Rejoice December 2018/January 2019
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Rejoice December 2018/January 2019 118 N. Washington St. ✠ Alexandria, VA 22314 ✠ 703-549-1450 Christ Church Foundation—Beginning Its Fifth Decade By Brian Wommack, Foundation President “The Foundation is a promise to help keep the church properties and missions into perpetuity.” Anne Shine, 2000–04 Foundation President O n January 22, 1979, the Christ Church, Alexandria, Virginia Foundation was incorporated. This month, the Christ Church Foundation begins its fifth decade of service to the church, its buildings and grounds, and its mission outside the parish. “I expect some will be surprised that [the Foundation] is ‘only’ 40 years old.” The Foundation funds have grown also has stepped up to meet specific Anne Reed, 2014–15 Foundation President steadily over the years, thanks to the needs, serving as the lender of record Founding officers Ralph Flynt, How- generosity of parishioners and friends. in the acquisition of the Fowler House, ard Smith and David Burke estab- To date, the Foundation has received and providing start-up funds for the lished the Foundation with the funds over 20 fulfilled bequests and notifica- church’s website. of the church’s small endowment tion from more than 50 donors of their “We have no way of knowing what trust, begun with a bequest from intent to remember the Foundation in ministry in 2059 and beyond will look Mary Custis Lee, last living child of their estate plans. The Foundation is like, or what ‘properties’ might in- Robert E. Lee. The Foundation’s cur- also grateful for the many recurring and clude. The Foundation will provide for rent assets are in excess of $5.5 mil- memorial gifts received each year. the needs of the future.” lion. In addition to the funds directly “The Foundation was created to [pro- Elizabeth Rudolph, 2016–17 Foundation managed by the nine-member Board vide] funds to meet the responsibilities President of Trustees, the Foundation receives associated with the stewardship of our income from the William Smith Since its founding, the Christ Church historic properties.” Foundation has embodied the con- Trust, separately managed under the Stetson Tinkham, 2009–13 Foundation terms of his bequest. In recent years, tinuing legacy of the faith and gifts President the Foundation assumed manage- of our parish family. We enjoy this ment of the Tri-Centennial Trust, In turn, the Foundation makes an church because of the generosity maturing in 2076 for the church’s annual distribution of a determined of those who came before us. Our continuance into the nation’s third percentage for the church’s build- privilege will be to give to those who century. ings and grounds. While in the past will follow. Let us join together, now the Foundation would select specific and in the decades to come, to con- “Every generation makes a projects to be funded, the trustees now tinue building the Foundation as an contribution.” make a quarterly distribution for the invisible bulwark behind the visible Nancy Carson, 2006-08 Foundation church to determine its use. In rare brick and glass, ensuring that Christ President instances in the past, the Foundation Church’s life and ministry will endure.
Rejoice is the official Advent and Christmas Schedule of Services monthly publication Wednesday, December 12 and 19 of Christ Church, Communion and Carols (Holy Alexandria, Virginia, an • 6:00 p.m. – Wednesday Night Eucharist Rite II) Episcopal church in the Prayer Service– Chapel Monday, December 31, New Year’s Eve Diocese of Virginia. Sunday, December 16 10:00 p.m. – Prayer service with The Rt. Rev. Shannon Johnston • 5:00 p.m. – Christmas Pageant readings from the Bible Thirteenth Bishop of Virginia (the story of Jesus’s birth as The Rt. Rev. Susan Ellyn Goff retold by the children of the Christ Church Administratiive Bishop Suffragan The Rt. Rev. Robert Wilkes Ihloff, parish) Office Holiday Schedule Bishop Associate Monday, December 24, Christmas Eve Monday, December 24, Christmas Eve Vestry offices closed • 3:00 p.m. – Worship with Emily Bryan, Senior Warden Tuesday, December 25 – Communion and Carols (Holy Dave Riggs, Junior Warden Eucharist Rite II) offices closed Abas Adenan, Jane Baird, Nancy Wednesday, December 26 – • 5:30 p.m. – Worship with Carson, Kelley Brooke Hostetler, offices closed Steve Humphrey, Jim Lafley, Communion, Choir, and Carols Thursday, December 27 – Kevin Metz, Anne Shine, (Holy Eucharist Rite II in the offices closed; church open to tours Sandra Thompson, Julie Zahn Historic Church) from noon to 4:00 p.m. Ken Knapp, Treasurer • 5:30 p.m. – Family Worship Friday, December 28 – offices closed; Bill Baker, Assistant Treasurer (Holy Eucharist Rite II in the church open to tours from noon to Clergy Auditorium) 4:00 p.m. The Rev. Dr. Noelle York-Simmons, • 8:00 p.m. – Worship with Com- Saturday, December 29 – Rector munion, Choir, and Carols church open to tours from noon to The Rev. Dr. Lyndon Shakespeare, (Holy Eucharist Rite II) Associate Rector 4:00 p.m. • 10:30 p.m. – Worship with Monday, December 31 – offices The Rev. Seldon Walker Communion, Choir, and closed; church open for tours, First Associate Rector/Curate Carols (Holy Eucharist Rite II) Night and service at 10:00 p.m. The Rev. Dr. Richard Jones Tuesday, January 1 – offices closed Tuesday, December 25, Christmas Day Parish Visitor • 10:00 a.m. – Worship with The Rev. Dr. Diane Murphy, Rev. Dr. William B. Roberts Priest Associates Director of Music New Year’s Eve at Christ Church T M. Jason Abel his New Year’s Eve, Christ Church will once again be a venue for First Christ Church embodies God’s unbounded love by embracing, Night Alexandria, Alexandria’s New Year’s Eve celebration. Christ liberating, and empowering people, Church will host new performers this year, both local bands, Ruthie and the whoever you are and wherever you find Wranglers and Lunch with Bob. There are over 100 different performers all yourself on your journey of faith. over Old Town, The Rejoice deadline is the third of the culminating in fire- month preceding publication. Please email proposed articles to works at midnight. For tickets and fur- Those accepted are subject to editing for ther details about length and content. Susan Hahn edits events scheduled Rejoice while Craig Keith provides design that night, visit and layout. Carol Donlan gives her time firstnightalexandria. and talent as an advisor. Meredith Bracco is the staff liaison. org. We will also hold a New Year’s Eve service at 10:00 p.m., independent @historiccc of First Night ac- tivities. Page 2 ✠ Rejoice ✠ December 2018/January 2019
Advent is Marked by God’s Surprises for Us, and a Reminder We Are Never Alone By The Rev. Dr. Noelle York- in Isaiah’s prophecies, ing ways to break in to our story. Our Simmons, Rector beginning with Advent story and our Christian story R ead together, they Creation in O is not one of smooth sailing, of easy sound like some kind Sapientia: O Wisdom, answers and quiet living. Our story, of ancient spell: coming forth from the as the O Antiphons reflect, is marked O Sapientia, O Adonai, O mouth of the Most by God’s surprises for us, the ultimate Radix Jesse, O Clavis Da- High, reaching from surprise being the birth of Jesus, the vid, O Oriens, O Rex Gen- one end to the other, ultimate break in our story, the ulti- tium, O Emmanuel. They mightily and sweetly mate game changer and rule breaker. are the O Antiphons, ordering all things: As you follow the stories we tell sung or read during night- Come and teach us in Advent, hear those times when time prayers in the last the way of prudence. God is tipping things over, when seven days of the Advent And ending with God is breaking in and shaking season, alongside the Magnificat, the the coming of the Messiah in O things up. And also hear the fact prayer of Mary. Each of the O Anti- Emmanuel: O Emmanuel, our king that God is present while the phons calls forth a different name or and our lawgiver,the hope of the inbreaking happens. In times of attribute of God: Wisdom, Lord, Root nations and their Saviour: Come and turmoil or unrest, whether they are of Jesse, Key of David, Dayspring, save us, O Lord our God. personal or corporate or national, King of the Nations, God with Us. In This movement— from the begin- God is with us, reminding us that addition to naming the traits of God, ning to the middle of our shared we are never alone in our struggle the O Antiphons call forth the story narrative— is important because it to learn, grow and adapt to the of God’s movement among us, as told reminds us that God is always find- world as it changes. Let’s Have a Pageant! J oin us for the annual Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 16 at 5:00 p.m. in the Historic Church. A Yuletide Feast of homemade ziti, meatballs and Italian sausage, and stuffed peppers follows in the Audi- torium. Rejoice ✠ December 2018/January 2019 ✠ Page 3
New Mission Committee Chair Outlines a Look Ahead nately, Melanie Gray came to my res- By Haley Harger, cue by suggesting becoming a member Mission Committee Chair gation it is. I saw the international mission of the Mission Committee, where the I have big shoes to fill. work mentioned in leaders of each individual commit- After four years as Parish Life right away tee come together to keep everyone Chairperson of the Mis- and was intrigued. informed, share lessons learned and sion Committee, Tom As a nurse, I have opportunities discovered, and invite Linthicum passed the participated in medi- collaboration wherever possible. reins to me in October cal mission work in It was a perfect suggestion for me. 2018. Tom’s thoughtful, Haiti and was deeply Since joining the Mission Committee, conscientious leadership interested in continu- I have been truly amazed by the dedi- helped guide the Com- ing this type of work. Upon hearing cation of Christ Church to its interna- mittee to bolster existing strengths as more about the individual missions tional partners in mission, as well as by well as to move in some exciting new in Covenant Class—Our Little Roses the parishioners who bring all manner directions. His experience, insight, Home for Girls in Honduras, Mengo of personal and professional knowledge and vision made him a perfect fit. Hospital in Uganda, and the Diocese and skills—not to mention passion I must admit that my own path to of Renk in South Sudan, I knew I and commitment—to the table. While this role owes a lot more to my in- had to get involved; however, I had a the work done so far in each mission decisiveness. My husband and I first conundrum. has been impressive, I am excited came to Christ Church nearly three I felt drawn to and inspired by all about the new possibilities in all of years ago and were immediately three missions. How could I choose these areas, as we build on the strong interested in what an active congre- just one to which to commit? Fortu- foundations already in place. Food Rescue at the Old Town Farmers’ Market Saves 4,100 Pounds of Fresh Produce and senior centers that provide food apples, kale, radishes, squash, peppers, By Stephanie Roberts Windus, Gleaning Volunteer Coordinator to those in need. carrots, and breads! It would have Generous vendors at the market oc- been easy to gloss over those small A s we closed November out with turkey, family gatherings, shop- ping lists, and all the hustle and casionally have unsold produce at the end of the market day. Every Saturday crates and move on with my ever growing to do list and hit the road for from June to November, a group of the Thanksgiving holiday. However, bustle that comes with welcoming dedicated volunteers answered the there I was humbled by the news December and Advent, we are grate- call to gather to collect, bag, and haul that we had rescued more than 4,100 ful for the past 11 months of planting, produce from those vendors. The pro- pounds of produce and baked goods sowing, and harvesting completed at duce gleaned by Christ Church and over a 22-week period—food that home, at work, and in our community St. Paul’s is shared and distributed to would have gone to waste, instead One such place of harvest has been their respective Lazarus food pantries. went to feed families in need in the Christ Church’s commitment to food I was reminded of how bountiful City of Alexandria. Thank you to all rescue at the Old Town Farmers’ Mar- the work we do is when I collected our gleaning volunteers who provided ket (OTFM). This Outreach program the final food donations at the Old their time to rescue these donations is an annual partnership between Town Farmers’ Market on Novem- to nourish these grateful Alexandria Christ Church, St. Paul’s, the City of ber 17, the last day of our gleaning families! Alexandria and Hunger Free Alex- season. It was the weekend before Special thanks goes to this year’s andria to rescue, or glean, food from Thanksgiving, and we anticipated a donating vendors: Ashton Farms, Alexandria’s Old Town Farmers’ Mar- smaller donation from vendors as the Bread and Water, Diaz Berries, Lo- ket. The mission of this program is to market was quieter than in previous pez’s Farm, Maribeth’s Bakery, Mon- connect fresh, locally grown produce weekends and vendors were packing toya’s Farm, and Spring Valley Farm with food pantries, homeless shelters, up. But we received six full crates of and Orchard. Page 4 ✠ Rejoice ✠ December 2018/January 2019
More than 170 Children and Teens Delighted by Christ Child Ministry On Saturday, December 8 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., more volun- teer elves helped the moms and dads shop, keeping their lists and account- ing straight for each child, helping create what would become a wonder- ful Christmas for their children. Gift cards for $25 to Walmart were given to each family at the checkout thanks to additional anonymous donors! Thank you to every single person who shopped, donated, waited in line, braved big box stores, went online, set up the online shopping choice, helped at the ingathering, did the pricing, set up the store, worked as an elf, helped carry bags — this is the largest volunteer effort we do all year, and it takes dozens and dozens of people working together to make this a Merry Christmas. We want to offer a special thank you to Patrice Hall This year we continued our partner- from the Boys & Girls Club for her From the Christ Child Ministry Team: ship with Washington Street United continued support with this ministry. Susan Anderson, Caroline Carbaugh, Methodist Preschool. The preschool Nancy Carson, and Melanie Gray, Anne donated and assembled 19 bicycles. Ramsey, and Stephanie Roberts These bicycles were blessed on No- T he 2018 Christ Child Ministry was a great success, thanks to the volunteers who took part in the store! vember 26. We are grateful for their time and effort on supporting the Christ Child Ministry. This ministry We shopped for 173 children from 68 supports local businesses, physical ac- families from the Boys & Girls Club, tivity, and literacy as well as children! and from our Lazarus and Refugee Teams of volunteers orchestrate ministries. the entire project. From shoppers There are many components to this with church money, including Christ generous ministry. The core team Church youth, to those using their begins work in September by deter- own funds, gifts of all kinds were mining what activities and sponsors brought to the Sunday Ingathering. are needed. They prepare a shoppers The pricing team marks down items list in October to be ready for the by about 75 percent so that the $25 program’s kick-off on the first Sunday per child paid by the parent would in November. This year’s list was gen- purchase approximately $100 worth erated by our Sunday school youth to of gifts. ensure shoppers get the right items Then the Friday evening pop-up for 2018. For many years, Charlie & store set up team got to work. Creat- Sally Chadbourn have taken time to ing an amazing retail space from an gather just the right books from Hoo- empty auditorium takes imagination ray for Books on King Street with an and effort. Some strong volunteers anonymous donation from within the carried 12 shopping carts up the stairs church. from the Ross store. Rejoice ✠ December 2018/January 2019 ✠ Page 5
Fowler House Is Both A Critically Needed Ministry Space and Financial Asset By Dave Riggs, Junior Warden F owler House is an important as- set of Christ Church, providing outstanding space for many of our ministries: Sunday School, English Language Learners, and our choirs, to name a few. Many in our parish may not fully realize the additional importance of Fowler House as a fi- nancial asset of Christ Church. When Christ Church purchased the Fowler House in 1998, the Church entered into the commercial real estate business. We inherited a lease with the parent company of our pledges and offerings of $1.59 mil- of the store, that Ross will wish to lion, and it is greater than the annual continue as our tenant past lease ex- disbursement from the Christ Church piration. Given market conditions for Foundation for church maintenance retail operations, we will be in pos- and repairs. session of a 70-year-old commercial The rental of the Fowler House cov- building that is functionally obsolete, ers a number of expenses directly relat- at the end of its useful life, requir- ed to the commercial operation, such ing significant capital investment. as utilities ($56,000) and the payment The expense for replacement of the of our real estate taxes ($57,000). Fowler House roof alone could run as But after the deduction of those di- high as $1 million. It seems unlikely rect expenses, Fowler House provides we could find a retail tenant for the $275,000 free and clear to fund Christ current building that would pay suf- Church Ministries. Contrast that posi- ficient rent to cover the expenses tive revenue to the amount we spent necessary to renovate the building, in 2017 from our operating budget pay utilities and real estate taxes, and Ross Dress for Less, and, we inher- for our ministries, $227,000, and the continue to provide the current fund- ited all of the responsibilities of a importance of the Fowler House asset ing level to support our important commercial landlord. Christ Church is clear. Compared to another bud- ministries. is responsible for maintenance and get item, our outlays for property and Doing nothing, your Wardens and upkeep of the property, per the terms plant maintenance from the operating Vestry believe, is not a viable option of our lease, and pays property taxes budget, Fowler House could be said to for the health of the church. Do- and other assessments to the City of cover 85 percent of our expenditures ing nothing would create a deficit of Alexandria. to operate and maintain the Historic $332,000—our net income from the Since its acquisition, Fowler House Church and the Parish House. Ross lease plus our real estate tax pay- has become a key financial asset of Like any other commercial land- ments, which will continue regardless Christ Church. In our most recent lord, we now face a crossroads with of occupancy—in 2021 and every full fiscal year, 2017, Fowler House the Fowler House asset. In 2017 we year thereafter. Further the need for generated rental income to the agreed to an extension of the Ross repairs to the building will not go Church of $404,000. That repre- lease, receiving no other offers from away. This is why we, the Parish, sented almost 20 percent of the total prospective tenants. The current Ross must seriously consider the need to Christ Church operating revenue of lease expires in January 2021. Our real face our responsibility to the future as $2.1 million. Our income from the estate advisors believe it is unlikely, we consider the redevelopment of the Fowler House was second only to given the recent financial performance Fowler House. Page 6 ✠ Rejoice ✠ December 2018/January 2019
Parish Input to be Sought for Envisioning Fowler House and Ross Building 2.0 By Emily R. Bryan, Senior Warden In the current real estate climate, a approve entering into a long-term T he Fowler House/Ross building was purchased thanks to the generosity and vision of the parish- long-term ground lease appears to be the best option for the church’s finan- cial and missional health. In a ground ground lease. The Vestry and Fowler House Committee members are eager to ioners and leadership of our church lease scenario, the church would con- speak with as many parishioners as 25 years ago. The acquisition of the tinue to receive rental payments that possible. We will host parish Q&A building allowed Christ Church to escalate over time, but would not be sessions on January 6 at 9:00 a.m. and expand its physical campus, creating financially responsible for the ongoing January 13 at 11:30 a.m. and 4:00 dedicated space for our choir, chil- maintenance and upkeep of the build- p.m. in the Meade Room. Vestry and dren’s programs, outreach activities, ing. The lessee will likely construct a Fowler House Committee members teens, and much more. The Fowler new building on the site of the current will be visiting as many ministries House has helped us to grow our Fowler House. We would retain con- and small group gatherings as pos- programs, and the space it provides is dominium rights to a mutually agreed- sible during the month of January. critical to our church’s future. upon space, which we will have 24/7 We will be scheduling visits for For the last four years, the dedicat- access to and full control of, to house January in December; if you would ed parishioners on the Fowler House the programs that currently use the like someone to visit your group and Committee, led by Chris McMurray, Fowler House space. We would become have not heard from us by December John Weaver, and Jim Coakley, have owners of the updated building at the 15, please email me at emilyrbryan@ been exploring our options for what end of the ground lease period. to do if Ross vacates the building. Significantly, we would need to This is an exciting time for our par- I encourage you to read Chris’s ar- rebuild the new space. The very pre- ish, and also one that creates oppor- ticles in the September and October liminary cost for this, updated from tunity for creativity. Noelle is in the Rejoice for a better understanding of the work which we did for the original process of forming committees to en- the way the group has approached its Fowler House buildout, is $1 million. vision what our new space could look work. We are confident that the parish will like and to address how we continue Last year, Ross renewed its lease rise to this occasion and will provide to provide top-notch programming through January 31, 2021. When the funding necessary to build out during the construction phase. Please we told Ross that we were explor- the new space, just as our parish has hold these groups in your prayers as ing marketing the property and they stepped up many times in the past - they dream and plan for the physical needed to let us know if they had an HVAC, now fully paid off, being the shape of our parish’s future. interest in remaining beyond that most recent. Over the years, our parish has put time, they responded that they were Indeed, we have already received a numerous faith-based initiatives in not prepared to consider or commit strong indication that a substantial gift place: Mengo Hospital, the HVAC to anything. Additionally, they let us toward the redevelopment of Fowler system, Our Little Roses, and the Bag know that if they ultimately decided House will be forthcoming. Even if this Lunch Program, just to name a few. they were interested in remaining it bears fruit, we will need the financial With your assistance, guidance, and would be for less space. support of our parishioners to make a prayers, we are confident that we can The Fowler House Committee has new space for our parish a reality. have a similarly successful result un- recommended that we enter into To protect the interests of the parish, derway when the Ross lease expires discussions with a developer with a the Episcopal Church canons and the in two years. history of successful condo develop- Diocese of Virginia have a significant Members of the Vestry and Fowler ment with non-profits and churches. approval process before any disposition House Committee are eager to an- At the November Vestry meeting, of property occurs. Parish approval, swer parishioner’s questions about the the Vestry authorized the group to approval of the Standing Committee process. Please seek us out over the sign a non-binding letter of intent of the Diocese of Virginia, and the ap- coming months with your questions with that developer. This gives the proval of the Bishop of Virginia must and ideas. committee the ability to negotiate be obtained. Additionally, the Circuit terms in a meaningful way with the Court will need to approve any agree- developer, but does not lock us in to ment. In February, we will begin that an agreement. process by asking the parish to vote to Rejoice ✠ December 2018/January 2019 ✠ Page 7
A Time for Thanksgiving from Senior Adult Ministries Founders By Joan Woodbury, Special to Rejoice Committee on Aging was formed to be a help to other T hank you all so much for the wonderful Gathering in October to honor those of us who had founded our Senior Adult Ministries in 1983. Coordinated by Episcopal Churches with their senior ministries. Sunny and Barney Nolan, active members of our se- nior ministries, were busy using their creative and busi- Fran Usher and Betsy Hahn, we were welcomed with ness skills to create the new Meade Room kitchen and escorts and transportation, a delicious luncheon with the beautiful new Christ Church Gift Shop. Sunny and tables beautifully set ,even roses, surrounded by the many Barney, who had owned an antique shop, (the Delightful friends who had helped us along the way. It was absolute- Muddle), were a natural to create these lovely new rooms. ly wonderful! Thanks be to God and all of you! They were responsible for the access ramp leading into These ministries began with the awareness that our the Meade Room and Gift Shop. senior population, healthier and eager to continue to be Our Senior Adult ministries responded to the need useful, was growing. Inspired by our own aging parents, for transportation to church for our seniors. Our Rector, we sought the advice of our Rector, The Rev. Mark An- Mark, and Barney decided a van would be best for this schutz. Mark assigned his new Associate Rector, The Rev. endeavor. Sunny planned a wonderful “Town and Country Benjamin Smith, to work with us. We started in June Fair” in 1986. This involved the entire church with its 1983 with a simple luncheon for 40 seniors to discern creative décor, baked goods, hand-made items, antiques these needs. In July a steering committee was formed and a delicious barbecue/sandwich lunch. This fair made of excited seniors. In August, we had our first luncheon almost the entire amount needed to purchase the van! program, a fashion show. We, seniors, modeled our own In addition to this successful event, Sunny organized the vintage clothes from our closets. We had begun! Christ Church Bicentennial Celebrations. Training was offered through the Alexandria Commu- When the Fowler House was planned for more space for nity Mental Health Center under the supervision of Di- our children, teens, and young adults, Sunny and Barney rector Kitty Nicholson, LCSW. After a year of supervised filled these spaces with attractive furniture and arrange- training, weekly visits were made to aging seniors. Kitty ments that invited fellowship. They enhanced the en- was soon asked to be the social worker at Goodwin House trance to the Fowler House, especially the bridal rooms, Alexandria. I was asked to assist her. Kitty developed pro- with warmth that welcomed everyone. grams about seniors that were open to all. The Goodwin Thanks to all of you who started many major senior House ministry was started with Christ Church parish- ministries! One of these was the amplification of the ioners visiting seniors for fellowship at both Goodwin Church for the hearing impaired. House Alexandria and Bailey’s Crossroads. As we move forward, we invite the next group of rising I became a member of The Virginia Diocesan Homes seniors to respond to this ministry as they can – making it Board. This Board supervised the founding of new Epis- special for their own seniors as they age. copal retirement communities in Virginia. The Diocesan Consider Year-End Giving There are several different ways to give required minimum distribution, and the Christ Church Foundation. This to Christ Church, whether it’s year excludes the distribution from the tax- gift will avoid capital gains tax on the round or as 2018 comes to a close. For payer’s income. increase in the value of the stock, and more information on any of the options Gifts from Donor Advised Funds: Do- will provide a deduction up to the full listed here, contact the Christ Church nor Advised Fund: If you have estab- fair market value of the stock. Foundation at foundation@historicchrist- lished a Donor Advised Fund, consider No matter how you choose to give, requesting that the fund administrator the 2018 tax law changes still allow for or Stephanie Woodland Kelly, make a contribution to Christ Church deductions of charitable gifts for donors Controller, at 703-778-4933. or the Christ Church Foundation. who itemize. To qualify for a charitable Qualified Charitable Distribution Gifts of Appreciated Stock: The 2018 deduction for this year, please ensure from IRA: The 2018 tax law changes tax law changes still allow for deductions that your gift check to Christ Church still allow donors aged 70 ½ and older of charitable gifts for donors who item- or the Christ Church Foundation re- to give up to $100,000 directly from ize. If you have stock that has grown in ceived by December 31. (If mailed, the their Individual Retirement Accounts. value, you can contribute the appreci- envelope will need to be postmarked by This counts toward satisfying the ated stock directly to Christ Church or December 31.) Page 8 ✠ Rejoice ✠ December 2018/January 2019
A Brief Summary of the Organ Project and A Support Opportunity By M. Jason Abel, Music Director working with John Cole of Cole & Denny Architects in C ap & Marilyn Bromley made a generous donation to Christ Church in the spring of 2016 that allowed us to begin the process of securing a new organ to replace the design plans and city code requirements. The Harrison & Harrison organ will be slightly smaller than our current organ and will be voiced to offer support of congregational current instrument. After detailed evaluation, it was de- singing without overwhelming it. In short, the new organ termined that replacing the present organ was preferable will not be louder than the current one. to fixing it, a decision based on financial reasons and for The present instrument has been listed for sale. While musical and aesthetic qualities. the likelihood of making much money off the sale of A committee composed of Cap & Marilyn Bromley, this instrument is slim, we are hopeful not to pay for its Bill Usher, Jay Bartol, Anne Shine, Barry Stauffer, Julie removal. It is probable that there will be an extended Wommack, Bill Roberts, and myself considered propos- amount of time between the removal of the current organ als by several different builders. In the end, we chose to and the installation of the new one. During this interim go with the firm of Harrison & Harrison Organs. Their period, we will rely on the piano and other instruments to long track record of building quality organs, exceptional help lead our worship musically. business reputation, and their understanding of our needs We are in the process of confirming the final details of allowed us to feel confident in choosing them. The Vestry the new instrument (stop list, console design, etc) and approved entering into a contract with them and we re- should soon know the final cost. The Bromley gift has ceived our place in line for a new organ to be installed in already been applied, along with a number of other gener- the fall of 2020. ous gifts we have received since our project became pub- Unlike pianos, each pipe organ is custom built for the lic. In the near future, the parish will be made aware of space in which it will be played. No two organs are identi- the full amount still owed on the instrument and for ways cal. So, it’s not as simple as walking into an Organ Store people can contribute. In the meantime, any donations and selecting which model we want to have. are welcome, and if one is interested in “naming opportu- We explained many times to the builder that we wanted nities” for the organ and would like to pay for the remain- an organ that looks like it has always been in Christ der of it, we would be delighted to discuss this with you! Church, but will offer a tonal palette of sound needed for Our new organ will be coming from the U.K. where a modern 21st century Episcopal Church music program. Harrison & Harrison is based. The current exchange rate The new organ will be situated in the back center of the with the British Pound is quite favorable to us. church’s gallery. I am tremendously With this location, excited about what a the organ will sound new instrument will evenly into all parts do for this parish. I of the room and truly believe it will be will resemble the transformational to central structure our worship life. If you of organs installed have any questions, I in early American am more than happy churches. Two of the to speak with you and five previous organs share any of the more at Christ Church minute details of the had this same place- process that has gotten ment. We will actu- us to this point. ally have more open floor space with this arrangement than what we have pres- ently. We have been Rejoice ✠ December 2018/January 2019 ✠ Page 9
Christ Church Gift Shop The Gift Shop’s donation helped the Gives Back coordinators fill in gaps in the mer- ARMONIA NOVA Invites you to celebrate Y ou have heard us say that all chandise needed for the program. profits from the Gift Shop go to Some other organizations that have the season! charities, but have you been wonder- received support over the years from ing just which charities they are? the Gift Shop include: 17th Annual Holiday Two -- Lazarus Ministry and Meals The Carpenter’s Shelter, which Tradition on Wheels -- receive monthly con- supports the homeless in achieving Sunday January 6, 2019 at tributions from us, and we donate to sustainable independence through 6:00 p.m. many other nonprofits periodically. shelter, guidance, education and ad- In case you’re not familiar with vocacy. Its continuum of care offers Christ Church Christ Church Lazarus Ministry, it of- continuous services, helping chroni- fers immediate assistance to Alexan- cally homeless shelter through their dria residents in crisis situations. That transition back into independent assistance takes many forms including living. O Luminous Night financial aid, health counseling and Community Lodgings, a nonprofit A Celebration of food for families in need provided by founded by a collective of Episcopal food donations from our members and churches to help families break the Epiphany & the local businesses. cycle of poverty by providing both Winter Solstice Just about everyone knows what transitional housing and low-income Meals on Wheels does -- volunteers housing, family counseling, budgeting deliver prepared meals to shut-ins, and employment skills training. Savor the holiday season the sick and the elderly. Here at The Campagna Center Head Start with an evening of glorious Christ Church our dedicated Meals and Early Head Start, programs that music celebrating Winter on Wheels volunteers work in pairs support the mental, social and emo- Solstice. Armonia Nova to deliver meals to people along seven tional development of children from offers music this year from routes on the third Wednesday morn- birth to age five. Children and fami- northern European lands – ing of every month. Our financial lies also receive ongoing health and joyous music that heralds assistance goes to the local Meals on nutrition services, including medical the earth’s reawakening. We Wheels organization to help keep it and dental exams. Family service spe- welcome you to join us for financially secure. cialists assist parents with their own Armonia Nova’s 16th annual One of the programs receiving our educational and vocational goals. performance of ‘Twelfth periodic financial support this year The Campagna New Neighbors Night’! was the Christ Church Refugee Min- English Language Learner Program, which offers English classes and ser- Constance Whiteside: director, istry, which was established on June medieval & triple strung 30, 2016. The goal of this outreach vices to immigrants and refugees from around the world who have settled baroque harps & tambourine is to assist refugees in financial need. So far, the program has assisted 21 in Alexandria and the Northern Vir- Tina Chancey: vielle, viol, families with rent, utilities, medical ginia area. renaissance violin, & kamenj bills and car repairs. Our support of these organizations Another program receiving support and others is the direct result of your Jacqueline Horner-Kwiatek, again this year was the Christ Child shopping at the Gift Shop. All profits mezzo-soprano Ministry. This program serves 200 of at the shop go to outreach programs, so you can feel good knowing that “one of the two finest and Alexandria’s children. It helps them most inspiring concerts of have a happy Christmas by provid- every time you shop with us, you are also helping meet the needs of others. the Christmas season” ing parents an opportunity to shop for Christmas gifts for their children. Thank you for your support! The AllArts4UReview Parents pay $25.00 to participate in volunteers at the Gift Shop wish you the program, then get to select items a happy, healthy and prosperous New for their children at a 75% discount. Year. Page 10 ✠ Rejoice ✠ December 2018/January 2019
Adult Forum January Dates Faith and Flourishing: Human Life with God January 1 New Year’s Day— January 13–March 3, 2019 loneliness, belonging, healing, free- Office Closed The Christian life is a human life. dom, and forgiveness inform how we January 5 — Walk the Labyrinth - Epiphany is a season that brings this learn to become fully human in our 9:00 a.m.–Noon into particular focus as we rediscover life with God and one another. We January 6—Epiphany how the fullness of God is revealed will begin on Wednesday, January 16. Sunday School Resumes in the humanity of Jesus of Nazareth. Contact Lyndon for more information Armonia Nova Concert at During this season, we will reflect and to sign-up. 6:00 p.m. together on the ways our life and January 9—Dinner Church our world are sites of divine activ- Embodied Witness: A Day of January 13 —Baptisms at 10:00 a.m. ity through which we come to know Readings from Rev. Dr. Martin January 18—Youth Ski Trip at Shrine God and each other more deeply. Our Luther King, Jr. Mont, Bryce (6th–12th grade) series will include topics ranging from Monday, January 21, 11:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. with a service of thanksgiving January 20—January All-Parish human development, finances, and the joy born of serving with others. at noon Breakfast Christ Church will mark Dr. Martin January 21—Martin Luther King, Jr. Luther King, Jr., Day, on Monday, Day, Office Closed Other programs January 21, by hosting a day of read- Day of Readings of the How to be Human (Going Deeper) Online Class beginning January 16 ings from the works of Dr. King. From Works of Dr. Martin Luther What does it mean to be a human 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., with a King, Jr. (Church) being? For Jean Vanier, philosopher service of thanksgiving at noon, join 11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. and founder of L’Arche, it is first a us to hear the writings, speeches, and January 27–Foundation Sunday matter of recognizing that we are sermons of Dr. King. Families with human becomings more than simply youth or children are encouraged to human beings. Our next course in the attend. This event will be open to d Going Deeper series will be an online the public and anyone may sign up to reading group on Vanier’s book, Be- read. Watch for sign-up instructions coming Human. In this work, Vanier in Parish Life. Contact Lyndon for addresses how the experiences of more information. February Dates February 2 Walk the Labyrinth Bringing Advent Home 9:00 a.m.–Noon February 3 Choral Evensong O ur annual Advent wreath making workshop on No- vember 25, billed under the new name of “Bringing Advent Home” was a wonderful way to welcome the 5:00 p.m. February 6 Dinner Church season of Advent! Christ Church parishioners of all ages February 17 February All-Parish made over 45 Advent wreaths to enjoy in their homes Breakfast as the Meade Room filled with conversation, laughter, Celebrate George and the sweet smell of evergreen. Each wreath was ac- Washington’s Birthday companied by four candle tags that assigned each candle a (Washington Bible on “word of the week” along with a verse of scripture and a display) con- versation starter. Additionally, cards with collects for each Sunday and February 18 President’s Day, background information on the season of Advent were distributed. We are Office Closed so thankful for those helped with this workshop by setting up, cleaning up, February 24 All-Parish Meeting distributing Advent wreath supplies, bringing greens, or all of the above. See page 12 for photos! We look forward to “Bringing Advent Home” together again next year! Rejoice ✠ December 2018/January 2019 ✠ Page 11
Advent Happenings Photos shown are from the Fellowship Breakfast, Advent Wreath building, the Gathering Luncheon, and the unveiling of the new World War I historical display Page 12 ✠ Rejoice ✠ December 2018/January 2019
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