Western Pennsylvania Congressman Conor Lamb visits Freedom High School

Page created by Anita Rodriguez
Western Pennsylvania Congressman Conor Lamb visits Freedom High School
The Student Newspaper of Freedom Area Middle School
 Volume 8, Issue 4          The Student Newspaper of Freedom Area Middle School February/March 2019

Western Pennsylvania Congressman
Conor Lamb visits Freedom High School
  Logan Larrick, Grade 7
       Staff Writer
    On Monday, March 4, the staff
of the Bulldog Barker and FHS
Press had the heavily anticipated
opportunity to meet Western
Pennsylvania’s U.S. Representative
and former U.S. Marine, Conor
Lamb, and question him on his
political standpoint as well as his
opinion on other matters that
affect school and the world around
    When Lamb first got on the
stage at the high school he gave    Bulldog Barker staff members Dylan Scheel, Christopher Denkovich, and
a speech about why students         Joanna Odebode as well as FHS Press members Cade Skuse, Jenna Engel,
should vote in the future and       and Keith Pawlowski stand next to Conor Lamb on Monday, March 4th in
how every vote counts in an         the high school auditorium. Photo by Carter Altvatter
election. Afterwards, Lamb told the  for the government. These public       students can learn knowledge about
interviewers he was ready for their  services can range from military       what they want to do later in life.
questions. But with all the many     services, police duty, or working
topics discussed during the visit                                                “This will help me with my goal
                                     at National Parks. Lamb said that      of becoming a petroleum engineer,”
the main question going through      for the government to be able to
the interviewers’ minds were Conor                                          says Bulldog Barker website editor
                                     afford this free higher education      Dylan Scheel, by allowing him to
Lamb’s views on education.           he wants to cut funding by giving      spend time learning all the work
    When asked about his view,       less tax breaks to people who do       it takes to be a petroleum engineer
Lamb said that the U.S. has over     not need more money such as the        without having to take classes that
1.34 billion dollars of student      wealthy. Additionally, he wants        he is not interested in.
debt and he wants to make higher     to make marijuana legal so the
education free for anyone. However, government could put tax on the              Overall, Lamb thinks it may be
for someone to be able to be         business. Lastly, Lamb wants to give awhile until free higher education
debt free when leaving college       students to skip classes that will not is possible but in the lifetime of the
they would have to do services       benefit them later on in life so that students at Freedom it will most
                                                                            likely be implemented.
     @bulldogbarker                                                                 www.bulldogbarker.com
Western Pennsylvania Congressman Conor Lamb visits Freedom High School
2                                            Bulldog Barker                                                                                              Freedom Area Middle School                                                   3
Smith shares “State of the Building”                                                                                  Freedom Math 24 players                                                        Introducing
press conference with Barker staff                                                                                    make finals for first time                                                     Ms. Vinson
    Mason Geibel, Grade 8                                                                                                                                                                               Chase Grable, Grade 7
        Copy Editor                                                                                                                                                                                         Staff Writer
     Recently, the Bulldog Barker                                                                                                                                                                        Ms. Vinson is the new hall
staff met with Mr. Smith, Freedom                                                                                                                                                                    monitor/security guard replacing
Area Middle School principal, to                                                                                                                                                                     Mr. Matthews who retired from
learn about the state of our middle                                                                                                                                                                  his position on Dec. 21, 2018, the
school. No, this does not mean if                                                                                                                                                                    day before Christmas break, for the
it is in Pennsylvania or Florida or                                                                                                                                                                  Freedom Area School District.
even California, what it does mean                                                                                                                                                                       After Matthews retired, Vinson
is the condition of our school, our                                                                                                                                                                  was hired to help fill his position
problems, our successes and what is                                                                                                                                                                  as hall monitor for Freedom
going on here.                                                                                                                                                                                       Middle School. One thing she
     The first topic Smith talked                                                                                     Students prepare to leave for the Beaver County Math 24 competition at         enjoys about being here is that
about was programs that FMS has        Mr. Smith and the Bulldog Barker staff following the press conference          Penn State Beaver on March 7. Photo by Bryson Deal                             she gets to help kids. Vinson has
in place to evaluate and improve       during Scholastic Journalism Week. Photo by Mrs. Miller                                                                                                       three kids of her own at home, so
                                                                                                                          Bryson Deal, Grade 5               finals.
our school. Our most popular                                                                                                                                                                         she gets to see kind of what her
                                                                                                                              Staff Writer                       Math 24 is a game that is
program is the PAWS program.           accomplishing.                         visible and are to be turned off.                                                                                      kids are like in school through
                                                                                                                          The Beaver County Math 24          played by trying to make 24 using       others and understands why
Everyone is familiar with the PAWS         Another program that Smith         Smith said that there is a gray area
                                                                                                                      tournament took place Thursday,        only the four numbers on the            kids are sometimes frustrated or
Program, which give us standards       said we were chosen for was a          though because some teachers use
                                                                                                                      March 7 at Penn State Beaver.          card. You can use the operations        misbehaving. She can also give
and goals to live by each day in       National Testing at the 8th grade      the phones in class for things such
                                                                                                                      The event was sponsored by the         multiplication, division, addition,     them a person to talk to, kind
order to make our school the best      level called NAEP. On February         as Quizlets or research. For now,
                                                                                                                      Beaver County Lions Clubs and the      and subtraction.The best way to         of like being a counselor. Before
it can be. Smith stated that some      27, fifty 8th grade students were      each teacher is deciding on use in
                                                                                                                      Beaver County Gifted Consortium.       play is to memorize all of the cards.   Vinson worked at Freedom Area
students are still struggling with     randomly chosen for the testing.       their own classroom, but if students
                                                                                                                      Twenty-one students from Freedom       Some kids tend to try to think          Middle School, she was a New
doing what they need to do and         Twenty-five took a math test and       are caught misusing the privileges,
                                                                                                                      in grades 4 through 8 attended the     through the card while they are         Sewickley Township policewoman.
those students need extra guidance     twenty-five took an ELA test. Their    they will have their phone taken
                                                                                                                      competition.                           playing. That causes them to not
and support until all of their goals   scores will show how Freedom is        away.                                                                                                                       One thing that Vinson likes
                                                                                                                          Each math class had a              remember the card.
can be met. According to Smith,        competing at a national level in our       The next policy discussed was                                                                                      about Freedom Middle School is
this is what is known as the Tier                                                                                     tournament to decide who would             To prepare for the tournament       that is a lot quieter than her usual
                                       academics.                             safety. When asked about whether
2 part of the program. They meet                                                                                      be on the team. A playoff was          students practiced during their         job as a policewoman. She also
                                           In addition to these programs,     our school would be getting metal
with a mentor each day to set goals,                                                                                  held for each grade to decide the      math class and at home.                 likes it here because she still gets
                                       the school is also introducing         detectors for safety, Smith said that
get guidance and have someone to                                              was not being considered now, but       students who would attend the              “I practice 10 minutes to 4         be some sort of a crime watcher,
                                       new policies and safety measures.                                              competition. Sixteen students made
help them until they are able to                                              there are other safety changes taking                                          hours a day. I just want to be the      but for mainly children. Vinson’s
                                       During part of our time with Mr.                                               the semifinals and three advanced
reach their goals on their own. Tier                                          place. FMS received a $25,000 grant                                            best I can be.” said Reynolds.          favorite part about the job is the
                                       Smith, we asked about the school                                               to the final round. Calla Reynolds,
2 has been very helpful to those                                              for safety and with that money                                                    Math 24 seems easy but the           chance to be with kids. Another
                                       phone policy and whether phones                                                fifth grade, Colton Blank, fifth
students needing extra support.                                               they are adding more cameras and                                               competition was fierce.                 part about the job that she likes
                                       may be taken away from us during                                               grade, and Brodie Falk, sixth grade,
    Smith also said that FMS staff                                            swipe cards and are also going to                                                                                      is helping people in a different
                                       class time. Smith said that he does                                            each made it to the finals in their        “I was worried about Central
was chosen to do a presentation at                                            be creating a new window at the                                                                                        capacity than working for New
                                       not think that they need to be                                                 grade level. Reynolds placed first     Valley and Riverside but I just
a state conference about our PAWS                                             middle school office for anyone                                                                                        Sewickley Township. When Vinson
                                       taken away at this point in time                                               and both Blank and Falk placed         wanted the trophy and wanted to
Program since our school has                                                  coming to the school. This will                                                                                        came to the school she felt very
                                       but that they are monitoring the                                               fourth in their grade level. This is   be on top.” said Blank. In total,
done such a great job with it. We                                                                                                                                                                    welcomed by all of the staff here at
                                       situation. The school’s current                                                the first time in Freedom history      there were ten schools and 162
should all be proud of what we are                                                                                                                                                                   Freedom Middle School.
                                       policy is that phones are to not be        See State of Building, page 5       that anybody has made it to the        participants at the tournament.
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Western Pennsylvania Congressman Conor Lamb visits Freedom High School
4                                           Bulldog Barker                                                                                                  Freedom Area Middle School                                                       5
The adventures of the sixth grade ducks                                                                                 Freedom Area Middle School hosts
come to an end… almost                                                                                                  Beaver County RoboSumo competition
      Sara Harp, Grade 6                                                        good experiences from the ducks,           Pogue Regan, Grade 7
     ALexa Hudak, Grade 6                                                       one of them being the morning                  News Editor
         Staff Writers                                                          run. The students ran the ducks
                                                                                                                            On Thursday, March 21,
                                                                                through the hallways in the
    This year, the sixth grade                                                                                          the Beaver County Robo Sumo
                                                                                morning to exercise them. Because
students have had the opportunity                                                                                       competition was held in the
                                                                                January is staying at the school,
to learn more about ducks and                                                                                           Freedom Area Middle School gym.
                                                                                he still gets this luxury. The sixth
chickens in Ms. Lisa Moore’s and                                                                                        Twenty-nine teams from nine
                                                                                graders also occasionally took the
Ms. Jeanine Ging’s science classes.                                                                                     different schools came to battle
                                                                                ducks down to the kindergarteners
They adopted a few eggs of each                                                                                         with their custom robots. The
                                                                                for a quick visit.
from an unspecified farm and                                                                                            students have to build the robots
allowed the students to care for                                                    Moore and Ging would often          using LEGO EV3 kits, making sure
them before returning them so that                                              bring the ducks into their science      they stay within the guidelines, and
they can be raised properly.                                                    classes so that the students could      then they program them to push
                                      Ducklings swim around the baby            play with them.                         their opponents off the edge of the
    Two dozen eggs were adopted,
but only six hatched. Five of the     pool in Ms. Moore’s room.                     “During my experience with          board. There are multiple rounds,
                                      Photo by Tyler Misencik                   the ducks, I realized that my love      and the teams rotate. The teams
eggs were ducks and one was a                                                                                                                                    Luke Snavely, 8th grader, and Dylan Scheel, 7th grader, start their robots in
chicken, this chicken was named       decidedly staying awhile longer with      for animals is greater than I knew,”    fight for best of three, but they can    a battle against each other in the round robin round of the tournament.
January. Unfortunately, the five      the sixth grade science teacher, Mrs.     stated Sarah Lisanti, a student in      draw. The eight winning teams have       Photo by Pogue Regan/Alexis Mulroy
ducks said their farewells to the     Moore--she adored January far too         Ging’s seventh period science class.    a chance to make it to the finals.
sixth grade students and have         much to let him go just yet. It has       ”In fact, it even inspired me to get         Two of our own teams made           and Freedom 5 made by Jason                up taking first place in the middle
returned their farm, but there        also been announced that sixth            my own [ducks].”                        it to the finals; Aries, built by Luke   Mengel, Beau DeThomas and                  school division.
is no doubt that they enjoyed         grade can expect more chickens to             Overall, hatching the ducks         Snavely, Jacob DiCenzo and David         Christopher Denkovich, who won
their stay just as much as the        arrive.                                   were a positive experience for the      Denkovich, who won second place,         third place. Western Beaver ended
students enjoyed their company.           The students received many            sixth grade students.
The chicken, January, however, is

“Blackboots Lost Loot” a pirate success                                                                                 State of the Building
 Christopher Denkovich,               seeking the treasure. The play was a      Laura Miller, chose the play “Black     Continued from page 2                    transitions in four years, making          make those transitions easier for the
        Grade 6                       hour-long comedy with kids from           Boots Lost Loot” because they                                                    adjusting difficult and stressful.         students.
      Sports Editor                   every grade of the middle school in       haven’t done a pirate theme and         be similar to the high school and        The three transition are 4th to
                                                                                                                        will allow the office staff to talk to                                                  Overall, FMS is in a pretty good
    The Freedom Area Middle           the cast.                                 wanted this year’s play to to be                                                 5th grade, which is going from             state. Mr. Smith and all the staff are
School Drama Club performed                                                     different.                              people without them being able to        elementary to middle school, 6th
                                          “We’ve been practicing almost                                                 enter our building. This will ensure                                                working hard to come up with new
the play “Blackboots Lost Loot”       everyday since January. It has been            “I encourage kids to join the                                               to 7th grade, which is going to            ideas and ways to make our school
on Wednesday, March 13, in the                                                                                          that our school is a safer place.        secondary school and finally, 8th
                                      great to get all of the stress off your   Drama Club because it’s a a safe                                                                                            better. We should all be proud to be
middle school auditorium. The         shoulders.” said Tyler Misencik,          environment [to try acting]. For            Finally, Smith was asked what        to 9th grade, which is a transition        FMS Bulldogs!
play was about the pirate captain     who played Swink in the play.             the people who have stage fright        he thought the biggest challenge         to high school. The 8th to 9th
Blackboot who lost his treasure on                                              it’s a little scary at first when you   was at FMS. He said without a            transition is the biggest since it is to
his secret pirate island. Then his        All of the cast members were                                                  doubt that it was transitions. He        a new building, schedule, teachers
                                      ecstatic for the play and encourage       perform the play for your parents
rival pirate crew, led by captain                                                                                       said that students in the Middle         and staff. The Middle School is
Scurvy Sal, came to the island also   new members to join the Drama                                                     School undergo three major               working with the High School to
                                      Club. One of the directors, Mrs.                      See Blackboots, page 8
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Western Pennsylvania Congressman Conor Lamb visits Freedom High School
6                                           Bulldog Barker                                                                                                Freedom Area Middle School                                                    7
                                                                                                                      Enter the exciting history of Saint
                                      Features                                                                        Patrick’s Day
A guide to preparing for the PSSA                                                                                         Helena Buli, Grade 5
                                                                                                                             Staff Writer
                                                                                                                                                               Leprechauns are a part of the
                                                                                                                                                               Tuatha De Danann, translated
                                                                                                                                                               to ‘ Tribe of Danu’. Danu is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                       by having traditional foods. Most
                                                                                                                                                                                                       people who eat special Irish foods
                                                                                                                                                                                                       on St. Patrick’s day eat food like
    Dylan Scheel, Grade 7             Never panic or worry too much          about over the year. Then, each               St. Patrick died on March           goddess in Irish mythology. She         corned beef, bacon and cabbage,
       Website Editor                 about the test.                        night study a different section          17, 461 AD. That’s what started          is the mother of the earth, the         coddle, and colcannon. Those are
                                         If you start to become too          until you feel you are ready to take     the birth of Saint Patrick’s day,        gods, fertility, wisdom, and wind.      only a small portion of the varieties
     The Pennsylvania System of                                              the test. Chances are if you had         although it evolved over the
                                      anxious, stop and take a breather                                                                                        Leprechauns are very skilled in         of food that people eat on St.
School Assessment (PSSA) testing                                             the know the information on the          centuries. His real name isn’t Saint
                                      and just relax.                                                                                                          magic, which explains why a             Patrick’s day, that probably include
is just around the corner. Every                                             section test, you will need to know      Patrick, it’s Maewyn Succat, and
                                      Take your time and check over                                                                                            human gets three wishes if they         normal foods for the average joes.
year the PSSA is dreaded by middle                                           it for the PSSA.                         it is believed that he changed it
                                      your work.                                                                                                               capture a leprechaun, in exchange           Another popular event is Saint
school students around the state.                                                                                     upon becoming a priest. Saint
                                                                             Get a good night’s sleep.                                                         for the leprechaun’s freedom.           Patrick’s day parades. Savannah,
The biggest reason that most              Be sure to take your time                                                   Patrick is not really Irish, in fact,
students dread the test is the fact   to make sure you answer every              Never stay up too late the                                                        European law protects               Georgia has the largest and the
                                                                                                                      he’s Scottish. He was born in the
that it is so long, and you do not    question and make sure you             night of the test. Even if you are                                                leprechauns, who they say live          oldest parade in history. Some
                                                                                                                      year 375 AD. His parents were
know what to study for. Leading       answered it in full. It does not       just studying, do not try to cram                                                 in caverns on a mountain called         people state that it has the best
                                                                                                                      named Calpurnis and Conchessa.
up to the test, many students ask     matter if someone is done before       everything in before the test. A lack                                             Carlington mountain. You would          parade in the states because it
                                                                                                                      His parents were Romans living
themselves the same question.         you, it is most important that you     of sleep will help counteract your                                                think that leprechauns would live       has abounding Irish roots. Once,
                                                                                                                      in Britain. When St. Patrick was
“What can I do to prepare?”           do a great job. 			                    concentration.                                                                    on land, it’s not like they have        Savannah attempted to color its
                                                                                                                      16 years old, he was kidnapped by
                                                                             Do not try to cram all your                                                       amphibian lungs, right? Well, some      river green in 1961. Now in the
                                      Practice, practice, practice.                                                   pirates and taken to Ireland to work
Eat a good and healthy breakfast.                                            studying for the day before the                                                   accounts say that there is possibly     modern age they just stick to
                                                                                                                      as a slave, his job was to herd sheep.
                                          You may not know what to           test.                                                                             another kind of leprechaun, which       coloring their fountains, not their
    Try to avoid eating sugary and                                                                                    He was held for six years as a slave.
                                      study, so each night leading up to                                                                                       probably originates from the story      river.
unhealthy foods. The best thing for                                               It is good to be sure you are           A Catholic church established
                                      the test take all the most important                                                                                     of the King of Ulster, who woke up
you to eat is protein filled foods,                                          studying, but gradually studying         a Feast day to honor Saint Patrick.
                                      details from one section of your                                                                                         on a beach, and leprechauns were
such as eggs, greek yogurt, and                                              little bits each night is much more      He had been a patron saint who
                                      class notes and look at those ideas.                                                                                     attempting to heave him into their
pancakes. High protein foods fuel                                            effective thaen waiting till the final   died around the 5th century, 12
                                      Each night study the main ideas                                                                                          underground lair. A lot of people
concentration and help minimize                                              night.                                   centuries before it started to evolve
                                      from a single section you learned                                                                                        believe that leprechauns are cruel,
fatigue.                                                                                                              into the modern St. Patrick’s day        greedy, and not very forgiving.

Black History: Notable African Americans
                                                                                                                      that we celebrate today.                 Though, there is a legend where
                                                                                                                          When you think of St. Patrick’s      a unlucky nobleman presented a
                                                                                                                      day, you normally think of a green,      leprechaun a ride on his horse, then
  Tyler Misencik Grade 6                  In 1915, half a century after          In 1915, Dr. Carter and
                                                                                                                      energetic leprechaun. Some may           returned to his ancient disintegrated
       Staff Writer                   slavery was abolished in the United    Jesse E. Moorland discovered
                                      States, Dr. Carter G. Woodson,         the Association for the study of         think the myth is like a midget          castle, where it was filled to the
    February is Black History         an African American writer born        Negro life and history now known         troll, but it’s actually known as        brim with gold.
month, and as the month rolls         in 1875 was frustrated of the fact     as Association for the study of          a fairy. Sadly, there aren’t any            Some celebrate St. Patrick’s day
around, some of the world’s most      that in school the teachers and        African American Life and History.       female leprechauns in the myth.          almost like Thanksgiving or Easter,
famous black role models are          school administrators were teaching    studying black history as a way to
recognized for their astonishing      American history and taught            celebrate all the great things African
work that they have done for the      without cognizance of his presence     Americans have done for us.
                                                                                                                                             For additional news, pictures, and more,,
country and even the world. Do
you ever wonder why this tradition
                                      in the classroom. Dr. Carter was
                                      disgusted with how the African
                                                                               Visit bulldogbarker.com for                                               visit our website!!
was created and why it is such a
crucial thing to the United States?
                                      Americans were barely presented in
                                      books and films.
                                                                              a spotlight on a few African
                                                                                  Americans who made a                                                 www.bulldogbarker.com
                                                                             difference in American history!
     @bulldogbarker                                                                                                                                                                                        www.bulldogbarker.com
Western Pennsylvania Congressman Conor Lamb visits Freedom High School
8                                           Bulldog Barker                                                                                                 Freedom Area Middle School                                                 9
Penny drive helps Mr. Matthews
 Samantha Young, Grade 6
       Staff Writer
                                       him by raising this money for
                                       him! The money we raised for the
                                                                               subtracted five points, but it all still
                                                                               helped Matthews.
    The Freedom Area School
District recently finished a penny
                                       penny drive will go towards helping
                                       Matthews with his medical costs.
                                                                                In the middle school, the class
                                                                            that raised the most money was
                                                                                                                          Basketball team ends season with win
drive which was sponsored by the           The penny drive raised in all    Mrs. Hartman’s homeroom in                         Christopher Denkovich, Grade 6
Freedom High School National           $3,303.05. That means on average     seventh grade. So, Hartman’s class                          Sports Editor
Honor Society. Mr. David               each class raised $206.44. Hopefully got a $50 gift card that was donated
                                       this will really help Matthews with  by the National Honor Society and                   Freedom’s Junior High basketball team had a
Matthews, former Freedom Middle
                                       his medical costs. During this       used it to purchase ice cream for a           rough season; with no wins they were hungry for their
School hall monitor, has recently
                                       penny drive, a dollar added 100      party in their homeroom. Thank                first victory. They won their first game of the season
been diagnosed with cancer. As a
                                       points, a penny added one point, a you, everyone, for trying to help               on January 26, in a Southside tournament against the
result of being diagnosed, Matthews
                                       quarter subtracted 25 points, a dime Matthews and raising money for a              Quaker Valley Quakers. The Bulldogs won by 3 points
has been on leave since the end of
                                       subtracted ten points, and a nickel  good cause!                                   making the final score 37-34.
December, and we hope to surprise
                                                                                                                              Jonathan Hein, a sixth grader at Freedom Area
Blackboots                                                                                                                Middle School and son of the Junior High coach
                                                                                                                          stated, “I have no doubt that the Bulldogs will do       Freedom Junior High basketball team photo.
Continued from page 4                                                                                                     better next season.”                                     Photo courtesy of the FMS Yearbook Staff
but as soon as the curtains open                                                                                              The Bulldogs are indeed training to do better and
                                                                                                                                                                                   leaving to go to the high school next year, giving
you realize that this is what you                                                                                         have shown great progress. With all the hard work,
                                                                                                                                                                                   the seventh graders the spotlight next year. They are
been practicing months for and all                                                                                        love, and dedication the Freedom Area Bulldogs will
                                                                                                                                                                                   excited for a new season with a fresh record, and are
the fear goes away.” stated Gianna                                                                                        do better next year. The eighth grade veterans are
                                                                                                                                                                                   most certainly ready for redemption.
Guandolo, sixth grader, who played
the castaway in the play.
    If you are interested in joining
                                                                                                                          Girls volleyball team welcomes new coach
the Drama Club, tryouts will be                                                                                                         Alexa Davis, Grade 7                            Alexis Mulroy,
held in October next year. The                                                                                                            Editor-in-Chief                          eighth grader on
entire Drama Club encourages kids      The cast of “Blackboots Lost Loot” in the final scene of the show when Rosie                                                                the volleyball team,
who want to join to join so they       Redshoe has joined Blackboots’ crew.                                                    The volleyball season has recently ended at         said the team has
can have a great time just like this   Photo courtesy of FMS Yearbook Staff                                               Freedom Middle School. The team was made up              improved from last
year’s cast.                                                                                                              of 40 girls total, 14 seventh graders and 26 eighth      year. Her favorite
                                                                                                                          graders. The team was led by coach and seventh grade     memory was when
                                                             Students with Perseverance persist to accomplish             science teacher, Ms. Dawn Patosky, and assistant coach   teammate Megan
                                                               difficult tasks and to overcome academic and               and high school communications teacher, Mr. Brad         Evans kicked the
                                                              personal barriers to meet goals, adapt to varied            Baldwin.                                                 volleyball at the
                                                            roles, job responsibilities, schedules, and contexts,             In fact, this is not the first time Patosky has      ceiling during
                                                               work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and             coached. She coached volleyball back in 1999, for        the team’s final    Volleyball team huddles mid-game
                                                            changing priorities, set and meet goals, even in the          the Freedom High School and also the middle              game on March during a home ga.
                                                                face of obstacles and competing pressures.                school, for seven years. However, as much as Patosky     21, 2019, against Photo courtesy of the FMS
                                                                                                                          liked coaching, she had to step down because she         Hopewell.           Yearbook Staff
                                                           5th Grade: Brianne Casto and Zachary Hill                      was expecting her first child in May of that year.       Mulroy enjoys
                                                           6th Grade: Harmony Martin and Cooper Young                     Coincidentally, Patosky had to take place for Baldwin,   playing volleyball
                                                           7th Grade: Emma Falk and Steffan Paganie                       whose wife gave birth to two twin boys, Caleb and        and appreciates the team’s support.
                                                           8th Grade: Hayleigh McCowin and Chaz Chandler                  Isaac, in January of 2019.

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Western Pennsylvania Congressman Conor Lamb visits Freedom High School
10                                                Bulldog Barker                                                                                                  Freedom Area Middle School                                                11
                                                                                                                             PewDiePie, T-series battle for most
                   Freedom Voices                                                                                            YouTube subscribers
Valentine’s Day is a ludicrous and                                                                                            Connor Tavern, Grade 8
                                                                                                                                  Staff Writer
                                                                                                                                                                     being discovered there. This means
                                                                                                                                                                     that is T-Series passes up PewDiePie,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             PewDiePie 100,000 times, and even
                                                                                                                                                                                                             buying 5 lower level end zone seats
unnecessary holiday                                                                                                              As the saying goes, all good
                                                                                                                                                                     YouTube will be more popular in
                                                                                                                                                                     India. It would boost YouTube’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                             at the Super Bowl to promote him.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               It’s remarkable what Mr. Beast
                                                                                                                             things must come to an end and          profit a lot and would help out the
                                          in both Christian and ancient                are not unusual on the day. The                                                                                     has done and how much money
       Staff Editorial                    Roman tradition. So, who was Saint           holiday has expanded to expressions
                                                                                                                             change is inevitable, but is this the   platform.
                                                                                                                             case in the PewDiePie vs. T-Series                                            he has spent on this, but he isn’t
     Valentine’s Day, the holiday         Valentine?                                   of affection among relatives and                                                   With that said, it would         the only one. Other YouTubers,
when friends and family express                                                                                              battle, the battle between the two
                                              As for valentines, they began            friends. Many children exchange                                               basically sell the platform out for   famous or not so famous, also
their affection with greetings and                                                                                           most subscribed YouTubers? Many
                                          to pop up in the 1500s, and by               valentines with one another at                                                companies, since T-series is actually give PewDiePie a free promotion.
gifts, has been the cause of grief                                                                                           YouTube viewers will already know
                                          the late 1700s, printed cards were           school.                                                                       a record company. If they beat out    One of the most popular things to
and stress for many years. The                                                                                               that most subscribed YouTuber,
                                          being used. The first valentines in              So, what does a Christian saint   PewDiePie, is in grave danger of        PewDiePie, other big corporations     do is to play one of his insulting
ancient Romans may be responsible                                                                                                                                    might be inspired to make their       songs, also known as a “diss track”,
                                          the United States were printed in            have to do with roses and love, and   being passed up by T-series, an
for the name of the day. The                                                                                                                                         own YouTube channel and then          towards T-Series in public. From
                                          the1800s. Valentines commonly                why is this holiday so ridiculous?    Indian YouTube channel. T-Series is
holiday has begins with the Roman                                                                                                                                    YouTube will become a corporate       playing it on Walmart’s loudest
                                          include Cupid, the Roman god                 The idea that having someone’s        coming up in subscribers, and they
festival of Lupercalia, which took                                                                                                                                   bouncy house. It would be only        speakers, to going out and playing
                                          of love, along with hearts. The              affection not only needs a day to     are about to dethrone PewDiePie.
place in February. The festival,                                                                                                                                     about one thing, money. That          it on the piano, there are so many
                                          usual gifts may include candy and            be paraded around, but also to be     It was predicted that T-Series would
which was to celebrate the being                                                                                                                                     would ruin what YouTube was made creative ways to do help PewDiePie.
                                          flowers, and more often than not             rubbed in others faces is what’s      dethrone PewDiePie in October of
of spring, included the pairing off                                                                                                                                  for, the idea that the common man
                                          they are red roses, a symbol of              so obnoxious about it. Every          2018. As of now, we can clearly see                                               So in the whole scheme of
of women to men for partners.                                                                                                                                        would be able to make random
                                          beauty and love. The day is popular          day should be an excuse to show       that this didn’t happen, and many                                             things, change is inevitable, and
At the end of the 5th century,                                                                                                                                       videos for strangers to watch. If
                                          in the United States as well as in           someone that you care, but the        PewDiePie fans are only adding to                                             most likely T-Series will take over,
Pope Gelasius the first replaced                                                                                                                                     this idea is thrown out the window, but that doesn’t mean that fellow
                                          Britain, Canada, and Australia,              holiday is really unnecessary. Not    his lead.
Lupercalia with St. Valentine’s Day.                                                                                                                                 YouTube will become another
                                          and it is also celebrated in other           to mention the amount of money                                                                                      YouTube viewers and YouTubers
This holiday came to be celebrated                                                                                                The old adage might be proven      TV Channel, and it would lose
                                          countries, including Argentina,              spent on pointless things, such as                                                                                  shouldn’t stop trying. There is still
as a day of love from around the                                                                                             true, since, at one point, T-Series     all of its originality. If PewDiePie
                                          France, Mexico, and South Korea.             roses and chocolate.                                                                                                a glimmer of hope, but let’s not let
fourteenth century. Although there                                                                                           did take the title of most subscribed   remains the channel with the most
                                          In the Philippines, it is the most                                                                                                                               the old adage come true.
were several Christian saints named                                                                                          YouTube channel away from               subscriptions, YouTube might stay
                                          common wedding anniversary, and
Valentine, St. Valentine’s Day, as                                                                                           PewDiePie. On Feb. 22, T-Series         the way it is, a platform for
                                          weddings of hundreds of couples
it’s known today, contains origins                                                                                           took over. This was devastating to      individuals to make videos
                                                                                                                             all the people who got PewDiePie        for fun or even a living.
                                           Bulldog Barker Staff                                                              this far. T-Series was ahead by
                                                                                                                             10,000 subscribers, and many had            In order to “save”
       Alexa Davis                    Jacob DiCenzo                 Logan Bickerstaff              Connor Tavern                                                     PewDiePie, people are going
      Editor-in-Chief                Managing Editor               Social Media Editor                                       thought T-Series had won, but by
                                                                                                    Chase Grable                                                     to enormous lengths, some
                                                                                                                             some string of luck, PewDiePie
                                                                                                    Logan Larrick                                                    for memes, but some are
    Carter Altvatter                   Mason Geibel                    Dylan Scheel                                          retook the title. This all happened
  Arts & Features Editor               Copy Editor                     Website Editor                Mason Lewis             for about 8 minutes. The next day       taking it quite seriously. Take
                                                                                                     Alexa Hudak             PewDiePie was up about 100,000          another YouTuber named
      Chaz Chandler                    Pogue Regan               Christopher Denkovich              Tyler Misencik           subscribers.                            Mr. Beast, another channel
    Photography Editor                 News Editor                    Sports Editor                Joanna Odebode                                                    with roughly 15.5 million
                                                                                                      Sara Harp                  While this may just seem            subscribers. He’s gone to
                                        Sara Miller                                                                          insignificant, or even stupid, it       such great lengths as buying
                                      Faculty Adviser                                              Samantha Young
                                                                                                                             will decide the fate of YouTube.        every billboard in his town
           Bulldog Barker is the student news publication of Freedom Area Middle School.             Helena Buli
                                                                                                                             India is now just getting internet      to promote PewDiePie, saying
          To submit questions or comments, please email bulldogbarker@freedomarea.org.               Bryson Deal
                                                                                                                             mainstream, so YouTube is now
     @bulldogbarker                                                                                                                                                                                              www.bulldogbarker.com
Western Pennsylvania Congressman Conor Lamb visits Freedom High School
FMS                                       Bulldog Barker                                                   12
Unusual weather patterns caused by
global warming
  Jacob DiCenzo, Grade 8
     Managing Editor
     What? 50 degrees in winter?
No snow on Christmas? This
can’t be real life! Well, this may
all be due to global warming.
What is global warming? Global
warming is when gases that trap
heat, such as nitrogen, oxygen,
and argon, get stuck in our
atmosphere. These gases are released
through electricity, transportation,
industries, and farming. The
gases slowly trap heat inside our
                                       Mrs. Gena Tokar’s kindergarten class enjoys outdoor recess on an
atmosphere making the temperature
                                       unseasonably warm winter day. Submitted Photo. Used with
get higher over extended periods of
                                       change in unexpected ways. In            diseases transmitted by insects
    There are many ways that global
                                       addition to sea levels rising, weather   or arachnids, affect the amount
warming affects us as humans.
                                       can become more extreme. This            of water we have to drink, and
It has an effect on our weather
                                       means more intense major storms,         how we grow food and animals.
by making it fluctuate. It also
                                       more rain followed by longer and         These things are impactful on
has an effect on our ecosystems.
                                       drier droughts—a challenge for           humans and animals alike because
The ecosystems are affected from
                                       growing crops—changes in the             it could change how we live our
global warming because it increases
                                       ranges in which plants and animals       lives completely. The ways global
the dangers of wildfires, causing
                                       can live, and loss of water supplies     warming could change our lives
unwanted migration, causing species
                                       that have historically come from         are: it could impact our security
to become endangered, and more
                                       glaciers.                                on food, our water supplies, our
extreme and dangerous weather.
                                           It is important that we try to       transportation, and our energy
    According to National                                                       production. This could be a
                                       stop global warming because it can
Geographic, these are some of the                                               potentially catastrophic event that
                                       lower the quality of our air, increase
things global warming affects, as                                               couldn’t be reversed.
                                       Vector-Borne diseases, which are
the mercury rises, the climate can

     @bulldogbarker                                                                   www.bulldogbarker.com
Western Pennsylvania Congressman Conor Lamb visits Freedom High School Western Pennsylvania Congressman Conor Lamb visits Freedom High School Western Pennsylvania Congressman Conor Lamb visits Freedom High School
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