Descoperă noul EndNote 20 - Adriana FILIP - Solutions Consultant - E-nformation

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Descoperă noul EndNote 20 - Adriana FILIP - Solutions Consultant - E-nformation
Descoperă noul EndNote 20

Adriana FILIP - Solutions Consultant

Decembrie 2020
Descoperă noul EndNote 20 - Adriana FILIP - Solutions Consultant - E-nformation
Web of Science today

                           Consultancy                                      • Understand the research landscape
InCites Benchmarking                         Essential Science Indicators     with the world’s largest curated
          & Analytics                        Research Fronts                  citation network of research
          Converis                                                          • Make confident strategic decisions
                                                   Reviewer Connect
                                                                              using unbiased data curated by
                                                                              publisher-neutral experts
   VIVO Services                                                            • Uncover hidden opportunities with
                                                                              consistent, accurate and complete
                                                                              metadata for authors, author
          Publons                                                             affiliations, and funders
                                                  XML Dataset
                                                                            • Research more efficiently using
                                                                              tools that find PDFs for you
Journal Citation Reports                       APIs                           throughout your search process and
                                                                              automatically write your
                            Web of Science        ScholarOne
                            Author Connect                                  • Conduct more responsible research
                                                                              evaluation using multidimensional
                                                                              profiles and ISI’s objective guidance
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Descoperă noul EndNote 20 - Adriana FILIP - Solutions Consultant - E-nformation
Did you know that researchers waste nearly 200,000 hours per
year formatting citations?
Imagine if you could have that time back to spend on your

EndNote 20 accelerates your research process so
you can focus on what truly matters – conducting
and sharing groundbreaking research.

                                                      © Clarivate 2020   3
Descoperă noul EndNote 20 - Adriana FILIP - Solutions Consultant - E-nformation
Focus on what matters most: your research

     WRITE FASTER                                      COLLABORATE EASIER
     Insert in-text citations while simultaneously     Easily collaborate across geographic
     creating a bibliography with the Cite While       boundaries. Share some or all of your library
     You Write feature in Microsoft® Word.             and set permissions for access.

     RESEARCH BETTER                                   GET PUBLISHED
     Use tools that find PDFs for you throughout       Match your paper with relevant,
     your search process. Then, easily read, review,   reputable journals using Manuscript
     annotate and search PDFs in your library.         Matcher.

     STAY ORGANIZED                                    WORK FROM ANYWHERE
     Create rules to automatically organize            Access your research anytime, anywhere from
     references as you work. And, use the new          the cloud. Move seamlessly between online
     Tabs feature for easier multitasking.             and the desktop and iPad applications.

                                                                                       © Clarivate 2020   4
Descoperă noul EndNote 20 - Adriana FILIP - Solutions Consultant - E-nformation
Accelerate your research with EndNote
Rely upon the world’s essential reference management tool

Save time                   Stay organized               Collaborate easily           Get published
Research more efficiently   Conduct large-scale          Work more smoothly with      Easily manage the process
with tools that find PDFs   projects with a reliable     your team members–           of getting your
for you throughout          system that stores           whether they’re based        manuscript published
your search process and     unlimited references and     around the world, or just    using tools that match
automatically write your    provides powerful tools to   across town– with flexible   your paper with relevant,
bibliography, so that you   help you organize and        solutions for sharing and    reputable journals,
can focus on what matters   manage them with ease        commenting that help         and can instantly reformat
most: your ideas.           and speed.                   everyone stay on the         your paper in over 7,000
                                                         same page.                   bibliographic styles.

                                                                                                © Clarivate 2020   5
Descoperă noul EndNote 20 - Adriana FILIP - Solutions Consultant - E-nformation
Power your research with a robust system you can count on
Manage a truly unlimited number of references and PDFs

          Search hundreds of                Create rules to               Build your bibliography
          online resources for              automatically organize        using the latest
          references and PDFs               references as you work        reference types

          Find full text for                Keep your data accurate        Trust that your
          references in one click           with automatic reference       bibliography is correct
                                            and link updating              with up-to-date journal
                                                                           and referencing styles

         Read, review, annotate and         Share your library (or just   Access your research
         search PDFs                        a portion) with colleagues,   from your desktop, the
                                            track changes, and control    cloud, or your iPad
                                            who gets to make edits

                                                                                © 2020 Clarivate Analytics   6
Descoperă noul EndNote 20 - Adriana FILIP - Solutions Consultant - E-nformation
Data management

                        CREATE INTERNAL    SHARE DATABASES
                           DATABASES          EXTERNALLY


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EndNote everywhere
                       EndNote online                                          EndNote online

                                                             SHARE   SHARE
        SYNC / SHARE

                                              SYNC / SHARE

  Windows or Mac                        Windows or Mac                  iPad                    iPhone

Descoperă noul EndNote 20 - Adriana FILIP - Solutions Consultant - E-nformation
Resources for teaching and learning

      Learning Portal                      Downloads                      Technical Support
 “How to” videos available 24/7.   Access over 7,000 bibliographic    Get help when you need it from
                                     styles and additional filters.       our team of specialists.

    Self-guided learning                 Download center                Support when you need it

Descoperă noul EndNote 20 - Adriana FILIP - Solutions Consultant - E-nformation
EndNote 20

EndNote 20
The same power and flexibility you trust, modernized for ease of use

                                                                       • Begin projects more
                                                                         quickly by spending
                                                                         less time onboarding
      New interface                   Improved PDF                       new users
      design                          reading                          • Save even more time
                                                                         conducting large scale
                                                                         literature reviews

       New workflow                   Improved way to
       enhancements                   detect duplicates

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EndNote 20
The same power and flexibility you trust, modernized for ease of use

                                                                       New interface design
                                                                       Save even more time
                                                                       preparing manuscripts
                                                                       and managing your
                                                                       bibliographies with a
                                                                       more intuitive user
                                                                       interface preferred by
                                                                       95% of customer testers.

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Improved PDF reading

                       Read and annotate
                       more easily with PDFs
                       that open full size, and
                       an intuitive toolbar
                       that frees up your mind
                       to think about the ideas
                       in the paper instead of
                       how to add your notes.

                                    © Clarivate 2020   13
Improved reference editing

                             • Easily identify the most
                               important information
                               about a reference at a
                             • Quickly copy a
                               formatted reference

                                          © Clarivate 2020   14
Improved reference editing

                             • Easily identify the most
                               important information
                               about a reference at a
                             • Quickly copy a
                               formatted reference

                                          © Clarivate 2020   15
Improved search

                  Find what you’re looking
                  for more easily, whether
                  the content is in an
                  online database or
                  already in your library.

                              © Clarivate 2020   16
Search for duplicates by DOI and PMCID
Systematic reviews, simplified

                                         Save hours deduplicating
                                         the content in your
                                         library– especially during
                                         large-scale projects– by
                                         searching on unique
                                         identifiers: DOI, PMCID
                                         or both.

                                                      © Clarivate 2020   17
Additional features coming in 2021

Coming in 2021: Tabs

                       Multitask more easily by
                       viewing your library’s
                       content in tabs. Quickly
                       switch between groups
                       and individual references
                       without losing your
                       place or interrupting
                       separate workflows.

                                    © Clarivate 2020   19
Coming in 2021: Notes

                        Collaborate with
                        colleagues more easily,
                        or leave notes for
                        yourself, by placing time
                        stamped comments on
                        your references.

                                     © Clarivate 2020   20
Coming in 2021: Thumbnail viewer

                                   Quickly scan through
                                   your PDFs to find the
                                   information you need
                                   faster with thumbnail

                                               © Clarivate 2020   21
Coming in 2021: Groups search

                                Save time navigating
                                through your library to
                                find the papers you’re
                                looking for.

                                             © Clarivate 2020   22
Rely on EndNote to accelerate your research

Save time researching       Stay organized with a     Easily collaborate with     Enjoy the process of
with tools that find PDFs   reliable system that      your team using flexible    authoring papers with a
for you throughout          stores unlimited          solutions for sharing and   modern system designed
your search process and     references and provides   commenting that help        to help you leverage the
automatically write your    powerful tools to help    everyone stay on the        power of the industry’s
bibliography, so that you   you organize and manage   same page– no matter        leading reference
can focus on what           them with ease and        how far apart you are in    management program
matters most: your ideas.   speed.                    the world.                  with ease and speed.

                                                                                            © Clarivate 2020   23
Training resources

          LibGuides                     Web of Science Learning                                    Videos

Vă mulțumesc!
Adriana FILIP
Solutions Consultant
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