Deakin English Orientation Handbook 2020 - Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI)

Page created by Wade Fields
Deakin English Orientation Handbook 2020 - Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI)
Deakin University English
Language Institute (DUELI)
Orientation Handbook 2020

Deakin English Orientation Handbook 2020 - Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI)
In this                                    Welcome to DUELI
                        02   Welcome                              Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI) is
                                                                  Deakin’s English language centre, based on our Melbourne
                        03   Deakin University English Language   Burwood Campus and Geelong Waterfront Campus. At DUELI
                             Institute (DUELI)                    we are proud of our reputation as being one of the best
                                                                  English centres in Australia.
                        04 What to expect at DUELI
                                                                  Studying English at DUELI provides you with a wonderful
                        05   DUELI student Code of Conduct        chance to meet new people and make lifelong friends. It
                                                                  is a fantastic opportunity to share knowledge, ideas and
                        06 Grievance procedure                    experiences.
                        07   Deakin student services and DUSA     Students from all over the world come to study English at
                                                                  Deakin. Whether you are planning to learn English to study an
                        09 Deakin IT Services                     award course at Deakin University or for your own personal or
                                                                  professional English language development, our aim is to help
                        10   How to get your IT password          you improve your English quickly at the best English language
                        11   Medical services and your OSHC       centre in Australia.
                                                                  I am pleased to welcome you to DUELI, and, with all the staff
                        13   Your student visa                    here, I look forward to helping you become a successful
                                                                  Deakin student.
                        14   Things to remember
                                                                  Ben Stubbs
                        15   DUELI dates
                        16   DUELI English language program       Deakin University English Language Institute
                        17   From DUELI to Deakin University
                        19   Living in Geelong
                        20   Map of Geelong Waterfront Campus
                        21   Checklist
                        22   Locality guide

                                                                                                                                  DUELI and Deakin International’s website
                                                                                                                                  All up-to-date information about DUELI is available on
                                                                                                                                  Check out Deakin International’s website for up-to-date
                                                                                                                                  information on living matters, financial information,
                                                                                                                                  academic support, campus facilities and services. Go to

1   Deakin University                                                                                                                          DUELI Geelong Waterfront Campus Handbook    2
Deakin English Orientation Handbook 2020 - Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI)
Deakin University                                                                                                                     What to expect
    English Language Institute                                                                                                            at DUELI
    DUELI                                                                   Student services                                              Attendance                                                        Course progress and assessment
    Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI) offers a           Deakin student advisers are here to help, advise, and guide   •   You have to attend at least 80% of your scheduled DUELI       DUELI is legally required to check your course progress to
    wide range of English language courses from elementary to               you. You can access:                                              classes.                                                      ensure that you are doing well in your studies. Language
    advanced level.                                                         • medical and health services on campus                       •   DUELI is legally obliged to report students with              skills are assessed throughout the teaching block at regular
    DUELI Geelong is located at                                                                                                               unsatisfactory attendance (under 80%) to the                  intervals so that you can revise your study goals.
                                                                            • personal, confidential, and free counselling on campus
    Deakin University’s Geelong Waterfront Campus,                                                                                            Department of Home Affairs, which in turn may result          There are several assessment tasks within each level, which
                                                                            • award-winning careers centre where you can obtain
    Building D, Room 4.202,                                                                                                                   in a cancellation of the student visa; no refund will be      you must pass in order to progress to the next level. You
                                                                                 information about a range of local and international
    1 Gheringhap Street Geelong, Victoria 3220 Australia.                                                                                     given in this situation.                                      must pass the level specified in order to meet the English
    You can ring DUELI Geelong Reception on 03 522 71229.                                                                                 •   DUELI teachers monitor your attendance every hour of          language requirement allowing you to enter the intended
                                                                            • a free ten-week introductory membership to Deakin’s                                                                           award study.
    To travel between Geelong Waterfront Campus and Geelong                      gyms
                                                                                                                                          •   If you are late by more than 15 minutes for the first class   Marks are final. All borderline marks are second-marked by
    Waurn Ponds Campus please see                   • optional one-year free membership to the Deakin
                                                                                                                                              of the day, and more than 5 minutes for any subsequent        a coordinator. Students can request a review of their marks,
    your-campus/get-to-deakin/deakin-bus-services.                               University Student Association (DUSA)
                                                                                                                                              class, you will be marked absent for that whole one-          in exceptional circumstances, by completing the Results
                                                                            • assistance with finding accommodation.                          hour class.                                                   Review Form available at DUELI Reception. Students who
    DUELI courses                                                           More information on student services is available on pages    •   DUELI will notify you in writing if you are at risk of        have failed at a given level three times will be unable to
    Courses are integrated and involve the development of                   7-8.                                                              falling below 80% and of its intention to report you for      extend their study.
    reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills using texts and                                                                          unsatisfactory attendance.
    materials from a wide range of media. A strong emphasis is              Facilities                                                                                                                      Plagiarism
    placed on helping students become independent learners.                                                                               •   If you disagree with the decision to report you, you can
                                                                            •    An Australian university campus environment.                 appeal against it, following DUELI procedures.                Plagiarism occurs when a student copies somebody else’s
    We encourage you to develop your own learning style, set
                                                                            •    Modern, well-equipped classrooms with the latest                                                                           work without acknowledging its author. Plagiarism leads to
    your own goals and draw up your own study plans.
                                                                                 smartboard technology.                                                                                                     severe penalties in Australia, as it is an example of academic
                                                                            •    University cafés with halal dishes.                          Excessive absence                                             misconduct. Teachers at DUELI will explain how to properly
                                                                                                                                                                                                            reference your work in order to avoid plagiarism.
    •     Classes are held between 8:30am and 4:30pm from                   •    24-hour computer labs (over 350 computers at DUELI).         Students who are absent for more than 5 consecutive
          Monday through Friday.                                            •    Independent Learning Centre (ILC).                           business days may be reported to the Department
                                                                                                                                              of Home Affairs for non-attendance. Students who
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Student expectations
    •     Courses are run in five-week blocks.                              •    Access to all of Deakin’s library facilities.                                                                              Deakin University recognises that students are entitled to
                                                                                                                                              are reported and whose visa is cancelled will not be
    •     There is an average of 15 students per class (generally,          •    Multifaith spiritual centre.                                 eligible for a refund of any remaining tuition fees.          have the following expectations during their time at DUELI:
          DUELI classes range from six to 18 students).                     •    Sporting facilities including a gym and sports hall.                                                                       •   to study in a safe, secure and supportive environment
    Teaching staff                                                                                                                                                                                          •   to be treated with respect and courtesy in an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                environment free from harassment and discrimination
    Teachers at the Deakin University English Language Institute
    are highly qualified and experienced professionals who have:                                                                                                                                            •   to have personal privacy respected
                                                                                                                                                                                                            •   to have access to clear, appropriate procedures for
    •     postgraduate qualifications in TESOL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                dealing with complaints and grievances.
    •     extensive teaching experience in Australia and overseas,
          specialist skills in curriculum, materials, and study
          program design
    •     IELTS preparation and examining experience.

                                                                       For information about
                                                                       DUELI’s location, maps and
                                                                       travelling, visit

3       Deakin University                                                                                                                                                                                                      DUELI Geelong Waterfront Campus Handbook      4
Deakin English Orientation Handbook 2020 - Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI)
DUELI student                                                                                                Grievance
    code of conduct                                                                                              procedure
    Studying at Deakin University is a co-operative relationship between students and                            We hope you find your time at Deakin to be enjoyable and rewarding. If you're unhappy
    staff. Both students and staff work together to support the teaching and learning                            about something at DUELI, you can make an enquiry to the right person following the
    journey of each and every Deakin student.                                                                    flowchart below.

    Standards of behaviour
    To maintain and uphold positive relationships, this Code
    of Conduct sets out standards of behaviour based on co-                                                                                         Class placement /                                                 DUELI Geelong
    operation, mutual responsibility, respect, self-discipline, and                                                                                                                 Class teacher
                                                                                                                                                    Assessment issues                                                 Manager*
    tolerance of others by which everyone is accepted as an
    individual and where all cultures are highly valued.

                                                                                                                                                    DUELI enrolment
        Value                                      Behaviours                                                                                                                       DUELI Reception                   Director, DUELI*
        Responsibility                             •    Co-operate with teachers and students.
        Being accountable for your                 •    Be punctual and fully prepared for class.
        own actions and learning                   •    Complete class work as assigned by your teachers.            Student
                                                   •    Practice behaviours that keep everybody safe.
                                                                                                                                                                                    DUELI Student
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Contact Deakin
                                                                                                                                                                                    Experience and
                                                                                                                                                    Attendance issues                                                 Student complaints
        Respect                                    •    Listen carefully to others.                                                                                                                                   (see details below)^
        Caring about yourself, others              •    Be understanding and tolerant.
        and the environment around                 •    Treat everybody with respect.
        you                                        •    Behave in a manner that is non-discriminatory.
                                                   •    Practice behaviours that are not disruptive to others.                                                                                                     * Please make an appointment at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DUELI Reception
                                                   •    Care for University and personal property.
                                                                                                                                                                                    DUELI Geelong                  ^ The Student Complaints Form
                                                                                                                                                    Other issues                                                   can be accessed online:
        Integrity                                  •    Treat others fairly.                                                                                                                                       complaints-form.

        Being honest and fair                      •    Allow others to study in a positive environment.         More information
                                                   •    Submit work that is your own.                            To learn more about student procedures visit the following webpages:
                                                                                                                 •    Deakin International Student Compliance and Visas:
                                                                                                                 •    Student General Misconduct:
                                                                                                                 •    Student Academic Integrity:
                                                                                                                 •    Student Appeals Procedure:
                                                                                                                 •    Student Complaints Resolution Procedure:

5     Deakin University                                                                                                                                                                              DUELI Geelong Waterfront Campus Handbook        6
Deakin English Orientation Handbook 2020 - Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI)
Deakin student services
    and DUSA
                 Deakin University student ID card                   Deakin career counsellors                         Accommodation                                       Deakin University Student Association
                 (Deakin card)                                       Deakin career advisors offer counselling          On-campus accommodation                             (DUSA)
                 Your Deakin card allows you to use a variety of     and advice on career planning, course and         Living on campus offers a unique opportunity:       All currently enrolled DUELI students are
                 services around the university, including:          career direction, developing self-awareness       you join our resident community and get             entitled to a free one-year membership at
                                                                     of your skills and interest and deciding on       to know your neighbours from around the             Deakin University Student Association (DUSA)
                 • libraries
                                                                     postgraduate study. The service also provides     world. Deakin Residences offer a range of fully     (subject to change without prior notice). DUSA
                 • computer labs                                     information about how to look for a job, write                                                        facilitates the following activities and services:
                                                                                                                       furnished accommodation options with on-site
                 • printing                                          a resume and prepare for an interview. See        security and 24/7 reception staff.                  •   provides free legal aid for students
                 • cafés.                                  
                                                                                                                       To find out more about on-campus                    •   organises trips and events, such as
                 To put money onto your Deakin card, top up                                                            accommodation see                   concerts and dance nights
                 online at
                                                                     Deakin TALENT
                                                                                                                       To apply for a DUELI room at the Waterfront         • runs short courses in the evenings on
                 fees-and-money/deakin-card/top-up-your-             If you are looking for a part-time job or
                                                                                                                       Campus, contact the DUELI Geelong Office by             many different subjects
                 deakin-card.                                        voluntary work, visit
                                                                                                                       email to obtain an application form:                • has many clubs, including sporting clubs,
                                                                                                                                   and societies that you can join
                 Printing in the computer lab costs 9 cents per
                                                                     Chaplains, prayer room, multi-faith               Off-campus accommodation                            • can provide advocacy if you find yourself
                 A4 sheet for black and white printouts and 15       space                                             There is off-campus accommodation available             in a dispute with the University over
                 cents for colour. You have to load money onto                                                         near all our campuses, to suit all budgets.             academic issues
                                                                     Deakin’s chaplains offer a multi-faith approach
                 your Deakin card (Google: “deakin card top          to belief and spirituality. You are welcome       Deakin University’s Houseme Database offers a       • provides academic and social support
                 up”).                                               to drop in to chat about issues of faith, for     range of resources and vital information about          to all female students at Deakin via the
                                                                     information about where to worship, and           your rights and responsibilities when renting.          Women’s Officer.
                 Photocopying                                        other personal concerns. See       Visit which has a             For more information, contact a DUELI Student
                                                                     studentlife/chaplains.                            range of online self-help services to support       Adviser or go to
                 Standard photocopying services are available
                                                                                                                       students with finding accommodation, both
                 throughout Deakin University using credits on
                                                                     Legal advice                                      long and short term.                                Sport
                 your Deakin card.
                                                                     For information about free legal advice go to     You can also look at real estate websites to find   DeakinACTIVE has a wide range of sporting and
                 Library                                    or call 03 9269 0120.     rental accommodation. Before you decide to          fitness facilities and equipment, including a
                                                                     Alternatively, contact an International Student   rent a house or a flat, you should get as much      gym, sports hall, running track and basketball
                 For opening hours and more information about
                                                                     Adviser (ISA) at Division of Student Life.        information as possible about renting, bonds,       courts. All currently enrolled DUELI students
                 the library, go to, which
                                                                                                                       contracts, and other rules for renters. Houses      are entitled to 10 weeks FREE membership at
                 you can access through the library computers,
                                                                                                                       and flats for rent are usually not furnished.       DeakinACTIVE (subject to change without prior
                 computer labs or at home.
                                                                                                                                                                           notice). DeakinACTIVE is located at Geelong
                 Library access                                                                                                                                            Waurn Ponds Campus. You can catch the free
                 In order to borrow books and other material                                                           Terms and conditions of lease                       shuttle bus from Waterfront Campus to Waurn
                 from Deakin University libraries, you must have                                                       Once you have found a place that you would          Ponds Campus.
                 your current Deakin University student ID card.                                                       like to rent, make sure you understand all the      Learn more at
                                                                                                                       terms and conditions of your lease before you
                 Conditions of loan and library use
                                                                                                                       sign it.
                 Library items must not be removed from the
                 library without being issued by library staff. If
                 you are found in possession of damaged library
                 items, you must pay for the replacement costs,
                 and you will be suspended from borrowing for
                 one month. Library users must observe the
                 conditions of loan and library use.

7   Deakin University                                                                                                                                                           DUELI Geelong Waterfront Campus Handbook    8
Deakin English Orientation Handbook 2020 - Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI)
Deakin IT services                                                                                                                How to get your
                                                                                                                                      IT password
    Deakin internet access                     Email                                       Misuse of services                             Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE to log on to a           Click 'I agree'.
    Your Deakin internet access depends        Deakin University will communicate          It is important to be aware of potential
                                                                                                                                      1   Deakin computer.                              6
    on the status of your enrolment at         important information to you by email,      misuse of Deakin's services. Some
    DUELI. In order to receive access,         so it is important that you regularly       examples are:
                                                                                                                                          Username: deakin
    you have to be enrolled and have a         check your Deakin email account. Your       •   violation of copyright                 2   Password: deakin
    valid Deakin University student ID         Deakin email can be accessed from
    number/card. If your enrolment has         your home, on your mobile as well           •   using the facilities for commercial
    been delayed for various reasons,          as from the computers on campus.                reasons
                                                                                                                                          Click on 'New students'.
    for instance, the University has not       From choose ‘Current          •   invading of individual’s privacy       3
    received your payment on time, please      students’, then ‘email’, log in and go to   •   harassing individual through the                                                              Take a photo of your username, password,
                                                                                                                                                                                        7    and email address. Press 'Continue to
    contact DUELI Reception for help and       your inbox.                                     use of email
    information on alternative access                                                                                                                                                        Deakin'. Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to log off.
                                               Your Deakin email address is your           •   sharing passwords
    options.                         ; for                 •   tampering with other users’
                                               example,                    electronic communication
    Internet use
                                               Download the OWA mail app to get            •   accessing offensive or
    Deakin has a quota system that             Deakin email on your phone.
    provides each DUELI student with                                                           inappropriate materials.
    50GB per trimester.                        Your responsibilities                       Consequences of misuse
    If this quota is exceeded, your            You must:                                   You may:                                       Enter your birthday, student number and
    Internet access will be locked until the                                                                                          4
                                               •   follow all Australian laws and          •   possibly lose computing access             course code, eg. X067A (0 = zero). Enter a
    beginning of the following trimester                                                                                                                                                     Enter your username and password.
                                                   regulations relevant to internet                                                       post code. Then click 'Continue'.
    unless you call the IT Service Desk                                                    •   have to reimburse the University                                                         8
    for a quota addition for legitimate            use                                         for additional costs
    purposes.                                  •   NOT access inappropriate or             •   face possible disciplinary or
                                                   offensive material                          criminal action.
    IT password                                •   NOT allow others to access your
    For detailed instructions on activating        password                                Tips to reduce Internet cost
    your IT access, please refer to ‘How       •   report any unauthorised use of          Always log out when you leave the
    to get your IT password’ on the next           your account to IT Services by          computer.
    page.                                          telephoning 03 9244 6888.
                                                                                           Think about the size of files that you
                                                                                           download, e.g. audio and video files           Select 'Generate a random password for me',
                                                                                                                                      5   then click 'continue'.
                                                                                           should be considered very carefully                                                               Please open the browser and log in to
                                                                                           before downloading.                                                                          9    DeakinSync.
                                                                                           Do not share your password with
    Contact the IT Service Desk                                                            anyone else or you will be held
                                                                                                                                                                                             Check the DUELI Blog for class placements,
                                                                                           accountable for their use as well as                                                         10
    Phone: 1800 463 888 (7 days)                                                                                                                                                             timetables and more.
                                                                                           your own.
    Building D, Level 3, near the reception

9     Deakin University                                                                                                                                                                             DUELI Geelong Waterfront Campus Handbook   10
Deakin English Orientation Handbook 2020 - Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI)
Medical services
     and your OSHC
     Deakin Medical Centre                     Personal Counselling                     Other medical services                   General practices                          Overseas Student Health Cover
     The campus nurses and doctors are         If your studies/life is being affected   Sexual Health Services                   Belmont Bulk Billing Clinic                (OSHC)
     able to provide:                          by personal, family or other             Barwon Health - University Hospital      141 High Street, Belmont                   How do I get my membership card?
     •    medical attention and referrals      circumstances, you could find it         Geelong                                  03 5241 3000; www.
                                                                                                                                                                            Cards can be collected as part of the
                                               helpful to talk with a counsellor.       Phone: 03 5226 7111            
     •    health check-ups and advice                                                                                                                                       Orientation activities, or you may
                                               Counselling at Deakin is professional,
     •    flu, travel and course related                                                Dentists                                 Tristar Medical Group Geelong              contact DUELI Geelong Office.
                                               completely confidential, and free.
          vaccinations                                                                  See directory       284 Torquay Road, Grovedale
                                               Counselling can help with:               au                                       03 5243 3355; www.                         Notify BUPA OSHC of your contact
     • information and advice on diet                                                                                                   details
          and nutrition, sexual health and     •    stress, loneliness, or              Helplines
                                                    homesickness                                                                                                            If you change your address or any
          stress relief.                                                                Lifeline (personal problems): 13 11 14   GP@Newcomb
                                                                                                                                                                            other personal details, please update
     The Deakin Geelong Waterfront             •    course concerns, including advice   or                   4/152 Bellarine Hwy, Newcomb
                                                                                                                                                                            this information by sending an email
     Campus Medical Centre is located at            on special consideration and        Poison Information: 13 11 26             03 5248 1355; www.
     Building D, Level 2. Alternatively, you        referral                            Gambling Helpline: 1800 858 858
     may wish to see the nurse or doctor at    •    conflict resolution and anger                                                newcomb‐medical‐centre
                                                                                                                                                                            How your BUPA OSHC works
     Waurn Ponds Campus.                            management.                                                                  Barrabool Hills Family Medical and
                                                                                                                                                                            Direct/bulk billing
     To make an appointment, call 03 5247                                                                                        Dental Practice
                                                                                                                                 Unit 9, 36 Province Blvd, Highton          Show your BUPA OSHC card and BUPA
     9312. A current Overseas Student          Sexual assault/violence
                                                                                                                                 03 5241 2878; www.                         will directly pay your bill.
     Health Cover (OSHC) card is necessary     Deakin University Health/
     when seeing a doctor. You don’t need                                                                                             Note that in some clinics there may be
                                               Counselling Service:
     to make an appointment to see a                                                                                                                                        a co-payment that you will have to pay
                                               03 5247 9312/03 9244 5577
     nurse. This service is free with your                                                                                       If you would like to get medical advice,   for seeing a doctor (usually $15-30)
                                               The Sexual Assault and Family
     OSHC card.                                                                                                                  including information about the            and you pay this directly to the doctor
                                               Violence Centre: 03 5222 4318
                                                                                                                                 closest direct billing doctor in your      or clinic.
                                               Men’s Referral Service: 03 9428 2899
                                                                                                                                 area, contact on BUPA 1800 888 942.
                                                                                                                                                                            Non-direct/non-bulk billed
                                                                                                                                 For more information about how your
                                                                                                                                 OSHC works, see below.                     You will need to pay for your
                                                                                                                                                                            consultation. Make sure that you get a
                                                                                                                                                                            receipt so that you can make a claim.
                                                                                                                                                                            Claim online
                   Emergency                            Deakin Security &
                                                                                                  Contact BUPA                                                              If you go to a hospital
                  phone number                            police station
                                                                                                                                                                            If you become ill during the night
                                                                                                                                                                            or on the weekend, you might go to
          Ambulance: 000                           Deakin University Security              Helpline: 1800 888 942                                                           the emergency area of a hospital.
          Police: 000                              Geelong Waterfront Campus:              (Toll free number available 24                                                   In Australia, there are public and
                                                   03 5227 8222                            hours a day and 7 days a week)                                                   private hospitals. All public hospitals
          Fire brigade: 000
                                                   Or 1800 062 579                         Email:                                                          and some private hospitals accept
          You can dial 000 for free. Ask                                                                                                                                    the BUPA OSHC card and will bill
                                                   Police Station: 03 5225 3100            In person: a BUPA representative
          the operator for the service you                                                                                                                                  BUPA directly - but you will have to
                                                                                           visits the Waterfront Campus.
          want and wait to be connected.                                                                                                                                    pay around $500 upfront. If you are
                                                                                           Ask the DUELI Office for dates
          Answer all their questions and do                                                                                                                                 required to pay, keep the receipt and
                                                                                           and times.
          not hang up the phone until they                                                                                                                                  you will be able to claim back some, or
          tell you to.                                                                     Web:                                                        the full amount paid, from BUPA.

11       Deakin University                                                                                                                                                                                            DUELI Geelong Waterfront Campus Handbook   12
Deakin English Orientation Handbook 2020 - Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI)
Your student visa                                                                                                                    Things to remember
     The Department of Home                        Attendance                                 Reporting and disclosure of                 As a DUELI student, it is your responsibility to remember the rules about your
     Affairs                                       •   DUELI is legally obliged to report     information                                 attendance, arrival time for class, your course progress and related information. A
     The Australian Government                         students with unsatisfactory           DUELI must, by law, report to the
     Department of Home Affairs can give               attendance to the Department           Department of Home Affairs any
                                                                                                                                          set of useful apps is also available for you to download on your device.
     you information and support you with              of Home Affairs, which in turn         changes to your enrolment as well
     your enquiries about your visa.                   may result in a cancellation of the    as breaches of your student visa
                                                       student visa.                          conditions relating to your attendance
     Contact the Department of Home                                                                                                       •   You must tell DUELI Reception your address in
     Affairs:                                      •   If you disagree with the decision      and/or academic progress.
                                                       to report you, you can appeal                                                          Australia when you arrive and any time it changes.       Outlook Web Access (OWA)
     on 131 881                                                                               DUELI may be obliged to share
                                                       against it, following DUELI                                                        •   DUELI requires that you attend all classes. Your
                                                                                              the information you provide with                                                                         Get your Deakin email app on
     or visit                  procedure. If you are absent for                                                       attendance must be above 80%. If your attendance
                                                                                              Australian government departments,                                                                       your phone and never miss out on
                                                       more than 5 consecutive business                                                       falls below 80% it may put your student visa in
     The Department of Home Affairs is                                                        such as the Department of Home                                                                           important emails.
                                                       days, you may be reported to the                                                       danger and you may not be able to extend your
     located at:                                                                              Affairs and the Department of
                                                       Department of Home Affairs and                                                         DUELI course.
     Casselden Place, 2 Lonsdale Street,                                                      Education and Training. For instance,                                                                    Deakin Scout
     Melbourne 3000.                                   your enrolment and CoE may be          when asked, DUELI must give                 •   If you are sick please ask your doctor for a medical
                                                       cancelled. No refund will given in                                                                                                              Know where to go with the Deakin
                                                                                              the Department of Home Affairs                  certificate. Keep all medical certificates in case you
                                                       this situation.                                                                                                                                 Scout app. It can help you navigate
     Student visa conditions                                                                  information about your current                  have to show them to DUELI or the Department of
                                                                                                                                                                                                       your way on campus with ease.
                                                   •   Students must keep all medical         address and contact numbers, your               Home Affairs.
     •     You must maintain at least 80%
                                                       certificates as the Department of      enrolment status and your grades.           •   If you are more than 15 minutes late for your first      SafeZone
           attendance throughout the length
                                                       Home Affairs and DUELI may ask                                                         class, you will be marked absent for that class.
           of your course.                                                                                                                                                                             A direct line to campus security, the
                                                       for proof of illness if attendance     Visa extension                              •   If you are more than 5 minutes late for any
     •     You must remain at the institution          falls below 80%. It is the student’s                                                                                                            SafeZone app a great way to stay safe.
                                                                                              It is your responsibility to hold a valid       following class, you will be marked absent for that
           that originally recruited you for           responsibility then to provide
                                                                                              Australian visa at all times. If your           class.                                                   Deakin Genie
           your principal course for the first         the Department of Home Affairs
           six months. If you want to change,                                                 visa is due to expire before the end        •   If you fail the same DUELI level three times, you
                                                       with any medical certificates if                                                                                                                Let Deakin Genie help you access your
           you must obtain a Release Letter                                                   of your course, you need to apply for           may not be able to get a course extension.
                                                       requested.                                                                                                                                      required reading and prescribed texts
           from Deakin University and get                                                     its extension with the Department           •   The information provided to DUELI may be shared          through the Deakin Library.
           permission from the Department                                                     of Home Affairs at least two months             with BUPA if BUPA is your overseas health cover
                                                   Extended absence
           of Home Affairs.                                                                   before the expiry date.                         (OSHC) provider as arranged by Deakin. For more
                                                   In the event that a student is                                                                                                                      Deakin Moves
     •     You must tell DUELI Reception                                                                                                      information visit
                                                   hospitalised or absent due to              Tax File Number (TFN)                                                                                    An app to help you find ways of
           your current Australian address,                                                                                                   security and see page 12.
                                                   circumstances beyond their control,                                                                                                                 increasing your health and wellbeing as
           within seven days of starting                                                      You need to provide your tax file           •   ILC/library items must not be removed from the           part of your Deakin experience.
                                                   the Director of DUELI will determine
           DUELI, or moving house.                                                            number (TFN) to:                                ILC/library without being issued.
                                                   whether the student’s absence will
     •     Health insurance (OSHC: BUPA,           be excused. Each request is assessed       •     your bank, when opening a bank        •   Lost property will be kept at DUELI Reception for        Public Transport Victoria (PTV)
           NIB, Allianz etc.) must be held for     on a case-by-case basis, and must be             account                                   one month before being disposed of.                      Information about buses, trams, and
           the full length of your student visa.   supported by medical certificates or       • your employer, if/when applying           •   Re-printing certificates/statements of results will      trains – all in one app.
                                                   other relevant documentation and                 for a part-time job.                      cost $30 per copy.
                                                   approved by the Department of              It is not compulsory to have a tax file                                                                  Tram Tracker
                                                   Home Affairs.                              number but if you do not have one,                                                                       Find out when your tram is coming
                                                                                              any money or interest you earn in                                                                        via your device. Download the Tram
                                                   Deakin compliance                          Australia will be taxed at a higher rate.
     Work rights                                                                                                                                                                                       Tracker app.
                                                   For course and visa compliance and
     International students                                                                   To apply, visit
                                                   related administrative information,                                                                                                                 RentRight
     are only allowed to work                      please visit
     a maximum of 40 hours                         studying/international-students/                                                                                                                    Be informed about your rights if you
     every two weeks when                          compliance-and-visas.                                                                                                                               rent a house. RentRight has all the
     lessons are in session.                                                                                                                                                                           information you need.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Insider Guides
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Insider Guides are a great way to learn
                                                                                                                                                                                                       about Melbourne.

13       Deakin University                                                                                                                                                                             DUELI Geelong Waterfront Campus Handbook   14
DUELI dates                                                                                                                                                             DUELI English language
                                                                                                                                                                             program information
     DUELI 2020 dates
      Intake         Orientation                     Start date                      End date                        Holidays
      1              9 January                       13 January                      14 February                     27 January
      2              13 February                     17 February                     20 March                                                                                Your IELTS score*                                   Your DUELI level*
      3              19 March                        23 March                        24 April                        10 – 14 April (Easter)
      4              23 April                        28 April                        29 May                          27 April, 15 May                                          IELTS 6.5                                           GE 8 – Advanced
      5              28 May                          1 June                          3 July                          6 – 10 July
      6              9 July                          13 July                         14 August
      7              13 August                       17 August                       18 September                    21 – 25 September                                         IELTS 6.0                                           GE 7 – Upper-intermediate 2
      8              24 September                    28 September                    30 October                      2 – 6 November, Grand Final Day (TBC)
      9              5 November                      9 November                      11 December                                                                                                                                                                   Score of 55% or
                                                                                                                                                                               IELTS 5.5                                           GE 6 – Upper-intermediate 1     higher in GE 6 and         IELTS Preparation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a written exam
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DUELI's IELTS Preparation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            course is designed for you
     DUELI 2021 dates                                                                                                                                                          IELTS 5.0                                           GE 5 – Intermediate 2                                    to succeed in the IELTS
      Intake         Orientation                     Start date                      End date                        Holidays
      1              7 January                       11 January                      12 February                     26 January
      2              11 February                     15 February                     19 March                                                                                  IELTS 4.5                                           GE 4 – Intermediate 1
      3              18 March                        22 March                        23 April                        2, 5, 6 April
      4              22 April                        27 April                        28 May                          26 April, 14 May                                                                                                                              Score of 55% or
                                                                                                                                                                               IELTS 4.0                                           GE 3 – Pre-intermediate 2       higher in GE 3 and         EAP 1
      5              27 May                          31 May                          2 July                          5 – 9 July                                                                                                                                    a written exam
      6              8 July                          12 July                         13 August                                                                                                                                                                                              DUELI's EAP pathway can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prepare you for entry into
      7              12 August                       16 August                       17 September                    20 – 24 September                                                                                             GE 2 – Pre-intermediate 1
                                                                                                                                                                               IELTS 3.5                                                                                                    Deakin University and
                                                                                                                     1 October, 1 – 5 November,                                                                                                                                             Deakin College.
      8              23 September                    27 September                    29 October
                                                                                                                     Grand Final Day (TBC)
      9              4 November                      8 November                      10 December                                                                               IELTS 2.5-3.0                                       GE 1 – Elementary 1-2

     DUELI 2022 dates
      Intake         Orientation                     Start date                      End date                        Holidays                                               Please note:

      1              6 January                       10 January                      11 February                     26 January (Australia Day)                             * Entry level IELTS score based on your lowest IELTS band score.
                                                                                                                                                                            The pathway programs are available to student visa holders as their principal
      2              10 February                     14 February                     18 March                                                                               course. Courses are also available to other visa holders provided that the length of
                                                                                                                                                                            enrolment at DUELI does not exceed the conditions of their visa.
      3              17 March                        21 March                        22 April                        15 – 19 April (Easter)
                                                                                                                                                                            • Placement into all DUELI classes is based on the results of the DUELI Placement
      4              21 April                        26 April                        27 May                          25 April, 13 May                                          Test. You will take this test when you start at DUELI.
                                                                                                                                                                            • Programs listed on this guide are available to student visa holders as their
      5              26 May                          30 May                          1 July                          4 – 8 July                                                principal course. DUELI programs are also available to other visa holders                                        GE – General English
                                                                                                                                                                               provided that the length of their enrolment at DUELI does not exceed the
      6              7 July                          11 July                         12 August                                                                                 conditions of their visa.                                                                                        EAP – English for Academic
      7              11 August                       15 August                       16 September                    19 – 23 September                                                                                                                                                          Purposes
                                                                                                                                                                            This is a GUIDE only, please refer to your letter of offer for specific information.
                                                                                                                     31 October – 4 November,
      8              22 September                    26 September                    28 October
                                                                                                                     Grand Final Day (TBC)
      9              3 November                      7 November                      9 December

     For updated information visit
     Please note: The Grand Final Holiday is held in September or October; the date varies from year to year. The dates for 2020, 2021 and 2022 are yet to be determined.

15        Deakin University                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    DUELI Geelong Waterfront Campus Handbook   16
From DUELI to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Minimum entry level for Deakin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     University Award course and

     Deakin University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Deakin College pathway programs^
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Deakin University‘s Bachelor of Nursing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     IELTS 7 (no band lower than 7)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     TOEFL iBT 94 (Writing 27)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Deakin University Undergraduate and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Study Abroad programs, Deakin College
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Diploma of Communication
     Successful completion of DUELI’s English                    The chart below shows how DUELI’s EAP
     for Academic Purposes (EAP) pathway                         pathway programs can help you meet                                                                                                                                                  IELTS 6.0 (no band lower than 6)
     programs can provide you with entry into                    the English language requirements for                                                                                                                                               TOEFL iBT 65 (Writing 21)
     Deakin University and Deakin College.                       the degree you want to study. You can                                                                                                                                               DUELI EAP 3 (60%)
                                                                 learn more about the EAP program and                                                                                                                                                Deakin University Postgraduate programs and
                                                                 other DUELI programs on                                                                                                                                                 Faculty of Health Undergraduate programs
                                                                 courses.                                                                                                                                                                            IELTS 6.5 (no band lower than 6)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     TOEFL iBT 70 (Writing 21)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DUELI EAP 4 (60%)

      Your IELTS score*                          Your DUELI course                                                                                                                                                                                   All other Deakin College Diploma and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Certificate IV Foundation Studies programs
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Entry into Deakin                                         IELTS 5.5
                                                              General English                                                                                                              University Bachelor
Living in Geelong                                                                                                             Geelong Waterfront
                                                                                                                                   Campus map
     Geelong                                                      Travelling to DUELI
     Geelong is Victoria's second-largest city, and has a         DUELI is located on the Geelong Waterfront Campus.
     population of approximately 250,000. It is close to some     Traveling time varies but students living in Geelong should
     of the state's most beautiful natural landscapes, such as    be prepared to spend up to 30-40 minutes traveling to and
     the Great Ocean Road. It also has great shopping, many       from DUELI. To travel between Geelong Waterfront Campus
     restaurants and cafes, a lovely waterfront, and all the      and Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus please see
     facilities you would expect from a 21st Century city.        au/students/your-campus/get-to-deakin/deakin-bus-
                                                                  services. For maps, please visit For
     Weather and clothing                                         information about traveling in Geelong, please visit www.
     The weather in Geelong is pleasant and mild with four
     distinct seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring.
     Geelong generally does not experience severe extremes        myki card
     of heat, humidity or cold; however, the weather can be       Tickets for public transport are called 'myki'. You can buy
     very changeable and hard to predict. It is a good idea to    a myki card from, train stations, some
     wear layers of clothing and to carry a small umbrella or a   news agencies and the Geelong DUSA Office. You must
     waterproof jacket.                                           touch on with your myki when you travel. If you do not have
                                                                  a valid myki while travelling, you may be fined up to $500.
     Water restrictions                                           Ticket inspectors often check tickets while you are on public
     Due to ongoing dry weather, water restrictions are           transport, in validated ticket areas of train stations, and at
     sometimes introduced in Geelong to help save our             tram stops. Always have a valid myki.
     diminishing water resources.
                                                                  Tourist information
                                                                  Geelong Visitor Information: National Wool Museum
                                                                  at the corner of Moorabool and Brougham Streets,
                                                                  Geelong. Or phone 03 5222 2900. You can also visit www.

19     Deakin University                                                                                                                                DUELI Geelong Waterfront Campus Handbook   20
Checklist                                                                                       Locality guide

     Still worried about starting study at Deakin English? Use the below checklist to make           This guide contains practical local information about shopping, banking and transport, to
     sure that you are off to a great start. With these important things taken care of, you’ll be    help you to settle into the Geelong community.
     ready for the challenges and opportunities that being a new DUELI student can bring.
                                                                                                    Food                                    Transport                                     Internet providers
                                                                                                    Coles Supermarket: Westfield            Those interested in buying cars, please       • Telstra:
                                                                                                    Geelong, Belmont Waurn Ponds,           check:                                        • Optus:
                                                                                                    Geelong West                            •                                • TPG:
                  Do you have your Deakin card?                                                                                             •
                                                                                                    Woolworths Supermarket: Geelong                                                       Sporting Facilities
                                                                                                    West, Newtown, Waurn Ponds,             Those interested in renting cars, please
                                                                                                                                            check:                                        • Deakin University YMCA Gym
                  Do you have IT access?                                                            Highton, Bell Post, Newcomb
                                                                                                                                            •                             Waurn Ponds campus
                                                                                                    Aldi Supermarket: Belmont, Highton,     •                            Building DA
                                                                                                    Geelong West, Grovedale, Newcomb        •                           • Leisurelink Waurn Ponds
                  Do you have your username and password recorded?                                                                          •                                (swimming pool)
                                                                                                    Belmont Market (near Kmart) every                                                         240 Pioneer Rd, Grovedale
                                                                                                    Sunday 8:30am–3pm                       Car insurance (examples):
                  Have you checked your Deakin email?                                                                                       •                             Legal Service
                                                                                                    Geelong Showgrounds Market,
                                                                                                    East Geelong every Sunday 8am–2pm       •                          Barwon Community Legal Service
                                                                                                                                                                                          Level 1, 63 Thomson Street, Belmont
                  Did you download the recommended apps?                                            Halal food                              Victorian road regulation information:        Phone: 1300 430 599
                                                                                                    Please contact the Islamic Society of                       Email:
                                                                                                    Deakin University (ISDU)
                                                                                                                                            Public transport
                  Do you have your OSHC card (maybe BUPA)?                                                                                          Police Stations
                                                                                                                                            Public Transport Victoria
                                                                                                    Asian Produce                                             • Geelong, Mercer Street
                                                                                                    Chung Vinh Phat                                                                         (near train station)
                  Did you get your free ten-week gym membership?                                                                            V/Line                                          Open 24 hours
                                                                                                    General Asian Produce         
                                                                                                    135 Moorabool Street, Geelong                                                         • Waurn Ponds, Rossack Drive
                                                                                                                                            Buses in Geelong                                Open 24 hours
                  Did you get your free one-year DUSA membership?                                   Gourmet Asian Grocery                   • McHarry’s                                   • Corio, Bacchus March Road
                                                                                                    5/168 High Street, Belmont                                     (near shopping centre)
                                                                                                    Indo-Asian grocery                      • CDC Victoria                                  Open 24 hours
                  Did you check the DUELI blog lately?                                              2/13 Discovery Lane, Belmont                              • Dial 000 for emergency:
                                                                                                                                            Trains in Melbourne                             fire, ambulance, police
                                                                                                    Just Spice Indian Grocery
                                                                                                    168 Moorabool Street, Geelong                             Geelong information
                  Did you give DUELI your correct address details?
                                                                                                                                            How to get to:                                • Events Geelong:
                                                                                                    Watan Supermarket & Halal Butchery
                                                                                                                                            • Deakin Waurn Ponds Campus           
                                                                                                    83c Purnell Road, Corio
                  Did you get a myki card? Did you top it up?                                                                                 Catch intercampus shuttle bus or              default.aspx
                                                                                                                                              Bus 1, 40, 41, 42, 43                       • Study Geelong:
                                                                                                                                            • Melbourne                           
                                                                                                                                              Take V/Line train to Southern Cross         • Visit Great Ocean Road:

21    Deakin University                                                                                                                                                                DUELI Geelong Waterfront Campus Handbook   22
If you require further information, please contact:
Manager, DUELI Geelong
Geelong Waterfront Campus
Building D, Room 4.202
1 Gheringhap Street
Geelong, Victoria 3220 Australia
Phone: 03 5227 3763
         Join our Facebook community at

Published by Deakin University December 2019. While the information published in this Handbook was accurate at the time of
publication, Deakin University reserves the right to alter, amend or delete details of course offerings and other information published
here. For the most up-to-date information, please view our website at

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Melbourne Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd (trading as Deakin College from 1 July 2015) CRICOS Provider Code: 01590J
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