COVID-19: Working with Amazon as priorities change - Kantar Consulting

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COVID-19: Working with Amazon as priorities change - Kantar Consulting
Working with Amazon as priorities change
COVID-19: Working with Amazon as priorities change - Kantar Consulting
COVID-19 has had an unprecedented             Amazon has a huge range of grocery
impact on retail globally and will            solutions including Fresh, Pantry and
undoubtedly continue to do so in the          Prime Now serving a multitude of shopper
short-to-medium term. In the UK, as           missions. Some of the top performing
in many countries worldwide, shoppers         categories for Amazon grocery are home
are increasingly more housebound and          cupboard essentials, snacks, alcohol and
looking to digital commerce players to        cleaning products.
fulfil daily needs for food, medication and
entertainment.                                Alongside this, the retail giant released a
                                              statement saying it plans to hire 100,000
Amazon, with its global network and           new full and part-time employees across
‘unlimited store’ capabilities is now reaping its fulfilment centres and delivery networks
the rewards of being the ‘everything          to meet the spike in demand driven by
store’ and a single retail platform where     COVID-19 panic buying. Amazon also
consumers can shop a wide range of            revealed it would invest over USD350
categories and solutions. It’s too early to   million to increase pay for employees
see the uplift data for shopping on Amazon involved in the supply chain and those
Europe, but reports from the retailer itself  making home deliveries.
tell a sure story of consumer demand;
so much so it is now seeking to prioritise
certain categories for purchase.

COVID-19: Working with Amazon as priorities change - Kantar Consulting
Amazon’s response

                                                                                              “quickly receive,
On 17 March Amazon announced it would         have instead been urged to find alternative
be restricting inbound shipments into its     arrangements for warehousing and
fulfilment centres in a direct response to    shipping provisions.
the outbreak. As sales of household items
                                              Categories now considered high priority
and medical supplies spike, Amazon has
contacted selling partners directly to help   by Amazon include baby products, pet
                                              food, disinfecting wipes, medical supplies
                                                                                              restock, and ship
manage supply chains and prioritise goods
for over-stretched warehouses.                and various household goods, including
                                              personal care and groceries.                    these products
                                                                                              to customers.
In an email on 15 March, Amazon asked
sellers of non-essential categories           Amazon said in a statement it is prioritising
that would usually use the Fulfilled By       these categories in order to “quickly
Amazon (FBA) business model, instead          receive, restock, and ship these products to
use alternative shipping options. The         customers”. It added that “we understand
new policy, covering the US, Europe and       this is a change for our selling partners
UK, will remain in place until the 5 April,   and appreciate their understanding as we
and covers non-essential items such as        temporarily prioritise these products for
fashion items, gadgets and accessories        customers”.
and furniture, which will no longer be
accepted at Fulfilment Centres. Suppliers

COVID-19: Working with Amazon as priorities change - Kantar Consulting
Fulfilment by Amazon
From today until 5 April* only products     This poses a problem for brands with
Amazon determines to be essential will be   products not considered essential by
accepted into Amazon’s Fulfilment Centres   Amazon. At a time of increasing online
(FCs) (existing stock can continue to be    shopping it is more important than ever
sold as usual). These changes impact        to have products available on-site for
both Vendors, and Fulfilled By Amazon       shoppers to browse and purchase.
(FBA) sellers, commonly known as 2P, who
use Amazon FCs to hold stock and fulfil
shopper orders.

COVID-19: Working with Amazon as priorities change - Kantar Consulting
So, what should brand suppliers do about it?
Ultimately it boils down to reviewing Route     and customer order management all need          However, before diving into either
to Consumer options. With Amazon’s              to be mastered and that’s forgetting the        option it is important to consider:
inbound supply chain limited, the obvious       last-mile delivery solutions that need to       1)	What are the key logistical
next step is to review alternative solutions    be implemented. However, getting it right           differences between each fulfilment
to maintain online availability and continue    during the current uplift in online demand          model (both in terms of supply
fulfilling orders to shoppers.                  could pay dividends.                                chain and account management)?
                                                                                                    And can each be achieved quickly,
One option may be to consider switching         Alternatively, some vendors may be                  successfully, and in a way that makes
to a Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN)           able to maintain their Vendor Central               the business case financially viable?
Seller account (in which brands handle          business despite the recent restrictions. For   2)	What are the downstream
fulfilment to the consumer). For those          example, onboarding onto existing Amazon            impacts on the wider channel
that have not previously ventured into the      programmes can allow vendors to bypass              and on relationships with existing
Amazon marketplace, taking ownership of         Amazon FCs and ship directly to customers.          distribution partners?
a seller account can be no small task. Seller                                                   3)	Amazon will want to return to
Central, product pricing, customer service                                                          business as usual, so suppliers need
                                                                                                    to be agile enough to make the
                                                                                                    necessary changes reversable, should
                                                                                                    they wish to do so
                                                                                                Whichever approach is taken, these
                                                                                                questions each need to be answered
                                                                                                before any action is taken.

COVID-19: Working with Amazon as priorities change - Kantar Consulting
Kantar’s Point of View:
•	Amazon always prioritises shopper             •	Businesses need to respond quickly
   experience. One could argue the shift in         to consumer demand. Amazon will
   strategy is an example of Amazon being           be looking into new ways to manage
   consumer-centric. Others more sceptical          disruption and demand, and brand
   might present a case for Amazon                  suppliers will be expected to be agile and
   rallying behind an opportunity to sell           responsive. Temporary range reviews
   products that would not be as frequently         to delist the long tail may be a relief
   purchased. Either way, Amazon’s ability to       to inventory management, especially
   be agile in this way proves that it is once      given volatility in other channels. Now
   again both rewarding and challenging to          more than ever proves the need for
   work with as a retail partner.                   brands and businesses to engage in
•	Shoppers are looking to digital fulfilment       agile supply chains and ways of working.
   during this time of uncertainty, for             Sales, marketing and supply chain
   products and services. Prioritising these        operations need to work together to find
   categories is key to more than retail            quick solutions catered to the needs of
   sustainability, but also household health        consumers.
   and happiness. But there is a cost. Those     •	Amazon will be following shifts: Both
   suppliers who do not fit into the crisis         Amazon and grocery suppliers will be
   categories are equally looking to Amazon         closely following the shifts in shopper
   to provide a digital platform for goods          behaviour under self-isolation and social
   that they are currently unable to meet.          distancing as the new lifestyle becomes

COVID-19: Working with Amazon as priorities change - Kantar Consulting
Kantar’s Point of View:
  a temporary norm for the coming weeks            redirection may result in more disruption
  and perhaps even longer.                         than benefit.
•	Prime will be key to delivering valuable      •	Brands should expect similar measures in
   services: Amazon will continue to deliver        other markets and channels, too: As the
   additional benefits and better service           situation develops across the world, other
   levels to Prime members to maintain its          markets, not only in the US and UK, will
   loyal member base. Prime’s fulfilment            come under review. Category prioritisation
   promise will be put to test, especially          will be under review by Amazon, which
   for 1-hour delivery of emergency items,          may be relaxed or even become stricter
   whether hygiene products or OTC drugs.           over time as the situation develops, and
•	For non-priority categories: There will be       other channels and retailers are likely to
   a race to redirect some of the planned           follow suit as demand shifts.
   inventory to either other online platforms,   The Digital Commerce Practice of
   or to other channels. There will be a         Kantar offers senior-level strategic
   need for short-medium-long-term               guidance through scenario planning and
   scenario planning to assess the impact        management consulting. If you would like to
   of Amazon’s current decision. However,        learn more about how to work with Amazon
   assuming that Amazon will be doing            or new ways to strategize during the
   its best to go back to business as usual      COVID-19 outbreak, reach out to our team
   as soon as possible, drastic inventory        to understand our practice capabilities.

COVID-19: Working with Amazon as priorities change - Kantar Consulting
Get in touch:

Harriet Leach               James Spiers
Digital Commerce Practice   Principal Consultant –    Digital Commerce Practice

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