SIXTH 2017 - 2018 PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - Berkhamsted School

Page created by Joe Graves
SIXTH 2017 - 2018 PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - Berkhamsted School

SIXTH 2017 - 2018 PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - Berkhamsted School

Welcome to Berkhamsted Sixth        4-5            Duke of Edinburgh                   44
  Key Dates                          7             Combined Cadet Force                45
School Life                                      Financial Matters                   46 - 49
  General School Information       8 - 11        School Uniform
  House System                     12 - 13         Supplier: Schoolblazer            50 - 51
  School Values                      14            Uniform List                      52 - 56
  Building Learning Power            15            Second-Hand Shop                    57
  Berkhamsted Schools Group        16 - 17         School Stationery Shop              58
  School Rules and Policies        18 - 23       School Community
     ICT Acceptable Use Policy     24 - 25         The Friends’ Committee              59
     School Lab Safe Use Policy    26 - 27         The Old Berkhamstedians             60
  Biometric Information Notice       28            Berkhamsted - South Africa Link     61
  School Communication               29          Example Coach Timetables            62 - 65
Wellbeing                                        Key Contacts at School              66 - 67
  Pupil Wellbeing                    30            Map of School Campuses            68 - 69
  Chaplaincy                         31
  Medication                         32
Curriculum Overview
  Library Services                 34 - 35
  Careers                          36 - 37
  Extra Music Tuition                38
  Extra Speech and Drama Tuition     39
  Sports                           40 - 41
Enrichment Opportunities
  Co-curricular and Activities       42
  Outdoor Education                  43

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SIXTH 2017 - 2018 PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - Berkhamsted School
WELCOME FROM THE CURRENT                                                                                   WELCOME FROM
BERKHAMSTED SIXTH HEAD                                                                                     BERKHAMSTED SIXTH HEAD FROM SEPTEMBER 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                     with the staff and each other.
                                                                                                                                                                                     I hope that you will set
                                                                                                                                                                                     realistically ambitious aims and
                                                                                                                                                                                     try your hardest to realise
                                                                                                                                                                                     those targets. A Levels will offer
                                                                                                                                                                                     greater intellectual stimulation
                                                                                                                                                                                     in your favourite subjects and
                                                                                                                                                                                     the opportunity to become
                                                                                                                                                                                     more independent learners,
                                                                                                                                                                                     whilst the Extended Project
                                                                                                                                                                                     Qualification or the Mini-MBA.
                                                                                                                                                                                     will afford you the chance to
                                                                                                                                                                                     develop useful skills which will
Dear Parents and Students        view information about the           you are yet to respond to            Dear Parents and Students,          I am joining an outstanding           help you to thrive beyond
May I take this opportunity to   School and your son. The             the Parent Portal invitations        It is an honour to have been        institution; the staff and the boys   school. I hope that you will seek
welcome you to Berkhamsted,      Parent Portal is a web-based         already sent, please do so as        appointed to be the Head            and girls are rightly very proud      out new opportunities, relish
I look forward to you joining    service available 24 hours a         soon as possible.                    of Berkhamsted Sixth. The           of their school. I have been          the challenges that lie ahead,
                                 day, 7 days a week that can                                               Sixth Form is an exciting and       struck by a warmth, kindness          develop your passions and strive
our School community. This
                                                                                                           important stage of a young          and genuineness within the            to get better at whatever it is
pack is designed to provide      be accessed through any              If a place in the school which
                                                                                                           person’s education and can,         school, mixed with a sense of         that you are doing.
you with the relevant details    computer that has an Internet        has been accepted in writing,
                                                                                                           in my opinion, bring some of        commitment, ambition and
that we hope will help you       connection and gives you             is not taken up, fees for the        the best days in life. I hope       energy. I trust that you will find    I know that the staff at
and your son or daughter         access to:                           term will be payable. We             that you are looking forward        this environment infectious,          Berkhamsted will do their
prepare to join us in                                                 do hope, however, that your          to becoming a part of the           that you will benefit from it and     utmost to support and
                                  •   Your personal contact details   son or daughter will join us
September.                                                                                                 Berkhamsted Sixth community         that you will in turn contribute      encourage you, whilst being
                                      and other contacts linked to
                                                                      as planned and the enclosed          as much as I am.                    to it by showing empathy to           aware of the need to empower
                                      your child(ren)
If you have any queries or       •    School timetables,              documentation is found to be                                             others and by encouraging and         you to be responsible for your
concerns, please do not               examination timetables and      helpful.                             I believe that strong               supporting those around you.          own education. I hope that you
hesitate to contact the school.       results                                                              partnerships between the                                                  will find the journey through
Mrs Pat Hayball, our school      •    School reports                  Yours sincerely                      students and teachers and           I hope that you are looking           Berkhamsted Sixth inspiring and
Secretary, will be available     •    School calendar                                                      the school and parents are          forward to the next academic          challenging and that it will set
                                                                                                           fundamental to ensuring that        year and that you will make           you up to fulfil your dreams.
throughout the summer break
                                                                                                           you can enjoy your time in the      the most of the wonderful
on 01442 358029 should you The confidentiality of your                Mr Richard Petty
                                                                                                           Sixth and use it as a springboard   opportunities that Berkhamsted        I look forward to meeting
have any queries.               personal data presented on            Head of Berkhamsted
                                                                                                           to higher education and/or a        Sixth offers: the studies, the        you soon and wish you all an
                                the Parent Portal is protected        Sixth                                fulfilling career.                  chance to serve others, the           enjoyable summer.
You will have received an       through the use of a unique                                                                                    extra-curricular activities,          Yours,
invite to join the Berkhamsted registration number and                                                     From my recent visits to            the clubs and, perhaps most
Parent Portal. Here you can     a temporary password. If                                                   Berkhamsted, it is clear that       importantly, the relationships        Mr Martin Walker

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SIXTH 2017 - 2018 PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - Berkhamsted School

                         Friday 23rd June
    New Year                                     Smart, casual dress (no jeans or
                           08:50 - 16:00
    Induction Day                                trainers)
                      Meet at Castle Reception

                       Friday 1st September      Berkhamsted uniform to be worn.
    New Students
                           10:00 - 13:00         Pencil case needed. Lunch provided.
    Orientation Day
                      Meet at Castle Reception   Further details to be sent.

    First Day of      Monday 4th September
                                                 Students go straight to House Rooms
    Michaelmas Term          08:30

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SIXTH 2017 - 2018 PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - Berkhamsted School

THE SCHOOL DAY                   students use them for storage Please make sure your child is                                                                              House so that they can
Your child should be at school   of books, PE kit and any other clear over ‘pick-up’ times and                                                                             arrange for work to be sent
by 08:25. Students can arrive    valuables and equipment.         inform his/her Head of House                                                                             home if they are well enough
from 07:45 and breakfast can                                      if s/he is to remain on site for                                                                         to complete it.
be purchased by day pupils       DINING AND SCHOOL                longer than usual. Students                                                                              It is an expectation that
from 07:45 until 08:15 in        BOUNDS                           are required to travel home                                                                              students will be supervised at
the Chadwick Centre dining       There are water dispensers       in full school uniform unless                                                                            home during term time, such
room or the Nash-Harris          around the school that           they are going home directly                                                                             that there is a responsible
dining hall.                     students can use to refill their from the Playing Fields. The                                                                             adult in the home each
                                 water bottles. At morning        Library is available until 18:00                                                                         evening.
Students must register and       break the students can           Monday to Thursday and
be in their Houses by 08:30.     purchase snacks and drinks       until 17:00 on Friday. Parents                                                                           ILLNESS DURING THE
Every morning from 08:30 -       from the dining rooms on         are, for safety reasons, not                                                                             SCHOOL DAY
09:00 the students will have     either campus. Sixth students allowed to drive their vehicles                                                                             In the event that a student
a programme of House time,       may only use shops in town in onto any part of the School               valuable items at home. All     expected to bring their kit at    feels unwell during the school
assembly or a Chapel service.    morning break or lunchtime,      when dropping/collecting               belongings must be kept in      all times as they may be used     day they must go to the
We also deliver a structured     or briefly when passing          their children. If you would           locked lockers.                 as referees, observers, and       Medical Centre where the
programme of PSHE during         through town between             like more details about day                                            coaches in some other role.       staff will assess their condition
the week. Lessons start at       campuses. When using shops boarding or flexi-boarding,                  GAMES                           Long term injuries and            and take appropriate action.
09:00 and finish at 16:20.       in town at any time between please contact Incents                      Students who are off games      medical conditions must
Please note, that your child     08:30 and 16:20 on a school      Boarding House on 01442                should report to the PE         be notified to Heads of           REWARDS AND
may be involved in early         day, students must enter,        358017.                                office between 08:15 and        House, and in appropriate         PUNISHMENT
morning, and/or after-school     browse and exit the shop                                                08:45 and show their note       circumstances, a note need        Students are rewarded for
practices, or extra-curricular   quickly - they may not sit       If for any reason, you are             to a member of the PE           not be shown for every            good and outstanding work
activities, but they will be     down and eat or drink in the running late, please contact               Department or have an           games session.                    from our ‘Gold Note’ and
notified of the timings for      stores. During the school day Kings School Office on 01442              e-mail sent through                                               commendation system,
these in advance.                students are not permitted       358166 until 17:00; then               to offgames@                    ABSENCES FROM SCHOOL              awarded by subject teachers
                                 in areas of town which are       01442 358182 until 18:30.               If for any reason your child      and the Head respectively.
HOUSE ROOM                       off routes between school        Castle School office on 01442          before 08:45 and cc Head of     is absent from school owing
The House system is very         campuses.                        358000 until 17:30; then               House.                          to illness, please notify their   When work is unacceptable,
important to the students at                                      O1442 358108 until 18:00.                                              Head of House either by           students will be asked to
Berkhamsted and the House        THE END OF THE DAY                                                      Students are encouraged         email or phone, on each day       repeat it and indeed ‘extra
room quickly becomes a           The school day finishes at       BELONGINGS                             to take part in some kind       of his absence, before 08:00.     work’ will be given as
central part of their school     16:20, however the time of       Please ensure all belongings           of activity; the Department                                       deemed appropriate. For
life. Lockers are provided       collection can vary owing to     are clearly labelled, including        attempts to accommodate         If your child is absent for       consistently poor work, our
and it is important that the     the variety of after school      all items of uniform. Students         the medical needs of students   more than three days, please      system of ‘blue notes’ may
                                 activities hosted on site.       are advised to leave any               wherever possible. They are     contact his/her Head of           well be applied by the subject
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SIXTH 2017 - 2018 PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - Berkhamsted School
teacher. This will be passed       be a notable feature of Sixth    or daughter if we are aware           addresses. Additionally, if you   and via our Twitter feeds.
to the Head of House.              Form life, we ask that parents   of such changes. We hope              are away from home for any
Repeated failure to reach the      use planners occasionally as     that you will feel comfortable        length of time, please keep
required standard will result in   the basis for discussions of     communicating with your               us informed as to whom we
a Friday detention (16:30 to       academic progress.               son/daughter’s Head of                should contact in the case of
17:30).                                                             House in the interests of your        an emergency.
                                   PERSONAL INFORMATION             child and trust that we will
Transgressions of a more           There are times when a           deal with this information            UNIFORM AND PE/GAMES
serious nature may be              change in circumstances          sensitively.                          KIT
punished with a Deputy             at home or at school will                                              You will be issued with
Head detention or a Saturday       have an effect on your son/      Please also keep us informed          a full uniform list. Good
detention as sanctioned by         daughter. We are better          of any changes of address,            quality second-hand items
the Deputy Head or Head.           placed to support your son       telephone numbers or e-mail           may be bought/sold at the
                                                                                                          School Second-hand Shop
We very much believe in                                                                                   located at 26 Castle Street,
the reward system rather                                                                                  Berkhamsted, HP4 2DW.
than the punishment one,
but like all schools, we need                                                                             Our expectation is that
to use both. In the event                                                                                 students take pride in their
of a detention being issued,                                                                              appearance, wearing full
the school expects parents                                                                                school uniform at all times.
to support logistical aspects
(for instance, transport                                                                                  MOBILE PHONES
arrangements) of these                                                                                    Mobile phones may be
extraordinary circumstances.                                                                              brought into School.
                                                                                                          However, there are
HOMEWORK PLANNER                                                                                          restrictions on their use and
At the start of the year, all                                                                             the students must follow the
students will be issued with                                                                              school rules which will be
a planner. In it, s/he must                                                                               explained to them.
record homework tasks
and due date. After each                                                                                  BAD WEATHER
reporting cycle, s/he will also                                                                           The school rarely closes for
use the diary to record the                                                                               bad weather, but in the event
targets he has agreed with his/                                                                           of this being necessary, a
her tutor. Whilst we expect                                                                               message will be placed on the
increasing independence to                                                                                school website, parent portal
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SIXTH 2017 - 2018 PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - Berkhamsted School
2017 - 2018 HEADS OF HOUSE
Berkhamsted Sixth offers a      development and is the main
House System where every        channel of communication
individual receives pastoral    between home and school.
support and academic
guidance. The Houses, which     Houses are also an arena
are made up of pupils from      for competition and
different year groups, are      co-operation. Sport, Drama
the centre of the students’     and Music naturally provide                  Head of Ashby                   Head of Hawks                  Head of St George’s
lives, giving a sense of        many opportunities for boys               Mr Ian Cruickshanks              Miss Natascia Phillips            Mr Andy Ottaway
belonging and encouraging       to work together within            T: 01442 358048/M:077109 20266   T: 01442 358056/M:07825 846535   T: 01442 358057/M:07817 341924
self-confidence.                their houses in addition to              E-mail: ICruickshanks@             E-mail: NPhillips@               E-mail: AOttaway@
                                fundraising for charities.         
The Head of House, with
help from House Tutors,
takes responsibility for each
student’s social and academic

                                                                            Head of Burgh                     Head of Nash                   Head of School
                                                                          Miss Dawn Wylie                     Dr Paul Hundal               Mrs Laura Redman
                                                                   T:01442 358159/M:07825 846537    T: 01442 358045/M:07703 473063   T:01442 358055/M:07711 469643
                                                                           E-mail:DWylie@                    E-mail: PHundal@               E-mail:LRedman@

                                                                           Head of Churchill                 Head of Reeves                   Head of Spencer
                                                                             Mr Tim Grant                 Mr Graham Burchnall                  Mr David Pain
                                                                   T: 01442 358054/M:07885 985199   T: 01442 358049/M:07826 913700   T: 01442 358259/M:07703 473057
                                                                            E-mail: TGrant@                E-mail: GBurchnall@                E-mail: DRPain@

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SIXTH 2017 - 2018 PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - Berkhamsted School
BERKHAMSTED SCHOOLS VALUES                                                                            BUILDING LEARNING POWER - BLP

MISSION                                                                                               Building Learning Power is a       between 10-15 different           WHAT DOES BLP LOOK
Our purpose is to help all members of our community be the best they can be by encouraging            whole-school approach to           jobs by the time they are 40,     LIKE?
our pupils to aim high, all grounded by a determination to make positive contributions to             teaching and learning based        BLP encourages teachers           Our 10 chosen dispositions
society.                                                                                              on the work of Guy Claxton         to emphasise on learning          between them represent
                                                                                                      and the book ‘The Learning         dispositions (or habits) as on    four areas of development
Community and heritage lie at the heart of everything we do. Our schools have long                    Powered School’, which in          learning content. In addition,    (cognitive, emotional, social
been synonymous with their respective communities: we seek to play a leading role in                  turn builds on and flows from      establishing the concept of       and strategic) and are:
their continued economic, social, cultural and spiritual wellbeing, by being mindful of our           the ‘growth mind-set’ concept      learnable intelligence will
responsibility to leave our communities in a better place than we found them. We must all aim         as articulated by Carol Dweck      stimulate independent and
to be good ancestors.                                                                                 and John Hattie (amongst           interdependent approach                     Persevere
                                                                                                      others). BLP’s starting point      from pupils who in return                     Notice
VALUES                                                                                                is that the brain is like a        will become resilient and                   Question
The importance of the values of aspiration, integrity, courage and service are embodied in our        muscle in as much as its           flexible when confronted                       Link
values statements which are applied throughout the school as we encourage pupils to:                  capacity grows with exercise:      with difficulty, something that              Reason
                                                                                                      in short, learning is learnable.   will serve them well as they                 Imagine
                                                                                                      Furthermore, the language          move through the school and                    Plan
                                                                                                      we use when talking about          beyond, to Higher Education                  Review
                                                                                                      learning is significant, and BLP   and the workplace.                         Collaborate
                                                                                                      offers a rich but common                                                         Listen
                                                                                                      vocabulary for talking about
                                                                                                      what learners do, thus
                                                                                                      allowing pupils to make links
                                                                                                      between different things they                                        Each disposition is further
           AIM HIGH WITH INTEGRITY                                                                    learn, within and beyond the
                                                                                                                                                                           subdivided to provide
                                                                                                                                                                           opportunities for teachers to
                                                                                                                                                                           provide targeted interventions
                                                                                                      WHY ARE WE ADOPTING                                                  that help pupils become
                       BE ADVENTUROUS                                                                 BUILDING LEARNING
                                                                                                      POWER AS OUR
                                                                                                                                                                           reflective, independent and
                                                                                                                                                                           interdependent learners.
                                                                                                      APPROACH TO TEACHING
                                                                                                      AND LEARNING?
                            SERVE OTHERS                                                              In a world where estimates
                                                                                                      suggest two-thirds of current
                                                                                                      pupils will end up working
                                                                                                      in roles that don’t yet
                                                                                                      exist, and most of today’s
                                                                                                      teenagers may have had
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SIXTH 2017 - 2018 PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - Berkhamsted School

GROUP AIMS                        GROUP POLICIES
The aims for all schools within   A host of policies exist within
the Berkhamsted Schools           a school and parents are
Group are:                        advised to review these on
                                  the school website in the
Our purpose as a School is        ‘‘About Us’ section.
for every pupil to:
                                  All policies are reviewed
1. Develop the skills and         and updated by the Schools’
   ambition required for          Board of Governors and
   lifelong success.              Executive Committee as
2. Strive for the best
   achievements possible.         GROUP GOVERNORS
                                  The Berkhamsted Schools
3. Grow in moral purpose,         Group’s Board of Governors
   character and courage to       has a variety of professional
   become respectful and          and academic backgrounds,
   wise.                          and extensive personal
                                  experience of life in school
4. Explore and enjoy the          both as parent and customer.
   fullest breadth and extent     The Governors meet
   of life opportunities.         regularly as a Board and also
                                  in sub-commitees, to oversee
5. Belong to a community          key areas of the Group’s
   which looks outwards and       operations.
                                  To contact the Governors
6. Contribute to the success      please e-mail: clerk@
   and wellbeing of each
   other, locally, nationally and
   globally.                      INSPECTIONS
                                  A copy of each schools’
7. Be inspired by the School’s latest Independent School
   values, heritage and           Inspection can be found on
   Christian foundation.          our relevant website or by
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SIXTH 2017 - 2018 PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - Berkhamsted School

PRINCIPLES OF GOOD                      are forbidden, as is the            the playing fields or the           Piercings and Tattoos                 permitted to wear discreet • No student may buy or
BEHAVIOUR                               possession of tobacco,              Sports Centre may wear              • Girls are permitted to              jewellery (i.e. one small    sell any items at school
All students at all times are           alcohol or proscribed               games kit to or from                   have single stud earring in        earring in each ear lobe,    without the permission of
expected to act in such a way           drugs. Being in the                 School. School track suit              the ear lobe of each ear.          one finger ring and one      the Head of School.
as to contribute positively to the      presence of somebody                bottoms or leggings must            • All other body piercing             necklace.) Clear or subtle • Students should not bring
life of the School.                     who is smoking will for the         be worn at all times when              (including tongue piercing)        shades of nail varnish are   items of significant value to
                                        purposes of sanctions be            pupils are not in PE or                is not permitted.                  permitted in the Sixth       the School without prior
• A breach of common                    treated as smoking.                 Games lessons.                      • Tattoos are illegal until the       Form.                        permission. The School
  sense is a breach of School                                            • Overcoats should not be                 age of 18. Visible tattoos                                      cannot take responsibility
  Rules.                             APPEARANCE                             worn in Chapel, assemblies             are not permitted.             PERSONAL POSSESSIONS             for the loss of valuables or
• Students should show               Students are expected to               or during lessons.                                                    Students are expected to         personal possessions.
  their respect for everyone         take pride in their personal        Hair                                   Jewellery                         respect all property whether   • Money and/or items of
  in the school community            appearance. Please refer to the     • All students are expected            • Boys are not permitted to       public or private and to take    value (e.g. mobile phones,
  by the way they speak              school uniform list for guidance.      to have clean and tidy hair.           wear any visible jewellery     pride in the upkeep of their     laptops) should not be
  to each other, the good            Uniform                             • Extreme cuts and styles                 (except watches).              personal belongings.             kept in bags or in clothing
  manners they demonstrate           • Full School uniform                  are unacceptable, as is             • Senior Girls are permitted      • Normally, personal             left unattended.
  and the care they display             should be worn to and               ill-kempt hair.                        to wear a watch.                   property of any kind may
  for others.                           from School, during              • Hair length should not be            • Sixth Form girls are                not be borrowed or lent.
• Offensive, blasphemous,               school hours and for all            shorter than Grade 3.
  racist, sexist or                     school activities, outings       • Boys’ hair must have no
  homophobic language                   and expeditions, unless             significant difference in
  should never be used.                 otherwise directed.                 the gradation applied
• Bullying of any kind will not         Uniform need not be                 to their hair (e.g. 3 on
  be tolerated; there is no             worn for activities at              top with 1 at the side is
  place for violent behaviour.          School on Saturdays, but            unacceptable).
• Students must not                     must be worn by school           • Unnatural hair colours are
  bring the School’s name               teams playing in ‘away’             not permitted.
  into disrepute through                matches.                         • Boys’ hair must be cut
  inappropriate behaviour            • Clothing, P.E. kit and other         above the collar (and not
  outside School e.g. while             personal possessions must           be worn as a pony tail).
  travelling on the School              be clearly marked with the       • Beards and moustaches,
  bus, public transport, in             owner’s name. All clothing          and any other facial hair,
  town or on the way to or              should be reasonably clean          are not permitted.
  from Games.                           and in good condition.           • Senior School girls must
• Smoking, drinking alcohol          • Students arriving for early          tie their hair back so that
  or taking proscribed drugs            morning games practices             it is not touching the
                                        or travelling home from             shoulders.
                                                                                                           18                                                                                                      19
immediately. Exemption        • Students are required to          day, students must enter,
                                                                                                      from P.E. for medical           respect and avoid damage          browse and exit the shop
                                                                                                      reasons should be               to school buildings and           quickly - they may not sit
                                                                                                      requested by parents to         property and to draw the          down and eat or drink
                                                                                                      the Head of House.              attention of staff to any         in the stores or when
                                                                                                    • Notification of parents’        deterioration in the school       walking around town.
                                                                                                      absence from home               environment.                      During the school day
                                                                                                      must be given in writing      • Students are expected             students are not permitted
                                                                                                      to the Head of House            to take good care of all          in any areas of town which
                                                                                                      and a contact number            books and materials issued.       are off routes between
                                                                                                      made available in case of       Charges may be levied for         campuses.
                                                                                                      emergency.                      any loss or damage.             • Waste paper must be put
                                                                                                    • All Berkhamsted Sixth         • Classrooms are for                into recycling and other
                                                                                                      students are expected           teaching and learning and         unwanted items must be
                                                                                                      to be supervised by a           must not be occupied              put into waste bins.
                                                                                                      responsible adult at home       without permission of a         • Chewing gum is forbidden.
                                                                                                      during term-time.               member of the teaching          • Ball games are restricted
                                                                                                    • No students other than          staff. Special rules apply in     to certain areas, e.g. the
• Head phones may not be        caught up. It is vital that the    by 08:00 on each day of            Sixth Formers may leave         particular departments or         Fives Court and the All-
  worn on the way to or         School knows exactly who is on     absence.                           the school premises             specialist rooms, e.g. Music,     Weather Pitch at Castle
  from School, in lessons or    the premises at all times.       • No student may be                  without permission. In          Science, Technology.              and the Netball Courts
  while moving around the       • All students should arrive       absent during school               the event of illness during   • When on school premises,          and Lacrosse Pitch at
  school sites. All mobile         between 07:45 and 08:25.        hours without previous             the school day, pupils must     food and drink should             Kings.
  phones and electronic            Students who arrive             permission from the Head,          report to the Medical           only be consumed during
  devices must not disturb         late should report to           unless through illness.            Centre (Castle) or if at        breaks or at lunchtime in       SAFETY AND SECURITY
  daily school life and must       the Reception on arrival        Requests for leave of              Kings Campus School             the House Rooms, the            It is vital that areas of the
  not be used in public            and parents are asked to        absence must be made in            Office/Medical Centre.          Chadwick Dining Room or         School are used appropriately
  spaces or in lessons unless      provide an explanation, as      writing to the Head, with                                          Kings Dining Rooms.             and that everyone is able to
  directed by a teacher.           appropriate. Afternoon          not less than two days’          THE SCHOOL                      • Sixth students may              move around safely. Every
                                   school ends at 16:20.           notice.                          ENVIRONMENT                       only use shops in town          member of the school
ATTENDANCE AND                  • All students should ensure • For absences longer                  Everyone gains from working       in morning break or             community has a duty to
PUNCTUALITY                        they are punctual to            than five school days, a         in an attractive and well-        lunchtime, or briefly when      ensure that the School is
Though absence form School         lessons.                        doctor’s certificate may         maintained environment.           passing through town            a place in which all other
is sometimes unavoidable,       • If a student is absent due       be required. Infectious          Opportunities for varied and      between campuses. When          members can work, play and
it always has an effect on         to illness, parents are asked   diseases must be notified        stimulating work can only be      using shops in town at          congregate safely.
progress; work missed must be      to contact the School           to the Head of House             ensured if items of equipment     any time between 08:30          • All students should be
                                                                                                    are properly looked after.        and 16:20 on a school                aware of the School’s
                                                                                               20                                                                                                     21
emergency procedures.        rules in relation to dress      students are not permitted            students’ bicycles.          to these rules and will
•  All students should walk     and behaviour apply.            to drive to and from                • Cyclists must wear a         ensure that updated rules
   quietly and sensibly around
                             • Students are expected            Games.                                protective helmet.           are available to the School
   School, in order to avoid    to stay in their seats with  • Cars must be parked                                                 community.
   injury and disturbance.      their seatbelt fastened         outside the school                  We reserve the right to make
•  Students should keep         whilst the coach is in          grounds. Students must              reasonable modifications
   to the left hand side of     motion.                         drive and park their cars
   corridors and staircases. • Students are not allowed         considerately and be
   They should line up          to eat or drink on the          mindful of the residential
   in single file outside       school bus and should not       nature of the streets
   classrooms and enter         leave litter. Muddy boots       around the School, and we
   classrooms in an orderly     should be removed before        will act on any complaints
   manner when given            boarding.                       received.
   permission to enter.      • The coach driver should       • We must all be good
•  Personal possessions         be considered a member          neighbours and parking is
   should not be carried in     of School staff for the         one of the many contact
   a manner that may cause      duration of the journey         points that members of
   injury or inconvenience,     and be awarded the same         the public have with us as
   nor should they be left      courtesy.                       neighbours.
   carelessly in corridors or                                • Permission to use a
   other areas where access  Cars                               motorbike or moped to
   is required by others.    Students who have passed           travel to and from school
•  Implements, substances or their driving test may drive       must be sought from the
   other objects which could a car to and from School if        relevant Head of School.
   result in harm being done their parents have previously      Passengers are not
   to others are forbidden.  notified their agreement by        permitted.
•  Pupils must keep to       completing a form available
   footpaths and pavements.  from the Sixth Form Centre      Bicycles
   Care must be taken        Office.                         • No student may ride
   when crossing roads       • No student may drive             anywhere in the school
   and, wherever possible,      during official school hours    premises or through the
   pedestrian crossings must    unless in an emergency          entrances to them.
   be used.                     (with the permission of      • Bicycles must be left in the
                                a member of staff) or to/       designated areas. They
School Coaches                  from Community Service          should always be left
• Whilst students are on the    as arranged and logged.         locked. The School can
   School coach the usual       For the sake of clarity,        accept no responsibility for
                                                                                               22                                                                23
                                                                 Please remember, when in                permits use of a device for     signature or electronic         Pupils who are in the above
                                                                 teaching and learning areas             educational reasons.            acknowledgement of              list must only connect their
                                                                 such as the Library, ICT                                                acceptance is required on       personal device to the ‘Staff
                                                                 Suites or classrooms:                If you use the School              joining the School.             & Student’ network. Pupils
                                                                                                      equipment for personal           • The lack of a signature         are not permitted to connect
                                                                 • Keep noise to a minimum            use you should note the            does not exempt an              their device directly via cable
                                                                   to avoid disrupting others.        following:                         individual from any             to any network socket within
                                                                 • Copyright regulations                                                 obligation under this policy.   the organisation or to any
                                                                   apply to electronic sources        • Conducting any financial       • The continuing use of           other Wi-Fi network that the
                                                                   - please check before                transaction on shared            the ICT facilities will be      School transmits. The School
                                                                   you print out from online            equipment carries a very         deemed to be acceptance         reserves the right to remove
                                                                   services.                            high risk. Your personal         by the user of the terms of     access at any time. Pupils
                                                                 • No unauthorised use of               data may not be safe.            this policy.                    must abide by all of this policy
                                                                   chat rooms.                        • If you are using communal                                        when the device is connected
SUMMARY FOR PUPILS                 proceedings.                  • Logout or lock your                  ICT facilities (such as        The use of personal               to the school network.
You must not:                  •   Interfere with other users’     computer when leaving a              the library), you may be       equipment is only allowed in
• Allow other people to use        work.                           computer, even for a short           asked to log-off where the     the following circumstances
   your account.               •   Photograph or record            time.                                demand for the equipment       • You are a boarder at the
• Download or access               members of staff or pupils                                           is high.                          School.
   illegal software onto a         without their permission,     Anyone found abusing the             • This Acceptable Use Policy
   workstation.                    using devices such as         School policy on the use of            applies to both wired and
• Download or copy any             mobile phones, cameras or     computers may have their               wireless access and use
   software packages from          digital recorders.            network rights removed, and            of network on your own
   the School network onto     •   Use software designed to      may be subject to further              equipment or on School
   portable media, etc.            unblock sites.                disciplinary action.                   equipment.
• Upload your own personal     •   Use online gambling sites.                                         • In order to use the ICT
   software packages onto a    •   Use port scanners,            School computers are                   facilities of the School you
   School workstation.             vulnerability scanner or      provided primarily for School          must first be properly
• Access offensive or              similar applications          work. However, you may use             registered to use such
   abusive material.           •   Use of peer-to-peer,          the equipment for personal             services.
• Send or receive offensive,       torrent or UseNet             use providing:                       • Registration to use
   abusive or inappropriate        applications and related                                             School services implies,
   e-mails.                        applications anywhere on      • You do not breach the                and is conditional upon
• Access ‘inappropriate’           school premises.                Acceptable Use Policy.               acceptance of this
   websites - some Internet    •   Abuse equipment.              • You are not doing so for             Acceptable Use Policy
   pages are illegal and may                                       gambling purposes.                   as part of the School
   be subject to criminal                                        • The teacher in a lesson              regulations, for which a
                                                                                                 24                                                                                                         25

Book I of the Cambridge Latin          1.   You must not enter a laboratory unless instructed to do so by a teacher.
Course takes pupils back to
AD 79 and the glorious days            2.   Allow technicians to move equipment freely and safely between lessons.
of ancient Rome. Pompeii was           3.   You must follow instructions precisely. If in doubt, ask!
a wealthy resort town and
thriving seaport on the Bay            4.   You should not handle equipment until instructed.
of Naples in one of the most           5.   Bags should not be left in aisles and should be moved out of the way before practicals.
beautiful parts of Italy. There
was no reason why Pompeii              6.   Keep your workspace clean and tidy. wipe up small splashes with a cloth and rinse the
should not have continued                   cloth afterwards. Report big spills to the teacher.
to prosper through the next            7.   You must wear eye protection when told. You should not remove it until you are told to.
four centuries of the Roman
Empire – apart, that is, for           8.   When using a Bunsen burner, make sure long hair is tied back, ties are tucked in and eye
one: Pompeii was built in the               protection is worn.
shadow of one of the world’s           9.   When working with liquids, put them near the centre of the bench. Be alert to the
largest and most deadly active              danger of spillage.
volcanoes, Mount Vesuvius.
Pupils are introduced to both          10. Never put anything in your mouth when in the laboratory. This includes pens and pencils
the language and the culture               which may have been exposed to poisonous chemicals from the bench.
of the Romans in their study           11. If you get something in your mouth, spit it out and rinse your mouth with water. Alert
of Latin. They meet Caecilius,             your teacher.
his wife Metella and the rest
of his household as they               12. If you are burnt, place the affected part under running water. Alert your teacher.
live their lives unaware of            13. If you get chemicals on any part of your body, wash them off immediately. There are
the danger looming. We see                 special eye wash kits if you get anything in your eye. Alert your teacher.
his family visiting the baths,
enjoying visits to the theatre         14. Wash your hands after experiments using chemicals, radioactive samples, or animal or
and watching the cruel                     vegetable matter.
contests in the amphitheatre.          15. All waste should be put in the appropriate bin. Solids should not be disposed of in the
As the course progresses
pupils build up a strong grasp         16. Broken glass and sharp objects should go in the bin marked “Broken Glass”.
of Latin and after even a short        17. Report all accidents to the teacher.
time they amaze themselves
at just how much of the Latin          18. If you discover a fire, raise the alarm immediately.

                                  26                                                                                                   27
SCHOOL BIOMETRIC INFORMATION NOTICE                                                                    SCHOOL COMMUNICATION

1. The School wishes to use       measurements of                   for the proper use of              PARENT PORTAL                      information.                   There are a number of feeds
   biometric information          your child’s fingerprint          the automated biometric            The Parent Portal is an online       to follow dependent on your
   (see paragraph 3 below)        and convert these                 recognition system.                site which allows parents                                         interests: @berkhamstedsch
   about your child as part of    measurements into a            PROVIDING YOUR                        to log in and access their         SOCIAL MEDIA                   and specific information for
   an automated biometric         template to be stored on       CONSENT/OBJECTING                     child’s information in one         Berkhamsted School has         @berkhamsted6th Many
   recognition system. This       the system. An image of        6. The School requires the            place. Once term starts, it is     an active Facebook page        departments also have their
   is for the purpose of          your child’s fingerprint is       written consent of at              important that you check the       which is regularly updated     own feeds which allows for
   registering your child’s       not stored. The template          least one parent to use            portal regularly so that you       with details and photos from   more specific and detailed
   attendance at School.          (i.e. measurements                your child’s biometric             do not miss anything. Letters      school events.   feedback and news from each
2. Sections 26 to 28 of the       taken from your child’s           information. However,              sent out by the school will        berkhamstedschool              department. If you cannot
   Protection of Freedoms         fingerprint) is what will be      consent will be overridden         be recorded here, and your                                        find these accounts, please do
   Act 2012 (the Act) require     used.                             at any time if the other           child’s timetable, and most        The school also encourages     contact us for a full list.
   the School to notify        5. The Act places specific           parent objects in writing.         importantly this is where your     parents to follow our          marketing@
   each parent of a child         requirements on the               Also, if your child objects        child’s school report will be      Twitter feeds for up-to-date
   and obtain the written         School when it uses               to the use of his / her            posted.                            information on results and
   consent of at least one        personal information, such        biometric information                                                 events throughout the school
   parent before we can           as biometric information,         at any time, the School            Password and log in details        day.
   use your child’s biometric     about pupils. For example:        cannot collect or use that         will be included with this
   information.                   5.1 the School cannot use         information. You may also          joining information.
HOW IT WILL BE USED               the information for any           withdraw your consent
3. Biometric information          purpose other than                at any time in writing             SCHOOL WEBSITE
   is information about           those described above;            addressed to the Head.             The school website offers
   a person’s physical or         5.2 the School must            7. Parents give their consent         parents a range of useful
   behavioural characteristics    ensure that the                   by signing the School’s            information on the site.
   that can be used to            information is stored             Acceptance Form or by              News stories from across the
   identify them. The School      securely;                         completing and returning           group are featured; along with
   would like to take and use     5.3 the School mus tell you       the School’s biometric             details of key events in the
   information from your          what it intends to do with        information consent form.          school calendar.
   child’s fingerprint and use    the information;               8. Please note that when    
   this information for the       5.4 the School will               your child leaves the
   purposes described in          not disclose personal             School, or if for some             SPORTS PORTAL
   paragraph 1 above.             information to a third            other reason he /                  Like the Parent Portal, this
4. The information will           party unless permitted            she ceases to use the              operates to provide details of
   be used as part of an          by law. The School                biometric system, his /            all school sports fixtures, team
   automated biometric            may however share                 her biometric data will be         lists and results. Password
   recognition system.            the information with              securely deleted.                  and log in details will be
   This system will take          Cyclone Industries Ltd                                               included with this joining
                                                                                                  28                                                                                                      29
STUDENT WELLBEING                                                                                       CHAPLAINCY
Berkhamsted Schools Group            you are happy for us to         about what your child              Since the school’s formation      Social action and spiritual      layer of pastoral care to
believes that each of us has         do so. If we believe you        might talk about in the            in 1541 it has had a Christian    development are vital for        students, running lunchtime
the power to fulfil our own          or someone else are at          sessions. However, the             foundation, and this is as        healthy individuals and strong   drop in clubs, extra-curricular
potential.                           risk of harm then we are        strict code of professional        much a part of school             communities, we aim to raise     Christian Unions and the
                                     required to discuss this        ethics that we follow              tradition and life now as it      questions, stimulate debate      opportunity for Confirmation
The Counselling and                  issue with someone else         includes clauses about             was 476 years ago. With           and give opportunities for       classes, if that is something
Coaching Team provide a safe,        though we will always           confidentiality. The               the presence of two school        students to contribute and       students wish to pursue.
confidential environment for         endeavour to speak to you       counsellor is there to help        chapels and two full time         reflect. The chaplaincy staff
the pupils to explore their          first.                          your child manage their            chaplaincy staff, the Christian   are available as an extra
experiences thereby enabling • Offer you sessions at a               issues, not judge you or           identity of the school
them to begin to understand          time to suit you, making        anyone else in your family.        underpins much of what goes
themselves better and allow          sure that wherever           • If further support is               on.
them to express and manage           possible you can come at        needed for your child
difficult feelings without           a time when you will not        after 12 sessions, we can          All students attend one
criticism or judgement, and          miss lessons.                   provide details of other,          chapel service a week,
cope with concerns in a                                              external organisations who         which look at a variety of
positive way.                     WHAT PARENTS MIGHT                 can offer help.                    issues and, while Christian
                                  LIKE TO KNOW….                                                        in their focus, are accessible
WHAT THE STUDENTS                 • The counselling and           INTERNAL CONTACT                      to those of other faiths and
MIGHT LIKE TO KNOW….                 coaching service exists      DETAILS FOR THE SERVICE               none. Christmas, Easter and
If you come to speak to              to provide short-term        ARE:                                  Remembrance Day are
someone we will:                     support for students                                               marked with special services
                                     that are happy to come.      Castle 01442 358261                   and there is a half termly
• Listen to you, value you           The School does not, at      Kings 01442 358258                    after school communion
    and accept you for who           present, have capacity       Mobile 07785 462105                   service, which is open
    you are and be honest            for long-term support.       counsellor@                           to anyone in the school
    with you;                        Students are entitled to a                 community.
• View the time as ‘your             maximum of 12 sessions.
    space’ and allow you to       • The service is charged for
    choose what you would            if the student is referred
    like to talk about;              by a parent. Full details of
• Keep the contents of               the charges are contained
    what we talk about               in the Counselling Policy
    confidential. The contents       which can be found on the
    of the session will not be       School website.
    disclosed to or discussed     • It is understandable that           Jeanette Hennigan                  Reverend Jane Markby
    with parents or staff, unless    you might feel worried        Director of Pupil Wellbeing                   Chaplain
                                                                                                   30                                                                                                        31

Should your child require        If the medication is to be
medication during the school     taken home after school
day, please be aware of the      please remind your child to
following procedure:             collect it from the Medical
                                 Centre before 16:30 when
• In order for the               the department closes.
  medication to be given the                                       Carol Coomb
  Parent/Guardian should         IMMUNISATIONS                  Senior School Nurse
  complete a consent to          Please ensure the school
  medicines to be given in       is up-to-date with your
  school form. These are         child’s immunisation history
  available on the parent        and notify us if there are
  portal and also via the        any changes from the form
  school medical centres.        completed when joining
• All medication should be       Berkhamsted.
  delivered to the medical
  centre, clearly labelled and   If you have any queries
  in the original packaging      regarding medication or any
  with the student’s name        other health issues please
  clearly visible and must       telephone one of the Sisters
  be accompanied by the          in the appropriate Medical
  completed consent form.        Centre.
• No medications should
  be kept on the pupils          Castle Campus
  themselves the exception       01442 358088
  being inhalers for asthma
  and adrenaline auto-           Kings Campus
  injectors for anaphylaxis,     01442 358265/ 358191
  which are expected to
  be carried by the pupil at
  all times. Individual health
  care plans are sent out by
  the Nursing department
  for completion by parents/
  guardians for these
  conditions annually.

                                                                                      32   33

When students arrive at           • use computers for work         held in the sixth form centre.        RESEARCH SKILLS                  Library fines                     Overdue loans
Berkhamsted they will attend          purposes only                Copies of leisure magazines           Library staff provide training   We do not charge fines for        Berkhamsted School Library
an introductory session           • tidy their study areas         and daily newspapers,                 in research skills as part of    overdue library books but at      process for overdue loans is
specifically aimed at sixth           before leaving the library   available to all students are         the EPQ course, as well as       the end of each term we do        as follows:
form students to introduce        •                                held in both libraries.               offering assistance to pupils    bill for any lost or unreturned   • 3 emails are sent to the
them to the school libraries.     COLLECTIONS                                                            throughout the sixth form        items. The charge, which              Gmail account of the
They will be given a summary      Print                            Electronic resources                  with research and referencing    includes an administration            pupils reminding them of
of the library services and       We have a large non-fiction      The libraries provide access          skills.                          cost, is £25 per item.                their overdue book/s;
support available to them,        collection. Subject textbooks    to a variety of electronic                                                                               • The 4th reminder in the
as well as an overview on         are for reference use only.      databases containing scholarly        LOANS                            If the library is contacted           form of a letter is sent
the print and electronic          We also hold sixth form          content on a range of                 Sixth form students may          within a week of receipt of           to pupil via their Head of
collections.                      reading list materials and       topics to support students            borrow up to 8 items at a        the final reminder letter, we         House;
                                  stock a collection of fiction    with coursework and EPQ               time. Loans are for 3 weeks.     will accept a new or second       • The Final reminder is a
Students have access to           works for our sixth form         projects. These include major         The library can also request     hand copy (in excellent               letter sent home to the
libraries on both sites as        students.                        academic databases such as            items from the British Library   condition) of the book/s lost         parents.
places of quiet study and                                          JSTOR and EBSCO.                      on behalf of students.           and the charge will be waived.
learning areas outside of the     Copies of a range of A Level                                                                                                              Only when the letter has
classroom. The libraries are      subject specific journals are                                                                                                             been sent home and books
staffed by qualified librarians                                                                                                                                             are still outstanding, will the
who are here to support                                                                                                                                                     administration charge be
students through every stage                                                                                                                                                added to the end of term bill.
of their learning.
                                                                                                                                                                                LIBRARY CONTACT
LIBRARY CODE OF                                                                                                                                                                Senior Schools Librarian
CONDUCT                                                                                                                                                                          Tel: 01442 358108
The school libraries are places                                                                                                                                    
for quiet study and research
and it is expected that pupils                                                                                                                                              CASTLE OPENING HOURS
will…                                                                                                                                                                           Monday - Thursday
• use other designated areas                                                                                                                                                      08:00 - 18:00
    for group and discussion                                                                                                                                                          Friday
    work                                                                                                                                                                          08:00 - 17:00
• not consume food or
    drink, although a small                                                                                                                                                  KINGS OPENING HOURS
    bottle of water will be                                                                                                                                                      Monday - Friday
    permitted                                                                                                                                                                     08:00 - 18:30

                                                                                                    34                                                                                                        35

In Berkhamsted Sixth Form,        Careers Lunches                   hosted at Berkhamsted                  experts. The module               a 1200 word assignment        SCHOOL AWARDS
there are many opportunities      Once a week during the            School. It offers a “one-stop          helps with developing self-       using data gathered during    Each year, the Old
for students to find out about    Michaelmas (Autumn) and           shop” to introduce students            understanding and dealing         Work Experience Week          Berkhamstedians (Alumni)
a wide range of potential         Lent (Spring) terms, a series     to as wide a range of higher           with others e.g. difficult        as well as an assessed        kindly offer the opportunity
careers as well as the chance     of different external guests      education and careers                  conversations and giving          Business Simulation Day run   for Year 12 students to apply
to develop their employability    are invited to give an insight    opportunities as possible in           feedback. Students are then       by Ashridge. A certificate    for a Travel Award towards
skills and learn more about       into their career. Students are   a single evening. Advice and           given the opportunity to          from both Ashridge and        the cost of trips which will
themselves - their strengths,     free to sign up for as many       guidance are available from            continue the Mini-MBA             Berkhamsted School is         develop individual skills and
weaknesses, interests and         of these as they wish, giving     around 50 universities / higher        course and learn more about       awarded for the completed     broaden minds. There is also
values.                           the chance to hear first-hand     education establishments as            3 different aspects of business   course.                       the chance, to apply for a fully
                                  about careers as diverse as       well as employers and gap              – business performance,                                         funded 7-10 Day Tall Ships
SCHOOL OPPORTUNITIES              Engineering, Art, Marketing       year providers.                        marketing and strategy.                                         trip in the summer holidays
Work Experience                   and Politics within a working                                            Mini-MBA assessment                                             through the Knox-Johnston
All year 12 students              lunch format.                    Other                                   includes a requirement                                          Award, named after and
undertake one week of work                                         Many other opportunities                for students to complete                                        inspired by famous yachtsman,
experience at a company or        Law & Healthcare Taster          to enhance employability                                                                                Sir Robin Knox-Johnston,
organisation during the Trinity   Days                             skills are on offer through                                                                             alumnus of the school.
(Summer) term. Students           For those interested in          the school’s wider
are given guidance on how         careers in Law and Healthcare enrichment programme e.g.
to develop a CV. They are         (medicine, dentistry, physio,    Young Enterprise, Student
then encouraged to use their      veterinary). Taster Days         Consultancy, Debating,
own networks and research         are held each year at the        Community Service and Duke
skills to source relevant work    school. The events are run by of Edinburgh.
experience opportunities,         specialist external facilitators
with support from staff in the    to provide information on        Mini-MBA
Careers Department. Work          entry routes and help prepare Berkhamsted Sixth also offers
Experience placements in          students looking to apply for    a Mini-MBA in collaboration
the past have ranged from         university / careers in these    with Ashridge Executive
blue-chip companies such          competitive vocational areas. Education, Hult. In the first
as BP, PWC, GE Healthcare                                          term, all Year 12 students
to smaller niche and local        Higher Education, Careers & participate in the Personal
companies.                        Gap Year Fair                    Impact & Presence module,
                                  All sixth form students, as      through a combination
                                  well as students from schools of online delivery, group
                                  in the local area, are invited   work, practical tasks and
                                  to attend this annual event      presentations from industry

                                                                                                      36                                                                                                      37
EXTRA MUSIC TUITION                                                                                       EXTRA SPEECH AND DRAMA TUITION

At Berkhamsted the                and high quality peripatetic      exam boards are accredited            Berkhamsted Sixth offers           providing pupils with a means      Fees for all drama lessons can
opportunities we provide          teachers. Lessons for pupils in   by UCAS to support students’          opportunities for your son or      to earn additional UCAS            be found on the fees sheet on
for your son or daughter to       the Sixth Form are taught at      applications to university.           daughter to start or continue      points for their applications to   the school website.
start or continue individual      times of mutual convenience                                             Speech and Drama lessons at        university. Examinations are
instrumental, music theory        (usually in study periods or      The music department is               Berkhamsted School.                scheduled across a weekend         If you have any queries
or singing lessons are varied.    at lunchtimes). Small group       also keen to support all our                                             at school three times a year       please contact Mrs Nathalie
                                  Theory of Music lessons           new pupils who are learning           Speech and Drama lessons           (November, March and June).        Seymour (Performing Arts
Individual music lessons are      are also available and these      privately or who play/sing            are available to all students in   Additional fees are chargeable     Co-ordinator) on 01442
available to all students in      usually take place after school   outside and involve them in           the Sixth Form. This specialist    for these examinations.            358175 or nseymour@
the Senior School and Sixth       or during lunchtime.              our school ensembles and              teaching appeals not only                                   
Form in a range of subjects                                         activities.                           to those students who are
including strings, woodwind       Students will have the                                                  interested in drama, but also
and brass instruments as well     opportunity to work towards       Fees for all music lessons can        aims to develop confidence
as singing, harp, piano, organ,   a range of examinations           be found on the fees sheet on         and communication skills.
guitar and drum kit. Lessons      including those validated         the school website.
are 40 minutes in length and      by ABRSM, Trinity College                                               Classes are taught either
are taught on a rotational        London, RGT and                   If you have any queries               individually or in small groups
basis throughout the school       RockSchool. From Grade            please contact Mrs Nathalie           (40 minutes with 2 to 4
day by a team of experienced      6 upwards, grades from all        Seymour (Performing Arts              pupils). Lessons for pupils in:
                                                                    Co-ordinator) on 01442
                                                                    358175 or nseymour@                   • Years 12 and 13 are
                                                                            usually taught at a fixed
                                                                                                            weekly time of mutual
                                                                                                            convenience; in study
                                                                                                            periods, during lunchtime
                                                                                                            or before/after school.

                                                                                                          Students will have the choice
                                                                                                          of working towards a range
                                                                                                          of examinations including
                                                                                                          acting, devised performance,
                                                                                                          mime, musical theatre, public
                                                                                                          speaking and the speaking
                                                                                                          of verse and prose. Please
                                                                                                          note that the higher grades
                                                                                                          of most solo and pair exams
                                                                                                          are nationally accredited,
                                                                                                     38                                                                                                          39

Pupils at Berkhamsted are        lifelong participation in sport   Thursday afternoon. All pupils
encouraged to participate        and physical activity.            in Year 12 & 13 must select
in a broad range of sports                                         one option for each session.
and physical activity within a   Berkhamsted offers a broad
competitive and supportive       range of sports through           Our major and minor, team
environment. They are            its extensive curricular and      and individual sports, have
encouraged to work hard          extra-curricular programmes.      comprehensive weekend
to reach their full potential,   Students participate in a         and midweek fixture lists.
improve their performance        diverse, challenging and          Impressive numbers of pupils
and strive for excellence.       enjoyable curriculum, as well     represent the school each
We hope that through             as in numerous inter-house        week. All are encouraged to
enjoying the opportunities       events and competitions.          be involved in competitive
and challenges on offer at                                         sport at the appropriate level.
Berkhamsted School they gain     Students have the choice of
positive experiences that will   options which are available
build self-confidence, develop   to select each term for
character and encourage          participation on a Tuesday and

 MAJOR SPORTS                                                       PARTICIPATION
 LACROSSE                                                           ATHLETICS,, CROSS COUNTRY,
 FOOTBALL                                                           EQUESTRIAN, GOLF, ROWING,
 NETBALL                                                            SKIING, BASKETBALL

                                                                    SENIOR GAMES

                                                                    BADMINTON, CRICKET, DANCE,
                                                                    FOOTBALL, GYMNASTICS,
                                                                    HEALTH RELATED FITNESS,
                                                                    LACROSSE, NETBALL, OUTDOOR
                                                                    PURSUITS, PILATES, REC GOLF,
                                                                    ROUNDERS, SQUASH,
                                                                    SWIMMING, TAG RUGBY, TENNIS

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CO-CURRICULAR AND ACTIVITIES                                                                         OUTDOOR EDUCATION

An education at Berkhamsted       a leading role in whichever   Clubs and societies are              We believe that getting           CLIMBING CLUB                  to go on trips to UK venues
is more than just exam results.   group, institution or businessavailable for students to            outside and experiencing          The climbing club runs after   in the Peak District and
We aim to equip young             they join.                    participate in each week.            alternative methods of            school at a local indoor       Dorset coastline, as well as
people with the wider skills                                    There is always something            learning is a vital part of       climbing wall and on our own   going further afield to venues
required for a successful and     We have an active             going on to interest every           education. This could be by       high ropes climbing tower      in Croatia and Spain. Most
fulfilled life.                   programme of School Trips     pupil. Clubs and Societies           choice as an alternative games    during the summer months.      recently, the climbing club
                                  and Outings, some to support are advertised at the start of        option or as part of a House      In order to broaden their      have also entered teams in
Attributes such as leadership,    academic studies such as      the academic year with over          teambuilding event.               climbing experience, the       national competitions.
independence, team-working,       a Latin visit to Rome; or a   70 choices available; and are                                          pupils have the opportunity
self-confidence and a spirit of   Biology trip to South Africa; attended throughout term             Throughout the Sixth form;
enquiry are developed both        whilst others enhance our co- during scheduled times on a          pupils have the opportunity
through the classroom and         curricular programme such as Monday afternoon.                     to take part in a wide array
our extensive co-curricular       a trip to the Alps as part of                                      of outdoor activities. All
programme.                        the Climbing Club.                                                 activities are delivered by
                                                                                                     our own ‘in-house’ Outdoor
During their time at school,                                                                         Education Department,
we expect every student                                                                              which is also supported
will have been given the                                                                             by other members of staff
opportunity to sing, dance,                                                                          drawn from within the
act and compete, while                                                                               School’s group. As a result,
also debating, learning and                                                                          we can offer alternatives
developing a commitment to                                                                           to the traditional PE games
service.                                                                                             options, such as orienteering,
                                                                                                     mountain biking, climbing, high
Expeditions through either                                                                           ropes climbing tower and
the Combined Cadet Force                                                                             adventure course. The key
or the Duke of Edinburgh’s                                                                           theme throughout all these
Award are designed to                                                                                activities is about developing
increase each student’s                                                                              independent learning, self-
personal resilience, while                                                                           confidence, leadership and
lunchtime activities aim to                                                                          teamwork, whilst having fun
kindle enthusiasm for pursuits                                                                       on the way! We believe it
beyond the taught curriculum.                                                                        is important that pupils are
The cumulative result of this                                                                        able to recognise that taking
programme is confident,                                                                              ‘calculated risk’ is acceptable
interesting young people who                                                                         and sometimes you just have
expect themselves to play                                                                            to ‘go for it’.
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