Custom Packaging - Purdys Chocolatier

Page created by Rhonda Moreno
Custom Packaging - Purdys Chocolatier
Custom Packaging
           FREE SHIPPING on deliveries $99+ in Canada
Custom Packaging - Purdys Chocolatier
About                                                                                                                                                   Ways to Customize
Purdys                                                                                                                            We offer a range of attractive ways to customize your chocolate gifts.

                                                                                                                                                                      Custom sleeve

                                                                                                                                                 Add your logo or message to one of our sleeve designs, or create
                                                                                                                                                  your own entirely custom design. Available for 6 pc horizontal
                                                                                                                                                     boxes, and 16 pc, 25 pc, 50 pc and 98 pc square boxes.

                  We’re always inspired to take you away from the ordinary.                                                                                           Minimum order of 50

                      We source premium-quality ingredients from around the world, and choose
                     local options whenever possible. We never compromise on quality, and you
                                         can definitely taste the difference.

                      All of our chocolates are made with sustainable cocoa which helps support
                           our farmer partners, their communities, as well as the environment.

                       We offer a great selection of customizable gifts for client and employee
                           thank-yous, special recognitions, and company celebrations.

                                                                                                                                                                      Custom ribbon

                                                                                                                                                   Add a hand-tied satin ribbon (imprinted with your company
                                                                                                                                                   logo, name or message) to any of our chocolate gift boxes.
             Made with                        Canada’s chocolatier                            Purdys gift
         sustainable cocoa                        since 1907                                  guarantee
                                                                                                                                                                      Minimum order of 25
    Every purchase you make helps         We started out in Vancouver and             Your gifts will arrive in perfect
       improve the lives of cocoa          it’s where we still craft all your        condition and with personalized      Custom chocolate assortments: Standard chocolate assortments are available for any of our gift boxes or tins,
     farmers in rural communities.            favourite chocolates today.           gift messages at no extra charge.     or you can select your own assortment. See to find dozens of unique chocolates.

2                                                                                                                                                                                     FREE SHIPPING on deliveries $99+ in Canada   3
Custom Packaging - Purdys Chocolatier
Gift Box Sleeve Designs                                                                          Gift Box Sleeve Designs
        Add your logo or message to one of our sleeve designs, or create your own
        entirely custom design. Available for 6 pc horizontal boxes, and 16 pc, 25 pc,
           50 pc and 98 pc square boxes. Minimum order 50. Minimum order 50.

                                                                                         Chevron                     Confetti                     Geometric                    Gradient Stripe

                 6 pc                       16 pc                          25 pc

                                                                                         Halftone                     Hearts                    Herringbone                      Honeycomb

                            50 pc                          98 pc

                                                                                          Marble                   Pinstripes                        Swirls                            Tiles

                                                                                                    Note: Each sleeve design can be customized with colours of your choice.

4                                                                                                                                              FREE SHIPPING on deliveries $99+ in Canada   5
Custom Packaging - Purdys Chocolatier
Christmas and Holiday Gift Box Sleeve Designs                                                                            Customization Pricing
                  We want to make your gifts as unique as possible. Each of our designs lets you:                  Customization includes up to two free design revisions*, with a 25%
                     • Pick and choose a holiday greeting to be printed on your selected design.                 deposit upfront. The timeline for delivery is 3-4 weeks. For pricing on rush
                              • Customize the colours of every sleeve to your preference.                           or below-minimum orders, please contact

                                                                                                       CUSTOM SLEEVE                                                                                       98 pc
                                                                                                       (minimum order 50)
                                                                                                                                                 6 pc    16 pc    25 pc              50 pc            (49 pc x 2 layers)

                 Candy Canes               Candy Cane Stripe                  Holiday Tartan           50-99                                    $23.00   $35.00   $42.00            $100.00              $160.00
                                                                                                       100-199                                  $17.00   $25.00   $40.00            $80.00               $125.00
                                                                                                       200-499                                  $15.00   $25.00   $35.00            $60.00               $115.00
                                                                                                       500-999                                  $13.00   $23.00   $33.00            $57.00               $110.00
                                                                                                       1000+                                    $12.50   $23.50   $33.00            $57.00               $100.00

                                                                                                        CUSTOM RIBBON                           +$1.50   +$1.50   +$1.50             +$1.50               +$1.50
                                                                                                        (minimum order 25)

                                                                                                       CARD ADD ON                              +$0.20   +$0.20   +$0.20             +$0.20               +$0.20
                                                                                                       (minimum order 25)

                 Snowflakes                          Stars                          Trees
                                                                                                    *Additional revisions billed at $50/hour.

6                                                                                                                                                             FREE SHIPPING on deliveries $99+ in Canada      7
Custom Packaging - Purdys Chocolatier
Save up to 15% on customization
                     prices with orders over $1,000
                                              Order Total                                        Save

                                              $1,000 - $1,499                                     10%

                                              $1,500 - or more                                    15%

                                 Discounts are calculated on a per-order basis and applied to the
                                merchandise total only; shipping and/or taxes do not count towards
                                     qualifying purchase amount and will not be discounted.

                             Please note:

                             • Customer approval is required on artwork. After approval has been
                               provided, no further changes may be made to artwork.
                             • Customer approval is also required on the final Purchase Order (PO).
                               After approval has been provided, no changes of any kind may be
                               made to the order.
                             • When approving artwork and the final PO, please confirm that all
                               information is correct, including addresses, custom designs and
                               order contents.

          Terms and Conditions
          The information contained in this document is for discussion purposes only. Purdys Chocolatier does not provide any warranties
          regarding accuracy, completeness or otherwise regarding the contents of this catalogue or any item depicted. Publication by
          third parties of any of the contents herein is prohibited. All rights reserved. This is not an offer for sale. Purchases are subject to
          availability, with terms and conditions to be agreed upon between the parties. Items containing third party intellectual property
          are reproduced with permission from the owner of such intellectual property. Purdys Chocolatier does not intend or imply
          endorsement, support or affiliation with such owners.

      1.888.478.7397 Ext. 2                                                                
Custom Packaging - Purdys Chocolatier Custom Packaging - Purdys Chocolatier Custom Packaging - Purdys Chocolatier Custom Packaging - Purdys Chocolatier Custom Packaging - Purdys Chocolatier
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