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A Letter from from Richard Our Clients As Edelman travels along its global citizenship journey, we grow bolder in Page 3 Page 11 the confidence and conviction to achieve ever more ambitious objectives. Act with Certainty is our mantra. A Letter from John Our People This is possible because our global citizenship journey since 2010 has followed an Page 4 Page 17 evolutionary rather than revolutionary path – and we’re still on our travels. We grasp that leaders take risks, learn from their mistakes and use them to take bolder steps FY18 Highlights Our Communities by identifying and pursuing the right policies, programs and procedures. We gain Page 23 executive committee approval, develop robust policies and increasingly set specific Page 5 goals. This approach is critical in a global organization with more than five dozen offices – from Brussels to Buenos Aires, Jakarta to Johannesburg and Singapore to Our World San Francisco. The 10 Citizenship Goals Page 33 Page 6 Along the way, our nearly 6,000 employees increasingly relay their belief in and support of our citizenship initiatives. Eighty-five percent believe global citizenship About this Report is an important part of working at Edelman. Buoyed by such support, we seek to Page 41 Updated Citizenship Goals establish intrepid short- and long-term goals that we outline and update in this Page 8 report. They encompass diversity and inclusion, sustainability, procurement and GRI Content Index waste reduction, among other areas, and they follow the United Nations Sustainable Page 42 Development Goals. Update on SDG Alignment Page 9 We don’t always reach our objectives. Still, acting with certainty becomes increas- Appendices ingly essential, as employees and global consumers demand that in these uncertain Page 52 times – as our respected annual Trust Barometer illuminates – organizations and their leaders take charge and make clear they need a partner who tells it like it is, cuts through the chaos and envisions the future. We hope in reviewing our fiscal 2018 citizenship report, you will conclude that what we’re doing in pursuit of corporate responsibility exemplifies leadership and underscores that the goals we set are only as powerful as the change we make. And, remember, our citizenship journey continues. Steadily and with certainty. 2 ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
A Letter from Richard We know from our own research At Edelman, citizenship has always been I am also particularly pleased by our assis- My brother John Edelman, who oversees our that companies and brands central to who we are as a company. As a tance to organizations outside of Edelman global citizenship work, is actively involved in family-owned firm, we have believed from our and the professional services sector with their must take action on issues that initiatives related to veterans, mental health founding in the value of being active and citizenship-related challenges. For example, and development of a sustainability standard matter to their customers, not just engaged members of our local and global I serve as a commissioner of the Business & for the professional services sector. And our communicate or advertise services communities and ensuring our footprint Sustainable Development Commission helping employees around the world spent almost or products. We also know people align companies with the United Nations’ reflects our values. 20,000 hours on pro bono and volunteerism have new expectations for the Sustainable Development Goals, and as a work last year. roles companies and brands play This 2018 report highlights some of our member of the year-old Knight Founda- in their lives and in society’s future. initiatives on important global economic, tion-funded commission addressing the It is not always easy to do the right thing, but environmental and societal issues. Top of mind problem of fake news and the declining trust we work hard at it day after day and year for Edelman is diversity and inclusion because in media institutions. after year. we know we consistently deliver better work for our clients when our teams reflect our Edelman’s global program to help employees As we forge ahead on our citizenship journey, communities. In the United States we have quit smoking has long been in place as has our we are equally energized by the ideal and set a racial and ethnic workforce goal of 30 stand on climate change. I am equally proud proud of the practical. percent to reach by 2022 to reflect the diversity we put our money where our mouth is and of our communities, and we expect to reach awarded over $100,000 in community grants in our objective of filling at least half of our 2018 to local organizations and charities where leadership positions with women by 2020. our employees are active as volunteers. RICHARD EDELMAN President and CEO “Edelman has been a participant in the United Nations Global Compact since March 2001. I am proud to pledge Edelman’s continued support to the Global Compact and its goals.” 3 ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
A Letter from John At a conference not long after However, based on our own experience, I We succeed best when we embed citizenship assuming leadership of our global can now state with certainty that integrating in everything we do, and it operates seamlessly citizenship into a company culture is a step- as part of our culture. We are doing that by citizenship efforts eight years ago, by-step process. Attaining real, measurable integrating citizenship initiatives into our global I asked how long it should take to achievements in what is a complex, complicated strategy and impacting how Edelman operates. embed a strong program of social journey requires an evolutionary, not revolu- We hope sharing the story about how we came and environmental purpose. The tionary, approach. It entails setting objectives; to Act with Certainty will now inspire others that response: five to seven years. putting policies, structures and measurements are starting their own citizenship journey. Self-confident, I responded, “We in place; often launching pilot programs before can do it in one to two years.” going global, gaining buy-in from employees Besides, for decades we have and senior leadership; assessing progress and valued conducting ourselves in an if goals are met, setting new targets. Our time- ethical, sustainable, inclusive and line below illustrates this incremental process. JOHN EDELMAN • Named ‘Top Company for transparent manner. Managing Director, Global Engagement and Executive Women’ Corporate Responsibility • Purchased Renewable Energy Credits for all U.S. operations • Introduced Ruth • Achieved Ecovadis Gold rating • Introduced Edelman Citizenship Citizenship Scores Award • Surpassed $1 million in (C-scores) Community Investment Grants • Carbon Trust • Creation of Global • Developed overall • Achieved Ecovadis Standard certified • Launched pro bono and Citizenship function sustainability goals Silver rating worldwide volunteerism software 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 • First Annual GRI report • Increased pro • Submitted first • Introduced updated bono/volunteerism CDP response Citizenship goals • Introduced Community to 8hrs/FTE Investment Grants • Tracking sustainable procurement • Started tracking and • Alignment with UN Sustainable reporting our global Development Goals GHG data • Named ‘Best Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality’ 4 ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
FY18 Highlights OUR CLIENTS OUR PEOPLE • Received EcoVadis Gold rating, placing Edelman among • Introduced diversity and inclusion trainings the top 5% of evaluated companies • Named ‘Best place to work for LGBTQ equality’ • Launched privacy and data protection trainings • Named ‘Top Company for Executive Women’ • Increase to 48% women in senior leadership positions SDGs: • 105,000+ hours of training * • 30 Edelman Escape winners • Completed global gender pay analysis OUR COMMUNITIES SDGs: • 50 Community Investment Grant winners • Surpassed $1 million in total grants since program inception in 2011 • Launched global volunteer tracking software OUR WORLD • $3 million in total giving (time and cash donations) • Carbon Trust Standard recertification • Nearly 20,000 hours community engagement • 2% absolute carbon emissions reduction SDGs: • Renewable Energy Credits for 100% of U.S. operations • Updated Environmental policy SDGs: 6.4 Citizenship Score *Top three priority goals guiding our community engagement, as voted on by employees 5 ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
The 10 Citizenship Goals In 2017, the Edelman Executive GOALS STATUS UPDATE Committee approved 10 specific Citizenship goals, covering 1. Carbon Footprint: Edelman aims to realize a 10 percent In progress We added 5 new offices to our 2018 Carbon Trust environmental, economic and decrease in carbon intensity emissions (tCO2e/FTE) in Certification cycle to reach the 70 percent emissions social areas. The goals were our 15 Carbon Trust-certified offices by 2020 (scope 1 + verification threshold. developed to embed sustainability 2 emissions, compared to 2016 levels). in everything we do, and to hold ourselves accountable to keep 2. Carbon Footprint: Edelman commits to neutralize 100 Completed Edelman purchased 5,747 MWh of renewable energy percent of its U.S. operations’ scope 2 emissions by credits sourced from the United States by Renewable taking steps forward. purchasing Renewable Energy Credits (REC) for all U.S. Choice Energy. offices in FY18. 3. Carbon Footprint: Edelman aims to maintain our Completed Edelman successfully recertified in June 2018, based on a Carbon Trust Certification worldwide by applying for 6.4 percent absolute reduction in the compliance period of recertification in FY18. Jan. 1, 2016 to Dec. 31, 2017. 4. Business Ethics: Edelman seeks to align its business In progress To date, we have applied the UNSDGs in our reporting, practices and corporate social responsibility program to pro bono & volunteerism policy, Ruth Edelman Citizenship the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Award and Community Investment Grant program. FY18. 5. Responsible Procurement: Edelman will measure In progress In partnership with Ecovadis, we reached out to 68 designated key business partners’ compliance with suppliers in the U.S., Europe and China. its sustainable procurement policy, using leading independent third-party supply chain accountability and transparency platforms, starting in FY18. 6. Responsible Procurement: Edelman seeks to measure, In progress We are in the process of beginning a vendor management evaluate, and improve its spend with diverse suppliers system that lets us identify and track our diversity in the U.S. in FY18, including Minority-, Women-, spending and search for diverse business suppliers. LGBTQ- and Veteran-owned businesses as well as Small Disadvantaged and HUBZone businesses. 6 ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
The 10 Citizenship Goals , continued GOALS STATUS UPDATE 7. Learning & Development Edelman is adding additional In progress We launched new employee trainings and workshops training modules, policies and investment in the Edelman focused on Diversity & Inclusion and Information Security Learning Institute to communicate with our employees Awareness. on such relevant corporate social responsibility topics as sustainable procurement, diversity & inclusion and We aim to implement Citizenship-specific modules for new workplace behavior, among other topics. employee trainings in FY19 8. Diversity & Inclusion Edelman’s goal is that by 2020, In progress As of June 30, 2018, 47.8 percent of senior leadership women will hold 50 percent of senior leadership positions are held by women, up from 41 percent in 2017. positions (level 5+) globally. 9. Pro Bono: Edelman aims to deliver 50 percent of its pro Initiated We launched global volunteer tracking software to help bono hours against three UN Sustainable Development measure our progress against these priority SDGs. Goals as identified by our employees: Gender Equality, Quality Education and Zero Hunger, starting in FY18. 10. Health & Well-Being Edelman will invest in a global In progress We added two specific Health & Well-being targets to our culture of health & well-being intended to provide global Citizenship C-score key performance indicators. employees in all locations with access to a structured (local or regional) health & well-being program, supported by ongoing local initiatives. 7 ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Updated Citizenship Goals Over the past year, we made significant progress on most goals with some of them fully realized. SOCIAL Therefore, we are updating the goals to better reflect our enhanced ambition for the future. We 8. Learning & Development: Edelman seeks also added two new goals to drive change in all to add additional training modules in the the areas where we have an impact. Edelman Learning Institute (ELI) by 2020 ECONOMIC on relevant corporate social responsibility topics, such as sustainable procurement, 4. Business Ethics: Edelman seeks to align diversity and inclusion, UN Sustainable its business practices and Citizenship Development Goals and IT security. program to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and present a 9. Diversity & Inclusion: Edelman’s goal is ‘2030 SDG strategy’ by 2020. that by 2020, women will hold 50 percent of local senior leadership positions (level 5+) 5. Responsible Procurement: globally. ENVIRONMENT Edelman aims to streamline its sustainable procurement processes and 10. Diversity & Inclusion: Edelman’s goal is to 1. Carbon footprint: Edelman aims to realize maximize its spend, by reach a racially/ethnically workplace diver- a 10 percent decrease (scope 1 + 2 emis- implementing vendor management systems sity ratio of 30 percent in the U.S. by 2022. sions, compared to 2016 levels) in carbon and annually reviewing its sustainable intensity emissions (tCO2e/FTE) in our 20 procurement policies. 11. Pro Bono: Edelman aims by 2020 to deliver Carbon Trust certified offices and achieve 50 percent of its pro bono hours against the recertification by 2020 6. Responsible Procurement: By 2020, Edel- three UN Sustainable Development Goals man will measure as identified by our employees: Gender 2. Carbon footprint: Edelman commits to designated key business partners Equality, Quality Education, and Zero Hun- source 100% renewable electricity through in priority procurement categories ger. Energy Attribute Certificates for all U.S. and on their compliance with our EMEA offices by 2020. sustainable procurement policy. 12. Health & Well-Being: Edelman will develop a dedicated working group to elevate 3. Waste Management: Edelman commits to 7. Responsible Procurement: employee health & well-being programs. By realizing a 50 percent diversion rate in all Edelman seeks to realize a 10 percent or 2020, we will deliver awareness programs HUB-offices by 2020 and all global offices more spend with diverse suppliers in and training modules to support these by 2025. priority categories in the U.S. efforts. 8 ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Update on SDG Alignment On September 25, 2015, world For the goals to be reached, everyone must do Additionally, our Community Investment Grant leaders adopted a set of goals to their part: governments, the private sector, civil applications and Ruth Edelman Citizenship society and citizens. Edelman recognizes it has Award submissions consider these three end poverty, protect the planet and its own role to play in reaching the goals. categories priorities. ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development To maximize our impact, we follow guidelines Now that we have started conducting agenda for 2030. On January 1, as defined by the Global Reporting Initiative principled prioritization of SDG targets and 2016, the 17 Sustainable Develop- (GRI), UN Global Compact and the World defined SDG-related report content (as defined ment Goals (SDGs) officially went Business Council for Sustainable Development. in ‘Guidelines for Business Reporting on the into effect, mobilizing efforts to Last year, as a first step, we mapped where we SDGs’), the next phase will focus on setting end all forms of poverty, fighting already have an impact (see “SDG Alignment” business objectives and strategies. This inequalities and tackling climate grid) and defined priorities for our pro bono will help us define business objectives to projects. Because these projects come to life contribute to the SDGs in addition to the pro change, while ensuring that no through the enthusiasm and skills of our em- bono and corporate giving priorities. The one is left behind. ployees, we asked our global staff which goals newly defined goals (see overview on page 8) they would like as priorities. As a result, we shows how our business goals align with the focus our pro bono efforts on Gender Equality, U.N. SDGs. Quality Education and Zero Hunger. Our goal is to present 2030 goals by 2020, elevate our efforts, maximize positive outcomes and support systemic and durable change. 9 ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Aligning Citizenship with UN Sustainable Development Goals The graph below shows how Edelman’s material Citizenship topics (covered in this report) impact the UN Sustainable Development Goals. UN SDG MATERIAL TOPIC OUR CLIENTS Business Ethics & Compliance l l Data Privacy & Information Security l OUR PEOPLE Employee Health & Well-Being l l l l l l Diversity & Inclusion l l l l l Learning & Development l l l OUR COMMUNITIES Pro Bono Initiatives l l l General Volunteerism Corporate Giving OUR WORLD Sustainable Purchasing l l l l l Supplier Diversity l l l l l l Green Office Policies l l l l l l l l l Carbon Footprint l l l l l l 10 ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Our Clients ACTING WITH CERTAINTY IN PARTNERSHIP WITH OUR CLIENTS Increasingly, we assist clients with their purpose-driven campaigns, aided by our own leadership on varied citizenship-related fronts. This is a key principle of acting with certainty because to best advise and assist our clients, we must be at the forefront ourselves on important issues of social responsibility – from diversity and inclusion and gender equality to environmental stewardship and information privacy and security. 11
Acting with Certainty in Partnership with Our Clients research underlines the need for businesses 2018 Trust Barometer and brands to take strong positions on social, 64% economic and environmental issues, and for CEOs to be a driver for change and not wait for government. of global respondents The 2018 Trust Barometer findings reveal a believe a company can take actions that both significant change in the ecosystem of trust, as increase profits and improve confidence in CEOs who speak out on issues economic and social and trust in experts, improved significantly, while conditions in the community trust in peers declined substantially. where it operates CLIENT WORK Global clients, both new and old, increasingly engage Edelman to advise them on and help plan, develop and execute cause-related initia- tives. Often, they seek our assistance because they know of pro bono projects and campaigns For our clients and many others, 2018 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER we have been involved in that relate to issues Edelman’s intellectual property and The Edelman Trust Barometer – now in its 19th from mental health and veterans’ issues to counsel increasingly help them year and covering 33,000-plus respondents in global hunger, education and gender equality. understand their expanding 28 global markets – generates important We gain invaluable experience from the work social role and act on how they signals about the state of trust and distrust we do with clients on such endeavors and, can contribute social purpose to worldwide and the impact on countries, increasingly, we apply our communications various industries, economic sectors and marketing talents gleaned from cause-related our world. institutions outside of business, including client work to our own pro bono activities. The government, the media and NGOs. The following case studies offer a glimpse at the broad range of client assignments we helped with in FY18. For more purpose-driven client work, please visit our Citizenship website. 12 OUR CLIENTS ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
CASE STUDIES Edelman UAE Linkedin : Hear it from me LinkedIn wanted to strengthen its offering Edelman helped LinkedIn define a meaningful in Saudi Arabia in relation to Arabic-first job role for its platform by using its data – along search websites. To build brand presence and with the voices of Saudi career women – to increase sign-ups, Edelman UAE needed to tell their stories with authority and conviction. connect LinkedIn to something bigger. And they united these stories under an integrated campaign – #HearItFromMe. So, it used this ask as an opportunity to connect the act of signing up to making a Edelman helped package and launch statement: Adding more women into the work- LinkedIn research around the barriers and force under the Saudi Vision 2030 mandate. drivers to hiring Saudi women and engaged multiple influential Saudi Arabian business- Edelman helped LinkedIn define its approach women to blog about the data across a range to market by providing a key insight of Saudi of social media platforms. Arabian women professionals: In the shadow of their misrepresentation in the media, these Within the first four days, the campaign women view their careers and achievements eclipsed regional records on social, generating as invisible to the world and to recruiters. over 20 percent engagement and more than 200,000 impressions. It has since generated 35 pieces of media coverage across print, online and broadcast – not to mention tweets from the Kingdom’s top influencers who spoke about the findings and LinkedIn’s efforts. 13 OUR CLIENTS ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
CASE STUDIES Edelman Seattle REI: Force of Nature REI, a purpose-driven outdoor retailer and Edelman launched #ForceofNature as an the nation’s largest consumer cooperative, integrated, insight-driven campaign to media, has never shied away from its belief that a life consumers and the public at large. Edelman outdoors is a life well lived – for all. Edelman secured a strong line-up of interviews with partnered with REI to help them take a stand REI women leaders resulting in launch day during a time of ignited activism, awareness placements in Forbes, Fast Company, Gear and conversation around gender inequality and Junkie and Fortune. The team also helped barriers that exist to equal opportunity. REI partner with Outside Magazine to create the outlet’s first all-women’s issue. Following REI partnered with Edelman to launch the initial launch, Edelman took the integrated #ForceofNature in April 2017, a long-term media push from national to REI’s key effort that continues to the present, to make markets and helped drive attendance to the outdoors the world’s largest level playing 1000+ events and classes specifically field, resetting gender perceptions and ensuring designed for women. that women and girls are just as inspired and equipped as men to embrace life outside. Beyond initial curtain-raiser stories, Edelman secured coverage in top-tier outlets, and the REI, Edelman and Edelman Intelligence campaign also garnered 45 million social conducted a survey of 2,000 women to unearth impressions, 15 million of which came from the societal truths about the relationship REI employees. Nearly 48,000 women have women have with the outdoors and provide participated in local events across the newsworthy data that illustrated the outdoor country, and the waitlist for ongoing events gender gap. The findings proved that too many has reached nearly 15,000. The work also women believe the outdoors isn’t for them, won a Bronze Lion in the Glass: The Lion for with 84 percent of women calling themselves Change category at the Cannes Lions Festival, “active” but only 32 percent identifying as not to mention several public relations industry “outdoorsy.” This data grounded the campaign honors including winning the 2018 Gold and positioned REI to take action. Sabre Awards for Retail. But perhaps most importantly, the campaign continues to incite conversation and action from consumers, retailers and the outdoor industry to address the outdoor gender gap. 14 OUR CLIENTS ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
CASE STUDIES Edelman Singapore + Shanghai J&J Vision : Help Children See With nearly 90 percent of China’s youth suffering from myopia, or near-sightedness, it has become a growing issue of concern in the country. To draw public attention to this issue and raise funds to bring more early vision screenings to children in need, the Edelman teams from Singapore and Shanghai produced the Help Children See purpose marketing campaign for Johnson and Johnson Vision in APAC, built around helping each child live up the full potential of their names on National Eye Care Day in China. Led with the insight that Chinese parents attach hopes and aspirations of desired futures encapsulated in the names of their children, the team created a viral film that explored the story of a young boy as he tries to live up to the vision behind his name while struggling with poor eyesight. The film led viewers to the popular Chinese gaming platform QQ, featuring a game that also doubles as an eye exam, after which they are prompted to donate to the Within the first few hours of launch, the film in brand consideration and 10 percent in Sight for Kids school-based vision screening garnered more than 1.5 million donations, myopia awareness. Help Children See inspired partnership program. As part of the integrated and within 48 hours, over 413 million views. In a whole new generation of Chinese parents to campaign, the team didn’t just produce the total, the campaign led to an increase of truly see the importance of early eye checks viral film – they also created content for the 16 percent in brand love for Johnson and for their children and to understand how game, as well as web banners and posters. Johnson Vision’s ACUVUE® brand, 11 percent myopia can affect their lives. 15 OUR CLIENTS ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Data Privacy & Information Security Edelman is a client-focused and GDPR attachments and hyperlinks to identify ethical organization that represents malicious attacks while delivering additional We have always considered data privacy email user identity validation through some of the leading organizations and confidentiality critical to handling our multifactor authentication. and companies in the world. We clientmatters. Like many of our international take the privacy and security of clients, we believe it makes sense to use We also began a new employee training personal data seriously and have the European Union’s recently activated system that revamped our compliance training adopted global privacy policies General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and introduced new Information Security as a guidepost for our global privacy and consistent with our high standards. training modules, tools and online features to security compliance program. Learn more about our global help employees be vigilant and prevent privacy principles and policies We developed and rolled out training materials phishing attacks, among other things. on our on our website’ with ‘on our and customized mandatory data privacy BUSINESS ETHICS Citizenship page on and protection training in support of these materials that all employees were expected EcoVadis provides an independent CSR to complete before May 25. analysis covering 21 criteria across four themes of environment, fair labor practices, We revisited our data privacy and security ethics/fair business practices, and supply policies and procedures and made changes chain. The methodology is built on international 90% 62% as appropriate to our practices to meet CSR standards including the Global Reporting expectations of our global clients and of Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact regulators. We increased our IT network and the ISO 26000, covering 190 spend of employees of employees protection capabilities by adding advanced categories and 150 countries. trained on (level 4+) threat protection which scans email general data trained protection on Anti- (GDPR) Corruption T his year marks the first time Edelman achieved an EcoVadis Gold rating. This result places Edelman among the top 5 percent of performers evaluated by EcoVadis. 85% 59% of employees of employees trained on trained on compliance workplace and ethics behavior 16 OUR CLIENTS ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Our People PROVIDING OUR EMPLOYEES WITH RESPONSIBLE CHOICES An overwhelming majority of our nearly 6,000 employees – 85 percent – say our Citizenship efforts are a key reason they work at Edelman. This is why we consider it essential to adopt meaningful actions that contribute and improve their lives at work, at home, in their communities and more broadly. We believe that our employees increasingly value our Citizenship initiatives because ours has been an evolutionary journey that continues, and they’ve seen our yearly progress. 17 ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Importance of Citizenship to Our People Our Citizenship efforts continue to Eighty-five percent of our employees (up environmental and economic issues. They gain the support of our employees from 81 percent the year before) believe that want us to support diversity and inclusion citizenship is important in deciding to work initiatives and promote health and well-being worldwide and they play a signifi- at Edelman and that percentage is consistent while also providing effective professional cant role in acquiring and retaining across regions and levels. training and development. talent. All our regions reported moderate to significant progress We believe this increasing level of engagement This is why we continue to introduce new in citizenship in FY18 as well as in spotlights the success we see in our Citizen- Citizenship goals and policies, including efforts volunteerism, green initiatives and ship approach. But we always are seeking fresh to center our employees’ talents and skills to pro bono work. ways to connect with our global community advance the UN Sustainable Development because, as the Edelman Trust Barometer goals of Gender Equality, Zero Hunger and makes clear, employees – and indeed citizens Quality Education — three goals identified by worldwide – want their organizations and our employees as priority focus areas. CEOs to take stands on important societal, 85% of 63% of employees employees believe that citizenship is seek more information important in deciding to about potential work at Edelman opportunities, indicating they have a clear desire to Up from become more engaged. 81% in FY17 9% increase in interest from FY17 18 OUR PEOPLE ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Health & Well-Being Health and well-being continue to From supporting physical and mental health in and resources to ensure changes met legal rank among the most important the workplace, to organized activities, access requirements and to ensure they were right to resources and policies that encourage for Edelman. values to our employees, and in flexibility, we continue to evolve the way we fiscal 2018, it ranked as the top We also began to broaden the Edelman address this important value globally to ensure issue around nearly all of our Escape program, a widely popular U.S. employee health and satisfaction and secure a global offices. However, only 47 culture that places wellness at the center. program that awards winners one week percent of employees believe that and $1500 to pursue a once-in-a-lifetime Edelman has created a culture This past year, we undertook a large project to experience, to eventually make it global by that promotes healthy living. change our paid time off policies in the U.S. to budgeting for it in Canada and then elsewhere. allow for more flexibility by providing buckets Edelman also moved to make a tobacco of PTO and a PTO bank of time for employees cessation program a global one within the VETERANS to use. The project required considerable time Employee Assistance Program. WELL-BEING SURVEY We conducted our third annual Veterans Well-being Survey in partnership with more than 15 1. Career 4. Physical veteran service organizations. • Barcelona: Planned a “Clear-out Day,” • Madrid: Offered a five-week Pilates The survey engaged 2,000 where employees cleared their desks class. to “clear their minds.” veterans, 1,075 employers, • UK: Offers guided mediation, resilience 250 educators and 500 military and stress management workshops, 2. Social spouses, and focused on tracking biweekly massages. • Paris: Organizes monthly afternoon changes in veterans’ well-being • Belgium: Offers desk yoga classes. tea sessions, encouraging employees metrics over time assessing to practice their English, and hosts a • Germany: Offers massages across all monthly healthy breakfast social get- country offices. perceptions of employment together. 5. Community readiness and potential for success; diving deeper into In FY18 offices in the Europe and the 3. Financial • Cologne and Paris: Organized office-wide charity runs. the civilian/military divide United Kingdom created a program • U.K.: Hosted financial education focused on five pillars of well-being, seminars run by HSBC Bank. • Madrid: Encourages employees to and the issues perpetuating which include: take time off to donate blood. this; and assessing military spouse employment as well as perceptions of access to care. 19 OUR PEOPLE ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Diversity & Inclusion Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) In January 2018, our U.S. Executive Committee ment efforts by strengthening partnerships are an extension of our values set a racial and ethnic workforce goal of 30 with key organizations, universities/colleges and are core to our culture. We percent by 2022 (from 24 percent). At the and communities to develop a more diverse end of the fiscal year, our diverse workforce candidate pipeline. To drive retention and recognize the critical importance percentage was 25 percent and it has promotion of our work, we expect to introduce of employing a diverse workforce continued to increase in the current fiscal year. a D&I-focused mentoring program, especially and senior management and for mid-level employees, and provide program- in maintaining an inclusive Additionally, we expect to meet our 2020 ming through our five employee networks. workplace by setting firm goal of achieving 50 percent representation objectives and holding ourselves of women in leadership roles firmwide. That In FY18, we held over 50 D&I trainings accountable to exceed them. percentage increased to nearly 48 percent in throughout the U.S. offices and beyond, FY18. Of note, the four largest U.S. offices – and required U.S. employees to participate New York, Chicago, Washington, D.C. and the in the ongoing trainings. We completed a Bay Area – are headed by women. companywide pay equity analysis to identify and take steps to eliminate gaps, which Edelman completed a gender To drive this work, we have several programs underlines our commitment to equal pay. pay analysis which found that underway and more work to be done. We Edelman pays women 99% of continue to enhance our diversity recruit- what their male counterparts are paid for similar job functions, experience and geographies. Gender Breakdown by Region Age Breakdown by Generation Region Female Male Total Generation Female Male Total APACMEA 855 403 1,258 Silent 3 2 5 48% Boomer 139 106 245 Women now hold 48% Canada 167 70 237 of Senior Leadership Europe & CIS 924 431 1,355 Gen X 624 490 1,114 positions (Executive Vice LatAm 248 94 342 Millennial 3,179 1,195 4,374 President and up). U.S. 1,804 805 2,609 Generation Z 53 10 63 Total 3,817 1,803 5,801 Total 3,398 1,803 5,801 20 OUR PEOPLE ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Diversity & Inclusion, continued INCLUSIVO EQUAL Our five employee networks were increasingly active in FY18. The groups include Edelman Equal, our LGBTQ network; Forward, our veterans’ network; Griot, our African American network; GWEN, our global women’s network; and Inclusivo, our Hispanic/Latino network. GWEN GRIOT The Global Women’s Empowerment Network Edelman’s Hispanic network group expanded continued to launch bold initiatives and its impact, hosting workshops, panels and engage women across Edelman’s global fundraisers to celebrate Latino pride. In New offices. In FY18, it launched Opportunity York, the group hosted a hip hop and culture Edelman Equal celebrated PRIDE month Talks, a global mentorship program, to connect workshop in collaboration with Griot NY as around the world, including participating employees across the network, and Lean well as a food and culture panel, a fundraiser for in marches in Mexico City and London; In Circles, another mentorship program to a Puerto Rican school damaged by Hurricane hosting fundraisers for homeless LGBTQ empower women colleagues across all levels Maria and a creative lifestyle design workshop youth initiatives in the U.S. and the AIDS through group mentorship and peer coaching. with actress Joselyn Martinez. In Chicago, committee of Toronto in Canada; and Throughout international Women’s Day, the the group celebrated Dia de los Muertos, and cultivating partnerships as the U.K. did with group planned festivities and awareness partnered with local organizations to give Intermedia UK, an organization that strives to activities in offices across the globe; in back, including sponsorship of the El Futuro build a more LGBT-inclusive media industry. Chicago, the group hosted a guest speaker To build momentum around racial diversity High School Leadership program, to help the and raised funds for a local nonprofit that and inclusion through internal and external city’s Latino community achieve better college helps empower women to secure employment. programming. In FY18, the group celebrated entrance and completion rates. Black History Month and continued to offer FORWARD open forums to engage diverse media and Griot journalists, and supported black artists in their Edelman has made its first two veteran hires Edelman’s black network group continued communities. To continue to build community through a partnership with United States support and encourage education throughout Chamber of Commerce Hiring Our Heroes local black communities, Griot raised money program, and has also hired several military for local school and community centers and spouses, marking the first steps in our journey joined in on service projects for local charities. toward creating a more inclusive workforce bolstered by the experiences and skillsets veterans and military spouses offer. 21 OUR PEOPLE ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Learning & Development UNLOCKING CLIENT VALUE BY INVESTING • Targeted Learning Programs: As part of IN OUR EMPLOYEES our commitment to develop targeted skills and experiences, we design custom learn- We pride ourselves in our learning and devel- ing solutions by region, office and team. opment efforts and consider them representa- tive of our culture of continuous improvement • Mentor Programs: Most global offices offer and dynamic learning environment, which a mentor program with active partnerships adds new online and in-class training modules that connect experienced employees with regularly. junior colleagues. Other programs link minority talent with senior managers, newer But it’s the on-the-job experiences that make women employees with women leaders Edelman special. We estimate that our employ- and new parents with longtime Edelman ees learn about 70 percent of their knowledge parents. on the job, which underlines why our career development program combines formal Performance Reviews: These annual and • training, coaching and mentoring, and distinct mid-year reviews evaluate skills, provide professional experiences: strategic goal development and career planning opportunities. Edelman Learning Institute: This corpo- • rate “virtual campus” addresses personal and professional growth through a robust, 105,161 hrs global training system that supports lifelong development and social learning. Leadership Academy: This program offers • In FY18, employees recorded select client-facing leaders the global a total of 105,161 hours of opportunity to participate in an intensive training, an average of 16.5 EDELMAN LEADERSHIP ACADEMY EVOLVES educational three-day program conducted hours per person. This year, 70 of our top leaders from 32 global offices gathered in Montreal by experts from both within and outside to participate in a distinct, leader-led coaching experience. More than 30 Edelman. Edelman executives and internal experts conducted small groups in learning structured around three pillars of Courage, Collaboration and Operational Excellence, guided by a thematic construct of Unlocking Value for Clients. 22 OUR PEOPLE ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Our Communities IMPACTING OUR LOCAL COMMUNITIES Acting with Certainty extends beyond our and our clients’ business. It applies to the way we conduct ourselves as world citizens – in the places where we live, work and play. Our employees use their skills, talents and time to make a positive impact through community involvement. Again, it has proven important to evolve our global citizenship efforts as volunteerism and pro bono initiatives change emphasis. For instance, we are aligning our efforts more closely with three U.N. Sustainable Development Goals favored by our employees: Zero Hunger, Quality Education and Gender Equality. 23 ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
19,907 hrs Pro Bono total volunteerism Volunteer Board Ad Sponsors $3 million Employee Giving & Volunteerism 63% 1,483 hours 9,319 hours Being active and engaged Globally, one-quarter of employees have Board Advisory Volunteerism participants in society is a core volunteered through Edelman-sponsored 9,103 hours While we continue to prioritize pro bono and opportunities, and 43 percent were involved of employees would value to Edelman employees. Pro Bono volunteerism across our offices, we also continue outside of the office. More than one in 10 has like to receive more In fact, 80 percent of employees information about pro to assess where we’re falling short and how we can engaged in pro bono work either inside or say volunteering and pro bono bono and volunteerism empower employees to give back. outside the firm. opportunities are important opportunities 1.Volunteering and Pro Bono Policy. Over half factors in choosing to work In total, we’ve given back nearly 20,000 hours 1.2 million 1.4 million of our global employees report that making time Sponsorship Probono at Edelman. and $3 million in time and talent in FY18. 60% available during work hours would help increase Our ultimate goal is that every employee participation. Our recently updated volunteering gives back the eight hours they’re allotted for and pro bono policy encourages offices to take the a total of 40,000 hours of pro222,548 bono and of employees would 227,499 lead in creating opportunities for their employees, volunteering time. Board Advisory like to Volunteerism hear from local leadership about from volunteer days to pro bono partnerships. The opportunities policy provides clear guidance on minimal time investments, U.N. SDG priorities and logging hours efficiently. 2. Streamlining reporting. A challenge to accurate reporting lies in volunteering and pro bono hours 19,907 hrs 9,103 hours Pro Bono 9,319 hours Volunteerism tracking. We launched a global software to help simplify and streamline this process across total volunteerism offices, which we will discuss on page 25. 1,483 hours Board Advisory 3. Formalizing involvement. Our policy adds structure to Edelman-sponsored volunteerism and we continue to build out our pro bono guidelines $3 million for involvement, ensuring that the work leverages $1.4 million $1.2 million Probono Sponsorship, communications marketing skills and produces Grants, top-tier case studies. total giving Contributions $227,499 $222,548 Volunteerism Board Advisory 24 OUR COMMUNITIES ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Employee Giving & Volunteerism 50% 82% CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES YOURCAUSE Though employee interest in and passion for We launched YourCause software globally community engagement remains high, hurdles Time: Fifty percent of all to address these concerns and encourage of employees say that exist to involvement. While 82 percent and 79 employees acknowledge time Citizenship engagement at all levels. The volunteerism is important in percent of employees, respectively, believe is the biggest factor affecting software centralizes all volunteer and pro choosing to work at Edelman their Citizenship involvement. that volunteerism and pro bono are important bono opportunities, streamlines signup and 79% This statistic is especially in choosing to work at Edelman, only about simplifies hours tracking. Transition to this common in the U.S., with 25 percent of employees have engaged in 67 percent of employees full-service site enables the Global Citizenship Edelman-sponsored volunteering, and only 10 team to obtain an accurate sense of employee 79% say pro bono is important in struggling to make time to choosing to work at EdelmanYet percent have engaged in Edelman-sponsored engage in volunteer and pro involvement, and it empowers employees globally, only 39% of employees pro bono work, citing time and awareness as bono projects. around the world to give back in the best way volunteer through Edelman their biggest barriers. for them. 31% Awareness: Nearly one-third 78% (31%) of employees are not Level 1 and 2 employees (78%) aware of opportunities to get are most interested in service- involved. This is particularly related opportunities apparent in the APAC region, followed by Canada and Latin America. 58% Level 4 and 5 (58%) as well as Level 6+ (81%) are more interested in professional/skilled- based opportunities 25 OUR COMMUNITIES ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Community Investment Grants 50 grants We’re proud of the myriad ways As one of the Global Citizenship team’s employees give back outside of signature programs, our Community Investment Grants have a direct and meaningful impact the office on their own time, and awarded in FY18 on organizations with which employees are we’re also proud to help support engaged across the world. For the past seven 14 grants this involvement. years, this grant program has supported causes that matter most to employees and their communities. impacted one of Edelman’s priority sustainable development goals This year we awarded 50 grants, totaling $101,500, across 18 offices globally. QUALITY Organizations ranged from a sustainable coffee EDUCATION collective in Uganda to an adaptive winter PARTNERSHIPS 12 $101,500 GOOD HEALTH AND FOR THE GOALS WELL-BEING sports nonprofit in Vancouver; from a program 1 10 that unites magic with motor skills therapy in London to an arts organization that helps awarded in FY18 CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION NO POVERTY facilitate an understanding of diversity in 1 8 Connecticut; from a project to build vegetable gardens for sustainability and biology Number of grants education at a school in Illinois to a project to ZERO awarded REDUCED HUNGER cultivate a more walkable community in The Community Investment for each SDG INEQUALITIES 1 8 Maryland. The list goes on – and so does Grants program has totaled the impact. more than $1.1 million USD in GENDER charitable giving – in more SUSTAINABLE CITIES EQUALITY AND COMMUNITIES than 750 separate grants – since 1 DECENT WORK 4 the program’s inception in FY11. AND LIFE ON LAND ECONOMIC GROWTH 2 3 26 OUR COMMUNITIES ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Volunteerism LONDON’S CHALLENGE DAY PARIS CITIZEN DAY CANADA’S LITTLE GIVE: Vancouver Edition Inspired by Oprah Winfrey’s Big Give initiative, The Little Give is Edelman Canada’s annual corporate social responsibility project that dedicates a little bit of seed money and a whole lot of time and energy to worthy, local nonprofit organizations. Established in 2008 by Edelman Vancouver, The Little Give taps into employees’ diverse skillsets and passions to make a difference in the communities around them. Edelman London colleagues participated in All 140 Paris employees participated in their the office’s first Challenge Day on May 3. As office’s second annual Citizen Day on June 27. In June 2018, the Vancouver office celebrated an alternative to the office’s biannual company Office involvement focused on volunteering its 11th anniversary by collaborating with three offsite, this day aimed to shine a spotlight on and pro bono work for three local charities, local charities: Mount Pleasant Neighbour- the opportunities around pro bono and totaling more than 1,000 hours. hood House, Whole Way House and a Loving volunteerism at Edelman. Spoonful. These organizations supply needed Some employees assisted an employment services, empowering those struggling with The huge effort connected 500-plus colleagues service agency by developing communications family issues and in need of daycare and “We connected with inspiring people in with 24 community charities and causes. materials and conducting interview workshops, counselling services. Edelman Vancouver’s our community, challenged ourselves Teams were tasked with assisting a range of resume and curriculum vitae workshops and “Little Givers” got involved in cleaning, and embraced the opportunity to work projects both small and large from across the job coaching workshops. Others helped at a crafting, dancing, cooking, painting and alongside our colleagues in a new U.K. Some teams developed a digital skills homeless shelter with various tasks including projects involving manual labor. environment, whether it was through workshop and helped organizations rebrand basement cleaning, wall painting, lunch prepa- power washing or line dancing, ‘The and activate. Others spent the day outdoors ration, building patio furniture and creating a Little Give’ is one of the most enriching on large community projects – whether tending beautiful piece of wall art. Still others aided a experiences that we, as Edelman employees, gardens, preparing and serving hot meals or humanitarian emergency service organization, take part in as a collective group.” engaging with diverse community members, sorting more than 2,200 articles of clothing for - Vanessa Mora, Vancouver among others. those in need. For Paris, this was a day of Citizenship Lead solidarity – of uniting time and talent to give back in a truly meaningful way. 27 OUR COMMUNITIES ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Volunteerism, continued tangible results: Packaged 2,000 pounds of CHICAGO’S WEEK OF SERVICE food at Lakeview Pantry; made nearly 100 chew toys for animals the Anti-Cruelty Society; sorted donations for 192 children at Cradles to Crayons; mentored nearly 200 middle school students with Junior Achievement; organized and stocked linen and toiletry closets for Ronald McDonald House families; and played bingo and served lunch to 160 seniors with Meals on Wheels. THE BAY AREA: Annual Offsite Each year, Edelman Chicago dedicates a week to give back to the community. Employees are The Bay Area offices comprising San Francisco, encouraged to sign up for various volunteer Silicon Valley and Sacramento close down for activities throughout the week, which in FY18 an afternoon each summer for an offsite included: sorting donations at Cradles to celebration to wrap up the fiscal year and start Crayons, making chew toys for animals at the next on a positive note. the Anti-Cruelty Society, packaging food In August 2017, the Bay Area offices canceled donations at Lakeview Pantry, mentoring their morning work hours to provide several middle schoolers with Junior Achievement, volunteer opportunities to enable employees playing bingo with seniors for Meals on to give back to their local communities. More Wheels, and much more. than 80 employees engaged in these events, More than one third of the office engages impacting five UN Sustainable Development with these activities throughout the week, and Goals through the Alameda Food Bank, employee participation created the following Project Open Hand, Botanical Garden at Golden Gate Park, The Arc and the East Bay College Fund. 28 OUR COMMUNITIES ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
Pro Bono Work In addition to empowering RUTH EDELMAN AWARD Top-ranking entries closely emulated the employees to give back with time, Throughout her life, Ruth Edelman supported beginning-to-end communications marketing Edelman also encourages them numerous health organizations and nonprofits. work we do for clients regularly, including: collaboration across practices; clear goals, to give back with talent. Our Pro Her commitment to helping others proved an objectives and tactics based on research Bono and Volunteerism policy inspiration to all who knew and loved her. From and insights; full-circle campaign execution; prioritizes pro bono work, or Ruth’s involvement in the community to the tens compelling case study and video development; “professional volunteerism,” of thousands of volunteer hours that Edelman lasting and measurable impact; and demon- defined as skilled work performed employees complete every year, Citizenship strating our third core value – the courage to has always been core to who we are. by a professional, done free of do the right thing. charge to serve the public good. In its third year, the Ruth Edelman Citizenship The following pages outline Edelman’s best- 9,000 hrs Award recognizes the pro bono project that When considering pro bono opportunities, we in-class pro bono work. For more examples of demonstrates Edelman Citizenship to the seek to apply employees’ unique communica- our nonprofit partnerships at work, please visit highest extent. The recognition is part of our Citizenship page on In FY18, employees tions marketing talents to create campaigns Edelman’s larger Culture Awards initiative – completed more than that make a sustained impact for organizations which celebrates the achievements of teams 9,000 hrs of pro bono activity, and causes in their communities. But there’s and individuals who have made a positive valued at nearly $1.4 million work to be done. In FY18, only roughly impact for the firm, clients and one another – one-in-10 employees reported pro bono and grants $5,000 to the winning team. involvement through Edelman, although 79 percent consider these opportunities important in choosing to work at the firm. Edelman’s goal is to deliver 50 percent of its pro bono hours against the top UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as identified by our global employees : 29 OUR COMMUNITIES ACT WITH CERTAINTY | EDELMAN FY18 CITIZENSHIP REPORT
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