New campaign with Qantas kicks off in Japan

Page created by Reginald Wright
New campaign with Qantas kicks off in Japan
New campaign with Qantas                                                   8 November 2017
kicks off in Japan
Tourism Australia and Qantas have kicked off a
new joint marketing campaign in Japan to
                                                     ATE18 Media Marketplace
promote the airline’s new service between Kansai
                                                     Applications are open until Friday 12 January for
(Osaka) and Sydney commencing on 14
                                                     Australian tourism products and experiences to
December as well as their existing services
                                                     attend the ATE18 Media Marketplace from 13 to
between Tokyo and Brisbane, Melbourne and
                                                     14 April 2018 in Adelaide. ATE18 Media
Sydney. The campaign also promotes other
                                                     Marketplace provides an opportunity to meet
destinations around Australia accessible through
                                                     exclusively with international and domestic media
Qantas’ extensive domestic network. The
                                                     for one-on-one appointments and networking
campaign will run in digital and out-of-home
media at train stations and on trains in Osaka and
Tokyo and is estimated to reach 20 million
Japanese consumers. The Japan inbound market
is currently booming for Australia. In the year
ending June 2017, Japan ranked as Australia’s
fifth largest inbound market based on visitor
arrivals and expenditure.
New campaign with Qantas kicks off in Japan

Popular Indian TV show shoots 10 special                      WeChat launches new Australian city
episodes Down Under                                           guide for Chinese travellers
Tourism Australia and Tourism and Events Queensland           China’s biggest social media platform, WeChat,
teamed up with one of India’s leading Kannada                 launched City Experience Sydney guide last week
language television series, Radha Ramana, to film 10          providing Chinese tourists with a new way to navigate
special episodes set in Australia. Iconic attractions and     key places of interest via the WeChat platform. “We
locations in Queensland including the Gold Coast and          know that the Chinese tastes in tourism are maturing
Brisbane were featured with the lead characters Raman         and their interests are increasingly focused on individual,
and Aradhana. Their romantic escapade helped us to            experiential travel. It is great that as an industry, we can
build Australia’s awareness among 8.6 million viewers.        tap into the potential of the largest social mobile app in
The state of Karnataka in India is the third largest source   China to deliver more destination information on demand
market from India, with approximately 30,000 tourists         to high-value Chinese FIT travellers,” said Tourism
visiting Australia for the year ended June 2017.              Australia’s Andy Jiang, Country Manager, China. The
                                                              guide was produced as a pilot in partnership with
                                                              Tourism Australia.
New campaign with Qantas kicks off in Japan
Chef Jock Zonfrillo shares Aboriginal                        The ‘Great Australian Airfare Sale’ returns
inspirations in Brazil                                       in India
One of Australia’s top chefs, Jock Zonfrillo of Adelaide’s   Tourism Australia in partnership with eight leading
Orana restaurant, shared his Aboriginal inspirations at a    airlines has unveiled the third version of The Great
four-day food festival hosted by Brazil’s top food           Australian Airfare Sale offering Indian travellers very
publication, Prazeres da Mesa. Jock, who was hosted by       attractive return economy airfares Down Under. The
the Australian Embassy in Brazil, held a talk and cooking    offers run for three-weeks until 21 November and are
class for media and industry and also cooked at a            being promoted online and through Tourism Australia’s
special dinner at restaurant Dalva & Dito with owner and     key distribution partners in India. The airlines involved
chef Alex Atala (pictured). Tourism Australia worked with    are: Air Asia, Air India, Cathay Pacific, Malaysia Airlines,
media Estadão, O Globo and Mastercard Black                  Qantas, Scoot, Singapore Airlines, and Thai Airways.
Magazine to share his story as part of ongoing               For the year to June 2017 India was Australia's fastest
promotion of Australia’s food and wine experiences.          growing inbound market for expenditure with total spend
                                                             up 29.5 per cent.

Aussie Specialists from Germany visit                        Tourism Australia extends partnership
Australia                                                    with Garuda Indonesia
The South Australian Tourism Commission and Tourism          Tourism Australia and Garuda Indonesia have extended
and Events Queensland recently hosted 20 Aussie              their partnership to continue promoting travel to Australia
Specialists on a mega famil to Australia. In addition to     in 2017-2018. The last phase of the partnership in 2016-
the Aussie Specialists being able to experience South        2017 saw major growth in passenger loads to Australia
Australia and Tropical North Queensland firsthand they       making it one of the airlines’ most promising
also received product training from operators at             international markets. The partnership will continue to
workshops in both Adelaide and Brisbane. This activity       focus on showcasing new and exciting Australian
formed part of the Aussie Specialist Program which is        holiday experiences to Indonesian travellers via the
Tourism Australia’s global online training program           airline’s gateways of Perth, Melbourne and Sydney. For
providing frontline travel sellers with the knowledge and    the first time, it will also offer members of the
skills to best sell Australia. There are currently over      GarudaMiles programme special discounted redemption
2,500 qualified Aussie Specialists in Germany and            points at selected times during the campaign period.
30,000 globally.                                             Indonesia is currently one of Australia’s fastest growing
New campaign with Qantas kicks off in Japan
markets, recording a 17% increase in visitors for the
                                                            year ending August 2017.

                                     AUSTRALIAN STORIES

New certified tour of Figure 8 Pools                        Top ways to experience Uluru
Barefoot Downunder has successfully won the tender for      In alignment with the wishes of the traditional owners of
a 3-year licence to run their Figure Eight Pools day tour   Uluru Kata-Tjuta National Park, the Anangu people, the
in the Royal National Park, south of Sydney. The tour       climb to the top of Uluru will officially close on 26
includes a hike along the Coast Track to the Figure Eight   October 2019. However, there continues to be an array
Pools, a picnic lunch at Garie’s Beach and swimming         of ways to experience this important, sacred site
and exploring the Wattamolla lagoon and beach.              including camel riding, helicopter tours and Aboriginal
                                                            culture tours.
New campaign with Qantas kicks off in Japan
Port Douglas based Superyacht adds                             Melbourne Cup 2017
another custom built fishing vessel
                                                               Outsider Rekindling has taken out the coveted
Ocean Alliance has added a new vessel to the fleet             Melbourne Cup 2017 in ‘the race that stops the nation’,
accompanying their Port Douglas based yacht, Beluga.           bringing owner Lloyd Williams a record six Melbourne
The custom built sports cruiser, Minke, will travel with       Cup wins. This year, international guests included Dutch
Beluga as a fishing, diving and recreational vessel. It will   supermodel Lara Stone and American actress Paris
assist Australia’s superyacht offering in capitalising on      Jackson who joined hundreds of Australian and
the premium fishing experiences in Tropical North              international celebrities in watching the race from
Queensland.                                                    exclusive vantage points such as The Birdcage

                              INDUSTRY NEWS AND EVENTS

                                                               The motivations of American, British and
                                                               Chinese travellers

                                                               Travellers from three of the biggest travel markets in the
                                                               world – US, UK and China – are searching, shopping
                                                               and travelling differently according to new research from
                                                               Expedia and Northstar. However, when prioritising what
                                                               is most important to them when making a travel
                                                               decision, the majority of travellers said it was activities
                                                               they would be doing on the trip that were more important
                                                               than a good deal. For more research and trends related
                                                               to international and domestic tourism and travel visit
                                                               Tourism Australia’s Insight Files.

                                              NEWS IN BRIEF

  Tourism Australia offers sincere condolences to the            Tourism Tasmania has released its annual report
  family, friends and colleagues of Bernie Schulz who            for the financial year 2016-17.
  had a distinguished career in Australia's travel and
                                                                 Business Events Sunshine Coast in partnership
  tourism industry.
                                                                 with the Sunshine Coast Council have launched
  Tourism Australia’s fourth annual Destination                  a Business Events Assistance Program to attract
  Australia Conference (DestAus18), the top tourism              conferences, meetings and exhibitions to the
  marketing conference Down Under, will be held in               region.
  Melbourne on Thursday 15 March 2018. Register
  your interest for DestAus18.
New campaign with Qantas kicks off in Japan
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New campaign with Qantas kicks off in Japan New campaign with Qantas kicks off in Japan New campaign with Qantas kicks off in Japan New campaign with Qantas kicks off in Japan
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