Inspire 2025: A Promise for Progress - Frederick County ...

Page created by Esther Hill
Inspire 2025: A Promise for Progress - Frederick County ...
Inspire 2025:
A Promise for Progress
Inspire 2025: A Promise for Progress - Frederick County ...

    Vision & Mission                 03

    Letter from the Superintendent   05

    Portrait of a Graduate           06

    Our Process                      07

    Our Goals                        08

    Goal 1: Student Success          09

    Goal 2: Culture                  11

    Goal 3: Strategic Partnerships   14

    Goal 4: High Quality Staff       16

    Acknowledgements                 19

    Quotes                           22

    Glossary                         24

Inspire 2025: A Promise for Progress - Frederick County ...
                       An innovative community where caring relationships and
                               authentic learning inspire all students.

                 The Frederick County Public Schools community nurtures all
                  learners to realize their dreams and aspirations through:

                                                 Meaningful and engaging learning experiences

                                                A collective responsibility for continuous growth

                                            Embracing a culture of diversity and inclusiveness

      Fostering and supporting innovative ideas that challenge conventional thinking

                                   A commitment to forward-thinking learning environments

                                                                                        NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION
Frederick County Public Schools shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, political affiliation, disability or veteran status in the education program and activities, or
           employment and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Questions concerning the application of this non-discrimination policy may be made to:

                                                      Title IX Coordinator - Adult Matters                           Title IX Coordinator – Student Matters
                                                                Jennifer Rydholm                                             Section 504 Coordinator
                                                    Executive Director of Human Resources                                         Teresa Ritenour
                                                              1415 Amherst Street                                    Director of Student Support Services
                                                             Winchester, VA 22601                                              1415 Amherst Street
                                                                (540) 662-3888                                                Winchester, VA 22601
                                                                                                                                 (540) 662-3888

       For further information on notice of non-discrimination, see list of OCR enforcement offices for the addresses and phone numbers of the offices that serve your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.

Inspire 2025: A Promise for Progress - Frederick County ...
I feel like what we’re going to have is a
true vision that we’re all pushing for to
produce the best qualified people that
we can to leave our schools and go into
the world prepared for success whatever
they choose to do.”
                            — Josh Phelps
             President, Winchester Metals
Inspire 2025: A Promise for Progress - Frederick County ...
Dear Frederick County Residents,

I’m pleased to present you with Inspire 2025: A
Promise for Progress (Inspire 2025), a strategic plan
for Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS). Although
many view a strategic plan as little more than a
document that provides an organization with a guide
for the future, our strategic plan is different. While
Inspire 2025 certainly details the goals, objectives and
strategies to guide our school division over the next
several years, it also represents a vision for each of the
students we serve and our community as a whole. The
plan reflects our community’s expectation with regards
to our school division. That expectation is clearly stated
in our new Vision Statement: An innovative community
where caring relationships and authentic learning inspire all students.

Developing a strategic plan that will impact thousands of students, as well as our greater community, is no
easy task and certainly not a job to be taken lightly. Over the course of several months extending from the fall
of 2018 into the spring of 2019, an extensive, collaborative process was used to develop the FCPS Portrait
of a Graduate as well as Inspire 2025. This work was guided by the Strategic Planning Leadership Team and
facilitated by representatives from Battelle for Kids.

The Strategic Plan Portrait Design Team, which was comprised of approximately 50 people including parents,
business and community leaders, teachers and school administrators, provided valuable insights and
perspectives during the course of six meetings. Their work benefitted from feedback offered by the 17-member
Executive Business Focus Group and the Superintendent’s Student Leadership Council. We believe Inspire
2025 is stronger thanks to the many voices that were heard as the plan was developed.

All of those involved in the process are to be commended for not only developing an outstanding
strategic plan, but for modeling the competencies we want all of our students to master. Critical thinking,
communication, collaboration, creativity, social and cultural empathy, and flexibility are just a few of the traits
exhibited by those who participated in the strategic planning process.

Although the work to develop Inspire 2025 is now complete, the real work is just beginning as we partner with
our community to implement the plan. I encourage you to review Inspire 2025 and consider how you can get
involved and make a positive impact on our students, schools, and community.


David T. Sovine, Ed.D
Superintendent of Schools

Inspire 2025: A Promise for Progress - Frederick County ...
The FCPS Portrait of a Graduate was developed by a group of parents, students, business/community leaders and school staff.
It represents the competencies needed for students to be successful and “life ready” regardless of what they choose to pursue
after earning their high school diploma.

COMMUNICATION                                                          FLEXIBILITY, ADAPTABILITY, AND RESILIENCE
Conveys thoughts and ideas using oral, written, and nonverbal skills   Work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities.
in a variety of forms and contexts. Listens, reads, and observes to    Demonstrate understanding that there is often more than one
understand and decipher meaning, including knowledge, values,          way to achieve an outcome, and that there may be more than
attitudes, and intentions. Exchanges ideas for a range of purposes     one outcome that achieves understood interests. Exhibit agility
and audiences (i.e., to inform, instruct, motivate, persuade, learn,   in thoughts and actions. Respond productively to feedback,
develop relationships, etc.).                                          setbacks, and constructive criticisms. Understand, negotiate,
                                                                       and balance diverse views and beliefs to find common ground.
COLLABORATION                                                          Success is not final, and failure is not fatal.
Honor and leverage strengths of group members to build collective
commitment and action. Enrich the learning of both self and others     CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION
via cooperative efforts. Seek, contribute, and respond to feedback     Demonstrates originality, imagination, and new ways of thinking
to achieve collective outcomes. Elicit diverse perspectives and        about ideas. Transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, and
contributions. The greater good, common ground, and compromise         relationships to develop new and meaningful interpretations.
are vital concepts related to this competency.                         Translate new ideas into viable solutions that have value to others.
                                                                       Hold value outside of self. Understand the risks involved with
LEARNING HOW TO LEARN                                                  presenting new ideas, but also the potential rewards of doing so.
Embrace curiosity to experience new ideas. Possess the desire to
seek new knowledge and understandings, and to refine and update        CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING
current knowledge and understandings. Seek divergent perspectives      Identify authentic challenges and analyze information to deepen
in order to broaden and/or refine knowledge. Discover the joy of       thinking across subjects, and disciplines. Evaluate and question
learning for its own sake, as an outcome in itself, rather than just   evidence, arguments, claims, beliefs, and opposing perspectives
as a means to another outcome. Failure, errors, mistakes, and self-    to interpret information, draw conclusions, and pose solutions.
monitoring are necessary components for growth.                        Reflect on learning experiences, decision-making processes,
                                                                       and outcomes to make necessary adjustments.
Accurately imagine and internalize the thoughts, feelings, and
perspectives of others as a means of connection and compassion.
Demonstrate curiosity, sensitivity, and concern about the plight
of others in order to deepen understandings and relationships
through direct interaction. Embrace the differences between people,
societies, and nations, and the opportunities those differences
present for learning and growth. Seek where there is commonality,
as a way of demonstrating the shared humanity in all of us.

Inspire 2025: A Promise for Progress - Frederick County ...
FCPS began developing a Portrait of Graduate and updating the school division’s strategic plan
in the fall of 2018. On May 21, 2019, the Frederick County School Board adopted the FCPS
strategic plan for 2019–2025. Inspire 2025 was developed using a collaborative process that
engaged parents, students, business and community leaders as well as teachers and school
administrators. Representatives from Battelle for Kids facilitated the work.

                          ENVISION–                         DESIGN & DEVELOP: What are
                  PORTRAIT OF A GRADUATE:                    the priorities FCPS should
                 What are FCPS’ hopes, dreams,                focus on to implement its
                      and aspirations for                       Portrait of a Graduate?
                         each student?

                                          How can FCPS turn its                            SUCCEED:
    Who needs to be
                                        Portrait of a Graduate into a            Take action to turn our Portrait
     at the table?
                                         reality for every student?              of a Graduate into a reality for
                                                                                          all students!

       I think there’s great benefit in bringing folks to the table to discuss what the needs
       are, what that Portrait of a Graduate looks like whether they’re in school and they’re
       in that developmental process or whether they’ve graduated and are coming knocking
       on the door of the local businesses looking for employment. I think the more we can
       communicate and talk up front, the better off we all will be. Our students will be more
       successful not only in school, but also once they graduate.”
                                                                                —Jeff Long, parent

Inspire 2025: A Promise for Progress - Frederick County ...
               FCPS promises each and every student learning experiences grounded in high
  Goal 1:

               expectations, personalized to student needs and interests, tailored to inspire
  Student      passion and challenge thinking, and backed by necessary learning supports
  Success      today, so that each and every student is ready to pursue the dreams and
               opportunities of tomorrow.

               FCPS is a learning organization where students and staff thrive in safe,

  Goal 2:      supportive, nurturing environments, motivated by a culture of continuous
  Culture      growth so that each and every student becomes a contributing citizen in
               our global society.

   Goal 3:

               FCPS will support students and staff through meaningful, authentic learning
 Strategic     experiences and a focus on overall well-being by cultivating strategic, purposeful
Partnerships   partnerships with community members, organizations, and families.

  Goal 4:

               FCPS will be recognized as the preferred school community for individuals
               who are high achieving, compassionate, committed to continuous
  Quality      improvement, and who are inspired and inspire others.

Inspire 2025: A Promise for Progress - Frederick County ...
FCPS promises each and every student learning experiences grounded in high expectations,
personalized to student needs and interests, tailored to inspire passion and challenge thinking,
and backed by necessary learning supports today, so that each and every student is ready to
pursue the dreams and opportunities of tomorrow.

Objective 1
FCPS will create a Learning Framework that articulates our Portrait of a Graduate from Pre-K through 12th grade by the fall
of 2020.

• An FCPS Framework Team, comprised of division and school-based representatives, will develop a learning
   framework that explains how FCPS’s learning principles and systems support our Portrait of a Graduate and content
   standards, and integrates elements of our Tiered Systems of Support.
•   Conduct an inventory and gap analysis of current curriculum and instructional practices relative to the
    learning framework.
•   Identify and support high priority needs required to implement the learning framework to build capacity for all staff.

• Complete the learning framework by 2020.
•   Development of curriculum that incorporates the Portrait of a Graduate competencies.

Objective 2
FCPS will design and establish a PreK-12 system to assess the Portrait of a Graduate competencies by the fall of 2022.

• The Assessment Committee, comprised of division and school-based representatives, will conduct an inventory and
   gap analysis of current assessments relative to the Learning Framework.
•   Establish assessment processes and protocols for the Portrait of a Graduate competencies, with an emphasis
    on strong feedback loops among educators and students, student voice and choice, embedded goal-setting and
    growth, meaningful processes and products, and self-assessment and reflection for all students.
•   Develop reporting tools and processes that “tell the story” of student progress, identify areas for improvement, and
    use balanced assessment data.

• Development of measures to determine student progress on Portrait of a Graduate competencies.
•   Development of capstone projects at grades five, eight, and 12.

Inspire 2025: A Promise for Progress - Frederick County ...
Objective 3
By 2022, FCPS will implement instruction that integrates the vital components of the FCPS Learning Framework in
curriculum for meaningful, purposeful educational experiences.

• Develop plans, tools, and continuous improvement processes for curriculum, instruction, and assessment by
   the fall 2022.
•   Link the Portrait of a Graduate competencies, resources, and assessments to curriculum at all grade levels.
•   Use systems thinking and professional learning to identify, evaluate, and scale instructional practices that best
    align with the FCPS Learning Framework.
•   Establish a process to identify student interests and passions to include them in learning experiences by 2022.
•   Identify and implement instruction that engages all students in broader, deeper learning experiences,
    integrates our Portrait of a Graduate competencies, and cultivates student interests and passions by 2021.

• Classroom observation data.
•   School Quality and Perceptions Survey results.
•   Establishment of purposeful, meaningful partnerships that provide learning experiences outside
    the classroom.


FCPS is a learning organization where students and staff thrive in safe, supportive, nurturing
environments, motivated by a culture of continuous growth so that each and every student
becomes a contributing citizen in our global society.

Objective 1
All staff will have regular opportunities to collaborate with both their job-alike peers and interdisciplinary peers by
the fall of 2020.

• Conduct an audit to identify strengths and opportunities for staff to collaborate. Based on identified gaps, develop
   and implement action plans to provide the structure for collaboration.
•   Establish norms, structures, and feedback loops for teacher collaborative teams.
•   Use feedback loops to determine and develop job-embedded professional learning opportunities that focus on the
    topic of effective collaboration.

• Employee Engagement Survey results.
• Master schedules.

Objective 2
FCPS will nurture a culture of continuous professional learning to refine and expand professional practice and
support student growth and development by 2022.

•   Apply systems thinking to analyze data, identify needs, and determine learning designs to support new
    practices that impact student growth.
•   Divisions, schools, and individuals will work together to develop and implement structures to build
    understanding of effective professional learning.
•   Develop and implement structures to manage individual and system change.

•   Develop and implement structures to monitor quality and results.

• Feedback from professional learning that reflects shifts in culture.
•   Implementation of personalized learning plans for staff.

Objective 3
FCPS will promote an engaged learning community characterized by trust and belonging, which values diverse
perspectives and encourages individual voice and choice by 2020.

• Strengthen and expand opportunities for open communication and transparency among the internal and
   external school community.
•   Establish and support relationships among staff to cultivate personal strengths and build autonomy and trust.
•   Develop and implement practices that support innovation and new ideas at a division-level, building/
    department-level, and classroom-level.
•   Scale opportunities for student-led learning across the division.
•   Use design thinking to implement learning experiences based on student interest and passion.
•   Develop, implement, and expand practices that focus on inclusion, equity, opportunity, and excellence for all
    members of the community.

• School Quality and Perceptions Survey results.
•   Employee Engagement Survey results.
•   Virginia Working Conditions Survey (teacher version) results.
•   Improved staff and student attendance.

Objective 4
Collect and analyze data across our education system to monitor progress on the goals of Inspire 2025 and
adjust as needed.

•   Identify the indicators that can be used as a part of systems thinking such as climate surveys, teacher
    attendance, student attendance, teacher transfer requests, instances of teacher volunteerism for school
    events, student discipline, etc. to determine progress within Inspire 2025.
•   Use data from the identified indicators to make adjustments based on strengths and opportunities.
•   Create and use a structure for communicating progress toward continuous improvement goals.

• Development, implementation, and monitoring of a comprehensive accountability system that measures
    progress toward Inspire 2025 goals.


FCPS will support students and staff through meaningful, authentic learning experiences and
a focus on overall well-being by cultivating strategic, purposeful partnerships with community
members, organizations, and families.

Objective 1
By the fall of 2021, FCPS will establish a plan to develop, sustain, and grow strategic and purposeful partnerships.

• Establish an FCPS committee of stakeholders, including community partners, school-based and division-level
   staff, board members and families to develop a plan to address partnerships.
•   Identify and define elements of the plan to be developed.
•   Develop a system to manage an inventory of current and possible partnerships.

• A completed comprehensive plan for strategic partnerships.

Objective 2
By the fall of 2021, FCPS will engage all students through academic and social-emotional learning experiences
supported by partnerships.

• Connect student interest, needs, and curriculum to local and global partnership opportunities.
•   Develop a network of staff and partners whose role is to support the integration of learning experiences through
    partnerships at all grade levels.
•   Enhance partnerships that educate and support the whole child.
•   Provide professional learning for teachers to support the integration of partnerships with their students.

• Increased partnerships that support student engagement.
•   Increased student participation in educational partnerships.
•   School Quality and Perceptions Survey results.

Objective 3
FCPS will connect with all families by strengthening two-way communications, relationships, and family engagement.

• Establish a Family Engagement Advisory Council, comprised of family members that reflect the
   division’s demographic, charged with defining opportunities and developing recommendations to
   improve family engagement.
•   Provide professional learning and resources for school staff related to improving family engagement.
•   Implement student-led conferencing at all levels using a variety of tools and experiences to promote student,
    family,and staff collaboration that supports student growth.
•   Develop a process for reporting student progress to families that harnesses the real-time advantages of
    digital resources, better reflects student learning, and provides for meaningful collaboration between families and staff.

• School Quality and Perceptions Survey results.
•   Increase in attendance and the number of family engagement experiences such as student showcases,
    student-led conferences, events, outreach, etc.
•   Development of school-level strategic communication plans.


FCPS will be recognized as the preferred school community for individuals who are high achieving,
compassionate, committed to continuous improvement, and who are inspired and inspire others.

Objective 1
Create the Portrait of an FCPS Talent Contributor by 2020.

• Assemble a panel of students, staff, and community members to identify what should be reflected in the Portrait
    of an FCPS Talent Contributor.
•   Plan the communication of the Portrait of a Talent Contributor in conjunction with communication coordinator.
•   Incorporate Portrait of a Talent Contributor competencies and qualities into selection process and evaluation
    criteria for FCPS staff.

• Completion of the Portrait of a Talent Contributor.
•   Implementation of competency-based interview and evaluation tools.
•   Development of recruiting and marketing materials that portray the qualities and competencies of the Portrait of
    a Talent Contributor.

Objective 2
FCPS will enhance recruiting efforts by defining and effectively sharing the FCPS brand by 2020.

• Create a panel of employees to evaluate and provide feedback on the current recruitment process.
•   Analyze sources of successful teacher candidates and classified staff.
•   Gather data on exit interviews and surveys to identify patterns and contributing factors to identify areas for
•   Develop and begin process for stay interviews to identify what contributes to retention and to use in
•   Develop an annual plan for recruitment that includes external job fairs, FCPS job fairs, social media
    advertising, and marketing materials.
•   Identify resources and focus recruitment and retention efforts to support equity in recruitment.

• Collection of data from exit interviews and panel participants.
•   Development of a questionnaire to be used for stay interviews and compilation of results.
•   Development of recruiting and marketing materials that reflect positive factors related to retention using stay
    interview data.
•   Collection of data on successful minority and equity recruitment sources and strategies.

•   Development of a recruitment plan that targets top sources of high-quality candidates.

Objective 3
By the fall of 2020, complete a comprehensive plan for rewards and recognition that includes a total rewards study
with goals and targets for the next five years.

• Review and enhance health and wellness benefits to include voluntary benefits, onsite clinic, pharmacy
   options, and daycare.
•   Compare FCPS salaries and benefits with surrounding areas for targeted areas to maintain or improve.
•   Gather data from exit interviews and surveys to identify patterns and factors, reflect on current practices, and
    identify areas for improvement.
•   Study existing engagement survey data to identify strong areas and opportunities for improvement.
•   Enhance training and professional learning for all talent contributors.
•   Promote existing local discounts and identify other desirable discount options for employees locally and
•   Schedule Employee Assistance Program events and promote access regularly.

• Completion of benefits and salary survey.
•   Identified strengths and areas of concern from survey data.
•   Development of training and an Employee Assistance Program class schedule.
•   Communication of class offerings and promotion of opportunities during orientation and within school

Objective 4
By the fall of 2020, the FCPS Human Resources Department (HR) will create a departmental strategic plan that will
include an internal review of current policies, practices, and goals that align with division goals.

• Identify the key functional areas in HR for review.
•   Conduct focus groups to gather input on processes.
•   Review functional areas and identify process improvements.
•   Communicate updates on changes and processes to stakeholders.

• Completed plan with specific action steps.

Strategic Plan Leadership Team
The Strategic Plan Leadership Team provided oversight to the process of developing the Frederick County Public
Schools Portrait of a Graduate and Inspire 2025. The team met frequently with representatives from Battelle for Kids
to develop and execute the strategic planning process, and make final decisions regarding the goals, objectives,
and strategies.

   Dr. David Sovine - Superintendent
   Dr. Jim Angelo - Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
   Dr. Albert Orndorff - Assistant Superintendent for Administration
   Steve Edwards - Coordinator of Policy and Communications
   Sam Gross - James Wood High School Principal
   Dr. Julie Myers - Director of Middle and Secondary Instructional Services
   Kathryn Neal - Coordinator of Professional Learning
   Crystal Nicola - Orchard View Elementary School Principal
   Jeri Swogger - Director of Elementary Instructional Services

Portrait Design Team
The Portrait Design Team included a variety of community stakeholders as well as FCPS staff members. The team’s
work included developing the FCPS Portrait of a Graduate; identifying critical focus areas for the strategic plan
based upon the school division’s current state; providing feedback on draft vision and mission statements; reviewing
draft goals, objectives, and strategies in Inspire 2025; and providing input on graphics related to the Portrait of a
Graduate and FCPS logo.

   Julie Angelo - Parent
   Marina Bass - Parent
   Stephanie Berry - FCPS Teacher
   Lauren Champagne - FCPS Teacher
   Jeanian Clark - Community Member, Business Leader
   Shannon Combs - FCPS Teacher
   Jill Couturiaux - FCPS Teacher
   Justin Crotti - FCPS Teacher
   Olivia Feldman - FCPS Teacher
   Chad Fisher - FCPS Teacher
   Jay Foreman - Parent, School Board Member
   Kathy Franceschi - FCPS Teacher
   Christine Germeyer - Parent
   Tami Green - Parent
   Amy Hall - FCPS Administrator
   Jean Harper-Smith - FCPS Support Staff
   Rita Hart - FCPS Administrator
   Mark Hawkins - FCPS Administrator
   Sara Horn - FCPS Teacher
   Wendi Houser - FCPS Teacher

Richard Kennedy - Community Member, Business Leader
   Jeffery Long - Parent
   Pat McKinney - Community Member (Retired)
   Nikki Mongan - FCPS Teacher
   Glenn Moreland - FCPS Administrator
   Keri Mounts - Parent, Business Leader
   Kerry Mueller - FCPS Administrator
   Will Murphy - Parent
   Jessica Nail - FCPS Administrator
   Bryan Newman - FCPS Teacher
   Aimee Nuwer - Parent
   Eric Patterson - Community Member, Business Leader
   Cindi Petty - FCPS Teacher
   Josh Phelps - Parent, Community Member, Business Leader
   Fritz Polite - Community Member, Business Leader
   Kevin Popp - FCPS Teacher
   Nadine Pottinga - Community Member, Business Leader
   Jerry Putt - FCPS Administrator
   Jen Ralls - FCPS Teacher
   Stephanie Reed - FCPS Administrator
   Doug Rinker - Community Member, Business Leader
   Nick Sabo - Community Member, Business Leader
   Elizabeth Savage - Community Member, Business Leader
   Logan Sheppard - FCPS Administrator
   Becky Shollay - FCPS Teacher
   Clarence Smith - FCPS Teacher
   Amy Strosnider - FCPS Teacher
   Shontyá Washington - Parent, School Board Member
   Mark Weisbrod - FCPS Administrator
   Rob Yost - FCPS Administrator

Executive Business Focus Group
The Strategic Plan Executive Business Focus Group included executive level business leaders from across
the Winchester/Frederick County community. The group provided feedback and perspectives on the Portrait
of a Graduate, specifically regarding the skills students need to be successful in the future. The group also
reviewed the current state analysis of the school division, as well as the recommended priority areas for
Inspire 2025.
   Patrick Barker, Executive Director - Frederick County EDA
   Shane Bell, Executive Vice President/CFO - First Bank
   Dr. Kim Blosser, President - Lord Fairfax Community College
   Susan Brooks, Senior Vice President - (Joe Dewalt, designee, attending first meeting on
   Ms. Brooks’ behalf) - Navy Federal Credit Union
   Bob Claytor, President - H.N. Funkhouser & Company
   Dr. Tracy Fitzsimmons, President - Shenandoah University
   Scott Harvard, CEO - First Bank
   Brian Hester, Vice President/Small Business Specialist - BB&T

Colonel Scott Lowdermilk, G3, Operations and Plans - Transatlantic Division US Army Corps of Engineers
   Mark Merrill, President/CEO - Valley Health
   Kim Payne, Talent Acquisition, Human Resources - American Woodmark
   Dr. Nick Restrepo, Vice President, Medical Affairs - Winchester Medical Center
   Ken Rice, Executive Vice President - H.N. Funkhouser & Company
   Jay Rudolph, Vice President, Human Resources - Trex
   Liz Savage, Vice President of Human Resources - Valley Health
   Ben Waterman, Director, Business Development - Monoflo International
   Ed White, Senior Vice President - McGriff Insurance/BB&T

Superintendent’s Student Leadership Council
The Superintendent’s Student Leadership Council includes two student representatives from each of Frederick County’s
middle and high schools as well as the Dowell J. Howard Center. Council members provided a student perspective on
the competencies to be included in the FCPS Portrait of a Graduate. The group also provided feedback on draft vision
and mission statements; the draft goals, objectives, and strategies in Inspire 2025; and the graphics related to the
Portrait of a Graduate and FCPS logo.
   Andrew Allder - Dowell J. Howard Center
   Charlotte Bass - James Wood Middle School
   Rylie Benson - Robert E. Aylor Middle School
   Jillian Deignan - Sherando High School
   Olivia Escalante - Millbrook High School
   Ashley McGuire - Admiral Richard E. Byrd Middle School
   Itzel Mendoza De Santiago - Frederick County Middle School
   Sophia Mezzatesta - Frederick County Middle School
   Madison Murphy - Admiral Richard E. Byrd Middle School
   Ashley Pacheco-Arrospide - Millbrook High School
   Faith Spinks - James Wood High School
   Belicia Stillman - Dowell J. Howard Center
   Kristyna Van Sickler - James Wood High School
   Eva Winston - James Wood Middle School
   Emmy Woolever - Robert E. Aylor Middle School
   Joseph Zollinger - Sherando High School

I believe the updated Strategic Plan and the Portrait of
Graduate will effectively outline the true mission of Frederick
County Public Schools to students, and will allow them to get
a feel for how the district has aided them over the years, and
how they can then use all that has been given to them for the
betterment of our society.”
             —Joseph Zollinger, Sherando High School student

As a parent it’s been really awesome to see and to hear the
different perspectives from the business side as well as the
teacher and administrative side and how they would like to see
that Portrait of a Graduate get accomplished.”
         —Shontyá Washington, parent and school board member

At the end of the day, we just want to be able to prepare
these students to be able to be effective and accountable
and responsible citizens in our communities.”
                                             —Dr. Fritz Polite
    Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Shenandoah University

It’s definitely to think towards the future because the students
we have today are not the students we had 20 years ago. They
learn differently, they think differently and so it’s important
that we change our teaching in the classroom in order to meet
the needs of these learners. Not only is it essential to teach
our students content material, but the value in teaching them
competencies such as communication and collaboration,
critical thinking and cultural awareness. We realize that is
also equally important.”
                                  — Jill Couturiaux, FCPS teacher

We’re identifying that we’re producing future participants in our
community. Whatever their participation is, that’s what we’re
trying to produce through our school systems. Educators have a
vision of that. Employers have a vision of what they would like
to see coming out of the school system. Parents obviously have
a very vested interest, so you have to have all of those people at
the table to be able to say this is what we really want.”
                     —Josh Phelps, President, Winchester Metals

                              Methods or tools that are used to determine learning and progress.
Assessment                    Examples include tests, essays, projects, presentations, and discussions
                              with students about a skill.
Assessment Processes and
                              Guidelines followed in the administration of assessments.
                              A collection of information that determines student learning and progress.
Balanced Assessment Data
                              Examples include multiple choice tests, essays, projects, and presentations.
                              A method of evaluating student learning over a period of time in which
                              students study, conduct research, and use their abilities, interests, and
Capstone Project              personal experiences to create something new. Typically, this involves a
                              real-world connection and, at a minimum, occurs at the end of fifth, eighth,
                              and 12th grades.

Classroom Observation Data Information collected from observing teachers teach and students learn.

                              A style of staff selection that evaluates an individual’s specific qualities as it
Interview and Evaluation
                              relates to the organization’s desired skills for its employees.
                              A system in which an outside group (for example, the Virginia Department
                              of Education) tests students to determine whether they are making the
Accountability System
                              right amount of progress toward a learning goal.
                              A planning process in which the needs of a user are considered before
Design Thinking
                              something is created, to make sure it is useful.
                              Checking for understanding and providing information in a way that helps
Feedback Loops
                              the learner continue to grow.
                              A review of data that shows the current state of a person or organization
Gap Analysis
                              compared to the ultimate goal of that person or organization.
                              Providing opportunities for a student to actively engage in communicating
Individual Voice and Choice
                              how he/she learns best with a willingness to honor his/her feedback.
Job-embedded Professional
                              Opportunities for staff learning that occur during the regular workday.

Learning Designs              Activities or environments specifically selected which lead to learning.

Learning Environment          Any setting where learning occurs.

                              Instruction that is designed to meet the needs of a student capitalizing on
Personalized Learning Plans
                              his/her learning preferences and interests.
Portrait of a Talent          Clearly defined characteristics needed by individuals who are employed by
Contributor                   an organization. A "talent contributor" refers to the employee.

Opportunities for a person to build upon the ability to understand and
Social Emotional Learning
                            manage emotions, establish and keep positive relationships, show
                            empathy for others, and make good decisions.
                            Short meetings conducted with current employees to gather information
Stay Interviews             that will help Frederick County Public Schools understand why employees
                            remain with the school division.
                            A conference during which students lead a discussion of their work,
Student-led Conferencing    including academic and social goals, with parents/guardians, teachers or
                            other school staff.

Student-led Learning        Enabling students to be in control of their own learning.

                            The use of data to determine academic and behavior practices for students
Systems Thinking
                            and the supports needed for staff to implement identified practices.
                            A framework/process to help all students be successful academically and
Tiered Systems of Support

Frederick County Public Schools
      1415 Amherst Street
     Winchester, VA 22601
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