Creating Iris-istible Arrangements - Alvin ISD

Page created by Luis Weber
Creating Iris-istible Arrangements - Alvin ISD
Creating Iris-istible Arrangements
    Alexandra Najacht
    Assistant Editor
                                 Advanced Floral Design Students Learn Floral Business Basics
   Eyes dart across the
table in front of them,                                               “The most challenging       room budget. Last year
                                they have hands-on expe-
flowers, ribbons, and                                              thing about floral design      was the first year, so we
                                rience so they aren’t just
a variety of vases all                                             would be remembering           just offered it to teach-
                                looking at them when
scattered. Pictures in                                             where and exactly how          ers and staff on campus.
                                they go to a contest,”
their brains shyly begin                                           to place the flowers in        They would pay a fee and
                                Webb said.
to show themselves as                                              all the different flower       we would deliver an ar-
                                    Each year Webb gives
the arrangements come                                              arrangements, but my           rangement at the end of
                                promising floral design
to life. All the students                                          favorite part is seeing my     the month. The advanced
                                students the opportunity
finally step away from                                             designs come to life from      kids do the designing,
                                to show off their skills at
their creations and sigh                                           my head,” junior Emma          the planning, every as-
                                the FFA competitions.
with content.                                                      Babineaux said.                pect of the subscription.
                                    “When we go and
   Teacher Courtney                                                   Each year comes with        So again, that gives them
                                compete, only four can
Webb, the school’s                                                 new challenges for             some business side of
                                actually compete, but
floral design teacher,                                             students and teachers          things, ” Webb said.
                                they take the top three
does more than just                                                and with Webb being on           The students always
                                scores from those four.
teach about flowers, she                                           Maternity leave for the        do their best to support
                                I can take as many as I
teaches about the tools,                                           time being, her students       teachers so when floral
                                want. And so this year
arrangements, and dif-                                             are going to continue to       design got the chance to
                                I’m gonna try to bring
ferent certifications you                                          work hard until she gets       give back to the teachers
                                eight to ten kids. I can
can get while taking the                                           back so they are pre-          they didn’t hesitate to
                                train them up so when
course.                                                            pared for contests and
                                my current kids graduate
   “So through FFA, we                                             certifications.
                                I have new ones to help
have our floriculture                                                 “I’m having a baby, but
                                the younger kids,” Webb
team, which consists of                                            when I come back, I’m
four students and they                                             really hoping to get these
                                   Webb said she hadn’t
go and compete as a                                                kids some hands-on
                                had a creative bone in
team. The makeup of the                                            experience with a round
                                her body before she
contest is floral ID, a test.                                      design. I’m just really try-
                                knew floral existed and
They also have practicum                                           ing to get them exposed
                                now here she is teach-
as well and then tool ID                                           to as many different
                                ing it.
is also a part of that as                                          arrangements as possible
                                    “When I did my
well,” Webb said.                                                  so that they can figure
                                student teaching, my
    Competitions are a big                                         out if this is something
                                mentor teacher had
part of FFA and floral life,                                       they’d want to study,”
                                owned a floral shop for
so Webb does her best to                                           Webb said.
                                like 20 years. Everything
teach flower and tool ID                                              Webb and the ad-
                                I learned I had picked up
early on.                                                          vanced floral classes
                                from her and over the
    “So the big thing is                                           wanted to try something
                                years I just exposed my-                                                                        Eyes For Design
studying the full ID list,                                         new last year and hope         show off their support in
                                self to getting out of my                                                                       Students in floral classes are learning foundations of floral
being sure that we can                                             to continue it this year       a way catered to them.
                                comfort zone and I just                                                                         design. Students can take intro floral to receive an art credit,
identify the plants and                                            to deeper explore the             “I signed up for the       but many students find joy in the craft. Those students can go
                                fell in love with it.”
flowers that are on the                                            realm of careers in floral     subscription because          on to advanced floral design and can even compete in floral
                                    There are so many                                                                           competitions.
list. That’s a big part of                                         design.                        I wanted to support
                                steps to take to get past
it, so I try to set up our                                            “It’s a way for us to be    the floral design class     pretty and represented             the different fine arts,”
                                the difficult aspects to
practices as if it was a                                           able to work with more         and I love having fresh     the seasons/holidays               teacher Lacey Stewart
                                floral design, but it’s a
real contest. Having live                                          flowers without the cost       flowers. I thought the      well. I know how im-               said.
                                class made for fun and
plants, having live flow-                                          associated with the class-     arrangements were very      portant it is to support
ers or cutting flowers so

Celebrate An Evening Of Student Success
From Staff Reports

    Students who have
 demonstrated academic
 and service excellence
 were celebrated by be-
 ing initiated into the AHS
 Chapter of the National
 Honor Society on Oct.
 12. The National Honor
 Society welcomed 115
 new members at the in-
 duction ceremony. NHS
 is led by sponsors Christi
 Strange and Michelle
    “Our induction cer-
 emony is all about honor-
 ing those achievements
 and providing them with
 the opportunity to see
 how proud their school,
 family, and commu-
 nity is of their success,”     Photography by: Yearbook staffer
 Strange said.                  Adrian Garcia
Creating Iris-istible Arrangements - Alvin ISD
Recognized For Excellence Always An Advocate
   Stephanie Garcia                                                                              Natalie Horton
   Editor in Chief                                                                               Staff Writer
   Hard work doesn’t only     role model not only for         tion. Furthermore her stu-         This year former                “I knew I wanted to        much different than she’s
require dedication. It        hispanic students but all       dents are involved with         teacher Marie Tucker            take things I did as a        used to, but in a positive
involves heart, care, cour-   students,” Principal Karen      the Nasa Hutch program.         finally took on the transi-     teacher, not saying I’m       way.
age, sincerity, and an eye    Taylor said.                       “Her students make           tion from teacher to            perfect, and try to help         “My favorite part so far
for detail.                     Since receiving her           items that astronauts use       administrator after hav-        other people,” Tucker         is I’ve really got to meet
   Teacher Eva Cantu          bachelor's degree of            in space. Mrs. Cantu truly      ing her certification for       said. “Whether it be stu-     some students that I feel
was nominated for the         science, Eva Cantu has          is one of a kind and we         years as she led the AVID       dents that weren’t in my      genuinely need somebody
Outstanding Hispanic          been teaching for around        love her.”                      program and worked with         class, maybe to help them     on their side,” Tucker
teacher award by the          20 years in the Sciences/          Cantu is hardworking         countless students during       or teachers that I didn’t     said.
Brazoria County Chamber       Career and Technology           and sees that each stu-         the span of her teaching        get to see everyday.”            Tucker loves to get to
of Commerce. Cantu was        department at this high-        dent is capable of great        career. Over the summer,           Tucker really wants        know students around
also awarded Teacher          school.                         things.                         she just said it felt it was    to use her position as a      campus and be there
of the year for AHS two         “Mrs. Cantu is truly                                          right to make a change,         way to help our school        for them. She said likes
years ago.                    one of a kind and we love                                       especially with the open-       become a better learning      to be there for kids who
   “She is very deserv-       her,” Karen Taylor said.                                        ing here.                       environment. The switch       need someone to listen
ing of her accolades as         She teaches a variety of                                         “This year my title is As-   felt right for her because    to them and be there for
she not only prepares         classes, fashion design 1                                       sistant Principal,” Tucker      she wants to help Alvin       them. Her favorite part
students to be educa-         and 2, principle of human                                       said. “Some of the main         High School feel like a       of this new job position
tors and teaches them         services, Instructional                                         things I work with are          better place. Her experi-     is being able to help stu-
life skills like sewing.      Practices of Education,                                         working with teachers to        ence prior as a teacher       dents whenever they truly
She is also a wonderful       and Practicum of Educa-                                         try and help them manage        really helps her to achieve   need help.
                                                                                              ways to become better           her goal to make learning
Gaining Success On Class and Field                                                            teachers, to improve their
                                                                                              skills as teachers so stu-
                                                                                                                              better for her students.
                                                                                                                                 “There’s an old saying,
 Gabriel Neito
 Staff Writer                 those both together and                                         dents can learn. And then       you don’t know what you
                              it’s just a mission accom-                                      honestly, the best way I        got till it’s gone,” Tucker
    Baseball pitcher                                                                          can say it is to try to help    said.
Cooper Williams is rec-       plished,” Williams said.
                                 Williams has decided                                         make Alvin High School             Her day isn’t exactly
ognized for more than                                                                         a safe environment for          the same, though. She
his great work on the         he wants to attend Texas
                              A&M University after                                            every kid.”                     says she is pulled in so
mound. The junior was                                                                            Tucker strives every day     many different direc-
recently recognized as a      graduation, as both his
                              parents attended the                                            to help teachers and stu-       tions throughout the day
high performing student                                                                       dents all across campus         instead of having struc-
athlete by Fox 23 news,       school and it has been
                              his dream school since he                                       whether that’s talking to       tured class periods. She      Long time teacher, Marie
and was featured in the                                                                       students, helping in class-     has to learn a thousand       Tucker, has taken on a new role
“Making The Grade” seg-       was little. He is a pitcher                                                                                                   as assistant principal. Once an
                              and first baseman for                                           rooms, or attending meet-       kids’ names instead of
ment. Williams maintains                                                                      ings for the betterment         just the ones in her class
                                                                                                                                                            AVID instructor, Tucker looks
a high GPA as he takes        Alvin highschool baseball                                                                                                     forward to helping different
                              team. Cooper credits his                                        of our school. She wants        throughout the day. Tuck-     students in new capacities as
many AP classes.                                                                              what is best for everyone       er didn’t realize all the     an AP.
   “It was a really big       parents for his academic
                              success, which instilled                                        on campus and truly cares       secret benefits of being
honor because I always                                      Junior Cooper Williams is suc-    for the students and staff      a teacher until she didn’t
tried to work hard on my      the drive in him to always    cessful on the field and in the
                              be willing to succeed.        classroom. His friends are also   around her.                     have them anymore. It’s
grades and then also on
                                                            celebrating his success.
the field and just putting

    Providing Ways To Cope With Stress And Anxiety
   Katelyn Moore
   Staff Writer
                                                                                                                               Students can find access to help at school throuch
   One thing kids struggle       The ‘5-4-3-2-1 technique’     environments. One per-             Some students have           various counselors around campus who offer tools
with the most in school       is when you want to              son can drastically impact      obtained their own cop-         to assist the students.
isn’t Math, or English.       pay attention to breath-         their mental health, both       ing mechanisms, such as
It’s their mental state of    ing and focus on taking          positively or negatively so     listening to music, clean-
mind.                         slow, deep breaths.              you need to be aware of         ing their room, doing
   School takes a major       Once breathing is under          who you are friends with.       self care, going out with
toll on people’s mindset,     control, start tapping into         “I personally deal with      friends, etc. Some people
the stress from exams,        the surroundings and try         anxiety. My anxiety really      journal their feelings in a
tests, and after school       to find:                         took off my junior year of      notebook or diary so they
extracurricular activi-          “If you are still feeling     high school and because         have a way to release all
ties. People use coping       anxious, you can repeat          mental health wasn’t            of the bottled up emo-
mechanisms to help with       the numbers but try going        talked about as much            tions instead of getting
the stress of school.         into more detail... ‘I see       in 2006, I wasn’t diag-         too frustrated and “blow-
People that can help          the green plant sitting on       nosed until I was in my         ing up” on someone.
with stress and anxiety,      my teacher’s brown desk          mid 20s,” McBride said.            People also use comfort
etc. are counselors, or       next to the purple picture       “Therapy/Counseling is a        items as a way to cope
teachers you feel com-        frame,’ until you can            GOOD thing and it is what       with all the struggles they
fortable talking to about     feel your body and mind          helped me learn coping          are dealing with in their
the issues. There are         relax,” McBride said.            skills and gave me a safe       lives. They also have com-
many counselors around           Being a teenager in           space to talk about my          fort people, like artists,
the campus that can help      high school is both one of       worries.”                       singers, fictional charac-
 with developing coping       the best time periods in            Mental health is such        ters, book characters, etc.
 mechanisms.                  student’s young adult life       an important topic and             “A way I use to cope
   “One coping mecha-         and also one of the most         should be spoken about          with my struggles is by
 nism that I tell my          stressful. Between school        openly and without fear         listening to Lana Del Rey.
 students to use is the       work, jobs, learning to          of judgment. Emotions,          I discovered her music
 ‘5-4-3-2-1 coping tech-      drive, friend and home is-       fears, worries...they are       when I was going through
 nique.’ This technique       sues, and just general self      all normal. McBride said        a very rough patch in my
 helps you shift your focus   reflection and discovery.        she hopes more than any-        life. I started listening to
 to your surroundings in      It is important to make          thing that the students         her in ninth grade when
 the present moment and       sure that students not           here at AHS know that           my depression was really
 away from what is caus-      only learn and implement         her room will ALWAYS be         bad. Live, Laugh, Lana Del
 ing you to feel anxious,”    self care but that they          a safe place to come pro-       Rey,” junior Mario Valdez
 CIS coordinator Jessika      also surround themselves         cess their situations with      said.
 McBride said.                with positive people and         a person that cares.

                                                                                                                                                                               Page 2
Creating Iris-istible Arrangements - Alvin ISD
 Student Forges Ahead, Thankful For the Lessons                                                                                    Jacket- tastic Favorites
                                                                                                                                  What Is Your
                  Miriam Lara
                  Staff Writer

                                                                                                                                Favorite Television
                  Na-            traducir a una corta edad                                     me throughout these pro-
                  cida entre     . nadie me guió durante         Born to Mexican parents       cesses, and I alone had to
                  padres         todo el proceso yo sola       and raised in the United        face these obstacles.I feel
Mexicanos y criada en
Estados Unidos como
                                 me tuve que enfrentar a
                                 estos obstáculos y hoy
                                                               States as a first generation
                                                               American is a challenge,
                                                                                               grateful for having walked
                                                                                               alone because I learned               Series?
primera generación amer-         día me siento agradecida      because my parents left         that not everything is easy
icana es un reto , porque        por haber caminado sola       everything they once knew       and that one has to stum-
mis padres dejaron todo          porque gracias a eso          and what was home to            ble many times and move                                  Finding Dory be-
lo que ellos algún día           aprendí que no todo es        them for many years.            forward. This has taught                                cause it is inspira-
conocieron y lo que fue          fácil y que uno tiene que         My parents made many        me a lot of determination
hogar por muchos años.           tropezar muchas veces         sacrifices throughout their     and perseverance.                                       tional,” Jay Ranjel
Mis padres a lo largo de         y seguir adelante. Esto       journey to come to this            Perhaps the lack of                                         said.
su travesía para venir a         me ha enseñado mucha          country in the hopes of         someone to guide me
este país hicieron muchos        determinación y perse-        having a better life and giv-   makes me need guidance
sacrificios con la esper-        verancia . Tal vez la falta   ing me what they couldn’t       now more than ever , but
anza de tener una mejor          de alguien que me guíe        have. My parents left their     with the support of my
vida y darme lo que ellos        me haga falta aun mas         family to find better op-       parents it is enough.
no tuvieron . Mis padres         pero con el apoyo de mis      portunities in this country,        My experience as a first
dejaron a su familia para        padres es suficiente. mi      despite having arrived          generation American has          “I like She Hulk
encontrar mejores opor-          experiencia siendo prim-      with nothing and having         been very difficult. I have     because the main
tunidades en este país, a        era generación americana      to start from scratch and       spent many nights with          character is very
pesar de haber llegado sin       ha sido muy difícil he        without knowing another         stress and always thinking
                                                                                                                                smart and also
nada y haber tenido que          pasado muchas noches          language, from there they       about my future and how I
empezar desde cero y sin         con estrés y siempre          have gradually built what       can get my family forward,       very realistic,”
el conocimiento de otro          pensando sobre mi futuro      they have today. Despite        anxiety and many tears           English teacher
idioma, desde ahí han            y como puedo sacar a mi       the fact that my parents        and sleepless nights, but I      Angela Collins
construido poco a poco lo        familia adelante, ansie-      did not have the same op-       know that this is nothing
que hoy tienen . A pesar         dad y muchas lágrimas y       portunities regarding the       compared to the efforts
de que mis padres no tuvi-       desveladas , pero se que      subject of studies due to       that my parents did to be
eron las mismas oportuni-        esto no es nada com-          the lack of resources, they     able to give me what they                              I like the Minions
dades en cuanto al tema          parado con los esfuerzos      taught me that with effort      didn't have.                                            because they are
de estudios por la falta de      que mis padres hicieron       everything is possible and         Now that I only have a                               funny and make
recursos , ellos me han          para poder darme lo que       that if you set a goal for      few years left to graduate,
enseñado que a base de           ellos no tuvieron . Ahora                                     uncertainty is accumulat-
                                                                                                                                                      me laugh, “ Jayden
                                                               yourself, you can achieve
esfuerzo todo se puede y         que solo me faltan unos       it. This advice given by my     ing and many doubts about                                   Rodriguez.
que si tu te propones una        cuantos años para poder       mother and father has           what my future will look
meta, tu la puedes lograr.       graduarme , se está acu-      always motivated me to          like because I continue to
Estos consejos dados por         mulando la incertidum-        finish my studies because       walk alone and because
mi madre y padre siempre         bre y muchas dudas de         I myself have experienced       my parents only support
me han motivado a termi-         como se verá mi futuro        what it is like not to have     me and cannot advise me ,
nar mis estudios porque          porque sigo caminando         certain comforts, both          now more than ever I wish       I like Heartland be-
yo misma he experimen-           sola y porque mis padres      of my parents work from         they could advise me on          cause I like horses
tado lo que es no tener          solo me apoyan y no me        sunup to sundown to be          how to shape my future,
                                                                                                                               a lot,” Aixa Deleon
ciertas comodidades, los         pueden aconsejar ahora        able to provide the food        but I want them to know
dos trabajan de sol hasta        más que nada me gustaria      they put on the table and       that everything I do is for             said.
puesta del sol para poder        que me aconsejaran en         this has been something         them. My biggest inspira-
proveer la comida que po-        como formar mi futuro         that motivates me day to        tion to keep going and
nen en la mesa y esto ha         pero quiero que sepan         day. I know that one day        not let something bring
sido algo que me motiva          que todo lo que hago          everything they suffered        me down no matter how
día a día . Se que algun dia     es por y para ellos . Mi      will be compensated be-         difficult it is is to be able
todo lo que ellos sufri-         mayor inspiración para        cause I will make sure that     to represent my Mexican                                  Scooby Doo is my
eron será recompensado           seguir adelante y no dejar    they do not have to work        flag and my last name, and
porque yo me encargare           que algo me derrumbe                                          these experiences have
                                                                                                                                                      favorite becaue they
                                                               from sunrise to sunset
de que ellos no tengan           por más difícil que sea es    anymore.                        shaped me to be more                                   have fun adventures
que trabajar de sol a sol        poder representar mi ban-       From the age of five, I       determined and never look                                and solve myster-
nunca más . Desde los            dera mexicana y mi apelli-    felt a very great responsi-     back. Thanks to them I can                             ies,” Delaney Blythe
cinco años sentí una re-         do, estas experiencias me     bility because aside from       say that my parents have
sponsabilidad muy grande         han moldeado a ser más        being the eldest of my two      given me everything and
porque aparte de ser la          determinada y nunca mi-       younger siblings I have         this is my way of thanking
mayor de mis dos her-            rar para atrás . Gracias a    to be a good example for        them for all their efforts
manitos menores tengo            ellos puedo decir que mis     them and take my fam-           and what they have done
que ser un buen ejemplo          padres me lo han dado         ily forward, facing many        for me.
para ellos y sacar a mi          todo y esta es mi manera      obstacles along the way to         Today, thanks to my par-
familia adelante ,enfrente       de agradecerles todos         start in my house, my par-      ents, I myself have decided
muchos obstáculos en             sus esfuerzos y lo que        ents didn't speak another       to graduate and make the
el camino para empezar           han hecho por mi. Hoy         language, only Spanish,         most of all the opportuni-
en mi casa , mis padres          gracias a mis padres yo       and when I started my first     ties that my parents did
no hablaban otro idioma          misma me he propuesto         school year, I felt very lost   not have and, most impor-
solo español , y cuando          graduarme y aprovechar        due to the impotence of         tantly, my studies. Perhaps
empeze mi primer año             al máximo todas las opor-     not understanding English,      being a first-generation
escolar me sentía muy            tunidades que mis padres      just as I did not know how      American has its obstacles,
perdida por la impotencia        no tuvieron , y lo más        to read or write.Based on       but I am grateful that my
de no entender el inglés         importante, mis estudios.     my effort, I was able to        parents taught me to have
, al igual no sabía leer ni      Tal vez ser primera gen-      learn and master English        my priorities always clear.
escribir y a base de mi          eración americana tenga       within 2 years.                    I want my parents to
esfuerzo logre aprender          sus obstáculos, pero              Another obstacle I          feel proud of my achieve-
y dominar el inglés en 2         estoy agradecida de que       faced was having to learn       ments and of me, and I
años . Otro obstáculo que        mis padres me enseñaron       to translate, additionally      want them to feel that
enfrente fue tener que           a tener mis prioridades       because my parents did          in the end their sacrifices
aprender a traducir , adi-       siempre claras. Quiero        not know English. I had a       were worth it.
cionalmente por que mis          que mis padres se sientan     very heavy weight on me,
padres no sabían inglés          orgullosos de mis logros      apart from learning and
tuve un peso muy grande          y de mi, quiero que ellos     mastering English, I had
encima de mi, aparte de          sientan que al final de       to learn to translate at a
aprender y dominar el in-        cuentas sus sacrificios       young age. No one guided
glés tuve que aprender a         valieron la pena .

                                                                                                                                                                     Page 3
Creating Iris-istible Arrangements - Alvin ISD
Jackets Create
  Creative Writing                                                                                Photography & Art
   The news staff would like to provide an op-
   portunity to showcase student work in our
   published paper. If you have an art or creative
   writing piece you would like to share for fu-
   ture publications, then please email it to:
    The Rotten
    By Emily Rotten,
    - An excerpt
                                                                                                  Photo by:
    It’s the middle of June     his wound, stopping the        fires, no nothing! It was          Genesis Garcia, junior
 in Texas, and with the sun     blood from flowing from        as if everything had hap-
 hotter than ever, Mark         his arm. Who knows how         pened overnight and no-
 peered out of a broken         long he had been bleed-        body had any time to re-                                                             Art by:
 window. The smell of The       ing. He couldn’t stay any      act, but he knew it wasn’t                                                           Jennifer Bozeman, senior
 Rotten was ever-present.       longer, he could smell         true. There, perfect! Mark
 He had two choices, one,       The Rotten, and they           thought. A fully-intact
 stay on the eleventh floor     could smell him. Doing         police station, now all he
 and get eaten alive, or        his best, Mark staggered       had to do was find a way
 two, jump and hope to          down the cracked road,         in. All of the windows
 survive the fall. He quickly   filled with blood stains       were closed, the doors
 ripped curtains from the       and body parts. Mark           were barricaded, and The
 windows, The Rotten            stopped, there, across         Rotten could be smelled
 banging on the door, tore      the street! He knew            from within.
 the sheets off of every        that body! It was his             This wasn’t good, night
 bed, the smell was get-        step-brother Jeremy, he        was approaching, and
 ting stronger, fumbling        couldn’t believe it. Right     fast, The Rotten fed at
 for any tool that he could     there in front of him was      night and he was as good
 use to fashion a make-         the blue-eyed, red-haired,     as dead if he stayed on
 shift parachute. Crack!        fun-loving step-brother!       the streets. And even a
 They’re in. With lightning       How could this have          gas station, with all of
 speed, Mark flung open         happened? He was               its windows, would be
 the nearest window,            supposed to be on              better than the streets. It
 and with his makeshift         holiday, ten miles south       was an easy choice, the            Photo by:                                        Art by:
                                                                                                                                                   Allison Gonzales
 parachute tied against         of Chicago, not here in        gas station’s bathroom             Mia Castillo, senior
 his waist he jumped.           New Texas. Mike could          should do. It was hard
 The wind whistled as he        remember fondly the            for Mark to do it, but the
 plummeted, his heart           time they had on the           women’s bathroom was
 raced faster than ever         marshes of Texas before        safer than the men’s, it
 before. Mark had gone          returning to New Texas.        had more stalls, or so
 sky-diving. But this was       The world was already in       he hoped. One… two…
 different. This time there     ruins- No! This is not the     three… he stepped into
 was no safe landing, this      time to think about the        the women’s bathroom,
 time his parachute wasn’t      past. That wouldn’t keep       which was smaller than
 safely attached, This time,    him alive now. He has to       expected. But that was
 he might die.                  keep pressing on and find      okay. It was a safe place
    Mark wakes up, he’s         a place to rest.               to sleep, and in the apoc-
 safe, The Rotten thought         Mark travels through         alypse, that’s all that mat-
 he was dead. But now           the city and, despite what     ters. Mark was stocked
 there are more pressing        you might think, wasn’t in     on food and drinks, but
 matters to attend to.          ruins, in fact, it was quite   he needed a more perma-
 Starting with the huge         the opposite, ignoring         nent food source and a
 gash on his arm. He            the blood splatters, body      way to purify water. Wa-
 started by ripping up his      parts, and The Rotten,         ter is far more important
 makeshift parachute. Us-       the city was clean. No         than food, but food takes          Photo by
                                                                                                  Elbryan Evans
 ing the ripped sheets, he      broken windows, no             time to grow....
 tightly tied them around       cracked buildings, no
                                         Peace                                                Anger
Remember When                            by Allie Najacht
by Katelyn Moore                                                                              by Paola Renteria
.                                   I’m happiest at              Like me, you look            I believe in anger.
Remember when we used to cry night, when my                      at me and expect             I believe in the impulsive-
So loud so our parents would     thoughts can be                 me to be normal,             ness and adrenaline that
give                             let loose. But also             but I’m just a girl          comes with it.
The attention we wanted, and I just think I have a               with balls of gas            That uncontrollable inner     Natalie Horton                   Joshua Lopez
to acknowledge                                                                                                              Tatum Peters                     Elliott Jannise
                                 deeper connection               and fire lighting up         voice that just bursts out
We are upset.                                                                                                               Katelyn Moore                    Tomas Ochoa
                                 to night time, to the           her brain, making            without my permission,        Gabriel Neito                    Paola Renteria
                                 moon and stars. I               it impossible to             without my control.           Joshua San Javier                Katlyn Sibrian
Now we cry silently,             imagine my brain                think clearly, to                                          Miriam Lara Hernandez
Screaming silently into our pil- being night and all             think through the
low                              my thoughts; the                anxiousness. But at
Late at night                    tiny twinkling lights           night when I look                                           Editor Staff
To make sure no one hears us. that scatter across                at the stars, my con-
                                 the sky. They look              stant, never ending                                                            Editor in Chief:
Remember when we used to         gentle and small                cycle of thinking                                                            Stephanie Garcia
Leave our doors wide open        but when in reality             isn’t so loud, it                                                   Assistant editor: Alexandra Najacht
Because we feared the            they’re enormous                quiets down as if
Monsters under our bed           and anything but                my thoughts them-                                                         Advisor: Jessica Tompkins
And scared of the dark           gentle. They’re                 selves really are                                                          Principal: Karen Taylor
                                 made of gas and                 the stars, they stop
Now we hardly ever leave         fire. Not what you              because they have            Peaceful Sky
                                                                                                                                ALVIN HIGH SCHOOL 802 S. JOHNSON ST              ALVIN, TX
Or open the door because we      would expect from               a new job, painting          Photo By: Jessica Tompkins
                                                                                                                              The Clarion is a publication of Alvin High School. It is created
Somehow find comfort in the      something that                  the night sky.                                              by the student newspaper staff for student information. Opin-
Loneliness of our own space.                                                                                                 ions expressed are purely opinions of the staff, not the school.
                                 looks so harmless.

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Creating Iris-istible Arrangements - Alvin ISD Creating Iris-istible Arrangements - Alvin ISD Creating Iris-istible Arrangements - Alvin ISD Creating Iris-istible Arrangements - Alvin ISD Creating Iris-istible Arrangements - Alvin ISD Creating Iris-istible Arrangements - Alvin ISD
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