Connecting Students and Families through Faith -

Page created by Jimmy Morales
Connecting Students and Families through Faith -
School Newsletter

   Connecting Students and Families through Faith
                            February 21, 2021
                                                The Wedding of Q & U
                                         The annual kindergarten wedding of the letters Q
                                          & U was held on Thursday, February 11th. Miss Q,
                                         Zaylie Adams, and Mr. U, Rhett Marshall, promised
                                         to stay together forever in words like quarter and
                                              quack. The event was witnessed by their
                                         kindergarten friends and their parents who joined
                                          in via Zoom. A reception followed that included
                                             cake, sparkling juice and of course dancing.

   Monday, Feb 22nd
 Open Registra on Begins
  Wednesday, Feb 24th
      Mass @ 8:15

 If you are a new family or know of a
new family who would like to register
 for next year, please call the school
           office: 632-6918.

 St. Agnes Catholic School
205 E 23rd, Scottsbluff, NE
     Ph: 308-632-6918
Connecting Students and Families through Faith -
Classroom News………...
                          Mardi Gras Celebration
  The annual Mardi Gras celebration was held on Tuesday, February 16th in an adapted form.
  The family pancake feed was not able to be held, but students were able to enjoy other Fat
    Tuesday treats provided by parents and learn about Mardi Gras traditions. The parade,
   noise makers and all, took place around the block where parents joined in the festivities.
  The students always enjoy this fun and loud celebration before moving into the more quiet
                       and prayerful time of Lent.

                                                                                                Registration for current families is now
                                                                                                  underway. Packets went home with
                                                                                                 oldest children on Friday February 5th.
                                                                                                  Please send your registration back as
                                                                                                soon as possible. If you have a younger
                                                                                                 child that you would like to register in
                                                                                                 Pre-K or K, please include them in your
                                                                                                  Registration for new families begins
                                                                                                    February 22-26th. New families
                                                                                                 interested in registering for the 2021-
                                                                                                   2022 school year need to call the
                                                                                                              school office
                                                                                                      (632-6918) and schedule an

                                                      Valentine Parties
 Creativity flowed throughout the building as a multitude of awesome Valentine boxes and sacks rolled into the classrooms
  for the annual class Valentine parties. Held a few days early (Feb. 11th) due to winter break, the students enjoyed games
                             and treats provided by classroom parents. Of course, the highlight of
                            the event was the opening of Valentine messages sent by good friends.
                              Thanks to all parents who helped to make our holiday parties a huge
                                                       success this year.

            Hot Lunch Menu for February 22nd, 2021 - February 26th, 2021
Monday, Feb 22            Tuesday, Feb 23             Wednesday, Feb 24            Thursday, Feb 25           Friday, Feb 26
Hamburger on a Bun        Super Nachos                Cheese Quesadilla            Hot Dog on a Bun           Grilled Cheese Sandwich
French Fries              taco meat, black beans      Spanish Rice w/peas          Tater Barrels              Scalloped Potatoes
Corn                      cheese sauce & salsa        Steamed Carrots              Fresh Broccoli w/ranch     Green Salad w/DL
Mandarin Oranges          Potato Circlees             Pineapple Tidbits            Peaches                    Potato Chips
                          Grapes                                                                              Apple

Helpers:                  Helpers:                    Helpers:                     Helpers:                   Helpers:
10:30 George Kildow       10:30 George Kildow         10:30 George Kildow          10:30 George Kildow        10:30 George Kildow
11:30 Crystal Kildow      11:30 Crystal Kildow        11:30 Crystal Kildow         11:30 Crystal Kildow       11:30 Crystal Kildow
Connecting Students and Families through Faith -
What’s Happening at St. Agnes School………...
                                                 First Grade Class
                                                  By Sharon Bird
                                   On January 29, we celebrated the 100th day of school. What an exciting day for all! The students
                          moved through learning/activity stations. What a great learning experience and fun day!
                                   February has been a busy month for us in first grade. Did the groundhog see his shadow? We learned
                          facts about the groundhog and what it would mean if he did or did not see his shadow. We now know six more
                          weeks of winter is in store for us.
                                   Our class celebrated Catholic School Week with activities throughout the week. Cards were made for
                          the Veterans, volunteers, and others in our community. St. Agnes students enjoyed Zoom with Father Dan and
our seminarian. The students were able to ask questions and learn more about them.
           The Bishop celebrated mass for the school on Wednesday, February 3, 2021. After mass, doughnuts and juice were enjoyed by
all. Each classroom was visited by Mr. Engle, the Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese, and the Bishop. The
students were able to ask questions and learn more about them and their respective jobs.
           Friday was Fun Friday! We participated in praying the rosary at the church, pajama day, and Zoom bingo.
What a great culmination to the week!
           Our Valentine’s Day party was held on February 11. Trains were made with frosting, wafer cookies, and
life saver candy. Ms. Teresa came in to share this activity with us. What fun! Students enjoyed games and the
cards in the afternoon.
           The students have been reading biographies. They have been so enthusiastic about the books.
    As always, thank you to the parents for their kindness and support. You are all greatly appreciated.

             Library Room News                                                      Music Room News
                By Lana Payne                                                       By Andrea Tritt
           February is a very busy month in the                                 In music, we’ve been studying the musical instrument
library! We started off the month reading about                       families. We started with the percussion family. Students learned
Groundhog’s Day and the prediction of six more                       these instruments can either be hit, shaken, rubbed, or scraped to
weeks of winter! Yikes! We were able to join up                      make their sound. Students also learned that percussion
with Catholic Schools Week and play Bingo for                        instruments can be pitched or un-pitched. Nearly all of the
Books to celebrate both CSW and our first                            instruments in our music room are percussion instruments, so
semester successes in reading for our 500,000                        students have had a lot of fun with this instrument family!
Minutes of Reading Challenge. We have been reading books                        PreK through 3rd grades have had a lot of fun getting
about Valentine’s Day and learning the lessons of kindness and       the opportunity to play a different instrument each day during our
love. We have been learning more about George Washington and         percussion family unit! Fourth and fifth grades
Abraham Lincoln as well as celebrating all our presidents for        have been working on reading music and playing
Presidents’ Day. February is also Black History Month and we have    in a rhythm band. Before winter break, students
been exploring the many books available about important people       were introduced to the next instrument family
and events connected to African Americans and the roles they         unit: Strings! They got to see a violin, cello, and
played in the history of the United States.                          acoustic guitar and have started learning about
           We are reading our way to our 500,000 Minutes of          the parts that make up these instruments.
Reading Challenge. As of the end of January we have read                        After the string family, we will study
239,636 minutes. Please continue to support and encourage your                         woodwinds and brass instrument
children to read toward this goal! Don’t forget                                        families before we switch gears into spring
to keep track of the minutes read and be sure to                                       program. As of now, we are planning two spring
turn in the data sheet at the end of each month!                                       concerts, one for PreK-2nd and one for 3rd-5th.
           Mark your calendar! Scholastic Book                                         With the pandemic still lingering and affecting the
Fair will be held during the week of Parent/                                           way we normally run things, this could change at
Teacher Conferences, March 16 and 18. It will                                          any moment! We will send out details to parents
look different than in the past due to the need to                                      once we have a better idea of what the spring
keep everyone safe and maintain social distance. More                                  programs will look like in terms of dates and
information will be available as we get closer the Book Fair.                          times. Thank you for your support!
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