Magazine Parks & Recreation - City of Dunedin

Page created by Chad Fowler
Magazine Parks & Recreation - City of Dunedin
Parks & Recreation

                                                  Sept - Dec 2018


A Place to Connect with Friends
See inside for Social Activities and Programs
Magazine Parks & Recreation - City of Dunedin
Get Connected!
 Social Health & Connecting with Others:
        Friends Make It More Fun!
“Get Connected” is one of the four vital ingredients of
LiveWell Dunedin that helps improve your social health.
Feeling socially connected is more important than ever
as it shapes our everyday life and well-being. Find social
support, get involved and find a sense of community
with people of similar interests, hobbies and goals.
Spend time together with friends, meet new people,
form relationships and connect with others.
Here are some ideas to “Get Connected”:
• Join one of the many City of Dunedin Advisory
                                                                Performing Arts
                                                                Dunedin Community Center
• Meet new friends and neighbors at a Community
• Have fun with Cards, Socials and Trips at the Hale
  Senior Activity Center
• Volunteer at the Dunedin Community Center or Hale
  Senior Activity Center
• Spend quality family time at a local Park or
• Show off your acting, singing or musical skills with
  one of our many Performing Arts Groups
• Join a youth or adult Sailing Group
• Join a team in a Sports League
• Gain comfort with Support Groups (Alzheimer’s,
  Aphasia and Parkinson’s) at the Hale Senior Activity
• Visit the Teen Room to hang out with friends and play         Cards, Games & Art Classes
  games at MLK, Jr. Recreation Center                           Hale Senior Activity Center
• Hit the trail with the Walking Club at the Hale Senior
  Activity Center
LiveWell Dunedin encourages people of all ages to
“live well” physically, mentally, socially and nutritionally.
Please take a moment to browse this Magazine for a
multitude of programs and services offered by Dunedin
Parks & Recreation that can help you enhance your
lifestyle and improve your overall well-being. You will
find the LiveWell Dunedin logo and symbols placed
throughout this Magazine to highlight programs and
services that will help you on your journey.
See page 13 for more on LiveWell Dunedin or watch the
video at


     Move           Find           Get                 Eat      Youth Advisory Committee
     More           Peace          Connected           Better   MLK, Jr. Recreation Center
Magazine Parks & Recreation - City of Dunedin
Table of Contents                                                                          Staff Directory
Recreation Programs                                                                        Administration                                                (727) 812-4531
     Aquatics                           2-3                                                     Vince Gizzi …………………………………………Director
     Athletics                          4-5                                                     Terry Trudell ..........................................Division Director
                                                                                                Lanie Sheets …..............Administration Superintendent
     Boating & Water Activities         6-7
                                                                                                Jorie Peterson ……………..Special Events Coordinator
     Fitness & Wellness                 8-12
                                                                                                Nichole Allen …………….Special Projects Coordinator
     LiveWell Dunedin                   13                                                      Carol Karpp……………Senior Administrative Assistant
     Kids, Tweens & Teens               14-17                                                   Cyndi Lane …………….Senior Administrative Assistant
     Martial Arts                       18
     Performing & Fine Arts             19-21                                              Marina                        (727) 298-3030
       (dance, music and theater)                                                               Bill Frantz ……………………………………Harbormaster
     Seniors                            22-25
     Support Services                   26-27
                                                                                           Parks Division                            (727) 812-4540
                                                                                                Brian Bechtle…………..Parks Maintenance Supervisor
     Sponsorships                       27                                                      Craig Wilson…………......City Arborist, (727) 298-3279
     Special Events                     28-30
     Skateboarding                      31                                                 Recreation Division                                      (727) 812-4530
     Tennis                             32                                                      Morgan Brandt ....................................Fitness Specialist
                                                                                                                                                     (727) 812-4543
Local Partners
                                                                                                Jocelyn Brodhead…..........MLK, Jr. Recreation Center,
     Dunedin Fine Art Center            33
                                                                                                                Stirling Skate Park & Youth Services
     Golf Courses                       34-35
                                                                                                                                      (727) 738-2920
     Library                            36-37
                                                                                                Alicia Castricone …............................Highlander Pool &
     Museum                             38-39
                                                                                                                                          Kiwanis Sprayground
Parks & Recreation Facilities                                                                                                                    (727) 298-3266
     Community Parks                    40-41                                                   Chris Hoban…………………………..Athletics Specialist
     Recreation Facilities              42-43                                                                             (727) 812-4537
           Community Center       Fitness Center         Hale Senior Activity Center
           Highlander Pool        Kiwanis Sprayground    MLK, Jr. Recreation Center             Elaine Swinehart ....….........Hale Senior Activity Center
           Marina                 Stirling Skate Park                                                                                    (727) 298-3299
     Rental Facilities                  44-45
                                                                                                Angel Trueblood ................Dunedin Community Center
     Facility Guide & Map               46-47                                                                                             (727) 812-4530

General Info
     Policies & Rec Cards               48
     Registration                       49

Mission Statement                                                Mayor & City Commission                                     Stay Connected
To enhance the quality of life and create               Julie Ward Bujalski            Mayor                            with Everything Dunedin!
memorable experiences by connecting the                 John Tornga                    Vice Mayor                
community through parks, recreation and                 Heather Gracy                  Commissioner              The best way to stay connected and get
culture.                                                Deborah Kynes                  Commissioner              informed about Dunedin news, programs,
                                                        Maureen “Moe” Freaney          Commissioner              events and job openings, or to watch City
Vision Statement                                        Jennifer K. Bramley            City Manager              Commission meetings, subscribe to e-notify,
To touch the life of each and every person              Doug Hutchens                  Deputy City Manager       or connect and follow us on social media is to
through progressive and innovative activities,                                                                   visit
facilities and services.
                                                                     Parks & Recreation                                  Visit Parks & Rec Online!
Values                                                               Advisory Committee                       

● Teamwork           ● Friendly                         Tom Mahoney, Chair		            Manny Koutsourais        Dunedin Parks & Recreation is always working
                                                        Gina Massotto, Vice-Chair       Greg Martin              hard to provide you and your family with safe,
● Safety             ● Professionalism
                                                        Brianna Mahoney, Secretary      Donna Moore              afforadable programs and park services. Visit
● Accommodating      ● Dedicated
                                                        Mike Jones		                    Cyndi Raskin-Schmitt     us at to
● Integrity                                                                                                      see what’s new!
Magazine Parks & Recreation - City of Dunedin
        Highlander Pool                                      Swim Lessons                                                       Swim Lessons (continued)
             1937 Ed Eckert Drive                            Group Swim Lessons                                                 Every Child A Swimmer
                 (727) 298-3266                              Parent & Child           6 mo-3 yrs 20 minutes                     A free program in partnership with the
    Alicia Castricone, Aquatics Coordinator                  Play & splash with your child as you help them                     Kiwanis Club of Dunedin teaching basic
       yy 25 yd x 25 yd Meter Main Pool                      become comfortable in the water.                                   swim techniques to non-swimmers.
       yy (2) 1 Meter Spring Diving Boards                   Little Guppies           3-4 yrs      20 minutes                   Classes are 30-minutes and limited to
       yy Children’s Training Pool                           Your child will explore the water independently as                 10 students. Child must wear swimsuit;
       yy Swim Lessons & Water Fitness                       they learn the fundamentals of swimming.                           parent must be in the water during lessons.
       yy Birthday Party & Picnic Rentals                                                                                       3-11 yrs    Resumes in Spring
                                                             Level 1			           4+ yrs       30 minutes
                                                             Learn to submerge the face, begin arm and leg                      Highlander Pool
    Please Note                                              motions and experience buoyancy.
    yy Children not potty trained are required to wear a     Level 2			               4+ yrs      30 minutes                    Swim Lessons - Private
       swim diaper and plastic pants.                        Begin locomotive skills by exploring arm and leg
    yy 10yrs & younger must be accompanied by an adult.                                                                         Receive (4) 30-minute sessions of private
                                                             movements that will become strokes in the future.
    yy 17yrs & younger who wish to use the diving board                                                                         instruction. For best results, the 1st & 4th
                                                             Must be able to float for 5 seconds unassisted.
       must pass the Swim & Safety Test: swim 25yds,                                                                            session must be within a 2-week period.
                                                             Level 3			             4+ yrs        30 minutes                    6 months & up April - Sept (during open hours)
       then jump off the diving board and swim to ladder.
                                                             Refine the front crawl and be introduced to the                    $60 / $75 (includes (4) 30-minute sessions)
                                                             backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly.                            By appointment only, call (727) 298-3266
    Hours of Operation                                       Level 4-6			          4+ yrs     30 minutes                        Highlander Pool
    The pool is open seasonally, April thru September.       All strokes are refined and swimmers develop
    Pool will close during unsafe weather conditions.        endurance and confidence.
                                                                                                                                Adaptive Swim Lessons
    August 13 - September 30* (2018)                         Only Levels 1, 2 & 3 will be taught during the                     Children with special needs will receive
    Monday-Thursday               3 - 7 pm                   months of August and September:                                    (4) 30-minute sessions and learn skills to
    Friday		                      Closed                     Session 7: August 6 - 15                                           stay safe near water, increase physical
    Saturday-Sunday               10 am - 5 pm               Session 8: August 20 - 29                                          and cognitive functions, and embrace the
    Training pool open Saturday & Sunday only                Session 9: September 10 - 19                                       wonders swimming has to offer.
    April 1 - May 30* (2019)                                 Mon-Wed for 2 weeks, (6) 30-minute lessons                         3-18 yrs May - Sept (during open hours)
                                                             5:30 pm, 6 pm or 6:30 pm                                           $60 / $75 (includes (4) 30-minute sessions)
    Monday-Thursday               3 - 7 pm
                                                             $40 / $60 per session                                              By appointment only, call (727) 298-3266
    Friday		                      Closed
                                                             Highlander Pool                                                    Highlander Pool
    Saturday-Sunday               10 am - 5 pm
    Training Pool opens May 1 (Sat & Sun only)               If lesson falls on a Holiday, it will be held on Thursday.
                                                             Schedule subject to change based on demand.
    May 31 - August 11* (2019)                               Must be registered prior to start date. Register at Highlander
    Monday-Thursday               9 am - 7 pm                Pool or Community Center. Call (727) 298-3266 for more info.
    Friday		                      9 am - 5 pm
    Saturday-Sunday               10 am - 5 pm
    *Pool will be open on Memorial Day, Independence
    Day and Labor Day from 10am-5pm.

    Daily Admission               $3
    Monthly Pass                  $40
    Includes unlimited visits during Open Swim and Shallow
    Water Wellness. Expires 1 month from date of purchase.
    Group Rate (6 or more) $2 / person
    Space is limited. Call (727) 298-3266 to reserve.

    Kiwanis Sprayground
    Open Everyday until October 14
    9 am - 7 pm      Free Admission
    Parties and groups welcome, but MUST reserve
    and rent a pavilion, call (727) 298-3266.

                                                                                                                                            Kiwanis Sprayground

2                         Pricing Key: $ Rec Card / $ No Card              Act #: = for Online Registration                   Full Registration Information, page 48-49
Magazine Parks & Recreation - City of Dunedin
Lifeguard Training                                  Swim Teams                                                Pool Parties & Group Rates
Jr. Lifeguard Training (11-14 yrs)                  Special Olympics Swim Team                                After Hours Pool Party
Learn the basic rescue skills to prepare            Participants will explore the principles of               Reserve Highlander Pool all to yourself
for lifeguard training, principles of proper        the four basic swim strokes and have the                  for your next birthday party, family get-
scanning, how to help in an emergency               opportunity to participate in the regional                together, company outing or private
and improve your swim endurance.                    qualifier swim meet.                                      party. Private rental hours are available
11-14 yrs      Resumes in Spring                    5+ yrs          Resumes in Summer                         Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings
Act #: POOL13002  Highlander Pool                   Act #: POOL04073 Highlander Pool                          after regular hours from April thru August.
                                                                                                              Reservations are a 3-hour minimum
                                                    Trident Youth Swim Team                                    yy Up to 25 guests: $60 / hour
Lifeguard Training (15+ yrs)
                                                    Participants will learn and expand on                      yy 26-50 guests:    $85 / hour
Have a fun and rewarding summer job                 their skills with Coach Kyle Trelka.                       yy 51-100 guests:   $110 / hour
and become a certified lifeguard. Must              Optional local swim meets offered during
pass swim test and attend all classes.              the summer. For beginners, recreational
Class includes blended learning (online                                                                       Birthday Bash
                                                    and competitive swimmers.
and in person). Bring suit, towel and lunch.                                                                  Throwing a birthday party at Highlander
                                                    5-17 yrs		    Resumes in Summer                           Pool is a piece of cake! Reservations
15+ yrs       Resumes in Spring                     Act #: POOL04074 Highlander Pool
Act #: POOL13003 Highlander Pool
                                                                                                              must be made during regular pool hours.
                                                                                                              $45 + tax. Package includes:
                                                    Water Fitness                                              yy Admission for 10 guests
Mermaid in Training                                                                                            yy 1 hour at the pool pavilion
                                                    Adaptive Water Wellness
Learn to swim like a mermaid with the                                                                         Additional pavilion time: $15 / hour
use of a monofin. Participants will learn           Shallow water aerobics designed for                       Additional participants: $3 each
the fundamentals of the butterfly kick              participants of all abilities, including
                                                                                                              Call (727) 298-3266 for reservations.
and beginners synchronized swimming.                developmental and physical disabilities.
Participants must have basic swimming               Participants have the option to use
                                                    weights, noodles and stability belts.                     Group Rates
skills. Bring suit and towel; swim cap and
monofin provided.                                   16+ yrs                                                   Treat your camp, family or friends to a day
                                                    Aug 1, 6 & 8       Mon & Wed 9 - 10 am                    at Highlander Pool! Enjoy the Jr. Olympic
8-17 yrs        Resumes in Summer
                                                    Aug 14 - Sept 25 Tuesdays           6 - 7 pm              sized pool, 2 diving boards, children’s
Act #: POOL02040    Highlander Pool
                                                    $4 / class (no charge for participant’s assistant)        pool and certified lifeguards.
                                                    Highlander Pool                                           $2 / person (groups of 6 or more)
Special Events                                                                                                Camps and large groups must reserve
                                           New!     Shallow Water Wellness                                    in advance. Call (727) 298-3266 for
Float in Movie: Hook
                                                    Exercise with low to zero impact on the                   reservations.
Enjoy a movie poolside with your favorite
                                                    body to tone muscle, increase joint range
float. Games and trivia prior to the movie.
                                                    of motion, reduce pain and stiffness, and
Movie begins at dark.
                                                    get a great cardiovascular workout.
Saturday      September 22          7 pm
                                                    16+ yrs
$5 / person (2yrs & under are free)
                                                    Aug 1, 6 & 8     Mon & Wed 9 - 10 am
Highlander Pool
                                                    Aug 14 - Sept 25 Tuesdays  6 - 7 pm
                                                    $4 / class Highlander Pool
Splash Bash & Picnic
Bring the whole family and kick off the
season with a pool party! Games and
races held throughout the day; music and
lunch provided. Don’t forget your towel
and bathing suit for fun and games!
Returns May at Highlander Pool

Christmas in July
It’s Christmas at the Pool! Experience the
holiday spirit by dancing to your favorite
holiday music, enjoying holiday themed
games and races, trying your luck at the
Elf raffle, S’Mores, and of course, Santa!
Returns July at Highlander Pool                                                                                                Water Wellness

                           See                    Move                 Find                       Get                     Eat                               3
                           page 13                More                 Peace                      Connected               Better
Magazine Parks & Recreation - City of Dunedin
 Archery                                                 Basketball                                          Cheerleading
 Archery - Youth & Adult                                 Basketball - Drop In                                Dunedin Jr. Falcons Cheerleading
 Learn archery over a series of classes                  Dunedin Community Center:                           The Dunedin Jr. Falcons Cheerleading
 focusing on safety, shooting techniques                 8+ yrs      Schedule varies, call 812-4530          program is a member of the Suncoast
 and proper form. Offered by Suncoast                    $1 / $2                                             Youth Football Conference and is located
 Junior Olympic Archery Development                                                                          at Dunedin High School.
 (JOAD); taught by a USA Archery coach.                  Martin Luther King, Jr. Recreation Center:
                                                                                                             4-14 yrs    Registration: March - July
                                                         Mon-Th        $ Free / $1 Under 18 yrs
 Group Lessons (no class 11/12)                                                                              Season:     July - November
                                                                       $ Free / $2 18+ yrs
 8+ yrs        Mondays 6 - 8 pm                                                                              Contact:    Charles Satcher, (727) 254-7944
                                                         Fri-Sun       $1          Under 18 yrs
 8-17 yrs      Sundays 11 am - 1 pm                                                                
                                                                       $3          18+ yrs
 18+ yrs       Sundays 1 - 3 pm                          Schedule may vary depending on events, call
 $18 / class                                             (727) 738-2920 for availability. See page 42-43     Football
 $65 / month (Sun or Mon) Act #: CC04002 (Sun)           for building hours.
 		 Act #: CC04003 (Mon)                                                                                     Dunedin Jr. Falcons Football
 $85 / month (both Sun & Mon) Act #: CC04004             Basketball Clinic - Youth                           The Dunedin Jr. Falcons Flag and Tackle
 Dunedin Community Center                                                                                    Football programs are members of the
                                                         Learn the skills to get you ready for
                                                         league play! Our experienced coach will             Suncoast Youth Football Conference and
 Baseball                                                focus on developing the knowledge and               are located at Dunedin High School.
                                                         skills of the game including dribbling, lay-        4-6 yrs       Flag Football
 Baseball Camp (Winter)                                  ups, zone defense and sportsmanship.                7-14 yrs      Tackle Football
 Join Ron Sexton, head baseball coach                    End each night with a scrimmage game.               Registration: March - July
 for Dunedin High School along with Tom                  8-12 yrs                                            Season:       July - November
 Hilbert, baseball coach for Palm Harbor                 Wednesdays October 3-24          6 - 7 pm           Contact:      Charles Satcher, (727) 254-7944
 High School, in this instructional camp                 $35 / $52 Act #: MLK04001                               
 focusing on hitting, fielding, defensive                Martin Luther King, Jr. Recreation Center
 strategy and positioning.                                                                                   Youth Flag Football League
 12-18 yrs    Wed - Fri		 January 2 - 4
                                                         Basketball League - High School                     A cooperative instructional league with
              9 am - Noon Act #: ATH04020
                                                         A recreational league consisting of an              several North Pinellas cities designed
              or 1 - 4 pm		 Act #: ATH04021
                                                         8-game season and a single elimination              to teach the skills and rules of the game.
 $35 / $50
                                                         tournament. The primary objective is to             For new or seasoned players. Mandatory
 Englebert Baseball Fields
                                                         promote and develop values such as                  Manager’s meeting will be held at the
                                                         teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play               field prior to the first game.
 Greater Dunedin Little League                           that will benefit players throughout their          6-16 yrs
 Youth program located at Fisher &                       athletic endeavors as well as life.                 Divisions:    6-9 yrs, 10-13 yrs, 14-16 yrs
 Highlander Fields in Highlander Park.                   14-18 yrs boys (current High School students)       Evaluation 1: Wed, December 12: 6-9 yrs (6 pm),
 Must provide birth certificate and 3                    Games begin Thurs, August 23 6 - 9 pm                             10-13 yrs (7 pm), 14-16 yrs (8 pm)
 proofs of residency.                                    $275 / team                                         Evaluation 2: Sat, December 15: 6-9yrs (9 am),
 5-15 yrs                                                Martin Luther King, Jr. Recreation Center                          10-13 yrs (10 am), 14-16 yrs (11 am)
                                                                                                             Note: Evaluations are mandatory. Players only have
 Seasons: Spring: January - May
                                                                                                             to attend one day.
              Fall:       September - November
                                                         Basketball Lessons - Private                        Games:        Saturdays, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
 Must bring birth certificate & 3 proofs of residency.
 Email, call             Private or small group lessons are                                January 12 - March 9
 (727) 430-1338 or visit        customized for each individual based                $80 / $95 Act #: ATH04026
                                                         on skill level and goals. Players quickly           Dunedin High School
                                                         develop their skill set due to the undivided,
                                                         1-on-1 attention from the coach.
                                                         6-18 yrs       By appointment only
                                                                        Fee includes (4) 1-hour sessions
                                                         Individual:    $100 / $150
                                                         2-5 people: $55 / $82 per person
                                                         Martin Luther King, Jr. Recreation Center

                                                                                                                           Move More
                                                                                                                           join a team

4                     Pricing Key: $ Rec Card / $ No Card           Act #: = for Online Registration       Full Registration Information, page 48-49
Magazine Parks & Recreation - City of Dunedin
Fencing                                              Soccer                                               Softball
Fencing Club                                         Dunedin Stirling Soccer Club                         Adult Softball - Vanech Complex
All levels are encouraged to join. The               A full service soccer club offering                  All teams must be registered one week
coaching staff offers a Beginner and an              recreational and competitive soccer                  prior to season start (8 game season).
Advanced level. Loaner equipment and                 programs at the Jerry Lake Recreation                18+ yrs       Games: 6 - 10 pm
instruction are available.                           Complex. Two recreational seasons (fall/             Men’s A, B & C Tuesdays Sept 4 - Dec 18
                                                     winter and spring.)                                  Men’s 50 & Over Thursdays Sept 6 - Dec 20
8+ yrs         Tues / Thurs      7:15 - 9 pm
Ages 8-12 must be accompanied by an adult            5-19 yrs                                             Mandatory Manager’s meeting will be at Vanech
Beginner: $90 10-weeks (Tues, 9/18-11/20)                 Competitive:             August - May           Fields prior to first game of season.
Advanced: $120 / $150 year (valid Oct 1-Sept 30)          Winter / GYSA:           September - February   $430/Team Registration, $300/Men’s 50 & Over
Dunedin Community Center                                  Spring / Rec (in house): March - May            Vanech Recreation Complex
                                                     For registration, dates and information,
                                                     Email, call
Martial Arts                                         (727) 733-5300 or visit     Greater Dunedin Little League
                                                                                                          Youth Softball
For information on fencing, karate, self
defense and tai chi programs,                        Bubble Ball Soccer                                   Youth program located at the Fisher
See page 18.                                                                                              Fields in Highlander Park. Must provide
                                                     “Kick it” with your friends in a game
                                                                                                          birth certificate and 3 proofs of residency.
                                                     that is sweeping the area with kids and
                                                     adults. The game is played like soccer               5-15 yrs
Pickleball                                           while wearing a giant bubble around your             Seasons: Spring: January - May
                                                     body, knocking and bumping into your                              Fall:     September - November
A game for all ages! Pickleball is a cross
                                                     opponents trying to score a goal. Age                Email:, call
between badminton, tennis & ping-pong
                                                     groups and teams organized each night.               (727) 430-1338 or visit
played with a paddle and a wiffle ball.
18+ yrs                                              12+ yrs       Wednesdays       5:15 - 8:30 pm
Drop-in (all skill levels)
                                                     $5 / game     No program 11/21                       Tennis
                                                     $10 / $12 3-game punch card Act #: CC04014
Jan - May       M / T / Th		 9 am - 2 pm                                                                  For information on Tennis facilities,
                                                     $15 / $20 7-game punch card Act #: CC04014
June - Aug Thursdays		 10 am - 12 pm                                                                      lessons and leagues, see page 32.
                                                     Dunedin Community Center
Sept - Dec      M / T / Th		 9 am - 12 pm
$2 / $3 drop-in
$20 / $30 punch card (includes 10 uses)                                                                   Track & Running
Dunedin Community Center
                                                                                                          Cross Country
                                                                                                          Test your endurance, meet friends and
Preschool                                                                                                 engage in spirited competition. The team
                                                                                                          will compete against themselves and the
Tiny Tot Sports
                                                                                                          children of Safety Harbor Recreation.
Combination of sports-related activities                                                                  5-15 yrs Wednesdays		              6 - 7 pm
to help develop your child’s motor skills                                                                 Season: August 8 - October 3
and to learn the basics of each sport in                                                                  Meets: Aug 22 & Sept 19 @ Safety Harbor
a noncompetitive environment. Children                                                                              Sept 5 & Oct 3 @ Dunedin
will also learn social skills and to share &                                                              Practice: Highlander Park
take turns, all while having fun!                                                                         Transportation is parent’s responsibility
3-5 yrs                                                                                                   $55 / $70 Act #: ATH04032
Saturdays      10 - 11 am
September: Track
October:      Soccer (no class 10/27)                                                                     North City Track Program
November: Basketball (no class 11/3, 11/27)                                                               Dunedin, Largo, Palm Harbor, Pinellas
December: Football (no class 12/1, 12/8)                                                                  Park, Safety Harbor and Seminole have
$28 / $42 per month Act #: CC04030                                                                        combined to form this track program.
Dunedin Community Center                                                                                  Focus on self improvement and challenge
                                                                                                          yourself at local track meets.
                                                                                                          5-15 yrs    Wednesdays		           6 - 7 pm
                                                                                                          Season:       January 16 - May 1
                                                                                                                        Practice at Dunedin High School
                                                                                                          Track Meets: 1st Wednesday of the month
                                                                                                                        at various locations
                                                                                                          Transportation is parent’s responsibility.
                                                                                                          $80 / $95 Act #: ATH04033

                             See                   Move               Find                    Get                       Eat                                  5
                             page 13               More               Peace                   Connected                 Better
Magazine Parks & Recreation - City of Dunedin
Boating & Water Activities
    Dunedin Causeway                                      Boat Launch                                                  Kayak/Paddleboard Launch
              61 Causeway Boulevard                       Dunedin Causeway                                                yy Dunedin Causeway
                Dunedin, FL 34698                                                                                            61 Causeway Boulevard
                                                          A popular location to launch a variety of
                  (727) 812-4530                          watercraft including motorized boats, jet                       yy Dunedin Youth Guild Park
    The Dunedin Causeway is open for                      skis, wave runners, sailboats and kayaks.                          2750 Bayshore Boulevard
    recreational activities from 5 am - 11 pm.            Please note, there are no paved ramps.
      yy Boat Launching (no paved ramps)                  The southern facing area is divided into
      yy Fishing & Watercraft Activities                  four separate sections. There are no                         Fishing
      yy Picnicking & Sunbathing                          watercraft regulations for the northern
                                                          side of the Causeway. See diagram:                           Fishing Access
      yy Kayak, Sailboat & Paddleboard
         rentals (                                                                               Please be sure to have your proper
      yy Walk, Jog, Bike along Pinellas Trail                                                                          fishing license and properly dispose of
      yy Free Parking                                                                                                  all hooks, fishing lines and unused bait.
      yy Concessions                                                                                                      yy Dunedin Causeway
      yy Restroom Facilities                                                                                                 61 Causeway Boulevard
    The Causeway is a 2.5 mile route that                                                                              No persons are permitted on the Causeway past the
    leads from Bayshore Blvd (Alt 19) directly                                                                         closing hour of 11pm, however, special permission
                                                                                                                       may be granted specifically for the purposes of fishing.
    to the entrance of Honeymoon Island
                                                                                                                       Fishing license and information:
    State Park and is maintained through a
    cooperative agreement between Pinellas                                                                                yy Dunedin Marina (fishing pier)
    County and the City of Dunedin.                                                                                          51 Main Street
                                                          Non-Motorized boats have two areas for
                                                          launching: the portion east of the draw bridge and again        yy Weaver Park (fishing pier)
    Dogs                                                  from the concession area west to the second bridge.                1258 Bayshore Boulevard
    Dogs (on a maximum 6-foot leash) are                  Motorized boats (including jet skis) can launch
                                                          from a beach entry 200’ area just west of the draw
    permitted on the Pinellas Trail. Dogs
                                                          bridge (no boat ramp facilities).
                                                                                                                       Paddling & Kayak Camp
    are not permitted on the beach. There
    is a dedicated dog beach at Honeymoon                 No watercraft are permitted in the center of the             Learn paddling, kayaking, water safety
                                                          Causeway between the motorized and non-motorized             and skill development. Campers will
    Island State Park.
                                                          launch areas.                                                meet at the Community Center then be
                                                                                                                       transported to the Dunedin Causeway.
    Prohibited Activities                                 Overnight Car / Boat Trailer Parking is
                                                          permissible after 11pm by permit only:                       8-11 yrs    Resumes in Summer
    Alcohol, camping and ground fires are                   • $10 for a single-use (2 day permit)                      Act #: CC01018 / CC01018X
    not permitted on the Causeway.                          • $100 for an annual permit*                               Dunedin Causeway
                                                          *Annual permit holders may not leave items on the
    Sail Honeymoon, Inc.                                  Causeway any more than 2 days in a 7 day period.
    Sail Honeymoon is open 7 days a week                  Permits are available at the Dunedin Community
    (weather & tides permitting) and offers a             Center, 1920 Pinehurst Road, (727) 812-4530.
    wide variety of watercraft rentals:
       yy Kayaks (single or 2-person; sit on or sit in)   Dunedin Marina
       yy Fishing Kayaks                                  A public boat ramp is available for use
       yy Paddleboards                                    with the purchase of a permit. See next
       yy Sailboats (Windrider 16’ or 17’)                page for fees and information.
       yy Food & Beverage Concessions
    61 Causeway Boulevard, (727) 734-0392

                                                                                                                                       Dunedin Causeway

6                       Pricing Key: $ Rec Card / $ No Card            Act #: = for Online Registration              Full Registration Information, page 48-49
Magazine Parks & Recreation - City of Dunedin
Boating & Water Activities
     Dunedin Marina                                    Boat Safety Programs                                Sailing Programs
           51 Main Street, Suite 1                     Two of the best things you can do to                Adult Sailing Lessons
              Dunedin, FL 34698                        ensure your safety on the water is to
                                                                                                           Learn to sail in Prams and Sunfish
                (727) 298-3030                         wear your life jacket and take a boat
                                                                                                           sailboats. This accelerated class teaches
             (727) 298-3071 Fax                        safety course. The U.S. Coast Guard
                                                                                                           the basics of rigging, wind dynamics,
          Bill Frantz, Harbormaster                    Auxiliary is offering courses for new or
                                                                                                           points of sail and tacking.
                                                       experienced boaters. Florida Boater
Harbormaster’s Office Hours:                           Safety Certification Cards given upon               18+ yrs      Resumes in Spring
Monday - Sunday 8 am-Noon & 1-5 pm                     successful completion of the course.                Act #: POOL04071
                                                       For more information, contact USCG Auxiliary by     Dunedin Marina
Boat Ramp Fees                                         Phone:     (727) 736-1191
Anyone using the boat ramp must                        Website:              Youth Sailing Lessons      presented by
purchase a permit. The permit does not                                                                     Dunedin Youth Sailing Association
guarantee a parking space. It is best to                                                                   The mission of the DYSA is to encourage
come early as parking is limited. Permits
                                                       About Boating Safely
                                                                                                           participation in the sport of sailing as a
are available at the Harbormaster’s Office.            This beginners course includes an                   community-based program that provides
                                                       introduction to boating, boating laws,              quality instruction while fostering the
Daily Fee (tax included)                               navigating the waterways, boat safety               value of responsibility, team building,
Resident: $7; Non-Resident: $15                        and equipment, handling boat problems               sportsmanship and fairness. Led by US
Annual Pass (tax included)                             and emergencies, trailering, storing and            Sailing certified instructors.
Resident: $60; Non-Resident: $200                      protecting your boat and other tips.
                                                                                                           Recreational Program (7-18 yrs)
                                                       Saturday & Sunday		         9 am - 1 pm             Sat / Sun     Aug 25 - Nov 10     12 - 4 pm
Slip Rentals & Day Docks                               September 8 & 9 register on Sept 3 in Classroom
                                                                                                           Competitive Program (13-18 yrs)
                                                       November 3 & 4 register on Oct 29 in Classroom
The Marina consists of 193 slips: 9                                                                        Mon / Wed Aug 25 - May 18         2:30 - 6 pm
                                                       $35 / session. Attend class with 2 or more people
commercial, 7 day docks, 7 municipal, 1                and receive a $5 discount                           Dunedin Community Sailing Center (near Marina)
ADA accessible and 169 recreational slips              Dunedin Marina Classroom, 2nd floor                 To register or for more information, please visit
of various sizes.                                                                                
Monthly Slip Fees* (tax included)                      Boating Skills & Seamanship
25’ slip rental (max boat length 23’):   $197.68                                                           Windlasses
                                                       For the experienced and novice boater.
30’ slip rental (max boat length 28’):   $225.77       You can really improve your boating skills          Women’s sailing association designed to
35’ slip rental (max boat length 34’):   $268.57       and knowledge with this in-depth class.             help improve sailing, sponsor races and
50’ slip rental (max boat length 43’):   $324.75       More time will be spent on each of the              to compete with other women’s clubs.
60’ slip rental (max boat length 55’):   $458.50       topics covered in the class above.                  Thursdays    9 am (weather permitting)
*Rates above are for residents. Non-residents must
                                                       Mon / Wed / Sat     October 1, 3, 6, 8, 10          Dunedin Marina
pay twice the amount of the resident rate.
                                                       Register by September 24                  
Transient Slip Fees                                    Weekdays: 7 - 9 pm; Saturdays: 9 am - 1 pm
Per Night: Resident:        $0.90 / foot + tax         $50 / person. Attend class with 2 or more people
            Non-Resident: $1.50 / foot + tax           and receive a $5 discount
Per Month*: 2x the monthly resident slip rate.         Dunedin Marina Classroom, 2nd floor
*No advance reservations.

Day Docks
Tie up at the marina to enjoy lunch and
visit the downtown shops and restaurants.
Free to use, limited to less than 24 hours.

Marina Advisory Committee
Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of
each month at 5:15pm at Dunedin Marina.
Meetings are open to the public. Meeting
minutes are available through the Parks &
Recreation Department, (727) 812-4531.

Olde Bay Café & Fish Market
Enjoy outdoor deck seating and fresh menu
items for lunch or dinner. The Café is open
daily 10am-10pm; the Fish Market is open
10am-6pm. Visit                                                                                          Sailing Lessons

                          See                        Move               Find                   Get                       Eat                                   7
                          page 13                    More               Peace                  Connected                 Better
Magazine Parks & Recreation - City of Dunedin
Fitness & Wellness
          Fitness Center                                    Group Exercise (GEX) Combo                        GEX Combo Classes (cont’d)
             1920 Pinehurst Road                            The “Group Exercise Combo” (GEX) is               Indoor Cycling
                (727) 812-4530                              offered at the Community Center and
                                                                                                              Rise and shine with this great cardio
        Morgan Brandt, Fitness Specialist                   allows you to take advantage of unlimited
                                                                                                              workout and killer calorie burner that
                                                            access to GEX classes.
                                                                                                              incorporates upper body strength training
      yy Nautilus Nitro Strength Equipment                  $30 / $45 per calendar month                      and stretching. Pedal through climbs,
      yy Nautilus Free Weights                              $20 per month w/ Fitness Center Membership        sprints and other resistance challenges
      yy Precor Cardio Equipment                                                                              along to motivating music. All levels
      yy Fitness Center Orientations                                                                          welcome. Bring a towel and water bottle.
      yy Wellness Screenings                                GEX Combo Classes
                                                                                                              12+ yrs     Mon / Fri		        6:40 - 7:40 am
      yy Personal Training
                                                            30/30 Fusion                                      w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
    Ages 12-14 must be accompanied by an adult and                                                            Dunedin Community Center
                                                            Low impact cardio exercise designed to
    attend a “Fitness Safety Orientation” prior to using
                                                            get your heart rate up. Includes upper
    the Fitness Center.
                                                            body strength and core training all mixed         Laughter for Health
                                                            into one workout. Come for all or just one
                                                                                                              Help boost your immune system, increase
    Hours of Operation                                      30-minute segment. Appropriate for all
                                                                                                              circulation, create positive energy, build
                                                            fitness levels.
    Monday-Thursday              6 am - 9 pm                                                                  self-confidence and feel good.
                                                            12+ yrs      Wednesdays        5 - 5:55 pm
    Friday		                     6 am - 6 pm                                                                  12+ yrs      Wednesdays        11 - 11:45 am
                                                            w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
    Saturday		                   7 am - 4 pm                                                                  w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
                                                            Dunedin Community Center
    Sunday                       9 am - 3 pm                                                                  Dunedin Community Center
    See page 43 for City Holiday building closures.
                                                            6-Pack Abs
                                                            Strengthen and tone those abs. This
    Fitness Center Admission                                express class focuses on core workouts            Build strength without bulking up. Pilates
    Daily Admission              $5                         to get you beach ready.                           elongates and strengthens muscles,
    Monthly Pass                 $18 w/ Rec Card            12+ yrs     Tuesdays		         6:35 - 6:50 am     improving flexibility and joint mobility.
    Yearly Pass		                $180 w/ Rec Card           w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class                 Increase strength throughout the core
                                                            Dunedin Community Center                          muscles to improve posture and balance.
                                                                                                              12+ yrs     Thursdays		        7 - 8 pm
    Personal Training                                                                                                     Fridays		          8 - 8:55 am
    Train with a buddy or by yourself and a                                                                   w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
                                                            Tighten those glutes, strengthen those            Dunedin Community Center
    personal trainer. Our nationally certified
                                                            legs and firm up those abs. This class
    and highly-educated trainers will identify
                                                            will consist of low impact exercises and
    your goals along with you, then tailor
                                                            resistance training to improve and lean           Pound                                New!
    your workout to fit your needs.
                                                            out your muscles.                                 An upbeat, energetic, full body workout
    12+ yrs     By appointment, call (727) 812-4530                                                           that combines drumming, cardio,
                                                            12+ yrs      Fridays		         10 - 10:55 am
    Private Hour:         $44 w/ Rec Card                                                                     strength training and conditioning into fat
                                                            w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
    Private 1/2 Hour:     $32 w/ Rec Card                                                                     burning and toning. Sweat, make noise,
                                                            Dunedin Community Center
    Bring-a-Buddy (1 hr): $32 each w/ Rec Card                                                                have fun and release your inner rock star.
    (Rec Card required, see page 48 for more information)                                                     12+ yrs      Mondays		         10-10:45 am
                                                            Full Body Workout
                                                                                                                           Thursdays		       6-6:45 pm
                                                            Conditioning exercises for all levels.
                                                                                                              w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
    Wellness Screening                                      After a full body warm up, improve your
                                                                                                              Dunedin Community Center
                                                            coordination, body strength and cardio
    Do you need guidance to improve
                                                            endurance. Bring water & exercise mat.
    physical fitness, increase productivity
    or aid in weight loss? Let us help you                  12+ yrs       Wednesdays       9 - 9:55 am
    reach your goals with a personalized                    w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
    consultation from our Fitness Specialist                Dunedin Community Center
    that assesses your health status and
    analyzes your total body fat, lean tissue
    mass and blood pressure.
    12+ yrs     By appointment, call (727) 812-4543
    $5 / $7 (45-minute session)


8                         Pricing Key: $ Rec Card / $ No Card         Act #: = for Online Registration      Full Registration Information, page 48-49
Fitness & Wellness
GEX Combo Classes (cont’d)                        GEX Combo Classes (cont’d)                      GEX Combo Classes (cont’d)
Power Yoga - Lite                                 Tone Up / Tone Down - Lite                      Yoga-lates
A strong and challenging class designed           Low-impact, total body toning for all levels    Can’t decide between Yoga and Pilates?
to focus on vinyasa, strength and                 of fitness. Improve balance, increase           Try Yoga-lates, a blend of the two
core. Perfect for practitioners with an           flexibility and enhance your stamina.           methods that involves specific postures
established practice while creating a             Get into the fat burning zone followed by       and emphasizes correct breathing.
supportive environment for the student            a relaxing full body stretch.                   12+ yrs     Mon / Wed		        8 - 8:50 am
transitioning into a stronger practice.           12+ yrs      Tuesdays		        8 - 8:50 am      w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
12+ yrs      Mondays		         7 - 8 pm           w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class               Dunedin Community Center
w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class                 Dunedin Community Center
Dunedin Community Center                                                                          Zumba
                                                  Two-in-One                          New!
                                                                                                  A Latin-inspired dance/fitness class for
RED Warrior® Ride                                 Give your body the ultimate workout             anyone. This cardio program utilizes
An indoor cycle experience designed               with two classes in one! Cardiovascular         interval training with fun and easy dance
for all fitness levels. Taught in 5-minute        training for your heart, resistance training    moves to work the core muscles and
segments followed by short periods                for your muscles, plus a core workout all       improve balance, stability and movement.
of recovery and set to music to inspire           in one class to target the whole body.          12+ yrs       Wednesdays      7 - 8 pm
and empower your inner warrior. Our               12+ yrs       Mondays		        5 - 6:10 pm      w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
Group Exercise Therapy method will                w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class               Dunedin Community Center
motivate, guide and help you overcome             Dunedin Community Center
self-imposed limitations and realize your                                                         Zumba Gold
physical and mental potential.                    Yin Yoga                            New!
                                                                                                  This fitness dance class is for those with
12+ yrs       Wednesdays       6:40 - 7:40 am     Yin Yoga is slower paced Yoga class             little experience or physical limitations.
w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class                 where postures are held longer and              Easier than basic Zumba but just as
Dunedin Community Center                          targets the connective tissues, helping         much fun with easy to follow moves for
                                                  to increase circulation in the joints and       individuals of any age.
Strong by Zumba                                   improve flexibility. Perfect for a mind-        12+ yrs       Tues / Thurs     10 - 10:55 am
                                                  body connection.                                w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
Combine cardio, body weight, muscle
conditioning and plyometric training              12+ yrs    Wednesdays 4 - 4:55 pm               Dunedin Community Center
moves synced to music that is specifically        w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
designed to match every single move.              Dunedin Community Center                        Zumba Gold Toning
Every squat, every lunge, every burpee is                                                         Body-sculpting exercises and high-
driven by the music, helping you make it          Yoga
                                                                                                  energy cardio work with Latin-infused
to that last rep, or maybe even five more.        Yoga combines stretching and posturing          Zumba moves. Designed for participants
12+ yrs       Thursdays       8 - 8:55 am         to help improve the mind/body                   with little experience or inactive adults.
w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class                 connection. Have fun and relax as you           The perfect way to sculpt your body
Dunedin Community Center                          improve your flexibility, inner strength        naturally while having a total blast.
                                                  and joints. This class is for everyone!         12+ yrs       Mondays         11:10 am - Noon
Tai Chi Chuan                        New!         12+ yrs     Tues / Thurs    9 - 9:55 am                       Fridays		        9 - 9:55 am
                                                              Wednesdays 6 - 6:55 pm              w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
Moving Meditation teaches us to relax             w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
and connect with our body, allowing spirit                                                        Dunedin Community Center
                                                  Dunedin Community Center
and body to become one. This class
enables you to slow down, deliberately
exhaling stress, tension and fear.
12+ yrs      Mondays		         9-9:55 am
w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
Dunedin Community Center

Tone Up / Tone Down
Incorporates cardio training with toning
exercises for the upper and lower body.
This calorie-burning class will help you
get into your fat burning zone and will be
followed by a relaxing full body stretch.
12+ yrs      Tuesdays		        5:40 - 6:30 pm
w/ GEX Combo or $5 / $7 per class
Dunedin Community Center

                       See                      Move             Find                 Get                      Eat                                9
                       page 13                  More             Peace                Connected                Better
Fitness & Wellness
 Fitness Classes                                     Fitness Classes (continued)                            Fitness Classes (continued)
 Camp Gladiator                                      Tai Chi                                                Zumba
 More than just a fitness boot camp, it’s            Learn the graceful movements at a slow,                A Latin-inspired dance/fitness class for
 an experience promising to motivate                 relaxed pace that helps strengthen both                anyone. This cardio program utilizes
 and challenge men & women of all ages               the mind and body. Join us at 9:30am                   interval training with fun and easy dance
 and levels. Expect a full body workout              for a focus on Beginner 1 moves, then                  moves to work the core muscles and
 including interval training, sprint and             at 10:15am concentrate on Beginner 2                   improve balance, stability and movement.
 agility drills, stations, plyometrics,              moves. Led by the Taoist Tai Chi Society.              12+ yrs        Saturdays       8:45 - 9:45 am
 strength drills and a cardio mix. Increase          50+ yrs        Tuesdays		   9:30 - 11 am               $5 / $7 drop-in
 your strength, speed and stamina.                   $4 / $5 per class                                      $50 / $70 10-class punch card (Punch card is good
 14+ yrs        Mon / Wed / Fri 5:15 - 6:15 am       Hale Senior Activity Center                            for 6 months from date of purchase. When punch card is
                Tues / Thurs      5 - 6:00 am                                                               full, redeem for 11th class free.)
                Tues / Thurs      9:15 - 10:15 am                                                           Dunedin Community Center
 Register with the instructor. Call (727) 667-4221   Tai Chi Chuan
 or e-mail            An ancient Chinese art that enables free               Zumba Gold
 Dunedin Community Center                            movement while enhancing flexibility and
                                                                                                            Move to the beat at your own speed.
                                                     full range of joint motion. Medical studies
                                                                                                            This invigorating, Latin-inspired dance-
                                                     have shown that Tai Chi varies the load
 Cardio Tennis                                                                                              fitness class feels fresh, exhilarating
                                                     on joint surfaces and increases the flow
                                                                                                            and keeps you in the groove of life. Low-
 The hottest new tennis fitness class and            of natural lubricants and nutrients.
                                                                                                            impact moves and chair exercises will be
 the ultimate cardio burn. This one-hour             12+ yrs         Tues / Thurs     11 am - Noon          integrated so all levels can enjoy.
 class to high-energy music is guaranteed                            Saturday		       11 am - Noon
 to burn calories. Bring your racket & water                                                                50+ yrs        Mon / Thurs  10:15 - 11:15 am
                                                     $8 / $10 per class
 bottle. Instructed by Greg Reardon.                                                                        $4 / $5 per class
                                                     Tues/Thurs: $55 / $75 per month Act #: CC03042
 14+ yrs        Mon / Wed		    7 - 8 am &                                                                   Hale Senior Activity Center
                                                     Saturday:       $27 / $37 per month Act #: CC03041
 			                           7:30 - 8:30 pm        Dunedin Community Center
                                                                                                            Fitness “Marathon”                           New!
                Saturdays		    9 - 10 am
 Classes offered September - May                                                                            Come for a day of fitness and fun and
 $10 / $15 per class
                                                     Tai Chi Beginners & Special Needs                      have an opportunity to try a variety
 $75 / $112 8 class punch card                       Learn the graceful movements of Tai                    of Group Exercise Classes offered at
 Fisher Tennis Courts                                Chi at a slow, relaxed pace that helps                 Dunedin Community Center. For every
                                                     strengthen both the mind and body.                     class you participate in, receive a raffle
 Happy Feet Walk/Run Club New!
                                                     Movements adapted for special needs.                   ticket for prizes and give-aways. The
                                                     Led by the Taoist Tai Chi Society.                     more classes you try, the more chances
 This is not your typical walking club,              50+ yrs       Resumes in Winter                        to win! Chair massages and healthy food
 it’s so much more! Walk or run the                  Hale Senior Activity Center                            vendors available. Bring water and an
 Highlander Park trail, incorporating body                                                                  exercise mat if you have one.
 weight strength training exercises for the                                                                 Saturday       October 6		    7:30 am - 1 pm
 ultimate cardio and strength workout. For                                                                  $ Free to attend
 all fitness levels. Led by Morgan Brandt,                                                                  John R. Lawrence Pioneer Park
 Fitness Specialist.
 All Ages      Tuesdays		    6 - 7 pm
 $ Free
 Dunedin Community Center

 Blend aerobics, yoga, kickboxing and
 pilates into fun dance routines set to fresh
 and modern music. All levels welcome.
 12+ yrs      Mon / Tues / Thurs 6 - 7 pm
              Wed / Sat		            10 - 11 am
 Register with the instructor. Call (727) 692-6232
 or e-mail
 Dunedin Community Center

10                   Pricing Key: $ Rec Card / $ No Card        Act #: = for Online Registration          Full Registration Information, page 48-49
Fitness & Wellness
Senior Fitness                                      Senior Fitness (continued)                      Senior Fitness (continued)
Chair Volleyball                                    Qi Gong                                         Tai Chi
It’s just like volleyball but instead using a       Improve balance, release stress and             Learn the graceful movements at a slow,
beachball and caters to the activity level          awaken your inner energy. Deep                  relaxed pace that helps strengthen both
of older adults. This is a great way to             breathing       coordinated   with      slow    the mind and body. Join us at 9:30am
enjoy exercise & socialize.                         movements and meditation teaches us             for a focus on Beginner 1 moves, then
50+ yrs        Mon / Wed		      1 - 3 pm            to relax and connect with our spirit and        at 10:15am concentrate on Beginner 2
               Thursday		       4 - 6 pm            body to become one.                             moves. Led by the Taoist Tai Chi Society.
$2 / $3 drop-in                                     50+ yrs        Wed / Fri		  9:30 - 10:30 am     50+ yrs        Tuesdays		   9:30 - 11 am
No program during Weds Luncheons, see page 25       $4 / $5 per class                               $4 / $5 per class
Hale Senior Activity Center                         Hale Senior Activity Center                     Hale Senior Activity Center

Chair Yoga                                          Senior Exercise                                 Tai Chi Beginners & Special Needs
Through relaxation techniques you can               A low-impact workout focusing on                Learn the graceful movements of Tai
improve your sense of well-being, restore           strength, stamina, flexibility and balance.     Chi at a slow, relaxed pace that helps
and maintain strength, increase flexibility         You may choose to sit during the class.         strengthen both the mind and body.
and range of motion, renew energy,                                                                  Movements adapted for special needs.
                                                    50+ yrs        Mon / Fri		    9 - 10 am
and decrease pain, blood pressure and                                                               Led by the Taoist Tai Chi Society.
                                                    $4 / $5 per class
                                                    Hale Senior Activity Center                     50+ yrs       Resumes in Winter
50+ yrs         Thursdays		 9:30 - 10:30 am                                                         Hale Senior Activity Center
$4 / $5 drop-in
Hale Senior Activity Center
                                                                                                    Tai Chi Chuan
Essentrics/Aging Backwards                                                                          An ancient Chinese art that enables free
Stretch-n-Tone                                                                                      movement while enhancing flexibility and
                                                                                                    full range of joint motion. Medical studies
The sharpest and most powerful tool for
                                                                                                    have shown that Tai Chi varies the load
retaining ageless and beautiful youth is
                                                                                                    on joint surfaces and increases the flow
in your muscles. This exercise class will
                                                                                                    of natural lubricants and nutrients.
improve your circulation and memory,
lower your blood sugar and help you look                                                            12+ yrs        Tues / Thurs     11 am - Noon
and feel younger.                                                                                                  Saturday		       11 am - Noon
                                                                                                    $8 / $10 class
50+ yrs        Wednesdays      8:15 - 9:15 am
                                                                                                    Tues/Thurs: $55 / $75 per month Act #: CC03042
$4 / $5 per class Hale Senior Activity Center
                                                                                                    Saturday:      $27 / $37 per month Act #: CC03041
                                                                                                    Dunedin Community Center
Exercise Room
Located at the Hale Senior Activity                                                                 Walking Club
Center, it includes two treadmills, two
recumbent bikes, a max trainer M5 and                                                               Join this friendly, energetic club and see
a home gym which allows you to do                                                                   how fun walking and exercise can be!
different exercises such as bench press,                                                            Walkers meet at the Hale Activity Center
crunches and weight lifting. No contracts                                                           and head out on the Pinellas Trail.
or monthly fees.                                                                                    50+ yrs        Tues / Thurs       8:30 am
50+ yrs        Mon - Fri During open hours                                                          $5 / $8 annual fee (valid Oct - Sept)
$ Free / $1 drop-in Hale Senior Activity Center                                                     Hale Senior Activity Center

Pickleball                                                                                          Zumba Gold
A game for all ages! Pickleball is a cross                                                          Move to the beat at your own speed.
between badminton, tennis & ping-pong                                                               This invigorating, Latin-inspired dance-
played with a paddle and a wiffle ball.                                                             fitness class feels fresh, exhilarating
18+ yrs                                                                                             and keeps you in the groove of life. Low-
                                                                                                    impact moves and chair exercises will be
Drop-in (all skill levels)                                                                          integrated so all levels can enjoy.
Jan - May       M / T / Th		 9 am - 2 pm
June - Aug Thursdays		 10 am - 12 pm                                                                50+ yrs        Mon / Thurs  10:15 - 11:15 am
Sept - Dec      M / T / Th		 9 am - 12 pm           Awaken your mind and body                       $4 / $5 per class
$2 / $3 drop-in                                                                                     Hale Senior Activity Center
                                                     with Tai Chi and Qi Gong.
$20 / $30 punch card (includes 10 uses)
Dunedin Community Center

                             See                  Move             Find                 Get                       Eat                               11
                             page 13              More             Peace                Connected                 Better
                                                   & Wellness
 Wellness                                             Wellness - Screenings                               Wellness - Support Groups
 Chair Massages                                       Wellness Screenings                     New!        Alzheimer’s Support Group
 Unwind in a comfortable massage chair                Do you need guidance to improve                     A support group for family members,
 while receiving a relaxing massage from              physical fitness, increase productivity             caregivers or others interested in learning
 our licensed Massage Therapist on your               or aid in weight loss? Let us help you              more about Alzheimer’s disease.
 back, shoulders, neck and arms. Wearing              reach your goals with a personalized                Wednesdays		               10 - 11 am
 your regular clothing, take some time out            consultation from our Fitness Specialist            $ Free
 of your day and let your stress melt away!           that assesses your health status and                Hale Senior Activity Center
 12+ yrs        Thursdays		       9 am - 12 pm        analyzes your total body fat, lean tissue
                Fridays		         2 - 5 pm            mass and blood pressure.
 $1 / minute Minimum of 10-minutes. Add                                                                   Aphasia Activity Group
                                                      12+ yrs     By appointment, call (727) 812-4543
 additional time in 5-minute increments.              $5 / $7 (45-minute session)                         Persons with Aphasia and their
 Walk-ins welcome or call 812-4530 to reserve         Dunedin Community Center                            caregivers are invited to join this program
 Dunedin Community Center                                                                                 led by Voices of Hope for Aphasia. Call
                                                                                                          Jackie Hinckley at (727) 249-1953 or
                                                      Senior Health Screenings                            email
 Live Pain Free - A Fibromyalgia                      Every Tuesday, older adults can receive a           C.A.N. Activities: Thursdays, 10 am - 12 pm
 Workshop                                             free health screening from a local health           Participate in Communication, Arts and Networking
 Iyengar Yoga has been proven to aid                  and wellness provider. No appointment               Activities including games, arts & crafts, music and
 the chronic pain of Fibromyalgia and                 needed; first-come, first-served.                   other hands-on activities that support communication.
 emphasizes on detail, precision, posture,            50+ yrs                                             Conversation Group: Thursdays, 1 - 3 pm
 alignment and breath control. Learn the                                                                  Partake in supported conversation, short stories and
                                                      • Blood Pressure Check
 secrets of living pain free from Victoria                                                                other language activities.
                                                       by Manor Care
 Sedlacek, Iyengar Yoga instructor. Bring              1st Tuesday of the month        9 am               $2 / $3 per meeting, per day
 an exercise mat, blanket and water.                                                                      Hale Senior Activity Center
                                                      • Ear Wax Removal & Hearing Test
 Mon & Wed Sept 10 - 26          6:30 - 8 pm
                                                       by Digital Hearing Solutions
 $65 / $97 (includes 6 meetings) Act #: CC03057                                                           Parkinson’s Support Group
                                                       2nd Tuesday of the month 9 am
 Dunedin Community Center
                                                      • Leg Vein Screening                                Meetings help foster self-empowerment,
                                                       by Vein Institute of Pinellas                      coping skills and socialization in a non-
 Water Wellness                                        3rd Tuesday of the month        9 am               judgmental and encouraging atmosphere.
                                                                                                          Includes physical, occupational and
 Adaptive Water Wellness                              • Vision Screening
                                                                                                          speech exercises.
                                                       by Healthy Vision Institute
 Shallow water aerobics designed for                                                                      3rd Monday of the month		   1 - 3:30 pm
                                                       3rd Tuesday of the month        9 am
 participants of all abilities, including                                                                 $ Free
 developmental and physical disabilities.             • Spinal Screening                                  Hale Senior Activity Center
 Participants have the option to use                   by Spinal Corrections
 weights, noodles and stability belts.                 4th Tuesday of the month        9 am
                                                                                                          Prediabetes & Diabetes Management
 16+ yrs                                              • Memory Screening
 Aug 1, 6 & 8       Mon & Wed 9 - 10 am                by Arden Courts                                    Get a clear understanding and learn the
 Aug 14 - Sept 25 Tuesdays           6 - 7 pm          1st Wednesday of the month 11:30 am                many health issues related to prediabetes
 $4 / class (no charge for participant’s assistant)                                                       and diabetes. Bring questions and share
                                                      $ Free                                              knowledge with others.
 Highlander Pool                                      Hale Senior Activity Center
                                                                                                          Mondays        starting Sept 24 10:30 am - 12 pm
                                                                                                          $3 / $4 per class Act#: HAC08043
 Shallow Water Wellness                                                                                   Hale Senior Activity Center
 Exercise with low to zero impact on the
 body to tone muscle, increase joint range                                                                Senior Counseling
 of motion, reduce pain and stiffness, and
 get a great cardiovascular workout.                                                                      Professional counseling for creating
                                                                                                          optimal emotional health and finding
 16+ yrs                                                                                                  solutions to relieve depression, anxiety,
 Aug 1, 6 & 8     Mon & Wed 9 - 10 am                                                                     stress related to grief, changes in health
 Aug 14 - Sept 25 Tuesdays  6 - 7 pm                                                                      or finances, and other issues. Provided
 $4 / class                                                                                               by Gulf Coast Community Services.
 Highlander Pool
                                                                                                          Wednesdays		                 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
                                                                                                          No fee, donations accepted. Appointment
                                                                                                          required. Call Christie Sullivan, (727) 479-1848.
                                                                                                          Hale Senior Activity Center

12                     Pricing Key: $ Rec Card / $ No Card       Act #: = for Online Registration       Full Registration Information, page 48-49
LiveWell Dunedin

                            LiveWell         Dunedin
                                                                                                           Move More
                                                                                                             Physical activity and exercise
                                                                                                 has been linked to many health benefits.
                                                                                                 Whether it’s to lose weight, increase
                                                                                                 energy or gain strength, it all begins with
                                                                                                 that first step. No matter what your age or
                                                                                                 fitness level, simply start by adding one
                                                                                                 or two activities to your routine and see
                                                                                                 how you feel. You can always add more.
What is LiveWell Dunedin?
Dunedin Parks & Recreation launched the LiveWell Dunedin campaign to help the
community to recognize that parks and recreation is a provider of health and wellness.                     Find Peace
LiveWell Dunedin aspires to encourage people of all ages to “live well” physically, mentally                It’s easy to get caught up in
and socially. There are four vital ingredients to LiveWell Dunedin to help you create a          the fast-paced, day-to-day activities but
personalized recipe to live a healthy life: Move More, Find Peace, Get Connected and             taking time to relax your mind and calm
Eat Better.                                                                                      your body can go a long way toward
A multitude of programs and services are offered by Dunedin Parks & Recreation that              making you feel better. Recreational
can help you enhance your lifestyle and improve your overall well-being. You will find the       activities can refresh your mind, restore
LiveWell Dunedin logos placed throughout the Magazine to highlight thoose programs               your body and revive your spirit by simply
and services that will help you on your journey.                                                 going for a walk or connecting with
                                                                                                 nature. Find peace of mind by attending
                                                                                                 a consumer protection or safety seminar.
Mission                                                                   Scan & Watch the
                                                                       LiveWell Dunedin Video:   What you have now is the present
Create a culture throughout the community that provides                                          moment. Make it joyful, happy and full of
opportunities and inspires everyone to pursue a healthy life.                                    peace.

                                                                                                           Get Connected
For all members of the community to have an active lifestyle
focusing on their physical, mental and nutritional well-being.                                             Feeling socially connected is
                                                                                                 more important than ever as it shapes
                                                                                                 our everyday life and well-being. Find
                                                                                                 social support, get involved, and find
                                                                                                 a sense of community with people of
                                                                                                 similar interests, hobbies and goals.
                                                                                                 Spend time together with friends, meet
                                                                                                 new people, form relationships and
              THERE IS NO                                                                        connect with others by participating in
                                                                                                 clubs, volunteering or attending socials
              ONE GIANT STEP                                                                     and community events.

              THAT DOES IT
                                                                                                           Eat Better
              IT’S A LOT OF                                                                                 Eating healthy helps you
              LITTLE STEPS.                                                                      live a longer, healthier life. Not only do
                                                                                                 nutritious foods have positive effects
              		-Peter A. Cohen                                                                  on your mental and physical well-being,
                                                                                                 they also help reduce the risk of chronic
                                                                                                 diseases. Whether it’s picking up fresh
                                                                                                 fruits and vegetables from the market or
                                                                                                 taking an educational cooking class, take
                                                                                                 advantage of every chance to improve
                                                                                                 your healthy eating habits.

Kids, Tweens & Teens
 Cooking                                               Performing Arts                                      Preschool
 Creative Culinary Kid’s Cooking                       Dunedin Showcase Kids Theater                        Tiny Tot Karate
 Join Chefs John and Debbie as they                    Hey, kids! Join the wonderful world of               Our instructor has a special way with
 lead this hands-on kid’s cooking class in             theater while having fun and building                preschoolers, teaching manners, respect
 learning basic cutlery skills and creating            confidence. No experience necessary.                 and self-esteem.
 an entire meal each week. Everything                  Basics of stagecraft will be taught during           3-5 yrs       Tuesdays       4:15 - 4:45 pm
 is included and the kids will bring home              rehearsals. The Kids Division offers                 $37 / $55 per month Act #: CC06011
 copies of the recipes.                                drama productions twice a year for                   Dunedin Community Center
 8-15 yrs		 Fridays		             7 - 9 pm             audiences of all ages to enjoy.
 Sept 21: Classic Foods                                7-18 yrs       Dunedin Community Center
                                                                                                            Tiny Tot Sports
 Oct 19: Party Foods                                   For auditions, rehearsals and upcoming shows,
 Register with Chef John at (727) 433-1889 or visit    visit, or call:       Combination of sports-related activities                             Tammy Folstad: (727) 744-9236                        to help develop your child’s motor skills
 MLK, Jr. Recreation Center                                                    and to learn the basics of each sport in
                                                                                                            a noncompetitive environment. Children
                                                       Mike Cote:       (727) 417-0035
                                                                                                            will also learn social skills and to share &
 Dance                                                                                                      take turns, all while having fun!
                                                                                                            3-5 yrs        Saturdays		         10 - 11 am
 Clogging                                              Progressive Arts                                     September: Track
 Join Theresa Margetanski of the                       Progressive Arts, a musical theater                  October:      Soccer (no class 10/27)
 Grapevine Cloggers for great exercise                 company for children, teenagers and                  November: Basketball (no class 11/3, 11/27)
 while dancing. No partner needed.                     young adults, offers group and private               December: Football (no class 12/1, 12/8)
 8+ yrs         Mondays		          6:30 - 7:30 pm      acting, singing, dance and performance               $28 / $42 per month Act #: CC04030
 $5 / $8 per class                                     lessons. Musical review shows, full-                 Dunedin Community Center
 $15 / $20 per month Act #: CC05060                    length musicals and summer camps
 $28 / $44 per month (class & club) Act #: CC05061     are offered year-round. Classes are                  Self Defense - Teens & Adults
 Dunedin Community Center                              taught by Kirsten Stiff Walker, a highly
                                                       trained, professional theater actor and              Learn practical skills that can help prevent
                                                       dancer, and award winning director and               attacks, increase your awareness to
 Clogging Club                                         choreographer.                                       identify potential threats and attackers,
 Cloggers welcome! Join this fun, dynamic              3-21 yrs       Dunedin Community Center              carry yourself with confidence so you are
 group of Cloggers, meet fellow dancers                See page 21 for various classes, performance         less likely to be attacked, establish and
 and enjoy great exercise.                             levels, ages and fees. Register with instructor,     maintain boundaries between you and
 8+ yrs         Mondays		          7:30 - 8:30 pm      Kirsten Stiff Walker at (828) 226-4290 or visit      an attacker and temporarily disable an
 $5 / $8 per class                                                              attacker so you can get away.
 $15 / $20 per month Act #: CC05063                                                                         13+ yrs        Tues / Thurs      7:30 - 8:30 pm
 $28 / $44 per month (class & club) Act #: CC05061                                                          $60 / $90 per month Act #: MLK06001
 Dunedin Community Center                                                                                   Martin Luther King, Jr. Recreation Center

 Homeschoolers of Pinellas (HOP)
 Looking to expand your child’s
 horizon in a fun, friendly, supportive
 environment? Enjoy a variety of
 classes for the homeschool community
 including science, writing, dance, art,
 woodworking, drama, music, technology,
 strategic games, martial arts and more.
 3-18 yrs        Wednesdays         9 am - 4 pm
                 September - May
 For registration info, visit or
 Facebook Homeschoolers of Pinellas County.
 Dunedin Community Center

                                                         Before & After School Program

14                   Pricing Key: $ Rec Card / $ No Card          Act #: = for Online Registration        Full Registration Information, page 48-49
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