Page created by Ethel Williams


     17th April 2021 •

                        Main Sponsor
                        TU Dublin
Table of
        Welcome & Thank you from the IGC President                           3

        Conference Programme                                                 9

        Workshop Sessions                                                   11

        IGC Conference Speakers                                             13

        President’s Address & Reports                                       21

        Infinite Possibilities at TU Dublin                                 46

        A Guide to Accessing the IGC Virtual Conference                     54

        Exciting Times at IT Sligo                                          60

        Sponsor Acknowledgment                                              65

        List of Sponsors and Exhibitors                                     67


                                              1   Complete Pre Conference
                                                  Log-in Check by Monday
                                                  12th April

                                              2   Browse Conference Platform &
                                                  Book Exhibitor Chats from 8am
                                                  Monday 12th April

                                              3   Attend Conference from 8am
                                                  Saturday 17th April or on
                                                  demand to Sunday 16th May.

                                              Full details on page 52
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                    THANK YOU

Dear Conference Delegate,

A warm welcome to you all to the 2021 IGC annual conference. Our first ever virtual
conference! The National Executive and I are very excited about this unique conference, as
it will offer you a blend of Virtual, Interactive, Live and On-Demand cutting edge guidance
counselling content.

Once again I wish to acknowledge our main sponsors TU Dublin, our supporting sponsors IT
Sligo and our minor sponsors, Careers Portal, LYIT and Maynooth University. Their collegiality
and generosity are much appreciated in the challenging times and uncharted water we are
currently navigating.

The theme for Conference 2021 is Fostering Meaningful Connections & Community in
Challenging Times. With a pandemic still raging across the globe for a full calendar year
now, never was a conference theme more apt or more needed. As you know, this year in
particular, I am encouraging you to practice self-care. We are all mindful that in the virtual
world of work that we are currently navigating, that care must extend to include caring for
our community of colleagues both within and outside of the IGC. Like a gorgeous tapestry
made up of many different colours, textures, patterns and strength of threads, working
together with stakeholders and education partners we are more colourful, more resilient and
more relevant. Without a sense of community we would wear out, unravel and eventually
cease to be.



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Welcome & Thank you

“We are all a thread in the talent tapestry. A snapshot in the cosmic, collective collage.”
Michelle Jennae

Since March 2020, we have been tested in challenging times beyond anything most of us
have experienced in our working lives. We have learnt new skills, upped our game with regard
to IT, adapted continuously to new challenges and threats. Over 12 months later we have
reinvented ourselves to continue to deliver a first class guidance service to the learners
across the lifespan in our care. Take a bow. You are an impressive bunch, guidance
counsellors of Ireland!

At the conference launch I cautioned you to please fasten your seatbelts
for a high tech, interactive, international event that will set you up for the
rest of the academic year. Please have your oatmeal on the morning of the
conference so that you can keep up with the pace!

This year, in the context that we are hosting an online conference and we can benefit from
our swish hi-tech online platform, we have taken the opportunity to invite not one, but two,
international keynote speakers to address delegates at our annual conference. This is a rare
treat and one of those situations when COVID-19 does you a favour. Both of these speakers
are luminaries in our field.

Dr. Raimo Vuorinen works as Project manager at the Finnish Institute for Educational

•   His research interest is on evidence based lifelong guidance policy
    development and the use of ICT in guidance.

•   He has also held the position of Co-ordinator of the European Lifelong
    Guidance Policy Network.

Dr. Spencer Niles serves as professor of counsellor education for William & Mary College.

In addition, Dr Niles is:

•   Current president of the National Career Development Association.

•   Has co-authored over 120 publications

•   Both of our speakers serve on the International Centre for Career Development
    and Public Policy Executive Board.

Cycle Against Suicide's evidence-
based secondary schools' programme
creates a caring, respectful and safe learning
environment that supports mental health in
schools, building hope and resilience and
fostering a sense of belonging among students.
Full details are available at:

Welcome & Thank you

La Pièce de resistance - the 16 workshops on offer on the day will be available to you to
view and experience from the comfort of your own home for 30 days post conference. This
high quality CPD will sustain you through the twilight of COVID-19.

We know a virtual conference is not the same as a physical conference where you can meet
all of your 3 dimensional colleagues! So we have subvented the cost of the conference to
support your ability to attend and participate, members will pay €30, retired and student
members will pay €20. And if that is not enough, attending your annual conference is also
worth 4.5 CPD hours.

Your National Executive and I very much look forward to welcoming you all to the 2021 IGC
conference and will catch up with you in our virtual meeting rooms. We hope you thoroughly
enjoy and benefit from this once a year CPD and community experience.

Beatrice Dooley,

President of the Institute of Guidance Counsellors.


Maynooth University Virtual Open Day
         Saturday 24th April
From Monday 12th April

From        Pre conference browsing     Get to Know Your Virtual Surroundings
8.00am      experience                  and Book Chats with Exhibitors.

Saturday 17th April

8.00am      Meet other delegates and    Head over to the Main Conference Chatroom
9.00am      Visit Exhibitor Booths      to meet other delegates, book chats with
                                        exhibitors and view resources.

9.00am -    Welcome Addresses & A       Ms Beatrice Dooley, President, Institute
9.10am      Guide to Conference         of Guidance Counsellors
                                        Dr Mary Meaney, Registrar and Deputy
                                        President, TU Dublin
                                        Mr Justin McGree, Vice President, Institute
                                        of Guidance Counsellors

9.10am –    Workshop Sessions 1         See page 11 for full list of Workshops
9.55am      (8 workshops)               presented at this time.

9.55am –    Networking & Coffee Break   Grab a coffee join the chat, and visit the
10:35am                                 exhibitors in the exhibition hall.

10:35am –   Keynote Presentations 1     Ms Norma Foley, TD, Minister for Education
11:45am                                 Ms Beatrice Dooley, President, Institute of
                                        Guidance Counsellors
                                        Professor David Fitzpatrick, President, TU Dublin
                                        Dr Raimo Vuorinen, Project Manager at
                                        the Finish Institute for Educational
                                        Research, at the University of Jvyäskylä

11:45am –   Workshop Sessions 2         See page 11 for full list of Workshops
12:30pm     (8 workshops)               presented at this time.

12.30pm –   Networking & Lunch Break    Grab your lunch, join the chat, and visit
1:10pm                                  the exhibitors in the exhibition hall.

1.10pm –    Keynote Presentations 2     Ms Beatrice Dooley, President, Institute of
1:50pm                                  Guidance Counsellors
                                        Mr Simon Harris, Minister for Further and Higher
                                        Education, Research, Innovation and Science
                                        Dr Brendan McCormack, President, IT Sligo
                                        Professor Spencer Niles, Counsellor Education
                                        Programme, University of William and Mary

1.50pm –    Closing Address             Ms Beatrice Dooley, President,
2.00pm                                  Institute of Guidance Counsellors

#Study At UL

A   The Impact of Injustice: Supporting Students                 Dr Damien Sweeney
    Experiencing Race-Based Stress and Trauma

B   A workshop presented by the Logistics and Supply             Lorcan Sheehan,
    Chain Skills Group established following the EGFSN           Dr Alan Power and
    publication “Addressing the Skills Needs Arising from        Dr Jane M O’Keeffe
    the Potential Trade Implications of Brexit”

C   Responding to Critical Incidents During COVID-19             David Carroll and
                                                                 Deirdre Folan

D   12 Step Addition Recovery for Adolescents: Aiseiri Aislinn   Dr Sophia Keane

E   Languages: a Powerful Asset!                                 Sandrine Pac-Kenny

F   Digitalised Guidance                                         Inspectorate Team
                                                                 and NCGE team

G   Resources for Newly Qualified Guidance Counsellors           Brian Wall
    & a Refresher Course on Resources for Experienced
    Guidance Counsellors

H   Using Design Thinking To Explore Career Motivations          Dave Kilmartin
    and Make Informed Decisions


I   Integrating Career Sector and Labour Market                  Eimear Sinnott and
    Information within Guidance Counselling Practice             Bernadette Walsh

J   Supporting our Transgender Students Workshop                 Sinéad Murray

K   Integrated Guidance in the Pandemic and Beyond               Tristram Hooley

L   Cultivating Self-Care & Resilience in Challenging            Niamh Digan
    Times Through Mindfulness Meditation and
    Self-Compassionate Practice

M   Grieving Students: Finding Ways to Offer Support             Dr Aoife Lynam

N   The Construction Industry – a World of Opportunity           Dermot Carey

O   Future FET: Transforming Learning and the FET College        Nessa White
    of the Future

P   Design Your Life: the evolving world of design careers'.     Rosemary Steen,
    Design and Crafts Council Ireland and Institute of           CEO DCCI and
    Designers Ireland.                                           Charlotte Barker,
                                                                 CEO IDI

We a re now re c r ui ting for the A r my, A ir C or p s
and N aval S er v ic e
F or fur ther infor ma
                    m ti on a nd to a pply
log on to w w w.mili t ar
                       Beatrice Dooley is the President of the Institute of Guidance Counsellors (IGC)
                       and has served as IGC President for the past three years. With the IGC, she has
                       previously served as Vice President, Chair of the Labour Market Subcommittee,
                       and National Executive representative for South Dublin branch. Before that she
                       taught English and French before working as a full time guidance counsellor.
                       During a career break, whilst working as a lecturer in Griffith College, she
                       designed and delivered a module in Career Guidance. This experience was the
                       catalyst for her evolution into guidance counselling.

 Beatrice              She was awarded 1st class Honours with Distinction for a MSc in Career
 Dooley                Guidance from Ulster University. She is also a graduate of MU (BA & Higher
                       Diploma in Education), UL (Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance Counselling),
 President of the
                       NCI (Post Graduate Diploma in HRM with Business).
 Institute of
 Counsellors (IGC)     She represented the IGC on the recent Steering Committee for the Review of
                       Career Guidance (Ministerial appointment), and currently represents the Institute
                       on a number of Steering Committees and Boards including: Senior Cycle Board
                       NCCA, Junior Cycle Board NCCA, Access Steering Group for HEIs, QQI PRSB, EGFSN
                       DCCI, CIF and DoE Careers in Computer Science Advisory Groups.

                       Within the IGC she sits on the following IGC subcommittees: Finance,
                       Constitution, CPD, Labour Market, PR subcommittees in addition to the
                       Professional Practice Working Group. She has been published in a wide variety
                       of national, regional and educational publications in addition to promoting the
                       goals of the IGC whilst speaking at regular stakeholder events and in numerous
                       TV and radio interviews. Beatrice is committed to improving accessibility and
                       standards of CPD and developed the IGC National Strategic Baseline CPD plan
                       (Phase 1 and Phase 2) that has been rolled out over the past three years. Last
                       summer she led the successful campaign with NPCpp, USSI and UNICEF to
                       deliver the final 100 posts to guidance counselling.

                       Dr Mary Meaney is Registrar and Deputy President of Technological University
                       Dublin. As inaugural President of Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Dr
                       Meaney developed the reputation of ITB as an accessible and regionally
                       responsive institution, working with education, industry and civic partners.

                       Seconded to the role of Programme Leader for the Technological University for
                       Dublin project, Dr Meaney coordinated the preparation of the submission by
                       the former DIT, ITB and ITT to become Ireland’s first Technological University.

 Dr Mary               Following the establishment of TU Dublin. Dr Meaney was appointed to the role
 Meaney                of Registrar and Deputy President and is working to develop the University’s
                       unique education model.
 Registrar and
 Deputy President of
 University Dublin

                                   OPEN DAY
                                   8th May 2021

                                             Register for our Monthly
                                      Guidance Counsellor Newsletter
Conference Speakers

                        Justin McGree is a full-time guidance counsellor, teacher and AP1 holder in
                        Patrician Presentation Secondary School, Fethard - a small DEIS school in Co.
                        Tipperary. He has been teaching for over 20 years and practicing as a guidance
                        counsellor for the majority of these years.

                        On behalf of the Tipperary branch, he has served on the National Executive of IGC
                        since Feb 2015. Elected Vice President of IGC in Nov. 2017, he currently chairs IGC
                        National Executive meetings, sits on the Finance Subcommittee and has
                        previously held NE roles including Standing Orders Committee Chair and
Justin                  Constitution Subcommittee Convenor.
                        Currently, Justin manages the IGC website, deals with (referred) member queries,
Vice President,
                        arranges for updates to the member database system, devises member surveys,
Institute of
Guidance                makes necessary arrangements for AGMs (including the AGM handbook) and
Counsellors             liaises   annually    with  the     Conference      Organiser    in  conference
                        organisation/planning. He also deputises for the IGC President for meetings,
                        committee work, press interviews etc., where required. He is company secretary
                        for IGC (as a limited company) and acts as liaison to the auditor, Companies
                        Registration Office and Charities Regulator. Justin was also appointed in 2018 by
                        the Minister as the IGC nominee on the Management of Guidance Committee,
                        which reports to the Department of Education.

                        Norma Foley is the Minister for Education. She was appointed to this role in June

                        Norma was elected to represent the Kerry constituency in the 2020 general

                        She was previously a member of Kerry County Council for the Tralee area, serving
                        from 1994 until her election to the Dáil in 2020. She also served as a member of
                        Tralee Urban District Council until its abolition in 2014.

Norma Foley, TD
Minister for Eduction

                        Professor David FitzPatrick is the inaugural President of Technological
                        University Dublin (TU Dublin). Professor FitzPatrick joined TU Dublin on its
                        foundation day, 01 January 2019.

                        Having studied for his Doctorate in Biomechanics from University of Oxford
                        he worked in industry for some years before taking up an academic
                        appointment at UCD, ultimately becoming Principal of the College of
                        Engineering & Architecture and Dean of Engineering.

Professor               As President of the first Technological University in Ireland, he is committed
David                   to creating opportunities for access to higher education at all levels. Drawing
FitzPatrick             on the strengths of its founding institutions, he has established the new
                        university’s strategic direction to 2030 under three pillars of People, Planet
President,              and Partnership.
University Dublin

Conference Speakers

                        Dr Raimo Vuorinen works as Project manager at the Finnish Institute for
                        Educational Research (FIER) at the University of Jyväskylä. His research
                        interest is on evidence based lifelong guidance policy development and the
                        use of ICT in guidance.

                        In 2007-15 he was the Co-ordinator of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy
                        Network, ELGPN. He is the Chair of Board of the International Centre for Career
                        Development and Public Policies, ICCDPP and a member of the ETF Editorial
Dr Raimo                Board. Dr Vuorinen is also an Affiliate Professor with the Faculty of Education
Vuorinen                and the Centre for Labour Studies at the University of Malta and an Overseas
Finnish Institute       fellow of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, NICEC
for Educational         (UK).

                        Simon Harris is the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation
                        and Science.

                        He previously served as Minister for Health from May 2016 to June 2020, and as
                        Minister of State at the Departments of Finance PER and Taoiseach with Special
                        Responsibility for the OPW, Public Procurement, and International Banking (incl
                        IFSC) from 2014 to 2016.

                        Simon was first elected as a TD in 2011 and served as a member of the Oireachtas
                        Public Accounts Committee.
Simon Harris
Minister for Further    Simon’s involvement in politics began after he established an Autism support and
and Higher Education,   lobby group in County Wicklow to seek to give a voice to people living with Autism
Research, Innovation    and their families and to articulate their concerns and needs.
and Science             Simon is married and a father of one.

                        Dr Brendan McCormack is the President of the Institute of Technology, Sligo
                        since September 2016. IT Sligo is a higher education institution located in the
                        north-west of Ireland, with in excess of 8,000 students and is a national leader
                        in the delivery of online/blended learning programmes for employee
                        education. Brendan is a graduate of University College Dublin (Bachelor
                        Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1980 and a PhD in 1997) and of
                        Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), USA (Masters of Science in Engineering).
                        He has published academic papers in the area of medical device design.

                        Brendan has been variously Head of Academic Affairs, Head of School of
Dr Brendan              Engineering and Head of Department of Mechanical and Electronic
McCormack               Engineering at IT Sligo, and has been a lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering
                        at UCD. He has also conducted research at the University of Leeds and the
President of the
Institute of            University of Minnesota, USA. He co-founded and led the UCD-TCD
Technology, Sligo       Bioengineering Research Centre and was deeply involved in building up
                        research in this field in Ireland. Brendan has supervised many masters and
                        doctoral theses, has 6 patents, and over 200 articles in the areas of
                        biomechanics and has developed national strategic plans for the Irish
                        medical devices sector. Prior to taking up the post of IT Sligo President,
                        Brendan was Project Manager for the Connacht-Ulster Alliance, which is the
                        coming together of GMIT, IT Sligo and LYIT to become a technological
                        university. Brendan hopes to see this ambition realised in 2021. He hill walks,
                        sails, and minds the bees when he is not working.

Conference Speakers

                        Prof Spencer Niles serves as Professor in the Counselor Education Program at the
                        university of William & Mary. Previously, he served as Dean of the School of
                        Education at William & Mary. He was also a Distinguished Professor and
                        Department Head for Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education
                        at the Pennsylvania State University. Prior to joining the faculty at Penn State, he
                        served as Professor of Counselor Education at the University of Virginia. Spencer
                        Niles is a Past-President of Chi Sigma Iota International and was twice the
                        President of the National Career Development Association (NCDA).
Prof Spencer
G. Niles                He is the recipient of the NCDA Eminent Career Award. Niles is a Fellow of the
                        National Career Development Association and the American Counseling
Professor, University
                        Association. He has received numerous awards from the American
of William & Mary
                        Counseling Association (ACA) including the Thomas Hohenshil Research
                        Award, the Thomas Sweeney Visionary Leadership and Advocacy Award, the
                        President’s Award, the David Brooks Distinguished Mentor Award, the ACA
                        Extended Research Award, and the Visionary Leader and Advocate Award.
                        He received the Noted Scholar Award from the University of British Columbia.
                        Niles is a Fellow of ACA and NCDA. He served as two-term Editor for The
                        Career Development Quarterly, Editor for the Journal of Counseling &
                        Development, and continues to serve on numerous journal editorial boards.
                        He has authored or co-authored approximately 140 publications and
                        delivered over 150 presentations at national and international conferences.
                        His book Career Development Interventions (6th edition) is the best-selling
                        career text in the world. His forthcoming co-authored books are titled Career
                        Flow and Development: Hope-Action Theory and Career Recovery: Creating
                        Careers with Hope in Difficult Times.

Dear Delegate,

As we brace ourselves for our second                alone. Help, support, a sounding board and
calendar year navigating the challenges             advice is only a zoom/phone call or an email
presented by COVID-19, you continue to              away. I would like to take this opportunity to
deliver a first class guidance counselling          once again encourage you all to sign up for
service nationwide to learners across the           one of the CPD options available on the IGC
lifespan. I am very proud to be the elected         website. Regular CPD, regular attendance at
President of such a resilient and dedicated         counselling supervision and connecting with
membership. Your continued professionalism          supportive colleagues at branch meetings
and commitment to those in your care is             will sustain us though what lies ahead. High
commendable.                                        quality CPD provision and a first class
                                                    conference will be essential for the welfare of
Since our last conference in NUIG, it has been      our members during this pandemic and in its
an exceptionally busy 12 months with a regular      wake. What follows is my report from April
diary of meetings and a steady stream of            2020 to the February 2021, (time of printing).
queries from our own members, educational
partners, stakeholders, media and the public.
What has become evident is that living with         REPRESENTATIONS AT FORA
COVID-19 our workload is increasing                 AND MEETINGS
incrementally and many things that we had           Meeting with IGC Branch Treasurers
nailed in practice are out the window as we         and Chairpersons
have to find new ways to operate,
communicate and function. COVID-19 has
                                                    The Vice President and I hosted a meeting
incurred additional time intensive layers of
                                                    with IGC Branch Treasurers and Chairpersons
communications and administrative work.
                                                    in December 2020. We had a very positive
                                                    meeting with representation from most of our
It has been a very challenging year for us all;
                                                    16 branches. We will organise a similar event
we have needed to prioritise goals and
                                                    for branch secretaries. We took the
objectives for the year wisely. This is a virus
                                                    opportunity to clarify:
that is claiming lives with as yet unknown
long-term implications. Collegiality, cooperation   • Implications of SORP, consolidation of
and self-care will be our mantra this year as         our accounts, Charitable Status for
we preserve energy and resources for big              the branches
ticket items.
                                                    • The rationale behind the National
We need to, now more than ever, support               Strategic CPD plan
each other, work collaboratively with our
                                                    • Strategic Plans needed for branch CPD
IGC/work colleagues, our educational
                                                      going forward
partners and stakeholders. We work in
isolation from each other geographically but        • Good governance at branch level
is important to remember that we are not

IGC National Conference 2021

Many thanks to our branch officers for joining    managerial bodies to relay the need to
this meeting after a busy day at work. We         allocate the 120 posts to the guidance
appreciate their continued commitment and         counsellors in their schools. We are deeply
contribution to the overall workload of           appreciative of the continued support and
running the organisation.                         commitment from ISSU, NPCPP and UNICEF to
                                                  our cause and recognise that we are a
Collaboration with ISSU, NPCPP, ETB NPA,          significantly more influential force with these
UNICEF and IGC and the campaign for full          strong stakeholders by our side.
restoration of guidance allocations last
summer.                                           I flagged to you last term that I re-activated
                                                  this powerful collaboration which was so
I spent last summer lobbying vigorously &         impactful last summer. Both ISSU and NPCPP
continuously with stakeholders, using the         spoke in support of the IGC before the
media to maximum effect with the goal of          Oireachtas in the last week of November. In
securing      our    guidance       counselling   December I worked with these organisations
allocations. I was approached by UNICEF           to collaborate on communications outlining
early in the summer and asked to spearhead        our concerns to Minister Foley. In their letters,
a campaign with this aim. I approached ISSU       ISSU, ETB NPA, UNICEF and NPCPP supported
and NPCPP and secured their support. We           IGC in flagging the need for greater clarity in
had several meetings on line together and         the recent circular that pertains to the 120
collaborated on a media campaign to this          posts restored for guidance counsellors.
end. Two Press Releases, a survey between
ISSU & NPCpp, a flurry of radio interviews and
social      media      engagements        were
instrumental to this campaign. The ISSU were
influential in securing an invitation for me to
a meeting with DES and NEPS personnel back
in August.

When the wonderful announcement was
made that 120 posts be returned, I continued
to lobby the DES, Minister Foley and the
Taoiseach to furnish all principals with an
urgent amendment to recent circulars. The
circular needed to state that the managerial      ISSU have indicated they would like to
bodies would commit to deploy the 120 posts       collaborate with IGC on a new campaign to
to guidance counsellors for the delivery of       ensure the provision of guidance counselling
guidance counselling. Concurrently, I worked      to students now that learning has moved on-
closely with the ISSU, NPCPP, ETBNPA and          line again. I recently met with their Welfare
UNICEF who continue to support the IGC in         Officers to discuss this, ISSU have 22 Welfare
our collaboration to ensure that our              Officers who span TY to 6th year and are a
allocations are restored. I contacted all         seriously impressive group of young people.

President’s Address & Reports

Highlights from meetings with                                              exploration of subconscious processes
Policy Makers                                                              and the resolution of deep-seated
                                                                           conflicts is not generally appropriate for
Meeting with Minister Foley                                                this age group or context.” (DES 20131).
                                                                         • Solution - Young people want to be
Minister Foley invited the IGC to a meeting to                             listened to, to be understood, to get things
discuss the collaboration with UNICEF, ISSU                                off their chest. When given the resources
and NPCpp last term. Niamh Norris and I met                                to do so, this is exactly what guidance
with Minister Foley & her Policy Advisor, our                              counsellors do. Resource us appropriately.
Guidance Counselling Inspector Esther Doyle                                The one to one aspect of the role needs to
and Evelyn O’Connor from CAP (DoE). The                                    be safeguarded for both Junior Cycle and
meeting lasted for over one hour. I presented                              Senior Cycle students in order to offer
the policy stance on a range of challenges                                 appropriate support to students.
and solutions (see below) and Niamh
reinforced these with practical examples.                                • Challenge – Insufficient resources/
This approach worked very well. I                                          allocations for guidance counselling in our
commenced by outlining our role, working                                   schools. Timetabling us to teach classes
context, holistic approach etc…                                            in other subjects takes time from one to
                                                                           one guidance counselling.
Next I flagged the Collaboration with UNICEF,                            • Solution – Pre COVID-19 we needed as an
ISSU and NPCpp as Minister Foley had                                       absolute minimum a return to pre 2012
expressed interest in this in her invitation to                            allocations (as per circular PPT 12/05
meet and then presented a series of                                        which recommends 24 hrs weekly per
Challenges & solutions as follows:                                         500-599 students) for guidance
                                                                           counselling. We now need an urgent
• Challenge – the DES need to ensure the                                   restoration of the ex-quota allocation and
  allocation of 120 posts to guidance                                      a guidance enhancement. We require 1-
  counsellors and not merely to guidance                                   250 GC to student’s ratio like the Finnish
  urgently for this academic year. Clarity is                              model which is funded separately from
  needed on how many posts have                                            teacher funding. With accountability/
  returned to guidance counselling.                                        transparency at core. It is a model of
• Solution – amend the most recent                                         excellence we could emulate if
  circular to specify the 120 posts be                                     empowered to do so with accountability/
  allocated by school principals to the                                    transparency at core.
  qualified guidance counsellor in the
  school.                                                                • Challenge - Shortages of guidance
                                                                           counsellors. IGC research (2018; 2019; 20)
• Challenge –The problem with IACP and                                     also shows that in some schools (currently
  external providers. Most young people do                                 22.4%), some aspects of guidance
  not need psychotherapy, and there needs                                  counselling are delivered by non-qualified
  to be a clear process for identifying those                              personnel.
  who do. “Psychotherapy involving the

Training/Guidance-Counselling-and-Psychological-Services-fund.pdf                                                      23
                         AT DCU
Learn mor
      m e about our 70+ undergraduate
      s, p
         plus our 9 bold
                       d new offerings
                                e g
President’s Address & Reports

• Solution                                         Baseline CPD designed in response to a
  • Provide an allowance for the                   national survey of our members where
     Guidance Counselling Postgraduate             they requested RT, CBT. Release for
     Qualification (QQI level 9) to encourage      attending CPD/supervision, which vital to
     new applicants to the training course         ensure best practice and avoidance of
     and retain current members.                   litigation. IGC Survey that week showed:
  • Create a fast track Practise M.Ed. that        • 7.5% of guidance counsellors are
     recognises prior learning and practical            timetabled and will not be released
     work as part of the course work to                 for CPD.
     facilitate qualified guidance                 • 4.3% of guidance counsellors are
     counsellors attaining a teaching                   timetabled and will not be released
     qualification.                                     for counselling supervision.
  • Release teachers for postgraduate              • 51.3% of guidance counsellors
     professional training in guidance                  say nature of work has increased
     counselling and the required                       since COVID.
     professional practicum placement.
                                                 • Challenge - Meaningful progress report
• Challenge - the Guidance Enhancement             from Guidance Review Implementation
  Scheme was removed with the stroke of a          Task Force.
  pen in 2012. 150 schools benefitted from it.   • Solution - Inter departmental
  Some of these schools are not DEIS               collaboration on guidance counselling at
  schools and have been left without               policy level – to include Departments of
  adequate allocations since 2012 with no          Education, Children & Youth Affairs, Health,
  solution in sight.                               Justice & Equality, Employment Affairs and
• Solution – enhanced guidance allocation          Social Protection, Business, Enterprise and
  should be allocated to guidance                  Innovation, Dept of Ed, Dept of Further and
  counsellors to facilitate our response to:       Higher Education/ Research/ Innovation
  • Covid-19 and fully addressing the              and Science.
     needs of students with SEN and/or             • We urgently seek a role to ensure our
     socio-economic disadvantage.                     nation promptly develops policy that is
  • Supporting the increased number of                bottom up and therefore informed by
     anxious students presenting at                   front-line practitioners. We are calling
     our doors.                                       for policy that is bottom up as well
  • The promotion of apprenticeships,                 as top down.
     traineeships.                                 • A guaranteed voice for guidance
                                                      counsellors working with learners
• Challenge – DES directive to principals not         across the lifespan on all boards and
  to release teachers for CPD this year.              committees with mental health and
• Solution – Minister /DES support for IGC            labour market interests relevant to
  CPD plans and counselling supervision (I            our work.
  mean practical support). Both currently          • Plans to be inclusive of the IGC as the
  delivered online. National Strategic                professional body for guidance

IGC National Conference 2021

                                                Meeting with DoE to discuss wording of
   counsellors in stakeholder meetings going    Circular for Allocations
   forward, we were not included in those
   meetings this summer until ISSU              Also following on from our meeting with
   intervened yet we are the problem            Minister Foley, the Vice President and I
   solvers on the ground.                       attended a meeting with DoE officials, a
                                                guidance counselling inspector and NCGE to
Action arising from this meeting – Minister     discuss the wording for a circular for
Foley asked me to furnish her with evidence.    allocations. The main issues we requested be
I sent on recent IGC survey results and         included in addition to points outlined above
individual concerns from members re             are:
allocations,   release    for    counselling    • The total guidance allocation to the
supervision and CPD.                               school needs to be allocated to the
                                                   qualified guidance counsellor to facilitate
                                                   time for individual students and time for
                                                   the co-ordination and review of the Whole
                                                   School Guidance Plan.

                                                • Schools should release guidance
                                                  counsellors to attend CPD and
                                                  professional counselling supervision. We
                                                  quoted the Framework for Considering
                                                  Provision of Guidance in Post Primary
                                                  Schools – September 2012 that states:
                                                  “School management should facilitate
                                                  where possible a Guidance Counsellor
                                                  who wishes to attend professional
                                                  supervision or continuous professional
                                                  development organised through the
                                                  Institute of Guidance Counsellors (IGC).
DES     communication        to school
management to facilitate and support            This is not an exhaustive description of points
guidance counsellor’s attendance at             discussed, this was a positive meeting. We
counselling supervision and CPD                 look forward to a progress report from the
                                                DoE on this matter.
Arising from this meeting with Minister Foley
we received a communication from the DoE        Review update
that school management would facilitate
and     support    guidance     counsellor’s    I have been informed by the DoE that the
attendance at counselling supervision and       Implementation Task Force are still working.
CPD.                                            This group will bring recommendations to
                                                management in the DoE shortly. They


The Athena Tracker iss an acad
                             demic tracking too
                                              ol which
                                              ol, w    highlights whe
                                                                     n a student
falls below their potential and
                              d may require ad
                                                  onal support. This en
                                                                      nsures no
student gets missed in a busy school system


  Subject ch
           hoice - Subject ranking for ea
                                        ach                    Studentt motivation
                                                                                 on - Showing studdents that they
  individual student
             s       based on aptitude te
                                        ests.                  are not meeting th
                                                                               their potential provides
                                                                                                  v     motivation.

  Choice of llevel - Predictions provided
                                        ed can help            Ta
                                                                arget ssetti
                                                                          ting - Ta
                                                                                  argets can be set fo
                                                                                                     or each student
  a student choosing
            c          between Levels.
                                     s.                        for each
                                                                      h subject.

  CAO Pointts Tracking - Easy
                            y tto quickly
                                        y review               Rea
                                                                 eal da
                                                                      ata - All baseline data is calcu
                                                                                                     ulated using real
  what CAO points a student
                          nt is on track to
                                         t get.                st
                                                               studentts and real exam results.

  Student re
           ecognitionn - Recognise when
                                      n students               Real tim
                                                                      me alerts - Alerts for studentts falling below
  are workin
           ng hard an
                   and improving.                              their ow
                                                                      wn potential in real time.

“  The Athen

          ena Tracker
               ra e has been reeally heelpful
                                           ul for us as guidance counsellors advising our 1st and Transition
   student in reelation to choosing their sub
                                          subjects for Junior and Senior Cycle.
              preferred subject rankings for
   with their academic performance in
                                    n sc
   one of their considerations as part
                                                                           c We used Athena Trrac
                                         fo each student based on the students incoming CAT
                                      school to date. This encourages
                                    rt of their
                                          t     decision process.
                                                                                          T4 sccores combined
                                                                      all students to include prob

                                                                                                obable success
                                                                                                  e to generate

                                                                                                            ss as

   ˜ Paul Co
   Careers and
           a Guidance Coun
                        unsellor / Prresentation College Athenryy

   We are cu
           urrently running
                     unning remote wo
                                          p to g
                                               get schools set up
                                                               up in our academic trackin
                                                                                    acking tool,
           na Tracker, see our website www
   the Athen                           w for further details.
President’s Address & Reports

confirmed that all views are being taken on     • Guidance staff, have an overview of
board and that they recognise the holistic        the needs of learners and the gaps in
model of guidance counselling.                    programmes and services. Their insights
                                                  and information can inform the
Meeting with Minister Harris                      development of the FET policy and
                                                  strategy going forward within ETBs and
This meeting was also attended by HEA,            the wider community.
SOLAS,     NCGE,     Skillsnet   and     ETBI
representatives. I highlighted the value of     • Our motivation to support Irelands
guidance counselling, our role and the            National Skills Strategy 2025 (DES) with
breadth of our service delivering guidance        particular reference to the promotion of
counselling to learners across the lifespan.      new apprenticeships, traineeships, and
ETBI, SOLAS and HEA flagged the importance        other upskilling opportunities while
of our role and praised our LMI (Labour           ensuring that our model, ethos and values
Market Initiative) CPD that was rolled out to     of guidance are not compromised within
16 branches nationwide last year.                 that process.

I furnished Minister Harris with a number of
recent IGC submissions including AGA            SOLAS meetings
submissions. I explained that the AGA is a
professional, impartial, national educational   SOLAS approached me about plans to build
guidance and information service, located       on the LMI CPD roll out last year. This work is
within the 16 ETBs. Funded through SOLAS, the   at embryo stage, we discussed the type of
AGA supports in excess of 50,000 service        information guidance counsellors, parents
beneficiaries on an annual basis.               and students need and how to present it. I
                                                flagged the need for their input on
I further flagged the need for the following:   communicating information about the future
                                                of work and routes into areas of forecasted
• A Cross Ministerial/ Departmental             labour market shortages that will be
  Framework Guidance Strategy.                  impacted on by AI/automation/robotics/Big
                                                Data and the need for a database of local
• The need for an enhanced guidance             speakers branch officers can contact to plan
  allocation.                                   careers events and work experience.

• The current shortage of guidance              In December I met with personnel from
  counsellors and the need for more             SOLAS again in preparation for the meeting
  allocations across the board whilst           with Minister Harris.
  giving graphic examples of challenges
  on the ground.

• An increase in the national budget for
  the Adult Guidance Services.

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President’s Address & Reports

Senior Cycle Board NCCA / Junior Cycle             Colleagues in this situation have spent a lot
Board NCCA/ Access Steering Group for HEIs         of money qualifying as guidance counsellors,
                                                   just like us. Just like us they have families to
I continue to represent the IGC on these           feed and bills to pay. We are not a union; we
boards and attend regular meetings.                do not have negotiating rights, but we can
                                                   support colleagues.
DCCI & CIF working groups
                                                   Presentation to the Department
I was invited to join a working group on           of Transport
careers in design DCCI (Design & Crafts            I met with representatives from the
Council Ireland) and also another working          Department of Transport and made a
group with CIF by EGFSN (Expert Group on           presentation about the IGC to assist them in
Future Skills Needs). We are exploring             their preparations in advance of delivering
methods they can employ to promote                 their workshop at conference. This workshop
careers in design and construction related         was recommended by the EGFSN (Expert
work to school students. DCCI will present a       Group on Future Skills Needs).
workshop at our conference this year.
                                                   Presentation at Mental Health Forum
Shortage of Guidance Counsellors and IGC
members without teaching qualifications            I was invited to speak at the Mental Health
working in schools and with teaching               Forum, Next steps for improving mental
qualifications but who have undergraduate          health in Ireland - Sharing the Vision Strategy
degrees in subjects not featuring on the           in January 2021. I highlighted that:
curriculum in second level schools.
                                                   • Guidance counsellors wish to support
I am receiving regular correspondence from           students with special educational needs,
very distressed colleagues in this plight, 42 to     socio-economic disadvantage and
date. We have a cohort of IGC members who            anxiety – this requires appropriate access.
are struggling to secure continuous work
because they do not have a teaching                • Current referral system needs a structure
qualification or they do but their                   that is incremental with someone to join
undergraduate degree is in subjects not              the dots.
found on a school curriculum.
                                                   • We need a network of trained personnel in
Now that the final 120 posts have been               school to support us in the aftermath of
restored, I am motivated to support our              suicides to ensure students receive
members securing these jobs. It is in the best       support when it matters. Could a panel of
interests of the Institute that these jobs are       part time guidance counsellors be
filled by professional, qualified guidance           resourced to offer this support?
counsellors. You are aware that external
service providers are actively moving in to
that space for a number of years now.

IGC National Conference 2021

Launches                                           have been proactive in updating forms
                                                   required to maintain this essential service.
CIF, DCU, NCSE                                     The IGC subcommittee expressed some
                                                   concerns about internet access in different
Recent Seminars attended                           parts of the country and how this is
                                                   impacting on the quality of the counselling
QQI, CAO, Higher Options, Tánaiste and CPA,        supervision experience. We are looking into
EUNICAS.                                           this currently.

                                                   NCGE Managerial Board

                                                   The Vice President continues to represent us
                                                   on the NCGE Managerial Board and attend
                                                   regular meetings.

                                                   CAO/ AOA meeting

                                                   During this meeting in late January, I
                                                   communicated our concerns and the
                                                   concerns of ISSU with reference to the
                                                   deadlines for CAO/HEAR/DARE. I requested a
                                                   4 week extension for all 3 and unpacked the
Steering Committee             for   Counselling   challenges we are all dealing with as schools
Supervision                                        are closed flagging how this slows down the
                                                   pace of completing these applications for
I continue to represent the IGC on this            our members and for students.
steering committee and attend regular
meetings. Noel Farrell has moved on from his       The response from CAO was that they
position of Chair and Aoife Costello is the        had 70,000 applications in already;
new Chair of the Steering Committee. We            their applications were up on this time last
thank Noel for his work and contribution and       year. They did not see the need for this
wish Aoife every happiness and success in          extension. CAO and IUA stated DARE/ HEAR
her new role.                                      will not be completed if they move deadlines.
                                                   They said they are listening to us and will
                                                   take our views on board, IUA want to see how
IGC Counselling Supervision Subcommittee           it works out, both CAO and IUA committed
&    Counselling   Supervisors    Annual           to monitor the situation and take an
Workshop                                           extension into account if problems arise.
                                                   They will look at numbers of applicants for
The     IGC     Counselling      Supervision       DARE & HEAR coming in. They are looking for
Subcommittee have completed their work on          trends and will react to trends.
the IGC Ethics Guidelines for supervisors and

President’s Address & Reports

I then suggested that they would consider         delivery of guidance counselling and not
simplifying the DARE/HEAR application in the      merely to be allocated for guidance. Minister
context that some aspects are more difficult      Foley assured me that the intention of
than others in the absence of physical            allocating the 120 posts was that they would
contact with students.                            go to the guidance counsellors.

I invited you to share other ideas on how the     Helpline
DARE/HEAR form could be simplified to aid
students completing these at home, I passed       In the context of COVID-19, last summer the
on the responses I received.                      DoE were concerned the IGC would not have
At the request of ISSU, I also asked CAO to       the personnel to field all of the calls they
provide shorter videos focussing on one           expected, given the confusion around
aspect at a time of CAO/ DARE/HEAR                Calculated Grades etc…They invited NPC, ISSU,
applications. Huge credit to CAO who              NEPS, NCGE to also work on the Helplines.
produced the videos within the week.              Honor McAndrew and I worked steadfastly at
                                                  these meetings to communicate to these
Helpline Photoshoot                               stakeholders that only guidance counsellors
                                                  should work on the Helpline and why that was
In August 2020 I attended a scaled back,          necessary. This whole process went from early
invitation only, photoshoot for the Helpline      June with weekly meetings and daily
that was attended by the Presidents of the        communications to me from Honor, DoE,
NPCPP, ISSU, IGC, Minister Foley and a            NPCpp staff and officers.
representative from the Irish Independent. At
the photoshoot, I met Minister Foley, I flagged   IGC guidance counsellors were disinclined to
to the Minister the need for the 120 posts to     work in the Media Centre in Croke Park as
be allocated to guidance counsellors for the      they had Health & Safety concerns in the

President’s Address & Reports

context of COVID-19. At this point I suggested    Higher Options
we use laptops and do online calls in a
bigger space in Croke Park as the DoE were        The Vice President and I had two meetings
keen to have a presence in there. We              this summer with the Irish Times. They
reached a compromise when Caroline Duffy          decided to proceed with a virtual version of
(Dublin West) sourced the Call Centre             the HO for the usual fee. We advised them in
service with the Engineer willing to be on call   both meetings, that they are competing with
for the duration of the Helpline. He delivered    HEIs who are offering virtual tours for free,
soft phones and laptops to the homes of           students cannot be depended on to register
each guidance counsellor in question and          themselves and that they need something
conduct a test run with each individual GC        more to attract the same numbers as other
prior to the Helpline going live. For these       years.
practical reasons we needed guidance
counsellors willing to work on the Helpline       NCGE Forum
who live within an hour drive max of the
Engineer which would allow him to travel to       NCGE Forums are currently online and
them in real time to remedy any issues with       hopefully you are in a position to access
the equipment.                                    them.

                                                  NCGE meeting
Guidance counsellors on the
Helpline had over 500 calls on                    A working group met with NCGE several
                                                  times this summer to discuss their proposal
Day 1, twice what they would                      to work together collaboratively with the IGC.
get on a typical year. Credit to                  It was recommended that NCGE collaborate
                                                  with IGC on CPD options for our members on:
this team who worked
                                                     1. Working on line for the duration of the
incredibly hard responding to
                                                        COVID-19 pandemic
calls as they come in.
                                                     2. Study options overseas in the UK,
 The DoE were extremely engaged in this                 Europe and US.
process all summer and were very
supportive to our members supplying               PSI updates: NCGE wish all IGC members to
regular updates of FAQ. I would like to in        sign up to the PSI register. We are concerned
particular acknowledge the leadership role        that not all of our members work in 2nd level
of Evelyn O’ Connor and Eamonn Moran (CAP         schools, our members are under the
DoE) and our own Inspector Esther Doyle           jurisdiction of 4 separate and distinct
throughout this long process where they           Ministries’, therefore it is not appropriate for
worked evenings and weekends to furnish           the IGC to issue a directive to our members
me with necessary updates in real time.           to sign up to PSI exclusively. Furthermore
                                                  some of our members working in 2nd level

IGC National Conference 2021

are already signed up to BPS; lastly the SEN     highest numbers registered for Conference
space has changed dramatically since 2014 or     in recent years after DCU 2018 and UL 2016.
2016 so the previous agreement signed by IGC     We had 202 delegates registered for Friday’s
may no longer be tenable for our members.        event second highest ever at a Friday night
We propose to survey the membership to seek      event, surpassed only by UL in 2016. The
your views on this matter.                       conference took place in the very early days
                                                 of the COVID-19 pandemic and there were a
DSGC & NCGE                                      number of cancellations (14) and no-shows
                                                 (48). NUIG were very positive and described
NCGE hosted a meeting with one                   the conference in terms of having a “positive
representative each from AGA, AHECS, NCGE,       vibe and lovely energy”. We have uploaded
DCU, UL, MU and IGC as we requested. This        all workshop presentations received to the
first meeting was an introduction. At this       new IGC website.
meeting an agreement was made to work
collaboratively to secure more work              AGM
experience / relationship building between
students on training courses and practicing      Once again this year, we had a very positive
guidance counsellors. This group will meet       and productive AGM. Many thanks to all
again this May and then we will have agreed      involved in the planning of this event. Thanks
2 meetings annually going forward.               in particular to the members of the Standing
                                                 Orders Committee and Ronny Swain who
                                                 chaired the motions section of the AGM.
EVENTS AND OTHER DEVELOPMENTS                    Thanks also to Vice President Justin McGree
                                                 for organising the logistics of the AGM. We
Conference 2020                                  are working to addressing your motions. We
                                                 look forward to welcoming you all to our first
We were extremely fortunate to be given          online AGM in May.
authorisation to proceed from the HSE and
the Minister for Education’s advisor with what   Conference Launch
was an outstandingly successful conference
in NUIG last March. Our feedback from            The theme, for Conference 2021 is Fostering
delegates, sponsors, workshop presenters         Meaningful Connections & Community in
and keynote speakers is that the 2020 IGC        Challenging Times. With a pandemic still
Conference was a resounding success. A           raging across the globe for a full calendar
sincere thank you to the Galway/Mayo             year now, never was a conference theme
branch Conference Organising Committee           more apt or more needed.
for their attention to detail and super
teamwork in rolling out this highly attended     The Vice President has put a huge amount of
Conference.                                      work into negotiating with TU and liaising with
                                                 our Conference Organiser to work on options
432 delegates had booked to attend the           for what type of conference we can have this
conference on Saturday which was the third       year. The Official Conference Launch was

President’s Address & Reports

made available on the IGC website in early       development and the use of ICT in guidance.
January.                                         Dr. Spencer Niles serves as professor of
                                                 counsellor education for William & Mary
Conference 2021                                  College. In addition, Dr Niles is Current
                                                 president   of   the    National     Career
We would like to express our thanks to all of    Development Association. Both of our
our sponsors who helped make the 2021 IGC        speakers serve on the International Centre
conference a reality: in particular TU Dublin,   for Career Development and Public Policy
our conference host and main sponsor,            Executive Board and we are very excited to
supporting sponsor IT Sligo and minor            welcome them to our 2021 first ever Online
sponsors Careers Portal, LYIT and Maynooth       Conference.

The Conference Working group met several
times to progress work on our:

• Workshops for Conference
• Keynote speakers

We sourced 16 workshops and 2 keynote
speakers. March Guideline included an easy
to use infographic to show how to access the
conference on the day, this is reproduced
here in the conference brochure.
I invited Minister Foley and Harris to address
our delegates at conference. Conference
planning with the Vice President, Conference     Strategic Planning for the Institute
Organiser and Head Office staff is absorbing
a considerable amount of time and energy         Restricted access to Head Office has
for us all. A virtual conference is a huge       necessitated we be realistic about what we
learning curve with lots of extra tasks,         can achieve with no physical meetings
challenges and hidden costs.                     possible and having to run Head Office
                                                 remotely as per NPHET recommendations. On
Keynote speakers for IGC conference              a positive note, Covid-19 has been an
                                                 equaliser as regular on-line National Executive
I have met with both of our international        meetings have removed geographical
keynote speakers Dr. Raimo Vuorinen and Dr       obstacles to all branches participating and
Spencer Niles to plan their speech content.      being represented on the NE.
Dr. Raimo Vuorinen works as Project
manager at the Finnish Institute for             In October 2019, I engaged the services of
Educational Research. His research interest is   Governance Ireland to demystify the work on
on evidence based lifelong guidance policy       how to meet the requirements of Company

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President’s Address & Reports

Law Charities Regulation and Governance          our branch treasurers and officers for
Code (2019).      In addition to this they       meeting the deadline for branch returns on
facilitated a process where the National         CPD spending. Thanks also to the IGC
Executive collectively worked on our vision,     Bookkeeper, Financial Administrator, and our
mission, and values, then prioritised our        Auditor for their attendance at meetings and
strategic goals for the year ahead. With the     careful work on our accounts. We would like
pandemic we have had to re-evaluate those        to take this opportunity to express our
goals. High quality CPD provision and a first    appreciation to the TES for their continued
class conference are essential for the welfare   support of our CPD through this annual
of our members during this pandemic and in       funding and also for their support of our
its wake. Another priority this year will be     counselling supervision.
working to secure legal recognition for the
title guidance counsellor.

Governance Ireland re-engaged with the NE
last term to work on good governance as a
board and to ratify a Code of Conduct. I
completed draft 1 of our 50 page
Governance Code last summer, this first
draft has been ratified by the NE and the
code is now a living document and a work in
progress.                                        Pre-Budget Submission

National Executive engagement with NE            By the time you read this report, work will be
agreed Strategic Goals and AGM motions           complete researching and prioritising topics
                                                 to include in the Pre-Budget submission.
In June, the Vice President and I scheduled      Each year, weeks are devoted to intensively
individual online meetings with all members      researching and writing the Pre-budget
of the NE to discuss both their individual and   Submission on behalf of the IGC and in
branches goals. From this input, we devised      consultation with subcommittee Chairs.
a strategy to achieve NE engagement with         Hopefully you have all communicated your
our agreed goals and AGM motions by              main      concerns    to     your     branch
identifying areas to individual members          representative. The PBS is a valuable means
where they expressed interest and then           of communicating our key issues to
delegating relevant tasks to them with           stakeholders and policy makers and to
specified timeframes for completion. We          setting our agenda for meetings with them.
plan to make this an annual event.
                                                 Strategic CPD update and Organisation’s CPD
CPD funding from DoE / TES                       Workplan for Academic Year 2020 - 2021

I have completed the Organisational Plan         The National Executive and I are encouraging
and application for this funding. Thanks to      you all to sign up for one of the Strategic CPD

You can also read