Thank you to our sponsors - Lines For Life

Page created by Jose Howell
Thank you to our sponsors - Lines For Life
thank you to our sponsors

                                                                                                      May 29 - 31, 2019
                                                                                                the riverhouse | bend, Oregon

Alleva Health, LifeLine Connections, Oregon Department of Consumer Services, Oregon Recovers,
      Oregon Recovery and Treatment Centers, Serenity Lane Health Services, Lines for Life | | #OPAT2019
Thank you to our sponsors - Lines For Life

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Resilience in
                 The Oregon Conference on Opioids, Pain and Addiction Treatment is hosted by Lines for Life and funded through Oregon Health Authority.
                                       In addition, it would not have been possible without the support of our generous donors.

                  This event was supported by the Oregon Health Authority Cooperative Agreement 6 NU17 CE 002751-03-04, funded by the Centers for Disease Control

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Chronic Pain
                    and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease
                                                          Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services.

                           This event is a joint providership between St. Charles Health System and Lines for Life. St. Charles Health System is accredited by the
                                                      Oregon Medical Association to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

                                                     We would like to extend a special thank you to:                                                                                              A Free Community Forum & Resource Fair
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Wednesday, May 29th 2019 at 4:30pm
                                                                          Planning Advisory team
        MaCayla Arsenault, Central Oregon Health Council, Mary Borges, Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division, Greg Brigham, PhD, ADAPT, Laura Chisholm, PhD, MPH, MCHES,
     Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division, David Hart, Department of Justice, Laura Heesacker, MSW, LCSW, Synergy Health Consulting/Jackson Care Connect, Apryl Herron, MPH,
 Clackamas County Public Health Division, Dwight Holton, Lines for Life, Jessica Jacks, MPH, CPS, Deschutes County Health Services, Heather Jefferis, MA, Oregon Council for Behavioral Health,   Deschutes County Fairgrounds - Middle Sister Building
 Safina Koreishi, MD, MPH, CPCCO, David Labby, MD, PhD, Health Share of Oregon, Michelle Marikos, PSS, Moving Through Chronic Pain, LLC, Dennis McCarty, PhD, OHSU-PSU School of Public
       Health, Undersheriff Jeff Mori, Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Irma Murauskas, Oregon Primary Care Association, Jim Shames, MD, Jackson County/Synergy Health Consulting,             Free informational event offering community resources and support for those affected
                                                                                                                                                                                                  by chronic pain.
               Lisa Shields, Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division, Danielle Sobel, MPH, Oregon Primary Care Association, Erin Solomon, Central Oregon Health Council,
                        Nora Stern, PT, MS PT, Providence Health, Andrew Swanson, Oregon Recovers, Kim Swanson, PhD, Mosaic Medical, Mary Wells, Mosaic Medical,
                         Haven Wheelock, Outside In, Lucy Zammarelli, M.A. CADCIII, NCACII, Trillium Behavioral Health/Lane County, Elizabeth White, MPA, Lines for Life

                                                                                KeyNote Speakers                                                                                                                   Launette Rieb
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   MD, MSc, CCFP, FCFP, DABAM, FASAM

                                                                           David Sheff, Dana Hargunani, MD, MPH

                                                                                    INVITED GUEST
                                                                          Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum                                                                                                  Additional Speakers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   David Otto, DC, Chiropractor                     people are living with
                                                                                      Presenters                                                                                                                   Jim Porter, Bend Police Chief                     chronic pain in our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   John Hummel, JD, District Attorney
              Stacie Andoniadis                                   Kate Frame                                    Gillian Leichtling                            Jonathan Robbins, MD
              Carol Murphy Arne                               Tim Gallagher, MD                               Jane Lincoln, LCSW                                Bryan Schwartz, MD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Kim Swanson, PhD, Clinical
             Jane Ballantyne, MD                              Captain Rich Geist                                 Sara Love, ND                                     Amit Shah, MD
  Lydia Bartholow, DNP, PMHNP, CARN-AP                    Lisa Greenfield CRM, PSS                           Michelle Marikos, PSS                                Jim Shames, MD                                      Psychologist
                  Roger Best                               Jessica Gregg, MD, PhD                             Dennis McCarty, PhD                           Samantha Slaughter-Mason
              Laura Bremner, MA                            Nancy Campbell Hanks                             Andrew Mendenhall, MD                            Anna Steeves-Reece, MPH
      Melissa Brewster, PharmD, BCPS                            Dan Hall, NRP                           Alice Mollo-Christensen, CADCII                        Nora Stern, PT, MS PT

             Catriona Buist, PsyD                             Marian Hammond                                   John Muench, MD                                    Sloan Storie, MA
 Billie L. Cartwright MHS, DBH, PSYQ, PA-C             Laura Heesacker, MSW, LCSW                                 Riley Nelson                              Andrew Suchocki, MD, MPH                                                      • Resource Fair for chronic pain
               Paul Coelho, MD                                Apryl Herron, MPH                                 Kevin Novak, MS                                  Kim Swanson, PhD
                 Amy Jo Cook                                       Misty Hull                             Simon Parker-Shames, MPH                                Andrew Swanson

                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Naloxone training and distribution
             Zachary Corbett, LAc                              Sean Jones, MD                                     Pam Pearce                                       Lisa Taylor, FNP
            Lydia Cortez, PRC,CRM                               Julie Johnson                                      Julia Pinsky                               Ann Thomas, MD, MPH
                 Caroline Cruz
              Kevin Cuccaro, DO
                                                            Chelsea Keating, MPH
                                                                  Erik Kilgore
                                                                                                               Justine Pope, MPH
                                                                                                         Sharna Prasad, PT, TPS, MBSR
                                                                                                                                                                 Joshua Thompson
                                                                                                                                                                     Tony Vezina                            or call 541.382.1816          • Free dinner for all attendees
Eric Davis, MSW, LCSW, BCD, CADCIII, MAC                  Safina Koreishi, MD, MPH                    Nadejda Razi Robertson, LCSW, PhD                             Bill Walter, ND
               Jalien Dorris, DO                       Kristen Lacijan-Drew, MS, MPH                       Katherine Reese, PharmD                                   Mary Wells
               Joyce Dukes, RN                               Paul Lewis, MD, MPH                             Sheriff Michael Reese                          Talie Wenick, CADCl, QMHA
        David Eisen, MSW, OMD (am)                                Jude Leahy                               Babette Reeves, MA, MSW                                Haven Wheelock
                  Julia Fetzer

                                                                              Conference Support
                                   Karen Kruger, Donna Libemday, Asa Wright, Rebecca Wood, Carys Fritz, Melanie Altaras, Bailey Simpson, Georgette Taluy,
                                            Lell Gillette, Andrea Bickel, Rachel, Koch, Jean McGowan, Laura LaLonde and Savannah Santarpio.                                                           For more information email or call 541.382.1816

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2019 Oregon Conference on Opioids + Other Drugs, Pain + Addiction Treatment   | 25
Thank you to our sponsors - Lines For Life
Session Locations + map                                                                             Welcome                                   TO THE 2019 OREGON CONFERENCE ON OPIOIDS
                                                                                                                                                           + OTHER DRUGS, PAIN + ADDICTION TREATMENT

                                                                                                                  Oregon has made important progress in addressing opioids, pain and addiction treatment. We have successfully
                                                                                                                  reduced the flood of prescribed opioids that inundated our communities. Opioid prescribing is down for all age groups
                                                                                                                  since January 2016 and drug overdose hospitalizations and drug overdose deaths due to prescription opioids are
                                                                                                                  declining. We have gone from ranking first in the non-medical use of opioids in the nation in 2010-2011 to sixth
                                                                                                                  (2013-2014), however, we still have work to do.

                                                                                                                  We are witnessing an alarming rise in the deaths of despair nationwide. The number of suicides, overdoses, and

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                                                                                                                  diseases caused by substance use disorder is devastating families and communities. According to the Centers for
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                                                                                                                  Disease Control, life expectancy for Americans dropped once again in 2017, as the rates of fatal opioid overdoses

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                                                                                                                  and suicides continued to climb.

                                                                          The Riverhouse                          These deaths of despair are not a singular crisis but a syndemic. To tackle this problem, we must address the social
                                                                                                                  context of substance use disorder, pain and suffering as well as advancing evidence-based guidelines and treatment.
                                                                                                                  The current spotlight on the opioid crisis presents an opportunity to work across the multiple systems that touch the
                                                            s 97

                                                                                                                  lives of those impacted by pain and substance use disorder and improve the effectiveness and quality of care.
                                      Dr    ive                      Patio overlooking deschutes river
                            ashing                                                                                We are set to take the next step to create a healthier Oregon, moving communities and systems to action with a
                     NW Mt w                                                                                      simple but direct mission: We can do this!
 Rippling River ct

                                                                                                                  Our aim is to bring together large health systems, community, law enforcement, community advocates and the
                                                                                                                  treatment and recovery community to chart a clear and direct path for making lasting change. We hope to expand
                     Convention                                    Cascade       Cascade   Cascade     Cascade    access to treatment for substance use disorder and harm reduction services, improve pain treatment, and build
                                                                     C             D         E             f
                                                                                                                  safer care and supports for people struggling with pain and substance use disorder.

                                                                                                                  With help from lots of folks, last year’s inaugural conference was a tremendous success. We convened over 450
                                                                                                                  committed people from across Oregon –across the complex landscape of our crisis of opioids and other drugs
                                                                                                                  — to share and develop innovative ideas for making change in Oregon.

                                                                       Cascade                   Cascade          This year’s conference features dynamic national and local speakers, including a keynote address from David Sheff,
                                                                             B                     G              author of the bestselling novel and movie, “Beautiful Boy”. In his novel, Mr. Sheff shares his son Nic and the Sheff
                                                                                                                  family’s struggle with substance use disorder. David’s family experience sets the tone and explores the urgent need for
                                                                                                                  making changes that better serve our communities. The conference will feature tribal workshops, launch a training on
                                                                                                                  the Art of Compassionate Tapering, and law enforcement efforts to work with health systems to introduce Medication
                                                                                                                  Assisted Therapies in jails and prisons.
                                                                           Pavilion                               We’d like to thank everyone involved in planning this year’s conference – it was truly a team effort. First, we’d like to

                                                                         Cascade A/J/I
                                                                                                           H      thank the 2019 OPAT Conference Planning Committee. Our planning team represents behavioral health, health care,
                                                                                                                  public health, law enforcement, the treatment and recovery community and others. We also extend our appreciation
                                                                                                                  and gratitude to our local partners including the Central Oregon Health Council, St. Charles Health System, Deschutes
                                                                                                                  County Public Health, and Mosaic Medical. We’d like to recognize and thank Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Pain
                                                                                                                  Guidance for their leadership and continued support of Lines for Life’s efforts to reduce substance abuse statewide.

                                                                                                                  Lastly, we acknowledge our friend and colleague Lauren Miller. Lauren was a smart, fierce, and incredibly talented event
                                                                                           Lobby                  coordinator at Lines for Life. She was instrumental to the success of last year’s conference. Before she unexpectedly
                                                                                                                  passed away in March, Lauren spent months working tirelessly to set us up for another successful event.
                                                                                                                  Thank you, Lauren.

                                                                                                                  We thank you for joining us today. Together, we will move Oregon from crisis to recovery.

                                                                                                                                                                          CEO,                                OrCRM Project Manager,
                                                                                                                                                                          Lines for Life                      Lines for LIfe

24 | 2019 Oregon Conference on Opioids + Other Drugs, Pain + Addiction Treatment                                                                        2019 Oregon Conference on Opioids + Other Drugs, Pain + Addiction Treatment           |1
Thank you to our sponsors - Lines For Life


                                               overview                                                                       _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________



           The Oregon Conference on Opioids + Other Drugs, Pain + Addiction Treatment begins                                  _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
           with preconference workshops on Wednesday, May 29, 2019 (pg 7-8). These workshops provide clinicians               _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
           an opportunity for skill building and experiential learning. This includes learning to use buprenorphine to
           treat both Opioid Use Disorder and CPOD Chronic Persistent Opioid Dependency, applying compassionate
           motivational tools and strategies for guiding patient behaviors, gaining a better understanding of how to treat    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
           Mental Health disorders co-occurring with pain and many other skills essential to delivering best practice         _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
           care for pain and substance use disorder.

           We begin the conference on Wednesday afternoon, May 29, 2019 after the conclusion of the preconference             _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
           workshops. The conference continues with a keynote address from David Sheff on Thursday, May 30, 2019              _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
           and ends the morning of Friday, May 31, 2019.

           We kick things off by exploring the scope of the problem, our successes and challenges and what lies ahead.        _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

           General sessions include riveting speakers and didactic discussions on areas of disagreement to foster
           learning and dynamic conversation.
           Breakout session presentations were selected from submissions generated through a call for proposals               _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
           process and organized by concepts instead of tracks (e.g.; healthcare, law enforcement, etc.).

           This year’s agenda aspires to foster collaboration and break down silos that create fragmentation and              _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
           impede communication across systems. Tracks drive participants to choose a session based on scope of               _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
           practice and discourage collaborative discussion between different groups.

           Breakout session speakers will provide dynamic, thought-providing presentations based on the concepts              _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
           rooted in current best practice, emerging evidence and Oregon’s comprehensive approach to reduce harms             _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
           from opioids and other drugs including:

                   • We Can Do This! Celebrating success and leaning into opportunities                                       _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                   •S ustaining Communities: Embracing the full spectrum of healing: from harm reduction                    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                to treatment and long-term recovery   
                   • Promoting Prevention: Elevating upstream investments to help Oregon thrive
           We end with a call to action to create partnerships for success.                                                   _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
           Together, we will move Oregon from crisis to recovery.


2 | 2019 Oregon Conference on Opioids + Other Drugs, Pain + Addiction Treatment                                                                                2019 Oregon Conference on Opioids + Other Drugs, Pain + Addiction Treatment   | 23
Thank you to our sponsors - Lines For Life
   Sloan Storie, MA is a doctoral candidate in the
   Department of Special Education and Clinical
                                                           KIMBERLY SWANSON, PHD
                                                           Kimberly Swanson is a Licensed Clinical
                                                           Psychologist working full time as the Director
                                                                                                                   JOSHUA THOMPSON
                                                                                                                   Joshua moved back to Oregon in June of 2017
                                                                                                                   after living in Atlanta, Georgia for the better part of
                                                                                                                                                                             MARY WELLS, LCSW
                                                                                                                                                                             Mary Wells LCSW, has a passion to empower and
                                                                                                                                                                             support those living in pain. She has created an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    General information
   Sciences at the University of Oregon. She received      for Behavioral Health at Mosaic Medical where           15 years. He has lived with chronic pain since the        intensive multidisciplinary treatment program for
   her undergraduate and master’s degrees at West          she oversees both the Primary Care Integrated           age of 20, but no longer allows it to dictate his life.   Medicaid patients, and later developed Quality
   Virginia University and is a licensed early childhood   Behavioral Health team and embedded Substance           He loves to laugh and make others laugh, and to           of Life, a paced and sequenced program that
   special educator from birth - Kindergarten.             Use Team. With over 20 years combined                   be of service to others. His two dogs, Lily and Bella,    is delivered in a group or individually at Mosaic      LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                        BOOK SIGNING: David Sheff
   Her research interests focus on: (1) building           experience in medicine, more than a decade of           are his partners in crime.                                Medical, a Federally Qualified Health Center with
   community capacity, (2) dissemination and               clinical research and direct clinical experience                                                                  5 clinics in Central Oregon. Mary regularly trains     Lines for Life would like to acknowledge that the land we are meeting on    David Sheff will be available on Thursday, May 30, 2019 from 11:30 a.m.
   implementation of evidence-based practices, and         in integrated healthcare settings, and multiple         TONY VEZINA                                               behavioral health professionals at Mosaic to treat     today is the occupied homelands of the Warm Springs, Wasco and Paiute       – 1:00 p.m. in the SPONSOR PAVILION for a book signing. Come and get
   (3) personnel preparation of EI/ECSE teachers.          publications and presentations in chronic pain          Tony Vezina is a person in long-term recovery             persistent pain while providing care coordination      bands/tribes. We acknowledge the painful history of genocide and forced     a signed copy of Beautiful Boy. Other titles will be available for purchase.
                                                           and behavioral medicine, her curriculum vita            and the proud father of two young girls, Ava and          with the medical team. Her goal is to train Mental
   ANDREW SUCHOCKI, MD, MPH                                reads like a roadmap to embedded behavioral             Isabella. He is the co-founder and current Executive      Health professionals to be active in the pain          removal form this territory, and we honor and respect the many diverse
   Andrew Suchocki is currently the medical director       health care. She was appointed by former                Director of the 4th Dimension Recovery Center, a          treatment team in both medical and outpatient          Indigenous peoples still connected to this land on which we gather.         POSTERS
   at Clackamas Health Centers (CHC). He did his           Governor Kitzhaber to the Prescription Drug             Recovery Community Organization providing a               settings to positively impact outcomes for their
   medical school at Ohio State and Family Medicine        Abuse Academy in 2011. Dr. Swanson completed            variety of recovery support services to over 600          patients suffering with pain. She has an ongoing                                                                                   Posters will be available for viewing during conference hours and the
   residency at the University of Cincinnati. After        a yearlong leadership fellowship 2015-2016 in           young people in Multnomah County. Additionally,           curiosity and commitment to stay on the cutting        FUNCTION LOCATIONS                                                          evening reception. Located in the SPONSOR PAVILION, these posters
   several years of working in integrated FQHC/            health care transformation through the Oregon           Tony is a community organizer and social justice          edge of neuroscience and apply this knowledge for                                                                                  highlight innovative work across the state. Please check them out during
   Community mental health agencies, he completed          Health Authority. Dr. Swanson presently chairs the      advocate who developed his civic skills during            behavioral treatments for pain.                        The Oregon Conference on Opioids + Other Drugs, Pain + Addiction
   a Preventive Medicine residency and MPH at              regional Pain Standards Task Force (PSTF) for the       his tenure as Student Body President of Portland                                                                 Treatment REGISTRATION is located in the lobby of the Riverhouse            breaks and don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about these projects
   Johns Hopkins University. Andrew focused on             Central Oregon Health Council. She was awarded          Community College. He now carries his passion             TALIE WENICK, CADC L, QMHA,                            conference center. All sessions will be held in the conference center.      from the poster presenters themselves on Thursday, May 30th from
   health disparities, including significant work in       the 2017 Deschutes County Health Hero award for         for justice into Oregon’s fight for substance use         CRM
   sub-Saharan and East Africa, transitioning to a         the positive public health impact of PSTF.              recovery by volunteering on various boards and            Talie has been in the addiction field for over 10      General sessions will be held downstairs in the Cascade Exhibit Hall.       4:30pm – 6:30 pm.
   domestic focus after residency. His regional work                                                               commissions, including Oregon Recovers, the               years, serving in many positions at BestCare           Preconference workshops and breakout sessions will be held on the
   has included advisory roles for Family Care, Care       LISA TAYLOR, FNP                                        Oregon Recovery High School Initiative, and the           Treatment Services in Bend, including, Recovery        main floor. A plated lunch will be served before the opening session on
   Oregon, and Health Share. He participates on the        Born and raised in South Dakota, Lisa Taylor            Mental Health and Addictions Certification Board          Mentor, SUD Clinician, Treatment Liaison for Drug                                                                                  PARKING
   Oregon Opioid Prescribing Guidelines Task Force,        Graduated with her BSN from South Dakota state          of Oregon.                                                Court, Aftercare Specialist, and currently Addiction   Wednesday, May 29th, 2019 beginning at 12:00 p.m. The program will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Parking is located at the conference center. Signage will be provided.
   co-chairing the county-wide Clackamas Pain              University in 1984. She moved to Wenatchee                                                                        Specialist for the Hospital SUD Team. Talie is very    begin at 12:30 p.m. A plated breakfast will be served on Thursday, May
   Collaborative. He serves as the clinical investigator   Washington where to became nurse manager                BILL WALTER, ND                                           passionate about her work and looks forward            30th, 2019 from 7:00 and ending at 7:45 a.m. to ensure a prompt start
   for the OHSU family medicine/OCHIN research             of the pediatric ward. She relocated to Portland        Bill Walter, ND is a naturopathic physician               to a long career in the field. She is a person in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    time of our featured keynote speaker, David Sheff.                          EVALUATIONS
   group and is on the board of the Oregon Primary         Oregon and worked at Doernbecher Children’s             practicing at the Community Health Centers of             long term recovery from substance abuse, which
   Care Association (OPCA).                                Hospital from 1987 through 1999. She specialized        Lane County, serving a primarily Medicaid and             has given her a lived experience, which facilitates                                                                                Your feedback is important in planning future conferences and providing
                                                           in pediatric intensive care unit and was part of        uninsured population. He currently serves as              connecting with her clients who are struggling with    An EVENING RECEPTION will be held on Thursday, May 30th, 2019               information on enhancements that could be made with regard to the
   ANDREW SWANSON                                          the pediatric transport team. Received a Master         Chair of the Scientific Affairs Committee for the         addiction. She is a devoted mother to her 15-year-                                                                                 types of workshops and training sessions. You will be asked to complete
   Andrew grew up in San Diego, where he began             of Science in nursing, family nurse practitioner-       American Association of Naturopathic Physicians           old boy, and in her free time she loves to travel.     from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Come enjoy appetizers and a no-host bar while
   his first career in motorsports at age 12. By age       certified in June 1999 from OHSU. Graduated with        and is also the AANP liaison to the Integrative           Talie serves as a board member for The Bend            networking with your peers.                                                 an evaluation using the Attendify App. Paper copies of the evaluation
   16 he moved to Europe to drive for an Italian           honors. Moved to Siletz Oregon to start work as         Pain Care Policy Congress. He works with Trillium         Sister City Foundation, which serves the people of                                                                                 forms will be available at REGISTRATION.
   factory in the Italian Open. After over a decade in     a new nurse practitioner in 1999 She has been           on their Clinical Advisory Panel as well as their         Condega, Nicaragua.
   motorsports, he hung up his helmet and pursued          with the clinic for 20 years and served as medical      Peer Review and Credentialing Committee and                                                                      SPONSOR PAVILION (see below)
   a career in the music industry. By age 32, Andrew       director for 12 years. Became data waved certified      was past Chair of their chronic non-malignant pain        HAVEN WHEELOCK                                         Visit the SPONSOR PAVILION located in Cascade A/J/I. It will be open        TARGET AUDIENCE
   was struggling to maintain his professional career,     in 2017. Opioid addiction and its treatment has         management committee. Dr. Walter has lectured             Haven Wheelock has been advocating for the
   while simultaneously battling addiction to IV           been a passion of Lisa’s for over a decade. She is      nationwide about how to use natural medicine              health and safety of people who use drugs since        during the entire conference, including the reception on May 30th. Please   Clinicians (physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, nurse practitioners,
   heroin and methamphetamine. After years of hard         married to a Santee Sioux native gentleman, has         approaches when treating patients with chronic            2002. Currently she is the Drug Users Health           take time to visit the tables and meet the organization representatives.    naturopaths, physician assistants, medical assistants, mental health
   work and support, Andrew was able to change his         four daughters and two grandbabies on their way         pain. He graduated from Bastyr University in              Services Program Coordinator at Outside In in                                                                                      treatment providers, substance use disorder treatment providers,
   life and has since become a tireless advocate           this year.                                              2009 and completed his residency at the Bastyr            Portland Oregon. She provides direct service to
   for the recovery community in Portland where                                                                    Center for Natural Health. Dr. Walter earned his          people who use drugs and has also been involved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                case managers, others), administrators, public health, tribal health
   he’s the Program Manager for Oregon Recovers.           ANN THOMAS, MD, MPH                                     Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Anthropology from           in creating policy that improves health in Oregon.                                                                                 practitioners, law enforcement, community members, others.
   In addition to his work with Oregon Recovers,           Dr. Thomas received her bachelor’s degree at            UC Santa Cruz. Dr. Walter lives with his wife and         She is an MPH Fellow as part of the Johns Hopkins
   Andrew is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Social        Stanford University and her MD from Columbia            their 11-year-old daughter, and they enjoy hiking,        Bloomberg American Health Initiative focusing on
   Sciences at Portland State University and plans to      University. After a pediatric residency at Children’s   their pets, and table-top Euro-games.                     Overdose and Addiction Policy.                                                                                                     LEARNING OBJECTIVES
   graduate this summer. In his free time, you’ll find     Hospital of Los Angeles, she was in private practice                                                                                                                                                                                                 • Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the biopsychosocial aspects
   him exploring the trails of the Pacific Northwest       for three years. She then joined the CDC’s Epidemic
   with his dog and his girlfriend or snowboarding on      Intelligence Service and served for two years with                                                                                                                                                                                                      of pain and how emotional suffering and trauma history shape the pain
   Mt. Hood.                                               the Measles Elimination Activity in the National                                                                                                                                                                                                        experience in primary care
                                                           Immunization Program. Afterwards, she completed                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Describe the successes and unintended consequences of broader
                                                           a preventive medicine residency at CDC, which
                                                           included getting her MPH from Emory University.                                                                                                                                                                                                         implementation of opioid prescribing guidelines
                                                           She is currently a public health physician with the                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Describe how emotions are integral to the conceptualization, assessment
                                                           Emerging Infections Program of the Oregon Public                                                                                                                                                                                                        and management of persistent pain and apply this information into
                                                           Health Division and serves as principal investigator
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   clinical practice to improve function, quality of life and ease suffering
                                                           on several CDC-funded projects.                                                                                                                                                             Sponsor Pavilion                                         • Apply prevention strategies that build the capacity of communities to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cascade A/J/I                                            reduce the burden of opioids and other drugs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Explain how to build better clinical pathways across systems of care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   for managing persistent pain, address suffering and treat substance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   use disorder
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Describe heath system, clinical and community strategies that employ a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   full continuum of care to reduce the harms from opioids & other drugs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Demonstrate innovative approaches that improve outcomes through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   investment in community-based, culturally appropriate programs

22 | 2019 Oregon Conference on Opioids + Other Drugs, Pain + Addiction Treatment                                                                                                                                                                                                        2019 Oregon Conference on Opioids + Other Drugs, Pain + Addiction Treatment                            |3
Thank you to our sponsors - Lines For Life
CE CREDITS                                                                                                                                             PAM PEARCE
                                                                                                                                                               Pam Pearce serves as the Executive Director of
                                                                                                                                                               Community Living Above in West Linn, Oregon. She
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       NADEJDA RAZI-ROBERTSON,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       LCSW, PHD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Nadejda Razi-Robertson is the Managing Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               BABETTE REEVES, MA, MSW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Babette Reeves, MA, MSW, is a Behavioral Health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Specialist at South River Community Health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      JIM SHAMES, MD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dr. Jim Shames has lived and practiced in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Southern Oregon since 1973. He is Board certified
                                                                                                                                                               serves on the advisory board for CLEAR Alliance,        of Synergy Health Consulting, as well as Synergy’s      Center, a FQHC integrated primary care clinic in       in Family Medicine as well as Addiction Medicine.
                                                                                                                                                               a statewide coalition, which focuses on reducing        Project Lead for the Oregon Health Authority’s          rural Oregon, where she specializes in work with       He was the founding physician and Medical
                                                                                                                                                               and preventing youth substance abuse and                Prescription Drug Overdose Prevention Project.          patients with trauma history and chronic pain.         Director of the Siskiyou Community Health Center
       MHACBO                                                                       CERTIFIED NURSE MIDWIFE                                                    impaired driving through fact-based education in        Nadejda is a practice facilitator within health         She is passionate about how undiagnosed, and           in Josephine County, and worked for La Clinica
       All conference sessions are MHACBO approved. See below for                   The American College of Nurse Midwives has granted reciprocity status      Oregon. Pam’s leadership has also taken her to the      systems around the State of Oregon and provides         therefore untreated, trauma has lifelong, negative     in Jackson County during its founding years. He
                                                                                                                                                               national level, where she is part of Facing Addiction   technical assistance to clinics that are focusing       effects on people. She is equally passionate           served as the Medical Director of Allied Health
       credit hours.                                                                for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit ™ issued by providers accredited by          with NCADD’s action and affiliate networks. Most        QI efforts around safe opiate prescribing, MAT          about how treatable trauma is and how resilient        Services, providing Medication Assisted Therapy
                                                                                    the ACCME and relevant to midwifery.                                       recently, Pam has co-founded two organizations:         program development, and behavioral health              people are when barriers to healing are removed.       from 1990-2017. He has been the Medical
                                                                                                                                                               the Oregon Recovery High School Initiative, and         integration. Over the past twelve years, she            Her training includes completion of Level I            Director and Health Officer for Jackson County
       CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION CREDIT                                          LICENSED SOCIAL WORKERS                                                    Family Inspired Recovery (FIR) an Alternative Peer      has worked in private practice, as a behavioral         trauma specific Sensorimotor Psychotherapy.            since 2002. Dr. Shames has been instrumental in
                                                                                                                                                               Group (APG) model. Pam feels these organizations        health provider in two Federally Qualified Health       She has worked in medical education, emergency         the formation of Oregon Pain Guidance. In 2012
       This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with            The Oregon Board of Licensed Social Workers accepts AMA PRA                are her highest recovery calling thus far.              Centers in Oregon, and as a consultant with             departments, hospice, addiction services,              Dr. Shames was awarded the Doctor–Citizen of the
       the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council     Category 1 Credit ™ for continuing education requirements.                                                                         Oregon’s coordinated care organizations and             private doctor’s offices, and intermediate care        Year Award by the Oregon Medical Association for
       for Continuing Medical Education through the joint providership of St.                                                                                  JULIA PINKSY                                            the Oregon Health Authority supporting efforts in       facilities. She earned her MSW from University         this work. Currently Dr. Shames is a consultant for
                                                                                     Many other disciplines such as researchers, PharmD’s, occupational        Julia Pinsky founded Max’s Mission in 2016 after        addressing the opioid epidemic throughout the           of North Dakota, MA in Education from Princeton        OHA and the Oregon Medical Board and is Health
       Charles Health System and Lines for Life. St. Charles Health System          therapists, physical therapists and anes-techs request credit memos        the opioid overdose death of her son Max in             state. Nadejda offers technical assistance and          Theological Seminary, and BA in Psychology from        Officer for Jackson County. In his spare time, Dr.
       is accredited by the Oregon Medical Association to provide continuing        for re-licensure or recertification if applicable. Many societies and      2013. “I needed to do something,” says Julia, not       practice facilitation to clinics developing clinical    Queens University. Oregon is the eighth state that     Shames enjoys traveling the world, photography,
       medical education for physicians. St. Charles Health System designates                                                                                  only as therapy but to face the increasing news         pathways for addressing long-term opioid use,           she has called home, but her accent remains from       gardening, and spending time with his family.
                                                                                    credentialing bodies accept the AMA PRA Category 1 Credit ™ as             about overdose deaths in Southern Oregon. Her           pain management, and integrated behavioral              her growing up years in metro Atlanta.
       this Live Activity for a maximum of 16 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™.         an equivalent, as long as the topic is relevant to the applicant’s field   research led her to discover naloxone which was         health programs within primary care. Her doctoral                                                              SAMANTHA SLAUGHTER-
       Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of      or discipline.                                                             not readily available in Southern Oregon and out        research focused on understanding the barriers          JONATHAN ROBBINS, MD, MS                               MASON, MPH
       their participation in the activity.                                                                                                                    of that quest connected with Dr. Jim Shames and         to implementing changes in opioid prescribing           Jonathan Robbins MD MS is an Assistant Professor       Ms. Slaughter-Mason graduated from the
                                                                                                                                                               the naloxone support group part of Oregon Pain          practices.                                              in the Division of General Internal Medicine and       University of Southern California with a degree in
                                                                                    If you have doubts whether an activity will qualify for CE, contact your   Guidance. Since then Julia and Max’s Mission have                                                               Geriatrics at OHSU. In addition to managing a          psychology and minor in health communication,
                                                                                    professional board prior to registering for the course.                    become recognized as a community leader in free         KATHERINE R. REESE, PHARMD                              primary care panel, he coordinates the Chronic         then received her Master’s in Public Health
                                                                                                                                                               naloxone distribution, training and information         Katie Reese earned her PharmD at Oregon State           Pain and Opioid ECHO and teaches widely within         from Oregon State University, with an emphasis
                                                                                                                                                               and have been key to naloxone awareness                 University in 2007 and is a Board-Certified             OHSU and around the state on pain, addiction,          in international health. Ms. Slaughter-Mason is
                                                                                                                                                               throughout Southern Oregon. Over the last 3             Geriatric Pharmacist. Since 2009 Katie has been         and opioid management in primary care.                 currently a PhD student in Health Systems and
                                                                                  Wednesday, May 29, 2019                                                      years Max’s Mission’s meetings have trained over        in her current role as a clinical pharmacy specialist                                                          Policy at the Oregon Health & Science University-
                                                                                                                                                               2000 participants and have distributed over 2500        at Kaiser Permanente Northwest (KPNW). At               BRYAN SCHWARTZ, MD                                     Portland State University School of Public Health.
                                                                                   PRECONFERENCE                                                               free doses of naloxone to friends and families at       KPNW, Katie’s primary role is as Pharmacist             Bryan Schwartz, MD is Board certified in Internal      Her research focuses on state medical cannabis
         MDS & DOS                                                                 • Learning Lab: The Art of Compassionate Tapering;                          risk as well as agencies, community groups, law         in Charge to the pain management pharmacy               Medicine and Addiction Medicine. He was born           policy and the implications for health care.
         In Oregon, physicians must earn 60 hours of CME over the course of        • Understanding How to Explain Pain                                         enforcement and emergency responders.                   specialists on the STORM (Support Team Onsite           and raised in Oregon and did his medical training
         two years (OAR 847-008-0070) AMA PRA Category 1 Credit ™ or                                                                                                                                                   Resource for Management of Pain) Team. She also         in New York. In 2015, along with his father            ANNA STEEVES-REECE, MPH
                                                                                   • Understanding the Importance of Tribal Relations                          JUSTINE POPE, MPH                                       co-facilitates KPNW Pain Clinic multidisciplinary       Benjamin Schwartz, MD, Bryan started Recovery          Anna Steeves-Reece is a Research Associate
         equivalent.                                                               Total: 3.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™                                    Justine Pope is the Program Manager for                 pain management groups and assists in a                 Works NW, an outpatient chemical dependency            with the Oregon Rural Practice-based Research
                                                                                                                                                               Wheelhouse, which is an inter-agency effort to          communication workshop for physicians focused           clinic with a focus on Medication-Assisted             Network at OHSU. She earned master’s degrees in
         NURSE PRACTITIONERS AND REGISTERED NURSES                                                                                                             increase access to medication assisted treatment        on having difficult conversations around pain           Treatment. He now serves as the Chief Medical          Public Health and Latin American Studies from the
                                                                                    • Buprenorphine Wavier Training                                            in the Tri-County Area. A former farmer, she            management. As part of her passion for geriatric        Officer.                                               University of Arizona and is now a doctoral student
         For the purpose of recertification, the American Nurses Credentialing      Total: 4.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™                                   received her Master of Public Health from the           medicine, Katie is assisting with a pilot project                                                              in Community Health at the OHSU-PSU School of
         Center accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit ™ issued by organizations                                                                                    OHSU-PSU School of Public Health. She has a             for Palliative Care, assisting with pharmacist chart    AMIT SHAH, MD                                          Public Health. Her research has focused on maternal/
         accredited by the ACCME (Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical                                                                                 research background in health communications            reviews on all new admissions, and she serves           Dr. Shah is currently Chief Medical Officer at Care    child health, rural health, and health equity.
                                                                                    • Treating Persistent Pain: What Mental Health Professionals              and messaging, and a deep commitment to                 as a backup for the regional Death with Dignity         Oregon. He previously served as Senior Medical
         Education).                                                                   Need to Know                                                            systems design to address the opioid epidemic.          pharmacist.                                             Director of Network Services at CareOregon,            NORA STERN, PT, MS PT
                                                                                    Total: 7.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™                                                                                                                                                    Medical Director of Neighborhood Health Center,        Nora Stern, PT, MS PT, is a pain educator and
         For the purposes of re-licensure, the Oregon State Board of Nursing                                                                                   SHARNA PRASAD, PT, TPS, MBSR                            SHERIFF MICHAEL REESE                                   and Medical Director at the Multnomah County           physical therapist with 20+ years of experience
                                                                                                                                                               Sharna is a PT with 32 years of clinical experience     Sheriff Reese started his career in 1989 as a           Health Department. He also served as a board           in complex pain. She is clinical program manager
         accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit ™ for attendance at structured         Wednesday, May 29, 2019                                                      in treating Chronic Pain. She currently co-leads        Deputy Sheriff with the Multnomah County Sheriff’s      member of Care Oregon and Northwest Regional           for Comprehensive Pain Service at Providence
         learning activities offered by organizations accredited by the ACCME.     CONFERENCE                                                                  the MMAPS program at Lebanon Community                  Office. He transferred to the Portland Police           Primary Care Association. He currently serves          Oregon in Portland, and Chair of the Oregon
         (OAR 851-050-0142). St. Charles Health System is accredited by                                                                                        Hospital. She is enrolled in the tDPT program           Bureau in 1994 and retired in 2015. He came             as a board member of Quality Corporation and           State Pain Management Commission (OSPMC).
                                                                                   Total: 3.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™                                     and has completed the TPS (Therapeutic Pain             out of retirement to serve as the interim director      Jefferson Health Information Exchange. He is also      Nora co-authored the second and third edition
         the Oregon Medical Association (OMA), which is recognized by ACCME                                                                                    Specialist) Program. She is a teacher in training       of the Citizen’s Crime Commission, before he            on Oregon HIMSS advisory board. He is Board            of the OSPMC’s online module, “Changing the
         as an accreditor of CME providers in Oregon. The OMA’s system of         Thursday, May 30, 2019                                                       for MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction).          was sworn-in as sheriff in 2016. Sheriff Reese is       Certified in Family Medicine and received his          Conversation about Pain,” and was creator of the
         accreditation is equivalent to that of ACCME’s national system.                                                                                       She has presented at the OPTA conference and            committed to improving County-wide public safety        Oregon State Medical License in June 2000. Dr.         Providence Pain Toolkit and classes at Providence
                                                                                   CONFERENCE                                                                  Kaiser Permanente Rehab Day. She is an invited          and health issues such as gang and gun violence,        Shah has also been a member of the American            Health and Services. Nora has trained clinicians
                                                                                   Total: 5.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™                                     presenter at the 2019 San Diego Pain Summit.            drug addiction, homelessness and reducing the           Academy of Family Physicians since 1994. Dr.           across disciplines within Providence Oregon, in
         PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT                                                                                                                                   She is currently creating a curriculum for high         number of mentally ill people incarcerated in our       Shah is fluent in Spanish and enjoys hiking,           addition to state-, national- and international-
                                                                                                                                                               schools on opioid misuse, pain awareness and            local jails. Mike has a BS in Psychology and an         running, traveling, and everything about his 3 kids.   level presentations. Nora now treats at Providence
         The National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants         Friday, May 31, 2019                                                         healthy self-care skills. She is a co-founder of        Executive Master of Public Administration from                                                                 Comprehensive Pain Services, a multidisciplinary
         (NCCPA) states that the AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™ are                   CONFERENCE                                                                 Mid-Valley Pain Alliance. Her belief is transforming    Portland State University. He lives in Portland                                                                pain service focused on cost reduction for the full-
         acceptable for continuing medical education requirements for               Total: 3 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™                                      society (education) by optimizing movement              with his wife Cindy where they raised their three                                                              risk population of Providence-insured Medicaid and
         recertification.                                                                                                                                      (empowerment) to improve the human experience           daughters. They enjoy spending as much time on                                                                 Medicare patients. She is committed to improving
                                                                                                                                                               (empathy).                                              their sailboat as possible.                                                                                    clinical understanding of pain across disciplines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and to helping the public to rethink pain.

4 | 2019 Oregon Conference on Opioids + Other Drugs, Pain + Addiction Treatment                                                                                                                                                           2019 Oregon Conference on Opioids + Other Drugs, Pain + Addiction Treatment                                                                    | 21
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                                                          opioid use, prescribing policies, and heroin-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Caroline Cruz
   SAFINA KOREISHI, MD, MPH                                                                                     MICHELLE MARIKOS, PPS                                ALICE MOLLO-CHRISTENSEN,
   Safina Koreishi MD, MPH is the Medical Director        related outcomes; a project with Boston Medical       Michelle Marikos is a Certified Peer Support         CADCII                                                                                                                                                             Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs,
   of Columbia Pacific CCO. She is also an adjunct        Center to develop and evaluate a medical provider     Specialist that has lived with chronic pain since    Alice Mollo-Christensen currently works as the                                                                                                                     Health and Human Services Director
   associate professor of Family Medicine at OHSU         course on prescription opioids in pregnancy; and a    2003; She attended the Mayo Clinic’s Pain            Program Manager for Recovery Works NW at their
   and sees patients at OHSU Scappoose clinic.            study of the impact of an Oregon Medicaid policy      Rehabilitation Clinic (PRC) in 2012. Though the      Portland location. She has worked in a variety of                                                                                                                  As the Health and Human Services General
                                                          intended to reduce the use of opioids to treat back
   Dr. Koreishi completed the Clinical Innovations
   Fellowship through the Oregon Health Authority in      pain and increase access to nonpharmacological
                                                                                                                PRC program she was able to taper from high
                                                                                                                dose opioids and benzodiazepines. Michelle
                                                                                                                                                                     medication assisted treatment (MAT) programs
                                                                                                                                                                     including daily dispense, MAT in primary care, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Wednesday, May 29, 2019 | 8:00 – 12:00 p.m. + 3:00 - 4:30 P.M.                                            Manager for the Confederated tribes of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Warm Springs, Ms. Cruz provides leadership,
   2016. She is board certified in both family and        therapies.                                            became an Oregon Pain Guidance (OPG) Steering        MAT in the outpatient setting. She has worked            Thursday, May 30, 2019 | 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.                                                               management and vision to the Branch. In
   preventive medicine and has spent her career                                                                 Committee member in the Fall of 2012, worked         as an addiction counselor and done program
   practicing family medicine and providing clinical      PAUL LEWIS, MD, MPH                                   on the Southern Oregon Pain Conference planning      development and coordination in these different          Friday, May 31, 2019 | 8:00 – 9:30 a.m.                                                                   this role, she leads, evaluates, develops and
   leadership in safety-net clinics. She has a passion    Dr. Lewis joined the OHSU Pediatrics faculty          team 2014-2017 and Became a Certified Peer           settings.                                                                                                                                                          implements plans to enhance the health
   for public health, underserved medicine, serving       in 1996, where he launched the region’s first         Support Specialist (PSS) in May 2013. Oregon                                                                                                                                                                            and welfare of the community members.
                                                          pediatric HIV clinic. In 1997 he became the OHSU                                                           JOHN MUENCH, MD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Tribal Workshops
   the community, and improving/transforming the                                                                Pain Guidance media campaign advisor and                                                                                                                                                                                Throughout her career, Ms. Cruz has served in
   systems of care for patients as well as for those      hospital epidemiologist, beginning a pivot toward     participant in media campaign that won an EMMY.      Dr. John Muench attended college at the University                                                                                                                 many professional positions. She worked for the
   who work within it.                                    population health. He joined the Oregon Public        Currently working with New Pathways Program as       of Notre Dame and graduated from Wayne State                                                                                                                       Department of Human Services Addictions and
                                                          Health Division in 2004 to work on bioterrorism       Siskiyou Community Health in Grants Pass, Oregon,    University School of Medicine in 1989. He
                                                          clinician education, communicable disease                                                                                                                                                         We are pleased to feature workshops with a tribal focus                     Mental Health Branch for 21.5 years, serving in
   KRISTEN LACIJAN-DREW, MS, MPH                                                                                2018 – 2019 OHA Change Advisory Team Fall of         received a Master in Public Health degree from                                                                                                                     numerous roles. Ms. Cruz is a former Deputy
   Kristen Lacijan-Drew, MS, MPH, is a Quality            epidemiology and pandemic flu planning. In 2008,      2018 Spring 2019 OHSU Faculty for the persistent     OHSU in 2000 studying diabetes epidemiology                                            at the 2019 OPAT Conference. These workshops include:
                                                          he moved to local public health to work under                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sheriff for Santa Clara County, CA and worked
   Improvement Analyst at Health Share of                                                                       pain ECHO project. 2019 Member of the Opioid         in Oregon. He has been a faculty member in the                                         Understanding the Importance of Tribal Relationships, Tribal Best
                                                          Gary Oxman as the health officer for Washington                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in a housing project with underserved youth.
   Oregon. She leads Health Share’s performance                                                                 Tapering Taskforce.                                  OHSU Department of Family Medicine since 1995,
   improvement projects, including the two related        and Clackamas Counties. In 2014, he became                                                                 serving as Director of Behavioral Medicine for                                         Practices, and Implementing an Integrated Medication-Assisted               She has experience in Community Prevention,
   to reducing opioids prescribing and expanding          the Multnomah and TriCounty Health Officer. He        DENNIS MCCARTY, PHD                                  the department from 2002 through 2016. He                                              Treatment (MAT) Program at the Siletz Community Health Clinic               Community Mobilization, Treatment, Training,
   MAT services. She brings 15+ years of experience       is a practicing pediatrician and a member of the      Dennis McCarty, PhD, a Professor Emeritus            sees patients and teaches residents at the OHSU                                                                                                                    Curriculum Development, Grant Writing, and
                                                          OHSU faculty; he is board certified in Preventive                                                                                                                                                 (SCHC). The workshop, Understanding the Importance of Tribal
   as a program evaluator and data analyst, and                                                                 in the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health at           Richmond Clinic, a community health center in                                                                                                                      Administration. Ms. Cruz played a key role in
   she thinks a lot about visualizing health data in      Medicine, General Pediatrics and Pediatric            Oregon Health & Science University, works at         southeast Portland.                                                                    Relationships, will be offered in a 4-hour format during the                being the main author for Oregon Tribal Best
   understandable ways. She is the co-coordinator         Infectious Diseases. His current projects include     the intersection of policy, research and practice                                                                                           Preconference and a condensed, 90-minute format during the                  Practices, developing curriculum for certifying
   of the Tri-County Opioids Safety Coalition’s data      decreasing opioid-related deaths, planning the        assessing the organization, financing, and quality   RILEY NELSON                                             Caroline M. Cruz
                                                          EMS system for the next generation, and improving                                                                                                                                                 Conference. Workshop descriptions are listed on pages 14-16.                prevention specialists, and developing and
   workgroup. She received her Master of Public                                                                 of prevention and treatment services for alcohol     Riley went through an APG and Recovery High                                                                                                                        presenting numerous trainings nationally.
   Health and Master of Science (Agriculture,             air quality through health-based regulation. He       and drug use disorders. He served as a Principal     School featured in the documentary Generation
                                                          and his wife, obstetrician Ann Scott, nurture three                                                                                                                                                We acknowledge and thank presenters Caroline Cruz,                         Ms. Cruz received her bachelor’s degree from
   Food, and the Environment) degrees from Tufts                                                                Investigator for the Western States Node of the      Found. With 8 years of experience with the
   University. In her spare time, she can be found        teenagers, a variety of animals, and fruit trees in   National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials        APG model both as a teen and a facilitator, he                                                                                                                     Eastern Oregon State College, Certificate of
                                                          Portland.                                                                                                                                                                                          Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Health and Human                      Public Management Willamette University- Geo.
   dancing Zumba, chaperoning a high school                                                                     Network from 2003 to 2018 (UG1 DA015815),            understands and relates to the barriers of early
   robotics tournament, or enjoying time with her wife                                                          and for an evaluation of the impacts of Oregon’s     recovery as a teenager and seeks to use his                                             Services Director and Julie Johnson, Paiute-Shoshone, Tribal               Atkinson Graduate School of Management.
   and two sons.                                          JANE M. LINCOLN, LCSW                                 Coordinated Care Organizations on prevention and     experience to assist others in achieving sobriety.                                      Affairs Director-Oregon Health Authority, for leading two of the
                                                          Jane Lincoln is a licensed clinical social worker     treatment for alcohol and drug use disorders from
                                                          with 30 years’ experience working with clients                                                                                                                                                     workshops. We would like to also thank the Confederated Tribes
   JUDITH LEAHY, MPH                                                                                            2012 to 2018 (R33 DA035640). In addition to          KEVIN NOVAK, MS
   Judith Leahy, MPH has been OHA’s Adult Viral           and families. She has worked in family counseling,    his academic appointments, Dr. McCarty directed      As a research assistant at HealthInsight Oregon, Kevin                                  of Siletz Indians for their sharing of knowledge and experience            Julie Johnson
   Hepatitis Prevention Coordinator since 2009.           geriatric care management, home hospice social        the Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Abuse          supports the development and implementation of                                          from a tribal community perspective.                                       Paiute-Shoshone, Tribal Affairs Director-Oregon
                                                          work, cancer counseling, interactive guided
   She supports local public health organizations to                                                            Services for the Massachusetts Department of         many research projects. He has been involved                                                                                                                       Health Authority
   prevent, screen and link people with viral hepatitis   imagery, and individual psychotherapy. She            Public Health (1989 – 1995) and served on the        in projects aimed at studying occupational
   to care. Judith co-leads the Oregon Viral Hepatitis    has interest in treating substance use disorder,      Oregon Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission            health and retention in hospital settings, and in
                                                          depression, anxiety, and LGBT issues. Jane received                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Julie is the Tribal Affairs Director for the Oregon
   Collective, a diverse group of stakeholders working                                                          (2009 – 2017). He received a doctorate in social     educating patients on chronic pain management.                                                                                                                     Health Authority, serving for the last two years as
   to eliminate viral hepatitis using a collective        a Bachelor of Arts from Oberlin College in Ohio and   psychology from the University of Kentucky.          He is experienced with quantitative methods, data        Julie Johnson
                                                          a Master of Social Work from The National Catholic                                                                                                                                                                                                                            a liaison to Oregon’s Nine Federally Recognized
   impact model. Before joining OHA, Judith                                                                                                                          management and analysis, survey design, and
   worked with two California community-based             School of Social Service in Washington, DC. Jane is   ANDREW MENDENHALL, MD                                technical report writing. Kevin’s current interests                                                                                                                Tribes, the Urban Indian Health Program, and
   organizations. Centerforce is a Bay Area non-profit    originally from DC, and finds the beauty and quiet    Dr. Mendenhall is Board Certified in Addiction       include big data analytics, occupational health                                                                                                                    other organizations serving American Indians
   that provides a broad range of programs and            of Lake County to be refreshing and rejuvenating.     Medicine and Family Medicine. He graduated from      and well-being, and pain management.                     Wednesday, May 29, 2019 | 12:45 – 1:00 p.m.                                                               and Alaska Natives in Oregon. She is a senior
   services to people who are incarcerated and family     She has grown children, and lives in Paisley with     the University of Portland, trained as a medical                                                                                                                                                                        advisor to the agency director, leadership team
                                                          her partner, Valerie, and her cat, Moe. She knits                                                          SIMON PARKER-SHAMES, MPH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             KEYNOTE: O
   members during and following release. Project                                                                student and family physician at OHSU and worked                                                                                                                                                                         and staff. She is an enrolled member of the Ft.
   Inform was a national non-profit organization          and crochets whenever possible.                       at Providence Health Systems for five years. In      Simon Parker-Shames is a Health Informatics                                                       pening Remarks                                                  McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone Tribe and has four
   that provided information to people living with                                                              partnership with Dr. Paul Conti he co-founded        Consultant who provides guidance and coaching                                                                                                                      daughters who are enrolled members of the
   HIV and HCV, and advocated for effective HIV           SARA LOVE, ND                                         innovative outpatient integrated treatment           on EHR tool implementation strategies and data                                          Ellen Rosenblum
                                                          Dr. Sara Love is currently Sr. Project Manager and                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Burns Paiute Tribe. Julie has worked with tribal
   and HCV treatment, quality affordable health care                                                            program called HealthWorks NW and continued to       collection. He has over ten years of experience                                         Oregon Attorney General
                                                          Sr. Practice Facilitator for HealthInsight Oregon.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            people for over two decades. She first came to
   and medical strategies to prevent new infections.                                                            work there after it was acquired by Hazelden. Most   working with EHRs, data analysis, and medical IT,
   Judith was a syringe exchange volunteer early in       In this role, she enjoys working with clinics in      recently, Dr. Mendenhall worked for CleanSlate       with a public health perspective. He has particular                                                                                                                OHA as a Tribal Liaison working in Substance
   the HIV/AIDS epidemic.                                 rural Southern Oregon on a variety of quality         Center as the regional medical director for a        expertise in simple EHR tools to support opioid                                         A former federal prosecutor and state trial and appellate judge, Ellen     Abuse Prevention, Addictions and Mental
                                                          improvement projects as well as serving as project    network of 24 substance use disorder practices       management in primary care settings.                                                    Rosenblum was first elected to a four-year term as Oregon’s 17th           Health. Prior to that she lived and worked on
   GILLIAN LEICHTLING                                     manager for the Opioid Safety in Older Adults         across Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Connecticut                                                                                              Attorney General in November, 2012 and was re-elected to a second          the Burns Paiute Reservation, working to build
   Gillian Leichtling has 20 years of experience in       Special Innovation Project. She is a licensed         and several other states. Dr. Mendenhall is a                                                                                                term November 8, 2016. She is the first woman to serve as Oregon           a healthier community, and prior to that worked
   evaluation and research in the areas of substance      Naturopathic Physician who was honored to serve       passionate clinical and community educator and                                                                                               Attorney General. Her priorities include consumer protection and
                                                          on the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  for the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs as
   use disorder treatment and prevention. She                                                                   a 25-year resident of Portland, happy to be of                                                                                               civil rights – advocating for and protecting Oregon’s children, seniors,   a Head Start Teacher. Julie is committed to the
   currently manages a study with Oregon Health           Advisory Commission from 2011-2018.                   service to the community.                                                                                                                    immigrants and crime victims and those saddled with education-related      continued efforts of honoring the government to
   and Science University to implement peer services                                                                                                                                                                          debt. Attorney General Rosenblum has been a pioneer in championing constructive solutions to the          government relationships and improving health
   and telehealth in rural counties to increase access
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              opioid crisis and in holding pharmaceutical companies accountable to ensure compliance with state         services to Native people.
   to HCV and HIV testing, harm reduction services,
   and opioid use disorder treatment. Other projects                                                                                                                                                                          and federal safety and consumer protection law.
   include a study with Oregon State University
   examining the relationship between prescription                                                                                                                                                                            Attorney General Rosenblum has been active in local and national organizations of lawyers, judges and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              attorneys general. She has served on the Executive Committee of the National Association of Attorneys
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              General and she is a past Chair of the Conference of Western Attorneys General. She has served as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Secretary of the American Bar Association and as Chair of the ABA Section of State & Local Government
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Law. She co-founded the section’s Attorneys General and Department of Justice Issues Committee (AGDJ).

20 | 2019 Oregon Conference on Opioids + Other Drugs, Pain + Addiction Treatment                                                                                                                                                                                                       2019 Oregon Conference on Opioids + Other Drugs, Pain + Addiction Treatment                       |5
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