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Table of Contents About Georgia Highlands College ............................................................................................ 3 Academic Integrity .................................................................................................................. 3 Amenities ................................................................................................................................ 3 Attendance .............................................................................................................................. 3 Instructors ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Records ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Reporting in Score ............................................................................................................................ 3 Assessment at GHC .................................................................................................................. 6 Calendars ................................................................................................................................ 6 Campus and Site Locations ...................................................................................................... 6 Campus Carry .......................................................................................................................... 6 Campus Police ......................................................................................................................... 6 Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) ............................................................. 7 Compensation (Part-Time Faculty Only) .................................................................................. 7 Copying/Printing ..................................................................................................................... 7 Course Evaluations .................................................................................................................. 7 Desire 2 Learn (D2L)................................................................................................................. 7 Email ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Faculty Senate ......................................................................................................................... 8 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ................................................................. 9 Final Exams ............................................................................................................................. 9 GHC Employee Handbook ........................................................................................................ 9 GHC Inform .............................................................................................................................. 9 GHC Notify ............................................................................................................................... 9 Grades ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Identification Card ................................................................................................................. 12 Information Technology Support ........................................................................................... 12 Library ................................................................................................................................... 12 Mail ....................................................................................................................................... 13 Meetings ............................................................................................................................... 13 1
Office Space for Part-Time Faculty ......................................................................................... 13 Parking .................................................................................................................................. 13 Scheduling Classes ................................................................................................................. 13 Separation Notices ................................................................................................................ 13 Student Behavior ................................................................................................................... 14 Student Support Services ....................................................................................................... 14 Supplies ................................................................................................................................. 15 Syllabi.................................................................................................................................... 15 Teaching Expectations ........................................................................................................... 15 Teaching Load ....................................................................................................................... 15 Testing Services ..................................................................................................................... 15 Weather ................................................................................................................................ 15 Withdrawals .......................................................................................................................... 16 Contact Information .............................................................................................................. 16 Administration ............................................................................................................................... 16 Campus/Site Leadership ................................................................................................................. 16 Academic Leadership ..................................................................................................................... 17 Campus/Site Maps ................................................................................................................ 19 Cartersville Instructional Site ......................................................................................................... 19 Douglasville Instructional Site ........................................................................................................ 20 Floyd Campus ................................................................................................................................. 21 Heritage Hall Instructional Site ....................................................................................................... 22 Marietta Instructional Site ............................................................................................................. 23 Paulding Instructional Site.............................................................................................................. 24 Spring Semester 2021 Final Exam Schedule ........................................................................... 25 IT Quick Reference Guide ……………………………………………..……………………………………………………………...26 2
About Georgia Highlands College • Founded in 1970 as Floyd Junior College, a two-year unit of the University System of Georgia • Currently includes Floyd Campus and Instructional Sites in Cartersville, Douglasville, Heritage Hall (downtown Rome, GA), Marietta, and Paulding County (Dallas, GA) • In 2011 GHC earned approval to offer a Bachelor of Nursing degree and moved from a two-year status to classification as a state college. • Currently, GHC offers six Bachelor degrees and thirty-four Associate degree pathways, plus three career programs and eleven online options. Academic Integrity Academic Integrity information includes the Code of Conduct and Student Rights and Responsibilities. It is important understand and provide students with expectations for their conduct in your classroom and on your assignments and assessments. There are different ways to inform students that they have violated this policy which include the Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity Violation Report Form. Consult the website for procedures and forms. Amenities Depending on location, faculty may have access to amenities such as gym facilities or cafeteria options. Check with your departmental Administrative Assistant for additional information. Attendance Instructors Instructors are expected to be present for each class session. In the event of an emergency which makes class attendance impossible, the campus dean and academic dean, as well as the administrative assistant for the school should be notified. A sign will be placed on the classroom door to notify students of the cancellation. Students can also be notified by email. If an absence is needed due to attendance at a professional meeting or another non-emergency situation, please notify your dean, division chair or administrative assistant as soon as possible. Records Accurate records of class attendance should be kept. Rolls must be verified near the beginning of the semester; any students who have not attended must be reported to the Registrar. The last day of attendance for a student who withdraws is important information which you need to record. Students who do not withdraw, but stop attending are assigned F$ rather than F to make the distinction which is important in regards to financial aid eligibility. The Registrar will email reminders for recording attendance throughout the semester. Reporting in Score Our registrar, Ed Rosser, publishes the reporting days for every semester on this page: Faculty Resources. These due dates are crucial for students who are transferring to other institutions or preparing to graduate. It is imperative that all reporting be complete by the due dates listed in Ed’s calendar, every term. Not reporting by the deadline can hold up processes that must happen in other areas of the college, and this delay can result in negative consequences for students. 3
For the new attendance verification process faculty will only need to report those students that have never attended class. Attendance will now be reported in SCORE under the Attendance Verification link (Attendance Verification Guide). • Log into SCORE • Click on SCORE (located in the private access column). • Enter your user ID (your 900 number) and your PIN. Your PIN is the same as when you enter final grades. Contact IT if you don’t know it.) 4
• Click on Faculty Services, then Attendance Verification. • Select the Term • Select the CRN o Check only students who qualify as “Never Attended.” (See “Important Note” below.) o If all of your students are attending, just click “Save.” • Click Save IMPORTANT NOTE: A student should be listed as Never Attended only if he/she has never attended class and has never submitted any assignments. This is the case even if he/she has communicated with you regarding why he/she has never attended and has not submitted any assignments. You will have an opportunity to request that the student be reinstated into your class by simply emailing registrar@highlands.edu with the student’s name, ID# and the CRN of the class. If you have questions please feel free to contact your division chair or Ed Rosser, Director of Registrar, at erosser@highlands.edu. 5
Assessment at GHC All GHC faculty members play a vital role in the overall mission of the college. Part of the mission of GHC is to assure that we are providing quality instruction to our students. You and your departmental colleagues will identify challenges to student success in the courses your department offers. You'll develop a plan to solve these challenges and measure the effects of your efforts. This ongoing cycle will be documented annually in your departmental TLAP (Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Plan). It’s a simple process but one that is vital to what we do at GHC. You may also be asked to serve on a General Education Competency assessment team and/or provide assignments from your students as assessment data. If you wish to learn more about assessment at GHC, contact the Student Learning Outcomes Coordinator, Michelle Abbott, mabbott@highlands.edu, 404-545-8676. Calendars Academic and event calendars may be accessed at GHC Calendars. Campus and Site Locations GHC offers classes at the following locations: Floyd Campus and Heritage Hall Site, Cartersville Site, Paulding Site, Douglasville Site, and the Marietta Site. Read more about our campuses/instructional sites. Campus Carry Georgia Highlands College is committed to providing a safe environment for students, employees, and campus visitors, while respecting the rights of individuals who are licensed to carry a concealed handgun as permitted by Georgia state law in regards to House Bill 280, commonly known as the “campus carry” legislation, effective on July 1, 2017. It will be the responsibility of those license-holders who choose to carry concealed handguns on campus to know the law and to understand where they can go while carrying. Additionally, the University System of Georgia Board of Regents has issued general guidance developed by the Board of Regents Office of Legal Affairs. You will find a webform linked from the GHC Campus Carry page to express any of your concerns or questions. • USG’s Guidance on House Bill 280 • Additional information on House Bill 280 • House Bill 280 Campus Police For information about campus security, parking, and safety, consult the website. Please note that Marietta faculty will need to contact KSU Campus Police. All other campuses and sites will contact GHC Campus Police at 706-295-6347 or campussafety@highlands.edu. Campus Safety offices are located on each campus/instructional site at the following locations: • Cartersville: within the Academic building (labeled building “A”), which is between the Student Center and the STEAM building. Use the entrance in the center of the building. (The entrance 6
leads to a foyer with a 2nd story balcony.) The office is immediately to the left of the interior doors. • Douglasville: in the front of the building with the administrative offices. • Floyd: between the Charger Café and the Book Store in the Student Center. • Marietta: Campus safety at Marietta campus is handled by the Kennesaw State University Police Department. • Paulding: immediately inside the front doors of the Bagby Building. Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning is dedicated to supporting all faculty at GHC. The CETL specializes in working with faculty on a variety of teaching aspects, including course design, innovative instructional practices, and instructional technologies. Workshops and webinars are available throughout the academic year. Consult the website for additional services, such as individual and confidential teaching consultations. Additionally, support for instructional technology is provided through CETL. This includes help with designing or setting up a course, teaching with classroom technology, or other technology-based instructional or pedagogical needs. For more information about the CETL or to schedule an appointment, contact cetl@highlands.edu. Compensation (Part-Time Faculty Only) Pay checks for full-session (15-week terms) are issued in four installments each semester. For Fall semester compensation is issued at the end of September, October, November, and December. For Spring semester compensation is issued at the end of February, March, April, and May. Copying/Printing The faculty GHC ID card is used to access the copiers and printers. Each faculty member will be given an allowance to be determined by the academic dean. Contact your division chair or academic school administrative assistant for assistance. Course Evaluations During the last few weeks of each semester, students are sent instructions about how to complete student course evaluations. These are sent from the Planning, Assessment, Accreditation, and Research Office (PAAR). After grades have been turned in, a summary of the evaluations is sent to the instructor and to the academic dean. Instructors should use feedback from student evaluations to continually try to make improvements. Desire 2 Learn (D2L) D2L is the name of our learning management system (LMS). We can communicate, facilitate learning, and provide necessary information to students through this platform. D2L allows you to provide student grades, administer online quizzes, facilitate discussion boards, provide course content, and post syllabi and other handouts online. An expectation of faculty is to “maintain current and accurate academic records of student performance available for viewing by the students and the instructor’s academic dean in D2L” (GHC Intranet, Expectations of the Teaching Faculty). Please contact rt@highlands.edu for assistance and additional information. 7
Email All GHC Faculty are assigned a single sign-on (SSO) account that includes email provided by Microsoft Office 365. This email account is the official communication mechanism of the institution and should be used accordingly. In other words, please check this email account regularly by visiting outlook.office.com (or portal.office.com) to access your email. Most all forms of written communication and electronic message sharing are in scope of the Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. § 50-18-70). Each email message you send or receive as an employee is a public record that can be used against you or GHC in a dispute. Keep email messages professional, polite, and send them to the minimum number of people necessary. Never use your employee email account for personal gain or participation in political activities. The use of a personal email account for work purposes makes that account subject to open records requests and you are legally responsible for fulfilling those requests, regardless of their apparent purpose or validity. Therefore, it is not permissible to use a personal (Google Gmail, Outlook.com, et al.) email account for communicating to coworkers or students in your official capacity as a GHC Faculty member. It is not permissible to programmatically forward your GHC email to a personal email account. These activities are specifically prohibited by the IT Acceptable Use Policy and their associated standards. Email is not a secure form of communication. Do not handle Social Security Numbers (SSNs), medical records, tax forms, or state or federal identification numbers using email. Never ask a student to send you their SSN by email or by any other unsecure form of communication. This a violation of Georgia’s Social Security Protection Law O.C.G.A. § 10-1-393.8. Be aware that phishing represents a serious information security concern to Georgia Highlands College. Phishing scams typically redirect you to a form and ask you for your account credentials, personal information, and/or payment, which could be used for criminal activity. Additionally, they may contain attachments (disguised as urgent documents) or links to compromised websites that will automatically install malicious software on your computer. Ransomware (software that encrypts your documents and renders them inaccessible) is a particularly common form of malicious software that is deployed through phishing messages. It is often the case that ransomware leads to irreversible data loss. GHC IT will NEVER ask you to ‘revalidate’, ‘renew’, ‘license’, ‘update’, or ‘upgrade’ your accounts by email nor will anyone from GHC request your account password(s) through email. Other ways you can identify phishing messages include: • the attempt to create a sense of urgency or convince you that you’ve made a serious error, such as forgetting to pay an invoice. • a request for you to confirm some sort of personal information. • noticeably poor writing that contains grammatical errors or a strange, incorrect use of language. • unsolicited, vague, or suspicious links or attachments. Faculty Senate The Faculty Senate functions in a cooperative capacity to the College President, offering guidance on all matters related to the Teaching and Library Faculty, including Part-Time Faculty. Senate meetings are 8
held monthly via video conference. Part-Time faculty members are eligible to hold non-voting positions in the Senate. Interested faculty members should discuss those opportunities with their Academic Deans. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) According to FERPA, only directory information can be released for students. Information about grades should be privately given only to the student. If a parent calls, wanting to talk about a student’s situation, the registrar’s office should be contacted to determine whether the student has signed a waiver allowing permission. Final Exams A final exam schedule has been determined before a semester begins. This information is found in the course catalog and Academic Calendars pages on the GHC website and on page 25 of this document. If an individual student has three exams scheduled on the same day, then one of the exams may be rescheduled. Instructors are expected to utilize the final exam periods for administering end-of-term exams or assignments. Dates may not be changed without approval from the Dean. GHC Employee Handbook GHC provides a handbook for all employees. Please note that some sections are related to full-time employees only. GHC Inform GHC Inform is an employee newsletter designed to reduce the number of mass email messages sent to employees for informational purposes. This service can be accessed anytime by visiting GHC Inform. All employees will be automatically subscribed to receive a daily email update to GHC Inform. This email contains a brief description of stories submitted within the last 24 hours, along with a link to access each in its entirety. GHC Notify Georgia Highlands College distributes emergency weather and campus closing alerts through GHC Notify. Faculty members are strongly encouraged to opt-in to GHC Notify. Please note this website is only available while on campus or by using GHC’s VPN services. Grades A few grading facts to remember: • One of the grading options is an “Incomplete.” If you have a student who you believe might benefit from a grade of I, please contact your division chair to discuss the situation. To assign an incomplete grade the Incomplete Grade form must be filled out and turned in to the Registrar’s Office. • To assign an unearned F grade (F$ or F$%) you must enter the last date of attendance. These are the only grades that require a last date of attendance but none of your grades will save without it. The unearned F grade means a student did not complete at least 60% of the required course work. This does not necessarily mean attendance; but, if attendance is part of the grading rubric then it could certainly be a factor. 9
• Instructors teaching Learning Support classes (ENGL 0999, MATH 0997, 0999, etc.), please make sure you post final grades with the percent symbol (A%, B%, C%, or F%) • Please report any roll discrepancies to Sherri Beideck in the Registrar’s Office (sbeideck@highlands.edu). • Grades may be entered and/or changed online via SCORE until the grading period ends. After grading has closed changes must be made via the official grade change form. • Chairs are able to assist with grading-related questions. Our Director of Registrar, Ed Rosser, determines the deadline for turning in grades before the beginning of the semester and publishes it on this Faculty Resources page. Grades are submitted online using SCORE. Please note that grades in your D2L grade book do not transfer automatically into SCORE. Directions for entering grades are available online here. Also, see directions below. • Go to the GHC home page and click on SCORE (located under Quick Links). • Click on SCORE (located in the private access column). 10
• Enter your user ID (your 900 number) and your PIN. Your PIN is the same as when you enter final grades. Contact IT if you don’t know it.) • Click on Faculty Services, then Midterm Grades or Final Grades. • From the dropdown box select the current semester and submit. 11
• Select the CRN number of the class and submit. • When you are done, click the Submit button. If you have more than one class, choose another CRN from the Menu area. Exit the system when you have completed all of your classes. The same procedure is used for entering midterm grades. Instructors can expect an email from Registrar, Ed Rosser at erosser@highlands.edu, containing dates for the above. In the event an error has been made in reporting a final grade, the instructor must fill out a Grade Change Form. Identification Card The GHC ID card is sometimes referred to as a “Charger Card,” since the mascot for GHC is the Charger. To get your Charger card, simply go to the ID office on any campus. The same GHC ID can used for semesters thereafter. The card is needed for using printers/copiers as well as for entrance into certain areas, such as computer rooms. If you are teaching on the Marietta Instructional Site, then you will need to get a KSU ID card. Contact Ken Reaves at kreaves@highlands.edu for detailed instructions. Information Technology Support Help in resolving IT issues can be obtained by emailing rt@highlands.edu. This includes help with email, D2L, classroom hardware, or software. Library In addition to providing reference services directly to students, GHC Libraries provide essential instructional services in partnership with GHC's disciplinary faculty at all GHC campus locations. These services include teaching assignment-based instruction sessions for all subjects at all levels, developing online assignment-based research guides for students, providing virtual embedded librarian services in D2L, and offering research assignment design consultation and assistance to faculty. Faculty who are interested in scheduling an instruction session or embedded librarian services for their class may fill out the Instruction Request form. Instruction should be requested no later than one week in advance of the desired class date. It should be noted that, as instruction sessions are collaborative efforts between disciplinary faculty and librarians, library policy requires that the instructor be present for the scheduled session. Librarians are full-time faculty members who are not to be seen as substitutes to cover for an instructor's absence, nor will they proctor tests or grade papers for disciplinary faculty. More information about relevant library policies is available online. 12
Mail A mailbox is provided for faculty members at the site(s) where they teach. Please check this regularly. Contact the Academic School Administrative Assistant or the Campus/Site Administrative Assistant for the site to find the location of mailboxes. A regular schedule has been established for courier services between sites. The Administrative Assistant can provide information about the schedule. Meetings Aside from Part-Time In-Service for Fall, and new Part-Time Faculty Orientation in Spring, part-time faculty members are not required to attend faculty meetings. However, all faculty members are welcome to attend any and all general faculty and school meetings. All full-time faculty are expected to attend all departmental, school, and general faculty meetings. Office Space for Part-Time Faculty At some sites there is an office or designated area that Part-Time Faculty can use for working and meeting with students. The Academic or Campus Dean can provide more information about what is available at each location. Parking A parking hang tag is needed for all faculty. Parking hang tags for other sites can be obtained through Campus Security. Prior to arriving on campus to pick up your permit, complete the Parking Permit Request. You will receive a confirmation number when you submit the form. Save this number and provide it at any GHC Campus Police Office to obtain a parking pass. However, faculty teaching at Marietta will need a permit from Kennesaw State University. If teaching at Marietta, contact Ken Reaves at kreaves@highlands.edu for detailed instructions. Scheduling Classes The academic deans and division chairs create the schedule of classes for their particular division based on projected enrollment, past enrollment data, needs at various campus/site, etc. The schedule for a given semester is made months in advance. The need for part-time faculty is determined after tentative schedules for the full-time faculty have been established. Throughout orientations and registration, a close watch is kept on enrollment numbers to determine whether new sections need to be added or sections need to be cancelled. Decisions regarding class cancellations due to insufficient enrollment could be made as late as the first week of class. The academic dean or chair notifies a faculty member when a class he/she was scheduled to teach is cancelled. In the event a class that was scheduled to be taught by a full-time faculty member gets cancelled, reassignment of other classes may be necessitated. Separation Notices Contracts for part-time instructors are on a semester by semester basis, and there is no guarantee of subsequent employment. Separation Notices are provided to part-time faculty upon resignation or decision by the division chair to no longer reappoint. For questions about other employment policies, please contact the Office of Human Resources. 13
Student Behavior In most cases the instructor is able to handle disruptive student behavior. However, students may occasionally need more help than the instructor can provide. GHC has implemented Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) teams at each site. Faculty members are encouraged to report issues to Student Support Services. Care tickets can be submitted using the form in the GHC Intranet. Any Student Code of Conduct violation should be reported to Human Resources. Student Support Services Student Support Services is committed to providing students with disabilities access to our campuses’ resources and opportunities to obtain a quality educational experience at GHC. Students with disabilities are entitled to non-discrimination and reasonable accommodations. The primary form of service delivery will be Faculty Accommodation Notices (FAN), which describe recommended accommodations. The student is responsible for requesting services and providing a FAN to each course instructor, every semester. Student Support Services provides the following services for students: • Disability Support Services: Assistance for students with disabilities that will help you access college as independently as possible. • Career Counseling Services: Discover your career, get help writing a resume, or learn how to interview for a job learn more here. • Personal Counseling Services: Receive free, personal, professional, and confidential help from licensed counselors who care about GHC students. • *WIOA Services: WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) is a federally funded program that eligible adults and dislocated workers into the workforce through training and/or education, please see additional eligibility requirements. • *Charger Food Pantry & Career Clothes Closet Services: Food and some toiletry items are available at all Georgia Highlands College Food Pantry locations. Professional clothing for interviewing and other more formal occasions is available at the Paulding and Cartersville locations. *May have limited availability based on location. Student Support Services Contact Information Counselors Disability Support Services Name Email Name Email Angie Wheelus, Director awheelus@highlands.edu Kim Linek klinek@highlands.edu Dorothy Morgan dmorgan@highlands.edu Maritza Pitelli mpitelli@highlands.edu Kris Reyes kreyes@highlands.edu Tara Holdampf tholdamp@highlands.edu WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) Name Email Megan Conner mconner@highlands.edu Kyle Wheeless kwheeles@highlands.edu Freda Thompson fthompso@highlands.edu 14
Supplies The Academic School Administrative Assistant or Chair can assist faculty members with procuring supplies, such as markers, pens, and other items. Syllabi Sample syllabi from current faculty members can be provided upon request from your academic dean or chair. At the beginning of the semester a copy should be provided to your division chair and school administrative assistant. Copies of syllabi are retained for accreditation purposes as well as to deal with questions from students. In the event of a grade appeal or any kind of student complaint, a well-written syllabus is quite valuable. According to the Expectations of Teaching Faculty (Intranet), faculty must “provide a digital copy of the course syllabus and course objectives to all students no later than the first day of term. The course syllabus should be available to students in D2L or on a GHC faculty web page.” Additional information about the requirements of syllabi are located in the Expectations of Teaching Faculty guide. Teaching Expectations The normal functions associated with teaching any course (preparing syllabi, keeping accurate records, providing feedback, evaluating students, etc.) are the same for part-time faculty members as they are for full-time faculty. This includes, but not limited to: (1) participate in the assessment of student learning outcomes by administering certain questions to their students; (2) use GHC email accounts and to check it daily; (3) provide the full amount of instructional time designated for a course; (4) report attendance and grades via SCORE as required by the Registrar’s office according to their published schedule. Changing the beginning time or ending time of a class is not permitted. Please see the Expectation of Teaching and Library Faculty guide in the GHC Intranet for a complete list of expectations. Teaching Load Part-time faculty members in the University System of Georgia are not permitted to work more than a maximum of seven semester credit hours. These limitations include loads at other institutions. For example, a part-time faculty could not teach six hours for Kennesaw State University and six hours for Georgia Highlands College. Part-time faculty are required to complete forms (through Human Resources) each semester to update information about retirement status and teaching load. Testing Services Testing Services provides placement exams for Learning Support, the TEAS exam for our Nursing and Dental Hygiene programs, and eCore exams. For Spring 2021, Testing Services will not provide eLearning proctored testing. Faculty may use Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor for online testing. Contact IT at rt@highlands.edu CETL for support at cetl@highlands.edu. You may contact Testing Services through their website, by phone at 706-204-2110, and by email at testing@highlands.edu. Weather When inclement weather creates a condition under which there might be a question of whether the College will operate on a normal basis, the President, or a designated official will release to each campus/site and local news media a statement concerning the College schedule. If the weather condition occurs during working hours, the statement will be released through normal distribution 15
channels on campus/site. Media statements regarding the college's schedule may also be distributed through GHC’s website, GHC Notify, or on local radio and television stations. Withdrawals A student may withdraw from a course without penalty and receive a “W” for course grade. The dates to withdraw are provided before the beginning of each semester in Faculty Resources and must be published in the syllabus for each course. However, students are not allowed to drop a Learning Support course and maintain enrollment in a credit level course. After the withdrawal date has passed, the only recourse for being able to drop without penalty is to submit a hardship withdrawal form to the Provost and Chief Academic Officer. Please mention to students that withdrawing from a course could impact their financial aid, so they should seek the counsel of a financial aid specialist beforehand. Contact Information Administration Name Title Email Donald Green President dgreen@highlands.edu Dana Nichols Provost & Chief Academic Officer dnichols@highlands.edu Mary Transue Vice President for Advancement & mtransue@highlands.edu Enrollment Virginia (Ginni) Vice President for Human Resources gsiler@highlands.edu Siler Jamie Petty Vice President for Finance and jpetty@highlands.edu Administration Jeff Patty Vice President for Information Technology jpatty@highlands.edu David Mathis Director of Athletics dmathis@highlands.edu Jesse Bishop Dean of Planning, Assessment, jebishop@highlands.edu Accreditation, and Research Campus/Site Leadership Campus/Site Main Phone Number Dean/Director/Manager Administrative Assistant Floyd Floyd: (706) 802-5000 Brad Gilmore N/A bgilmore@highlands.edu (706) 802-5479 Heritage Hall Heritage Hall: (706) 295-6321 Michelle Boyce Sharon Bailey mboyce@highlands.edu sbailey@highlands.edu (706) 204-2290 (706) 204-2290 Cartersville (678) 872-8000 Leslie Johnson Karen Yerkes ljohnson@highlands.edu kyerkes@highlands.edu (678) 872-8140 (678) 872-8140 Douglasville (678) 872-4200 Julia Areh Billie Saenz jareh@highlands.edu bsaenz@highlands.edu (678) 872-4200 (678) 872-4200 Marietta (678) 872-8501 Ken Reaves Jill Freeman kreaves@highlands.edu jfreeman@highlands.edu (678) 872-8512 (678) 872-8512 Paulding (678) 946-1100 Christina Henggeler Paula Nick chenggel@highlands.edu pnick@highlands.edu (678) 946-1105 (678) 946-1100 16
Academic Leadership School Dean Chairs/Directors Administrative Librarian Assistants Business & Melanie Largin, MBA Camille Pace, MS Christy Deville Laura Gargis BBA Healthcare Cartersville lgargis@highlands.edu Professional mlargin@highlands.edu Management/Logistics & cdeville@highlands.edu (678) 946-1046 Studies (BPS) (678) 872-8099 Supply Chain Management, (678) 872-8099 Business Administration, Computer Info Systems, Health Information Management, Mathematics (Statistics) chernand@highlands.edu Health Dr. Michelle Boyce Dr. Lisa Jellum Lorrie Rainey Melanie Vincent Exercise Science, Health Athletics, Floyd DH & Athletics Sciences mboyce@highlands.edu Professions, Health Science, lrainey@highlands.edu mvincent@highlands.edu (706) 204-2290 Recreation Administration, (706) 295-6353 (706) 368-7731 Sport Management ljellum@highlands.edu Chance Hooper Betsy Fleming ASN, Heritage Hall Nursing Dr. Sheila Sutton, Director chooper@highlands.edu eclark@highlands.edu Nursing (ASN & RN-BSN) (706) 295-6321 (678) 872-8089 skaylor@highlands.edu Sharon Bailey Shea Walker, MSN, Asst. RN-BSN, Heritage Hall Director sbailey@highlands.edu Nursing (ASN) (706) 204-2290 swalker@higlands.edu Kelly Rice Regina Gupta, MA, Director DH, Heritage Hall Dental Hygiene, RDH-BSDH krice@highlands.edu rgupta@highlands.edu (706) 295-6760 Humanities Dr. Jon Hershey Allen Dutch, MA Brig Kerce Marla Means Art, Communication, Graphic Cartersville mmeans@highlands.edu jhershey@highlands.edu Design, Journalism, Music, bkerce@highlands.edu (678) 872-8084 (678) 872-8064 Music Business (678) 872-8064 adutch@highlands.edu Seth Ingram, MA Film Production, Film Studies singram@highlands.edu Dr. Jessica Lindberg English, Spanish jlindber@highlands.edu Libraries and Julius Fleschner, MLIS Jessica Osborne, MLIS Vicky Drnek N/A Cartersville Campus Floyd College jfleschn@highlands.edu Librarian vdrnek@highlands.edu Testing (706) 368-7732 josborne@highlands.edu (706) 802-5094 Carmel Brunson, MLS Interim Floyd Campus Librarian & Testing Coordinator cbrunson@highlands.edu Laura Gargis, MLIS Paulding Campus Librarian lgargis@highlands.edu 17
Science, Dr. Sarah Coakley Jason Christian, MS Rhonda Sosebee Jessica Osborne Agriculture, Biology Cartersville josborne@highlands.edu Technology, stesar@highlands.edu jachrist@highlands.edu rsosebee@highlands.edu (678) 872-8082 Engineering, (678) 872-8015 (678) 872-8070 & Erin Shufro, MS Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics Geology, Physics (STEM) ekingsto@highlands.edu Jayme Wheeler, MS Computer Science, Mathematics (excluding Statistics) jwheeler@highlands.edu Social Dr. Alan Nichols Christina Wolfe, MA Christy Twilley Susanna Smith General Studies, History, Floyd sussmith@highlands.edu Sciences & anichols@highlands.edu Religion, Philosophy, ctwilley@highlands.edu (706) 295-6318 Education (706) 295-6300 Sociology, Human Services (706) 295-6300 (SSE) cwolfe@highlands.edu Dr. Sean Callahan Criminal Justice, Political Science, Psychology, Education (all) scallaha@highlands.edu 18
Campus/Site Maps Cartersville Instructional Site Cartersville Instructional Site 5441 Highway 20, NE, Cartersville, GA 30121 Phone: 678-872-8000 Fax: 706-295-6341 IT Help Desk: 678-872-8086 19
Douglasville Instructional Site Douglasville Instructional Site 4841 Bill Arp Rd (Hwy 5), Winston, GA 30187 Phone: 678-872-4200 Fax: 678-872-4235 IT Help Desk: 678-872-4221 20
Floyd Campus Floyd Campus 3175 Cedartown Highway, Rome, GA 30161 Phone: 706-802-5000 Fax: 706-295-6341 IT Help Desk: 706-295-6775 21
Heritage Hall Instructional Site James D. Maddox Heritage Hall 415 E. Third Ave at Glenn Milner Blvd, Rome, GA 30161 Phone: 706-295-6321 Fax: 706-295-6732 IT Help Desk: 706-295-6775 22
Marietta Instructional Site Marietta Instructional Site 1100 South Marietta Parkway, Marietta, GA 30060 Phone: 678-872-8501 Fax: 678-872-8560 GHC IT Help Desk: 678-872-8522 KSU IT Help Desk: 470-578-6999 23
Paulding Instructional Site Paulding Instructional Site 25 Courthouse Square, Dallas, GA 30132 Phone: 678-946-1100 Fax: 678-946-1025 IT Help Desk: 678-946-1022 24
Spring Semester 2021 Final Exam Schedule START TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY TIME FOR MAY 4 MAY 5 MAY 6 MAY 7 MAY 8 MAY 10 FINAL ALL ALL 8:00 am MW, ALL ALL 8:00 am TR 8:00 a.m. M, W 8:00 am F 9:00 am S 8:30 am TR 8:30 am MW CLASSES CLASSES CLASSES CLASSES ALL ALL 9:00 am TR ALL 9:00 am MW 9:15 am 9:30 a.m. 9:30 am S 9:30 am MW 9:30am TR, T, R CLASSES 10:00 am MW 10:00am TR CLASSES CLASSES ALL ALL ALL ALL 11:00 am F 11:00 a.m. 11:00 am TR, T, R 11:00 am MW 11:00 am S CLASSES CLASSES CLASSES CLASSES ALL ALL 12:30 pm MW 12:30pm TR 12:30 p.m. 1:00 pm MW 1:00pm TR CLASSES CLASSES ALL ALL 2:00 p.m. 2:00 pm TR 2:00 pm MW CLASSES CLASSES ALL ALL 3:30 pm MW 3:00 pm TR 3:30 p.m. 4:00 pm MW 3:30 pm TR CLASSES CLASSES ALL ALL 4:30 pm MW 4:30 pm TR 5:00 pm MW, 5:00 pm TR, T, R 5:00 p.m. M, W 5:15 pm TR 5:15 pm MW 5:30 pm TR 5:30 pm MW CLASSES CLASSES ALL ALL 6:00 pm M, W 6:00 pm T, R 6:30 pm MW, 6:30 p.m. 6:30 pm TR, T, R M, Wa 7:00 pm TR 7:00 pm MW CLASSES CLASSES ALL ALL 8:00 p.m. 8:00 pm TR 8:00 pm MW CLASSES CLASSES This schedule is posted on the Academic Calendars page. Web-based and eClassroom midterm and final exams are given on the dates listed on the eLearning Course Exams page. Exams may be conducted by means determined by the instructor of the course, including Respondus Lock Down Browser. This requires a Windows or Mac computer. 25
IT Quick Reference Guide My Username is: My Email Address is: My Score ID (900 number) Printed on the back of my Charger Card GHC ID: Accessing GHC Services User Name Password Email Full GHC Email Address GHC Password http://outlook.office.com Employee Intranet Full GHC Email Address GHC Password (requires VPN) https://www.highlands.edu/facultystaff/ SCORE GHC ID Score Pin (six digit) https://www.highlands.edu/banner-portal/ (900 Number) D2L (Desire 2 Learn) Full GHC Email Address GHC Password https://highlands.view.usg.edu/ Wi-Fi GHC Username GHC Password GHC-Employee (Marietta –Use KSU Wireless) (Marietta-use KSU NetID) (Marietta-use KSU NetID password) DUO Multi-Factor Authentication GHC employees are required to utilize DUO in order to access SSO service and secure institution systems as multi-factor authentication is a requirement for all USG institutions. Duo Mobile is the easiest and most convenient way to use DUO. DUO Mobile is available for download from the App Store (IOS) or Google Play (Android). How do I Reset my Network Password (used for email, computer, intranet & Wi-Fi access)? Reset via https://mypassword.highlands.edu or from any campus computer by logging on, once logged on press ctrl+alt+del and choose change password. (Note: Passwords must be at least 12 characters long, contain a capital letter, a lower-case letter, a number and/or special character and cannot be a previously used password nor contain part of your name.) How do I Reset my Score Pin (used for submitting grades, class rosters, etc.)? Click the Forgot Pin button at the bottom of the Score login page to reset your six-digit pin via the security questions setup by you the first time you logged into Score. ***Marietta Campus Users Only*** You must activate your KSU NetID at https://netid.kennesaw.edu prior to getting a parking permit or KSU ID Parking Selection –Under GHC Services @ https://owlexpress.kennesaw.edu KSU Library – Use KSU NetID and password to log into the computers Wireless – Connect to KSU SSID using your KSU NetID and password KSU NetID issues contact KSU UITS @ 678-915-4357 Call IT - 706 295 6775 IT Campus Locations and Cartersville Suite 171 Marietta Norton Office 211 Site Contact Information: 678 872-8086 678 872-8033 Floyd Suite W-100 Douglasville Office 125 Paulding Bagby Office 402a 706 295-6775 678 872-4221 678 946-1022 Create an IT service ticket by emailing rt@highlands.edu Please be as descriptive as possible so we can better assist you.
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