CREATIVE Smart & B2B Tech Marketing for Growth - Ditto Tv

Page created by Arthur Snyder
CREATIVE Smart & B2B Tech Marketing for Growth - Ditto Tv
Smart &
B2B Tech Marketing
for Growth

CREATIVE Smart & B2B Tech Marketing for Growth - Ditto Tv
We’re creators, makers and
   doers, producing content                              *A still from our recent Guinness World RecordTM with

   that demands attention.                               Lyreco for online positivity - ‘Thumbs Up Together!’

The world has changed. Now, more            Specialising in emerging technologies, we
than ever, your message needs to            work with start-ups and major brands to
                                            deliver everything from one-off projects
be clear and engaging. At ditto, we
                                            to ongoing drum beats. As a digital
keep you selling, with the creative         native agency, we know exactly how to
tools to build your pipeline and            activate global campaigns and reach your
develop your business.                      customers all over the world.

We deliver strategic end-to-end             We are your complete remote marketing
campaigns that help Heads of Sales and      department with the smart creative,
Heads of Marketing meet their revenue       insights and techniques to deliver results.
targets and scale their firms.              We help your business grow.

                        ditto - Smart Campaigns. Delivered.

CREATIVE Smart & B2B Tech Marketing for Growth - Ditto Tv
Our Work Helps You Think Bigger
We help firms sell, even when they can’t be in the room. Our remote marketing
solutions build brand awareness, generate leads, deliver sales support, and win
new business for our clients.

From virtual events streamed via Zoom and LinkedIn Live, and shared across
social media, to white papers that demonstrate your thought leadership, we
produce content that makes you the go-to choice in your market.

        White Papers                 Video                     Network
        & Editorial                  & Animation               & Virtual Events

        Websites                     Social                    Campaigns
        & Digital                    & Media                   & Strategy

CREATIVE Smart & B2B Tech Marketing for Growth - Ditto Tv
Just a few of the fantastic clients
we’re proud to work with…

We’ve been delivering campaigns that connect for 11 years, and counting…

We work with firms from across the world of finance, from the biggest names
to the disruptors of tomorrow.

CREATIVE Smart & B2B Tech Marketing for Growth - Ditto Tv
Case Study:
                                                Changing the game for virtual B2B events
                                                The Approach:
The Client:
Genesis are a global software company           ditto created a multi-media campaign to give genesis a new way to engage
who have developed the only Low-Code            with global customers - the Low-Code EXPO 2020. Streaming live across
Application Platform built specifically for     YouTube and LinkedIn each month, the Low-Code EXPO goes way beyond
the needs of financial markets.
                                                the traditional webinar to deliver an immersive virtual experience.

The Challenge:                                  •   The four key segments: ‘Company Outlook’, ‘LCAP Upload’, ‘LCAP
The hot topic of the moment, Low-Code               Download’, and ‘LCAP In Action’ give genesis the opportunity to share
is the technology transforming financial
                                                    the latest news and updates from across the company - including new
markets. With so much opportunity on
offer, the question for genesis was: how            client wins and project developments.
could it operate its sales and marketing at
scale and with global reach - accessing         •   Combining animations with live virtual demonstrations and client
markets in the US, South America, Europe            interviews, the segments showcase how the genesis LCAP is
and Asia?

                                                    transforming IT delivery.

                                                •   Activated across live streaming and on-demand viewing, Low-Code
                                                    EXPO 2020 is designed to leverage audience interaction. Follow-up
                                                    content is planned each month, creating a drumbeat through to the
Projects are always approached                      end of 2020.
with great enthusiasm, care and
a focus to deliver on-time and                  The Result:
within the agreed budget. The                   In a world of webinar fatigue, the Low-Code EXPO has given genesis a way
ditto team are always responsive,               to cut through the noise with its own TV show - creating an appointment to
adaptable, agile and reliable –                 view as well as longtail content.
a real pleasure to work with.
                                                As well as generating new leads, the Low-Code EXPO has helped genesis
                                                start customer conversations, engage with key partners, and keep selling
- Felipe Oliveira, Head of Sales & Marketing,
                                                remotely at a time when it can’t be in the room.
  Genesis Global

CREATIVE Smart & B2B Tech Marketing for Growth - Ditto Tv
Case Study:
                                              Generating £1m in Sales from Content Marketing

The Client:                                   The Approach:
Legerity is a global software house           ditto developed and delivered a content marketing campaign to convert
that specializes in accounting rules          Legerity’s database of more than 5,000 insurance contacts into webinar
technology for the banking, insurance         registrations, attendees and - eventually - sales.
and telecoms sectors.

The Challenge:                                •   Over the course of 16 months, we organised, produced and delivered a
                                                  series of 12 webinars to drive engagement.
Legerity needed to build trust in its
brand, allowing it to compete with more
established names in the market while         •   We developed the messaging to articulate Legerity’s core benefits while
demonstrating its agility as a cloud-native       designing all the branding and marketing materials to support
                                                  the campaign.

                                              •   We also established Legerity’s thought leadership in the insurance space
                                                  with white papers, industry articles and rich media.

                                              The Result:
                                              As well as capturing 1,400 leads, our digital strategy and execution
                                              generated a series of RFIs and RFPs - leading to more than £1m in sales
                                              for Legerity.
ditto helped us find our
distinctive look; delivered
effective marketing across
webinars, white papers and video
marketing; and allowed us to go
into the market and win.

- Jeremy Wood, CEO & Founder, Legerity

CREATIVE Smart & B2B Tech Marketing for Growth - Ditto Tv
Case Study:
                                           Making history with workplace well-being

The Client:                                The Approach:
                                           ditto developed a multi-platform campaign under the banner ‘Refresh &
Lyreco is Europe’s leading distributor
of workplace equipment, products and       Revive’. Within this framework, there are three key pillars that enable Lyreco
services for employees in the office, on   to connect and converse with the market at scale: Product, Environment
the road or working from home.             & Well-Being.

The Challenge:                             •   The campaign kicked off with a flagship launch event on September
                                               9th centred around setting the first Guinness World Record for online
Even before lockdown began, Lyreco
was looking for a new way of talking to        positivity - Thumbs Up Together!
its employees, customers and partners.
It wanted to engage in a conversation      •   The entire communication strategy is activated across live streaming,
around the importance of well-being
                                               on-demand viewing, and the leveraging of audience interaction on
and mental health while emphasising the
need for firms to improve their working        Zoom, LinkedIn Live and across social media.
environments through elements such as
DSE assessments and ergonomics.            •   Follow-up content is planned each month’ - creating a drumbeat
                                               through to the end of 2020.

                                           The Result:
                                           The Refresh & Revive campaign attracted 2,000 RSVPs, leading to 836
                                           registrations and 666 attendees at the launch event on Zoom (a 79%
                                           attendance rate). This is in addition to those who joined the stream on
                                           LinkedIn Live.

                                           It has become the largest (and most successful) social media campaign that
                                           Lyreco has ever run, reaching more than 480,000 people on Facebook. This
                                           social activity - along with targeted direct email messages - brought more
                                           than 6,500 people to the Refresh & Revive online wellness hub.

CREATIVE Smart & B2B Tech Marketing for Growth - Ditto Tv
Case Study:
                                              Delivering a brand refresh for business growth

The Client:                                   The Approach:
Millennium Consulting is a global
                                              ditto looked at every aspect of Millennium Consulting’s business - including
management consultancy and financial          its branding, visual identity, messaging, field collateral, digital presence and
software solutions provider with more         use of rich media. We then rationalised the firm’s offering and articulated it
than 25 years’ experience in helping firms    across four key pillars: Consulting, Solutions, Services & Partners.
to deliver finance transformation and
adapt to new regulations like IFRS17.
                                              •   We replaced the multiple existing (and complex to manage) legacy
The Challenge:                                    sites with a smart, function-rich and easily extendable website -
As part of its ambitious growth plans             including pages developed around the key pillars to clearly demonstrate
in the UK, US and Europe - and to                 Millennium Consulting’s capability in each area.
support the roll-out of a new software
development and sales operation - the
firm needed to refresh its messaging, its     •   We designed a more engaging visual identity, and incorporated a variety
field marketing collateral and its website.       of rich media elements - including a new corporate video for the
                                                  site’s homepage.

                                              •   We also developed a range of field marketing collateral (including fact
                                                  sheets, thought leadership articles and a brochure).

                                              The Result:
                                              Millennium Consulting now has a clear and unified way to articulate
                                              the solutions and services it can bring to market. The firm’s branding,
                                              messaging, visuals, digital presence and collateral have all been completely
                                              refreshed around the four key pillars - giving it the tools to start customer
                                              conversations, win new business and meet its ambitions for global growth.

CREATIVE Smart & B2B Tech Marketing for Growth - Ditto Tv
Beyond Business
When people connect, magic happens. That’s why we take the time to delve
deeper into the worlds of tech, art and culture - sharing ideas, meeting old
friends and making new ones.

Meet The Creators @ Campfire

Join us LIVE on every third Thursday of the month for Meet The Creators, where we take you behind the scenes of ditto’s
work and campaigns. At ditto, we’re the creators, makers, doers, and storytellers. We produce content that demands
attention. We shape the narrative. We get stuff done - each month we’re going to show you how we do it, direct from our
very own Department of Doing’. So if you’re working from home or back in the office - join us for a shot of inspiration, a
chat and share ideas.

Meet The Marketeers

Our regular Radio ditto podcast, Meet The Marketeers explores successful marketing strategies for businesses big and small
- while helping firms stay up-to-date with the latest trends. From the leaders of Fintech start-ups to agency founders, each
episode sees us in discussion with a special guest as they share their expert knowledge and market insights.

Want to get involved? If you’ve a tale to tell and a voice for radio, drop us an
email at

CREATIVE Smart & B2B Tech Marketing for Growth - Ditto Tv
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