Lancaster University Management School HELLO FUTURE Careers Brochure 2017/2018

Page created by Alan Vazquez
Lancaster University Management School HELLO FUTURE Careers Brochure 2017/2018

Careers Brochure
Lancaster University Management School HELLO FUTURE Careers Brochure 2017/2018
Your future
your career
         JOB SEARCH

Lancaster University Management School HELLO FUTURE Careers Brochure 2017/2018
At Lancaster University Management School (LUMS),
we are justifiably proud of the education we deliver.
It is an education that provides you with the starting point
for an outstanding career in your chosen field and underpins
a lifelong engagement with learning and development.

We are focused on supporting      I would encourage you to
you in achieving the very         explore these opportunities
best start to your career.        and to attend as many of the
Our dedicated Careers Team        sessions as possible.
are there to offer professional
                                  I am sure you will find
advice and guidance, tailored
                                  this year’s Careers and
support and employability-
                                  Employability Programme
focused events – all with the
                                  interesting and stimulating.
objective of preparing you
                                  Most importantly, by engaging
for career success.
                                  fully with the services on offer,
As an internationally leading     you will be one step closer
management school, we             to joining the community
attract many top global           of successful Management
companies to campus,              School alumni working in a
enabling you to engage with       range of organisations across
staff recruitment teams as        the world.
well as LUMS graduates
                                  Best wishes,
now working in those
organisations.                    Professor Angus Laing
                                  BA, MA, MBA, PhD, FRSA

Lancaster University Management School HELLO FUTURE Careers Brochure 2017/2018
                                   You may have
                                   just started
Meet the Careers Team          5

10 Things You Can Do To        7
Kick-Start Your Career

Global Career and
Library Resources

                                   at LUMS or be
                                   returning for
Financial Markets              9
Careers Support

Financial Markets             10

                                   another year
Careers Events

Explore Employers and         11
Job Opportunities

                                   of study, but
Hello Postgraduate Future     15

Employability Skills and      17
Personal Development

                                   whatever your

Student Clubs and Societies   21

University-Wide               27
Support and Activities

Enterprise & Innovation       29

                                   there are lots of

                                   available to you.



      Lancaster University
      Management School Alumni

Lancaster University Management School HELLO FUTURE Careers Brochure 2017/2018
We aim to help you make informed decisions about
your future and become equipped to succeed in a
highly competitive global graduate labour market.
The activities in this brochure have been designed
specifically for LUMS students and showcase
a sample of the exciting opportunities for the
2017/18 academic year.
Our events and workshops are interactive, fun and
informative - and more importantly, they are all
about your future development.
They will complement both the subject- specific
knowledge you gain from your main programme
of study and the activities offered by the central
careers service.
They will help develop your skills in reflective
thinking, self-awareness, career planning,
problem solving, creativity, team working,
commercial awareness and communication -
all skills highly prized by graduate employers.
We take pride in supporting your individual career
development needs. We work with students at
every stage of the career management process,
from thinking about preferences and taking
decisions to making applications to internships,
placements and graduate employment. We can
support you with your career aspirations; local,
national or global and have bespoke resources
available for students interested in developing
a career abroad.
All activities are free of charge and easy to book –
just choose the ones that interest you.
You can book at

Lancaster University Management School HELLO FUTURE Careers Brochure 2017/2018
HEAD OF CAREERS                           CAREERS ADVISERS
                                                               Meet the LUMS Careers Team.

                                                                                PLACEMENTS TEAM
                                          You can book an appointment with      If you are taking a Placement Year
                                          your Careers Adviser for advice and   as part of your degree, you will
                                          guidance on any topic and at any      meet the Placements Team in
                                          stage of career management.           the ‘Preparation for Placements’
                                                                                module. You can also book an
                                                                                appointment with Juliet or the
                                                                                Placement and Interships Officer
                                                                                for support with your Placement.


                                          MATTHEW HOWARD
CAREER ADVICE                             Undergraduate Careers Adviser         JULIET HUNTINGTON
DROP-IN CLINICS                                                                 Placements and
                                                                                Internships Manager
Undergraduate Drop-in Clinic
Tues. 10:00 – 12:00
Thurs 15:00 – 17:00
Placement Drop-in Clinic
Tues 14:30 – 16:30 Fri 10:30 – 12:30
Postgraduate Drop-in Clinic
Wed. 16:00 – 18:00 Fri. 15:00 – 17:00
If you would prefer a 1-2-1 appointment
at an alternative time, please contact
the relevant team member.
                                          PETER SEWELL                          HANNAH ALLISON
LUMS Career Zone is located               Postgraduate Careers Adviser          Placements and Internships
in A112 (beside LT4).                         Coordinator

Lancaster University Management School HELLO FUTURE Careers Brochure 2017/2018
POSTGRADUATE                            SPECIALIST
If you are studying MSc Management      If you are a Business and
or one of the courses in the MSc        Management, Economics,
Finance and Accounting suite you        Marketing or Finance and
will meet Martine as part of your       Accounting Student, you will
programme of study. Book an             meet your Careers Coach in
appointment with Martine for advice     your Careers and Employability
and support with applications.          module as part of your
                                        programme. You can also book
                                        an appointment with your
                                        Careers Coach for specialist     PAUL MCCORMICK
                                        support and guidance.            Financial Careers Coach
                                                                         Appointment by referral

Career Advancement and
Internship Officer

EMPLOYER LIAISON                        NICKY ALLAN                      VICKY METCALF
                                        Business and Management          Marketing Careers Coach v.metcalf@
All the Career Events and Employer      Careers Coach          
workshops in LUMS are organised by
the Events and Employer Liaison Team.
They work hard to develop exciting
opportunities for you to engage with.

DANNY PALMER                            HELEN CHAFFEY                    SOPHIA WU
Administrative Assistant                Marketing Careers Coach          Economics Careers Coach  

Lancaster University Management School HELLO FUTURE Careers Brochure 2017/2018
10 Things You Can Do Right Now
To Kick-Start Your Career

1 Be Part of the University Community                             2 Find a Part-time Job
   Join a club or society to meet new people and                     Employers place great emphasis on previous experience.
   develop your skills. Employers value students who                 It doesn’t have to be office work – a restaurant job can
   have not only studied hard at university, but have                teach communication skills, customer service and
   also developed their employability through their                  handling pressure. All of these are valuable to graduates.
   pastimes and interests.                                           The University’s Employment Recruitment Service can
                                                                     help you find part-time work.

3 Volunteer                                                       4 Use Your Careers Service
   This is a great way to get involved in the area, support          We are here to help you achieve your career goals.
   your community, and the environment, while learning               Visit the LUMS Careers Zone near LT4, check out our
   important skills.                        resources and come to one of our drop-in clinics.

5 Draft a CV                                                      6 Practise Psychometric Tests
   Most employers require you to submit a CV. There are              These numerical, verbal and other reasoning tests are
   a variety of approaches to CV writing, so we have                 a crucial part of most graduate recruitment processes,
   produced a handy guide which is available on the LUMS             and are the aspect that students fall down on the
   Careers Moodle page. Draft your CV according to one               most. You can find plenty of information and practice
   of the guide’s templates and we will be happy to review           tests on the LUMS Careers Moodle page.
   it for you.

7 Log In to TARGETconnect                                         8 Create a LinkedIn Account
   This is your one-stop shop for information about                  This has been called ‘Facebook for professionals.’
   exciting careers events at Lancaster, news about the              LinkedIn is used extensively by employers to
   latest job vacancies and to book an appointment with              advertise vacancies and to search for suitable
   a careers adviser. An account has already been created            recruits. It is also an excellent networking tool.
   for you at                            Develop your profile at

9 Make a Note of the Workshops and                                10 Visit the LUMS Careers Moodle page
  Events you would like to attend                                    It is packed full of useful tips, guides, and links to
   You will be very busy this term. If you don’t put the             employers. Everything you need at your fingertips.
   dates in your calendar now you might forget about
   them and the workshops will fill up – use this brochure
   as a starting point, then explore opportunities on

Lancaster University Management School HELLO FUTURE Careers Brochure 2017/2018
Global Career                                                                             Library
Resources                                                                                 Resources

In addition to speaking to the team of LUMS Careers specialists,                          The library subscribes to many
you also have access to excellent online resources that will support                      databases which enable you to
you with your career planning.                                                            research current information
                                                                                          about companies, share
LUMS Careers Moodle                          LUMS Hello Future Careers Portal             prices and news stories.
Career management resources including        Access our interactive online Careers        Use this information to develop
tailored support with:                       Centre on the LUMS Careers Moodle            commercial awareness when
• CVs, Cover Letters and
                                             page for support with every element          applying, and ensure you stand
                                             of your career planning!                     out from other applicants
  Application Forms
                                             • Career Assessments: Assess                 at interview. Other useful
• Psychometric Tests
                                               personality, resilience, workplace         resources include:
• Interviews                                   preferences and motivation
                                                                                          Key Note
• Assessment Centres                         • Business Skills E-Learning Courses         Provides data on more than 7 million UK
• Global Job Searching and                   • Career Planner: Set tasks and track        companies, directors and shareholders
                                                                                          and more than 1,000 in-depth market
  Career Planning                              progress
                                                                                          research reports on a wide range of
Additional resources include:                • Self-Development Tools                     industries and products.

• Financial Market Career information        • Industry reports and employer advice       Global Market Information
• LUMS Connect Platform for networking       • Career Pathways: real life stories         Database (Passport GMID)
  with LUMS alumni                             revealing the inside view of a variety     This is an integrated online information
                                               of career areas                            system providing key business
• LUMS Hello Future Global Online                                                         intelligence on countries, companies,
  Careers Centre.                            • CV and Cover Letter Builder, Interview     markets and consumers.
                                               Simulator, Elevator Pitch Builder
TARGETconnect                                • Assessment centre information
To search for jobs and work experience
opportunities, sign up for employer events   Practise Psychometric
and skills workshops, just visit             Testing Online
                                             Many employers include psychometric
                                             testing as part of their recruitment
                                             process. We have teamed up with Profiling
                                             for Success to provide you with access to
                                             a range of online practise tests. You will
                                             receive the results direct to your email.

                                             Going Global
                                             Whether you’re searching for jobs or
                                             internships as far away as China, India,
                                             and the USA or nearer in the UK or
                                             Europe, Going Global allows you to view
                                             vacancies in any country in the world
                                             and clarify work permit and visa issues.
                                             Top tips on effective CV writing too.

Lancaster University Management School HELLO FUTURE Careers Brochure 2017/2018
Financial Markets
Careers Support

                  LUMS is making big strides in
                  this highly competitive sector.
                  The Careers Team offer bespoke
                  specialist support to students
                  interested in pursuing Financial
                  Market careers. This includes a
                  programme of talks and events
                  delivered by our specialist
                  Financial Careers Coach,
                  Paul McCormick. Paul has
                  over 30 years ‘City’ experience,
                  including 20 years as a Bond
                  Trader, with major banks.

                  It is crucial that 1st year students get
                  involved as early as possible. Recruitment
                  deadlines are extremely early in this
                  sector! Gaining relevant sector experience
                  is crucial. You need to apply as early
                  as possible in the Michaelmas term for
                  opportunities the following summer.

                  Relevant Experience:
                  1st year - Spring Weeks
                  2nd year - Internships/Placements
                  Final year - Graduate Programmes

                    Core Resource: LUMS Financial
                    Careers Insight Series – 16 unique
                    short articles written by Paul.
                    See Moodle> LUMS
                    Careers>Financial Market Careers

Financial Markets
             Careers Events

FINANCIAL MARKETING                   CITY CAREERS –                           LUMS STUDENT & ALUMNI
CAREERS FOR 1ST YEAR                  LU INVESTMENT &                          EVENT AT THOMSON REUTER’S
STUDENTS                              FINANCE SOCIETY                          HEADQUARTERS
Time: 13:00 - 14:00                   City Careers is Lancaster University     A unique networking opportunity.
Date:  Wed 11th October               Investment and Finance Society’s         Sign-up via TARGETconnect 1 month
Venue: Lecture Theatre 1              largest event, where successful          before event.
                                      Management School alumni are             Date:  28th June 2018
INVESTMENT BANKING                    invited to share their experiences       Venue: Canary Wharf, London.
SPRING WEEKS FOR 1ST YEAR             in the financial industry. This will
STUDENTS                              provide our members with a great
                                      opportunity to inquire about different
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
                                      career paths and to allow them to
Date:  Wed 11th October                                                        Alex Branford
                                      network with industry professionals.
Venue: Lecture Theatre 1                                                       BSc Business Studies
                                      Time: 11:00 – 16:00
                                                                               Lancaster University
INVESTMENT BANKING &                  Date:  21st October
INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT                 Venue: LUMS – Venues confirmed
INTERNSHIPS FOR                              upon registration                 “I worked with specialist support
2ND YEAR STUDENTS                                                               within the LUMS Careers
                                      MOCK ASSESSMENT CENTRES                   team and together we rapidly
Time: 15:00 - 16:00                                                             improved my application,
Date:  Wed 11th October               A classic financial market case study     interview and Assessment
Venue: Lecture Theatre 1              exercise. It’s all about how you work     Centre skills so much so that
                                      as a team! Student feedback has           I have now secured a year’s
TO ASSIST EARLY                       indicated mock assessment centre          placement at the Global Real
APPLICATIONS: FINANCIAL               attendance was crucial in getting         Estate division of a major asset
MARKET CV CLINICS                     hired. Sign up two weeks in advance       management firm. Furthermore,
Time: 13:30 - 18:00                   via TARGETconnect                         I was offered a position from all
Date:  Thurs 12th October             Date:    Multiple sessions from mid-      3 divisions of this firm - the first
Venue: Meeting Room 3                          November to end-February         time that had happened in their
                                                                                history. I could not recommend
Time: 13:30 - 18:00
                                                                                their services more highly!”
Date:  Fri 13th October               VISIT TO DEUTSCHE BANK
Venue: Meeting Room 3                 Hear the thoughts of top traders and
For 1:2:1 appointments mandatory      corporate finance professionals –
sign-up sheets are available at Oct   a great addition to your CV.
11th lectures.                        Date:  June 2018
                                      Venue: London

Explore Employers
and Job Opportunities

      THE BIG CAREERS                      LUMS WORK
      FAIR – MANCHESTER                    EXPERIENCE
      UNIVERSITY                           FAIR 2017

      Date:    10th October 2017           Date:    12th October 2017
      Time:    10:30 – 16:00               Time:    12:00 – 15:00
      Venue:   Manchester Central          Venue:   LUMS Hub Café

                                           Summer internships, year-long
      We will be providing a free          placements or voluntary work
      coach to this national fair for      are all great ways of gaining
      graduate careers and student         valuable experience and
      work experience for all those        improving your CV.
      interested in a career in finance,
                                           Visit this fair and chat to employers
      business or management
                                           and careers consultants about the
                                           opportunities on offer in 2018.
      All exhibitors have graduate
      vacancies for autumn 2018,
      some have work experience
      opportunities and some have jobs
      with immediate starts. A diverse
      range of companies are represented
      with hundreds of vacancies and
      they want to target you!

We organise over 100 career events every year. The following pages showcase a
small sample of some of them. Visit TARGETconnect regularly to find out about all
career events and to book your place:

  PART-TIME                           NATIONAL WOMEN                          SPEED NETWORKING
  JOBS FAIR                           IN BUSINESS WEEK                        EVENING

  Date:  12th October 2017            Date:  16th – 20th October 2017         Date:  31st October 2017
  Time: 12:00 – 15:00                 Time:  Various throughout               Time: 18:00 – 20:00
  Venue: LUMS Hub breakout                   the week                         Venue: LUMS Hub Café
         area 2                       Venue: To be confirmed upon
                                             registration via
                                                                              Want to check out a wide range
  The part-time jobs fair is your                                             of employers before settling
  chance to find a job during your                                            down?
  time at Lancaster University to     A full week of stimulating
                                      presentations, events and               This is your chance to play
  earn money and develop your
                                      discussions looking at the              the field the evening before
  skills for the future.
                                      position of women in business           the main Autumn Careers Fair.
  The fair provides an opportunity                                            Put your questions to as many
  for students to meet a wide range                                           representatives as you can – it’s
  of local companies. There is        Representatives from a range of         like speed dating for professionals.
  something for everyone.             organisations will examine the          With refreshments, a quiz and lots
                                      contributions women make in the         of opportunities for networking,
                                      workplace, the challenges they          this is a fun way to find your
                                      (still) face and their strategies for   perfect professional match.
                                      success in a changing environment.
                                      Inspirational speakers will give you
                                      an insight into pioneering women,
                                      share their own personal stories,
                                      offer advice on how to negotiate
                                      a female-specific career path and
                                      explore what remains to be done to
                                      ensure equal opportunity for all. All
                                      students welcome, not just females.

Explore Employers and Job Oppor

AUTUMN CAREERS                         DINNER WITH
FAIR – CENTRAL                         INDUSTRY – BRIGHT
SERVICES                               FUTURES SOCIETY

Date:    1st November 2017             Date:  Michaelmas Term 2017
Time:    11:00 – 15:00                 Time:  TBC - Please check
Venue:   TBC                                        TARGETconnect
                                       Venue: TBC - Please check

The Autumn Careers Fair attracts
many of the Times Top 100
graduate recruiters.                   The ‘Dinner with Industry’ is the
                                       largest annual society careers
This is one of the best ways to        event at Lancaster, bringing
find opportunities in your chosen      together students and leading
career. The fair provides an           graduate employers to enjoy
opportunity for students to meet       an evening of food, drinks
a wide range of companies - local,     and networking. It is a great
national and international. There is   opportunity to engage with top
something for everyone: graduate       graduate recruiters and stand
jobs, work experience; internships     out from the crowd.
and postgraduate study from
across all sectors.                    The event includes a three course
                                       meal, and plenty of time for
                                       networking before, during and after
                                       the meal. Bright Futures Dinner
                                       with Industry has been a great
                                       success each year and we hope
                                       to see you there. Tickets will be
                                       available from The Base early
                                       in Michaelmas Term.

pportunities (cont.)

                 MEET THE                           CHINA EMPLOYER
                 EMPLOYER EVENT                     FAIR

                 Date:    6th February 2018         Date:    3rd March 2018
                 Time:    Drop in anytime           Time:    10:00 – 15:00
                          between 11:00 – 14:00     Venue:   The University of
                 Venue:   LUMS Hub Café                      Warwick

                 Come along to this event and       This one-day event for Chinese
                 meet graduate employers from a     and Chinese-speaking
                 wide range of organisations, all   students will focus on careers
                 offering great opportunities for   in the finance, business and
                 Management School students.        management sectors.
                 Receive valuable feedback and      You will learn about the Chinese
                 advice about how to succeed in     graduate jobs market, attend
                 the recruitment process.           employability insight seminars and
                                                    have the opportunity to network
                                                    with recruiters and organisations
                                                    with real job vacancies. Places will
                                                    be limited and transport will be
                                                    free. Date and closing date will be
                                                    notified through TARGETconnect.

Hello Postgraduate Future
PG Careers Team                             Undergraduates, are you                     Why Lancaster: Top 3
                                            ready for your next step                    1. Industry Collaboration
                                            after graduation?                           • Opportunities are available on many
                                            Have you considered                           programmes to work on a Company
                                            Postgraduate Study?                           Project for your dissertation, giving you
                                                                                          great industry experience.
                                            Taking a Masters degree in Business &
                                                                                        • A number of our Masters Degrees offer
                                            Management can enhance your Bachelors
                                                                                          accreditation through professional
                                            degree and help you take the next step
                                                                                          bodies such as CIM, CMI and ACCA.
                                            in your career, whether that’s developing
                                            your professional expertise or continuing   • Academic staff with professional
                                            in academia. LUMS offers over 20 Masters      experience: your education is directly
Postgraduate Careers Adviser
                                            degrees, many of which are open to those      influenced by industry.
                                            from a range of backgrounds. So, whether    • Many of our Masters degrees teach
                                            you wish to specialise in your chosen         practical skills alongside academic
                                            area or learn a new subject, we have          theory, such as industry specific
                                            programmes for all preferences.               software.

                                            •   Accounting, Finance & Banking
                                            •   Business Analytics                      2. Global Opportunities
                                            •   E-Business & Information Technology     We also offer a study abroad element in
                                            •   Economics                               partnership with other leading business
                                            •   Entrepreneurship & Innovation           schools in many of our postgraduate
                                            •   Human Resources                         programmes. These opportunities could
MARTINE DAWBER                              •   International Business & Strategy       take you to locations as diverse as Brazil,
Career Advancement and Internship Officer   •   Logistics & Supply Chain Management     Italy, Thailand and many more.                   •   Management
                                            •   Marketing                               •   Overseas electives
                                            •   MBA                                     •   Summer School
                                            •   Project Management                      •   Term Abroad
                                                                                        •   Triple Degree
                                            For details of programmes, entry
                                            requirements and fees, see

Marketing Careers Coach

Our Financial Times                         Lancaster MBA,
                                                                               MSc Management,
                                                                                11th in the UK,
                                                                                                           MSc Finance:
                                                                                                           5th in the UK,
         Rankings 2017                              42nd in the world
                                                                               73rd in the world          27th in the world

3. Employability and Careers                 Scholarships & Funding                      Want to find out more
A postgraduate qualification can ensure      for Masters Programmes                      about how to begin your
that your CV stands out amongst the          • All Lancaster University graduates        Postgraduate Future?
many that employers receive. 92% of our        who meet our criteria are eligible        Then join us for one of our events taking
2016 PG graduates were employed within         for an Alumni Loyalty Scholarship,        place throughout the year:
6 months of graduation, with an average        determined by your undergraduate
salary of over £37000.                         degree classification:                    • Postgraduate Open Evening
                                                                                           Thursday 16th November 17.00-20.00
We provide enhanced careers support for        - 20% fee reduction for 1st Class
our postgraduate students:                       Hons degree                             • Postgraduate Study
                                               - 10% fee reduction for 2:1 Hons degree     Information Session
• Dedicated postgraduate careers advisor
                                                                                           Friday 8th December
• Industry specific careers coaches          • In recognition of outstanding talent,
• Integrated careers modules                   we offer a range of prestigious           • Postgraduate Study Drop In Sessions
                                               programme scholarships, with nearly         25th January to 15th February
Research Degrees                               £2m in funding awards available.            Thursdays from 15.00-17.00
                                               For full information, see                 • Postgraduate Open Day
Following your Master’s degree, if you
                                                  Thursday 22nd February
have a strong academic background, a
keen interest in a topic and a passion for                                               • Postgraduate Study Drop In Sessions
research, then you may wish to study         • If you are an EU, EEA or Swiss              12th April to 10th May
for a PhD.                                     national ordinarily resident in the EU,     Thursdays from 15.00-17.00
                                               EEA or Switzerland, then you may be
For further information on PhD                                                           • Postgraduate Open Evening
                                               eligible to apply for a Postgraduate
opportunities, please contact our PhD                                                      Thursday 7th June 17.00-20.00
                                               Student Loan of up to £10,000, to help
admissions team: 01524 510667 or
                                               fund your postgraduate studies.           (Dates may change. For confirmed details,
                                                                                         please check Target Connect).
                                                                                         Can’t make any of these sessions?
                                                                                         Not a problem! The LUMS Recruitment &
                                                                                         Conversion Team are really friendly and
    João Rosa                                                                            love to talk! Contact us on 01524 595094
    MSc Management (2016-2017)                                                           or to
                                                                                         discuss your postgraduate future.
   “Coming to Lancaster University was a big challenge for me, and since the             There is also plenty of
    first day I showed big interest in the careers services LUMS had to offer.           information available on our website
    The incredible team helped me to secure a job before I finished my MSc     
    Management. In September, I will start my graduate job with EY in Lisbon             masters
    as an Auditor.”

Skills & Personal
Development Workshops
     INTERNSHIP                        FORMS AND COVER
     Date:   11th October 2017,
             12:00 – 13:00             Date:    16th October 2017,
     Date:   1st November 2017,                 12:00 – 13:00
             10:00 – 11:00             Date:    30th October 2017,
     Date:   23rd November 2017,                16:30 – 17:30
             17:00 – 18:00             Date:    15th November 2017,
                                                10:00 – 11:00
                                       Date:    1st December 2017,
     Many employers offer graduate              13:00 – 14:00
     jobs to students who have         Date:    30th January 2018,
     undertaken internships                     13:00 – 14:00
     with them at the end of their
     penultimate year.
     This workshop enables you to      Approximately 70% of all
     explore the many opportunities    applications to graduate
     to gain an internship in summer   employers fail at this first stage.
     2018. You will learn how to       This workshop provides top tips
     research opportunities and to     on how to complete winning CVs,
     apply effectively.                application forms and cover letters.
                                       Learn what employers are looking
                                       for and how to improve your
                                       prospects of proceeding to the next
                                       stage in the selection process.

Visit TARGETconnect regularly to find out about all career
events and to book your place:

  INTRODUCTION                         HOW TO SUCCEED                       TYPE DYNAMICS
  TO PSYCHOMETRIC                      AT INTERVIEWS                        INDICATOR
  TESTS                                                                     WORKSHOP
                                       Date:   23rd October 2017,
  Date:  23rd October 2017                     14:00 – 15:00                Date:   27th November 2017,
  Time: 13:00 – 14:00                  Date:   8th November 2017,                   16:00 – 17:00
                                               12:00 – 13:00                Date:   8th February 2018,
  Venue: LUMS Career Zone A112
                                       Date:   8th February 2018,                   10:00 – 11:00
                                               17:00 – 18:00

  Many employers include
  psychometric testing as part of                                           The Type Dynamics Indicator
  their recruitment process and        This workshop explores what          (TDI®) provides a flexible
  we have teamed up with               makes a good interview,              assessment of a person’s
  Profiling for Success to enable      examines what employers are          personality. Underlying patterns
  you to gain practice of the          looking for and explains how to      are revealed by exploring what
  common tests online.                 demonstrate that you have the        attracts and energises us, how
                                       appropriate skills                   we see the world, how we make
  Learn how you should approach                                             decisions and the ways in which
  these tests and what you can do      You will be given hints and tips
                                                                            we manage the world around us.
  to prepare for them. You will have   on how to prepare for an interview
  the opportunity to take a test and   and the session also includes        This workshop will support your
  receive full scores and feedback     interactive practical exercises.     career development, and help
  direct to your email.                                                     you make more effective career
                                                                            decisions, through exploring how
                                                                            personal preferences relate to
                                                                            careers and specific job roles.

Employability Skills & Personal De

DEVELOPING YOUR                       WORKING IN THE                      POSTGRADUATE
PROFESSIONAL                          UK, VISA RULES AND                  PERSONAL
ONLINE BRAND                          MAKING UK JOB                       STATEMENT
WITH LINKEDIN                         APPLICATIONS                        WORKSHOP

Date:    9th November 2017            Date:   Visit TARGETconnect         Date:   25th January 2016,
Time:    15:00 – 17:00                        for details of when and             16:00 – 17:00
Venue:   Bowland Nth A064                     where this event will       Date:   8th February 2016,
                                              take place.                         16:00 – 17:00
                                                                          Date:   26th February 2016,
                                                                                  16:00 – 17:00
Connecting 300 million
                                      This session is specifically        Date:   11th March 2016,
professionals worldwide across
                                      designed for international                  16:00 – 17:00
200 countries, LinkedIn - the
‘Facebook for professionals’ - is     students regarding current
one of the largest professional       legislation about working in
networks on the internet.             the UK, including the new Tier      The Type Dynamics Indicator
                                      1 (Graduate Entrepreneurship)       (TDI®) provides a flexible
This session will introduce the key   route.                              assessment of a person’s
features of LinkedIn and explain                                          personality. Underlying patterns
how to create an impressive           You will be able to ask questions
                                                                          are revealed by exploring what
profile, presenting your skills,      to a qualified adviser about
                                                                          attracts and energises us, how
qualifications and interests, while   seeking employment in the UK.
                                                                          we see the world, how we make
helping you to clearly articulate     This session will be facilitated
                                                                          decisions and the ways in which
a career goal and achieve high        by the International Student
                                                                          we manage the world around us.
visibility from search engines.       Adviser and LUMS Postgraduate
                                      Careers Adviser.                    This workshop will support your
                                                                          career development, and help
                                                                          you make more effective career
                                                                          decisions, through exploring how
                                                                          personal preferences relate to
                                                                          careers and specific job roles.

al Development Workshops (cont.)

    Ryan Lloyd
    Course BSc Management and
    Information Technology
    Placement: Project
    Management, IBM

    “The CV workshops, mock
    assessment centres, and
    interviews were also a key factor
    in me securing my placement.
    It gave me the opportunity to use
    the skills I had learnt, but also
    receive useful feedback, and
    advice from the professionals.”

Student Clubs
and Societies
                SCHOOL ASSOCIATION


                In 2010, societies from
                LUMS combined in founding
                the Lancaster University
                Management School Association
                All major societies at Lancaster
                University Management School
                are connected via LUMSA, with a
                total of more than 1500 members.
                The mission: to maximise
                student opportunities within the
                management school and beyond
                through collaboration between
                societies, academia and
                careers services.

Joining a student club or society is a great way to develop the transferable skills
graduate employers are looking for. Find out about the huge choice available at:

  THE BRIGHT                           ADVERTISING                            LU BUSINESS &
  FUTURES SOCIETY                      SOCIETY                                SUSTAINABLE
  Website:  lancaster.                 Website:  lancasteradvertising
  Facebook: /lancasterbrightfutures    Facebook: /AdvertisingSociety          Website:
                                                                              Facebook: /lancsbsd
  This society is all about            The Advertising Society
  employability, in other words        provides students with a
  making top companies want to         platform to explore their interest
  employ you.                                                                 We are a society, where people
                                       in the world of advertising and
                                                                              can find out about sustainable
  It is your pathway to success        develop essential industry skills
                                                                              aspects of business and apply
  and their events are designed        and experience.
                                                                              them to their own business ideas
  for you to clearly develop those     It aims to be a fun and valuable       to start or develop their sustainable
  essential skills that employers      resource to members, preparing         businesses. We provide a world
  are increasingly demanding. The      them for careers in the advertising    in which businesses integrate
  society organise many great events   industry. An innovative schedule of    economic prosperity with
  each year, including their annual    events, panels, guest lectures and     social equity, environmental
  ‘Dinner with Industry’.              awards offer prime opportunities       sustainability and cultural &
                                       for networking as well as preparing    spiritual vitality.
                                       members for the major employment
                                       challenges from creative internships
                                       to accessing industry networks.

Student Clubs and Societies (cont

LU CONSULTING                        ENACTUS                               LANCASTER
SOCIETY                              LANCASTER                             UNIVERSITY
Email:    consultingsoc@             Website:
            Facebook: /EnactusLancaster
Facebook: /                                                   Website:
                                                                           Facebook: /groups/5945192441
                                     This international student-           Twitter:  @econsoc
Consulting has recently              led organisation seeks to
become one of the most popular       change lives through economic
professions.                         opportunity and make a real
                                                                           The society offers a great variety
                                     impact, both locally and
This society aims to provide                                               of events such as debates
                                     globally, by transferring skills
students with the best possible                                            concerning current affairs,
                                     and entrepreneurial knowledge
insight into the profession. You                                           research insights, module talks
                                     in its projects.
will have a chance to attend talks                                         and trips to the Bank of England
and get inspired by consultants      The society brings opportunities      and the Warwick Economics
from various areas of this broad     to develop teamwork and               Summit.
sector, who will share their         leadership skills, network with
                                                                           This gives members the
experience with you. The society     like-minded students and business
                                                                           opportunity to enhance their
will support you in developing       professionals and get involved in a
                                                                           academic skills, gain insight into
relevant skills such as analytical   global student movement. Enactus
                                                                           economics research and actively
thinking, problem solving and        welcomes students from a wide
                                                                           participate in discussions on
pitching solutions.                  range of subjects who are dedicated
                                                                           current affairs. The society is
                                     and innovative individuals.
                                                                           happy to help its members with
                                                                           their degree and career choices.


     LANCASTER                           LANCASTER                            MANAGEMENT
     ENTREPRENEURS                       UNIVERSITY                           SCIENCE SOCIETY
                                         INVESTMENT AND
                                         FINANCE SOCIETY
     Website:  lancaster                                                      Website:
                                         (LUIFS)                              Facebook: /lancastermss
     Facebook: /lancaster.                                                    Email:    manscisoc@
     Twitter: @LancsEntreprene           Website:
     Email:    lancaster                 Facebook: /
                                                                              Management science
                                                                              involves the investigation,
                                         LUIFS aims to increase their
                                                                              development and application
                                         members’ financial knowledge
                                                                              of solutions to real problems
     The Lancaster Entrepreneurs are     and awareness of opportunities
                                                                              using mathematics, project
     proud to be the oldest society of   in the financial sector.
                                                                              management, systems thinking
     its kind in the UK.
                                         Their members benefit from many      and information systems design.
     Their mission is to inspire         exceptional events, including City
                                                                              If you have an interest in problem
     students to see the potential in    Careers Weekend, where members
                                                                              solving and looking at life from a
     entrepreneurship and to teach       are able to gain insight from City
                                                                              risk perspective, then this is the
     them about the fundamentals of      professionals. Members can take
                                                                              society for you.
     the business start-up process.      part in the society’s Investment
     They do so by engaging successful   Fund to gain real world experience
     entrepreneurs with the society      and also have video conferences
     events as well as by arranging      with professionals from the City.
     challenging business games
     and competitions.

Student Clubs and Societies (cont

LANCASTER                            HR & ORGANISATION,                      PROJECT
UNIVERSITY                           WORK & TECHNOLOGY                       MANAGEMENT
MARKETING SOCIETY                    (HR & OWT) SOCIETY                      SOCIETY

Facebook: /Lancaster.Marketing       Facebook: /LUHROWTSoc                   Facebook: /LancasterPMers
Email:    marketing.soc@             Email:    owtsociety@                   Twitter: @LancasterPMers
                                                                             Instagram: @pmers

This society helps students          Lancaster University HR & OWT
understand that marketing            Society aims to increase member’s       Project Management Society
goes far beyond the theoretical      employability by providing real         specializes in running business
knowledge gained during              life work experiences from guest        and community projects, and
lectures.                            speakers and workshops, as well         they aim to provide a platform
Both educational and entertaining,   as introducing them to the brand        for their members to gain
the society organises a range of     new ‘HR & OWT Award Scheme’             practical experiences by
activities including simulation      through free on campus                  real-life engagement.
games, competitions and large        training sessions.                      The society are aware that theory
social events. Having developed      Partnered with Work Graduates,          alone is not enough to make you
strong links with the Marketing      the society is also able to provide     thrive in the competitive world and
Department and the LUMS Careers      free accredited online training every   that is why they offer experiential
Team, the society has connections    month, along with other society         learning for members to transform
with prominent guest speakers,       collaboration events and member         theory into practice. Members can
with whom it organises events to     socials. Overall, it is an active       initiate projects from scratch and get
help its members get an insight      society that looks to introduce         involved in different stages of project
into the real world of marketing.    members to a better understanding       management, as well as gaining
                                     of the workplace, no matter what        valuable knowledge and experience
                                     degree or past experience.              through their mentoring system.


     MIT SOCIETY:                            LANCASTER
     AND MENTORING                           IN BUSINESS (LUWIB)
     Facebook: /MITLANCS
     WIX:      mitsociety.wixsite.           Facebook: /LUWIBsoc
               com/mitsociety                Email:    lancasterwib@

     As well as providing students
     with the opportunity to network         Lancaster University Women in
     with students in other years,           Business Society (LUWIB) aims
     the society also aims to provide        to provide female students with
     students with the opportunity           strong networks, skills and
                                             experience needed to be
     to meet potential employers and
                                             outstanding in their future careers
     gain valuable contacts that will
                                             while at university. We celebrate
     be helpful in the future.
                                             the successes of women in
     We offer events such as mock            business and inspire increased
     interviews and assessment centres       participation of women in a
     and CV workshops. Last year             diverse range of sectors and in
     we hosted a mock interview and          leadership positions.
     assessment centre delivered by          We organise a range of events such
     Deloitte, IBM, SAP and plan to          as networking sessions, sharing
     do the same this year. We aim           sessions and talks covering various
     to increase collaboration with          industries, which members are able
     graduate employers on an annual         to gain insights from professionals.
     basis, providing a variety of insight   Through workshops, mock
                                             interviews and assessment centre
     opportunities for members.
                                             interviews, members can learn
                                             about the selection process used
                                             by major companies.

                   Support and Activities to
                   Boost Your Employability
The Lancaster Award                               Interested in volunteering                   Green Lancaster
This is a fantastic opportunity to gain
                                                  or starting your own                         If you are particularly interested in
official recognition for all the employability-   business?                                    environmental volunteering, get in touch
enhancing activities you complete whilst                                                       with Green Lancaster.
                                                  LUSU Involve offers opportunities for
at Lancaster University.                          students to volunteer or run a project in    They offer voluntary opportunities such as
Whether you join a student society, do            the local community, volunteer overseas      supporting a community orchard, helping
work experience, take up voluntary work,          and to start your own business.              maintain an organic garden and even
learn a new skill, play sport, organise                                                        looking after some free-range chickens.
                                                  They have many opportunities to volunteer
events or get involved in your college JCR        both locally and internationally, working    For further information:
- it all counts.                                  with schools, vulnerable adults, charities   or just come to one of their intro talks.
                                                  or even to create your own project that
Just look for this symbol:                        benefits students and the community.         Lancaster University
                                                  LUSU Involve offers students who want to     Enterprise Centre
For further information:
                                                  start their own business the opportunity     Whether you’re thinking about personal
                                                  to do so via a wealth of business advice,    development, social innovation or
                                                  contacts and start-up funding. If you have   business start-up, it all starts with
                                                  an idea you want to make a reality or even   an idea…
                                                  if you don’t have an idea but want to try
                                                  running a business, they can help you.       Engaging with Enterprise at Lancaster is a
                                                                                               valuable investment in your employability.
                                                  For further information email Joe Bourne:    This is true regardless of whether you
                                                             want to work for yourself or within a public
                                                                                               sector or charitable organisation, a local
                                                                                               small business or a global corporation.
                                                                                               Developing your enterprise and innovation
                                                                                               capabilities through problem-based
                                                                                               experiential learning will equip you with
                                                                                               precisely the skills that employers are
                                                                                               looking for, giving you the edge on the
                                                                                               competition and the confidence and
                                                                                               resilience to try new things in new ways.

In case you’ve not already started to get      They have many opportunities to
involved, there are countless ways for you     volunteer: working with schools,
to engage with Enterprise during – and         vulnerable adults, charities or even to
after – your time at Lancaster. Regardless     create your own project that benefits
of your year of study, your course or          students and the community. We can
faculty, there are opportunities to develop    broker an opportunity for you, ensure you
your Enterprise skills, from creative          volunteer in a way that gets you the most
problem solving, design thinking and           back from your time put in, ensure that you
business planning to running projects          are volunteering in a safe and supportive
and producing events.                          environment and pay your expenses where
To find out about what’s going to be           host organisations are unable to.
available next year, or to discuss your own    If you have an idea you want to make
ideas for what you’d like to do next, get in   a reality then we can help make it
touch: Call 01524 593271 or email              happen. Whether it’s a celebration of                 multiculturalism; an innovation to make               the university more environmentally              V
                                                                                                 ictorio Serdarov
                                               sustainable; an event that gives fellow          Course: BBA Management
                                               students a chance to perform and                 Placement: Sales Intern, HP
                                               demonstrate their skills/talent; or none of
                                               the above: we are a great place to start!
                                                                                               “The support I received from
                                               We can help you make a plan, deliver a
                                                                                                LUMS proved vital in securing
Want to do something                           safe and successful activity, recruit helpers
                                                                                                a placement both in terms
amazing with your                              and promote to the rest of campus, secure
                                                                                                of identifying placement
free time?                                     funding and connect to the people whose
                                                                                                opportunities and CV,
                                               help you will need.
Lancaster University Students’’ Union                                                           cover letter and interview
offers opportunities for students to make      For further information email your               preparation support.
their idea’s happen, volunteer in all sorts    Students’ Union to get started: help@lusu.
                                      or just pop into see us in Bowland at     This has included the
of sectors from schools to the arts, run a                                                       compulsory Placement
project in the local community or be part      the end of the learning zone.
                                                                                                 Preparation first-year module
of the brilliant accomplishments of our                                                          but also many workshops
hundreds of clubs and societies every year.                                                      and 1:1 appointments with
                                                                                                 career advisors”

Enterprise & Innovation

     Labs                                           T1 (Graduate
     This is where you make your ideas
                                                    Entrepreneur) Visa
     happen while developing your                   If you are an overseas (non-UK/EU)
     entrepreneurial mindset, your design           student due to graduate this academic
     skills, your confidence and your               year and would like to start a business in
     resilience. Whether you are still refining     the UK after you graduate, you will need
     your idea or preparing a funding proposal      a T1 (GE) Visa. You will need to produce
     for an investor, our ultra-flexible Labs       a professional quality business plan
     system allows you to choose your own           that can be endorsed to the satisfaction
     enterprise adventure so you can make           of the Home Office. We are only able to
     your idea happen at your own pace.             endorse 20 graduates per year, so contact
     Pick a time, pick a session type - pitching,   the Enterprise Team or Registry Team to
     prototyping, storytelling, testing, trading    register your interest in plenty of time.
     skills, networking and more - and we’ll
                                                         Registration opens Spring 2018,
     provide a facilitator and all the resources
                                                         enquiries welcome
     you need to iterate forward.
          Daily, Learning Zone Pod 4                Scale Up
                                                    Launching your business is just the first
     Leadership for Sustainable                     step on a journey we hope will be long
     Innovation                                     and rewarding, and there is a wealth
     This is where you can accelerate your          of support available to you on and off
     new venture through a structured start-up      campus to draw on. Maintaining a
     development programme. This intensive          relationship with the Enterprise Team
     programme covers idea validation,              post-start will unlock access to hot-
     product/service design, business model         desking facilities and a business address,
     validation, financial planning and             mentoring and professional advice,
     strategic planning and draws on the            action learning sets, an international peer
     latest design thinking processes, tools        network, as well as regional SME support
     and approaches to ensuring you have            programmes and accelerators.
     thoroughly de-risked your new venture.              Ongoing, enquiries welcome
          Runs Summer 2018,
          enquiries welcome

Commercial Awareness                          Santander Universities                       Enterprise News
If you are preparing for a curricular
                                              Entrepreneurship Awards                      There are new opportunities, events,
placement or consultancy project, an          This prestigious national competition will   workshops, competitions, etc. emerging
extra-curricular challenge or competition,    see you go head-to-head with students        all the time. To stay abreast of everything
or you are actively seeking work, it pays     from across the UK to produce the best       that’s going on, visit the Enterprise
to refine your commercial awareness.          business plans and pitches before a panel    Centre blog and sign up to the newsletter.
Our Business Model Canvas workshops           of VIP judges. The process starts with a
will help you or your team quickly analyse    local competition to determine who will 
any organisation’s business model, so         be put forward to represent Lancaster             enterprisecentre
that you can identify where your work         University in the national stages with the
will create value. Understanding this is      potential to win up to £20,000 and other
the key to enhancing your performance         exclusive prizes.
on the task at hand, delivering better
                                                   Starts Lent term,
outcomes for your client or employer and
                                                   enquiries welcome
boosting the quality of your coursework.
     Starts Michaelmas term,                  PG Rise
     enquiries welcome
                                              If you are a PostGrad Researcher looking
                                              to gain a practical understanding of
Global                                        models for sustainable research impact
Entrepreneurship Week                         - including spin-outs and licenses - PG
A week-long showcase of student-led           Rise can help you, whilst also broadening
enterprise and innovation activities          your personal PGR network. As part of
in the Learning Zone, culminating in          a multi-disciplinary PG Rise team you
the Lancaster Entrepreneurs Society’s         will work on a short research sprint
24-hour social innovation hackathon to        around the market opportunity and
identify a sustainable solution to a global   business model for Intellectual Property
social or environmental challenge.            generated by some of Lancaster’s leading
Look out for the programme as it takes        academics. You will approach your own
shape, including the announcement of          research with new perspectives on how
our annual Enterprise Awards evening          it can be applied in the wider world.
and Start-Up Weekend 2018.
                                                   Ongoing, enquiries welcome
     13-19 November 2017, session
     bookings via Target Connect

Direct access to LUMS professional
network of experienced alumni
Make the most of our exclusive
online networking platform –
LUMS Connect.
Help offered: unique career insights
and application support from over
1,200 experienced LUMS graduates.
Tailored search: find alumni
volunteers based on your selected
companies, industries or countries.
Simple process: message them
directly via the platform.

Lancaster University Management School

              The Chartered Management Institute is an accredited professional
              institution for management based in the United Kingdom. We are very
              pleased to collaborate with CMI on a selection of our employability
              activities. We welcome their support for our students.
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