Community News Cumberland Council - NSW ...

Page created by Dustin Rios
Community News Cumberland Council - NSW ...
Cumberland Council
                       Community News
                                                                                                                               WINTER 2018

    streets for

                                      Regional Illegal Dumping (RID) Squad Officer Eric Ryffel in Merrylands.

Cumberland Council and the Regional Illegal Dumping (RID)                  “Fines of up to $8,000 apply for illegal dumping. It really just
Squad are now enforcing fines of up to $8,000 for illegal                  isn’t worth the risk of being slapped with a massive fine when
dumping, with four recent incidents attracting fines of $2,000             you’ve got access to four free services per year.
                                                                           “Council has now started to enforce fines for illegal dumping.
Mayor Greg Cummings said Council was committed to clean                    Four recent incidents – two in Auburn, the others in Smithfield
streets.                                                                   and Westmead – have attracted fines of $2,000 each.
“Cumberland Council harmonised its clean up services in                    “You can book a clean up simply by visiting cumberland.nsw.
February, enabling all residents to access up to four pre-booked  or calling 8757 9000. For multi-lingual support, please
collections per year. The size of the collections was also doubled;        contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and
increasing from one cubic metre to two,” Mayor Cummings said.              ask to be connected to Cumberland Council on (02) 8757 9000.
“We know the cleanliness of the streets is important for residents         “We recommend you book at least two weeks in advance of your
in Cumberland. It’s also really important to Council. We are               preferred pick up date and avoid putting waste out any sooner
hopeful the increased flexibility and frequency of the service, as         than the night before collection, to reduce the risk of people
well as the increased size of collections, will see a reduction in         adding to it and exceeding the maximum collection size.”
illegal dumping.
                                                                           Illegal dumping can be reported to Council by calling 8757 9000.
“Since February we’ve run an extensive community education
program, which will continue into the future, to ensure all                Cumberland Council is a member of the Western Sydney
residents are aware of the services available to them and also the         RID Squad, supported by the NSW Environment Protection
cost should they choose not to utilise them.                               Authority, with funding from the Waste Levy.
Community News Cumberland Council - NSW ...
Mayoral Chains transferred at Granville Town Hall
                                                                          Councillors gathered at Granville Town Hall on Saturday 16 June
                                                                          2018, to transfer the Mayoral Chains of the former Municipality
                                                                          of Granville, from safekeeping by the City of Parramatta to pride
                                                                          of place in Cumberland Council.
                                                                          The transfer took place after a procession up Russell Street,
                                                                          which recently underwent a $1.7 million upgrade as part of the
                                                                          Granville Streetscape Project, to the steps of Granville Town
                                                                          “These beautiful street works are part of our welcome to the
                                                                          residents of Granville,” Mayor Greg Cummings said.
                                                                          “They honour in stone and wood the storied past of Granville
                                                                          and point to its bright future as part of Cumberland, so it is only
                                                                          fitting then that in receiving the Mayoral Chains we do so here.
                                                                          “I would like to thank the Lord Mayor of Parramatta for the
                                                                          safekeeping of the Mayoral Chains. They will be well looked
                                                                          “The City of Parramatta took good care of the Granville
                                                                          Mayoral Chains and I am delighted they are being handed over
               Cumberland Council Mayor Greg Cummings and                 to Cumberland Council, where they rightly belong,” City of
    City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Andrew Wilson at Granville Town Hall.
                                                                          Parramatta Lord Mayor Andrew Wilson said.

        Local                                     New                       Cumberland                                Granville
     Government                                Child Care                 Community Grants                              Park
       Awards                                   Subsidy                      Program                                  Upgrades
Council had five finalists at         The NSW Government has              Cumberland Council has             Council’s vision for Granville
the 2018 Local Government             announced a new Child Care          invested almost $600,000           Park is to become an
Excellence Awards, including          Subsidy that will help parents      in the community, as part          outstanding sports and
its Mobile Community                  with children aged 0-13 work,       of the 2017-18 Cumberland          recreational area for all
Recycling Service, Fight the          train, study and volunteer.         Community Grants Program.          of Cumberland. The new
Dust Asbestos Awareness               The Child Care Subsidy,             The program provides grants        $8 million project will be
Campaign and Auburn Park              combining the previous Child        to local individuals and           modern, have elevated
Upgrade. Council’s Youth              Care Benefit and Child Care         not-for-profit organisations       seating for spectators, four
Participation and Programs            Rebate, will be paid directly       for projects that deliver a        change rooms for male and
Team won the award for                to child care services on           social, economic, cultural,        female athletes, a strength
‘Innovative Leadership and            behalf of families. This is a       recreational or environmental      and conditioning gym and
Management’ while the                 great opportunity for parents       benefit to the Cumberland          separate rooms for time
Sydney Cherry Blossom                 to look at the education and        community. The next round of       keepers and referees. The
Festival won the award                care options that Cumberland        applications for the program       fields will also receive major
for ‘Local Economic                   Council has available for           is now open.                       upgrades.
Contribution’.                        children.

                                            For the full stories visit
Community News Cumberland Council - NSW ...
Events Calendar
 17 - 26 August                             25 August
                                            HOUSEHOLD CHEMICAL
                                            Cumberland Council Depot
 Auburn Botanic Gardens                     167 Fairfield Road, Guildford West
 Last year the Sydney Cherry Blossom        To safely eliminate chemicals in the
 Festival attracted more than 90,000        household, Cumberland Council
 people over two weeks. This year           works in conjunction with the NSW
 it returns, bursting with Japanese         Environment Protection Authority
 culture, food, music, performances,        to provide convenient drop-off
 martial arts and more.                     locations for unwanted materials.

                                              FLAVOURS OF AUBURN

                                              Flavours of Auburn is a
                                              community enterprise that
                                              connects people, communities
                                              and cultures through a shared
                                              love for food. Walking tours
                                              and cooking classes are held

                                                                                         29 September
                                                                                         AUBURN FESTIVAL
                                                                                         Auburn Town Centre

                                                                                         Auburn Festival returns in 2018
                                                                                         to celebrate the rich, vibrant and
                                                                                         diverse cultures of the local and
                                                                                         surrounding region with a range
                                                                                         of activities, including music and
                                                                                         dance performances, plus food
                                                                                         and market stalls.

   Ongoing                                   27 October
   Merrylands Service Centre
                                             Wentworthville Town Centre
   Ordinary council meetings
   are held at 6.30pm on the                 Cumberland Council will join with
   first and third Wednesday of              its substantial Hindu community -
   each month (except January)               the third most prevalent religion
   at the Merrylands Service                 in Cumberland - to celebrate the
   Centre at 16 Memorial Avenue,             special holiday, known as the
   Merrylands.                               Festival of Lights.

                                 For the full calendar visit
Community News Cumberland Council - NSW ...
Help shape Council’s plans, policies
                                            and programs for Cumberland at

   8757 9000
                                                      If you have
                                                      any questions,
   PO Box 42, Merrylands NSW 2160
   For more information, or to sign up
   for a fortnightly e-newsletter, visit
                                                      contact us.

If you need help understanding this document, please call the Translating and Interpreting
Service (TIS National) on 131 450 and ask them to call Cumberland Council on 02 8757 9000.
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