Page created by Paul Butler
Management in the
Football Business

For MA/MSc/MBA Sport Management, Sport
Business, and Sport Industry students

Module designed and delivered by InSport Education

© InSport Education                                  1
Table of contents

Table of contents ........................................................................................................ 2
Overview .................................................................................................................... 3
Anticipated module outcomes .................................................................................... 3
Academic team .......................................................................................................... 4
Practitioner team ........................................................................................................ 4
Teaching strategy ....................................................................................................... 5
Indicative module content and timetable .................................................................... 6
Assessment................................................................................................................ 8

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 Target degree             MA/MSc/MBA Sport Management, Sport Business, and
 programmes                Sport Industry or equivalent

 Module name               Strategic Management in the Football Business

 Module pre-requisites     N/A

 Semester                  Semester 2, January – May (2021)

 Module coordinator(s)     Academic from the InSport      Email available upon
 (academic)                Education Advisory Board       request

 Module coordinator(s)     Dan Parr             
 (delivery)                Will Gardner         

The objective of the “Strategic Management in the Football Business” module for
MA/MSc/MBA Sport Management, Sport Business, and Sport Industry students is to
provide postgraduate students interested in a career in football with the opportunity
to focus part of their postgraduate learning on the football business, and their
employability and professional development within this field. As such, the module is
specifically designed to augment academic institutions’ existing Master’s

Anticipated module outcomes

Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
1. Critically evaluate and analyse the business functions of professional football
   leagues, teams, and federations, with particular reference to the Premier League
2. Communicate the findings of business functions analyses to audiences using
   written and presentation skills
3. Understand the commercial, social, and economic roles of:
       a. broadcast, sponsorship, and marketing
       b. sport law and intermediaries
       c. football in the community, and CSR in football
4. Appreciate the prospects and challenges present in emerging commercial
   opportunities, such as the women’s professional game and esports

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Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
1. Call upon a network of industry practitioners, employers and peers as they move
   forwards in their career
2. Have a clearer understanding of the employability requirements in the football
3. Be aware of relevant case studies in the football business

Academic team

 Academic leader              Academic from the InSport Education Advisory Board

 Academic consultant Dr Joshua Gordon, University of Oregon

Practitioner team

One of the primary professional objectives of module is to network students with a
wide range of industry practitioners and employers in the football business.
InSport Education have relationships with a large number of football business
practitioners – including those working in professional clubs, leagues, federations,
agencies, academia, and more – who deliver certain parts of the module.
This bank of practitioners is constantly updating in step with the football industry and
tailored to suits the needs of the academic institution’s existing curriculum.
Accordingly, practitioners change year to year, module to module. Below is an
indicative list of practitioners who have delivered or agreed to deliver content in the

 Phil Carling                                     Darrell McLennan Fordyce
 Global Head of Football, Octagon                 CMO and Co-MD Sports, 23 Capital

 Professor Simon Chadwick                         Dame Heather Rabatts
 Director of Eurasian Sport, Emlyon               Former Director, FA

 Lord Colin Moynihan                              Dr Daniel Parnell
 Former Minister for Sport                        CEO, Association of Sporting Directors

 Jo Tongue                                        Ivor Heller
 CEO, Tongue Tied Management                      Commercial Director, AFC Wimbledon

 Ben Nicholas                                     Daniel Geey
 SVP Head of UK Media and Global Digital Sales,   Partner, Sheridans Sports Group
 IMG Media

© InSport Education                                                                        4
Tim Dowd                                        Joel Carter
 Former Insight Director, Sky                    Lead Sports Scientist, Millwall FC

 Tony Sharkey                                    Lisa Smith
 Football Intermediary                           Director of PR, Media and Events,
                                                 Prepared PR

 Dean Steninger                                  Andy Dwyer
 Academy Technical Director, Chelsea FC Women    Former CEO, brandRapport

 Adam Field
 Head of Global Fan Engagement, Chelsea FC

Teaching strategy

 Lectures (academic)                                                      13 hours

 Seminars (professional)                                                  13 hours

 Workshops and presentations                                              6 hours

 Guided independent study and virtual meetings with practitioners 144 hours

 Total                                                                    176 hours

Students will participate in the above indicative format of classes to achieve their
learning outcomes in the following ways:
Lectures with guest academics will be used to introduce students to the key
terminologies, theories, and overarching themes associated with the topic area.
Seminars with industry practitioners will be used to interactively build upon and
develop the knowledge acquired in lectures, applying these theoretical concepts to
everyday commercial activities in the football business. Seminars are also a key time
for professional networking both with practitioners and peers.
Key skills such as verbal and non-verbal communication and presentation will also
be developed.
Workshops and presentations
Workshops and presentations will be used as an opportunity to apply the skills and
learnings accumulated in lectures and seminars to simulated football business

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Key skills such as teamwork, verbal and non-verbal communication and presentation
will also be developed.
Guided independent study and virtual meetings with practitioners
Students are expected to engage in independent study and learning, in particular the
reading of current journal articles, in order to further their knowledge base and
develop understanding of the broad nature of the football business.
Reading lists, both required and recommended, will be distributed to students each
year when the module content is finalised.
Students are expected to attend and engage in group virtual meetings with
practitioners, utilising Zoom or alternative VLE software. These meetings will be
focused on students’ professional development and enhancing their employability

Indicative module content and timetable

A key component of the module is the ability to tailor content to institutions’ existing
curricula. Additionally, as the football business changes from day to day, course
content can and will innovate and change in-line with these developments.
As such, the below module content and timetable is indicative only.

 Day     Session Strategy        Content

 Day     AM 1         Lecture    What is the Premier League?
 1                               Dame Heather Rabbatts – Former Director, FA

         AM 2         Lecture    Football’s TV billions continue to rise, but is the
                                 game about to eat itself?
                                 Rob Wilson – Head of Department, Sheffield
                                 Business School

         PM 1         Seminar    Financing models in football business
                                 Darrell McLennan Fordyce - CMO and Co-MD
                                 Sports, 23 Capital

         PM 2         Workshop Everyday economics of a football club
                               Rob Wilson – Head of Department, Sheffield
                               Business School

 Day     AM 1         Lecture    Sport and media
 2                               Lisa Smith - Director of PR, Media and Events,
                                 Prepared PR

         AM 2         Lecture    Sponsorship and marketing
                                 Andy Dwyer – Former CEO, brandRapport

© InSport Education                                                                        6
PM 1         Seminar    Global fan engagement
                                 Adam Field – Head of Global Fan Engagement,
                                 Chelsea FC

         PM 2         Workshop Sponsorship and Gambling
                               Andy Dwyer – Former CEO, brandRapport

 Day     AM 1         Lecture    Fans, broadcast, and consumer insights
 3                               Tim Dowd – Former Insight Director, Sky

         AM 2         Seminar    Esports and football
                                 Adam Whyte and Oliver Weingarten – Founders,
                                 LDN UTD

         PM 1         Lecture    Football and immersive experiences
                                 Andy Wood – President, Cubic Motion

         PM 2         Workshop Sport in the community [STADIUM VISIT]
                               Ivor Heller – Commercial Director, AFC Wimbledon

 Day     AM 1         Lecture    Football intermediaries and sport law
 4                               Daniel Geey – Partner, Sheridans Lawyers

         AM 2         Lecture    Stadium and event management
                                 Lizzie Liebenhals – Co-founder, Halls and Halls

         PM 1         Seminar    A commercial appraisal of women’s football
                                 Dein Steninger – Academy Technical Director,
                                 Chelsea FC

         PM 2         Workshop Applications of data in football and the role of
                               Sporting Directors
                               Dr Daniel Parnell – CEO, Association of Sporting

 Day     AM 1         Lecture    The Design of the Spurs New Stadium
 5                               Populous Studio – Architects

         AM 2         Seminar    Tour of the Spurs New Stadium
                                 Tottenham Hotspur staff and Populous Studio

         PM 1         Seminar    Disaster planning and response in football
                                 Dame Heather Rabbatts – Former Director, FA

         PM 2         Workshop Football and CSR
                               Dr Rob Wilson – Head of Department, Sheffield
                               Business School

© InSport Education                                                                7

The module will be assessed with one piece of written coursework to be completed
after the module teaching has finished, and one 10-minute presentation to be
delivered to examiners and the InSport Education Advisory Board at the end of the
taught week of the module.

 Assessment Method of             Grading       Weighting      Pass        Length
 code       assessment            mode                         mark

 01               Written         Numeric       70%            50%         3,000
                  coursework                                               words

 02               Presentation    Numeric       30%            50%         10 minutes

                                      Task 01 Brief

 Title                    Strategic Management in the Football Business – Strategic

 Hand-in date             14th May 2021

 Length                   3,000 words

 Submission               Email

 Weighting                70%

 Brief                    You are required to produce a report that strategically
                          analyses the business functions of a club, league,
                          federation, or company that operates in the football
                          business. Included in your report should be:

                               1. An analysis of the financial performance and
                                  financial position of the organisation
                               2. An analysis of key non-financial business functions,
                                  such as governance, strategy, and HR
                               3. On the basis of your findings thus far, make an
                                  assessment of the organisation’s future prospects

 Marking criteria         Description                                    Weighting

                          Ability to identify, perform and                   20%
                          communicate the findings of a financial
                          performance and financial position analysis

© InSport Education                                                                      8
Ability to identify, perform and                   20%
                      communicate the findings of a non-
                      financial analysis of business functions

                      Ability to identify, understand and factor-in      25%
                      the effects of wider issues that impact
                      medium- and long-term strategic prospects

                      Ability to apply core business principles to       25%
                      strategic analyses

                      Written, presented and referenced to a              5%
                      good academic stand

                      Use of American Psychological Association           5%
                      (APA) Harvard referencing system. A close
                      match between references used in the text
                      and in the References list

                                Task 02 Brief

 Title                Strategic Management in the Football Business -

 Hand-in date         End of the taught week (TBC)

 Length               10 minutes

 Weighting            30%

 Brief                You are required to choose a contemporary issue in
                      football business covered during the module and give a
                      presentation to the Advisory Board of an organisation of
                      your choice on how they ought to respond to the
                      challenges stemming from this issue.

 Marking criteria     Description                                     Weighting

                      Establish the link between the                     20%
                      contemporary issue in football business
                      and the organisation you have chosen.

                      Critically evaluate the problems faced by          20%
                      the organisation and consider potential
                      solutions that are realistic and achievable.

                      Provide a clear and prioritised set of             25%
                      recommendations to the Advisory Board

© InSport Education                                                               9
that are consistent with the evidence

                      Effectively communicate the link between        25%
                      the contemporary issue and the
                      organisation, your critical evaluation of the
                      problems stemming from this issue, and
                      your prioritized set of recommendations.

                      Presentation style and materials are            5%
                      developed to a high standard. This
                      includes the use of relevant visual aids.
                      The presentation has a clear and logical

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