COMMUNITY BUILDER Spring 2021 - Habitat for Humanity of ...

Page created by Glenn Bowman
COMMUNITY BUILDER Spring 2021 - Habitat for Humanity of ...
                                                  BUILDER                                                                  Spring 2021

Progress Being Made at                                                                              St. Theresa Place
                                                                                                    House Sponsors
St. Theresa Place                                                                                      Home #537
St. Theresa Place is our most ambitious project of the year. When all is said and done, St.            Schauss/Havens Build
Theresa Place will be a beautiful subdivision of 14 homes, built on a large portion of the land        Home #538
where the St. Theresa Catholic Church and School once stood. For over 70 years, St. Theresa            In Honor of Fr. Ted and
was a cornerstone of northern Evansville’s Catholic community, and a vibrant place of                  Robert A. Thompson
worship, learning, and community for its parishioners. Though the buildings are now gone,
St. Theresa Parish leaves behind an incredible legacy that we seek to celebrate and honor              Home #539
                                                                                                       Tom and Betty Titzer
through this project. By working in close partnership with many St. Theresa alumni and                 Family Build
former parishioners on this endeavor, Habitat will help preserve that legacy.
                                                                                                       Home #540
Even in the time of COVID-19, the project has progressed at a steady pace since its                    Alan and Sharon Braun Build
groundbreaking back in August of 2020. Habitat’s Core Crew and many volunteers,
including five AmeriCorps members who recently spent several weeks with us on a                        Home #541
temporary program, have been working tirelessly through these chilly winter months. In                 St. Theresa Families Build
November 2020, we saw the first foundation of the first home laid. Now, as we enter the
                                                                                                       Home #542
spring of 2021, 12 of the 14 homes are currently under construction. Two homes are nearing             Catholics for Habitat
their final stages, having been fully painted as of February 2021. An additional five homes
are currently being framed.                                                                            Home # 544
                                                                                                       Traylor/O’Daniel Build
St. Theresa Place is no small undertaking, and although we are excited to share the
substantial progress that has been made, there is still work to be done! Generous Habitat              Home #545
supporters have contributed over 86 percent of the funds needed to make these homes a                  Deacon Dave and Mrs. Ginny
reality, and construction is slated for completion at the end of 2021 or early 2022.                   Cook

To stay informed on the St. Theresa Place project, learn more about how you can help or                Home #546
make a donation, follow our Facebook page, @evansvillehabitat, or go to our website at                 Bishops, Priests and
                                                                                                       Friends Build
                                                                                                       Home #547
                                                                                                       Priests Who Served at St.
                                                                                                       Theresa, Staff and Friends

                                                                                                       Home #548
                                                                                                       Henry and Josephine Steckler
                                                                                                       Family Build

                                                                                                       Home #549
                                                                                                       Rex Mundi Mighty Monarchs

                                                                                                       Home #550
                                                                                                       In Memory of Randall Goins,
                                                                                                       In Memory of Ruth and
                                                                                                       Charlie Head

                                                                                                       Home #551
                                                                                                       Mater Dei, Memorial,
                                                                                                       Browning Funeral Home,
                                                                                                       Pierre Funeral Home

                                                                                                   For Habitat build updates, go to

                           560 E. Diamond Ave. | Evansville, IN 47711 | 812-423-5623 |
COMMUNITY BUILDER Spring 2021 - Habitat for Humanity of ...
Every hand makes a difference
Making St. Theresa Place a Reality
Thank You, Father Ted!
When the St. Theresa Place Advisory Council met for the first time, Fr. Ted Tempel shared
just how much his ministry at St. Theresa, where he served as pastor from 1979–1993, meant
to him. He was quick to say it wasn’t the buildings that mattered. “It was the people — that
sense of community — that we tried to build. We worked together and played together and
accomplished a lot together.”
Fr. Ted has always been dedicated to following Jesus’ teaching that “whatever you do to the least
of these, you do to Me.” He is known in our community as someone who helps, not just the
economically poor, but also those who are lonely, forgotten, in need of a friend — people who
need hope. When he found out that Habitat was going to build 14 houses on the property which
was formerly St. Theresa, he knew this was a way to breathe new life into the community and as
the saying goes, “cometh the hour, cometh the man.”
By reaching out to the countless individuals who knew and loved him, Fr. Ted singlehandedly raised more than a million dollars for
St. Theresa Place. The 14-house subdivision will be a reality because of Fr. Ted and the generous individuals who responded to his
invitation. Thank you, Fr. Ted!

                                         Thank You, Rex Mundi Mighty Monarchs!
                                         On October 13, 2020, a veritable army of Rex Mundi Monarchs — all proud alums of the
                                         Evansville Catholic high school which operated from 1958 to 1972 — gathered at the Habitat
                                         office (masked and socially distanced) to write to their classmates about supporting the Rex
                                         Mundi Build in St. Theresa Place.
                                         What a response they had! Over $106,000 has been raised thus far and the three amigos from
                                         the class of 1969 who led the project — Dan DiLegge, Randy Mattingly and Steve Titzer —
                                         knew that when you joined the Mighty Monarch spirit with a great cause like Habitat for
                                         Humanity, a fire would be ignited.
                                         The pandemic caused an all-school reunion planned for the summer of 2020 to be postponed
                                         but when the Monarchs do eventually gather in Evansville, a tour of the Rex Mundi Build and
                               e         St. Theresa Place is promised!
         Photo Courtesy of th
         Diocese of Evansv

St. Theresa Place
Advisory Council
The St. Theresa Place Advisory Council consists of over 30
former St. Theresa parishioners and graduates, community
leaders, and neighborhood champions. They are spearheading
the St. Theresa Place project, and seek to preserve the legacy of
St. Theresa Parish by celebrating, not so much the buildings that
were once there, but the special individuals and families who
shared life there together in beautiful, creative ways.

Diane Alvey                 Steve and Rose Castrale   Sharon and Steve Ford     Randy Mattingly            Denise Seibert Townsend
Joan Andersen               Dave and Ginny Cook       Jane Macke Friona         Ken and Beth Schenk        Lynn Ubelhor
Tom Bartley                 Mary and Perry DeWeese    Luan Greubel              Linda Schmitt              Machalle Walker
Tom and Mary† Baumgart      Bob Dezember              Greg Head                 Phyllis and Bill Simmons   Christine Werner
Ruth Becker                 Dan Diehl                 Susan Heathcott           Scott Taylor               Pastor Dave Wiist
Elmer Berberich             Pam Diehl                 Ann Lampkins              Fr. Ted Tempel
Bill Bussing                Dan DiLegge               Tim Mahoney               Steve Titzer

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COMMUNITY BUILDER Spring 2021 - Habitat for Humanity of ...
                                                      Get                                          Methodist
                                                    Up and                                           BBQ
              Faith                               Get Building!
                                                                                      Mark your calendars for a Smoked
             in the                       June 4 is our big kick-off — the            Meat Sale! The United Methodist
           Future Day                     first day we will officially re-open
                                                                                      Churches are coming together to
                                          to volunteers! Those who met with
  Join us on May 13 to celebrate our                                                  raise money for their next Habitat
                                          us May 13 and are interested in
  big announcement — we are gearing       getting out on a construction site are      Build by selling smoked pork butts,
  up for allowing all community           encouraged to come and do so on             pulled pork, chicken and baby back
  volunteers back on construction sites   that day and bring a friend!                ribs. Contact Holly Edmond at
  in June, and we need new folks to                                         
  help us!                                We will build in the morning and
                                                                                      812-423-5623, Ext. 231 for more
                                          our celebration will go through the
  Faith in the Future Day will be a       late afternoon. We will have food           information.
  chance to come out, socialize, share    trucks and beverages on site, live             Date: Saturday, May 22, 2021
  an appetizer (on us!) and learn about   entertainment and more! All in              Pickup Times: 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM
  how you can get involved either in      the community are welcome and
  our office or on a work site. Current                                                     Pickup Locations:
                                          encouraged to attend, celebrate and
  volunteers and friends of Habitat are   learn about our mission, whether you                  Old North United
  welcome, as is anyone interested in     want to help build on this day or not!                 Methodist Men
  learning more about what we do.
                                                St. Theresa Place                       Smoker, Pop-Up Tents, Tables
        Damsel Brew Pub
                                                  700 Herndon Dr.                         set up at 3820 First Ave.
     209 Wabash Ave. of Flags
                                              Date: Friday, June 4, 2021              (just north of Evansville Federal Credit Union)
    Date: Thursday, May 13, 2021
                                            Build Time: Noon - 2:30 PM                          Simpson United
           Time: 4 - 7 PM
                                          Celebration Time: 2:30 - 6:30 PM                     Methodist Church
                                                                                                2201 W Illinois St.
     Contact Meredith Dixon at                     Stay up to date on               events on our website at
 812-453-3810 for more information.                You can pre-order/pay at

 Get Involved With Us Today!
Although we are not ready for community volunteers on-site, there are still several
ways to get involved with Habitat!
                 No-Hammer Volunteering
                   10 Homeowner Advocates (email Birdie at
                   8 Cross Stitchers (email Jenny at
                   2-4 Interns (email Meredith at

  Donate Needed Materials                                                          Shop, Donate, Volunteer at the
                                                                                    Evansville Habitat ReStore
    We use 10+ cases of bottled water
     per week from April – September                                                 Go to for
                                                                                       more information!

          Follow us on social and share!
                                                                      For more details about these opportunities,
                                                                                  call 812-423-5623.

              Go to for details on Habitat’s response to Covid-19.
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COMMUNITY BUILDER Spring 2021 - Habitat for Humanity of ...
Habitat has TWO New Giving Societies!
Loyal Donor Society                                           Homebuilders Society
The Loyal Donor Society was established to recognize          The Habitat Homebuilders Society was established to recognize the
Habitat supporters who give without fail every year.          cumulative giving of Habitat partners — those who, in their lifetimes, have
Donors first become eligible to join the Loyal Donor          contributed $20,000 or more to Habitat’s homebuilding ministry. The Habitat
Society when they reach a consecutive giving threshold        Homebuilders Society also recognizes individuals and couples who have made
of five years.                                                a gift of $1,000 or more to Habitat’s annual campaign for the first time during
                                                              that fiscal year.
                                                              Levels of the Homebuilders Society are named for historic and current-day
                                                              leaders of Habitat for Humanity International, including Millard Fuller,
                                                              Clarence Jordan, Clive Rainey and Jonathan Reckford.

                                                                      These societies will be recognized annually in the
                                                                     Habitat for Humanity of Evansville Annual Report.
                                                                     For more information, please contact Holly Edmond

Welcome to the Habitat Team!
Join us in welcoming the newest member of our Habitat Evansville team, Megan
Parish! Megan’s family has always been passionate about Habitat’s mission. It
was her grandfather’s favorite charity, her uncle regularly volunteers on build
sites at an affiliate in northern Indiana, and she volunteered with Habitat
Evansville back in 2017. Megan was hired as Communications Manager early
this year and she is looking forward to serving her community through
this new role.                                                                       Megan Parish
                                                                              Communications Manager

Habitat Is a Top 40 Affiliate!
Each year Habitat for Humanity International salutes the top 40 affiliates across the country based
on house production. Once again Habitat Evansville — along with much larger cities like Atlanta,
Fort Worth, Miami and Charlotte — was named to this elite “Top 40” group.
Habitat Evansville, which serves Vanderburgh and Posey counties, ranked 25th with a
three-year house production average of 19.3. There are 1,178 Habitat affiliates in the United States.
You make our important work possible! Thanks for all you do to create a world where everyone has
a decent place to live.

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COMMUNITY BUILDER Spring 2021 - Habitat for Humanity of ...
Welcome New Board Members
Denise Greenwell, Greg Head, Mike Hinton, Andy Niemeier, Tyler Stock, and Charles Sutton

                       “By investing your time and resources in Habitat, you are helping a family in need and providing
                       them the opportunity to succeed in their life. I love that Habitat provides these hands-on
                       opportunities for people to use their strengths and skills to contribute to building homes and families
                       in our community.”
                       — Andy Niemeier, Co-CEO, Azzip Pizza

                               “Habitat for Humanity delivers on their mission in everything they do to
                          enrich the lives of their homeowners and our community. From application to
                           dedication, the staff ensures the homeowner is involved, educated, and vested
 in the process to ensure the best possible outcome. [The best part is] meeting a future homeowner and
    hearing about their journey to complete the requirements for homeownership. They are so grateful,
     appreciative and excited about all they learn during the training session to support their journey.”
                                                                — Denise Greenwell, Product Director
                            Commercialization; Consumer Packaging – North America, Berry Global

                       “I think that Habitat of Evansville is a great organization that helps individuals and families
                       reach homeownership and further builds up our community with hope and revitalization. I
                       would encourage anyone who has a heart for helping to considering joining this organization as a
                       volunteer and/or contributor. If you feel inclined to get your hands dirty, then join the Core Crew;
                       you can choose to work one to three days per week, as you are able, and will be rewarded with the
                       opportunity to learn new things, work with some good people and directly touch the lives of new
                       — Greg Head, Retired, Vice President, WB Koester Construction

   “The effective execution of Habitat for Humanity Evansville’s mission in bringing people together to
   build homes and build community is what motivated me to get involved. Learning that every dollar
donated goes into the mission of building homes, experiencing the outcomes through home dedications
    and a family’s unique story, on top of the community building process, is inspiring and infectious. I
  don’t remember where I first heard or experienced the phrase and action of, “many hands make light
work” but those words acknowledge the work of Habitat for Humanity and its building partners during
            their 37-year history in Evansville. I am humbled to be a board member and lend a hand.”
       — Charles Sutton, Social Impact Research Manager, Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library

                       "I am looking forward to working with such an engaged and focused staff and board. Beth
                       Folz, the executive director, along with the entire staff and board, are passionately committed
                       to fulfilling the mission of “Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings
                       people together to build homes, communities, and hope.” This commitment to the mission
                       and the family-centric focus they have is inspiring. I certainly look forward to the value I can
                       bring to the board and being a part of the impact Habitat continues to bring to Evansville
                       — Tyler Stock, Talent 2025 Project Manager, Junior Achievement of Southwestern Indiana

                  Our sixth new board member, Mike Hinton, Chairman and CEO, Lochmueller Group,
                                        will be featured in our next newsletter.
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COMMUNITY BUILDER Spring 2021 - Habitat for Humanity of ...
SICTC Students Build a House
Habitat Happenings                                                        Southern Indiana Career & Technical Center (SICTC) teachers
                                                                          and students are partnering with Habitat to build a home over the
                                                                          course of this school year, the first of its kind. The United Church
Women Build Program                                                       of Christ and Disciples of Christ churches are funding the house and
                                                                          happy for the SICTC partnership, as COVID restrictions have limited
with Old National Bank                                                    their volunteer involvement.
Since 1991, the Women Build program
                                                                          Mara Higdon, an SICTC student working on the Habitat for
has been empowering women to be
                                                                          Humanity project said, “This house project takes the theory that we
active participants in the construction
                                                                          learned in the classroom and turns it into a reality. In the classroom
process, and Habitat Evansville is
                                                                          we learned a lot about the Pythagorean Theorem to lay out the house
proud to have had a Women Build
                                                                          on the lot. We also learned how to use laser levels to set grade and
home sponsorship every other year
                                                                          how to dig and pour concrete in the footing. I believe that the Habitat
for the past 20 years! This year,
                                                                                                                    project will help me and
Habitat is partnering with Old National Bank on a new Women
                                                                                                                    many other students get
Build program, “Building Homes. Building Leaders.” A group of
                                                                                                                    ready for highly skilled,
passionate women are lending their time, energy, and fundraising
                                                                                                                    high-wage jobs whenever we
efforts to help DeAdria B. realize her dream of homeownership!
                                                                                                                    graduate from high school.
DeAdria and the Women Build group have now helped raise the                                                         It’s a great opportunity for
walls, install the doors and windows, and paint the home, while                                                     all of the students to learn
also building community amongst themselves along the way. Their                                                     and grasp the information
fundraising efforts will not only impact DeAdria and her family,                                                    we are learning to take out
but other young women in the community through a Community                                                          into the building trades
Leadership Program. We thank Old National Bank for their                                                            world.”
partnership on this effort, as well as all of the women involved!

Holistic Neighborhood Revitalization Effort in Tepe Park,
Centered Around Bedford Collab
An $85,000 grant from Republic Services, matched by CenterPoint Energy, will fund the restoration and repair of the former Bedford
Tavern in the Tepe Park Neighborhood. The grant was secured through a national partnership with Habitat for Humanity and Republic
Services, designed to encourage entrepreneurship and strengthen small businesses weakened by the pandemic. The refurbished building will
be called the Bedford Collab and will house a space for business incubation and a community kitchen for budding chefs and caterers.
Bedford Collab will serve as a centerpiece of larger revitalization initiatives in the Tepe Park Neighborhood. Several HOUSE organizations
(Housing Organizations United Serving Evansville) — including HOPE of Evansville, Memorial Community Development Corporation
and Habitat —will be building or restoring homes around the Bedford Collab. Another
HOUSE member, Community One, will continue repairs and rehabs as well as
facilitating Tepe Park’s quality of life plan and providing other supportive services in
the neighborhood.
Todd Chamberlain, division sales manager with Republic Services, says, “Republic
Services and Habitat for Humanity are proud of their partnership in support of building
positive, community-developed housing that fosters economic development and stability
for families across the nation and in our local communities. This partnership is founded
on the joint mission to revitalize neighborhoods and increase the opportunity for
individual homeownership sought by so many.”

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COMMUNITY BUILDER Spring 2021 - Habitat for Humanity of ...
Thanks, University of Evansville Students!
                                                                                   Habitat Happenings
                                               A group of generous UE students
                                               shoveled snow during February and
                                               donated 15% of their proceeds to

      Habitat and UE do an annual Barn
      Blitz where students help us build
      barns! Mini Blitzes are being held
      April 10 and April 24 this year in
      accordance with health and safety                                                              The UE ChangeLab is a class led by
      guidelines.                                                                                    Dr. Lora Becker; the ChangeLab is
                                                                                                     currently using their research skills to
                                                                                                     help us improve our marketing!

AmeriCorps Team
AmeriCorps is a national civil service program whose members give their time working for nonprofit organizations, tackling the challenges
and addressing the needs of communities across the country. Five young leaders — Alexis, Charlie, Helen, Ocean, and Eli — were assigned
to work with Habitat for a temporary period. Their days were spent on a variety of tasks: working on our construction sites, helping out
in the ReStore, and building barns in our warehouse, each contributing approximately 40 hours of work per week. After hours, the group
completed other program requirements.
The AmeriCorps team’s help came at an especially vital and appreciated time due to       Susan Weis
the complications of bringing community volunteers to worksites during COVID-19.         Award
                                             The team was previously assigned
                                             to work at several other nonprofits         Susan Weis personally
                                             in other Midwestern cities and was          helped over 80
                                             anticipated to remain in Evansville         families become
                                             until early April. However, the             homeowners during
                                             AmeriCorps team was asked to                her four years as
                                             leave early to help in Rochester, New       Habitat’s mortgage
                                             York, as the city attempts to keep up       administration
                                             with demands for their COVID-19             specialist and
                                             vaccination program. Thank you,             hundreds more through her service on the Family
                                             Alexis, Charlie, Helen, Ocean, and Eli,     Selection Committee and as chair, for six years, of
                                             for your work with us and wishing           Catholics for Habitat. She passed away December
                                             you well in your future service!            5, 2019, after a long battle with cancer, leaving
                                                                                         behind her husband David and children Aaron,
                                                                                         Anna, Andrew and Addie.
Lutherans for Habitat Celebrate 30th Home                                                Catholics for Habitat will be honoring Susan’s
Sponsorship                                                                              commitment to selfless service by awarding
                                                                                         the Susan Weis Legacy Award to an individual,
From 1993 to 2020, the Lutherans for                                                     business, family or family foundation for
Habitat have sponsored the building of 30                                                outstanding commitment, over a period of five or
Habitat homes! Thank you to this generous,                                               more years, to bringing people together to build
community-minded group for supporting                                                    homes, communities and hope.
the Habitat ministry for so many years! Their
contributions and good work have helped                                                  Andrew Nalin and Luke Nordine of Catholics
30 local families build strength, stability, and                                         for Habitat are co-chairing the development of
self-reliance through shelter. We applaud                                                the Susan Weis Legacy Award and plan to have
you for your continued devotion to building                                              members of the Weis family present the award
alongside these families and helping them realize their dream of homeownership.          during the Catholics for Habitat home dedication.

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COMMUNITY BUILDER Spring 2021 - Habitat for Humanity of ...
Habitat Remembers
Those We've Lost
                            Monica Stinchfield
                             Sadly, one of Habitat’s most capable and dedicated volunteers, Monica Stinchfield, died of COVID
                             complications on December 1, 2020. Monica served as a member of Habitat’s Board of Directors and chair
                             of the Family Selection Committee for 17 years. She was President of the Board from 2014–2016.
                             During that time, she contributed mightily to many major efforts undertaken by the organization,
                             including the New Haven Subdivision, which housed victims of the 2005 tornado; the Glenwood
                             Community Development Initiative, where her efforts resulted in a $285,000 grant through the Federal
                             Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis’ Affordable Housing Program to complete Shadewood Place; and finally,
                             leading Habitat’s training and compliance efforts to meet standards of the 2010 Mortgage Reform Act.
                             Hardworking, passionate, motivated, loyal — all the qualities one would want to see in an employee were
                             Monica’s. She spent her entire professional career at First Federal Savings Bank where, after 41 years of
service, she retired as senior vice president. She was recognized with countless awards along the way, First Federal’s Volunteer of the
Year (2011); Women’s Council of Realtors “Member of the Year” (2002, 2006); USI’s Phenomenal Women Award (2013) and Habitat’s
Dee McMillin Volunteer of the Year Award (2009).
Rest in peace, Monica, and may your good works follow you. Prayers and sympathy go out to Darrell, her sister Tez, niece MeLissa
and all her extended family.

Catherine Walter Groben
Habitat for Humanity of Evansville recently received its largest estate gift ever, a gift of $348,000, from
long-time supporter Catherine Walter Groben. Catherine had previously sponsored three Habitat homes
in Evansville, with the last two — the Faith Build and the Hope Build — built entirely by Knights of
Columbus volunteers. Catherine’s gift will be used to help four more families transform their lives through
Catherine was born in Evansville in 1924 and graduated from Central High School. She and her husband,
Sy, moved to San Diego, California, in 1958 where she was employed as a typist by the State of California.
She retired in 1988 and returned to Evansville in 2008. At the time of her death, Christmas Eve, 2019, she
lived in Westerville, Ohio.
Catherine always said she was put on this earth to do good, and Habitat for Humanity of Evansville is so
grateful that she enabled seven families to build a strong, stable and self-reliant future as part of her life’s purpose. She became the 73rd
member of the Perigo-Prickett Society, Habitat’s planned giving and endowment society.

  In Memoriam
  Habitat mourns the loss of many members of the Habitat family during the past year and
  asks for prayers for peace and consolation for their loved ones.
  Mary Baumgart, October 21, 2020                     Dr. Cary Hanni, September 18, 2020
  Mariann Baumgartner, December 14, 2020              Nancy Hitch, August 16, 2020
  Vernie Beal, January 28, 2021                       Sarah Huber, December 27, 2020
  Jeff Byrne, December 3, 2020                        Harvey Klenck, February 29, 2020
  Ed Diamond, November 15, 2020                       Doug Mikolasek, December 21, 2020
  Elizabeth Fenner, December 8, 2020                  Jim Schwengel, December 23, 2020
  Bill Fowler, November 24, 2020                      Monica Stinchfield, December 1, 2020
  Al Grabhorn, March 6, 2020                          Charles Taylor, October 25, 2020
  Al Gretler, January 30, 2021                        Bettye Lou Tuley, January 18, 2021
  Catherine Walter Groben, December 24, 2019          Pat Welsh, October 18, 2020
  Helen Hammer, September 11, 2020                    Laurie Witting, January 6, 2021

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COMMUNITY BUILDER Spring 2021 - Habitat for Humanity of ...
Building a Legacy
with the
Perigo-Prickett Society
 The Society is pleased to welcome new members: Ron and Margaret Angermeier, Randy and Linda Becker, Dean and Karen
        Bosler, Dustin and Julie Cline, Al†and Doris Grabhorn, Catherine Walter Groben, Kevin and Margaret Koch,
                   Mary Helen Laval†, Charles D. Leich, Stephanie K. Weiner, and one anonymous member.

Habitat for Humanity of Evansville recognizes all individuals and couples who have become members of the Perigo-Prickett Society as of
March 15, 2021. Through their legacy giving Habitat’s ability to continue to help families become strong, stable and self-reliant through
shelter is ensured. Deceased members of the Society are indicated by a †.

Perigo-Prickett Society Members
David and Teri Hollander Albin       Chuck and Linda Fellwock             Jim Hineborg                         Yvette Sapp
Ron and Margaret Angermeier          Scott and Jacqueline Fenneman        Nancy Hitch†                         Oscar† and Dottie Schauss
Tom and Marcia Ballard               Butch and Linda Feulner              Mike and Carol Hull                  Richard† and Joann Schechter
Randy and Linda Becker               Diane and Mark Floyd                 Elizabeth Kalb                       Carl and Beverly† Schofield
Lois M. Bennett†                     Beth Ann and Ron Folz                Kris Kinsey                          Frank and Judy Schultheis
Dean and Karen Bosler                Jim and Emily Fowler†                Kevin and Margaret Koch              Jim† and Joann Schwentker
Lola J. Bromm†                       Elizabeth Fox                        Mary Helen Laval†                    Roger and Elizabeth Shinnerl
Bill and Phyllis Bussing             Theresa Frielinghausen               Charles D. Leich                     Kenneth Silverman†
Jeff† and Margaret Ann Byrne         Danny and Theresa Garness            Dr. Llewellyn Lieber†                Tom and Laura Sommerfield
Jeanne M. Carter†                    John and Lucille Gooch†              Rev. Steve Lintzenich                Jim† and Pam Stevens
Dennis and Angelika Clark            Al† and Doris Grabhorn               Jack and Bonnie Main†                Steve and Wendy Thomas
Dustin and Julie Cline               Dan and Lou Ann Green†               Jim and Mary Stumpf McCarthy         Steve and Sandy Titzer
Deacon Dave and Mrs. Ginny Cook      Ben Greiner†                         David† and Colleen McLaughlin        Fran and Vernon Vix
Charles F. and Frances Crawford†     Luan Greubel                         Anne and Bill† Nicholson             Diane Weiss-Altstadt
Ed and Martha Diamond†               Catherine Walter Groben†             Bob and Shirley† Nicholson           Stephanie K. Weiner
Melvin L. Dickhaut†                  Jingle Igleheart Hagey               Dan and Laura Niemeier               Maryedna Wilkie†
LeRoy and Pat Dilger                 Eugene and Barbara Hamlow            Jim and Pat Perigo†                  Jim and Laura Wittman
Greg and Joyce Donaldson             Jim and Carol Havens                 Jim and Janette Prickett             Scott and Holly Wittman
Jim and Cathy Edrington              Brian and Trisha Hawkes              Charlotte Richardt†                  Dick and Paula† Yeager
Marjorie E. Ewing†                   Joyce Hendrix                        Aileen Roberts                       Anonymous (1)
Gilbert and Alberta Fehrenbacher†    John and Kelly Hevron                Irene Ruston†

Want to join the
Perigo-Prickett Society?
Membership in the Perigo-Prickett Society is open
to all. Just name Habitat for Humanity of Evansville
as a beneficiary in your estate plans (our legal
name is Habitat for Humanity of Evansville, Inc.) and
let us know or make a contribution to the Habitat
for Humanity Endowment with the Vanderburgh
Community Foundation. For more information and
to learn about how your membership in the Perigo-
Prickett Society can help families become strong,
stable, and self-reliant through shelter, contact Sr.
Jane Michele McClure at (812) 423-5623 ext. 226.

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COMMUNITY BUILDER Spring 2021 - Habitat for Humanity of ...
Every gift creates change.
                         Honor | Memorial | In-Kind Gifts | Cars for Homes | January 1, 2020 – March 15, 2021
In Honor Of:                         In Memory Of:                       Anonymous (1)                   Nancy Glackman
Jack and A. J. Boyd                  Olivia and Jerome Adler          Rev. Lawrence E. Becker              Bobby Nicholson
   Bob Boyd                             Carolyn Spillman                 Dick and Naomi Cook             Frederick W. Gladbach
Holly Carter                         Wanda and Wallace Adye, MD          Usha Dincer                       Matthew Gladbach
   Johnna Denning-Smith                 Bruce and Misty Adye          Gerald Brady                       Annabelle Greenfield
Beth Folz                            Flo Bale                            David and Carolyn Mayer           Colleen McLaughlin
   Cynthia Braker                       Elmer and Ellen Berberich     Charles Browning                   Helen Hammer
Harold Godeke                        Dwight Barnett                      Dr. Ken and Mrs. Charleen         Jerry and Cherie Burgdorf
   Robert Foerster                      Lloyd Winnecke and             		 Spear                            Sandra Durham
Jaylene Kiefer                       		Carol McClintock               John Buthod                          Cathy Funkhouser
   Paul and Kelly Dickson            Mary Baumgart                       David and Jean Hunt               Robert and Tina Sanders
Tom Lampkins                            Roy and Laura Ackerman        Gary and Elaine Butler               Daniel and Carolyn Scavone
   William and Sherry Lampkins          Mark and Deborah Atchison        Steve and Mary Ann Burris       Dr. Cary Hanni
Steve Luigs                             Suzann Baehl                  Terry DeWeese                        Randy and Linda Becker
   Timothy and Andrea Dickel            Edward and Doris Baumgart        Marjorie Akin                     Margo and Nelson Concepcion
Toni Morris                             Thomas Baumgart                  Kenneth and Julia Balbach         Greg and Joyce Donaldson
   Elizabeth Kalb                       Nick and Laura Bender            Beverly Besing                    Vicki Hanni
Rebecca and Michael Mullican            Elmer and Ellen Berberich        Charlie and Lisa Boberg           William and Jeanne Hardesty
   Patricia Weber                       Timothy and Ann Bitter           Mary Clark                        Dr. Irvin and Mrs. Marcia
Rebecca and Lee Obenchain               David Bowles                     Sherry DeWeese                  		Heimburger
   Betsy Gist                           John and Susan Browning          Theodore and Rachelle Gore        Gail Kelley
Barbara Pulcini                         Wanda Clayton                    Benny and Katie Hoehn             Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Sharon
   Gary and Doris Schutte               Gerald and Denise Clements       Bill and Joann Hussmann         		Michel
Joann Schechter                         Rusty and Barbara Conner         Tom McDaniel                      Jay and Suzy Picking
   Aileen Roberts                       Patrick and Sylvia DeVault       Jeffrey and Sharilyn Minnette     Roger and Elizabeth Shinnerl
Seton Residence Staff                   Cody and Cati Diefenbaugh        Richard and Lynn Scheessele       Paul and Patricia Swiz
   Sr. Judith Bright                    Marcia Evans†                    Steve and Sandy Titzer            Dr. and Mrs. Santi Vibul
Fr. Ted Tempel                          Robert and Nancy† Knowles        Tom and Betty Titzer            Don and Jeff Henry
   Mark and Monie Freeman             		 Family                          Mark Tucker                       Jan Henry
   John and Chris Gaither               Raymond and Deborah Foster    Jimmy Duff                         Abelardo Hernandez
   Bob and Shay Griese                  Robert and Mary Kaye Foster      Bobby Nicholson                   Kenneth and Melinda Robbins
   Thomas and Cynthia Seger             Jon and Lois Fuquay           Shelley Jones Faulkner             Fred and Agnes Herr
   Dr. Ken and Mrs. Charleen Spear      Luan Greubel                     Bobby Nicholson                   Joe and Jo Ann Jarboe
Steve Titzer                            Dennis and Susan Heathcott    Kenneth George Fehd                Nancy Hitch
   Brett and Trudy Stock                Gregory and Susan Hulsey         Bobby Nicholson                   Joseph and Julia Greubel
Tri-State Colorectal Group              Bill and Joann Hussmann       William Fowler                       Terrence and Karen Kuebler
   Beth Bomkamp                         Sharon and Terence Kensell       Ron and Margaret Angermeier       Timothy and Marcia Lloyd
                                        Wayne and Beth Kinney            Kevin and DeAnna Bennett          Stanley and Joan Nevill
                                        Joseph and Susan Kohut           Marlene Fowler                    Carol Pettys
                                        Delores Maxen                    Phyllis Fowler                    Vivian and Charles† Taylor
                                        Lucille D. Mitsdarffer           Leigh Gallian                   Rita Reinhart and Ruth Holtz
                                        Christine and David Rice         Finn Gatewood and                 Leonard Reinhart
                                        Ann Roth                      		Virginia Sickles                 Tommy Jones
                                        Donald and Patricia Russell      Mark and Bettye Kissel            Marilyn Jones
                                        Christina Sallee                 William and Sonya Lawton        Bob Kahre
                                        Ken and Beth Schenk              Glenn and Norwanda Macke          Jim and Dorothy Kahre
                                        Elizabeth Schuta                 Michael and Sandra Madriaga     Lee and Thelma Keil
                                        Kip and Coleen Staub             Janice Moore                      Alan and Mara Promisco
                                        Timothy and Cindy Stewart        Connie Parker                   Donald Kiefer
                                        Scott and Alicia Taylor          Randy and Jeannine Shumate        Pamela Appel
                                        Tom and Betty Titzer             B. Denise Vowels                  James and Judith Boyle
                                        Lynn Ubelhor                     Sandy Wilson                      Paul and Kelly Dickson
                                        Roger and Lucia Utley         Galen Gene Gerichs                   Tom and Bernice Emge
                                        Dennis and Patty Welp            Bobby Nicholson                   Chris and Alice Huus

Page 10
Joseph and Charlene Lamey       Jack Main                            Chris and Alice Huus           In Kind:
   Harold and Iris Mann               Rick and Kristie-Kae French       Michael Keating and Shelly     American Eagle Tree Service
   Harold and Betty Michael        Jerry and Janie Melchiors          		James                          Hasgoe
   Elvin and Joan Reed                Tony and Gretchen Melchiors       Elizabeth Kalb                 Head’s Construction
   Thomas and Janet Scharf         Edgar and Margie Parker              Magdalene Lindsey              Howard C. Johns
   Betty Worthington                  Bernard and Laurette Faraone      Kenny and Jeanne Mesker        Kevin and Teresa Korff
   Virginia Wyatt                  Pat Perigo                           Barry and Darby Schnakenburg   Killebrew Brick
William Kisner, Sr.                   Rev. Stephanie Weiner             Tim and Nancy Schneider        Robert and Cindy Stallman
   Stanley and Karen Williams      Deborah Schade                       Michele Scott                  Timberview Flower Farm
Harvey Klenck                         James Schade                      Shelly Shake                   Viable Home Energy
   Gil Adler                       Doris “Dody” Schlottman              Paula Tichenor                 Whirlpool Corporation
   Louis and Pamela Buschkill         Gaylia Carlton                    Monica Weiss
   Richard and Emma Jean Couture      Sr. Sharon Hollander              Paul and Eleanor Werner        Cars for Homes:
   Donald and Denise Crane         Larry Schmidt                        MeLissa Williams               Joyce and June Beaven
   Clara David                        Robert and Becky Ulrich           Brian Woods                    Kevin and Elaine Elpers*
   Donna Drone                     Edward and Irene Schmitt             Anonymous (1)                  Fredrick Hawkins
   Terry Drone                        Michael and Ruth Patterson      Virginia Summers                 Karen Malone
   Jennifer Egli                      Julia Schmitt                     Colleen McLaughlin             Kaitlin Moore*
   Michael and Ann Ennis           Troy Smith                         Susan Louise Weis                Emily Siami
   Jan Fehrenbacher                   William and Faye Wortman          Alan and Leigh Anne Costlow    Kayla White
   Butch and Linda Feulner         Lawrence and Ruth Stahl              Olivia Hall                    James Williams
   Ron and Beth Folz                  Quentin and Ann Stahl             Charlene Kaufman
   Alice Foster                    Henry and Josephine Steckler       Art Weiss                        *Designates donors who have given
   Joe and Cori Greulich              Kathleen Isling                                                  more than one car this year to support
                                                                        Mary Weiss
                                                                                                       Habitat for Humanity.
   Gene and Sue Gries                 Patricia A. Jackson             Patricia Welsh
   Marilee Hartman                 Jim Stevens                          Al Welsh                       Thank you to the many St. Theresa
   Wayne and Jewell Henning           Ronald and Judith Irvin         Delbert Welte                    Place donors who made gifts in
   Kimberly Herendeen                 Pam Stevens                       Donald and Brenda Buescher     memory of and in honor of family
   Mark and Michelle Herrmann      Monica Stinchfield                 Edmund Ziolkowski                members and friends. Your tributes
   John and Andrea Jarvis             Thomas and Sandra Bailey          Charles Spaetti                will be recognized in a special
   Lloyd Winnecke and                 Tom and Marcia Ballard                                           St. Theresa Place listing in the future.
		Carol McClintock                    Art and Donna Cook
   Tom McDaniel                       Larry and Priscilla Delaunois
   Michael and Jennifer Ritzert       Jerry and Carole Sue Dills
   Kristy Sawyer                      Butch and Linda Feulner
   Randy and Jeannine Shumate         Ron and Beth Folz
   Steve and Sandy Titzer             Linden and Paula Frichtl
   Dan and Katie Townsend             Linda Geis
   Clifford and Sarah Wagner          Cyndie Gish
   Bryan and Nikki Webb               Brad and Elaine Gray
   Brad Weisheit                      Patricia Griffin
   Jim and Karen Will
   Cynthia Young
   Anonymous (1)
David Kloeckner
   Paul and Ann Thelen
Melvin Kneer
   Martha Loehrlein
Clayton Konz
   John and Jane Friona
Jerry Korff
   Bobby Nicholson
Tom and Mary Kormelink
   Robynn Working                    Donating your car to Habitat is quick
Margaret Mary (Schaus)                 and easy and helps local families
Kuhlenschmidt                         become homeowners — go online                                       Cars for Homes
   Jason and LaDonna Huber           at or
Maria Cristina Ghirardelli Lynch         call toll-free 877-277-4344.
   Tom Lynch
Rev. Michael T. Madden
   Greg and Janet Thomas

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               Uncle Sam Wants You To Give $300 (or more!) to Habitat!
             That’s right! If you, like the majority of taxpayers
             who are claiming the standard deduction, give
             $300 to Habitat (or any other qualifying charity),
             you can deduct that $300 ABOVE-THE-LINE
             when you file your 2021 taxes! That means you
             can subtract $300 ($600 if both you and your
             spouse give and you file jointly) from your gross
income in order to calculate your adjusted gross income!
Likewise, because of pandemic circumstances and the need
to get money to non-profits who are facing extraordinary
challenges, taxpayers who itemize deductions can continue to
take advantage of the temporary suspension of the 60 percent
charitable contribution deduction limitation.
As always, contact your trusted tax, legal or financial advisor
for the latest information on how recent legislation is affecting
charitable giving and learn how to make the most tax-
advantageous gift possible to Habitat.

Homeowner Spotlight                                                 Habitat future homeowner Cassandra
                                                                         and her daughter Jhe’Nyla.

 “I’m excited because this will be the first time I’ve owned
  my own house, and my daughter will be able to go out
    and play in her own backyard. After I complete the
homeownership program, I want to continue to help build
  Habitat homes and volunteer at the ReStore. I want to
    help others build their homes from the ground up.”
       – Habitat Future Homeowner Cassandra R.
     To read Cassandra’s full Habitat story and the stories
of others, go to

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