Choosing and Staying with SRM - SRM University

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Choosing and Staying with SRM - SRM University
The newspaper of SRM University

  For private circulation only                                                                                                                               Volume 7 Number 1

  Choosing and Staying with SRM

                                                                                                                     The Chairman of he SRM Group of Institutions, Mr.Ravi Pachamoothoo,
                                                                                                                     handing over the Founder’s Scholarship and University Merit Scholarship
                                                                                                                     to a student. Also seen are SRM University Registrar, Dr. N. Sethuraman
  The Founder Chancellor flanked by the Vice Chancellor(left) and the Registrar (right) at the counseling session.   and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Medical), Dr. P. Thangaraju.

  A Staff Reporter                      secured by Sudha Nandhini of          campus in New Delhi 600 and            the tune of over ` 12 crores were    of SRMEE were being given
                                        Tamil Nadu and G. Raghunandan         800 students would be admitted         awarded last year and this year      free Founder’s scholarship under
    “SRM University has all             of Andhra Pradesh bagged the          through counselling.                   it will be close to ` 15 crores.     which the full tuition, hostel and
  infrastructure and research           third rank.
                                                                               Founder’s Scholarship and               The Chairman of the SRM
  facilities, and added to that the                                                                                                                                           Contd... Pg.2
                                          The single window counselling       University Merit Scholarship to        Group said top ten rank holders
  University has a dual degree
                                        to fill up 7,000 seats for 19 UG
  system with over 90 Universities
                                        courses and 35 PG courses
  abroad under student exchange
  programme,” said Mr.Ravi
                                        went on up to June 8. A total
                                        of 2,23,000 students registered
                                                                                  “Holistic development is what matters!” – Chancellor
  Pachamoothoo the Chairman
                                        for the entrance exams and 1.52
  on the first day of counselling                                                 Harish Kumar                       address, Dr.P.Thangaraju, Pro-       than just the degree earned
                                        lakh students took the exam.
  for students.                                                                                                      Vice Chancellor (Medical),           from the individual. Holistic
                                          Mr. Ravi Pachamoothoo also                 The inaugural programme         SRM University, highlighted          development is what matters.
    “There are about 11 new courses
                                        said students from 26 states              for the 2013 batch of SRM          the University’s NAAC
  being introduced in this academic                                                                                                                          The Chancellor said, “Skill,
                                        appeared for exams with Andhra            University students was held        accreditation owing
  year and we have intended to                                                                                                                            knowledge and communication
                                        Pradesh topping the list He said          at the TP Ganesan auditorium       to the laboratory facilities,
  broad base other Engineering                                                                                                                            are the areas one needs to focus”
                                        while 4,000 students would be             on the 15th of July. The           smart class rooms and the right
  and Medical Courses in the                                                                                                                              said Dr.M.Ponnavaikko, Vice
                                        admitted in Kattankulathur on             sessions, divided into two         ambience for learning. “Grow up
  University,” he added.                                                                                                                                  Chancellor, SRM University.
                                        the outskirts of Chennai, 1,000           to accommodate everyone,           to the University’s level” urged
    He said that M. Narendra,           students would be admitted                                                                                        He also spoke of the MOU’s
                                                                                  enlightened the freshers and       Dr.T.R.Pachamuthu, Chancellor,
  from Andhra Pradesh emerged           for the Ramapuram campus in               parents on how the university      SRM University. He also mentioned
  top ranker in the SRM Entrance        the city. In Vadapalani campus            functions. In the welcome          how recruiters expect more                           Contd... Pg.2
  Exams. The second rank was            in Chennai and Modinagar

Pages Inside...

  Doctors are ambassadors... Pg.5                 SRM IAS Academy...                  Pg.7         A Deluge of Apathy               Pg.8-9          Team Rudra of SRM...             Pg.10
Choosing and Staying with SRM - SRM University
2    2013 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 1

    India’s First Eduroam
    Enabled University
    Sanju Varughese Mathew

      By connecting with the National Server at ERNET India,
    New Delhi, SRM University has joined a select group
    of universities worldwide to achieve the status of being
    ‘Eduroam Enabled’.
      Accomplished in collaboration with the NEC Corporation,
                                                                              The Founder Chancellor with the Vice Chancellor Dr. M.Ponnavaikko at the awards announcement
    Japan, both, the setup and testing was completed at the SRM-
                                                                           function. Also seen in the picture are Dr. Habibullah(extreme left) and Dr. Bhagyawati Ravi (extreme right)
    NEC Collaborative Research Center of SRM University.
       Eduroam is a secure, world-wide roaming facility that
    allows any Eduroam-enabled user to get network access and
                                                                           SRM University to give away
    other resources (subject to local policies). The facility is a
    blessing for students and researchers from SRM University
                                                                           Third Tamil Academy Awards
    to obtain Internet connectivity during student exchange and              Staff Reporter                         The awards were instituted         523 books were received for the
    semester abroad programs.                                                                                     by the SRM University in             11 awards. Of this the best five
                                                                             The third Tamil Academy
                                                                                                                  2011 in line with the Sahitya        were shortlisted and circulated
      The Eduroam program, typically used in universities and              awards instituted by the SRM
                                                                                                                  Akademi awards of the Central        among eminent scholars to
    other research-oriented organizations, utilizes a hierarchy            University would be presented
                                                                                                                  government with higher cash          prune it down to two. A panel
    of RADIUS proxy servers that forward a user’s credentials              in 11 categories on August 24,
                                                                                                                  component to honour eminent          of jurists headed by a judicial
    to the users’ home institution where they can be verified              the birthday of SRM Group of
                                                                                                                  tamil scholars, researchers and      expert finally selected the award
                                                                           Institutions Founder Chairman
    and validated.                                                                                                authors for their contribution       winners.
                                                                           and Chancellor SRM University
      The institutional RADIUS-server is then connected to the                                                    to the growth and development
                                                                           Dr. T. R. Pachamuthu.                                                         While the Pudumaipithan
                                                                                                                  of Tamil language.
    national top-level RADIUS (NTLR) server of the country                                                                                             Award for short stories and
                                                                             Talking to reporters here
    where the institution is located. These servers are maintained                                                  Though ten awards have             drama would be given to Mr.
                                                                           today, Dr. Pachamuthu Academy
    by the National Research and Education Network (NREN) of                                                      been given during the last two       Jayamohan for his book ‘Aram’,
                                                                           Chairman and SRM University
    the country and contain a complete list of Eduroam institute                                                  editions, this year a new category   the Bharathiyar Poet Award
                                                                           Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor
    in the particular country, completing the authentication of                                                   “Vipulanandar Award” would           goes to Elakkumi Kumaran
                                                                           Dr. M.Ponnavaikko said cash
                                                                           awards totalling Rs 20.50 lakhs        be given to an author, who had       Gnana Draviyam for his book
    the user.
                                                                           would be given to the recipients.      published Tamil books abroad.
                                                                                                                    The award carrying a cash
                                                                                                                                                         The Valliappa Child Literary
                                                                                                                  award of Rs 1.5 lakh would be
    Contd... Pg.1                    University, talked of the kinds of    intake. Dr.N.Sethuraman, Registrar,                                         Award would be shared by
                                                                                                                  given to author A. Muthulingam
                                     Indian cultures that can be seen in   SRM University, introduced all                                              three authors, the G U Pope
                                                                                                                  for his Tamil book titled
Holistic ....                        this campus. He also mentioned        the Directors, Deans and Heads         ”Amerikakkari”.
                                                                                                                                                       Translation Award for Ms M A
signed with 85 Universities across   the University’s ongoing effort       of the Department.                                                          Suseela for his book ‘Asadan”,
                                     to increase the foreign students’                                               The Lifetime ‘Parivendhar”        the Appuswamy Scientific Tamil
the world for various programs.                                               Dr. D. Narayana Rao, Director
                                     population to 20% of the total                                               Achievement award instituted         award would be given to Mohan
Dr.Manik Sahani, Advisor, SRM                                              (Research), SRM University             in the name of Dr. Pachamuthu        Sundararajan for his book on
                                                                           announced the grant of Rs.50,000       would be given senior Tamil          ‘Nano : the Next Revolution”.
                                                                           per project for the top 100 projects   Scholar Tamizhannal and it
                                                                           every year. He also touched on         carries a cash award of Rs             Anandakumaraswamy Fine
                                                                           the various achievements and           five lakhs.                          Arts Award for Kudavayil
                                                                           current projects of the students                                            Balasubramanian for his
                                                                                                                    The Parithimaar Kalaignar          book ‘Raja Rajecharam”, the
                                                                           such as SRMSAT (following which        Award for best Tamil scholar         Muthuthandavar Tamil Isai
                                                                           a constellation of satellites are      would be given to Kovai Gnani        award for Prof E Angayarkanni,
                                                                           being designed), Unmanned aerial       and it carries cash award of Rs
                                                                                                                                                       Development Tamil Award for
                                                                           vehicle, autonomous underwater         Two lakhs.
                                                                                                                                                       K Jawahar. All these awards
                                                                           vehicle and a search engine.
                                                                                                                    Dr. Ponnavaikko said in all        carry a cash prize of Rs 1.5 lakh.
                                                                           The programme also saw many
                                                                           students and parents offering their
                                                                           appreciation and best wishes to            Contd... Pg.1                    in tuition fees would be given
                                                                           the University. “Seeing all the                                             to deserving students and also to
                                                                           facilities and faculty here, I feel    You can be a ...                     students hailing from economically
                                                                           I have chosen the right place”,                                             disadvantaged background.
                                                                                                                  other fees would be waived.
                                                                           said an overjoyed student. “I          Apart from this, ` 1,000 stipend       SRM University Vice-Chancellor
                                                                           was impressed when I saw the           would be given to them.              Dr. M Ponnavaikko, Registrar
                                                                           SRMSAT being launched”,                                                     Dr. N Sethuraman, Pro-Vice
                                                                                                                     He also said toppers of the
                                                                           said a proud parent. “In SRM                                                Chancellor (Medical), Dr. P.
                                                                                                                  Plus two exams across all
                                                                           University every student and           streams, including the CBSE,         Thangaraju, Director-Admissions,
                                                                           faculty experiences freedom”,          and Plus two toppers of all the      Dr. Muthusubramaniam, Director
                                                                           said Dr.C.Muthamizhchelvan,            31 districts of Tamil Nadu would     (E & T), Dr. C Muthamizhselvan
                                                                           Director (E&T), SRM University,        be given founder’s scholarship.      and a host of University officials
          The Director of Admissions interacting with students             in his vote of thanks.                 He announced that concession         were present on the occasion.
Choosing and Staying with SRM - SRM University
2013 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 1 3

Technology will play a dominating
role in future: Prof.Balakrishnan
Staff Reporter                         playing a very dominating role
                                       in the future.” He said that by
   A total of 619 students graduated   2019, the personal computer
from the Valliammai Engineering        at home would have the same
College, a constituent of the SRM      power as a human being.
Group of Institutions, at its 9th
Graduation Day.                           “The computer has already
                                       started to do many things like a
  At a function held at the college    human recognize speech, talk like
premises in Kattankulatur, 510         a human, recognize people and
students received their graduate       faces, even understand gestures,
degrees and 109 received their PG
                                       write songs, and review movies”,
degrees from Associate Director
                                       he said.
Prof. N. Balakrishnan, Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore           “The computer revolution will
in the presence of SRM Group           be such that by 2019, it will be
Founder Chairman and SRM               almost human like in capability...
University Chancellor, Dr. T.          computer will transform from
R. Pachamuthu.                         mere computing engine to thinking
                                       machine to spiritual machine- a        Associate Director, Prof. N. Balakrishnan, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and SRM Group Founder
  24 students bagged Anna                                                     Chairman and SRM University Chancellor, Dr. T. R. Pachamuthu giving away Anna University Graduation
University ranks to which the          silicon assemblage replacing
                                                                              certificates to the three top rank holders at the 9th Graduation Day of Valliammai Engineering College, a
college is affiliated. of the 24       the functions of carbon based
                                                                              constituent of the SRM Group of Institutions. Others seen are SRM Group of Institutions Chairman Mr. Ravi
University ranks, six were in PG       collocation of atoms,” he said.
                                                                              Pachamoothoo, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. M. Ponnavaikko.
and the rest were in UG courses.          Speaking of how storage
  Speaking on the theme                technology is expected to play           “It can store about 1000 movies    MB per book). He said that by          “With the help of a petabyte, a
“Complex Systems, Big Data             a key role in content revolution,      at the rate of 1000 MB per           2025 the technology would be         person would be able to capture
and Social Networks” Prof.             Prof. Balakrishnan said that now       movie, 25,000 paintings (40 mb       even more advanced wherein           everything, ever said, from the
Balakrishnan said, “The rapidly        a terabyte disk could be bought        each), 250,000 MP3 songs (4          one would be able to buy ‘100        time of birth to the time one
changing technology would be           for 100 USD.                           MB each) and 125,000 books (8        petabytes’ for 100 USD.              dies,’’ he further added.

Anna University plans                                                            While students turn into able
                                                                              citizens the role of educational
                                                                                                                   that they too have a good deal
                                                                                                                   to contribute to the progress of
                                                                                                                                                        host of faculties and departmental
                                                                                                                                                        heads were among others present.
                                                                              institutions too cannot be           educational institutions of which
bridge courses for                                                            undermined when it comes to
                                                                              moulding them into contributing
                                                                                                                   they have been a part once. Their
                                                                                                                                                           Over 968 students received
                                                                                                                                                        their degrees and awards on the
                                                                                                                   success in life brings fame not      occasion. T A Saisindhuja of BE
Engg. entrants - VC                                                           citizens. Educational institutions
                                                                              must have a mission and vision to
                                                                                                                   only to their families but also
                                                                                                                   to the institutions where they
                                                                                                                                                        (E&I), N Maragathasundari of
                                                                                                                                                        ME (Software Engineering) and
                                                                              succeed in their goals. Teachers     studied.
Staff Reporter                                                                                                                                          K S Sujatha, ME (Communication
                                       subsequent establishment of            too have their role to play when
                                                                                                                     SRM Group of Institutions          System) secured Anna University
                                       own ventures would benefit             it came to moulding the minds of
   Deeply concerned at the low         many others by giving them                                                  (Ramapuram and Trichy campus)        first rank gold medals.
                                                                              young learners. Founder chancellor
pass percentage in certain subjects    livelihood,” he said.                  of SRM group of institutions, Dr.    Chairman Dr. R. Shivakumar, SRM        Earlier principal of Easwari
like mathematics Mathematics                                                  T R Pachamuthu, Chancellor           University Pro-Vice Chancellor       Engineering College, Dr. Jothi
                                          He also said “The future now
Anna University has put a proposal                                            SRM University, speaking on          (Medical), Dr. P. Thangaraj,         Mohan Balasubramaniam
                                       belongs to engineering students
to start bridge courses to help
                                       from China and India; they are the     the role of the alumni, he said      Registrar, Dr. N. Sethuraman and a   welcomed the gathering.
students overcome their inability
                                       ones who will be designing the
to perform in engineering classes.
                                       gadgets of tomorrow. They must
  “At the end of every bridge          gear up to harness the opportunities
course an examination will be          the situation provides.”
held and its marks will be added
                                         He further said that 70 per cent
in the internal assessment,”
                                       of the students come from rural
said the Anna University Vice-
                                       background while 30 per cent
Chancellor, Dr. P. Kaliraj, while
                                       came from urban areas; they are
delivering the graduation day
                                       face difficulties when it comes to
address at the 13th graduation
                                       mastering communication skills
ceremony of Easwari Engineering
                                       and passing without arrears.
College (a unit of SRM group of
educational institutions).                He proposed that top affiliated
                                       colleges should act as mentoring
   He added that the students must
                                       institutions to the other institutes
focus on innovation and bring
                                       who want to develop by exchanging      Anna University Vice-Chancellor, Dr. P. Kaliraj, SRM University Founder Chancellor, Dr. T.R. Pachamuthu
out better products. “Landing in
                                       the faculties and allowing the         and SRM Group of Institutions (Ramapuram and Trichy campus) Chairman Dr. R. Shivakumar with the three
a good employment may benefit
                                       students to attend specific classes    Anna University first rank gold medalists T A Saisindhuja of BE (E&I), N Maragathasundari of ME (Software
the student and his family.
                                       to overcome difficulties in certain    Engineering) and K S Sujatha ME (Communication System). Also seen is Principal Easwari Engineering
  Focus on innovations and             subjects.                              College, Dr. Jothi Mohan Balasubramaniam.
Choosing and Staying with SRM - SRM University
4    2013 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 1

Viability, Stability and Cost
important for Nanotechnology
Staff Reporter                         that the focus was to progress in
                                       the field through Nano mission
   “The field of nanotechnology        council and thus contributing to
had many challenges to overcome        the economy. He also said the
and developers of Nanomaterials        department has set up specialized
will have to consider its viability,   nanotechnology centers functioning
stability and cost,” said Former       under the department of science
director of IIT Kharagpur, Dr K        and technology. Speaking on
L Chopra.                              implementing Nanomaterials in
   Speaking at the inaugural           other areas, Dr. Ramaraju said
function of the three day              that the target was to use the
International Conference on            technological advancement in
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,        areas like energy, electronics,
organized by the Department of         health, security and agriculture.
Physics and Nanotechnology at          With slew of nanotechnology
                                       projects being undertaken at
SRM University, he said that
                                       various institutes across the
students need to understand the
                                       country, Dr Ramaraju said that
synthesis of Nanomaterials of                                                Dr. G. V. Ramaraju, Head, Nanotechnology Initiatives Division, Department of Electronics & Information
                                       MBE based epitaxial nano-             Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi handing a copy of the Conference Proceedings of the International
various shapes. He also said that
                                       semiconductor infrastructure and      Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology to SRM University, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. M. Ponnavaikko.
technology had many implications
                                       process integration facility was      Looking on is Former director of IIT Kharagpur, Dr K L Chopra, Prof. Dr. Soumyo Mukherji, Head, Centre
in the filed of science, technology,
                                       set up at IIT Kharagpur.              for Research in Nanotechnology and Sciences, IIT Bombay and Directors (E&T) and Research Dr. Dr C
medicine, environment, etc.
                                         “The Indian Nanoelectronics         Muthamizhchelvan and Dr. D. Narayana Rao.
   The three day international
                                       Users Program (INUP) offers
conference attracted experts                                                 million dollars in 2009 at a growth    film machines.He also said that       research program in applied
                                       opportunity for institutions like
from various organizations and                                               rate of 58.9 per cent. He said that    the department of nanotechnology      sciences. Dr. M. Ponnavaikko,
                                       SRM University to engage in
institutions around the world to                                             the market for Nanomaterials           published 25 papers and produced      Vice-Chancellor exchanged the
                                       incubation for Nanoelectronics
deliberate advances in the field of                                          grew to about 15 billion dollars       15 PhD scholars with 14 more          MoU with the representative
                                       and innovation in association with
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.                                              in 2012 and was set to grow to         scholars pursuing doctorate           of Shizouka University, Prof
                                       the department of electronics
Speaking on the occasion, group                                              about 26 billion dollars in 2015.      in the department. The Vice           D r Ya s u h i r o H a y a k a w a .
                                       and information technology,
coordinator - R and D in IT                                                                                         - Chancellor added that the           Director of Engineering and
                                       Government of India,” he added.         Referring to SRM University’s
and head of nanotechnology                                                                                          University also invested ` 14.4       Technology, SRM University, Dr
initiatives division, Department          With Nanomaterials considered      initiative for research in                                                   C Muthamizhchelvan, convener
                                                                                                                    crores for Nanoelectro mechanical
of Electronics and Information         to be the next dimension of cutting   nanotechnology, he said that                                                 of ICONN 2103, Dr. D. John
Technology, Government of India,       - edge technological breakthrough     the Nanotechnology Research                                                  Thiruvadigal, and Controller of
New Delhi, Dr. G.V. Ramaraju           in applied sciences, SRM              Centre of the University was             SRM University also exchanged       Examinations, Dr S Ponnusamy,
said that the Department was           University Vice - Chancellor Dr.      established in the year 2006 with      a Memorandum of Understanding         and dignitaries from various
working to develop Nanosensors         M. Ponnavaikko said that the          an investment of ` 1.5 crore with      with Shizouka University, Japan,      international organizations also
in IIT Bombay with Tata. He said       market for Nanotubes was 100          development of Nanofilters and thin    for promotion of education and        participated.

“Literature makes the students humane”
Staff Reporter                         and give insight into character.      of our history, our society, and
                                       It takes us beyond our limited        our own individual lives.” said
  “Students should develop             experience of life to show us the     Dr.P.Ponnivalavan ,Professor,
an interest in Literature. It          lives of other people. It stirs us    Department of English, MCC,
acts as a stress reliever. It can      intellectually and emotionally,       Chennai. He was presiding over
convey richness of emotion,            and deepens our understanding         the prize distribution ceremony
                                                                             of i–factor , the literary club of
                                                                             SRM university , Ramapuram
                                                                             held recently.
                                                                                Dr. R. Narayanasamy, Campus
                                                                                                                    Extending Dental Care
                                                                             Director, and Dr. K. Abdul Ghani
                                                                             , Dean of SRM University,
                                                                                                                    to the SRM Family
                                                                             Ramapuram campus appreciated
                                                                                                                      The Department of Public Health     provide comprehensive care by
                                                                             the students’ activities and efforts
                                                                                                                    Dentistry, SRM Kattankulathur         working in coordination with other
                                                                             conducted by the literary club. Mrs.
                                                                                                                    Dental College and Hospital is        departments of the institution
                                                                             Shakeela Sathish, Coordinator,
                                                                                                                    rendering service to the public       thereby spreading smiles.
                                                                             literary club, welcomed the
                                                                             gathering. Mrs . V.Rema, Asst.         in and around Kattankulathur.            Dental screening camps have
                                                                             Co-ordinator introduced the            With the thought of giving new        been started for the Faculty of
                                                                             chief guest to the audience.           dimension to it is extending          Science and Humanities, with
                                                                             Rohith Rathnesh, creative head         activities by the way of conducting   an added advantage of providing
                                                                             of the club, presented the vote        special Dental Camps to all           treatment at concessional rates
                                                                             of thanks.                             the SRM University students           since July 2013. Participate and
                    The Chief Guest at the Function                                                                 and faculties. The aim is to          get benefitted !
Choosing and Staying with SRM - SRM University
2013 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 1 5

Doctors are ambassadors of a healthy lifestyle
Nandita Adityan

   A get-together to commemorate
Doctor’s Day was organised in
SRM medical college hospital
and research centre recently.
Pro Vice Chancellor (medical)
appreciated the doctors of
SRM for rendering care to the
society. Guest of honour Pro
Vice Chancellor (P & D), Dr. T.
P. Ganesan highlighted that with
the advent of specialisation, and
super specialisation patients are
being viewed as compartments.
He stressed that though becaus
of rapid advances in each field,
specialization is inevitable, but
one should view and treat the
patient in a holistic manner.
He also stressed that doctors
should look after their health
too. Dean (Medical) Dr. James
Pandian recalled his experiences
as a doctor and spoke of the
rapid changes that he observed
in the medical profession over                                                The Pro Vice Chancellor Dr. T.P.Ganesan addressing the gathering
the years.Director Allied health
sciences offered felicitation        generation of efficient doctors.       mostly beyond the call of duty       the ladder in the profession.        second Chief Minister of West
Deputy Dean/VP detailed the          4)Rendering committed care to          6)Doctors should have managerial     At every point of contact with       Bengal, Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy
various challenges faced by a        the suffering patients. Whatever       skills. 7) Doctor have to spend      other human being, doctors are       on his birth anniversary. Dr Roy
doctor which include 1) Satisfying   may be the personal stress, one        quality time with family 8) Also     ambassadors of a healthy lifestyle   was honoured with the country's
personal aspirations ambitions and   has to put up a smiling face to        whatever may be the sacrifices       and are positive icons.              highest civilian award, Bharat
maintaining finance 2) Constantly    the patient as the latter himself/     doctors will have to look after                                           Ratna on February 4, 1961.
updating knowledge and doing         herself has enough problems 5)         his/her own health. Indeed one         Doctor's Day is celebrated
research 3) Teaching medical         Doctors have to attend emergency       has to manoeuvre through all         on July 1 in India to honour           About 450 doctors participated
students to blossom into the next    calls on any time of the day           these challenges as one climbs       the legendary physician and the      in the event.

Placement Orientation for the                                               Workshop on Computational
Final Year Students of FSH                                                  Intelligence; CI Made Easy
Abhilasha Guha                       interpretation, quantitative skills,   Shaswat Sekar                        was inaugurated by our Vice          Computational Intelligence Society,
                                     and logical reasoning.” Being          Satyaki Ganguly                      Chancellor, Dr. M. Ponnavaikko,      Professor Hisao Ishibuchi, Vice
   The department of career          able to communicate effectively,                                            who is also the chairman of          President for Technical Activities
development and placement            being open to learning, and being        The IEEE Student’s Branch of       IEEE India Council. Professor        of the IEEE Computational
cell conducted placement and         a team player is also essential to     SRM University in association        T.S.Rangarajan, Chairman of          Intelligence Society, and Professor
career based orientation for all     succeed in a working environment.      with the IEEE Computational          IEEE Madras Section, addressed       Chin-Teng Lin, Editor of IEEE
final year students of the Faculty                                          Intelligence Society organised       the gathering about the benefits     Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.
                                        Mrs. Asha urged everyone
of Science and Humanities on                                                an international workshop on         of IEEE student’s membership.
                                     to strive for recruitment on                                                                                        The valedictory address was
the 4th of July 2013. This was                                              “Computational Intelligence:
                                     campus as it is a very prestigious                                             The three major facets of         delivered by Mr.K.Vijayakumar,
conducted in the ECE Seminar                                                Theories, Applications and
                                     achievement. She said that only                                             Computational Intelligence,          Assistant Professor of the
Hall. Students were briefed                                                 Future Directions” in July. This
                                     fresh talents from good schools                                             namely: Neural networks,             Department of Electrical and
on “Industry expectations and                                               was conducted with a motive of
                                     are chosen in one. So, being a                                              Evolutionary Algorithms and          Electronics Engineering, who
corporate opportunities.”The                                                enhancing the awareness of the
                                     campus recruit solidifies the                                               Fuzzy Systems were addressed by      is also the Branch Counsellor
agenda for the meet was productive                                          problem solving abilities of CI
                                     qualification of the individual                                             three eminent speakers: Professor    of IEEE Student’s Branch. He
interaction with industry experts                                           (Computational Intelligence) tools
                                     belonging to the cream of the                                               Nikhil R Pal, Vice President         also distributed the Certificates
and seniors who would be able
                                     lot. She said that to be able          and techniques. The workshop         for Publications of the IEEE         of Participation.
to guide apprehensive beginners
                                     to become a part of this layer,
into the corporate workforce.Mr.
                                     one has to speak confidently,
Samuel Rajkumar, a renowned
                                     develop positive attitude, and
industry trainer, and Mrs. Asha
                                     be presentable. Mr. Rajkumar
Jose, of HCL, were the speakers
                                     on the other hand interacted with
at this event.
                                     the students for over an hour,
  With 1.5 million graduates         citing his personal experiences
every year, competition is on        with students. He asked students
the rise. The skills required to     to ponder over what they could
pave way through this race are       learn from these instances and
excelling in “verbal skills, data    take it in their stride.                                            The Vice Chancellor (center) with other speakers
Choosing and Staying with SRM - SRM University
6    2013 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 1

                                                                                                                         Staff Reporter                        Naidu in 2011. The department
                                                                                                                                                               organizes this program as an
                                                                                                                            The Department of Prostho-         annual event and every year
                                                                                                                         dontics and Implantology, SRM         hundreds of students compete
                                                                                                                         Kattankulathur Dental College         on this platform.
                                                                                                                         and Hospital, organized the third
                                                                                                                         edition of “Smile Architect”             More than 100 participants
                                                                                                                         recently. Dentistry is both an        from 18 colleges competed
                                                                                                                         art and science, and knowledge        in a three hour competition to
                                                                                                                         and skill are two important           win trophies and cash prizes.
                                                                                                                         attributes to excel in this field.    Two Professors and Heads of
                                                                                                                         Smile Architect is the first and      Department, external judges, from
                                                                                                                         only Talent Search Contest            Dr.MGR and Bharath Universities
                                                                                                                         for undergraduate students in         judged the participants work. A
A national conference on Simulation in Healthcare was held at SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre. A book   the country to showcase their         total of 6 prizes were awarded
of proceedings was released on which was received by SRM University Vice Chancellor Dr M Ponnavaikko, Delgates (from     skills in arrangement of teeth.       in two different categories. Dr.P.
L to R) Dr Chandra Prabha Medical Director, DR P Thangaraj Pro Vice Chancellor (Medical) Dr. Frank Walter, Arizona                                             Thangaraj, Pro Vice Chancellor
University USA and DR. Charles N Ponzner of Harvard University Boston, USA look on
                                                                                                                         The program was launched by
                                                                                                                         eminent teacher and former            SRM University was the Chief
                                                                                                                         Vice Chancellor of Meenakshi          Guest of the prize distribution

Saving life in a golden hour                                                                                             University, Dr.E.Munirathinam         ceremony.

Staff Reporter                          models. Simulation is also used             The above classification is
                                        with scientific modelling of natural     rather a departure point for a
  The second National Conference        systems or human systems to gain         more pinpoint taxonomy of
on “Simulation in Healthcare”           insight into their functioning.          topics and only suggests the vast
was held the SRM Medical                Simulation can be used to show
                                                                                 space of simulation applicability
College and Research at its             the eventual real.
Kattankulathur campus.                                                           in relation to the healthcare
                                           Dr. P Thangaraju, Pro Vice            domain. In each of the above
   Inaugurating the conference, Dr      Chancellor (Medical) SRM                 directions, simulation can be used
M Ponnavaikko, Vice chancellor          university said simulation has
                                                                                 for analysis and design, learning
SRM University said it is important     a broad application potential in
to have a simulation centre in          healthcare, which can be classified      and training, and research and          Chief Guest, Dr.P.Thangaraj, Pro Vice chancellor, SRM University,
                                                                                 communication purposes.                 addressing the gathering at the prize distruibution ceremony . Also in the
every Medical College. Detailing        in a few major directions, formed
                                                                                                                         picture are Dr.V.Vidyashree Nandini, HOD, Department of Prosthodontics
the evolution of the centre he          around different disciplines or            Dr R Thirumavalavan,                  and Implantology, SRMKDC&H, Dr. K.H.Panishankar, Dean, SRMKDC&H,
said, “SRM/STRATUS Centre               sub-disciplines.
                                                                                 organizing Secretary, proposed          Dr.Rathika Rai, HOD, Department of Prosthodontics and Implantology,
for Medical Simulation, was
                                           Clinical Simulation: Simulation       the vote of thanks.                     ThaiMookambigai Dental College.
opened just two years ago.
                                        is mainly used to study, analyse,
SRM University opened this
                                        and replicate the behavior of certain
state-of-the-art simulation centre
to enhance the training of its
students, residents, and staff.”
                                        diseases including biological
                                        processes in human body.                 Chronic Kidney Disease                                                          The nail growth was measured
                                                                                                                                                               using ordinary scale. In nephro-

   Simulation centre combines
                                           Operational Simulation:
                                        Simulation is mainly used for
                                                                                 and Nail Growth : A Study                                                     clinic study nail growth was
                                                                                                                                                               significantly slower in the CKD
each of the components of medical                                                                                                                              group compared to healthy control
                                        capturing, analyzing, and studying
simulation including partial-task                                                Staff Reporter                                                                (2.58±0.72 vs 3.9±0.69). In the
                                        healthcare operations, service
trainers, full-scale human patient
                                        delivery, scheduling, healthcare                                                                                       second part of the study , which
simulators supported by modern                                                      The burden of Chronic Kidney
                                        business processes, and patient                                                                                        comprised mainly normal
audiovisual gear, and a faculty                                                  Disease(CKD) is so high(around
                                        flow.                                                                                                                  population 809 out of total
that integrates medical simulation                                               10% ) that it is epidemiologically
into many of its medical, nursing,        Managerial Simulation:                 imperfect to subject all the                                                  850 subjects studied had a
and para-professional programs.         simulation is mainly used as a tool      suspected population to the costly                                            nail growth of more than 3mm.
                                        for managerial purposes, decision        biochemical investigations. Hence                                               So, at the end of 30 days
  Dr. Frank Walter, Director of
                                        making, policy implementation,           a ‘low cost or no cost’ screening                                             after the election , nail growth
AHLS Program and Professor of
                                        and strategic planning.                  of the population is necessary.
Emergency Medicine at Arizona                                                                                                                                  measured by oneself with
University, USA and Dr. Charles           Educational Simulation:                  While casting vote during the                                               ordinary scale is found to be
N. Pozner, Medical Director, Neil       Simulation is used for training          election, indelible ink is applied                                            less than 3 mm, he or she has
and Wallace Center for Medical          and educational purposes, where          on the index finger of the voter.                                             to be investigated for chronic
Simulation, Associate Professor         virtual environments and virtual         While the mark on the skin                Difference in nail growth in        diseases in general and chronic
for Emergency Medicine.                 and physical objects are extensively     proximal to the nail remains,           normal (top) and chronic kidney       kidney disease in particular.
                                        used to augment and enrich               the ink mark on the nail moves                  patient (bottom)
   BWH, Harvard University,                                                                                                                                      This study was presented
                                        simulation experiment.                   distally as the nail grows, giving
Boston, USA felicitated the
                                                                                 us an opportunity to measure            was undertaken at 2 levels. 1)        at the World Congress of
programme organisers as                    Managerial and operational
                                                                                 nail growth.                            at nephrology clinic (102 patients    Nephrology 2013, at Hongkong
Simulation is used in many              directions of simulation are closely
contexts, such as simulation            interrelated. These two together            It is well known that nail           & 122 controls) 2) community          and was well appreciated by
of technology for performance           are the core components for              growth is slowed in chronic             health workers measured the           the delegates from all over the
optimization, safety engineering,       healthcare process management.           illnesses. So, at SRM Medical           nail growth at rural centre and       world including the President
Health testing, training, education,    The clinical direction of simulation     college hospital Dept of                medical students measured the         of the International Society
etc. Often, computer experiments        is also referred to as medical           Nephrology , a study of nail            nail growth at the hospital.          of Nephrology, Dr.Giuseppe
are used to study simulation            simulation.                              growth in chronic kidney disease        (n=850)                               Remuzzi.
Choosing and Staying with SRM - SRM University
2013 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 1 7

SRM is Nalanda Revived - Dhamu
                                                                                                                                                             that they chose an excellent
                                                                                                                                                             institution for their wards to
                                                                                                                                                             bloom in, and that they would
                                                                                                                                                             be taken care of. Delivering the
Pushkala Aripaka                                                                                                                                             presidential address, Mr. Ravi
                                                                                                                                                             Pachamoothoo, the chairman of
   “With just one department
                                                                                                                                                             the SRM Group of Institutions,
since its inception in 2003,
                                                                                                                                                             welcomed all the students and
to about more than a dozen
today, the faculty the Faculty                                                                                                                               parents to a continually evolving
of Science and Humanities has                                                                                                                                faculty that takes good care of
seen substantial growth over the                                                                                                                             its students. He said that SRM
years.” The Induction program                                                                                                                                gives a lot of responsible freedom
for the first year students of the                                                                                                                           to its students. He said that the
faculty was held recently, in the                                                                                                                            administration at SRM is all ears
Dr. T. P. Ganesan Auditorium.                                                                                                                                always to complaints, grievances,
The program played host to Mr.                                                                                                                               and suggestions. Echoing his
Dhamu, renowned comedian,                                                                                                                                    sentiments were Prof.Dr. N.
actor, youth trainer, and mimicry
                                                                                                                                                             Sethuraman, the Registrar of
artist, who was the Chief Guest for
                                                                                                                                                             SRM University, and Dr. R.
the event. Thousands of students
and parents attended the event                                                                                                                               Balasubramanian, the Director
and thus began the students’                                                                                                                                 of the Faculty of Science and
initiation into the SRM Family.                                                                                                                              Humanities. Emphasising on the
                                                                                                                                                             importance of team work was
  In greeting the students, Mr.
                                      The Chairman of SRM Group, Mr.Ravi Pachamoothoo presenting a memento to Cine Artist Mr.Dhamu. Also                     Dr. M. Ponnavaikko, the Vice
Dhaamu congratulated students
                                      seen in the picture(from left) are the Director of the Faculty of Science and Humanities, the Pro Vice Chancellor      Chancellor of SRM University
on choosing an institution like
SRM which, he believed, is
                                      and the Registrar                                                                                                      as he believed only team work
“Nalanda revived”. He spoke of                                                                                                                               would help one achieve more.
                                      He appealed to the faculty and         institutions are temples of learning    students that acts of ragging
how students must acquire all the                                                                                                                              The event also became the
                                      students to function as one body       and must not be defiled. In addition,   would be taken very seriously,
knowledge they could from their                                                                                                                              stage for Mr. Dhamu’s 8275th
                                      and one mind.                          he said that the students would         and those found indulging in it
teachers who are “transmitters
                                                                             also have all the guidance from         would be severely punished. He          performance as a mimicry artist,
of knowledge.” He said that              The condemnation of the act of
                                                                             the university they are studying        also said that growth similar to        and he enthralled the audience
the youth are the strength of         ragging found common ground
                                                                             in, as they are always motivated        that of the Faculty of Science          with his world class acts. Also
the nation and therefore, they        amongst all the dignitaries,
                                                                             to fly high in SRM. The Associate       and Humanities is expected of           present at the event were Dr.
must be aware of their fortes,        including the Chief Guest. He
                                                                             Dean of the Faculty of Science          the incoming students during            Anuradha Parakkat, the Director
focus on them, and hone them.         advised students not to indulge
                                                                             and Humanities, Dr. J. Jothikumar,      their stay in SRM.                      of Student Affairs, and Mrs.
They must know that in the            in the transgressions of ragging,
process, they would always            drinking, and smoking because,         also advised students to stay             Students and parents were             Jayshree Suresh, the Dean of the
have the university’s support.        he believed that educational           away from ragging, and informed         assured throughout the program          Faculty of Management.

SRM IAS Academy produces four IAS candidates
                                                                                                                                                             a screening test followed by
                                                                                                                                                             Group Discussion and Personal
Staff Reporter                        talents who aspire for civil           aspirants attributed their success      proven credentials in training
                                      services, he added.                    to the unmatched infrastructure         IAS aspirants. The objectives             In the first batch, 50 wrote the
  Four students of the Chennai                                               with a full-fledged library and         of the Academy - set up at the          Examination and two candidates
                                         He further added that the
based SRM IAS Academy were                                                   computer facilities with excellent      Vadapalani Campus of the SRM            went up to Personal Interview. In
                                      university students will be apprised
selected for All India Civil                                                 academic environment.                   University - are to offer high-end      the second batch, 60 candidates
                                      of the facilities of the IAS academy
Services this year.                                                                                                  coaching to the aspirants and instill
                                      which offers free training to take        SRM IAS Academy has an                                                       wrote the Examination in 2012.
  Addressing a crowded press                                                                                         a sense of social responsibility
                                      up the civil services exams and        excellent mix of faculties and
conference Dr. T.R. Pachamuthu.                                                                                      in their minds.                            Bharani Kumar said that the
                                      personal interview and those           resources. The faculty pool is
Chancellor, SRM University said,      who aspire for the civil services      a good blend of people from               According to officials of the         academy guided and supported
“SRM IAS Academy is the result        will be given a chance. Talking        the academia and various                Academy, the Candidates are             well. Hailing from Trichy and
of the conceptual clarity and         to the media, the successful           fields, with the majority having        selected for coaching through           a B. Tech graduate from NIT
unique vision. Giving back to the                                                                                                                            Srinagar, the 109 rank holder
society is its mantra. It aims to                                                                                                                            said that coaching really helped
provide the right launching pad
                                                                                                                                                             him a lot as it provides the right
for innumerable youngsters who
aspire for challenging career in                                                                                                                             stimulus and support to prepare
Civil Services.”                                                                                                                                             and appear for the examination.

  The four candidates selected with                                                                                                                             He said that the academy
ranks are Mr.K.Gopalakrishnan                                                                                                                                screened students with written
(90), Mr.M. Bharani Kumar (109)                                                                                                                              test, group discussion and personal
Mr. S.Ramkumar (209) and Mr.                                                                                                                                 interview. FA Yasser Arafat
F.A. Yasser Arafat (612).
                                                                                                                                                             bearing rank 612 said that self
  From this year rural students                                                                                                                              study was equally important and
from all the districts of Tamil                                                                                                                              right coaching supplemented the
Nadu who aspire to join the civil
                                                                                                                                                             efforts. He added that one should
services will also be screened
by reaching out to them through       SRM University Chancellor, Dr.T R Pachamuthu interacting with the IAS selected candidates at SRM University            be focused and read books and
advertisements and other available    Vadapalani campus. SRM University Registrar, Dr. Sethuraman and Director FSH, Dr. R. Balasubramaniam                   the academy’s library was useful
channels as there are more rural      are also present.                                                                                                      for his preparation.
Choosing and Staying with SRM - SRM University
8   2013 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 1

                                          A Deluge of
                                          A Special Report of how eight men bat
                                            The recent tragedy at Utta-         in tufts and streams from every
                                          rakhand was simply stunning           nook and corner. This had been
                                          not merely at the fury of nature      their first of Nature’s prods. It was
                                          and the trail of devastation          only in the afternoon when cruel
                                          and destruction but also of the       reality stepped in; unable to hold
                                          unintentional bureaucratic and        the pressure of water, the man-
                                          political lapses on the ground.       made dams give in and the river
                                                                                swelled obstructing the pathway
                                             Spectrum special story traces
                                                                                on road. Yet, reality took time to
                                          the agony and determination of a
                                                                                sink in. Even with the swelling
                                          small group of SRMites—students
                                                                                river people had nothing more
                                          and a faculty member—who sur-
                                                                                than the slight vibe. The group,
                                          vived the odds and to recount the
                                                                                like any other there, was wait-
                                          trauma that left hundreds dead.
                                                                                ing for the swell to flow down.
                                             The journey started on the         As they looked on they saw a
                                          8th of June. A team of eight led      group of Doliwalas making their
                                          by Mr. K. Venkatesh, a profes-        way across the river holding on
                                          sor in the Department of IT at        tight to each other. Battling the
                                          SRM University started from           odds to decide ahead, they saw          there had received news that the
                                          Tamil Nadu and things went like       a woman being carried away by           roads down had been destroyed
                                          clockwork in the early phases of      the torrent as she tried in vain to     by the flood and so were asked
                                          the journey. They reached Delhi       hold on to a doliwala and cross         to stall people off as a safety
                                          on the 9th and made a halt for        along with them. “The water”,           measure. With empty thoughts
                                          the night at Dayanand Ashram          explains Venkatesh “was dark            they huddled together in the first
                                          in Rishikesh. The next three          brown in colour and when big            shack hoping to go down the
                                          days went on schedule. On the         boulders rolled down the surface        soonest possible. As they stood,
                                          14th, they started their journey to   of the bed, they could push one         they saw it happen—a surging
                                          Kedarnath. They spent the night       off quite easily.” Finally they         flash flood was deluging the op-
                                          at Mayali, 88km from where it         decided against the odds and            posite bank. There were people
                                          would bring them to Kedarnath.        started the attempt. It took them       who were packed tight just as
                                          The journey continued the next        the best of seven to eight minutes      they were, in similar shacks but
                                          day and late in the afternoon,        to cross the few yards of the           on the other bank.
                                          they reached Gaurikund, which         swell. Disheartening to hear is            Their stomachs weighed down.
                                          was the last place frequented         that in spite of the evident crowd      Foreboding as it was, the police-
                                          by vehicles. Drizzling as it          that come on the yatra the year         men opened the exit gates and let
                                          was, they were unaware that it        around, the constabulary consisted      people go. With assuring thoughts
                                          had been raining at Kedarnath         of only four police men, two at         of getting to Gaurikund before
                                          for the past two days. With the       the shrine and two at Rambada           night, they started again, only to
                                          slightest misgiving, brushing         (7km downhill from Kedarnath).          find an out-of-course waterfall
                                          it aside, they started the final                                              obstructing the roadway. With
                                                                                   With hardly any time to look
                                          14km trek to Kedarnath on the                                                 mighty chances of them walk-
                                                                                back they made a quick deci-
                                          same day and reached the place                                                ing blindly down the steep hills,
                                                                                sion, expecting respite from
                                          by nightfall.                                                                 they safely made it through to
                                                                                the sudden turn of events, to go
                                             The next day, the 16th of June,    down to Rambada which was               the other end. For good, they
                                          Sunday, they attended the pooja       an intermediate point packed            reached Gaurikund and booked
                                          at six in the morning with not the    tight with make-shift shacks to         two rooms in the first hotel at
                                          slightest presentiment of the loom    fend for the visitors. However,         sight. Yet, cold sweat wasn’t
                                          ahead— though they had been a         the group intending to reach            leaving them. As they drew
                                          little apprehensive concerning the    Gaurikund straight through found        together on the beds, they felt
                                          weather. The water was flowing        the exit blocked. The policemen         tremors beneath. They hear their
                                                                                                                        doors being knocked at to receive
                                                                                                                        a quick warning asking to vacate
                                                                                                                        the hotel as the water levels had
                                                                                                                        risen. Just as they walked out
                                                                                                                        and climbed to safety, they turn
                                                                                                                        around to find the hotel crumbling
                                                                                                                        along and being carried away.
                                                                                                                        Making things worse, the group
                                                                                                                        breaks up and only Venkatesh
                                                                                                                        and Guruswamy (Venkatesh’s
                                                                                                                        neighbor) hold together.
                                                                                                                          With only each other for com-
                                                                                                                        pany, they saw nothing but dreaded
                                                                                                                        emptiness ahead as the witching
                                                                                                                        hour set in. Monday started with
Choosing and Staying with SRM - SRM University
2013 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 1 9

ttled it out in the Uttarakhand floods
                                       new addition, but they managed         Sitapur, they learnt that only
                                       to convince them and spent the         48 people had been air-lifted
                                       nights there.                          until then. And seeing no hope
                                          “The three-room house gave          for a bunch of youngsters, they
                                       shelter to around 50 pilgrims, and     moved on with the trek. Further
                                       the family had exhausted their         on, they reached Sonprayag, and
                                       rations to provide food to us.         relief welled inside each one,
                                       They didn’t know Tamil, but we         when they saw an army camp.
                                       communicated with ease,” says          Finally, at tea time on the 22nd
                                       Venkatesh. However, three oth-         of June, they came back again to
                                       ers were still missing. The next       Dayanand Ashram in Rishikesh.
                                       day, hoping to find the three they       “The things people did,” says
                                       spent the day up in the terrace        Venkatesh “blew me away. All
                                       to get a higher view and search        along the way people opened their
                                       better. As they hoped for, the other   houses to passing survivors with
                                       three spotted them. Relief well-       food prepared in large amounts.
                                       ing up, they cried themselves to       We even came across a doctor
 an early sun rise and both of them    the comfort of each other. It was      who brought along his car and
 waited around climbing up and         Thursday and the group,re-joined,      distributed medicines to passers-
 down the terrain looking for the      spent the day together. With the       by. The people added on to our
 rest. The situation was the same      medical kit with them they took
                                                                              hope and trust.” On the night of
 the next day with continuous          medicines for ailments. It was
                                                                              23rd, at long last, they reached
 rains. There wasn’t a morsel of       that day, when the government
                                                                              Tamil Nadu house in New Delhi
 food and both of them hadn’t          officials had an aerial survey
                                                                              where the officials from Tamil
 slept for days because the ground     and made arrangements to bring
                                                                              Nadu welcomed them. The next
 was wet. Tired and exhausted,         connectivity to their phones.
                                                                              day, they boarded the flight back
 Guruswamy laydown on the                 However that night, as a            to Chennai, and home.
 ground and fell asleep. With          turn-around, the hosts were in
 nothing to while away time,                                                     The team led by K. Venkatesh
                                       for a shock—they were asked
 Venkatesh curled down too. ‘It        to vacate as further floods were       consisted of Vigneshwaran,
 couldn’t have been more than          predicted. Scant for thoughts,         Balaji, Vel Dinesh, and Prakash,
 ten minutes’, recalls Venkatesh       they were dumbstruck. However,         who were M.Tech students in
 when he woke up with one side         the group and others gathered          SRM University of 2011-13
 of his body numb.                     together and offered a job and a       batch, and also Guruswamy,
                                       house to them, in return for the       Prabhakaran, and Rajesh Mishra,
   “The nights were the most                                                  friends of Venkatesh. As for the
                                       hosts to accompany them and take
 dreaded hours,” recalls Venkatesh.                                           three men, Pramod Goswami,
                                       them home safe. Waiting for the
 “One woke up to sunshine to hear                                             Kuldeep Goswami, and Ganga,
                                       decision, they fiddled away the
 people wail as they found their                                              they are being provided training
                                       restless night. Reflecting back,
 loved ones had been taken past                                               and accommodation at Tablets
                                       Venkatesh smiles, “Times such
 the veil.” Most casualties were                                              India Ltd., after which they’ll be
                                       brought out the best in them.”
 old people, especially diabetic                                              transferred to a branch nearer to
 patients, as they did not have          On 21st June, they woke up           their place.
 their timely meals, and little        to hear that the three unmarried
 children. “Hope, trust and struggle   men of the household would be            Nearly a month later, when this
 to hold on swells at time such,”      accompanying them. They agreed         interview happened, Venkatesh
 thinks back Venkatesh. As they        and started the perilous trek down,    said, “Each one of us, still wakes
 sat together dismally, they heard     amidst boulders and decaying           up in the middle of the night and
 a meek ‘Sir’ from behind them.        human corpses, but importantly,        we would be miles away on the
 The voice douched them. They          towards sunshine. On reaching          lonely mountains.”
 turned around to see a modestly
 attired Vel Dinesh, one of the
 students. Lost for words they
 hugged each other and broke
 down. He was badly hurt—he
 had tried climbing up a steep and
 had rolled down injuring himself.
 Vel Dinesh, reviving hope, led
 them to two others, Vigneshwaran
 and Balaji who had stayed in the
 house of a locale. Venkatesh had
 gone past the house several times
 but the three had been inside the
 house. The hosts, in the begin-
 ning were reluctant to admit the
Choosing and Staying with SRM - SRM University
10     2013 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 1

                                                                           Harnessing Solar Energy
                                                                           Staff Reporter                          A solar energy harnessing system    one sq mt area can help reduction
                                                                                                                 over an area of about 100 sq mts      of about .35 tons of carbon
                                                                             “Setting up of Concentrating        can help reduce usage of about        dioxide emission,” he said. He
                                                                           Solar Technology (CST) units to       5,000 to 10,000 litres of diesel      further said that currently there
                                                                           harness solar energy for cooking,     per year. Similarly, harnessing       are about 144 CST units across
                                                                           cooling, and laundry applications     solar energy can also help save       the nation and their target is to
                                                                           helps save fossil fuels,” said Mr.    about 500 to 1,200 LPG cylinders      expand their presence by 2017.
                                                                           Pankaj Kumar, Deputy Project          used for heating, cooling and         Joint Director and Head (Solar
                                                                           Manager at UNDP Concentrated          cooking operations.
                                                                           Solar Heating Project at business                                           Energy) at WISE Sudhir Kumar
Mr. Sudhakar Trivedi and Mr.S.Sathtwik Mohanty, ranking 1st and                                                    “Installation of CST unit over      also spoke.
                                                                           meeting on use of concentrating
2nd in all India Examination (academic session 2011-2012) conducted
by NCHMCT, Noida receiving the Gold and Silver medals and a cash           solar technologies for cooking,
prize of Rs. 1,00,000/- and Rs. 50,000/- from Dr. R Kannan, Principal      cooling and laundry applications
Secretary to Department of Tourism, Government of Tamil Nadu and           in hospitals and hospitality
Mr. Ravi Pachamoothoo, Chairman SRM Group of Institutions. Also            sectors at SRM University at
seen are SRM University Registrar. Dr .N Sethuraman and Dr. D              Kattankulathur near Chennai.
Antony Ashok Kumar, (Director) SRM Institute of Hotel Management.
                                                                              The meeting was organized by
                                                                           World Institute Of Sustainable
SRM students garner                                                        Energy (WISE) in Pune. “Keeping
                                                                           in view the depleting level of
national award for the                                                     conventional energy sources it is
                                                                           time we save them by switching
fourth time in a row                                                       over to renewable energy sources
                                                                           like solar energy,” he added.
Staff Reporter                        standards that they have set.           “CST units are an effective way
                                                                           of harnessing solar energy,” he
                                        Dr. R Kannan, Principal
   Two students of SRM Institute                                           reminded. These CST units work
                                      Secretary to Department of
of Hotel Management, Chennai                                               on the principle of collection of     Dr. Sudhir Kumar, Joint Director & Head (Solar Energy), World Institute
                                      Tourism, Government of Tamil
won the National Council of                                                solar energy radiation and focusing   of Sustainable Energy, WISE), Mr. Pankaj Kumar, Dy. Project Manager,
Hotel Management and Catering         Nadu, said that there is lot of
                                                                           it on a small area with help of       Concentrated Solar Heat Project, UNDP and Ms. Chitra, Programme
Technology (NCHMCT) Noida,            scope for the tourism industry
                                      and hoped that the industry will     mirrors and lenses. He further        Analyst, UNDP in an animated discussion at the Concentrating Solar
National awards for excellence                                             said that use of solar energy         Energy (CST) for Cooking at the SRM University, Kattankulathur during the
in Hospitality Education, for the     develop with growing urbanisation
                                      even in tier 2 and tier 3 cities.    can reduce about one-thirds of        Business Meet on Use of Concentrating Solar Energy (CST) for Cooking,
fourth time in a row.                                                      fossil fuel consumption on the        Cooling and Laundry applications in Hospital and Hospitality Sectors
  This year Mr. Sudhakar Trivedi         The students received Gold        industrial front.                     under UNDP-GEC Project on Concentrated Solar Heat.
and Mr. Sathtwik Mohanty have         and Silver Medals from the
won Gold and silver Medals            Hon’ble Minister of state for
ranking 1st and 2nd in all
India Examination (academic
                                      Tourism (Independent Charge),
                                      Dr. Chiranjeevi at a function
                                                                           Renowned Motivational Speaker
session 2011-2012) conducted
by NCHMCT, Noida. Apart from
                                      organized by Ministry of Tourism
                                      at DRDO Bhawan, New Delhi.           S.N. Padmaja engages final year students
this Mr Sudhakar Trivedi has
received an overall gold medal
                                        It may be noted that Competition   Asks students to follow their heart and passions…
                                      Success Review, a renowned
for the academic excellence for       magazine honoured SRM institute
the batch 2009-2012. SRMIHM           with “Top Hotel Management           Soaham Datta
have maintained the top rankings      Institute of India” for the past
through the years.                                                            Mrs. S. N. Padmaja, chief
                                      three consecutive years 2011,
                                                                           training consultant at Victory
  Congratulating the awardees Mr.     2012 and 2013.
                                                                           Insights, a consultant service
Ravi Pachamoothoo, Chairman              Earlier, a beaming Dr D Antony    provider, addressed a gathering
SRM Group of Institutions, urged      Ashok Kumar (Director) SRM           of more than two thousand final
that many students should take
                                      IHM, said that it was heartening     year students across all branches
the course of Hotel Management
                                      to note the national achievement     in the T.P. Ganesan Auditorium at
course as job opportunities are
                                      for 4 years in a row.                SRM University, Kattankulathur.
more in the hospitality Industry.
                                                                           The primary aim of the gathering,
He further added that the institute     Dr .N Sethuraman, Registrar
                                                                           specially organized for the current
should lead in every sphere           SRM University proposed the
                                                                           outgoing batch, was to encourage
and maintain the international        vote of thanks.
                                                                           the students before they sit for
                                                                           campus placements. She caught
                                                                                                                 your passions”. Maintaining a         human accomplishment as a
     From the Desk of The                                                  the attention of the crowd by
                                                                           playing games and also traversed      high energy level throughout,         result of hard work, dedication,
                                                                                                                 she shared how her yearning to        and willpower. She also shared
     Chairman, Srm Group                                                   the entire length of the aisle to
                                                                           have personal interactions with       help people around her led her        her personal contact details for
                                                                           the students. Citing anecdotes and    to her profession. “Money,”,          any type of consultation. She
     The Chairman of the SRM Group of Educational
                                                                           personal stories from the lives of    she says, “is important, but          received almost two hundred
     Institutions, Mr. Ravi Pachamoothoo, has asked the                                                          it is much more important to          friend requests over facebook
                                                                           eminent personalities, she tried to
     SRM Community to send in their complaints, concerns                   inspire one and all present. Her      be pleased and satisfied with         from SRM students. She is
     and suggestions to him at                       message was plain and simple,         your work.”. She brought the          slated to visit the campus in the
     or through sms to 99400 88414 (text messages only)                    “It is a most rewarding life, in      program to an end with videos         near future and promulgate to a
                                                                           which you pursue and excel in         showing extraordinary feats of        wider audience.
2013 | Spectrum | Volume 7 Number 1 11

Role of teacher crucial: Governor

                        The Governor of Tamil Nadu, the Founder Chancellor, senior officials of the University and invited guests at the lighting of the kuthuvilaku

Staff Reporter                           happening around them.                cultural ties and partnerships. It    century learners' needs.               and share their experiences and
                                                                               further paves way for exchange                                               research results about all aspects
                                            They should be “learner centric,                                            ''As the education advancement
   “The teachers have to play a                                                of ideas. Mastering the language                                             of English Language Teaching.
                                         media-driven, personalized, visibly                                         is progressing among the nations,
significant and predominant role                                               builds friendship and co-operation.
                                         relevant, data-rich, adaptable,                                             challenges also surface. To              “The conference would serve
in guiding the learners,” said
                                         interdependent and diverse,”             SRM University Chancellor          anticipate the challenges, solutions   as a forum for English teachers
Governor of Tamilnadu Dr. K.
                                         said the governor. Reports reveal     Dr.T.R. Pachamuthu said that          need to be provided that could         from all over the world to put
Rosaiah, while speaking at the
                                         that more than 60 percent of the      the conference would serve as a       be applied to bridge the gap           forward their views enabling a
inauguration of International
                                         five million graduates who are        platform to initiate discussion on    between education challenges           world view of English education,
Conference on '21st Century
                                         coming out of the educational         learning styles and strategies and    and solutions from results of          enhancing and empowering them
Learners-Learning Styles and
                                         institutions are unemployable         to develop appropriate teaching       research'', he added.                  with new skills and strategies
Strategies' at SRM University,
Kattankulathur today.                    owing to poor English and lack        materials and methods, classroom        The conference would serve an        gained from the interactions
                                         of communication skills. This         practices and evaluation and to       opportunity for lecturers, teachers,   with language experts and project
  The conference was organized by        was only to remind that more          find new avenues to meet the 21st     researchers and scholars to meet       coordinators,” he added.
Department of English and Foreign        than others, English teachers
Languages (SRM University)
                                         have a serious task cutout for
in association with English
Language Teachers' Association
                                         themselves.                             “Bilingual Communication is important:”
Of India (ELTAI). The Tamil                 First secretary (English             CESS 2013 comes to an end
Nadu governor further said,              Language Education) with British
“Today's teacher is no longer            Council (New Delhi) said that
                                                                                  Mridula Narayan                    country. He said that not even 12%     saw 700 participants and it
a sage on the stage but a guide          emergence of technology has
                                                                                                                     of Indians can use English with        consisted of academic reports,
on the side.”                            caused an explosion of knowledge            CESS 2013, The 8th              proficiency, and thus there is an      panel reports, symposiums,
   In these changing learning            in all directions. More information      International and 44th National    importance of an establishment         workshops, presentations,
patterns and advancements in             is available to learners through         Annual English Language            of Bi-lingual Communication.           and much more.
learning media, switching on to          sources like internet than before.       Teachers Association of India      So, The Association—which
e-learning has made it imperative        This made the role of students           (ELTAI)came to a successful        began with just two chapters             Following the Conference
for teachers to enhance their            and teachers undergo a change.           end. The three day conference      in Dindigul and Coimbatore             report -The Presidential address,
competency and capability to             Teachers now, have to be more            which started on the 18th          each—has established over              Valedictory address and two
be meaningful learners.                  of a guide who shows the right           of July saw a major role of        54 Chapters across different           special addresses were given.
                                         way for students. Learners have to       the Department of English          parts of the country consisting        Amongst the other chief
   As the learners' needs and            master subjects through interaction
demands are different and their                                                   and foreign languages in           of over 200 programmes and             guests present were: Dr.
                                         now apart from the traditional           organizing it.                     many workshops. A pure review          G.A. GhanashyamIyengar,
styles and strategies have become        ways of learning.
different, it is the responsibility of                                                                               Journal is likely to be produced       Prof.Dr.Jalees Ahmed Khan
                                                                                     Dr. K.Elango, the Secretary
the teachers to evolve themselves          Regional English Language                                                 in the near future.                    Tareen, Dr. S. Sathikh, Prof.
                                                                                  of The English Language
to be relevant to them. We see           Officer with Embassy of United           Teachers Association of India        Dr. S. Dawood Shah addressed         Dr. C. MuthamizhChelvan,
the learners go to a class with          States Of America (New Delhi)            addressed the gathering with       the gathering with the Conference      Ms. Angela French, andDr.
notepads, but teachers go with           Diane Miller, said that English          the Annual Report of ELTAI.        report of CESS 2013 which              K. Anbazhagan. The next
textbooks. Teachers need to              language skills prove a great            He spoke of the growth and the     was specially supported by             ELTAI Conference will be
realize that the demand is on them       importance in the 21st century.          influence of ELTAI across the      British Council. The conference        held in Jaipur, Rajasthan.
to keep pace with the changes            Learning English helps foster cross
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