 90, Islamorada, the Village of Islands extended from MM
The modern highway now bustles with vehicles most times of              90 to 72, Marathon from MM 60 to 47, and Key West from MM
day and ferries are a historic footnote. Visitors and residents         2 to 0. Those signs have been appropriated by people unknown,
travel along 42 bridges to enjoy the islands’ sights, sounds and        and now reliance on digital mapping systems tends to guide
delectable cuisine including anything made from key limes.              visitors instead.
Visitors truly appreciate the Florida Keys as shown by the 5.1
                                                                        Names of Keys’ islands are steeped in Florida history and
million tourists who annually visit our island chain.
                                                                        several are traced to the development of Flagler’s Overseas
The linear county is named after President James Monroe, the            Railway. The name Marathon came from the railroad workers
ffth president of the United States who served from 1817-1825.          who were working night and day to complete the railway.
After Monroe negotiated the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, he              According to Marathon government’s website, “Due to the
was elected president. He resolved long-standing grievances             unrelenting pace and struggle to complete the project, the
with the British, acquired Florida from Spain in 1819, and              popular exclamation, ‘This is getting to be a real Marathon,’ is
proclaimed the Monroe Doctrine in 1823, which ultimately                how the name originated. Vaca Key, Knights Key and Marathon
preserved the fedgling country’s home rule by vowing not to             were actual railroad stations for the overseas railroad.”
meddle in foreign afairs.                                               Remnants and reminders of Flagler’s astounding engineering
To this day, Monroe County similarly exhibits an independence           achievements can be observed throughout the Keys.
and laissez-fair attitude which is envied the world over.               Possibilities for the county’s bicentennial are in development
Tolerance and joie de vivre is practiced by its residents and           and may include a concert in Key West featuring Howard
shared through the county’s call to visitors: Come as You Are.          Livingston, who sings about the beautiful simplicity of island
Inclusive rather than exclusive, diferences are a cause of              living. A dinner – likely at Bud N’ Mary’s in Islamorada – is to

4 The Florida Keys & Key West : 2023 Culture Magazine
CULTUREThe Florida Keys & Key West 2023
highlight Keys history and there is the possibility of a dinner on the Old Seven Mile Bridge,
said Monroe’s contracted public relations representative Andy Newman. Some annual
events, such as the free-entry Island Fest in Islamorada hosted by the local chamber of
commerce, are aiming to incorporate special bicentennial features.
Inspired no doubt by our boundless and beautiful scenery, musical, artistic and literary
talent runs deep throughout the Florida Keys. While Wyland, Ernest Hemingway,
Tennessee Williams and Judy Blume are well-known past and present denizens, flm
producer Jon Landau, actor Mark Wahlberg and similar high profle individuals have
generously contributed to their Keys communities. Movies and television series have been
flmed in the Keys and plenty of residents can claim acting as an “extra” on their resumes.
Art shows and festivals showcase the abundance of musical and artistic talent and local
                                                                                                   about the
theater productions enable amateur and dedicated thespians to share their creative genius.         author:
Not to be missed along the Overseas Highway are large and eye-catching outdoor                     JILL ZIMA
sculptures known as the Florida Keys Sculpture Trail created by the county’s arts in public
places program.
                                                                                                   An Islamorada resident, Jill
Nature, also, continually beckons to visitors and residents and a special protected species,
                                                                                                   Zima Borski is a lifelong
Key deer, can be found on Big Pine Key 30 miles northeast of Key West. Along with this
                                                                                                   writer who dabbles in art and
diminutive species, a variety of coral, a sunken ship and more than 150 species of fsh
                                                                                                   music and appreciates all
can be seen at the Looe Key Marine Sanctuary which makes for an excellent diving or
                                                                                                   art genres. She has written
snorkeling trip while visiting Big Pine Key.
                                                                                                   a memoir, Know That I
Also for the active and adventurous, knowledgeable fshing captains are available                   Have Lived, and for Keys
throughout the Keys for those wanting to wet a line, whether fy tackle or conventional.            newspapers and magazines
Local captains follow in the footsteps of trendsetting guides who took illustrious anglers         since January 1995. An
such as U.S. presidents including Franklin Delano Roosevelt out on the water to hook their         avid traveler, Jill has been
favorite species. O¢shore and backcountry fshing options enable an angler to be on the             to 34 countries and hopes
water most days of the year. From marlin and sailfsh to athletic tarpon and wily bonefsh           to visit many more. Moving
and permit, the Keys o¢er something for everyone.                                                  to the Keys 27 years ago
Multi-generational families can be confdent all ages can fnd their slice of paradise.              from Miami led to meeting
There rarely is a dull moment in the Florida Keys – unless a person seeks peace and quiet          her future husband, Tim,
– and then there is plenty of rest, relaxation and solace for the soul to be found in our nature   on a blind date. He is a
preserves, along our shorelines, in our ubiquitous parks or on the water. Peaceful moments         successful wildlife artist.
on a beach or watching the sun set and melt into the ocean can bring sighs of contentment          Raising their two sons in
at nature’s colorful palate as                                                                     the Florida Keys has been
well as the pleasant knowledge                                                                     the best possible experience
that the circle of sunrise to                                                                      due to its acceptance of
sunset will bring another                                                                          individualism and safe
opportunity to enjoy additional                                                                    schools and neighborhoods.
days in the Keys.                                                                                  Being involved in the arts
                                                                                                   community and participating
Along with Monroe County, the                                                                      in Arts Council endeavors
U.S. Navy in Key West also is to                                                                   such as painting 6-by-6-inch
mark its bicentennial in 2023.                                                                     canvases for the annual
Naval Air Station Key West plans                                                                   fundraiser, the Mosaic
to welcome guests to experience                                                                    Project, bring Jill joy, as does
the largest family-oriented event                                                                  playing the ukulele with the
in the Keys. From April 13-16                                                                      Just Older Youth (JOY) center.
during the Southernmost Air
Spectacular, the skillful Blue
Angels will perform bold and
daring moves in their swift jets          Fragments, part of the Florida Keys Sculpture Trail,
emphasizing accuracy among              in Islamorada was installed in 2017 and is visible along
                                                       the Overseas Highway.
their piloting skills.

                                                                                                         Culture                 5
CULTUREThe Florida Keys & Key West 2023
Built in 1873, Alligator Reef Lighthouse is one of six iron
screw-pile lighthouses constructed to mark the Florida Reef.
Photo courtesy of Brad Bertelli.


CULTUREThe Florida Keys & Key West 2023
Story by Brad Bertelli

Early mariners navigating the Straits of Florida attempted a          adventurous? The Florida Keys are a wonderful escape but
harrowing feat. In addition to the deceptive currents pushed          also a natural wonder and the following readily accessible
by the Gulf Stream, the coral reefs were a stony worry. In            parks oŽer ample opportunity to glimpse the heart and soul of
1828, after sailing from Charleston to Key West, Dr. Benjamin         the island chain.
Strobel wrote: “No foresight or precaution on the part of the         Dagny Johnson Key Largo Hammock Botanical State Park
navigator, can avail much – he has Scylla on one side, and            County Road 905 & Mile Marker 106, Key Largo
Charybdis on the other. Should he endeavor to avoid the coast         A sprawling resort community called Port Bougainville was
of Cuba and Bahama, by steering northerly, he is liable to run        nearly developed here in the early 1980s. The endangered
foul of the Florida reef, and vice versa.”                            Key Largo wood rat helped save the day and this critical sub-
By 1857, the United States Lighthouse Board decided a series          tropical West Indian hammock habitat. The 2,421-acre park
of lighthouses should be erected to mark the reef so that it was      was established in 1982 and features walking trails where bird
“as perfectly lighted as it is believed any capable and intelligent   and butterfy watchers like to wander, point, and stare. Bring
mariner could desire.” The Lighthouse Board’s thinking was            water and bug spray to experience the native Florida Keys.
that “in a distance of three hundred miles there will then be
Dry Tortugas, Sand Key, Dry Bank (Sombrero Reef), Alligator
Reef, Carysfort Reef, Cape Florida, and Sebastian Inlet
seacoast lights.”
Several lighthouses were marking the reef in 1857. Between
1847 and 1880, six iron screw-pile lighthouses had already
been built: Fowey Rock Lighthouse (1878), Carysfort Reef
Lighthouse (1852), Alligator Reef Lighthouse (1873), Sombrero
Key Lighthouse (1858), American Shoal Lighthouse (1880),
and Sand Key Lighthouse (1847).
Three lighthouses were built before the Civil War and three
                                                                                          Windley Key Fossil Reef Geological State Park.
after the hostilities ended.                                                                          Photo courtesy of Corey Malcolm.
Before the war, the Sand Key, Carysfort Reef, and Sombrero            Windley Key Fossil Reef Geological State Park
Key lighthouse projects were overseen by a lieutenant in the          84900 Overseas Highway & Mile Marker 84.9, Islamorada
Army Corps of Topographical Engineers named George G.                 More than 100,000 years ago, the Florida Keys were part of
Meade. For Civil War buŽs, the name has a familiar ring.              an ancient system of coral reefs, and this is the best place on
During the war, he was promoted to General George G. Meade            the island chain to see it with your own eyes. The park was
and served under the Union fag in command of the Army of              once home to operating limestone quarries, some used by
the Potomac that helped defeat Robert E. Lee at the battle (the       Henry Flagler’s men during the construction of the Overseas
second battle) of Gettysburg.                                         Railroad. What was left behind are eight-foot-tall exposed
Building lighthouses to mark the reef was challenging work,           limestone walls and the fossilized remains of the ancient coral
and convenient islands were used as bases of operations               reef embedded within them.
during their construction. Lighthouse projects at Carysfort and       Sombrero Beach
Alligator reefs utilized the 11-acre Indian Key. Found in the         Sombrero Beach Road & Mile Marker 50, Marathon
Atlantic shallows about a mile from the Overseas Highway at           For a string of islands, beaches are few and far between.
Mile Marker 78, the often overlooked island was once the most         While driving through Marathon in the Middle Keys, this
important island in the Florida Keys, not named Key West.             excellent beach is just a turn down Sombrero Beach Road. It
The island is also a bona fde ghost town. Visiting the island,        has the sand, the warm Atlantic water, and the salty fresh air
walking down the pathways and past the ruins of a 19th                but also an entire beach bag of amenities that have made it a
Century village is like stepping back in time. On August              popular destination for locals and visitors for years. Convenient
7, 1840, it was the site of the southernmost attack during            parking, picnic pavilions, volleyball courts, restrooms, and
the Seminole War. Today, the island is known as Indian                showers make Sombrero Beach an ideal place to spread a
Key Historic State Park and though a brilliant experience,            towel down on the sand, soak up some warm Florida sun, and
it is only accessible by boat or kayak. Not feeling that              cool oŽ in those soothing Atlantic waters.

                                                                                                                Culture                 7
CULTUREThe Florida Keys & Key West 2023
Blue Hole
                                                                                                Key Deer Boulevard, Big Pine Key
                                                                                                The Blue Hole is an anomaly. Created
                                                                                                in the 1920s, during the construction
                                                                                                of the Overseas Highway, it provides
                                                                                                an ample freshwater source that serves
                                                                                                as a hangout for some locals, including
                                                                                                Key deer, herons, turtles, and alligators
                                                                                                – yes, alligators. The view from the Blue
                                                                                                Hole’s observation platform is one thing
                                                                                                while walking along a trail through Big
                                                                                                Pine’s native pine rocklands provides a
                                                                                                diferent, equally soothing point of view.
                                      Photo courtesy of Rob O'Neal

                                      Key West Marine Park
                                      Higgs Beach, Key West
                                      Can you snorkel from the beach in Key West?
                                      Absolutely! The Key West Marine Park, developed
                                      by Reef Relief and the City of Key West, is a 40-acre
                                      park established to create a safe swimming corridor
                                      on the south side of the island between South
                                      Beach and Higgs Beach. The best snorkeling can be
about the                             found where Reynolds Street meets Higgs Beach.
author:                               Seagrass beds, a hard bottom coral community,

BRAD                                  and submerged debris at the end of the dock
                                      stretching out over the Atlantic shallows ofer ample
BERTELLI                              opportunity to view sponges, corals, and some of the
                                      same tropical fsh found ofshore at the reefs. You
Brad Bertelli has called the          may even see the symbol of the Conch Republic, the
Florida Keys home since               queen conch, in its native habitat. Remember, conch
2001. He is a Florida Keys            is a protected species so no touching!                              Photo courtesy of Corey Malcolm
historian, speaker, author,
and Honorary Conch whose
                                                                              Key West Lighthouse and Keeper’s Quarters Museum
history column appears in
                                                                              938 Whitehead Street, Key West
the Keys Weekly newspapers.
                                                                              There are countless adventures to experience in the
Brad lives in Islamorada
                                                                              Southernmost City. Still, with all the talk of the skeletal,
with his beautiful and
                                                                              iron lighthouses marking the reefs, the conventional
understanding wife, two
                                                                              brick lighthouse on Whitehead Street ofers something
dogs, and a cat. To learn
                                                                              the others cannot, accessibility. Visit the museum to
more about Brad visit www.
                                                                              learn more about Key West’s history and the lighthouse To learn
                                                                              that dates back to 1848. Better yet, schedule a visit to the
more local history, visit
                                                                              top of the tower to witness one of those amazing island
Florida Keys History with
                                                                              sunsets from a spectacular vantage point.
Brad Bertelli on Facebook.
                                                                             In the meantime, welcome to the Florida Keys. During
                                                                             your visit, sample the conch – this is, after all, the Conch
                                                                             Republic. Imported conch (conk) is commonly featured
                                                                             on local menus, where it has been a staple since the early
                                      Photo courtesy of                      pioneers settled these islands. Have Key lime pie – have
                                      Key West Art & Historical Society
                                                                             it with meringue, without meringue, or frozen and dipped
                                      in chocolate. The tart and sweet delight is the ofcial dessert of the Florida Keys and an island
                                      tradition for over a century.
                                      The Keys are a special place, and there is more to see than frst meets the eye – do not just
                                      visit, take in a sunset, the conch, Key lime pie, visit one or two of the amazing local parks,
                                      experience the world famous water and maybe you will get to see one of the iron skeletons
                                      marking the reef up close.

8 The Florida Keys & Key West : 2023 Culture Magazine
"Sawtooth with Yellow Shutters"                      "Rainbow Turtle"                          "Seven Mile Bridge"
                   by A. Rose                                by Mary Blackman                               by A. Rose

calendar           OCTOBER 2022  SEPTEMBER 2023
                                                                  OF CULTUR A L
                                                                  EV ENTS

List is in alphabetical order by genre. Please check the event website for the current information regarding programming or visit the
Cultural Calendar at

FESTIVALS & FUNDRAISERS                        October 22                                     November 16 – 20
Nightly                                        SMALLEST PARADE                                KEY WEST ANNUAL
SUNSET CELEBRATION                             IN THE UNIVERSE                                FILM FESTIVAL
AT MALLORY SQUARE                              7 p.m. Tiny foats are transported down a       Films that capture creativity and diversity.
Two hours before sunset. Artists,              replica of Duval Street and are auctioned      Various venues throughout Key West.
performers and more! Mallory Square            oŒ following the event. The Studios of Key     keywest‹.com
Dock, Key West.                                West, 533 Eaton St.
                                     ,                        November 25
                                                                                              KEY WEST ARTISAN MARKET
Sundays (October to April)                     October 27                                     BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING
KEY WEST ARTISAN MARKET                        HEADDRESS BALL                                 EXTRAVAGANZA
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Fine crafts, art, jewelry,    39TH ANNUAL                                    10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Fine crafts, art, jewelry,
food and other curiosities. Higgs Beach at     8 p.m. at the CoŒee Butler                     food and other curiosities. Higgs Beach
the Key West Wildlife Center parking lot,       Amphitheater. Presented by                    at the Key West Wildlife Center parking
1801 White St.                                 the Key West Business Guild.                   lot, 1801 White St.
305-731-3385.              Truman Waterfront Park, Key West.              305-731-3385.
Thursdays                                            November 26
KEY WEST FARMERS MARKET                                                                       BIG PINE & LOWER KEYS
2 – 7 p.m. Weekly market featuring fresh       November
                                                                                              ISLAND ART FESTIVAL
fruit and produce, eat-in or take-away         DIA DE LOS MUERTOS
                                                                                              9 a.m. Unique island arts & crafts.
international food vendors, arts, crafts       Day of the Dead celebration.
                                                                                              Lower Keys Chamber of Commerce
and other merchandise in a gorgeous            Florida Keys Brewing Company,
                                                                                              grounds, 31020 Overseas Hwy.,
waterfront setting. Truman Waterfront          81611 Old Hwy., Islamorada.
                                                                                              Big Pine Key.
Park, 21 E. Quay Rd.                 
                                               November 12                          
October 21 – 30                                FALL FESTIVAL
                                                                                              November 26
FANTASY FEST KEY WEST                         Presented by the Garden Club
CULT CLASSICS & CARTOON CHAOS!                 of the Upper Keys                              MARATHON GARDEN CLUB
Various times & locations. Street Fairs,       9 a.m. Arts, crafts, baked goods, plants       HOLIDAY BAZAAR
Pet Masquerade, Poster Signing Party,          and more. Francis Tracy Garden Center,         9 a.m. 5270 Overseas Hwy., MM 50.
Zombie Bike ride, Masquerade March,            94040 Overseas Hwy., Key Largo.                305-743-4971.
Children’s Day.                                305-451-8137,
305-295-9112.                                                                 November 29
                                               November 12
October 21 & 22                                A NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM                          TABLE TOP TREE &
GOOMBAY STREET FESTIVAL                        FUNDRAISER                                     WREATH ANNUAL AUCTION
12 p.m. Island arts & crafts, music and        6 p.m. Florida Keys History & Discovery        7 p.m. Opal Resort and Marina,
food. Bahama Village in Key West.              Foundation, Islander Resort, Islamorada.       245 Front St., Key West.
305-295-9112.                  305-922-2237.                305-294-9526,

                                                                                                                  Culture                   9
December 1 – 4                                  January 14
                                     COAST IS CLEAR MUSIC & ARTS                     ART UNDER THE OAKS
                                     5TH ANNUAL FESTIVAL                             39TH ANNUAL FESTIVAL
                                     Shakey Graves, Hiss Golden Messenger,           9 a.m. Fine arts & crafts and food.
                                     Langhorne Slim and more. Produced by            San Pedro Church, Tavernier.
                                     Coast Projects and Key West Art & Historical    305-852-5372.
                                     Society. Fort East Martello, Key West.
                           ,                 January 25 – 29
                                                                                     KEY WEST FOOD & WINE
                                     December 2                                      14TH ANNUAL FESTIVAL
                                     ISLAMORADA 18TH ANNUAL                          Various times & locations.
                                     HOLIDAY FESTIVAL                                800-474-4319.
                                     4 p.m. Snow mountain, parade, bazaar, auction
                                     and snow-blowing tree. Founders Park, MM87.
                                     305-664-4503.             January 28
           "Sunrise"                                                                 MARATHON GARDEN CLUB
                                     December 3                                      JANUARY JAMBOREE
         by Bob Slitzan
                                     CITY OF KEY WEST HOLIDAY PARADE                 8:30 a.m. 5270 Overseas Hwy., MM 50.
                                     7 p.m. Starts at Truman Ave. & White St.        305-743-4971.
                                                                                     January 28 & 29
                                     December 8
                                                                                     KEY WEST 37TH ANNUAL
                                     TASTE OF STOCK ISLAND                           CRAFT SHOW
                                     HOLIDAY TOUR                                    10 a.m. Over 100 craft artists. Key West Art
                                     Guests board the Trolley for a multi-stop       Center, Whitehead & Front/Caroline Streets.
                                     small plate experience on Stock Island.         305-304-1988.
                                                                                     February & March
                                     December 10
                                                                                     KEYS SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL
                                     KEY LARGO HOLIDAY
                                                                                     Various times & locations. The living,
                                     LIGHTED BOAT PARADE
                                                                                     breathing Bard at his very best.
                                     7:30 p.m. Blackwater Sound, MM104.
                                                                           , @KeysShakes
                                     December 10
                                                                                     February 5
                                     SCHOONER WHARF
                                                                                     MASTER CHEFS CLASSIC ANNUAL
      "Alligator Reef Light"         LIGHTED BOAT PARADE
                                                                                     4 p.m. Culinary competition and tasting
       by Kelly Walkotten            8 p.m. Key West Bight Marina at
                                                                                     event in Key West. Opal Resort and Marina,
                                     the Historic Seaport.
                                     305-292-3302.                 245 Front St., Key West.
                                     December 24
                                                                                     February 25 & 26
                                     NOCHE BUENA
                                     7 p.m. An evening of food, fun and family       OLD ISLAND DAYS ART FESTIVAL
                                     celebrating the historic home. Oldest House     10 a.m. Over 100 artists. Key West Art Center,
                                     Museum Garden, 322 Duval St., Key West.         Whitehead & Front/Caroline Streets.
                                     305-294-9501,                          305-304-1988.

                                     December 31                                     March 4
                                     NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATIONS                     GARDENFEST &
                                     Watch the Conch Shell, the Drag Queen,          GREEN MARKET PLACE
                                     the Key Lime Pie Wedge or the Pirate Wench      10 a.m. Plant sale, earth-based art, healthy
                                     drop. Various locations in Key West.            living vendors, food and wine. Key West
                                                         Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden,
                                                                                     5210 College Rd., Key West.
                                     January 6                                       305-296-1504.
                                     KILTS IN THE KEYS KICKOFF PARTY
                                     5 p.m. Dockside Boot Key Harbor, Marathon.      March 12
                                     305-743-6412.                                   ANNE MCKEE 28TH ANNUAL
                           ,           ART AUCTION
                                                                                     7 p.m. Artists supporting artists.
                                     January 7 & 8                                   The Studios of Key West, 533 Eaton St.
                                     FLORIDA KEYS CELTIC                   
                                     ANNUAL FESTIVAL
                                     10 a.m. Marathon Community Park, MM 49.         April
            "Proud"                  305-743-6412.                                   AFRO ROOTS FEST KEY WEST
         by Gale Upmal     ,           786-218-6854.

10 The Florida Keys & Key West : 2023 Culture Magazine
April 1 & 2                                     September
ISLAND FEST                                     Various times & locations.
10 a.m. Arts & crafts show, music,              305-294-4603.
Taste of Islamorada, antique car show,
homemade boat race and games.                   MUSIC
Founders Park, MM87, Islamorada.                November – March
305-664-4503.             CLASSICAL GUITARIST
April 1 & 2                                     MATEO IN CONCERT
FLORIDA KEYS SEAFOOD FESTIVAL                   6 p.m. Key West Tropical Forest &
Saturday, 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m. -    Botanical Gardens, 5210 College Rd.
5 p.m. The freshest seafood caught, prepared    305-296-1504.
and served by local fsherman. Truman            December
Waterfront Park, 21 E. Quay Rd., Key West.      CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS CONCERT
305-731-3385.                                   Key West Tropical Forest &                  Botanical Gardens, 5210 College Rd.
April 18 – 30                                   305-296-1504.
KEYS SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL                       December 4
The living, breathing Bard at his very best.    THE EATON STREET
“Romeo and Juliet.” West Martello Tower,        CHRISTMAS STROLL
Key West Garden Club.                                                                        "Spread Your Wings"
                                                4 p.m. St. Paul's Church, 401 Duval St.,      by Gabrielle Wilson
401-413-0044., @KeysShakes       Key West.
April 22                                        December 13
SCULPTURE PARADE                                CHRISTMAS CONCERT
Key West Art & Historical Society.              7 p.m. St. Paul's Church, 401 Duval St.,
305- 295-6616.                                  Key West.,     
May                                             February, April, October
786-218-6854.                 Hawks Cay Resort, 61 Hawks Cay Blvd.,
May 3 – 7                                       Duck Key.
KEY WEST SONGWRITERS FESTIVAL                   866-347-2675.
27TH ANNUAL                                     March 26
Various times & locations.                      KEY CHORAL ARTS SPRING CONCERT                                       4 p.m. St. Paul's Church, 401 Duval St.,
June 7 – 11                                     Key West.
                                                                  "Strawberry Moon"
KEY WEST PRIDE                                                                                   by Carol Ellis
Various times & locations.                      July 8
305-294-4603.            UNDERWATER MUSIC FESTIVAL
June 14 – 18                                    10 a.m. Hosted by 104.1 FM Radio.
I LOVE STOCK ISLAND FESTIVAL                    Looe Key Reef Resort, 27340 Overseas Hwy.,                            Ramrod Key.
June 29 – July 5
                                                COFFEE BUTLER AMPHITHEATER
                                                See our website for full concert schedule
Pie eating contest, Key Lime Stroll and more.
                                                and times.
Various events & locations in Key West.
                                                Truman Waterfront Park, 35 E. Quay Rd.,
                                                Key West.
July                                              October 13 – 15: Legends of Music Row -
HEMINGWAY DAYS FESTIVAL                             George Strait, Ronnie Dunn,
Various events & locations in Key West.             Jamey Johnson & more                                 October 18: Gov’t Mule &
                                                    Old Crow Medicine Show
July 1 – 5
MERMAID FESTIVAL                                  January 17 – 21: RokIsland Fest
Various times & locations in Key West.            January 24-28: Mile 0 Fest                 "Higgs Beach Salute"
305-204-4266.                              by Sharon Wells

                                                                                                Culture             11
"Aqua Pertingens Ad Caelum"                          "Bahia Bridge Fiery Skies"                              "All Aglow"
           by David Bader                                   by Larry Blackburn                              by Mary Jean Connors

FLORIDA KEYS CONCERT                             March 20 & 21: Get the Led Out                  Rock ‘n Roll, Part 3
ASSOCIATION                                    305-985-0433.              February: Simon & Garfunkel Story
Performances begin at 7:30 p.m.                                                                 March: Get on Your Feet –
Marathon High School                           KEYS CONCERTS BY CANDLELIGHT
                                               Various times & locations. Tentatively            Estefan Broadway Tour
Performing Arts Center
                                               scheduled themed events include                  April: R.E.S.P.E.C.T. –
  January 16: Glenn Miller Orchestra
                                               Welcome to the Season of Music,                   Aretha Franklin Tribute
  January 23: Fred Moyer Jazz Trio
                                               Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves, A Night          305-295-7676.
  January 30: Escher String Quartet            of Classic Rock, Hip Hopera and Pop
  February 13: Rising Star Concert                                                            THE STUDIOS OF KEY WEST
                                               Princesses. See us on Facebook.
                                                                                              Presenting live music, theater and events.
  February 20: Spanish Brass                   305-619-2862.
                                                                                              The Old Town New Folk season includes
  February 27: William Hagen, violin           POPS IN THE PARK                               Susan Werner, John Gorka, Vance Gilbert,
Coral Shores High School                       KEYS COMMUNITY CONCERT BAND                    Miss Tess, among others. 533 Eaton St.
Performing Art Center                          Performances begin at 4 p.m.                   305-296-0458.
  January 17: Glenn Miller Orchestra           Founders Park, MM87, Islamorada
  January 24: Fred Moyer Jazz Trio               November 26: Strike Up the Band!             THEATER, CABARET
                                                                                               & COMEDY
  January 31: Escher String Quartet              December 10: Joy to the World
                                                                                              October – May
  February 14: Rising Star Concert               February 18: Who Let the Dogs Out?!
                                                                                              CHRISTOPHER PETERSON’S
  February 21: Spanish Brass                     March 18: Festival of Music                  EYECONS
  February 28: William Hagen, violin             April 22: What a Wonderful World             Performances begin at 9 p.m. Master of
800-324-6982.          Murray Nelson Center Peace Park                impersonations, both visually and vocally.
                                                January 21: Sailing Away to Key Largo         La Te Da, Key West.
IMPROMPTU CLASSICAL                                                                           305-296-6706.
CONCERTS OF KEY WEST                            305-451-4530.
Performances begin at 4 p.m.                            October – July
St. Paul’s Church, 401 Duval St., Key West     SOUTH FLORIDA                                  RANDY ROBERTS LIVE! CABARET
  January 8: Calodore String Quartet           SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA                             Performances begin at 9 p.m. Live vocal
  January 22: Lysander Trio                    25TH ANNIVERSARY SEASON                        and visual impersonations of famous
                                               Performances begin at 7:30 p.m.                ladies of showbiz: Cher, Bette and some
  February 12: Zoltan Fejervari
                                               Tennessee Williams Theatre,                    originals. La Te Da, Key West.
  February 26: Aizuri String Quarter                                                          305-296-6706.
                                               5901 College Rd., Key West
  March 12: American Brass                       January 28: Shostakovich, Gottsch            October 13 – 27
  March 26: Calefax Winds                          World Premiere - Ocklawaha,
                                                                                              BUM FARTO, THE MUSICAL                               Great Opera Arias
                                                                                              San Carlos Institute, 516 Duval St.,
                                                 February 18: Brahms, Simelius, Berlioz       Key West
CONCERT SERIES                                   March 25: Dvorak, featuring        
Performances begin at 8 p.m. See our               Zuill Bailey, cello
                                                                                              February – April
website for full concert schedule and times.   954-522-8445.
                                                                                              KEYS SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL
  October 4: Acoustic Alchemy
                                               TENNESSEE WILLIAMS THEATRE                     Various times & locations. The living,
  October 6: Victor Wooten                     Performances begin at 8 p.m. See our           breathing Bard at his very best.
  October 21: Pure Prairie League              website for full concert schedule and times.   401-413-0044,
  October 30: The Wallfowers                   5901 College Rd., Key West           , @KeysShakes
  November 19: Who’s Bad                         January 24: The Greatest Love of All
                                                                                              COMEDY KEY WEST
    Ultimate Michael Jackson Tribute             January: Beautiful –                         Live stand-up comedy, flms and special
  January 13: The Reverend Peyton’s              Carol King Broadway Tour                     events. 218 Whitehead St.
    Big Damn Band                                February 28: Neil Berg’s 50 Years of         305-985-7370.

12 The Florida Keys & Key West : 2023 Culture Magazine
"Sailing in the Florida Keys"                                          "Overlapping Worlds"
            by Sandy Mezinis                                                    by Carol Ellis

FRINGE THEATER KEY WEST                       January 31 – February 25: Flaming             VISUAL ARTS
Community focused theater.                      Gun of the Purple Sage                     Third Thursdays
At the Armory, 600 White St.                  March 7 – 25: Short Attention                WALK ON WHITE
305-731-0581.                 Span Theatre                               5 p.m. Exhibition opening receptions,
KEY WEST BURLESQUE                            May: Children’s Show                         open artist studios, locally-made art,
Performances begin at 8 p.m.                305-296-9911.               special events, pottery-throwing demos
Key West Theater, 512 Eaton St.                                                            and complimentary libations as galleries,
                                            TENNESSEE WILLIAMS THEATRE                     studios and art-loving businesses on
  October 25 – 28: She Avengers
                                            Performances begin at 8 p.m. See our           White St. in Key West open their doors
    Stripfnity War                          website for full concert schedule and times.   for this special night.
  December 16 & 17: 12 Days of              5901 College Rd., Key West                     305-767-3769.
    Christmas: A Burlesque Parody             March 3: Peking Acrobats
  February: Oh My Gods                      305-295-7676.                      Second Saturdays
    and Goddesses                                                                          STOCK ISLAND MONTHLY
                                            THE KEY PLAYERS                                ART STROLL
  April: The Kitten & Lou Show
                                            Murray Nelson Government Center,               11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Stroll stops include
305-619-2862.         102050 Overseas Hwy., Key Largo                studios and shops on Stock Island that
KEY WEST THEATER                              October – November:                          showcase di£erent artists and mediums.
See our website for full concert schedule      Little Shop of Horrors            
and times.                                    February: I Love You, You’re Perfect,
                                               Now Change                                  Through November 30
  November 20 – 21: Daniel Tosh
                                              March or April: Peter Pan Jr.                SCARECROWS IN THE FOREST
  February 23: Paul Reiser
                                                                                           EXHIBIT & CONTEST
305-985-0433.           April: Sandy Toes, Salty Kisses
                                                                                           10 a.m. Key West Tropical Forest &
                                            305-942-4339.                Botanical Garden, 5210 College Rd.
Thursday through Saturday at 8 p.m.;        THE STUDIOS OF KEY WEST                        815-298-9399.
Sunday Matinees at 3 p.m.                   Presenting live music, theater and events.     January-December
MM49.5, 5101 Overseas Hwy., Marathon        533 Eaton St.
                                                                                           THE ART GUILD OF THE PURPLE
  October 27 – November 12:                 305-296-0458.
                                                                                           ISLES SHOWCASE ART EXHIBIT
    The Rocky Horror Show                   WATERFRONT PLAYHOUSE                           9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Open Daily. Key Largo
  December 16 & 17: MCT Annual              Performances begin at 8 p.m. Tuesdays          Chamber of Commerce Foyer, MM106.0
    Holiday Show                            through Saturdays.                             Overseas Hwy., Key Largo.
  January 5 – 21: Return to                 407 Wall St., Key West                         9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Open Daily, Tassell
    Sunset Village                            October 20 – November 12:                    Medical Arts Building 2nd Floor,
  February 9 – 11: One Weekend Only           Jimmy Bu£et’s Escape to Margaritaville       (Mariner’s Hospital) MM91.5,
  March 9 – 25: Desperate Measures            December 1 – 17: Rock of Ages                Overseas Hwy., Tavernier.
                                              December 11 & 12: Fully Committed            305-451-1414.,
  April 27 – May 13: Scapino!
                                              January 12 – 28: An Inspector Calls
                                              February 14 – March 18: Kinky Boots          February 18
RED BARN THEATRE                              March 5: Trunk Material 4                    ART GUILD OF THE
319 Duval St. #2, Key West                                                                 PURPLE ISLES BOTANICAL
                                              March 12 & 13: Suddenly Last Summer
  December 20 – January 14:                                                                ART SHOW AT GARDEN WALK
    Dear Jack, Dear Louise                    April 5 – 22: Three Tall Women
                                                                                           10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday Only.
  January 15: Red Barn Theatre Party          May 10 – 27: Arsenic & Old Lace
                                                                                           Garden Club of the Upper Keys
    with Special Guest Christine Mild         June 6 – 10: Hedwig and the Angry Inch       Francis Tracy Garden Center,
  January 18 – 21: Back in Baby’s Arms        June 16 & 17: Charlotte’s Web                94040 Overseas Hwy., Tavernier.
    (Christine Mild Sings Patsy Cline)      305-294-5015.,

                                                                                                              Culture              13
"Way of a Waterman"                             "Bahama Street"
                                                                                                                   by Tom Harden                              by Annamarie Giordano

                                                                                                  March                                         The Frederick Douglass School
                                                                                                  THE ART GUILD OF THE                          and Its Educators
                                                                                                  PURPLE ISLES BIRDS OF THE KEYS               February 24 – April 16: From a
          "Everglades Heron"                                                                      ART SHOW                                      Woman’s Hand
            by Gloria Avner                                                                       10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through              April 28 – October: Out of the Box:
                                                                                                  Saturday. The Roberto Russell Gallery at      The Art of the Cigar Label
                                                                                                  Ocean Sotheby’s International Realty,
                           Mel Fisher                                                             81888 Overseas Hwy., Islamorada.           Other permanent and online exhibitions.
                           Maritime                                                               305-712-8888.,        305-295-6616.
                           Heritage                                                                                                          MORADA WAY ARTS &
                           Museum                                                                 March
                                                                                                                                             CULTURAL DISTRICT ART WALK
                                           200 GREENE STREET
                                           KEY WEST, FLORIDA
                                                                                                  THE ART GUILD OF THE
                                          WWW.MELFISHER.ORG                                       PURPLE ISLES ANNUAL MEMBERS’               6 p.m. Original art, hand-crafted jewelry,
                                                                                                  JUDGED ART SHOW                            sculptures, music, performance artists
                        People are talking...                                                                                                and more in the heart of Islamorada.
                                                                                                  10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through
                             “Spectacular                                        TO
                                                                                   P-RATED ON

                                                                                                  Saturday. The Roberto Russell Gallery at   305-664-2471.
                                                                                                  Ocean Sotheby’s International Realty,,
                         “So interesting”
                                                                             “Well done and
                                                                                                  81888 Overseas Hwy., Islamorada.           THE SHOPS AT MALLORY SQUARE
                              “Huge fan                                       great story”        305-712-8888.,        7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. daily. A galleria
                             of this place”

                                  “So many
                                                                             “One of our Top
                                                                              Three in Key
                                                                                                  March 11                                   of local shops, artists and galleries.
                                   artifacts                                     West”            PLEIN AIR KEY WEST                         Whitehead & Front Streets, Key West.
                                   to view”
                                                                              “A must see”        COMPETITION                      
                             Skip the line. Scan                                                  8:30 a.m. Show Reception and Sale          THE STUDIOS OF KEY WEST
                              to get Tix online.
                                                                                                  at 5 p.m. Key West Art Center,
                                                                                                                                             Presenting 3-4 new exhibitions each
                                                                                                  301 Front St.
                                                                                                                                             month including the Annual Members’
                            Sponsored in part by the State of Florida,
                        Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture,
                                                                                                                                             Exhibition in December. Join us for
                                                                                                  April -July 31                             openings the frst Thursday of every
                         the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, and the
                                National Endowment for the Arts.

                                                                                                  KEY WEST ART GARDEN                        month. Visit our website for details and
                                                                                                  10 a.m. Key West Tropical Forest &         gallery hours. 533 Eaton St.
                                                                                                  Botanical Garden, 5210 College Rd.         305-296-0458,
                                                                                                  June                                       Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays
                                                                                                  THE ART GUILD OF THE PURPLE                LEARN TO DANCE WITH
                                                                                                  ISLES MEMBERS’ SUMMER SHOW                 LUCY & FRIENDS - SALSA & MORE
                                                                                                  10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through            4:30 p.m. Tuesdays. 6:00 p.m. Thursdays.
       CHEFS TO BENEFIT MARC, INC                                                                 Saturday. Our Place In Paradise Gallery,   7:00 p.m. Fridays. Salsa, Salsa Rueda,
                                                                                                  88711 Overseas Hwy., Tavernier.
  February 5, 2023                                                                                305- 916-5828.,
                                                                                                                                             Bachata, Cha Cha, Rumba and Merengue!
                                                                                                                                             Williams Hall, 729 Fleming St., Key West.
              4PM-7PM                                                                                                                        305-296-6348.
                      AT                                                                          CUSTOM HOUSE EXHIBITS                      Wednesdays
                                                                                                  Key West Art & Historical Society,
                                                                                                  281 Front St.                              LINE DANCING WITH MARVIN
           RESORT & MARINA                                                                          Through December 11: Key West 200        6:30 p.m. The Backyard Bar Key West,
                 KEY WEST FL                                                                                                                 618 Duval St. See us on Facebook.
                                                                                                    December 15 – February 12:
                                                                                                      Earthly Bodies: Two Decades of
                                                                                                      Nudes with Eric Anfnson                November
                                                               WHERE REMARCABLE CITIZENS THRIVE
                                                                                                    January 13 – March 19: Without a         KEY WEST DANCE COLLECTIVE
               SCAN FOR MORE INFO
                                                                                                      Struggle, There Can Be No Progress:    Tennessee Williams Theatre,

14 The Florida Keys & Key West : 2023 Culture Magazine
"Higgs Beach Pier"                   "Easter Morning White Street Pier"
                    by CJ Groth                                by Jane Grannis

5901 College Rd.                               March 12
305-295-7676.                                  THE OSCARS IN KEY WEST GALA,                      7 p.m. Live telecast and red carpet
                                               evening. Tropic Cinema, 416 Eaton St.
December 7 – 11
Tennessee Williams Theatre,                    MARATHON COMMUNITY CINEMA
5901 College Rd.                               Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
305-295-7676.                      and Tuesdays. MM49.5 Oceanside,
                                               5101 Overseas Hwy.
June 2 & 3                                     305-743-0288.
DANCE SHOWCASE                                 TROPIC CINEMA
Marathon Community Theatre.                    New, Independent, Foreign and Urban
305-743-0994.              flms and Documentaries. 416 Eaton St.,
                                               Key West.
COFFEEMILL DANCE &                             877-761-3456.
804 White St. and 3340 N. Roosevelt            MUSEUMS, HISTORY
Blvd., Key West.                               & NATURE
305-296-9982. coš               Third Wednesdays (October to May)
                                               HISTORY OF DIVING MUSEUM
Hip-Hop, Acro Dance, ballet and more.          PRESENTATION SERIES
31109 Avenue A, Unit 5, Big Pine Key.          Presentations begin at 7 p.m.
305-509-3115                                   82990 Overseas Hwy., Islamorada.
LEARN TO DANCE WITH                            305-664-9737.
LUCY & FRIENDS                                 First Thursdays (October to April)
Private lessons for all occasions, including   KEY WEST GARDEN CLUB
weddings, anniversaries & Quinceaneras.        EDUCATIONAL LECTURE SERIES
305-296-6348.                 1:30 p.m. 1100 Atlantic Blvd.
ON YOUR TOES DANCE STUDIO                      305-294-3210.
Ballet, jazz, contemporary, tap and more.      Third Saturdays (December to June)
92451 Overseas Hwy,. Tavernier.
                                               KEY WEST TROPICAL FOREST
305-852-3818.               & BOTANICAL GARDEN
FILM                                           SPEAKER SERIES
                                               5210 College Rd.
Third Mondays (November to April)
7:30 p.m. Congregation B’nai Zion, 750         October 30
United St., Key West. Email for more           SCREAMING GREEN HALLOWEEN
information           10 a.m. Key West Tropical Forest &                 Botanical Garden, 5210 College Rd.
November 16-20
KEY WEST ANNUAL FILM FESTIVAL                  November 18 & 19
Showcase of flms that capture creativity       KEY WEST GARDEN CLUB FALL
and diversity. Various venues throughout       PLANT SALE & ARTIST MARKET
Key West.                                      10 a.m. 1100 Atlantic Blvd.
keywestš.com                                   305-294-3210.

                                                                                           Culture   15
    The island’s premier art center           November 19                               March 4
                                              “PRESERVING PARADISE"                     MARATHON GARDEN CLUB
                                              LECTURE & BOOK SIGNING                    HOUSE & GARDEN TOUR
                                              10 a.m. Book signing and lecture          10 a.m. 5270 Overseas Hwy., MM50.
                                              featuring author George Born.             305-743-4971.
                                              Old Island Restoration Foundation,        May – December
                                              322 Duval St., Key West.                  AQUANAUTS TO ASTRONAUTS
                                              305-294-9501.                    10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through
                                              December 28 & 29; January 13 & 14;        Friday. Join us for an exhibit on the
                                              February 17 & 18; March 17 & 18           fascinating journey from aquanauts to
                                                                                        astronauts. History of Diving Museum,
                                              KEY WEST HOUSE &
                                                                                        82990 Overseas Hwy., Islamorada.
                                              GARDEN TOURS 63RD ANNUAL
   A thrilling new line up of classes,                                                  305-664-9737.
          exhibitions, concerts               Each tour features private homes and
                                              gardens. Old Island Restoration           AUDUBON HOUSE &
      & performances each year!
                                              Foundation, 322 Duval St., Key West.      TROPICAL GARDENS
                                              305-294-9501.                    Gallery features antique original
   533 Eaton St. - 305-296-0458 -                                              lithographs and engravings by John James
                                              January 18 – April                        Audubon. 205 Whitehead St., Key West.
                                              DIVE INTO ART SHOW -                      305-294-2116.
                                              EDGE OF THE SEA
                                                                                        CRANE POINT MUSEUM
                                              10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through
                                                                                        & NATURE CENTER
                                              Friday. Join us to celebrate the          A 63-acre tropical oasis of hardwoods,
                                              native plants and animals that thrive     nature trails and educational displays.
                                              where land meets the sea. A showcase      5550 Overseas Hwy., Marathon.
                                              of art from local students will also be   305-743-9100.
                                              featured. History of Diving Museum,
                                              82990 Overseas Hwy., Islamorada.          FLORIDA KEYS HISTORY
                                              305-664-9737.            & DISCOVERY CENTER
                                                                                        Permanent and rotating exhibits.
                                              February 18                               82100 Overseas Hwy., Islamorada.
                                              GARDEN WALK 2023                          305-922-2237.
                                              9 a.m. A self-guided tour of the          HARRY S. TRUMAN
                                              Francis Tracy Garden Center with art,     LITTLE WHITE HOUSE
                                              plant, wares and exhibits. Presented      Daily tours, concerts, Paella Cook-Of,
                                              by the Garden Club of the Upper Keys,     Presidential Families Weekend, Truman
                                              94040 Overseas Hwy., Tavernier.           Legacy Symposium, Fruit Festival and
                                              305-451-8137.                             Lecture Series. 111 Front St., Key West.
                                              February 24 & 25
                                              KEY WEST GARDEN CLUB                      HISTORY OF DIVING MUSEUM
                                              GARDEN TOURS                              Open daily 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Virtual
                                                                                        museum, special events, exhibits and
                                              See website for more information.
                                                                                        store. 82990 Overseas Hwy., Islamorada.
                                                                                          June - Silver Bar Splash Treasure Hunt
                                              March                                       June & September - Dive Into History
                                              CONCH SHELL BLOWING CONTEST               305-664-9737.
                                              Old Island Restoration Foundation,
                                                                                        KEY WEST ART &
                                              322 Duval St., Key West.
                                                                                        HISTORICAL SOCIETY
                                                                                        Four culturally distinct museums –
                                              March 3 – 5                               Key West Museum of Art & History,
                                              KEY WEST “ORCHID VISION” FAIR             the Key West Lighthouse & Keeper’s
                                              10 a.m. – 4 p.m. A weekend of orchids,    Quarters, Fort East Martello and the
                                              vendors, supplies, free parking, food     Tennessee Williams Museum. Exhibitions
                                                                                        year-round. Distinguished Speaker
                                              and more. The Key West Garden Club,
                                                                                        Thursdays and Tennessee Williams
                                              1100 Atlantic Blvd.
                                                                                        Birthday Celebration March through April.
                                              March 4                                   KEY WEST TROPICAL FOREST &
                                              MARATHON GARDEN CLUB                      BOTANICAL GARDEN
                                              BUTTERFLY GARDEN TOUR                     5210 College Rd.
                                              10 a.m. 5270 Overseas Hwy., MM50.           September 24 & 25:
                                              305-743-4971.         Lower Keys Fall Migration Mania

16 The Florida Keys & Key West : 2023 Culture Magazine
March 4: Garden Fest Key West &             for information.
   Green Market Place                         305-293-9291.
  April 1: Migration Mania &
                                              CLASSES & WORKSHOPS
   Great Egg Hunt
  April 15 – July 31: Art in the Garden
                                              LIFE DRAWING CLASSES WITH
305-296-1504.                  ANNAMARIE GIORDANO
Home of the sunken Spanish galleons
                                              11 a.m. Key West.
                                                                                             in Key West!
Nuestra Senora de Atocha and Santa  
Margarita and the slave ship Henrietta        ART GUILD OF THE PURPLE ISLES
Marie. Exhibitions, lectures, movie           92600 Overseas Hwy., Tavernier.
nights and Earth Day Celebration.
200 Greene St., Key West.
305-294-2633.                    ARTISTS IN PARADISE
                                              Winn-Dixie Plaza, Big Pine Key.
Monthly seminars (January – August).          KEY WEST ART CENTER
  April 22 – 23: Lionfsh Hunting/Derby        301 Front St.
  May 13: Arts & Science Celebration          305-294-1241.
  June 10: World Oceans Day Celebration       KEY WEST COLLECTIVE
  July 12 & 14: Great Annual                  720 Caroline St.
    Fish Count Celebration                    305-783-5180.
305-852-0030.                        MORADA WAY ARTS
LITERARY                                      & CULTURAL DISTRICT
First Sundays                                 81549 Old Hwy., Islamorada.
7 p.m. Meeting is open to all interested in   SACRED SPACE KEY WEST
poetry. See us on Facebook.                   5700 4th St.
Mondays (January to March)
6 p.m. Notable special guests.                802 White St., Key West.                305-296-2080.
Last Wednesdays                               THE STUDIOS OF KEY WEST
LATITUDE 25 WRITERS GROUP                     A full slate of art, writing and mixed media
5 p.m. Meeting at Key Largo Library.          classes each year. 533 Eaton St.
305-852-5201 - Linda Pop                      305-296-0458.
2nd & 4th Saturdays                           OUR PLACE IN PARADISE
KEY WEST WRITERS GUILD                        88711 Overseas Hwy., Tavernier.
10 a.m. Educate, promote and encourage        305-916-5828.
literary excellence. La Brisa pool house.     WILLIAMS HALL
1901 S. Roosevelt Blvd.                       Services, classes, lectures and meetings
                                              for young teens, social activities and
January 10 – 14                               classes for the age 50+ community and
KEY WEST LITERARY SEMINAR                     cultural programs for all ages.
WRITER’S WORKSHOP                             729 Fleming St., Key West.
CoŸee Butler Amphitheater, 21 Quay Rd.
                                              *All events subject to change.
January 12 – 15
KEY WEST LITERARY SEMINAR                         Please visit
SINGING AMERICA: A CELEBRATION                   under “Calendars” to view the
OF BLACK LITERATURE                             Florida Keys Council of the Arts
CoŸee Butler Amphitheater, 21 Quay Rd.
                                                Cultural Calendar updates and
                                                 the KeysArts Events Quarterly
KEY WEST LITERARY SEMINAR                      brochures for details. Also visit
LITERARY WALKING TOURS                 calendar of events.
Tour start times vary. See our website

                                                                                                 Culture    17

As home to two oceans, hundreds of species of marine life and
thousands of artists, it’s only natural that you’ll fnd stunning works
of art in the galleries, studios and shops of the Florida Keys &
Key West. Dive in and explore to your heart’s content. 1.800.fa.keys
You can also read