D214 Community Education - Small Group Personal Training p. 18
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D214 Community Education Small Group Personal Training p. 18 ce.d214.org Adult Education - Kids Aquatics - Performing Arts - Fitness - Travel - Community Theater - Music Lessons - Kids Classes - Cooking - Professional Development - Online
Fitness & Athletics Culinary Building Learning Communities ICELAND > Travel p. 12 > Offering dozens of trips every year YOU CAN’T TAKE IT ranging from short half-day jaunts to local tourist hot spots, to exotic WITH YOU! multi-week vacations to dream Theater Lab p. 34 destinations across the world, Community Education’s very own theater CET is your partner in making troupe, The Theater Lab, proudly presents memories of a lifetime! a four performance run of the Pulitzer Prize An island of dramatic contrasts, winning play, “You Can’t Take It With You.” Iceland is a landscape forged by Join us for this comedy classic or attend one ice and fire. Learn more about our of our other cultural & performing arts events trip-of-a-lifetime to Iceland as well throughout the winter and spring season. as our shorter day trips, theater Turn to pages 34 & 35 to learn more. trips and extended tours. Arts Professional Development READ TO LEARN > Adult Education p. 32 Would you like to work one on one with someone and have a positive and long- term impact on their life? The Read to Learn program allows you to work one- on-one with an adult student on basic reading and writing skills that will improve the quality of their personal and professional lives. Learn about our Read to Learn program and all our Adult Education programs on page 32. Discover more inside! 2 l Winter 2022 l 847-718-7700
Registration is now open! n Adult Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-32 16 n Arts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 n Community Education Travel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 n Culinary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 n Cultural & Performing Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35 n D214 CE Gold Card Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 30 n D214 Education Foundation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 24 n Fitness and Athletics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18 n Health and Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-20 n Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 n Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 23 n Our Amazing Students. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11 25 n Our Excellent Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 n Personal Finance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 n Professional Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 n Registration Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 19 n Registration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 n Special Interests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-27 28 n Skip Dates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 n Youth and Family. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-29 Winter 2022: No Class Dates & Make-Up Weeks D214 CE Gold Card No Class: 1/17, 2/21 If you are a resident of D214 and 62 years or older, you are Make-Up Week: 3/21-3/27 eligible for a free D214 Community Education Gold Card. Gold Card members receive discounts for designated D214 High There are no regularly scheduled classes during make-up School and Community Education programs, games, weeks. Classes canceled by the instructor may be made up and performances. during a make-up week or at a mutually agreed upon day Apply for a Gold Card online at ce.d214.org/goldcard or call and time. 847-718-7700. ce.d214.org l Winter 2022 3
Administrators & Staff Superintendent Community Education Staff Our Mission Dr. David R. Schuler Patrick Mogge Director of Community Engagement To provide Board of Education and Outreach high quality William J. Dussling Christopher Gorcik community President Community Education Supervisor Mildred “Millie” Palmer education Karen Oswald Vice President Adult Education and Family Literacy programming Mark Hineman Supervisor to residents Alva Kreutzer Cathy Veller of all ages. Dan Petro Community Education Andrea Rauch Program Manager Leonard “Lenny” Walker Campus Locations and Entrances Elmhurst Road (83) 1 Forest View Educational Center (FVEC) Community Education Main Office 2 2121 South Goebbert Road Dundee Road (68) Arlington Heights > Enter through door 2 7 2 Buffalo Grove High School (BGHS) Hintz Road 1100 West Dundee Road New Wilke Road Ra Buffalo Grove nd Palatine Road Ro 4 ad Thomas Road Elk Grove High School (EGHS) (12 3 ) 500 Elk Grove Boulevard Elk Grove Village Arlington Heights Road Euclid Avenue Kensington Road 4 John Hersey High School (JHHS) 5 1900 East Thomas No Arlington Heights rth > Enter through door 32 Central Road we st H igh 5 Prospect High School (PHS) 6 wa y (14 801 West Kensington Road ) Mount Prospect Golf Road (58) > Enter through door 30 or 32 1 Algo nqu 6 Rolling Meadows High School (RMHS) Higgins Road (72) in R oad 2901 West Central Road (62) Rolling Meadows Oakton Street > Enter through door 11 7 Wheeling High School (WHS) Landmeier Road 900 South Elmhurst Road Elk Grove Boulevard Wheeling 3 4 l Winter 2022 l 847-718-7700
Welcome! Dear Community Members: Welcome to the Winter 2022 issue of the Community Education program guide. While we are always proud of the wide array of opportunities offered by our Community Education staff, we are especially pleased this time because of the increased number of in-person classes offered. Our District 214 students Dear Community Members: are thrilled by the return of face-to-face, in-person learning. We know that you will share a similar excitement as you Welcome to the winter edition of the select and participate in the many programs offered through District 214 Community Education Community Education. program guide. We’re excited to share our latest slate of courses and During our school walkthroughs this fall, Board members have special events with you. We are adding been impressed - as always - by the quality of instruction, the back additional in-person programs that meet the needs of technology available and the student engagement that make community members, while continuing to comply with current District 214 one of the nation’s premier districts in preparing public health mandates and state guidelines. students for success beyond high school. You’ll find stories highlighting just a few outstanding learning experiences here. We continue to receive positive feedback about our programming, and feel sure you will be just as enthusiastic as A similar combination of factors in our Community Education we are about what’s in store for this winter. A spotlight event programs is paving the way for adults to advance their own is The Theater Lab’s spring presentation of “You Can’t Take It careers and quality of life. This issue of the program guide With You.” Check out our profile of The Theater Lab producer/ includes Community Education Instructor Highlights - a chance director, Patrick Zielinski, on page 34; maybe you’d like to join to meet just a few of the people who are providing high-level the production! We have many new courses planned for the teaching across a wide spectrum of courses. coming session that you can find throughout the guide as This issue also includes remarkable testimonials from two well as on our website. women who experienced exactly that. Sixteen years after Adult Education, including English as a Second Language, leaving high school without her diploma, Irma Torres utilized High School Equivalency and Citizenship preparation classes Adult Education and Family Literacy (AEFL) to complete her are in-person again, with a few classes being offered remotely. GED and change her career direction, enabling her to fulfill the Through the free 16-week Adult Manufacturing Career Pathway dream of buying a home for her family. Xiling Chen is a former program at Wheeling High School, participants have the Adult Education student who found enhanced independence by opportunity to earn several certifications to help advance their taking ESL and the Citizenship Preparation classes - a choice career. Since 1947, we have been committed to providing high made easier because of the free childcare available for her two quality educational and enrichment opportunities for residents young boys. She earned her High School Equivalency through of all ages and look forward to welcoming you this winter. Harper College in May and is now pursuing an associates degree in Supply Chain Management. Stay healthy, be well and thank you for your continued support. And if not all Community Education classes are so dramatically Sincerely, life changing, they all do provide opportunities to explore and Patrick Mogge expand horizons in ways that benefit individuals and ultimately Director, Community Engagement and Outreach the entire community. We hope you’ll take time to peruse this issue and its opportunities carefully. And on behalf of the Board of Education, I hope you have a great winter. Sincerely, William (Bill) Dussling, District 214 Board President ce.d214.org l Winter 2022 5
EDUCATION FOUNDATION Foundation Golf Outing: A day on the links for a good cause The District 214 Education Foundation recently held the annual Foundation for the Future Golf Open and Reception at Rolling Green Country Club; what a success it was. Events like this help to fund student success, innovation and lifelong learning beyond the limitations of conventional funding for public education. Gifts to the District 214 Education Foundation mean so much. Support from our donors and sponsors mean that we will be able to address the stories of real need that we hear every day. Our donors empower us to continuously make impactful changes to empower D214 students in life-changing, tangible ways. There are a number of ways to support the District 214 Education Foundation n Early college credit and summer enrichment programming n The Next Generation Pathway to Completion, a nationally unique program supporting first-generation students and their families from their junior year in high school through graduation from college. The first cohort has seen 100 percent college acceptance. n Funding for career certifications and Career Pathway programming and capital improvements that collectively give students a head start on their future n Scholarships for college-bound students and academic enrichment in high school n And more Want to help? Join us in our mission to build dreams and fund the future! If you want to support the D214 Education Foundation, you can do so in many ways. Just reach out to Brooke Snell at brooke.snell@d214.org. 6 l Winter 2022 l 847-718-7700
DISCOVER: Our Excellent Staff Wheeling Teacher Named Winner in National Innovation Contest Becky Kinnee, the teaching and Over the weeks, Kinnee’s program evolved to help the entire learning facilitator at Wheeling High community. Younger students were able to gain support. Parents School, won first prize in the national were able to fill out applications for free internet and learned to Teach Plus Project SPARK Innovation navigate things like open house and parent teacher conferences. Contest. This award is given to On top of that, Kinnee and her team also provided food, drinks and educators who reinvented education school supplies to support the community and kids. during the pandemic. “I am just so proud of our Wheeling High School staff because this In order to continue to connect was truly a team effort. We saw a need, we made a plan, we left with students during the pandemic, the comfort of our school and we served our community with love Kinnee developed a Tutoring in the and care, all the while navigating the difficulties of the pandemic. Park program. Every Saturday for 15 weeks, she led a team of staff There were so many people who showed up each week to do the and student tutors to help students with homework, organization work, and I am just thankful to be on a team who cares about our and completion of graduation requirements in a community park. kids as much as I do,” said Kinnee. They also provided free enrichment experiences like art and Finalists of the Teach Plus SPARK Innovation Contest were judged music lessons. by an expert panel that included award-winning teachers and principals and senior staff of the Illinois Board of Education. Good chemistry: Hersey’s Chris Cassidy wins Teacher Excellence Award John Hersey High School teacher The award includes $1,000 and a framed certificate from the Chris Cassidy has been honored as section, which will recognize Cassidy during its November meeting. this year’s winner of the Teacher Also planned is a recognition ceremony to be scheduled at Hersey. Excellence Award, issued annually “I am incredibly honored to be the recipient,” Cassidy said. “The by the Chicago section of the ACS is the standard bearer of professional organizations in my field. American Chemical Society. Some of the other nominees are ‘teacher heroes’ of mine, and I am Chicago section members created floored that I was selected out of this pool. This is a higher honor the honor in 2018 to “recognize, than I could have imagined.” encourage and stimulate outstanding teachers of high school chemistry or a chemical science in the Chicago section.” The criteria fit Cassidy, who currently teaches Honors and “Our best days are the ones where Advanced Placement Chemistry. Cassidy said he always strives to students are making their own make his classes authentic, engaging and appropriately rigorous. “Our best days are the ones where students are making their discoveries and connections through own discoveries and connections through experimentation and discussion,” he said. “I believe students thrive on challenge and experimentation and discussion,” are naturally curious, and also want to improve the world they are living in. They have been impressing me for over 20 years, and I am fortunate to be able to guide some of them through an important stage of their lives.” ce.d214.org l Winter 2022 7
DISCOVER: Our Amazing Students District 214 Helps Hundreds of Elk Grove Students Gain Internet Access The internet is a vital tool in education, but hundreds Blackhawk Estates population, but there were limitations. Data plans of students found themselves struggling to overcome were capped to three gigabytes a month, which in many cases, was not enough to support all of the Zoom classes. The District accommodated technological barriers during the pandemic. the expenses, but there needed to be a long-term solution. About 450 Elk Grove High School students live in the adjoining mobile In fall 2020, the IT department sought to set up a remote wireless system home communities known as the Oasis Mobile Home Park and Blackhawk in the mobile home communities that could instantly connect to the Estates. This unincorporated area is surrounded on all sides by roads and high school network. This system would provide the same high-speed gated industrial parks, leaving residents landlocked. All students in the broadband service to the students’ school-issued devices for a seamless District have a school-issued device, but many of these students do not connection. have access to reliable high speed internet. To help fund the project, the District applied to various grants. It received “Consider how often we all depend on the internet in our regular $25,000 from the Best Buy Foundation, $10,000 from the Illinois Secretary interactions for goods and services. Access to dependable, high-speed of State for Digital Network Access, as well as funds under the federal internet is essential in today’s world and that includes classroom learning CARES Act. experiences. However, many families must focus on providing basic necessities over access to online resources for students,” said Dr. Lazaro “Federal funding has been instrumental in addressing the countless Lopez, the associate superintendent of teaching and learning at District 214. challenges faced during the pandemic. Providing the needed infrastructure to support broadband access for our students at this location and The District’s IT Department recognized this problem. In spring 2020, the throughout the District will have a long term impact beyond the current District distributed hotspot devices to the Oasis Mobile Home Park and crisis,” said Lopez. (continued on page 9) 8 l Winter 2022 l 847-718-7700
Discover: Our Amazing Students “Ensuring that all of D214 students have access to quality internet is a passion of mine and our Technology Services Department. This project is the first step in helping to create ubiquitous access for all students within the D214 boundaries. …” Students find their Passion through – Anthony Schlorff Manufacturing Pathway October is Manufacturing Month. District 214 is highlighting this growing field and how students are getting the hands-on experience they need to jump-start their careers. Elk Grove Students Gain Internet District 214’s Manufacturing career cluster teaches students how to plan, manage Access (continued from p. 8) and process materials into intermediate or final products. It offers a variety of certification opportunities as well as advanced courses where students can earn In September, CDW helped install a new wireless point- college credits. to-point bridge system, with one point on the water tower “Students will start from scratch with basic measurements and work all the way of Oasis and one at Forest View Educational Center in up to some pretty advanced CNC (Computer Numerical Control) programming,” said Arlington Heights. The range can be accessed by students Jon Pieper, the manufacturing career and technical educator at Elk Grove High School. in Blackhawk Estates, as well as District 59 students in both communities. This system, believed to be the first of its “I’m really grateful to have this pathway because last year I did not know what I kind in the state, creates an on-campus internet experience. wanted to do after high school,” said Jose Cervantes, a senior at Elk Grove High All District-issued devices can connect automatically and School. “I can work with machines, make parts and get paid for it. It’s something students have access to licensed software that they could I just really like to do.” normally only use at school. Manufacturing is a leading driver in Illinois’ economy, with more than $100 billion “Ensuring that all of D214 students have access to quality of annual economic output and more than 18,000 manufacturing companies internet is a passion of mine and our Technology Services located here in the state. Nationally, manufacturers seek to fill four million high- Department. This project is the first step in helping to skill, high-tech and high-paying jobs over the next decade. create ubiquitous access for all students within the D214 boundaries. I am so thankful of our supporters and proud of all of the teams involved in making this dream a reality,” said Anthony Schlorff, the director of technology services for District 214. D214 Schools Honor 9/11 Victims This year, the country solemnly marked 20 years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks. “Providing students access to the same essential resources Although high school students weren’t alive then, schools across the District honored we all depend on, along with guided support at D214 to the victims to keep their legacies alive. discover their future, ensures they have the best opportunity for economic mobility by fully realizing their potential to On the Friday before the anniversary, Former Gov. Pat Quinn, Gold Star families, compete and contribute to thriving local communities,” veterans and first responders visited John Hersey High School for a remembrance said Lopez. ceremony. A special exhibit, Portrait of a Soldier, was also on display. It featured more than 300 hand-drawn portraits of service members from Illinois who died serving the The management staff at Oasis Mobile Home Park has country following 9/11. offered its cooperation to the District. In recent years, Oasis has provided free space for the District to host a As part of the day of remembrance, the entire school was shown a special video tutoring center, summer camp, lending library and office produced by recent graduate, Benjamin Popovici. Over the summer, he was one of four space for D214 counselors and social workers. students that traveled to Maine to work with the non-profit “A Soldier’s Journey Home.” During the trip, Benjamin interviewed five FDNY firefighters to get their first-hand accounts of 9/11. His story on how it came together was featured in the Daily Herald. Meanwhile, students and staff at Prospect High School performed a powerful docu- play called 110 Stories. They shared the untold stories of 9/11 survivors: those of first responders, pet-owners, a nurse, even a homeless man who helped save lives. All of the proceeds from ticket sales were donated to the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation. ce.d214.org l Winter 2022 9
Discover: Our Amazing Students PAC Program: Students are Flipping a House! The Practical Architectural Construction (PAC) program celebrated its 50th year in 2021, and this year’s students are starting the next 50 years with a bang—of hammers, crowbars and saws. In the PAC program, up to 50 junior and senior students of High School District 214 work to construct, renovate or add on to a home in the District. Students work under the supervision of program instructors and gain experience in all phases of the various construction trades. The program began in 1971 as a six-week summer school program assembling prefabricated home projects. Over the following decade, it expanded into a longer summer program, with students constructing many of the buildings at Sunrise Lake Camp and outdoor education center in Bartlett—buildings used through the years by District 214 programs. Since 1985, the PAC program has been focused on building or renovating a single-family home in the District. This year, students are flipping a house! The project started in September with demolition tasks: pulling out old plumbing, taking down drywall and removing outdated door and window trim. Students learn how to do things—and also how not to do things. In the It all adds up to great practical experience that can help students get a first weeks on the site, for instance, the team began taking drywall down head start on a construction or design career, or help them get the insight and discovered no wall studs, but two sheets of drywall glued together. needed to veer in another direction. And then they found electrical lines haphazardly installed behind a kitchen wall. After initial demolition, the team moved on to laying the plywood for Follow the adventures of this year’s PAC team on YouTube, by clicking on a new, level floor and moving window locations. the QR code above. Hersey High School Student Named District 214’s First All-American Water Polo Player Annie Lindgren, class of 2021, was recently “Annie’s dad was one of my club coaches when named a second team All-American Water Polo I swam at high school,” said Brownley. “When Player by the National Interscholastic Swim I started at Hersey, I saw him in the mail room Coaches Association. This is the first time a and he recognized me right away. I remember District 214 student earned this award. She seeing his kids since they were little.” was co-captain of the John Hersey High School Thanks to her early exposure to the sport, water polo team for the last two seasons and Lindgren was a starter on the Varsity Water Polo finished this most recent season with an 18-3 team for all four years of high school. Brownley record. Megan Brownley, the Varsity Girls Water says she was a standout right away. Polo Coach at Hersey, explains the significance of this achievement. “She’s the best player I’ve ever coached and she’s the best player that’s ever been through “Chicago water polo is not on the map. It’s District 214,” she said. “Coaches have been all California, a little bit of Florida and Texas. asking me for years when she’s going to It’s incredible. The fact that she was on the graduate because they’re tired of having to play second team means that she’s in the very top against Annie and figure out how to double and percentage of the entire country in high school triple team Annie Lindgren.” water polo,” she said. On top of Lindgren’s individual success, this Lindgren started competitively swimming at the past school year Hersey’s water polo team age of 5 and learned to play water polo at the was also Mid-Suburban League Conference age of 10. Her father, the late Rob Lindgren, Champions, Sectional Champions and placed spent 30 years teaching and coaching water 4th place in the state. polo in District 214. He passed down coaching duties to Annie’s current coach. The two share This fall, Lindgren will attend Oklahoma State a strong relationship. University to study Management Information Systems. 10 l Winter 2022 l 847-718-7700
Discover: Our Amazing Students Reach Your Dreams through Adult Education It is hard to overstate the impact District 214’s Adult Education and Family Literacy (AEFL) program makes in our community. From English as a Second Language (ESL) and citizenship classes to High School Equivalency (GED) preparation, District 214’s AEFL Program has a variety of classes to offer. These courses are changing people’s lives. Irma Torres didn’t Xiling Chen is a former Adult Education finish high school and student. She took both ESL and the spent 16 years working Citizenship Preparation classes. Through in the hospitality them, she gained more independence and industry. She knew confidence in the English language. that earning her GED “Without the language skills, I had no access would open new job to pursue a better life,” said Chen. “I see opportunities for her. progress for myself. I keep moving forward “It was so easy. I and all this has given me confidence to regret not doing it so dream big.” much sooner than I Chen says a big reason why she chose to did,” said Torres. “My attend classes through Adult Education was advice to anybody who because of the free childcare available for thinks that getting a her two young boys. GED is hard: don’t wait because you will be amazed at how easy it is and how much it will benefit your life.” “As a full-time mom, I signed up for classes without any hesitation,” Torres is now an administrative assistant said Chen. at Forest View Educational Center and was recently able to achieve her dream of She received her High School Equivalency through Harper College buying a home for her growing family. in May and is now pursuing an associates degree in Supply Chain Management. Hear Ima’s story Hear Xiling’s story > > For the full list of programs available, head to www.ce.d214.org/adulted 214 Website Earns National Recognition District 214 was recently named a winner of the Web Marketing Association’s 2021 WebAwards for Outstanding Achievement in Web Development. Independent judges from around the world reviewed websites from across 96 industries. Judges lauded D214 Stories as a standout feature, which the District employs as a platform to highlight student and staff achievements throughout the District. The District launched its new website in January 2021 in cooperation with Blackboard Creative Services, which developed the site. District 214 also introduced at the same time new sites for each of its seven schools: six comprehensive schools and the Specialized Schools. Each of these sites is designed to offer ready access to school-specific news, announcements, calendars and resources for students, staff and parents. While this annual competition does feature an Education category, judges designated District 214’s site as outstanding in competition with sites across all industries. ce.d214.org l Winter 2022 11
DISCOVER: D214 Community Education Travel Offering dozens of trips every year ranging from short half-day jaunts to local tourist hot-spots, to exotic multi-week vacations to dream destinations across the world, CET is your partner in making memories of a lifetime. Travelers of all ages are welcome – from young couples and families to empty nesters and seniors, and you don’t even have to live in the District 214 service area to travel with us! Visit our website at ce.d214.org/cet, email us at cetravel@d214.org, or call us at (847) 718-7709 for more information or to book a trip today! Iceland 2022 CET WINTER/SPRING MATINEE Are You Smarter Than Your 8th Grade Nun? THEATRE TRIPS at the Greenhouse Theatre From the creator of the popular long running shows, Late Nite Prices are all inclusive including lunch & gratuities Catechism and Bible Bingo, get ready for another fun, hilarious for CET Day Trips! afternoon with Vickie Quade and her new comedy Are You Smarter Than Your 8th Grade Nun? In this comedy game show, contestants Groundhog Day: The Musical! are quizzed on subjects like history, geography, arithmetic, science, at Aurora’s Paramount Theatre civics, and a few more! Answer too many questions wrong, and Based on the classic Bill Murray comedy, Groundhog Day: The you’ll end up in Purgatory, where you have to answer a religious Musical is uproariously funny, surprisingly touching and simply question to get out. Winners get a free pass to heaven, and inspirational. Nominated for 7 Tony Awards, including Best Musical for some, a Get Out of Hell Free card! Before this fun show in and Best Original Score, the historic Paramount Theatre in Aurora Lincoln Park at the Greenhouse Theatre, lunch is served at the is proud to present the Midwest regional premiere of this wonderful iconic Ann Sather’s Restaurant on Belmont Avenue. musical comedy. Enjoy a great homestyle lunch at the Riverview n Wednesday, March 16, 2022 | $123 Diner in nearby Montgomery, IL before the matinee. n Wednesday, February 2, 2022 | $125 ravelin’ NEWSLETTER Want to be among the first to find out when our next season of trips & tours are announced? Then drop us an email with your name and address at cetravel@d214.org to join our mailing list and receive the quarterly Travelin’ Newsletter mailed right to your home. 12 l Winter 2022 l 847-718-7700
Discover: D214 Community Education Travel Lyric Opera of Chicago presents: Tosca Mississippi River Magic At Chicago’s legendary 1929 Art-Deco Civic Opera House, the Delight in the beauty of the Mississippi River Valley on a full Chicago Lyric Opera presents Tosca. The story of a diva who day, 100-mile cruise aboard the Celebration Belle. Cruise from has all of Rome at her feet. A woman who takes charge of her Dubuque, IA to Bettendorf while enjoying a full breakfast, lunch & life and fights for what she wants. A heroine who is brave and prime rib dinner with narration by the captain, live entertainment loving, extravagantly emotional, yet utterly irresistible. Floria and activities. Cruise through 3 locks & dams with spectacular Tosca is all these things. Sung in Italian with projected English views of the majestic bluffs. Other tour highlights include: free texts, Puccini’s lushly grand-scale music illuminates these time in Galena, IL and the National Mississippi River Museum characters, and the entire opera bursts with a theatricality & Aquarium in Dubuque. We’ll also step back in time during a that makes Tosca a favorite of audiences everywhere. Lunch visit to charming Bishop Hill Colony, IL. This “prairie utopia” is included downtown before the matinee. Main Floor Seating. was established by industrious Swedish immigrants in the mid- n Thursday, April 7, 2022 | $179 1800’s. Take a guided tour to see the colony’s historic buildings and enjoy a Swedish lunch in Bishop Hill. n June 15-17, 2022 CET 2022 EXTENDED TOURS Rockies to the Red Rocks aboard the Rocky Call 847-718-7709 or email cetravel@d214.org for more Mountaineer! Be one of the first to experience the Rocky Mountaineer information or to make a reservation. Train’s American debut in 2022! Journey through extraordinary Nashville Iceland landscapes between the mile-high city of Denver, Colorado An island of dramatic contrasts, Iceland is a landscape forged and the red rock formations of Moab, Utah. Marvel at ancient by ice and fire. Its volcanic nature is reflected in evidence of rock canyons, inspiring deserts, natural archways, enchanting steaming lava fields and the area’s hot pools. Massive glaciers hoodoos, mountain ranges, and raging rivers. As you ride in continue to sculpt the mountains and valleys, leaving behind comfort, be pampered by Rocky Mountaineer’s top level of thundering waterfalls and plunging fjords. Travel the Golden Circle, luxury service for this American route - SilverLeaf Service - an epicenter of natural scenic wonders. Take a walking tour of featuring the Bi-level Glass Dome Coach for panoramic viewing, the capital city, Reykjavik and learn its history, dating back to hot gourmet breakfasts and lunch created by Executive Chefs, 1796. Visit a local family who maintains a 400-year old tradition of morning scones and afternoon wine & cheese, and exclusive catching and preserving Greenland sharks. Learn about geothermal outdoor viewing platform revealing a non-stop parade of renewable energy on a visit to the island’s largest power station. glorious living postcards. Highlights: Denver, Ruby Canyon, Discover turf-built houses and farming artifacts at outdoor Skogar Mt. Logan, Glenwood Springs, Mt. Garfield, Arches National Park, Museum. And be awed at the wonder of the tallest waterfall in Canyonlands National Park, Dead Horse State Park, Moab, Salt Iceland. Whether it’s your soak in the Blue Lagoon, spotting puffins Lake City and more. All aboard the Rocky Mountaineer Train on a scenic cruise or admiring the natural wildlife, you’ll discover for the experience of a lifetime! n June 24-July 1, 2022 spectacular landscapes and incredible culture on this fascinating Icelandic journey. n June 14-23, 2022 California Coastal Tour Discover the magnificent California Coast featuring an unforgettable, endless panorama of Pacific Coastline scenes. Spring is the perfect time to visit the Central California Coast as mountainsides are freshly green, temperatures are balmy and sunshine is abundant. Enjoy the excitement of big cities as well as the quiet, serene natural beauty of rural California. Lodge at the lovely Oceanfront Hilton Resort in Santa Barbara, the charming Apple Farm Inn in San Luis Obispo, and the Marriott Union Square in San Francisco. Marvel at the awe inspiring coastline views as you travel scenic Pacific Coast Highway 1 where the mountains meet the sea! Highlights: Los Angeles Guided Tour, Paramount Studios, Santa Monica Pier, amphibious Landshark tour of Santa Barbara, Old Santa Barbara Mission, view Morro Rock, Hearst Castle in San Simeon, Big Sur, the fairy tale Danish village of Solvang, the fanciful Madonna Inn for dinner, Monterey and Cannery Row, San Francisco Bay Cruise, a winery and much more! n April 21-29, 2022 Rocky Montaineer ce.d214.org l Winter 2022 13
DISCOVER: Arts Choose your medium! Engage your creative self and explore artistic elements. We offer classes in dance, music, needlework and crafts. Paint Pouring | p. 15 Dance Music Ballroom & Latin Dancing Beginning Guitar Be ready to dance at your next special occasion! This class covers the The guitar is one of the most versatile and popular instruments around, Fox Trot, Waltz, Jitterbug, Cha-Cha, Polka, Latin Dance and Swing. and our beginning guitar class is the perfect way to get started! In this Singles, couples and teens welcome. introduction to guitar playing, we will cover basic chord shapes, strumming Instructor: Cherie Uricek patterns and simple lead lines, and apply what we’ve learned to popular Location: FVEC and well-known songs. No prior experience is necessary, students must 01101-01 | Ages 13+ | Wed | 6:30 PM-8:00 PM provide their own instrument. 1/12-3/2 | 8 sessions | $75 Instructor: Michael Plantan Location: FVEC Line Dancing - Beginners 2 01201-01 | Ages 13+ | Tue | 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Line dancing is a great way to meet new people, get some fun exercise, 1/11-3/15 | 10 sessions | $129 and just have a great time! In this class, we’ll cover a number of different well known line dances based on country and pop songs. Open only to Fingerstyle Guitar students who have taken Line Dancing Beginners 1, singles and couples Did you ever want to learn how to play Fingerstyle/Classical guitar? both welcome. Students will learn the fundamentals of playing without a pick, exploring Instructor: Elena Soultanska beginning classical/fingerstyle guitar pieces and learning how to apply this Location: FVEC | No class: 1/17, 2/21 technique into your song repertoire. Students of all levels are welcome; 01104-01 | Ages 18+ | Mon | 6:00 PM-7:00 PM basic chord knowledge recommended. Must provide your own instrument. 1/10-3/14 | 8 sessions | $69 Instructor: Michael Plantan Location: FVEC Line Dancing - Intermediate 2 01203-01 | Ages 13+ | Tue | 8:00 PM-9:00 PM In this intermediate level class, we’ll build upon what we’ve already 1/11-3/15 | 10 sessions | $129 learned in the beginning Line Dancing class and take our skills to the next level. Open only to students who have already taken Line Dancing Classic Rock Unplugged Intermediate 1. Singles and couples both welcome. Students will explore the acoustic side of the classic rock era, from Instructor: Elena Soultanska Clapton and the Eagles to the Beatles and Rolling Stones. We’ll learn Location: FVEC | No class: 1/17, 2/21 chords, riffs, arrangements, and jam together – forming our own 01109-01 | Ages 18+ | Mon | 7:00 PM-8:00 PM unplugged ensemble. Students of all levels are welcome; basic chord 1/10-3/14 | 8 sessions | $69 knowledge recommended. Must provide your own instrument. Instructor: Michael Plantan Square Dancing Location: FVEC Square Dancing is alive and well and more popular than ever. If you 01202-01 | Ages 13+ | Tue | 7:00 PM-8:00 PM love to dance, meet new people and have fun then this class is for you! 1/11-3/15 | 10 sessions | $129 Students will learn square dance basic moves, do-si-do right, left grand, grand square and more from experienced dancers provided Beginning Ukulele by the Happy Twirlers Dance Club. The ukulele is quickly becoming one of the most popular string Instructor: John Harden instruments. Join our beginner class and learn all the basics you need Location: FVEC to start your musical journey! In this class, we will cover basic chords, 01107-01 | Ages 13+ | Wed | 7:00 PM-8:30 PM strumming patterns, and simple lead lines, as well as learn how to read 1/12-3/16 | 10 sessions | $59 tablature while applying these skills to learning popular and well-known songs. No prior experience required, students must provide their own Latin Dance - Intermediate ukulele. This class is for adults who have a basic knowledge of social Latin dances Instructor: Michael Plantan such as Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Cha-cha, or Rumba, or have taken Location: FVEC Latin Dance Beginning. Singles and couples are welcome. 01204-01 | Ages 13+ | Tue | 5:00 PM-6:00 PM Instructor: Elena Soultanska 1/11-3/15 | 10 sessions | $129 Location: FVEC | No class: 1/17, 2/21 01108-01 | Ages 18+ | Mon | 8:00 PM-9:00 PM Individual Music Lessons | See p.15 1/10-3/14 | 8 sessions | $69 14 l Winter 2022 l 847-718-7700
Discover: Arts Needlework and Crafts Intro to Needlepoint Explore a relaxing new craft, no experience necessary! Learn techniques Macramé Plant Hanger Workshop New! for starting/stopping a thread and 12 go-to stitches. Instructor will share Macramé is a fabric craft involving knotting techniques rather than tips, tricks and tools. Students to bring embroidery/small sewing scissors weaving or knitting and is a ton of fun! In this macramé plant hanger and note taking materials to class. A 10” x 10” piece of 13 count canvas workshop, you will learn 3 basic macramé knots which you will use mounted on stretcher bars will be provided to all students the first night to create your very own plant hanger to take home with you. of class. A materials fee of $12 is due to the instructor at the first class. Instructor: Marissa Stuart Instructor: Peggy Conway Location: RMHS Location: FVEC 01306-01 | Ages 13+ | Thu | 6:30 PM-8:00 PM 01302-01 | Ages 13+ | Wed | 6:30 PM-8:30 PM 2/17 | $39 2/16-3/2 | 3 sessions | $35 Location: PHS 01306-02 | Ages 13+ | Tue | 6:30 PM-8:00 PM Visual Arts 1/25 | $39 Paint Pouring New! Location: FVEC This class will go into depth with paint mixing, different pouring mediums 01306-03 | Ages 13+ | Thu | 6:30 PM-8:00 PM and a variety of paint pouring techniques. Most supplies should be 3/17 | $39 purchased after the first class. We will go over the different material Sewing 101 choices available for you to use for your artwork. This is a MESSY FUN Learn basic sewing terms, techniques, fabric selection and pattern class! Please come dressed appropriately in comfortable clothes you aren’t reading. This class will focus on specific projects intended for students afraid to get dirty. with little or no experience, though all levels are welcome. Bring a Instructor: Sue Cleary notebook and pen; other materials will be discussed on the first class. Location: FVEC Taught in the Rolling Meadows HS sewing lab. 01507-01 | Ages 18+ | Sa | 10:00 AM-1:00 PM Instructor: Sarah Clevenger 1/15-2/12 | 5 sessions | $129 Location: RMHS Watercolor Painting 01304-01 | Ages 18+ | Thu | 7:00 PM-9:00 PM This class will discuss basic supplies, techniques and styles of painting, 1/13-3/17 | 10 sessions | $109 as well as common mistakes to avoid. Beginning students will learn to Quilting paint a variety of subjects from still life to landscapes and even some Quilting is creative, rewarding, relaxing and fun! Less experienced quilters abstract designs. Formal, as well as special effects techniques, will be will learn basic quilting patterns, fabric cutting and piecing, and working taught along with color mixing and general care for painting supplies. with colors. Experienced quilters work on current projects and share Seasoned painters may bring their own supplies and start or continue ideas, fun facts, methods and tips. Bring any unfinished projects or start work on a piece of thier own. All skill levels are welcome! The class format a new one for yourself or gift giving. You will receive a list of basic quilting will be tailored toward the skill levels of the students, with emphasis on supplies and a simple beginning pattern at your first class. Please bring teaching the novice the basics of watercolor painting. your own sewing machine. Instructor: Sue Cleary Instructor: Mary Kuhn Location: FVEC Location: FVEC 01500-01 | Ages 18+ | Thu | 6:30 PM-9:00 PM 01303-01 | Ages 18+ | Wed | 1:00 PM-3:30 PM 1/13-3/17 | 10 sessions | $119 1/12-2/9 | 5 sessions | $49 Beginning Photography 01303-02 | Ages 18+ | Wed | 6:30 PM-9:00 PM Take control of your camera by learning the basics of photography 1/12-2/9 | 5 sessions | $49 including the three pillars of exposure: shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. 01303-03 | Ages 18+ | Wed | 1:00 PM-3:30 PM Class also covers lighting and composition. Students can bring their 2/16-3/16 | 5 sessions | $49 DSLR’s, mirrorless camera, or smartphones. Families are welcome. 01303-04 | Ages 18+ | Wed | 6:30 PM-9:00 PM Instructor: Dennis Walker 2/16-3/16 | 5 sessions | $49 Location: FVEC Crochet & Knitting 01401-01 | Ages 13+ | Wed | 6:00 PM-8:00 PM The basics of crochet and knitting will be taught to beginners, while 1/12-3/16 | 10 sessions | $169 experienced artisans will receive advice and instruction to create projects of their choice. All beginners should bring a skein of 5-8 oz. light-colored worsted weight yarn (#4), a pair of small scissors, a three-ring binder notebook to hold letter size handouts and a pen. Crochet beginners bring Individual Music Lessons an I-9 crochet hook, knitting beginners bring short number 9 knitting Did you play in band back in high school and want to get back into it? needles. Experienced artisans bring their own projects to work on. Are you a recent retiree looking to finally start learning that instrument Instructor: Zee Wang you’ve been dreaming about all your life? Is your elementary age Location: FVEC child showing early interest in learning an instrument? District 214 01301-01 | Ages 13+ | Tue | 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Community Education provides individual music lessons for our 1/11-3/15 | 10 sessions | $79 high school students during the school day, and now you can take advantage of our excellent private lesson instructors after school hours Location: PHS as well. To learn more about our Individual Music Lesson program or 01301-02 | Ages 13+ | Tue | 6:30 PM-9:00 PM to register for a trial lesson, call us at (847) 718-7700, or email us at 1/11-3/15 | 10 sessions | $79 ce@d214.org. ce.d214.org l Winter 2022 15
DISCOVER: Culinary Travel the world through food, learning and tasting different cultures and mastering new dishes with hands-on, interactive demos and family classes. Couples Cooking | p. 16 Date Night - Couples Cooking Sweet and Savory Breads New! Kolaczki Cookies New! for Two Remember the smell in Grandma’s kitchen Everyone loves Kolaczki cookies, a traditional Date Night is a perfect way to bond and learn when she baked her famous loaf of bread? It’s favorite Polish dessert! In this class, the how to cook your favorite dishes for your loved no secret anymore, you’ll learn how to make instructor will share her special family recipe ones or a friend. Discover how to make a simple the bread dough that you can bake into three and traditions surrounding these delicious fruit and delicious three-course meal without fuss! types of sweet and savory breads. Discover and cheese-filled pastries that are light, buttery, We’ll start with a Classic Italian Bruschetta how to make BBQ pork buns, out of this world flakey and melt in your mouth. This is a hands- as an appetizer, then we’ll make an easy cinnamon rolls and cheesy garlic bread. All you on cooking class and all participants will leave Goulash as the main dish. And of course, the need is one type of bread dough and you’ll learn with a batch of fresh cookies. night wouldn’t be complete without luscious how to jazz it up anyway you like. Instructor: Theresa Salgado Chocolate Covered Strawberries as a dessert. Instructor: Jenica Paleracio Location: RMHS It’s a great night to celebrate since Valentine’s Location: Online 02118-01 | Ages 18+ | Thu | 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Day is just around the corner! 02145-01 | Ages 18+ | Wed | 6:00 PM-8:00 PM 3/3 | $39 Instructor: Jenica Paleracio 3/9 | $25 Home Cheesemaking Location: RMHS New! Matcha Chiffon Cake Learn the techniques for making your own 06800-01 | Ages 18+ | Fri | 6:30 PM-8:30 PM This beautiful Chiffon Cake is fluffy and cheese. We’ll cover the science behind cheese 2/11 | $95 per couple delicious. It’s light in texture with matcha flavor making, ingredients, equipment, and cooking Easy Asian Weeknight Dinners New! and red bean paste filling. Discover how to techniques. Lemon cheese will be demoed the Dinner done in no time! In this class, you’ll make the Adzuki (aka red bean paste) filling. first night and students will make mozzarella the learn three easy Asian dinners that will keep Join me in creating this masterpiece and learn second night of class. Supplies will be reviewed you warm and cozy during the cold winter how to bake a perfect chiffon cake. This is the in class the first night. weather. We’ll be making Spicy Pork and Shrimp cake you’ll feel proud to bring to any party! Instructor: Mark Lyons Dumpling Noodle Soup, Mongolian Beef and Instructor: Jenica Paleracio Location: RMHS Pineapple Shrimp Fried Rice. These might sound Location: RMHS 02110-01 | Ages 15+ | Thu | 7:00 PM-9:00 PM intimidating, but you’ll be surprised by how easy 02146-01 | Ages 18+ | Thu | 6:00 PM-8:00 PM 2/3-2/10 | 2 sessions | $39 and flavorful these dishes are. 3/17 | $49 Become a Master Mixologist Instructor: Jenica Paleracio Bone Broth - Good Eats for Join us for a masterclass demonstrating how Location: Online New! Great Health to make simple syrups and herb extractions 02143-01 | Ages 18+ | Wed | 6:00 PM-8:00 PM You’ll learn to make high quality bone broth to craft a myriad of herb flavored and scented 1/12 | $25 while discussing the health benefits of alcohol-free mocktails. We will rethink party One Pot Meals New! consuming this nutrient-dense, age-old elixir. punch with herb ingredients, learn to make our Looking for simple, quick, and easy weeknight Class includes take-home recipes, a live demo own bitters, create flavors with herbed simple dinners? One Pot Meals is your answer! and tasting samples. syrup, stir up a faux gin, and blend alcohol-free Everything cooks in one pot for maximum flavor Instructor: Jill May martinis, fizzes, and sours while discussing the plus very little clean up. In this class you’ll learn Location: RMHS history of herbs in alcoholic beverages. Recipes how to combine spices for making Southwestern 02147-01 | Ages 18+ | Thu | 7:00 PM-9:00 PM and resources will be provided. Chicken and Rice and Easy Goulash, as well 2/17 | $39 Instructor: Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh as discover the right combination of herbs and Location: RMHS Charcuterie Made Easy 02131-01 | Ages 18+ | Thu | 7:00 PM-9:00 PM spices to get big flavors. Learn to craft a noteworthy Charcuterie Board 3/10 | $49 Instructor: Jenica Paleracio with meats, cheeses, spreads, dips, seasoned Location: Online nuts and more. We will craft the “extras” like Growing and Using Lavender 02144-01 | Ages 18+ | Wed | 6:00 PM-8:00 PM dips, marinated olives, and cheese spreads to Learn how to grow and maintain lavender 1/26 | $25 make the board special, then discuss layout and plants, how to harvest and how to use the scaling the size for your guests. Recipes are lavender flowers. Instructor will show how to included and a feast will be enjoyed at the end make Herbs de Provence culinary seasoning of class. with lavender, lavender lemonade, lavender Instructor: Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh sachet, lavender body powder, and lavender Location: PHS chocolate brownies. Grow and use your lavender 02136-01 | Ages 18+ | Tue | 7:00 PM-9:00 PM harvest this year! 1/18 | $39 Instructor: Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh Location: FVEC 02132-01 | Ages 18+ | Wed | 7:00 PM-9:00 PM 1/19 | $39 16 l Winter 2022 l 847-718-7700
DISCOVER: Fitness and Athletics Maintain a healthy lifestyle and step up your game with a variety of group fitness and athletic classes, from yoga to pickleball. Options available for all interests and levels. Date Night – Couples Yoga | p. 17 Athletics Pickleball - Independent Play New! This independent play Pickleball program is for those who have some Pickleball experience and are looking to get some extra time on the courts with The fastest growing sport of the last decade, Pickleball is a court sport other players. It will not include instruction, but players will rotate during played with a whiffle ball, net, and paddle. It’s slower paced than tennis the round-robin type play. Please bring your own paddles. and played on a smaller court the size of a doubles badminton court and Location: BGHS it’s lots of fun! Best of all you don’t have to be a great athlete to play Instructor: Chris Van Grondelle well! Doubles play only, we will match partners for competitive matches. 03107-01 | Ages 18+ | Sun | 9:30 AM-11:30 AM Instructors reserve the right to move players to different class levels if 1/16-2/13 | 5 sessions | $39 necessary based on player’s demonstrated ability. There will be some 03107-02 | Ages 18+ | Sun | 9:30 AM-11:30 AM paddles available to use or bring your own. 2/20 - 3/20 | 5 sessions | $39 Pickleball - Beginners with Instruction Pickleball - Advanced Independent Play This class is only open to those who are beginners and will focus on This is an independent play Pickleball program for advanced players only rules and learning the skills necessary to play. No experience required. at skill level 3.5 or above. Formal instruction is not included in Advanced Instructor: Scott Dawson Independent Play, but individualized attention is available from the Location: FVEC instructor to players on an as-needed basis. 03102-01 | Ages 18+ | Wed | 5:30 PM-7:00 PM Instructor: Staff 1/12-2/9 | 5 sessions | $49 Location: FVEC 03102-02 | Ages 18+ | Wed | 5:30 PM-7:00 PM 03103-01 | Ages 18+ | Tue | 6:30 PM-9:00 PM 2/16-3/16 | 5 sessions | $49 1/11-2/8 | 5 sessions | $35 Pickleball - Intermediate Play 03103-02 | Ages 18+ | Tue | 6:30 PM-9:00 PM This class is designed for players who already have knowledge of the 2/15-3/15 | 5 sessions | $35 game, understand the rules and have previously played Pickleball. The Badminton instructor will facilitate rotating players on the courts. Must be at skill This indoor class format is primarily open play with instruction available. level 2.5 or higher to participate. Plastic shuttles provided. Bring your own racket, loaner rackets are Location: FVEC | No class: 1/17, 2/21 available if needed. Families are welcome, however students 17 years old Instructor: Staff and younger must have a parent/guardian also enrolled and participating 03106-01 | Ages 18+ | Mon | 6:30 PM-9:00 PM with them. 1/10-2/7 | 4 sessions | $45 Instructor: Chris Van Grondelle Instructor: Staff Location: BGHS 03106-02 | Ages 18+ | Mon | 6:30 PM-9:00 PM 03101-01 | Ages 13+ | Sun | 9:30 AM-11:30 AM 2/14-3/14 | 4 sessions | $45 1/16-3/20 | 10 sessions | $95 Instructor: Scott Dawson Shotokan Karate for Teens and Adults 03106-03 | Ages 18+ | Wed | 7:15 PM-9:15 PM Shotokan Karate is a Japanese martial arts system developed as a means 1/12-2/9 | 5 sessions | $49 of strengthening the mind, body and spirit. Karate training is structured to provide all around strength, coordination and agility for the body along Instructor: Scott Dawson with improving mental discipline and focus. Karate has something for 03106-04 | Ages 18+ | Wed | 7:15 PM-9:15 PM everyone including physical fitness, self-defense, the excitement of sport 2/16-3/16 | 5 sessions | $49 and personal enrichment. No special equipment or abilities are required. Instructor: Gary Koelbel Location: FVEC 03104-01 | Ages 13+ | Wed | 6:30 PM-8:00 PM 1/12-3/16 | 10 sessions | $99 (continued on page 18) ce.d214.org l Winter 2022 17
Discover: Fitness and Athletics Fitness Instructor: Sandy Moore Deep Stretching - All Levels Location: Online This class will focus on stretching the hip Date Night - Couples Yoga New! 03212-01 | Ages 18+ | Tue | 10:00 AM-11:00 AM flexors, IT bands, hamstrings, shoulders, back, Can’t figure out what to do for date night? 1/11-3/8 | 9 sessions | $89 chest and legs for increased range of motion, Couple’s Yoga is a beginner friendly workshop, flexibility, relaxation and relief of sciatica, back introducing some basic poses while connecting Walk Live Fitness Program pain or injuries. Bring a mat to class. with your partner. Similar to regular yoga, Leslie Sansone’s Walk Live Fitness Program for Instructor: Vicki Gursoy, Sue Garcia Fitness Couples Yoga will include stretches, balances Health Fitness and Weight Loss is perfect for Location: FVEC and Online | No class: 1/17, 2/21 and poses done with your partner. So bring a you! This aerobic walk class is conducted using 03203-01 | Ages 3/14 | Mon | 7:30 PM-8:25 PM mat, a spouse, a partner or a friend and let’s the indoor walking techniques established and 1/10-3/14 | 8 sessions | $79 have some fun! proven through the success of Leslie Sansone’s Instructor: Kathleen Tracy Walk at Home Programs. Walk Live allows Small Group Personal Training Location: FVEC participants to walk 3 miles indoors in a group This class offers the benefits of a certified 06801-01 | Ages 18+ | Fri | 6:30 PM-7:50 PM setting. Class promotes flexibility and range national trainer without the high cost. A trainer 1/21 | $29 per couple of motion. Please bring 1-2 lb. hand weights will take a small group though a personalized to class. workout program. Each class will focus on cardio Yoga Instructor: Cheri Kirk and strength interval training using free weights, Yoga develops a deeper awareness of your Location: FVEC weight machines, medicine balls, kettle balls inner self and promotes mental, emotional, and 03209-01 | Ages 15+ | Tue | 6:00 PM-6:45 PM and more. Join us for a high-calorie-burning, physical well-being. You’ll be guided through 1/11-3/15 | 10 sessions | $59 strength-building, personalized workout! slow, precise poses accompanied by deep Instructor: Vicki Gursoy, Sue Garcia Fitness Location: Online breathing to tone, strengthen, stretch, and relax Location: PHS 03209-02 | Ages 15+ | Sat | 10:30 AM-11:15 AM the body. Wear comfortable clothing and bring 03205-01 | Ages 18+ | Tue | 7:00 PM-7:55 PM 1/15-3/19 | 10 sessions | $59 an exercise mat. 1/11-2/8 | 5 sessions | $89 Instructor: Kathleen Tracy Zumba Gold Toning 03205-02 | Ages 18+ | Tue | 7:00 PM-7:55 PM Location: BGHS | No class: 1/17, 2/21 Zumba Gold Toning is a low-impact dance 2/15-3/15 | 5 sessions | $89 03210-01 | Ages 18+ | Mon | 6:00 PM-7:20 PM workout incorporating all elements of fitness: 1/10-3/14 | 8 sessions | $89 cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexibility Folk Dancing for Fun and Fitness Instructor: Kathleen Tracy and balance. Bring a set of one to two-pound This is a non-contact, no-partner-required class Location: FVEC hand weights (optional), water and a towel. for all ages and shapes. Folk dancing is based 03210-02 | Ages 18+ | Tue | 4:00 PM-5:20 PM Instructor: Carolyn Alexander, Sue Garcia Fitness on the natural movement of your feet and body. 1/11-3/15 | 10 sessions | $115 Location: FVEC and Online If you can walk, you can folk dance! Movements 03208-01 | Ages 18+ | Tue | 9:45 AM-10:40 AM are go-at-your-own-pace. Classes include a Instructor: Kathleen Tracy 1/11-3/15 | 10 sessions | $99 warmup, balance practice based on tai chi, folk Location: FVEC 03210-03 | Ages 18+ | Tue | 6:00 PM-7:20 PM 03208-02 | Ages 18+ | Thu | 9:45 AM-10:40 AM dance steps based on the left, right, left right 1/11-3/15 | 10 sessions | $115 1/13-3/17 | 10 sessions | $99 steps of natural walking, and ends with a cool down and stretching. A variety of world music Instructor: Sandy Moore Pilates Barre Fusion lends fun and interest to this enjoyable class. Location: Online This hybrid workout class will include the fat- Instructor: Cat King, Sue Garcia Fitness 03210-04 | Ages 18+ | Wed | 9:30 AM-10:45 AM burning format of interval training, the muscle- Location: FVEC and Online 1/12-3/9 | 9 sessions | $95 shaping technique of isometrics, and the long, 03213-01 | Ages 18+ | Tue | 6:00 PM-6:55 PM Instructor: Kathleen Tracy lean look of Pilates. Your posture, flexibility, core 1/11-3/15 | 10 sessions | $99 Location: FVEC muscle, balance and muscle tone will improve 03210-05 | Ages 18+ | Thu | 4:00 PM-5:20 PM with each class. Bring a mat and one set of Belly Dance Fusion Fitness 1/13-3/17 | 10 sessions | $115 three to five-pound weights to class. Tone muscles and burn calories while moving Instructor: Vicki Gursoy, Sue Garcia Fitness your body to an eclectic mix of music! Drills and Instructor: Kathleen Tracy Location: FVEC and Online | No class: 1/17, 2/21 combos that are based on belly dancing and folk Location: FVEC 03204-01 | Ages 3/14 | Mon | 6:30 PM-7:25 PM dancing will be featured along with the Tai Chi 03210-06 | Ages 18+ | Thu | 6:00 PM-7:20 PM 1/10-3/14 | 8 sessions | $79 principles of grounding and balance. Classes are 1/13-3/17 | 10 sessions | $115 non-impact and self-paced, all levels are welcome. Chair Yoga 03204-02 | Ages 18+ | Sat | 10:00 AM-10:55 AM Instructor: Cat King, Sue Garcia Fitness Chair Yoga is for those who would like to access 1/15-3/19 | 10 sessions | $99 Location: FVEC and Online the benefits of yoga without having to sit, kneel Yogalaties 03202-01 | Ages 18+ | Thu | 6:30 PM-7:25 PM or lie on the floor. This class is done seated Incorporating the principles of both pilates and 1/13-3/17 | 10 sessions | $99 in a chair and standing by a chair that can be yoga, this course promotes harmony, strength, 03202-02 | Ages 18+ | Sat | 9:00 AM-9:55 AM used for support. Participants may also choose flexibility and balance for mind and body. 1/15-3/19 | 10 sessions | $99 to remain seated for the entire class. We will Other benefits include loosening stiff joints, practice gentle, fluid movements to promote correcting poor posture, improving blood flow, circulation, alignment, flexibility, balance, overall strengthening your core and creating longer, strength and deeper, smoother breathing. leaner muscles. Open to all levels. Mental effects include mind-body awareness, Instructor: Sue Labbe, Sue Garcia Fitness improved concentration and a sense of well- Location: FVEC being. Use of light weights is optional. 03206-01 | Ages 18+ | Wed | 6:30 PM-7:25 PM (continued in next column) 1/12-3/16 | 10 sessions | $99 18 l Winter 2022 l 847-718-7700
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