DES inks alliance for crime tips - Competition hits mark - Fort Carson Mountaineer

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DES inks alliance for crime tips - Competition hits mark - Fort Carson Mountaineer
Oct. 22, 2021                                                                                                                                Vol. 79, No. 42

                                                                                                                                                                       Make a
                                                                                                                                                                   Difference Day
                                                                                                                                                                    is Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                    from 8 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                      to noon.
                          Published in the interest of the Fort Carson Community. Visit the Fort Carson website at

Competition hits mark

                                                                                                                                                               Photo by Pfc. Brenda Salgado

     A candidate performs a demolition test during the Best Sapper Competition                  competition from Oct. 12-15, where the competitors were tested on various
     Oct. 13 at Fort Carson. Twenty Soldiers competed in the 36th Engineer Brigade’s            subjects, such as sapper knowledge and physical fitness. See more on pages 12-13.

DES inks alliance for crime tips
 By Scott Prater                                              that occur on Fort Carson. Crime Stoppers will relay                 anonymously through PPACS online at https://www.
 Mountaineer staff                                            those tips to Fort Carson police, while preserving the      or by calling 719-634-STOP (7867).
                                                              anonymity of the reporter.                                               “We are honored to provide this important
    Fort Carson’s Directorate of Emergency Services               A local nonprofit organization primarily staffed                 service to members of the military as well as their
has entered a new partnership with a local crime-             by volunteers, PPACS aims to aid in reducing the                     Families,” said Don Addy, CEO, PPACS. “The ability
reporting agency.                                             crime rate in the Pikes Peak Region — El Paso and                    to provide anonymous tips through an organization
    In an effort to deter criminals and solve crimes,         Teller Counties, by helping law enforcement agencies                 that is not related to law enforcement should help
DES announced recently that it has formed a                   solve crime and bring fugitives to justice.                          encourage more tips and guarantee a safer home
partnership with Pikes Peak Area Crime Stoppers                   Callers who contact PPACS are assured of                         base for military Families.”
(PPACS) to provide services for the Mountain Post.            complete anonymity and, if their information results                     Since its inception in 1981, Pikes Peak Area Crime
The partnership will offer Soldiers and their Families        in an arrest and conviction, they will receive a cash
a means to safely and anonymously report crimes               award. Individuals may submit information safely and                                                See Crime on Page 4
DES inks alliance for crime tips - Competition hits mark - Fort Carson Mountaineer
2      MOUNTAINEER | Oct. 22, 2021

SHARP program effort to educate
 By Headquarters, Department of the Army, deputy
                                                                                                                                  Commanding General:
                                                                                                                                  	       Maj. Gen. David M. Hodne

                                                                                                                                  Garrison Commander:     Col. Nate Springer

 chief of staff                                                                                                                   Garrison Public Affairs Officer:     Dee McNutt

                                                                                                                                  Chief, Print and Web Communications:
What is it?                                                                                                                       			                           Rick Emert
    The Army’s Sexual Harassment/Assault Response
                                                                                                                                  Editor:		                      Aleah M. Castrejon
and Prevention (SHARP) program is an integrated,
proactive effort to end sexual harassment and sexual                                                                              Staff writer:                    Scott Prater
assault within the ranks.                                                                                                         Sports writer:                       Walt Johnson
    Army civilians are integral members of the total Army
                                                                                                                                  Layout/graphics:                  Jeanne Mazerall
team and deserve the same level of support as Soldiers
and Family members. As such, the Army obtained an
exception to DOD policy that allows the Army to provide           What continued efforts are planned for the future?                      This commercial enterprise newspaper
                                                                                                                                  is an authorized publication for members of the
SHARP services to Army civilians — both appropriated                The Army will continue with efforts to:                       Department of Defense. Contents of the Mountaineer
and non-appropriated fund civilians — whether employed              • Develop a new SHARP Regulation as informed by              are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed
                                                                                                                                  by, the U.S. Government or the Department of the
stateside or overseas.                                                 the efforts of the DOD-approved Independent Review         Army. Printed circulation is 8,000 copies.
                                                                       Commission Recommendations and People First Task Force.            The editorial content of the Mountaineer
                                                                                                                                  is the respon­sibility of the Public Affairs Office,
What are the current and past efforts of                            • Publish new SHARP awareness materials highlighting         Fort Carson, Colo., Tel.: 526-4144. The e-mail
the Army?                                                              the availability of SHARP services for Army civilians.     address is
    The Army continually reviews, assesses and enhances                The materials will be fielded in early fiscal year 2022.           The Mountaineer is posted online at
the SHARP Program to provide the best quality support and           •R  ollout a self-care curriculum for SHARP                          The Mountaineer is an unofficial publication
services to Soldiers, Army civilians and Family members.              Professionals to get the help they need for vicarious       authorized by AR 360-1. The Mountaineer is
                                                                                                                                  printed by Colorado Springs Military Newspaper
Past program improvements include the following:                      trauma. This service, which will be free and available      Group, a private firm in no way connected with
    • Released the “Army’s Prevention of Sexual                      to all SHARP Professionals, will be available in the        the Department of the Army, under exclusive
                                                                                                                                  written contract with Fort Carson. It is published
       Harassment and Sexual Assault Annex” to the Army               second quarter of fiscal 2022.                              49 times per year.
       People Strategy to guide the collective efforts that                                                                               The appearance of advertising in this
       constitute a comprehensive prevention approach             Why is this important to the Army?                              publication, including inserts or supplements, does
                                                                                                                                  not constitute endorsement by the Department of
       across the Total Army from strategic to tactical levels.        In support of the Army’s “People First” initiative, the    the Army or Colorado Springs Military Newspaper
    • Introduced new prevention curriculum, informed             Army is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being         Group, of the products or services advertised. The
                                                                                                                                  publisher reserves the right to reject advertisements.
       by the DOD Prevention Plan, in the Army SHARP              of Army civilians.                                                      Everything advertised in this publication shall
       Academy for all SHARP professionals.                            Studies and surveys have shown that victims who            be made available for purchase, use or patronage
    • Fielded new SHARP awareness materials for cadets,          receive advocacy services are more likely to receive medical    without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national
                                                                                                                                  origin, age, marital status, physical handicap,
       Soldiers and Family members. Developed under the           treatment, engage with law enforcement and stay engaged         political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor
       tagline “This is Our Army,” the materials are based        throughout the criminal justice process. This can have a        of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or
                                                                                                                                  rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an
       on the Army values and reinforces the importance of        tremendous impact on the ability of communities within the      advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse to
       fostering healthy command climates.                        Army to prevent additional sexual assaults.                     print advertising from that source until the violation
                                                                                                                                  is corrected. For display advertising call 634-5905.
                                                                                                                                          All correspondence or queries regarding
                                                                                                                                  advertising and subscriptions should be directed

At a glance
                                                                                                                                  to Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group,
                                                                                                                                  235 S. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903,
                                                                                                                                  phone 634-5905.

                                                                                                                                          The Mountaineer’s editorial content is
                                                                                                                                  edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs
     Military                                                                                                                     Office, building 1220, room 221, Fort Carson,
                                                                                                                                  CO 80913-5119, phone 526-4144.
          5	Going to California: ‘Warhorse’ Brigade begins                                                                               Releases from outside sources are so
                                                                                                                                  indicated. The deadline for submissions to the
              movement to NTC                                                                                                     Mountaineer is close of business Friday the week
                                                                                                                                  before the next issue is published. The Mountaineer
           6  Sending Soldiers off safely                                                                                         staff reserves the right to edit submissions for
           7	Military briefs                                                                                                     newspaper style, clarity and typographical errors.
                                                                                                                                          Policies and statements reflected in the
           8  ASOF open house                                                                                                     news and editorial columns represent views of the
                                                                                                                                  individual writers and under no circumstances are to
          12	Engineers host Best Sapper competition                                                                              be considered those of the Department of the Army.
                                                                                                                                          Reproduction of editorial material is
                                                                                                                                  authorized. Please credit accordingly.

       11	Strong Soldier competition: Event tests top athletes
       11      DES highlight
       14      Fire Prevention Week                                                                                               Display / Classified advertising
       16      Community briefs                                                                                                              634-5905
       17	The Journey (Chapel series):                                                                                                     Mountaineer editor
               Fathers, sons take heart
                                                                                                                                              Post information
     In addition                                                                                                                           Post weather hotline
        20       Classified                                                                                           5                         526-0096
DES inks alliance for crime tips - Competition hits mark - Fort Carson Mountaineer
Oct. 22, 2021 | MOUNTAINEER        3

Colin Powell passes at 84
 By Nick Simeone
 DOD News

     Editor’s note: The following story was localized
to include Colin Powell’s time at Fort Carson. In June
1981, Powell became assistant division commander for
Operations of the 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized)
at Fort Carson until August 1982.
     Retired Army Gen. Colin L. Powell, who was an
ROTC cadet, rose to become the first Black chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the youngest, and later
served as secretary of state, died Monday at Walter
Reed National Military Medical Center, in Bethesda,
Maryland. He was 84.
     Although he was fully vaccinated, his family
said in a statement that he died of complications
from COVID-19.
     “We have lost a remarkable and loving husband,
father, grandfather and a great American,” Powell’s
family said in a statement.
     With a degree from the City University of New
York, Powell was commissioned in 1958. By the time
his nearly half-century career in public service had                                                                                                                   Courtesy photo
ended, the son of Jamaican immigrants had in many             Retired Army Gen. Colin Powell delivers the opening remarks during the National Memorial Day Concert in Washington,
ways come to symbolize the American dream. He                 D.C., May 26, 2013. In June 1981, Powell became assistant division commander for Operations of the 4th Infantry
was a Black American who began his journey in a               Division (Mechanized) at Fort Carson until August 1982.
segregated nation while rising to the highest levels in
government. His career was capped by his oversight            Senior positions                                            cadet to Soldier-statesman as an achievement that
of the 1991 Gulf War while chairman of the Joint                  Powell also served as the senior military               could only happen in America.
Chiefs and later as secretary of state during the             advisor to Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger                   “Mine is a story of a Black kid of no early
administration of President George W. Bush.                   and as national security advisor to President Ronald        promise from an immigrant family of limited means
     As chairman, Powell also presided over the U.S.          Reagan. He helped to guide the U.S. invasion of             who was raised in the South Bronx and somehow
invasions of Panama in 1989 and Somalia in 1992, as           Grenada in 1983 that was carried out in response            rose to become the national security advisor to the
well as dozens of other U.S. military operations overseas.    to a communist threat on the island. Three years            president of the United States and then chairman of
He was guided by his belief that when the U.S. military       later, he also was instrumental in U.S. retaliation         the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” Powell wrote in his 1995
acts, it should do so with overwhelming force and only        for a terrorist attack at a West Berlin disco blamed        autobiography “My American Journey.” “It is a story
when the goals are clear and attainable — a philosophy        on Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in which two               of service and Soldiering. It is a story about the people
that came to be known as the Powell Doctrine.                 American servicemen were killed.                            who helped make me what I am.”
     After the Persian Gulf War, Powell received a                At Powell’s retirement from the military in 1993,            During his military career, Powell served in a
Congressional Gold Medal, struck in his honor, and            President Bill Clinton described the four-star general’s    variety of command and staff positions in the U.S.
the Presidential Medal of Freedom.                            career as “a victory for the American dream, for the        and overseas, including as a platoon leader in West
     At his retirement Powell was awarded a second            principle that, in our nation, people can rise as far       Germany at the peak of the Cold War, a battalion
Presidential Medal of Freedom, this one with                  as their talent, their capacity, their dreams, and their    commander in South Korea, as well as two tours
distinction. Later that year, Queen Elizabeth II made         discipline will carry them.”
him an honorary Knight Commander of the Bath.                     In fact, Powell has described his career from                                          See Powell on Page 4

 WIC services now available in your neighborhood!
 Women, Infants & Children (WIC) is a federally funded nutrition program that               “I get so excited about this program, and I tell
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 Who is eligible for WIC?                                                                   peanut butter with more yogurt, cheese or
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 3 miles outside of Gate 20                                                                 about WIC at
DES inks alliance for crime tips - Competition hits mark - Fort Carson Mountaineer
4      MOUNTAINEER | Oct. 22, 2021

 Crime                                          creating greater awareness about its services
                                                and effectiveness in the local area, and that
 From Page 1                                    developing partnerships is vital toward
                                                that mission. As an example, PPACS and the
Stoppers tips have resulted in over 3,700       Housing and Building Association (HBA) of
felony arrests, leading to the recovery of      Colorado Springs announced a partnership
over $10 million in property, narcotics         earlier this summer that attempts to curtail
and cash. It essentially provides an            theft from local buildings and construction
interface between law enforcement               sites. Through the Crime Stoppers program
agencies and citizens who may have              and tip line, the HBA is now offering
knowledge of crimes or the identities or        multiple $1,000 rewards for information
whereabouts of wanted felons or people          that leads to the arrest of construction site
suspected of crimes.                            thieves and vandals.
     PPACS is a member of Crime Stoppers             Along those lines, Mountain Post law                                                                                          Stock image
USA, the nationwide network that helps          enforcement leaders see a considerable
solve crimes and identify suspects wanted       benefit to the alliance.                        commander of the 759th Military Police          provide tips of incidents of domestic
by local agencies by allowing individuals            “We understand that sometimes              Battalion. “Crime Stoppers provides             violence, drug use and other crimes on
to provide anonymous tips regarding             people may not feel comfortable reporting       us information while maintaining the            the installation. Oftentimes, these crimes
criminal activity. It operates separately       for their own safety or relationship to the     anonymity of the witness/complainant. I         happen in isolated venues, but the impact
from law enforcement.                           subject,” said Lt. Col. Ranjini Danaraj,        am hopeful that this means of reporting         is devastating to our community and
     Addy said the organization has a goal of   director of Emergency Services and              and the incentive of a reward, will             the Army.”

 Powell                                                                                                                                                       administration in 2011, and
                                                                                                                                                              gays and lesbians have since
 From Page 3                                                                                                                                                  been able to serve openly.
                                                                                                                                                              Powell said he supported the
in Vietnam. There, he served as an advisor to the                                                                                                             revision, acknowledging that
South Vietnamese army and later as a senior                                                                                                                   views on gays in the military
commander in the 23rd Infantry Division. He received                                                                                                          and public life had evolved.
the Soldier’s Medal after surviving a helicopter                                                                                                                   When the U.S. was
crash in which he pulled comrades from the burning                                                                                                            attacked by al-Qaida terrorists
wreckage and the Purple Heart after being injured                                                                                                             on Sept. 11, 2001, Powell
by a booby-trap while on patrol. They are among                                                                                                               had already retired from the
more than a dozen military decorations he received,                                                                                                           military. But he was called
including the Legion of Merit.                                                                                                                                back to government service
                                                                                                                                                              that year to serve as President
Civil rights struggle                                                                                                                                         George W. Bush’s secretary of
    Powell’s rapid rise through the military coincided                                                                                                        state. In the aftermath of the
with the struggle Black Americans were facing                                                                                                                 attacks, Powell was tasked with
during the tumult of the civil rights movement of                                                                                                             building the case at the U.N.
the 1960s. In his autobiography, he drew a vivid                                                                                                              that Iraq’s alleged possession
contrast between the sacrifices that he and other                                                                                                             of weapons of mass destruction
Black American Soldiers were making for the war in                                                                                             Courtesy photo posed an acute threat to the
Vietnam and the reality they faced upon returning to            U.S. Army Gen. Colin Powell, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, speaks via satellite U.S. and the world.
a segregated South. He described how, as a wounded              to the Pentagon while visiting troops during Operation Desert Shield. In June 1981,                In an address to the U.N.
combat veteran, he was refused service at a restaurant          Powell became assistant division commander for Operations of the 4th Infantry Security Council during the
in Georgia despite having risked his life for his               Division (Mechanized) at Fort Carson until August 1982.                                       final days before the 2003
country in the far-off war in Asia.                                                                                                                           Iraq invasion, Powell laid out
    Upon becoming chairman of the Joint Chiefs of               a coalition of forces to go to war to liberate the tiny a detailed case about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein’s
Staff under President George H.W. Bush in 1989, Powell          emirate. A year later, the U.S. military landed on alleged weapons program. “There can be no doubt that
presided over the military in a world being reshaped            the beaches of Somalia to help feed a nation in the Saddam Hussein has biological weapons and the capability
by the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the              grip of a widespread famine.                                      to rapidly produce more,” he said, adding that the Iraqi
Soviet Union. It was his experience in Vietnam, he                                                                                leader was also working to acquire nuclear components.
would later write, that helped inform his judgment              ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’
about when to use military force when he served as                   Then came the beginning of President Bill Clinton’s Remorse on Iraq
the nation’s highest-ranking military officer.                  administration and with it a pledge by the incoming                    When no weapons were found after the invasion,
    “Have a clear political objective and stick to it.          president to lift the ban preventing gays and lesbians from and it became clear that the U.S. and others had acted,
Use all the force necessary, and do not apologize               serving openly in the military. While he and the rest of in part, on the basis of faulty intelligence, Powell
for going in big if that is what it takes,” he wrote.           the military leadership opposed the change, Powell was recalled his testimony as a painful “blot” on his
“Decisive force ends wars quickly and, in the long              credited with crafting a compromise known as “don’t ask, record. He said he deeply regretted his presentation
run, saves lives. Whatever threats we faced in the              don’t tell” in which homosexuals entering the military and acknowledged that those who had provided the
future, I intended to make these rules the bedrock              would not be asked about their sexual orientation and U.S. with such information were wrong. He announced
of my military counsel.”                                        would be allowed to serve as long as they kept it private. his resignation as secretary of state the next year.
    Almost immediately after becoming chairman,                      Powell rejected analogies made at the time to racial              By the time his career in public service had ended,
Powell faced a crisis in Panama, where longtime U.S.            integration within the military.                                  Powell had become as influential a military figure as he
ally Gen. Manuel Noriega had annulled an election                    “I continued to see a fundamental distinction. Requiring was a policy maker; he continued to appear as a frequent
earlier in the year and had also been indicted in the           people of different color to live together in intimate situations commentator on public affairs programs and in interviews.
U.S. on drug charges. U.S. troops invaded the country           is far different from requiring people of different sexual He also served on boards, delivered speeches around the
in December 1989 to remove him. That was followed               orientation to do so,” he wrote in his autobiography.             world, and created the charity America’s Promise, which
by Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, prompting the U.S. and                 “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was repealed by the Obama works to help disadvantaged children.
DES inks alliance for crime tips - Competition hits mark - Fort Carson Mountaineer
Oct. 22, 2021 | MOUNTAINEER                                5

 Going to California                                                                                                                A Soldier with 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry
                                                                                                                                    Regiment, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat
                                                                                                                                    Team, 4th Infantry Division, prepares to
                                                                                                                                    ground guide a vehicle onto a train Oct. 12
                                                                                                                                    in preparation for training at the National
                                                                                                                                    Training Center at Fort Irwin, California.

‘Warhorse’ Brigade
begins movement to NTC
                                                                                                                                                                          Photo by Sgt. James Geelen

 By Sgt. Gabrielle Pena                                       ahead of their deployment to the National Training               “The Soldiers are tasked with loading the vehicles
 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office,       Center at Fort Irwin, California, Oct. 13 at Fort Carson.   onto the trains,” said Maj. Aaron Hilty, operations officer
 4th Infantry Division                                            The movement of the brigade’s nearly 2,000              for 52nd Brigade Engineer Battalion, 2nd SBCT. “We
                                                              pieces of equipment signals the beginning of the            are loading all of our equipment, our rolling stock.”
    Soldiers with 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team,            Soldiers’ rotation at NTC, which is expected to last
4th Infantry Division, continued rail load operations         approximately 30 days.                                                                               See NTC on Page 10


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                                                                                                                                                   The person pictured is not an actual service member
DES inks alliance for crime tips - Competition hits mark - Fort Carson Mountaineer
6   MOUNTAINEER | Oct. 22, 2021

                                      One of the many displays at 1st Space Brigade’s annual safety day Oct. 7
        Fatalities in                 featured a totaled car stemming from a drinking and driving accident in
                                      2010, when a specialist killed two of his fellow Soldiers. With potentially
        the Army                      dangerous cold weather right around the corner and the holiday season
                                      in sight, the brigade chose this day to address common safety issues.

        have increased
        from last
        year, not just
        with simple
        mishaps, but
        with suicide
        as well. Today
        is a day to
        reflect on that           Sending Soldiers off safely
                                   Story and photos by Sgt. 1st Class Aaron Rognstad        to make sure we are doing the things on and off
        and remember               1st Space Brigade                                        duty to take care of ourselves and our brothers and
                                                                                            sisters in arms, as well as our Families.”
                                      Before the Oct. 8-11 holiday weekend, the 1st              One impactful display was a totaled car from an
        those who                 Space Brigade conducted an annual safety day — an         accident involving a specialist who chose to drink
                                  informative, informal morning filled with booths          and drive and killed two of his fellow Soldiers in
        have gone                 and displays designed to keep Soldiers and their
                                  loved ones safe. With potentially dangerous cold
                                                                                            the accident.
                                                                                                 “Soldiers seeing something like that up close
                                  weather right around the corner and a long holiday        — that has an impact on other Soldiers,” said Capt.
        before us, to             weekend in sight, the brigade chose Oct. 7 to address
                                  common safety issues.
                                                                                            Chris Gramling with 1st Space Brigade. “It makes
                                                                                            it a lot more real than just hearing about it. So, to
                                      Booths and displays ranging from household            have a day where you get to see the dangers of what
        make sure we              electrical safety to outdoor winter preparedness          a night of drinking can do if you choose to drive,
                                  — to the dangers of alcohol — dotted Iron Horse           will hopefully deter that next Soldier from ruining
        are doing the             Park amidst a backdrop of autumn colors on a
                                  beautiful fall day.
                                                                                            not only his career, but his life.”
                                                                                                 Pfc. Nathaniel Jones, 1st Space Brigade, said
                                      Col. Donald K. Brooks, commander, 1st Space           the event was informative, especially the electrical
        things on and             Brigade, reflected on the meaning of the event.
                                      “Fatalities in the Army have increased from last
                                                                                            safety booth.
                                                                                                 “(The booth) just gives you a better understanding
                                  year, not just with simple mishaps, but with suicide      of the potential hazards that are all around you,” he
        off duty to               as well,” Brooks said. “Today is a day to reflect on      said. “Days like today teach you to not sweat the
                                  that and remember those who have gone before us,          small stuff.”
        take care of
                                                                                                                                    El Paso
        ourselves and                                                                                                               County’s
                                                                                                                                    Search and
                                                                                                                                    Rescue team
        our brothers                                                                                                                displays a
                                                                                                                                    booth Oct.
                                                                                                                                    7 at the
        and sisters                                                                                                                 1st Space
        in arms, as
        well as our
                              “                                                                                                     Safety Day.
                                                                                                                                    The day was
                                                                                                                                    designed to
                                                                                                                                    keep Soldiers
                                                                                                                                    and their
                                                                                                                                    loved ones
        Families.                                                                                                                   safe through
     Col. Donald K. Brooks                                                                                                          booths.
DES inks alliance for crime tips - Competition hits mark - Fort Carson Mountaineer
Oct. 22, 2021 | MOUNTAINEER   7

Military briefs
 Editor’s note: See for the complete list of military
 briefs. Due to the COVID-19 closures and cancellations, contact the respective
 points of contact for updated information and hours of operation.

Of note
Personal trainer certificate — III Corps will pay for a certificate to be a personal
  trainer. Requirements are for active-duty specialists (promotable) through first
  lieutenants: Army Physical Fitness Test score must be greater than 239, must be
  able to complete total Army Combat Fitness Test, no administrative flags in 12
  months and have 12-month stability at CMPY. Interested participants can call
  719-503-0910 or email Maj. Nathan Henry at or
  Sgt. Maj. Gersom Jimenez at
DOD-funded research study — The study is for active-duty service members and is
  sponsored by the Department of the Army (USAMRAA) and has also been approved
  by the University of Arizona Institutional Review Board, as well as HRPO (Human
  Research Protection Office). Research study will examine the effects of an internet-based
  awareness training program on psychological health and emotional functioning in active-
  duty military personnel. Eligible participants will receive $400 for completion of all study
  activities. Study participants will complete two, approximate three-hour online assessment     Get a vision plan
  sessions and complete a nine- to 11-hour online awareness training program. Participants
  will be randomly assigned to one of two different awareness training programs to assess
  how each affects psychological functioning. Interested service members may fill out
                                                                                                 that’s focused
  the online interest form at
  e5PoQAy5VrE0jQx or email for further questions.               on you
                                                                See Briefs on Page 10
                                                                                                 • Convenient access with 122,000
                                                                                                   providers nationwide
                                                                                                 • Discounts on trendy frames from
 Fort Carson Ivy Warrior                                                                           brands like Warby Parker, LensCrafters,
 Restaurants hours of operation:                                                                   GlassesUSA and Costco
                                          Friday                                                 • $200 frame allowance and discounts
  Stack                                         Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
                                                 Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                       on other vision products
                                                 Dinner: Closed
  Wolf                                          Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
                                                 Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                     Sign up during Open Enrollment
                                                 Dinner: 5:30-7 p.m.
                                                                                                 November 8‒December 13, 2021
  W                                              Breakfast: 7:30-9 a.m.
  (Wilderness Road)                              Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                     (starts and ends at midnight EST)
                                                 Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.
  LaRochelle 10th SFG(A)                        Breakfast: 7:30-9 a.m.
                                                 Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                                                 Dinner: Closed
                                  Saturday-Sunday                                                                           Check up on the details at
  S tack, Warfighter (Wilderness Road) and      Closed
   LaRochelle 10th SFG(A)                                                                                         

  Wolf                                           Brunch: 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                                                 Supper: 5-6:30 p.m.

  Stack                                         Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
                                                 Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                                                 Dinner: 5:30-7 p.m.
  Wolf                                          Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
                                                 Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                                                 Dinner: 5:30-7 p.m.
  W                                              Breakfast: 7:30-9 a.m.
  (Wilderness Road)                              Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                                                 Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.
                                                                                                 All trademarks are the property of their respective owners
  LaRochelle 10th SFG(A)                        Breakfast: 7:30-9 a.m.                          © 2021 United HealthCare Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ES21
                                                 Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                                                 Dinner: Closed
DES inks alliance for crime tips - Competition hits mark - Fort Carson Mountaineer
8     MOUNTAINEER | Oct. 22, 2021

ASOF open house

                                                                                                                                           Photo by Spc. Scyrrus Corregidor

     Soldiers from various Army Special Operations Forces (ASOF) units participated   were able to watch demonstrations and ask questions about deployment cycles,
     in an open house Oct. 15 at Fort Carson. Soldiers who were interested in ASOF    capabilities and the ASOF lifestyle during the open house.

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DES inks alliance for crime tips - Competition hits mark - Fort Carson Mountaineer
Oct. 22, 2021 | MOUNTAINEER   9

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DES inks alliance for crime tips - Competition hits mark - Fort Carson Mountaineer
10         MOUNTAINEER | Oct. 22, 2021

                                                                                                                                                  From Page 5

                                                                                                                                                      The loading of equipment is a training event for Soldiers as it
                                                                                                                                                 prepares them for movement and rapid deployment at a moment’s notice.
                                                                                                                                                      “It is part of our (mission essential task list) tasks where we can
                                                                                                                                                 move ourselves to any theater in support of any scale ground combat
                                                                                                                                                 operations,” Hilty said.
                                                                                                                                                      Soldiers in each battalion are carefully trained to conduct rail
                                                                                                                                                 loading operations and work together to get all the equipment loaded
                                                                                                                                                 onto the train to NTC.
                                                                                                                                                      “We are given five days to do this,” said 2nd Lt. James H. Brown
                                                                                                                                                 with 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, 2nd SBCT. “We have to have
                                                                                                                                                 all of the vehicles gone to get to Fort Irwin so we can train for NTC.”
                                                                                                                                                      Once the equipment arrives at NTC and is unloaded, the brigade
                                                                                                                                                 will move on to the next step of the training rotation: certification of
                                                                                                                                                 the brigade’s ability to respond to combat operations.
                                                                                                                  Photo by Sgt. Gabrielle Pena        “The National Training Center is an exercise for us to certify
A Soldier with 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry                                              that we have cohesive and lethal teams that are able to respond to
Division, prepares a train cart for vehicle loading Oct. 12 in preparation for training at the National                                          our nation’s crises,” said Col. Andrew Kiser, commander, 2nd SBCT.
Training Center at Fort Irwin, California. The movement of the brigade’s nearly 2,000 pieces of equipment                                             The brigade is expected to complete its deployment to NTC by
signals the beginning of the Soldiers’ rotation at NTC, which is expected to last approximately 30 days.                                         the end of the month.

 Briefs                                                                         corner titled “CIF Appointments” or call
                                                                                719-526-3321 and a customer service
                                                                                                                                 office is open 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                 The office will be closed from 7:30-
                                                                                                                                                                                 to 12:30 p.m.; closed federal holidays.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Call 526-0890 for details.
 From Page 7                                                                    representative will assist with scheduling.      9 a.m. for training and will open 9 a.m.      Army Field Support Battalion (AFSBn)-
                                                                                                                                 to 3:30 p.m. every Friday. A face-to-           Carson — The facility located at building
OCIE turn in — Soldiers do not have                                          Hours of operation                                 face personal property counseling               1525 does not launder all of the Soldier’s
   to wait for clearing papers to schedule                                    Directorate of Public Works work                   briefing is mandatory for JPPSO. At             Organizational Clothing and Individual
   organizational clothing and individual                                        orders — Directorate of Public Works            this time, the self-counseling option           Equipment (OCIE) as directed by Army
   equipment (OCIE) turn in. Soldiers                                            Business Operations and Integration             to process applications through the             Support Command (ASC), Annex A,
   can schedule appointments for 120                                             Division Work Management                        Defense Personal Property System                which provides a list of non-OCIE and
   days out from permanent change of                                             Branch, located in building 1219,               (DPS) is not authorized. JPPSO is               OCIE authorized to be laundered by
   station (PCS), expiration-term of service                                     is responsible for processing work              located in the Mountain Post Soldier            the AFSBn laundry facility. Annex A is
   (ETS), or retirement with a signed                                            orders (Facilities Engineering Work             Center at 6351 Wetzel Ave., building            posted at the Central Issue Facility (CIF)
   memorandum by the Soldier’s company                                           Requests, DA Form 4283). The                    1525, cubicle B. Call 526-3755 to               and laundry facility in building 1525.
   commander approving early turn in of                                          Work Management Branch is open                  schedule a DPS appointment.                     Soldiers are responsible to clean their
   OCIE equipment. The other option is                                           for processing work orders and other           Medical Activity Correspondence                  OCIE prior to turning it in to the CIF.
   for Soldiers to schedule on their own 90                                      in-person support from 7-11:30 a.m.             Department office hours — The                   The CIF will not accept OCIE turn in
   days out from PCS, ETS or retirement                                          Monday-Friday. Afternoon customer               Correspondence (Release of Information)         that is not clean or free of dirt and debris
   with a copy of their orders. To schedule                                      support is by appointment only and              Office in the Patient Administration            regardless of the serviceability criteria.
   an appointment, log into “AKO,” click                                         can be scheduled by calling 526-6112.           Division hours are Monday-Friday 7:30           Point of contact for further information
   “My Clothing Record” then click                                            Joint Personal Property Shipping Office            a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except for the second        is Larry Parks at 524-1888 or email
   the hyperlink in the bottom left-hand                                         (JPPSO) — Monday-Thursday the                   Thursday of the month from 7:30 a.m.  

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Oct. 22, 2021 | MOUNTAINEER       11

Strong Soldier competition

Event tests
top athletes
 Story and photo by Walt Johnson                “There are thousands of other places
 Mountaineer staff                         the competitors could be, but they chose
                                           to be here,” Falls said. “We also have
     Soldiers and Family members           several staff members and volunteers
gathered at Waller Fitness Center          here to make sure everything goes well.
Saturday to take part in the annual        Safety is our top priority, so we want to
Strong Soldier competition. The            make sure the competitors know safety
event is one of the top strength and       is first and how they do is second. This
conditioning events held on post           event is designed for people to fail, so
each year, and it measures each            we want to see how much they can
person’s willpower to fight through        do knowing they won’t be able to do
difficult challenges.                      all the events successfully.”
     David Falls, manager, Ivy                  The competition had multiple
Physical Fitness Center, said the          events, with the top two finishers in
goal of the lifting series each year is    each squaring off in the championship
to test individuals’ strength, fitness     round to determine the winner. The
and mental toughness. This year            events included:
Falls put together a competition                • Stone lift
beyond any of his past events. The              • Log press, where the competitors
competition proved to be intense,                  had one minute to complete as
leaving competitors lying flat on                  many repetitions as they could.
their face or back after completing                                                      Fort Carson Soldier Jonathan Howard Ray carries heavy weights during the last competition
each exhausting test.                                See Competition on Page 14          event during the Strong Soldier Competition Saturday at Waller Fitness Center.

DES highlight
 Editor’s note: The following article     mandatory for all Soldiers living in
 was written by the Directorate           the barracks. Finally, it gives
 of Emergency Services division           commanders websites to develop their
 chiefs to inform the Fort Carson         unit crime prevention programs. The
 community of current policies and        policy letter is available on the Fort
 procedures. Visit https://www.           Carson portal at: http://installation., and follow                Center at 719-526-2333. Dispatchers           year. Before decorating the house or
 Facebook @USArmyFortCarson               Commanders%20Policy%20Letters/               are on staff 24/7.                            putting costumes on the kids, review
 for the most updated information         Forms/AllItems.aspx.                              Calling 911 for non-emergencies          the following Halloween fire safety
 and procedures.                                                                       ties up the 911 lines when there are          tips to prevent fire and fire damage.
                                          Emergency Communications                     emergency situations. Inappropriate use
Security access control                   Center (ECC)                                 of the 911 system wastes resources            Decorating
     Crime prevention policy — All             Understanding when to call 911          and ties up lines in the 911 center.             • Decorations are the item first
Fort Carson personnel are reminded        — Call 911 when someone is hurt                                                                  ignited in an estimated average
to review the Fort Carson Garrison        or in danger, in immediate need of a         Fire and emergency services                         of 900 reported home structure
Commander’s crime prevention policy,      police response, in immediate need                Halloween fire safety: prevent                 fires per year.
Command Policy Memorandum                 of fire response or in immediate             fires while trick or treating —                  • Keep decorations far away from
GC Policy 14. This memo identifies        need of a medical response.                  Trick-or-treat hours on Fort Carson are             open flames and other heat
basic techniques to protect Army and           Do not call 911 for directions to       Oct. 31 from 4-8 p.m. Halloween is                  sources, such as lightbulbs and
personal property. It requires that       a building, if the electricity has gone      a festive time, full of spooky jack-o’-             heaters. Remember to keep all
Army property will be secured in          out, bicycle is missing or reporting an      lanterns, scary costumes and plenty of              exits clear of decorations so
accordance with applicable regulations    incident that occurred quite a while         sweet treats. Unfortunately, it’s also              nothing blocks escape routes.
and prohibits the storage of CTA-         ago and there is no danger.                  one of the most common holidays for              • Try a battery-operated candle or
50 equipment in privately owned                If in doubt, err on the side of         fires. According to the National Fire               glow stick in jack-o’-lanterns.
vehicles. It also provides guidance on    caution and call 911. For non-               Incident Reporting System, more than                Take precautions when using
the use of Fort Carson Form 2031-E,       emergency situations, call the               10,000 fires are reported over a three-
the Personal Property Record, which is    Emergency Communications                     day period around Halloween every                                See DES on Page 15
12   MOUNTAINEER | Oct. 22, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                           Oct. 22, 2021 | MOUNTAINEER               13


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Photo by Spc. Scyrrus Corregidor
                                                                                                                                            Candidates exercise
                                                                                                                                            together Oct. 13
                                                                                                                                            during the Best
                                                                                                                                            Sapper Competition
                                                                                                                                            held at Fort Carson.
                                                                                                                                            Each team consisted
                                                                                                                                            of two Soldiers — for
                                                                                                                                            a total of 10 teams —
                                                                                                                                            who worked together
                                                                                                                                            throughout the

                                                                                                                                           A Best Sapper Competition
                                                                                                                                                 candidate performs a
                                                                                                                                               demolition test Oct. 13
                                                                                                                                                    at Fort Carson. The
                                                                                                                                               sappers were tested on
                                                                                                                                            their knowledge of various
                                                                                                                                             tactical skills throughout
                                                                                                                                             the four-day competition.

                                                                                                                                        A Best Sapper
                                                                                                                                        Competition candidate
                                                                                                                                        rappels down a rock wall
                                                                                                                                        Oct. 13 at Fort Carson.
                                                                                                         Photo by Pfc. Brenda Salgado                                                                                                    Photo by Spc. Scyrrus Corregidor

          Engineers host

                                    By Sgt. Kelsey Simmons                        commander, 36th Eng. Bde. “In the                consisted of a welcome brief and the     competitors ran into their battalion     Beavor and Sadvary will be competing
                                    4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office   Army, engineers and sappers never do             first event — a demolition test. The     area, where the ceremony announcing      alongside other sapper teams in the
                                                                                  anything alone.”                                 second day was comprised of the Army     the winners was held.                    Lt. Gen. Robert Flowers Best Sapper
                                       Twenty Soldiers competed in the                 The competition was designed to             Combat Fitness Test, a round robin           Breathless, sweaty and tired,        Competition held at Fort Leonard
                                   36th Engineer Brigade’s Best Sapper            challenge the participants physically            challenge and a night land navigation    Capt. Zachary Beavor and 1st Lt.         Wood, Missouri. The competition
                                   Competition from Oct. 12-15 at                 and mentally, as well as test their              event. On day three, the Soldiers had    David Sadvary, with Fort Carson’s 4th    will challenge the Army’s best sapper
                                   Fort Carson.                                   tactical proficiency.                            to complete a poncho raft construction   Engineer Battalion, were announced       teams in a demanding, continuous
                                       Soldiers from various installations             “It’s about forming teams and               test, swimming challenge, sapper         as the winners of the Best Sapper        and realistic simulated operational
                                   across the nation made up 10, two-man          building bonds so we can fight and win           stakes and a 12-mile ruck march. The     Competition.                             environment. The victorious team will
                                   teams to participate in the four-day           our nation’s wars,” Barbina said. “The           fourth and final day was filled with a       “We’re feeling pretty good,” said    claim the title as the Army’s best sapper
                                   competition hosted by the 4th Engineer         bond they’ve formed over the last four           multi-mile run with various events,      Sadvary. “We’re happy to be done,        team for 2022.
                                   Battalion, 36th Eng. Bde.                      days is one I hope they’ll keep for the          such as uphill sandbag carries, tire     happy to get after it and happy to win       “We’re really proud to represent
                                       “Best Sapper is about teamwork,”           rest of their lives.”                            flips, sled drags and more.              for our battalion and our home turf.”    the Vanguard,” Beavor said. “We’re
                                   said Col. Anthony Barbina,                          The first day of the competition                 Following the final event,              Following this competition,          coming to win it.”
14    MOUNTAINEER | Oct. 22, 2021

Fire Prevention Week                                                                              Competition
                                                                                                  From Page 11

                                                                                                      •D eadlift, where 20 kilos were added after each
                                                                                                        successful lift
                                                                                                      •S led pull that included weight
                                                                                                      The finale was a lift that the top two finishers had to hold
                                                                                                 longer than their competitor to win the event.
                                                                                                      Noah Brooks, a competitor, said he watched strongman
                                                                                                 competitions on TV, and the competitors always seemed to
                                                                                                 be the big muscular type. Brooks, being an average size, said
                                                                                                 he wanted to show this event is for everyone.
                                                                                                      “I look at guys with big muscles doing these events,
                                                                                                 and initially I was just going to watch today,” Brooks said.
                                                                                                 “Then I decided I wanted to see what I could do to represent
                                                                                                 the small guys. I’m here to compete and see what I can do.”
                                                                                                      Evan Bolder has been weightlifting since 2015 and said
                                                                                                 the appeal to weight training for him is to test himself each
                                                                                                 week by seeing what he can accomplish.
                                                                                                      “My personal best (in the actual bar) is 400 (pounds), and
                                                                                                 I want to see if I can reach 450 (pounds) today,” Bolder said.
                                                                                                      Bolder had another mountain he had to climb in order to
                                                                                                 be the top lifter in his category, which he was, because he had
                                                                                                 to face off against the defending champion, Jonathan Howard
                                                                                                 Ray. Bolder said the challenge of facing Ray would have been
                                                                                                 enough, but he knew this would be Ray’s last event as an
                                                                                                 active-duty Soldier, and he thought that would motivate him
                                                                                                 to be even better than he has been in previous years.
                                                                                                      Ray said the same thing as he said before the event, he
                                                                                                 was looking forward to it being his last event as an active-duty
                                                                                                 Soldier, but he also said he looked forward to competing
                                                                                                 each year because it was a fun event.
                                                                                                      “I won last year and the Summer Lift-A-Thon in addition
                                                                                                 to setting the record at Garcia gym this year,” Ray said.
                                                                                                 “So, it makes me feel good to know that I have that kind of
                                                                                                 respect in the community.”
                                                                                                      Bolder said he was ready to face the “ultimate lifter” at
                                                                                                 Fort Carson.
                                                                                                      “I PCS before the next competition … and he is retiring, so I
                                                                                                 may not get the chance to challenge myself against a person like
                                                                                                 him again,” Bolder said. “So, I’m ready to see what I can do.”
                                                                                                      At the end of the event many competitors were smiling
                                                                                                 and relieved that the grueling event was over.

                                                                         Photo by Scott Prater

     Lt. Jason Romaniec, Fort Carson firefighter and emergency medical technician,
     provides a guided tour of a Fort Carson Fire Department tower truck to Gabriel and
     Natalie Villanueva, Family members of Sgt. Quiroz Salvador, outside of the Exchange
     Oct. 8. Fort Carson Fire and Emergency Services observed National Fire Prevention
     Week by hosting several events each day from Oct. 4 to Oct. 8 at on-post schools,
     child development centers and facilities. This year’s National Fire Prevention Week
     theme was “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety.” The campaign’s focus was to educate
     community members about the simple, but important, actions people can take to
     keep themselves and those around them safe. “It’s important to learn the different
     sounds of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms,” said Cody Fein, assistant chief,
     Fort Carson Fire Department. “Make sure everyone in the home understands the                                                                  Photo by Walt Johnson
     sounds of the alarms and knows how to respond.”                                             Fort Carson Soldier Luis Hidalgo lifts weights during the Strong
                                                                                                 Soldier Competition Saturday at Waller Fitness Center.
Oct. 22, 2021 | MOUNTAINEER   15

 DES                                      don’t require long-trailing fabric.
                                          Costumes with a mask should
                                                                                       • Talk to children and remind
                                                                                          them to stay away from open
                                                                                                                               Police Provost Marshal Division
                                                                                                                                   No ‘puffing’ allowed —
 From Page 11                             have eye holes large enough to                  flames, including jack-o’-           Leaving an unattended motor
                                          clearly see through to prevent                  lanterns with candles inside.        vehicle running, commonly referred
       real candles and ensure they       trips or falls near dangerous or                Provide them with flashlights or     to as “puffing,” is in violation of
       are always visible. Place the      flammable items.                                glow sticks to carry for lighting    Colorado law and Fort Carson
       lit pumpkins away from                                                              as part of their costume.           policy. Colorado Revised Statute 42-
       flammable materials,                                                                     • Use flame retardant         4-1206 prohibits a person to leave
       driveways, doorsteps,                                                                       materials.                  an unlocked motor vehicle running,
       walkways and yards or                                                                    • Avoid long trailing or      unless a remote starter system is
       any place where trick-or-                                                                   bulky costumes that could   used and adequate security measures
       treaters may walk.                                                                          catch fire.                 are in place. Further, Fort Carson
    • Use flashlights as                                                                       • Review how to “Stop!        Garrison Commander’s Policy Letter
       alternatives to candles                                                                     Drop! And Roll!”            #14 states that privately owned
       or torch lights when                                                                        with children.              vehicles will not be left unattended
       decorating walkways                                                                      • Use flashlights or glow     while running. If cited under the
       and yards.                                                                                  sticks to light the way     Colorado law, violators can face
    • Many fires occur because                                                                    at night, do not handle     a $50 fine and if cited under the
       decorations are too close                                                                   lit candles.                Garrison Commander’s policy,
       to a heat source.                                                                        Have a fun and safe            citations will be referred to the
                                                                                           Halloween by following these        violator’s chain of command for
Costumes                                                                                   fire safety tips. As Halloween      action. A question that often comes
     Dressing up in costumes                                                               falls at the end of Fire            up is, why do these laws and policies
is the biggest Halloween                                                                   Prevention Month, everyone          exist? The simple answer is crime
tradition and it is done by both                                                           must take extra precautions         prevention. According to the Auto
adults and kids for a range of                                                             to help prevent fires for a safe    Theft Intelligence Coordination
festivities. Some Halloween                                                                holiday. For more fire safety       Center, 2,484 vehicles were stolen in
costumes are flammable and                                                                 information, contact The            Colorado Springs during 2020 and
made of bulky materials, which                                                             Fort Carson Fire Prevention         according to the group Coloradans
can be a safety hazard. Follow                                                             Office at 719-503-3473 (FIRE)       Against Auto Theft, about 50% of
these fire safety tips when                                                                or visit NFPA’s Halloween           motor vehicles that were stolen
dressing up for Halloween:                                                                 website at https://www.             have the keys in them at the time
     • Choose costumes that                                               Stock image                 of the offense.

                                                                                             All October Events Sponsored by:

                                       COMMUNITY CONVERSATION
                                       WEBINAR LUNCH SERIES
                                       MANAGING THE LONG-TERM IMPACTS OF COVID-19 ON YOUR BUSINESS

                                                                      Four-part series, Noon – 1 p.m.
                                       Oct. 15: Financial Advisers: How do you prepare your business for investment? How do you
                                       manage your personal assets?

                                       Oct. 22: Nonprofits: Nonprofits were hit hard during the pandemic. Learn where this industry
                                       stands now – and what the future looks like.

                                       Oct. 29: Insurance: From health insurance to property and liability insurance, and everything in
                                       between: Learn how what your business insurance needs are and how to prepare for the worst.

                                       Nov. 5: Real Estate: Still booming, still an issue for those seeking housing in Colorado Springs.
                                       And what’s up with the commercial market. What we know now and some prognosticating
                                       from our realtors. Sponsored by:

                                       Past Community Conversations are available at

                                       Events are FREE to attend | RSVP at
                                        As a leader in your field, represent your business as a panelist hosted by the CSBJ
                                        For more information, call your CSBJ Account Executive | 719.634.5905
16     MOUNTAINEER | Oct. 22, 2021

Community briefs
                                                                                   time to email and voicemail
                                                                                   messages is up to seven business
                                                                                   days, and the staff is working
 Editors note: See for the complete list of          hard to assist service members as
 community briefs. Due to the COVID-19 closures and cancellations, contact         soon as possible.
 the respective points of contact for updated information and hours              Casualty Notification/Assistance
 of operation.                                                                     Officer training — Due to
                                                                                   COVID-19 travel restrictions,
Claims to the estate                        Complex, Fort Carson storm             the Casualty Notification
Spc. Sebastian Jusino-Herbert —             water drains, Fort Carson military     Officer (CNO)/Casualty
  With deepest regret to the Family         housing and on-post schools. To        Assistance Officer (CAO)
  of the deceased. Anyone having            register, complete the form on         recertification timeline for
  claims against or indebtedness            the AVC webpage under “2021            CNO/CAO training is extended
  to his estate should call Chief           Make a Difference Day (MADD)”          from 12 to 24 months. The
  Warrant Officer 2 Mark Hicks at             requirement for in-person
  719-526-8018.                             programs/army-volunteer-corps.         training every fourth year is
                                          Education center — Due to                also suspended. In-person CNO/
Of note                                     a staffing shortage of Army            CAO training may be conducted
Make a Difference Day — The                 Education counselors at the            when all COVID-19 health and
   event takes place Saturday from 8        Fort Carson Education Center,          force protection requirements
   a.m. to noon. Make A Difference          Soldiers will experience advising      can be met and followed. The
   Day (MADD) is the largest                delays for Tuition Assistance          Joint Knowledge Online SIMM
   annual National Volunteer Day            (TA), Credentialing Assistance         1, SIMM and SIMM 3 Casualty
   dedicated to helping others — a          (CA), promotion point memos            Training is not a substitute for
   celebration of “Neighbors Helping        and other education counseling         the Army’s in-classroom CNO/
   Neighbors”. Everyone is welcome          services. Customers should use         CAO initial certification and
   to participate to volunteer for this     the College 101/TA briefing,           remains the Army’s CNO/CAO
   event. On this day, individuals          Credentialing Assistance, and          recertification training. For
   and families, schools and church         GI Bill group briefings as much        more information, call 526-
   groups, businesses and other             as possible to answer questions        5613/ 5614 or email usarmy.
   organizations draw upon their            regarding education counseling         carson.imcom-central.list.
   skills and resources to contribute       needs prior to requesting to meet
   where needs exist. Projects include      with a counselor to maximize staff
   Iron Horse Park and Sports               efficiency. Currently response                 See Briefs on Page 19

                                                                                           Nov. 10 • 4:30-6 p.m. • $25/person
          PRESENTED BY:

                                                                                                      Ent Center for the Arts (5225 N. Nevada Ave.)

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                                                                                                                       Ed and Renee Behr are longtime fixtures in Colorado Springs’
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                                                                                                                       the Behr & Behr Team is ranked ninth for sales volume in
                                                                                                                       Colorado Springs. Recent recipients of a Downtown Stars
                                                                                                                       award, the Behrs are deeply involved in the community and
                                                                                                                       serve together or separately on a number of nonprofit and
                                                                                                                       civic boards and committees. The Behrs will share insights
                                                                                                                       on emerging trends in real estate as well as the importance
                                                                                                                       of mentorship at various steps in one’s career.

                                                                                                                                                         Save the Date!
                                                                                                                                                            MARY               Dec. 9
                                                                                                                                                            BEST Health Plan

               2021 Leadership Lessons                                                                            RSVP at
Oct. 22, 2021 | MOUNTAINEER      17

Fathers, sons take heart
 Commentary by Capt. Jeremy Pruitt                       him, particularly with relationships, but is definitely         This verse emerges from the context of
 Chaplain, 3rd Assault Helicopter Battalion,             overbearing. He does, however, seem to desire              relationship dynamics, and it provides the basis
 4th Aviation Regiment, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade,     the best for Legolas. Like most fathers, Thranduil         for reducing conflict and encouraging trust and
 4th Infantry Division                                   has character flaws. He is prideful, arrogant and          intimacy. These notable qualities should consume our
                                                         selfish. Legolas sees these flaws, and though he           minds, and when they do, that is, when we choose
     One of my favorite movies is “The Hobbit: The       loves his father and seeks to meet his approval, he        to consistently fix our own thoughts and actions on
Battle of Five Armies.” In the film, Legolas, an elf,    also disdains these apparent failures. In contrast         them, they serve to compel us to think, to want and
is part of the woodland realm of the Elvish kingdom      to his father’s moral failures, Legolas expresses          to act for the best in others.
and his father Thranduil is king. Their relationship     consistent integrity and character. Tension between             Relationships are messy, especially as children
                       appears to be precarious at       them grows. Critical mass is reached when Thranduil        become adults. I am a father of four adult children,
                       best. Tension between them        threatens to kill the love interest of Legolas, who        I speak from experience. As boys become men it is
                      is clear. Thranduil rules with     steps in to express that if Thranduil wishes to harm       a difficult transition for both fathers and sons. The
                      absolute power. Legolas loves      her, he would have to kill Legolas first. From this        well-being of that relationship requires the diligence
                      and respects his father, but       intense moment, the story progresses with no further       and determination of both, if there is to be long term,
                           his differing priorities      development in their relationship depicted.                healthy development. Don’t be like Thranduil and
                            and more compassionate            Let me commend you to consider this                   Legolas and let the story of your relationships simply
                            values provide a wedge       example and these relationship dynamics in light           drop off into the abyss of tension and separation.
                            of separation. Like many     of Philippians 4:8, which says, “Finally, brethren,        Take Philippians 4:8 to heart. Whether you’re a father
                         fathers and sons today, they    whatever things are true, whatever things are              or a son, apply this verse to yourself first. Then, be
                         struggle to navigate freedom,   noble, whatever things are just, whatever things           intentional and apply it to your relationship. But,
                           maturity and manhood.         are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever             fathers, you really should take the lead. As you
                                 Thranduil obviously     things are of good report, if there is any virtue          surrender to the authority and direction of God’s
                             wants the best for his      and if there is anything praiseworthy — meditate           word, the Lord will develop you and deepen your
                              son. He is protective of   on these things.”                                          most important relationships.

                                                                                                                    Editor’s note: See www.fortcarsonmountaineer.
                                                                                                                    com for the complete list of the chapel briefs
                                                                                                                    and service schedule.

Chapel briefs
                                                                                                                         Protestant Women of the Chapel — The RSO can
                                                                                                                    be reached at 719-526-5279 or visit https://www.facebook.
 Editors note: See for the complete list of community briefs and chapel                    Native American prayer/spiritual services — The
 schedules. Due to the COVID-19 closures and cancellations, contact the respective points of contact for            He Ska Akicita (White Mountain Warriors) hosts Inipi
 updated information. Many religious support activities have moved to a digital platform.                           (sweat lodge) services at Turkey Creek Ranch, but are
                                                                                                                    suspended until further notice. Contact Michael Hackwith
      Facebook — Search “4ID and Fort Carson             NeXt Facebook page at!/         at 285-5240 for more information and protocols. Chaplain
Religious Support Office” for events and schedules:      chapelnextfortcarson for details.                          sponsor is Capt. Charlene Cheney, 53rd Signal Battalion,
visit                 Religious Education class — Contact Pat Treacy at      who can be reached at
or            524-2458 or for details.        Knights of Columbus — a Catholic group for
Carson-622517474897811 for livestreaming.                    Catholic Women of the Chapel — Call Michelle           men 18 and older, call 526-5769.
      Chapel NeXt — Visit      Jones at 352-231-1088 or email mountainPostCWOC@                Spanish Bible Study — Call Ted Garcia at
chapelnextfortcarson/ for livestream. Visit the Chapel                                                 719-205-3076.

       See the Mountaineer online at
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