Home Range and Habitat Use of Cooper's Hawks in Urban and Natural Areas

Page created by Andy Franklin

                                Home Range and Habitat Use of Cooper’s Hawks
                                        in Urban and Natural Areas

                                     Sophia N. Chiang, Peter H. Bloom, Anne M. Bartuszevige,
                                                      and Scott E. Thomas

               Abstract. During 2001, we used radiotelemetry                than expected, whereas Cooper’s Hawks nesting
               to measure home range and habitat use of adult               in urban areas used parks/ornamental plantings
               male Cooper’s Hawks (Accipiter cooperii) in urban            and commercial/industrial areas more often than
               and natural areas in Orange County, California,              expected. Urban-nesting Cooper’s Hawks suc-
               USA. Breeding (n ⫽ 8) and non-breeding (n ⫽ 5)               cessfully fledged an average of 3.75 ⫾ 0.5 young
               season home ranges and core areas were calcu-                per nesting attempt, whereas natural-nesting
               lated via CALHOME using 95% and 50% adaptive                 Cooper’s Hawks fledged an average of 1.5 ⫾ 1.9
               kernel methods, respectively. We used a G-test of            young per nesting attempt. Our results contribute
               proportions to determine if Cooper’s Hawks used              valuable information on home range and habitat
               the habitat types in their territories in proportion         use of urban-breeding Cooper’s Hawks. Within
               to their availability. We also recorded breeding suc-        urban home ranges this species prefers areas that
               cess of hawks in natural and urban areas. Home               mimic natural settings. Management for this spe-
               ranges did not differ between urban and natural              cies in urban areas should emphasize providing
               territories in the breeding season. In urban birds,          this sort of habitat.
               there was a trend of larger territories in the breed-
               ing season compared to the non-breeding season.              Key Words: Accipiter cooperii, adaptive kernel,
               Cooper’s Hawks nesting in natural areas used                 breeding season, habitat use, home range, non-
               coast live oak and riparian habitat more often               breeding season, radiotelemetry, urban ecology.

                       abitat structure and resource availability           hunting and foraging habitats (Boal and Mannan
                       are important factors that influence bird            1999), and these species can often be disturbed by
                       communities in both naturally occurring              human activities near their nests (Fyfe and
               and man-made environments. Predatory birds                   Olendorff 1976, Grier and Fyfe 1987, Richardson
               may be especially sensitive to urbanization                  and Miller 1997). While food is perhaps the
               because conversion of natural areas can reduce               most important factor limiting raptor density

               Chiang, S. N., P. H. Bloom, A. M. Bartuszevige, and S. E. Thomas. 2012. Home range and habitat use of Cooper’s Hawks in
               urban and natural areas. Online (www.ucpress.edu/go/sab) in C. A. Lepczyk and P. S. Warren (editors). Urban bird ecology
               and conservation. Studies in Avian Biology (no. 45), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.


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(Newton 1979, Pendleton et al. 1987), habitat         and Craighead 1956, Murphy et al. 1988, Reynolds
            alteration and/or destruction is recognized as the    1989) and southwestern portions of the species’
            most important threat to accipiters (White 1974).     range (Mannan and Boal 2000, Estes and Mannan
            The conversion of native habitats to agriculture,     2003, Cartron et al. in press). However, no empiri-
            industry, brush encroachment due to fire control      cal studies of Cooper’s Hawk home ranges and
            and grazing, wetland drainage, and urbanization       habitat use in California exist. We are aware of
            has been cited as causes of declines in raptor        seven studies that investigated non-breeding sea-
            numbers in the United States (Snyder and              son ecology of this species such as home range
            Snyder 1975).                                         size (Craighead and Craighead 1956, Lake et al.
               However, over the past decade, Cooper’s Hawk       2002), diet (Roth and Lima 2003, 2006), dispersal
            (Accipiter cooperi) populations have increased and    (Mannan et al. 2004), and wintering locality based
            range expansions have been observed, especially       on band recoveries (Henny 2004, Knutsen et al.
            in the form of breeding birds colonizing urban        2004). The Lake et al. (2002) study is the most
            and suburban areas (Curtis and Rosenfield 2006).      similar to ours; they found that Cooper’s Hawks
            Cooper’s Hawks have been reported to be toler-        used forested habitats more often than expected
            ant of some levels of human presence and habitat      and used edges and open fields less than expected
            alteration (Beebe 1974; Clark 1977; Rosenfield        compared to availability. All of these studies have
            et al. 1991, 1992) and have been observed nesting     provided important data on home range, habitat
            in urban environments (Beebe 1974, Stahlecker         use, food habits, and predator–prey interactions
            and Beach 1979, Murphy et al. 1988, Rosenfield        of Cooper’s Hawks during the non-breeding sea-
            et al. 1995, Sureda and Keane 1996, Kapler            son and help to fill the data gap in the wintering
            and Conrads 1997, Boal and Mannan 1998,               ecology of this species.
            DeCandido 2005). The ability of this species to          We conducted a retrospective study of habi-
            colonize certain urban environments suggests          tat and space use by Cooper’s Hawks in Orange
            that such information can be important for man-       County, California, USA, using radiotelemetry.
            agement, especially as urbanization continues         One step in assessing the quality of an urban
            (Boal and Mannan 1998). Furthermore, study-           environment as habitat for a species is to compare
            ing these birds in the urban environment, and         that species’ breeding ecology and productivity
            in particular studying reproductive success, is       in urban versus natural areas (Gehlbach 1988,
            important because it has been suggested that the      Frimer 1989). Therefore, we also assessed repro-
            urban environment can be an ecological trap for       ductive success. The objectives of our study were
            Cooper’s Hawks (Boal 1997).                           to determine home range and core area size of
               Previous research on Cooper’s Hawks has            adult male Cooper’s Hawks in areas with two lev-
            focused on traditional and nontraditional breed-      els of human disturbance (urban and natural) and
            ing habitat. Traditional habitats consist of exten-   to compare use of habitat types during the breed-
            sive forests to small woodlots of deciduous,          ing and non-breeding seasons. Based upon our
            coniferous, and mixed-pine hardwoods (Meng            objectives, we hypothesized that the following:
            1951, Millsap 1981, Titus and Mosher 1981,
                                                                    •   Home range size and core areas of Cooper’s
            Reynolds et al. 1982, Moore and Henny 1983,
                                                                        Hawks in urban and natural areas will differ
            Fischer 1986, Kennedy 1988, Wiggers and Kritz
                                                                        in size. Specifically, we predicted that home
            1991, Trexel et al. 1999, Curtis and Rosenfield
                                                                        ranges and core area sizes will be smaller in
            2006). In California, Cooper’s Hawks commonly
                                                                        urban environments.
            nest in oak woodlands dominated by coast live
            oak (Quercus agrifolia) woodlands (Asay 1987).          •   Home range size and core areas of Cooper’s
            Nontraditional breeding habitat consists of urban           Hawks in urban and natural areas will differ
            and suburban areas (Beebe 1974, Stahlecker and              in the breeding and non-breeding season.
            Beach 1979, Murphy et al. 1988, Rosenfield et al.           Specifically, we predicted that home range
            1995, Sureda and Keane 1996, Kapler and Conrads             and core area will be larger in the breeding
            1997, Boal and Mannan 1998, McConnell 2003,                 season compared to the non-breeding season.
            Roth and Lima 2003, DeCandido 2005).                    •   Habitat use by Cooper’s Hawks will be dis-
               Spatial habitat requirements of Cooper’s                 tributed unequally across the entire home
            Hawks have been studied in eastern (Craighead               range. We predicted that in natural areas,

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hawks will use oak woodland habitat in                    Elevation ranges from sea level to 1,710 m above
                       greater proportion than what is available                 mean sea level (County of Orange 2005).
                       in the home range and that urban hawks                       The county contains local and neighborhood
                       will use mature ornamental landscaping in                 parks, greenbelts, windrow-lined streets, and
                       greater proportion than what is available in              channelized creeks interspersed throughout the
                       the home range.                                           urban environment, which provides mature land-
                  •    Reproductive success in urban- and natural-               scaping conducive to some urban-adapted wild-
                       breeding Cooper’s Hawks will differ. We pre-              life like Cooper’s Hawks. Although the majority
                       dicted that natural hawks will fledge more                of ornamental trees are nonnative eucalyptus
                       young than urban hawks.                                   (Eucalyptus spp.), some parks and greenbelts con-
                                                                                 tain fragmented remnants of natural vegetation
                                                                                 comprised of mature willows (Salix spp.), coast
               METHODS                                                           live oaks, and western sycamore (Platanus race-
               Study Area                                                        mosa) trees.
                                                                                    At the time of this study, we were aware of 74
               The study area encompasses 648 km2 of urban                       Cooper’s Hawk territories in natural settings, 11
               and natural areas in Orange County, California,                   along the urban–rural interface, and 40 in urban
               USA (Fig. B.1). Orange County has an estimated                    areas, from which we selected four urban and
               human population of 2.94 million residents and                    four natural based on accessibility. We considered
               is located in Southern California along the Pacific               territories as sampling units.
               Ocean, south of Los Angeles. The county covers                       Principal land uses in urban territories
               approximately 2,066 km2, which includes 65 km                     include residential, commercial, and local parks.
               of coastline and extends inland approximately                     Permanent and intermittent water sources within
               30 km. The climate is Mediterranean, with an                      urban territories include channelized water-
               average annual rainfall of 36 cm, most of which                   ways, man-made water features such as pools
               occurs in February. Average annual relative                       or fountains, artificial ponds, and a few natural
               humidity is 56%, with an average temperature of                   drainages. Three of the four urban territories are
               22°C. Topography includes rolling hills and other                 located in park-like settings comprised of mature
               low-elevation areas that are primarily urbanized,                 ornamental trees associated with schools and uni-
               and canyons constituting remnant natural areas.                   versity campuses. One of our urban territories is
                                                                                 located in a semi-fallow agricultural area next to a
                                                                                 small park.
                                               San Bernardino                       Principal land uses in natural territories
                      Los Angeles                                                include agriculture, cattle ranching, nurseries,
                                                                                 gravel mining, and open space. Perennial and
                                                                                 intermittent water sources within natural ter-
                                                                                 ritories include natural streams, drainages (Bell
                                     Ora nge
                                                                                 Canyon, Verdugo Canyon, and San Juan Creek),
                                                                                 and stock ponds. With the exception of dirt roads,
                                                                                 utility poles, and scattered buildings, vegetation
                                                                                 communities in the natural territories are rela-
                                                                                 tively intact; certain areas are more heavily grazed
                                                                                 than others, and therefore are more disturbed.
                                           Ocean                                 However, in general, the natural territories repre-
                                                                     San Diego   sent a contiguous tract of open space.

                                                                km               Telemetry

                                                                                 All hawks were captured using dho-gaza traps
               Figure B.1. Southern California study area located in Orange
               County. Urban territories were primarily located in the           with a Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) as
               central portion of the county and natural territories were        a lure (Bloom 1987, Bloom et al. 1992), or using
               located in the southern portion of the county.                    bal-chatri traps baited with house mice (Mus

                                           HOME RANGE AND HABITAT USE OF COOPER’S HAWKS                                            3

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musculus, Berger and Mueller 1959). Each hawk        disturb hawks while radio-tracking. Two to four
            was weighed, measured, and banded with a U.S.        bearings were taken to determine triangulated
            Fish and Wildlife Service aluminum band and          locations, and most bearings were taken from a
            a plastic color band (Haggie Engraving). Age         distance of 100–150 m. However, hawks occupy-
            and sex were determined by plumage and molt          ing urban territories were considerably more tol-
            characteristics, body size, mass, and presence or    erant of human activity and often flew to perches
            absence of a brood patch. We fitted male hawks       located ⬍20 m from observers, which resulted in
            with a 6-g backpack-mounted radio transmitter        exact location points. Location points for natu-
            (Model RI-2C, Holohil Systems, Ltd.; Dunston         ral territories were mapped on U.S. Geological
            1972), attached with a 4-mm-wide Teflon strap        Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute topographic quadrangles,
            harness. Backpacks weighed less than 3% of           and locations for urban territories were mapped
            the birds’ body weight and transmitters had a        on Thomas Brothers Quad-page maps (Thomas
            life expectancy of 12 months. We observed each       Brothers Maps 2001 and 2008).
            radio-tagged hawk immediately following trans-          To determine error associated with location
            mitter attachment and within 48 hours of release;    estimates, we conducted error tests in natural
            each appeared to exhibit normal behaviors.           (n ⫽ 15 with two bearings) and urban locations
               Cooper’s Hawks exhibit sexual dimorphism          (n ⫽ 15 with two bearings and n ⫽ 15 with three
            and may consequently hunt different areas and        to four bearings). We had an independent party
            take differently sized prey items. Male Cooper’s     place a transmitter in habitat and topographic con-
            Hawks are the primary food provider during           ditions where Cooper’s Hawks would be found.
            nest building, incubation, and brooding peri-        The test transmitter locations were recorded
            ods (Jones 1979); therefore, we used point loca-     with a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit,
            tions obtained from males to estimate territory      and the triangulated locations in natural habi-
            metrics. Consequently, our results are more          tats were mapped on USGS topographic maps
            applicable to adult male Cooper’s Hawks than to      while the triangulated positions in urban habitats
            Cooper’s Hawks in general. We used a hand-held       were mapped on Thomas Brothers Quad-page
            radio receiver with a three-element Yagi antenna     maps. Triangulated positions were then digitized
            (Communications Specialists, Inc.) to locate         and converted to Universal Transverse Mercator
            tagged hawks during 2001. A total of 1,685 hours     (UTM) coordinates using ArcGIS software (ver.
            were spent radio-tracking adult male Cooper’s        9.2, ESRI, Redlands, CA). Distances between
            Hawks during the breeding season (March–July)        test transmitters and triangulated locations were
            and non-breeding season (July–November). In          measured by comparing UTM coordinates. The
            most cases, birds were tracked all day from morn-    average distance between the actual and the
            ing roost (1 hour before sunrise) to night roost     triangulated locations was what we considered to
            (1 hour after sunset) (Bloom 1989), with locations   be the average error associated with triangulated
            recorded at approximately half-hour intervals.       locations and mapping (44.5 ⫾ 22.0 m in
            In order to minimize dependency between suc-         natural areas with two bearings, 43.7 ⫾ 26.3 m in
            cessive locations, we removed all location points    urban areas with two bearings, 28.4 ⫾ 16.6 m
            within 30 minutes of each other; 30 minutes was      in urban areas with three to four bearings).
            easily longer than the amount of time required
            for a Cooper’s Hawk to fly from one end of its       Analysis
            home range to the other (White and Garrott 1990,
            Otis and White 1999). We developed an ArcView        Home range estimates were calculated using
            script to randomly filter 30-min locations from      CALHOME (Kie et al. 1994) via the adaptive ker-
            the data set equally throughout our survey period,   nel (AK) method (Worton 1989), using the 95%
            and night and morning roost locations from con-      contour level and 50 m ⫻ 50 m grid size. Core
            secutive observation days were removed. The total    areas were calculated via the AK method with a
            number of locations used to generate home range      50% contour level and 50 m ⫻ 50 m grid size.
            estimates was 2,559 points. We determined the        The estimated optimum bandwidth (least-squares
            locations of radio-tagged hawks by direct obser-     cross-validation score; Worton 1989) was used
            vation accompanying radio locations (18.6%)          as the smoothing parameter for all home range
            and triangulation (81.4%). Care was taken not to     estimates.

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In order to determine if enough location points       (3) grassland, (4) riparian, (5) coast live oak,
               were obtained to adequately describe home ranges,        (6) aquatic, (7) agriculture, (8) developed, and
               home range estimates were plotted against sample         (9) ornamental landscaping. We categorized
               sizes. Area-observation curves for the UCI territory     urban habitat into one of ten types based on
               (n ⫽ 206) showed that an adequate number of loca-        Orange County Habitat Classification Maps:
               tions was collected when approximately 95 points         (1) urban, (2) rural residential, (3) commercial/
               were obtained (Odum and Kuenzler 1955). However,         industrial, (4) transportation, (5) parks/ornamen-
               area-observation curves for the smallest sample size     tal plantings, (6) cleared or graded areas, (7) natu-
               revealed that an inadequate number of locations          ral areas, (8) agriculture, (9) other developed, and
               was collected (S. Preusker, n ⫽ 81). However, due to     (10) other disturbed.
               the small sample size of the study, this territory was      We overlaid 50% AK and 95% AK home range
               still included in the home range analysis. As such,      estimates onto Orange County GIS vegetation
               home range size for S. Preusker should be consid-        data with a ground resolution of 1 m (County of
               ered a minimum estimate. Consequently, combined          Orange 1992) using ArcView and ArcGIS soft-
               home range estimates for natural territories may         ware (ESRI 1998, 2002). The resulting polygons
               also be underestimated.                                  were overlaid onto orthophotos to ground-truth
                  We determined if home range sizes differed            vegetation data. A G-test of proportions (Sokal
               between natural and urban birds in the breed-            and Rohlf 1995) was used to test whether hawks
               ing and non-breeding season by comparing                 used habitat within their territories in proportion
               means and 99% confidence intervals (CI) of 95            to the available habitat.
               AK and 50 AK home range sizes. Assessing dif-
               ferences with confidence intervals is appropriate
               in observational studies with low sample sizes
               (Johnson 1999). We used 99% CI (instead of               Nine male Cooper’s Hawks were fitted with radio
               95% CI) as a correction for multiple compari-            transmitters. However, one urban male did not
               sons. If confidence intervals were overlapping,          establish a territory, left the area within two weeks
               we interpreted this as a lack of statistical differ-     of transmitter attachment, and was excluded from
               ence. However, if confidence intervals did not           the study. Breeding-season home range esti-
               overlap the mean, we interpreted this as support         mates were subsequently determined for eight
               for a trend toward statistical difference (Ramsey        hawks. Non-breeding season home range esti-
               and Schafer 2002).                                       mates were determined for five hawks. Two males
                                                                        (S. Preusker and Starr Mesa) vacated the area fol-
               Reproductive Success                                     lowing nest failure, while a third male (Verdugo
                                                                        Canyon) fledged young but vacated the area fol-
               In addition to radio-tracking, general nest obser-       lowing post-fledging. Subsequent attempts to
               vations were made throughout the breeding cycle,         relocate hawks via hiking, driving, and aerial
               including nestling development, timing of fledg-         surveys via small fixed-wing plane were unsuc-
               ing, and reproductive success. Reproductive suc-         cessful; all three males left before enough
               cess was determined by the number of young that          non-breeding season points could be collected
               successfully fledged the nest.                           and were excluded from non-breeding season
                                                                        analysis. Approximately one-quarter of non-
               Habitat Use                                              breeding season location points for The Nature
                                                                        Conservancy (TNC) male were obtained via direct
               We used the Orange County Habitat Classification         observation after we discovered that the antenna
               System as the basis for our habitat classifications      had been pulled out.
               (County of Orange 1992). Descriptions of natural
               plant communities follow the categories set forth
                                                                        Home Range
               by Holland (1986) and are described in detail in
               Chiang (2004). We categorized natural habitat            Breeding-season home ranges in natural
               into one of nine communities based on domi-              areas ranged between 378.0 ha and 1,080.0 ha
               nant vegetation and physiognomic features of the         (Table B.1). Breeding-season home ranges in
               landscape: (1) coastal sage scrub, (2) chaparral,        urban areas ranged between 344.0 ha and 630.6 ha

                                      HOME RANGE AND HABITAT USE OF COOPER’S HAWKS                                         5

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                        Seasonal core areas (50% AK) and home range (95% AK) estimates (ha) of adult male Cooper’s Hawks
                                                in Orange County, March through November 2001.

                                                           Breeding                                              Non-breeding

            Territory                        n             50% AK             95% AK                 n           50% AK               95% AK

                Amantes Campa               214             40.63               378.00              104            20.03               221.10
                Verdugo Canyon    b
                                            277             62.65             1,080.00               —               —                   —
                Starr Mesab                  92             62.98               557.00               —               —                   —
                S. Preuskerb                 81             47.90               419.60               —               —                   —
                TNC                         295             12.56               351.10              101            21.39               159.30
                UCI                         206             63.77               344.00              230            54.61               294.30
                Saddleback                  207             40.10               595.50              272            15.78               128.60
                Venado                      306             23.91               630.60              174            25.95               368.00

              Data for the Amantes Camp non-breeding season were not included in any statistical analysis. The data are included here for
              Vacated territory before sufficient non-breeding season data was collected and was therefore excluded from non-breeding season

            (Table B.1). Only one home range was found                          further away from the nest. Mean distance of
            for a non-breeding territory in a natural area                      roost sites during the latter portion of the breed-
            (221.1 ha). Non-breeding home ranges in urban                       ing season through the non-breeding season was
            areas ranged between 128.6 ha and 368.0 ha                          608 ⫾ 361 m (mean ⫾ 95% CI). The other four
            (Table B.1). Average home range size for                            males (Amantes Camp, Starr Mesa, S. Preusker,
            Cooper’s Hawks in natural territories during                        Saddleback) used several different roosts through-
            the breeding season was 609 ⫾ 416 ha (mean ⫾                        out the breeding and non-breeding seasons.
            99% CI), and average home range for urban
            territories was 481 ⫾ 198 ha. Home ranges did                       Core Areas
            not differ between urban or natural territories in
            the breeding season. In urban birds, there was a                    On average, core areas represented 9.0 ⫾ 3.5%
            trend (CI do not overlap the means) of larger ter-                  and 12.4 ⫾ 4.7% (mean ⫾ 95% CI) of the over-
            ritories in the breeding season compared to the                     all breeding and non-breeding home ranges,
            non-breeding season (Fig. B.2a). Comparisons                        respectively. Breeding-season core areas in natu-
            between non-breeding birds in urban versus                          ral areas ranged between 40.6 ha and 63.0 ha.
            natural habitats and non-breeding versus breed-                     Breeding-season core areas in urban areas ranged
            ing in natural habitats could not be made due                       between 12.6 ha and 63.8 ha. Only one core area
            to lack of sample size in non-breeding birds in                     was found for a non-breeding territory in a nat-
            natural habitats.                                                   ural area (20.0 ha). Non-breeding core areas in
               Mean distance of roost sites from the nest                       urban areas ranged between 15.8 ha and 54.6 ha.
            during early and middle stages of the breeding                      In the breeding season, there was evidence that
            season (incubation through pre-fledging) was                        core areas were larger for birds in natural areas
            296 ⫾ 132 m (mean ⫾ 95% CI). As the breed-                          compared to urban areas (Fig. B.2b). In urban
            ing season progressed and fledglings approached                     birds, there was no trend between breeding and
            independence, half of the males (Verdugo Canyon,                    non-breeding birds. Comparisons between non-
            TNC, UCI, Venado) used different roosts located                     breeding birds in urban versus natural habitats

            6                         STUDIES IN AVIAN BIOLOGY                  NO. 45      Lepczyk and Warren

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                                                                                                           Uneven overlap of confidence intervals indicates
                                                                                                           a trend for higher reproductive success in urban-
                Mean 95 AK home range size (ha)
                                                  1000                                                     versus natural-breeding hawks.

                                                                                                           Habitat Use

                                                   600                                                     Percentages of habitat types, especially percent-
                                                                                                           age of developed areas, varied considerably
                                                   400                                                     between urban and natural territories. Developed
                                                                                                           areas included shopping plazas, parking lots,
                                                                                                           residential units, industrial buildings, schools,
                                                                                                           and university campuses. Developed areas were
                                                                                                           the most abundant habitat type in urban territo-
                                                                  Breeding                Non-breeding
                                                                                                           ries, often accounting for more than 50% of avail-
                                                                              Natural    Urban
                                                                                                           able habitat, whereas developed areas only rep-
                                                                                                           resented at most 15% of available habitat within
                                                                                                           natural territories. In contrast, coastal sage scrub
                                                                                                           was the most abundant habitat type in natural ter-
                                                           B)                                              ritories, often accounting for more than 20% of
                                                  70                                                       available habitat.
                Mean 50AK home range size (ha)

                                                                                                              Habitat used by hawks differed significantly
                                                                                                           from what was available within home ranges for
                                                  50                                                       breeding birds in both urban (G ⫽ 22.9, df ⫽ 9,
                                                                                                           P ⬍ 0.05) and natural (G ⫽ 17.1, df ⫽ 9, P ⬍ 0.05)
                                                                                                           habitats. Urban breeding birds used parks/
                                                                                                           ornamental plantings and commercial/industrial
                                                                                                           areas more often than expected, and transportation
                                                  20                                                       and natural areas less than expected (Fig. B.3).
                                                                                                           However, confidence intervals are large and dem-
                                                                                                           onstrate trends. Natural-breeding birds used coast
                                                  0                                                        live oak and riparian areas more than expected
                                                                 Breeding                   Non-breeding   and chaparral, agriculture, and developed areas
                                                                             Natural    Urban
                                                                                                           were used less than expected (Fig. B.4). Non-
                                                                                                           breeding birds in urban habitat did not use
               Figure B.2. Comparison of (a) 95% AK breeding and non-                                      habitat within home ranges differently (G ⫽ 6.6,
               breeding home ranges between natural and urban territories                                  df ⫽ 7, P ⬎ 0.05). Non-breeding birds in natural
               and (b) 50% AK breeding and non-breeding core areas                                         habitats could not be tested because telemetry
               between natural and urban territories.                                                      data was collected on only one bird.
                                                                                                              All nests in natural territories were located in
               and non-breeding versus breeding in natural hab-                                            coast live oaks. Three of the four urban nests were
               itats could not be made due to lack of sample size                                          located in eucalyptus trees, and the fourth was in
               in non-breeding birds in natural habitats.                                                  a Fremont’s cottonwood (Populus fremontii ssp.
                                                                                                           fremontii). All urban nest groves contained tall,
               Reproductive Success                                                                        mature trees that were predominantly eucalyptus.
                                                                                                              Nest height was measured during nestling
               All four urban Cooper’s Hawks successfully                                                  banding or with a clinometer; nests averaged
               fledged young (3.75 ⫾ 0.5; mean ⫾ 95% CI);                                                  15.4 ⫾ 3.46 m (mean ⫾ 95% CI) above ground
               however, only two natural Cooper’s Hawks suc-                                               and were typically located in the upper one-third
               cessfully fledged young (1.5 ⫾ 1.9). The other two                                          of the nest tree. Average diameter at breast height
               natural nests failed because of unknown causes.                                             (DBH) for all nest trees was 254.0 ⫾ 92.16 cm
               However, in both cases the eggs were scavenged.                                             (mean ⫾ 95% CI).

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                                                                                                   Urban habitat type

                                                                                                     Available               Used

                         Figure B.3. Available versus used habitat for urban breeding birds. Urban-breeding birds used
                         parks/ornamental plantings and commercial/industrial areas more often than expected.



























                                                                                                   Natural habitat type

                                                                                                     Available               Used

                         Figure B.4. Available versus used habitat for natural breeding birds. Natural-breeding birds used
                         coast live oak and riparian habitat more often than expected.

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DISCUSSION                                             and our sample size is small. Further studies with
                                                                      increased sample sizes are needed to understand
               Home Range                                             the relationship between urban and natural home
               Average home range size for Cooper’s Hawks             ranges of Cooper’s Hawks in Orange County.
               in natural territories during the breeding season
               was 609 ⫾ 416 ha and average home range for            Core Areas
               urban territories was 481 ⫾ 198 ha. Our find-
               ings for home range size of Cooper’s Hawks             It is not surprising that urban Cooper’s Hawks
               during the breeding season in Orange County            tended to have smaller core areas, because an
               falls within the lower range of previous studies.      urban hawk has a limited number of suitable
               Previous home range estimates for breeding             mature nest groves of adequate size compared to
               Cooper’s Hawks range from 400 to 1,800 ha based        natural settings that have essentially intact habi-
               on nest density studies in natural areas without       tat with a mosaic of woodlands and tree groves.
               the benefit of telemetry (Craighead and Craighead      Cooper’s Hawks in urban settings are limited by
               1956, Reynolds 1989) and from an average of            an inconsistent number and more random loca-
               65.5 ha to 1,206 ha based on telemetry studies         tion of landscaped trees that are tall enough and
               in urban and natural areas (Murphy et al. 1988,        provide adequate canopy cover. Smaller urban
               Mannan and Boal 2000, Cartron et al. in press).        core areas could also result in a higher abundance
               The data from S. Preusker, which did not meet          of prey within the immediate vicinity of the nest.
               the minimum required locations, likely lowered         Urban Cooper’s Hawks were often seen hunting
               our overall mean for home range size due to its        at backyard bird feeders and bird baths immedi-
               more conservative estimate. However, the home          ately surrounding the nest grove throughout the
               range estimate for this individual was neither the     breeding and non-breeding seasons.
               smallest nor the largest estimate. Therefore, we
               believe that the average home range calculated         Reproductive Success
               is an accurate estimate. Furthermore, the home
               ranges we calculated fit within the known range        Although based on a small sample size, we believe
               of areas for this species; therefore, we believe our   that the high reproductive success rate of urban
               data are reflective of the home range for this         Cooper’s Hawks may be attributed, in part, to the
               species in this area.                                  fact that there are few, if any natural nest preda-
                  The average home range (481 ⫾ 198 ha) for           tors such as gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
               urban Cooper’s Hawks during the breeding sea-          or bobcat (Lynx rufus) in the urban home ranges
               son in Southern California falls within the middle     in our study area (P. H. Bloom, unpubl. data).
               range of other urban telemetry studies. Average        Similar findings have been observed in Eastern
               home range was smaller than the 784-ha average         Screech-Owls (Megascops asio) in Texas (Gehlbach
               in Wisconsin (Murphy et al. 1988) and consider-        1994) and urban Cooper’s Hawks in Pennsylvania
               ably larger than the 65.5-ha average in Tucson,        (McConnell 2003), where these species appar-
               Arizona (Mannan and Boal 2000).                        ently benefited from decreased nest predation in
                  A variety of factors influence space use of rap-    the urban setting. Raccoons (Procyon lotor) occa-
               tors, including prey abundance, habitat availabil-     sionally occur in the urban home ranges of our
               ity, foraging behavior, and territoriality (Newton     study area, but their numbers were believed to be
               1979, Bloom et al. 1993). Beissinger and Osborne       low and occurrences localized compared to natu-
               (1982) suggested that urban areas support a            ral areas. Therefore, we assume they do not pose
               higher total density of birds than non-urban           a substantial threat to nestling Cooper’s Hawks.
               areas. Based on such evidence, urban Cooper’s          Furthermore, the presence of domestic dogs
               Hawks would be expected to have smaller home           within the immediate vicinity of urban Cooper’s
               ranges due to a higher biomass of birds within         Hawk nests probably contributes significantly to
               the area, as was the case in Tuscon (Boal 1997,        reduced predation risk by mammals. Nest preda-
               Estes and Mannan 2003). Home ranges did not            tion by Great Horned Owls is a major cause of
               differ between urban and natural territories in        nestling mortality (Rosenfield 1988). Despite the
               this study; however, confidence intervals are large    fact that three of the four urban Cooper’s Hawk

                                      HOME RANGE AND HABITAT USE OF COOPER’S HAWKS                                     9

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territories were located in the vicinity of Great        in part, to sedentary behavior exhibited by male
            Horned Owl nests (Bennett 1999, P. H. Bloom,             Cooper’s Hawks following nestling independ-
            unpubl. data), all of these territories successfully     ence. This sedentary behavior was also observed
            fledged young. We acknowledge that many urban            during fledgling dispersal of urban Cooper’s
            Cooper’s Hawks in other portions of the species’         Hawks in Arizona (Mannan et al. 2004). Whereas
            range must contend with the previously men-              Cooper’s Hawks during the breeding season
            tioned nest predators; however, Cooper’s Hawks           were constantly moving from perch to perch
            in our urban study area may have benefited from          actively foraging and defending the territory
            low numbers and localized occurrences.                   (Fischer 1986, Kennedy 1991), it was common
                                                                     for a Cooper’s Hawk during the non-breeding
            Winter Residency and Non-breeding                        season to remain perched in the same location
            Season Ecology                                           for several hours at a time (up to 8 hours; Chiang
                                                                     2004). The change in daily activity pattern is a
            Relatively little data exist on winter residency         function of parental responsibility. During the
            among accipiters, and on Cooper’s Hawks in par-          breeding season, adult male Cooper’s Hawks
            ticular, during the non-breeding season. Banding         are active because they must constantly hunt to
            data in Wisconsin based on winter recaptures             feed the female during incubation and brooding,
            of marked birds indicate that some of that state’s       feed the young, and defend the territory. During
            Cooper’s Hawks may overwinter within 1 to 2 km           the non-breeding season, adult male Cooper’s
            of their previous nest sites (Bielefeldt et al. 1998).   Hawks need only hunt for themselves. Activity
            Band recoveries in Michigan also indicate winter         beyond what is necessary for survival increases
            site fidelity (Knutsen et al. 2004). Data on winter      the risk of mortality.
            home range size of unmarked Cooper’s Hawks
            range from 2.4 to 3.2 km in diameter (Craighead          Habitat Use
            and Craighead 1956) to an average of 771 ha for
            marked fledglings (Mannan et al. 2004) and 331           Habitat used by hawks differed significantly
            to 836 ha for marked juveniles and adults (Lake          from what was available within home ranges in
            et al. 2002). Our findings follow winter residency       both natural and urban environments. Cooper’s
            patterns of Cooper’s Hawks in Wisconsin (Bielefeldt      Hawks in natural areas of our study area used
            et al. 1998), Michigan (Knutsen et al. 2004), and        coast live oak and riparian areas more than
            Arizona (Mannan et al. 2004), and suggest that           expected. Specifically, the coast live oak habitat
            Cooper’s Hawks in Southern California appear to be       often occurred in association with riparian areas,
            year-round residents and remain close to their nest      suggesting this species’ strong association to
            stands during winter (Chiang 2004). Average home         riparian woodland vegetation. Other studies have
            range size of Cooper’s Hawks in Orange County            documented Cooper’s Hawks in undeveloped,
            during the non-breeding season was 237 ha (urban)        extensive forests to small woodlots of decidu-
            and 221 ha (natural), which is much smaller than         ous, coniferous, and mixed-pine hardwoods, and
            the average of 771 ha for fledgling Cooper’s Hawks       coast live oak woodlands (Meng 1951, Asay 1980,
            in Tucson, Arizona (Mannan et al. 2004), and mod-        Millsap 1981, Titus and Mosher 1981, Reynolds
            erately smaller than the range of 331 to 836 ha for      et al. 1982, Moore and Henny 1983, Fischer 1986,
            juvenile and adult Cooper’s Hawks in southwestern        Kennedy 1988, Wiggers and Kritz 1991, Curtis
            Tennessee (Lake et al. 2002).                            and Rosenfield 2006). Breeding Cooper’s Hawks
               Cooper’s Hawks feed primarily on birds dur-           in urban sites within our study area used parks/
            ing winter (Craighead and Craighead 1956),               ornamental plantings and commercial/industrial
            especially medium–large birds ⬎70 g in urban             areas within their home ranges more often than
            areas (Roth and Lima 2003) and small birds such          expected. It is likely that parks/ornamental plant-
            as sparrows in rural areas (Roth and Lima 2006).         ings and commercial/industrial areas within
            Southern California has an abundant wintering            the urban home ranges adequately mimicked
            bird population on which Cooper’s Hawks may              natural woodlands in terms of habitat structure.
            be able to subsist in smaller home ranges. The           Studies of non-traditional breeding habitat have
            trend of smaller non-breeding season home                shown Cooper’s Hawks to be successful breed-
            ranges in urban territories can also be attributed,      ers in a variety of urban settings with different

            10                        STUDIES IN AVIAN BIOLOGY       NO. 45    Lepczyk and Warren

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levels of human disturbance (Stahlecker and             that hunt exclusively from perches (Bloom et al.
               Beach 1979, Murphy et al. 1988, Rosenfield et al.       1993), Cooper’s Hawks employ a variety of hunt-
               1995, Sureda and Keane 1996, Boal 1997, Boal            ing techniques and therefore are not limited by
               and Mannan 1998, DeCandido 2005). However,              perch availability.
               habitat data were evaluated for a relatively small         Previous studies of urban-nesting raptors in
               number of birds (n ⫽ 4 for natural hawks during         Southern California include Red-shouldered
               the breeding season and n ⫽ 4 for urban hawks           Hawks (Bloom and McCrary 1996) and Great
               during each season, breeding and non-breeding).         Horned Owls (Bennett and Bloom 2005).
               Therefore, it is important that more studies of         Additional raptor species that have been thor-
               habitat use by Cooper’s Hawks be conducted, par-        oughly monitored in Southern California include
               ticularly in urban areas where habitat use is not as    Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), Northern
               well documented. Regardless, our results provide        Harrier (Circus cyaneus), and White-tailed Kite
               valuable information about the types of habitat in      (Elanus leucurus; P. H. Bloom, unpubl. data, Niemela
               which Cooper’s Hawks may be found.                      2007). Of these species, Cooper’s Hawks and Red-
                                                                       shouldered Hawks have been successful in the
               Urban Ecology of Cooper’s Hawks                         urban environment in similar ways. Behaviorally,
                                                                       both urban Cooper’s Hawks and Red-shouldered
               Habitat use by raptors is greatly influenced by         Hawks seemed undisturbed by human presence.
               prey abundance, habitat structure, and perch               High levels of human activity directly beneath
               availability in relation to foraging technique          Red-shouldered Hawk nest trees within the same
               (Craighead and Craighead 1956, Newton 1979,             study area did not result in nest abandonment
               Newton et al. 1979, Janes 1985). Cooper’s Hawks         (Bloom and McCrary 1996); however, some indi-
               use a combination of prey-capture methods that          viduals were aggressive toward people. In our
               include brief perch-and-scan episodes to locate         study, nest groves of all urban hawks were located
               prey, followed by a sudden burst of speed in addi-      in densely populated areas. Specifically, the UCI,
               tion to hunting from higher flight (Meng 1951,          Saddleback, and Venado nest groves were located
               Mead 1963, Beebe 1974, Clark 1977, Fischer              on university/school campuses where hundreds
               1986). Kennedy (1991) described this hunting            of college students and elementary school chil-
               technique as saltatory foraging, which is charac-       dren regularly walked and played directly below
               terized by a stop-and-go pattern, where the ani-        nest trees on a daily basis, often ⬍15 m from
               mal repositions itself frequently to scan from a        perched adults. Aggressive behavior (swoop-
               new location (Evans and O’Brien 1988). Other            ing flights and occasional strikes) in response to
               hunting techniques employed by Cooper’s Hawks           human presence was only observed from one pair,
               in urban areas include the use of visual obstruc-       but occurs regularly at other urban territories in
               tions such as buildings, fences, and hedgerows          Orange County. In comparison, Cooper’s Hawks
               for surprise-ambush attacks on prey (Roth and           in natural settings were skittish and extremely
               Lima 2003). All of the aforementioned foraging          sensitive to human presence. Similar to our find-
               techniques were observed during radio-tracking.         ings, Bloom and McCrary (1996) also observed
               Due to the fact that Cooper’s Hawks typically rely      smaller home ranges and higher reproductive
               on concealment and take prey from the ground,           success with urban Red-shouldered Hawks than
               in flight, or from perches, it is not surprising that   those in natural areas.
               Cooper’s Hawks used woodland habitats more                 Factors that contribute to the success of urban
               than non-woodland habitats. Woodland habitats           Cooper’s Hawks include their foraging technique,
               provide numerous perch sites and cover necessary        characterized by maneuverability in structur-
               for successful hunting by a predator that relies on     ally complex habitats, in addition to the fact that
               concealment. Cooper’s Hawks in the study area           their prey base consists primarily of small to
               were seen hunting and feeding on avian prey             medium-sized birds that are abundant in urban
               more often than mammalian or reptilian spe-             areas. Therefore, their surprise-ambush forag-
               cies, and urban Cooper’s Hawks were regularly           ing technique (Roth and Lima 2003) is successful
               seen hunting within hedgerows and from fences           in the urban setting. Likewise, the perch-and-
               above hedgerows. Unlike other raptor species            wait hunting style of Red-shouldered Hawks
               such as Red-shouldered Hawks (Buteo lineatus)           is facilitated in the urban landscape through

                                      HOME RANGE AND HABITAT USE OF COOPER’S HAWKS                                      11

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abundant lampposts, fence lines, and utility poles.    years ago, the landscaped vegetation in our urban
            Additionally, their prey base consists of small ver-   study area was not mature enough to provide the
            tebrate and invertebrate species that are abundant     height and canopy cover that could mimic natural
            in urban areas (Bloom et al. 1993). Although prey      woodlands and groves. Therefore, until that time
            species composition differs between urban and          the urban landscape was not suitable for urban
            natural Cooper’s Hawks (Estes and Mannan 2003,         Cooper’s Hawks. Even now, after 50 to 70 years of
            Roth and Lima 2006), the urban hawks forage on         urban forest growth and development, there are
            substitute species that still fit within the param-    many square kilometers of Orange County that
            eters of their typical natural prey base. Urban        do not support nesting Cooper’s Hawks because
            Cooper’s Hawks were often seen hunting at back-        of the short structure of certain tree species that
            yard bird feeders and bird baths throughout the        were planted.
            breeding and non-breeding seasons.                        Despite the fact that oak woodlands are
               After considering the raptor species that are       covered in the Central Coastal Subregion Natural
            present and absent from the urban environment          Communities Conservation Plan, a regional
            in Southern California, we believe that diet           plan designed to protect habitat and aid in the
            and hunting style are two ecological traits that       recovery of the federally listed Coastal California
            significantly contribute to success in human-          Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica;
            altered landscapes. Cooper’s Hawks and Red-            County of Orange 1996), a substantial portion of
            shouldered Hawks have been able to successfully        the remaining oak woodlands and surrounding
            adapt to the urban environment in our study            habitat in our natural study area are slated for
            area because they employ hunting styles that are       development over the next 20 years. Although
            facilitated by features in the urban setting, in       the urban Cooper’s Hawk population in Southern
            addition to the fact that they are not limited by      California suggests this species’ flexibility in an
            prey availability.                                     urban setting, urbanization in other portions of
                                                                   the species’ range has been detrimental to both
                                                                   urban- and natural-nesting birds (Bosakowski
                                                                   et al. 1993, Boal 1997). For instance, despite the
            A study of Northern Goshawk home ranges within         higher fledging success of urban birds, which
            timber management areas placed an empha-               suggests that urban areas may produce more
            sis on home range management rather than               young, two adult urban Cooper’s Hawks died as
            just nest site protection (Hargis et al. 1994). We     a result of car collisions after radio-tracking had
            fully agree and believe that home range manage-        ended. Roth et al. (2005) cite human-induced
            ment, especially within urban areas, will become       mortality factors, including collisions with
            increasingly important for species conservation        windows or automobiles (Keran 1981, Klem
            as development continues. Increasing popula-           1990, Klem et al. 2004), electrocution (Lehman
            tion demands have led to rapid urbanization in         2001), natural predation by owls and other raptors
            Southern California, resulting in considerable         (Klem et al. 1985, George 1989, Roth et al. 2005),
            native habitat loss. Estimates of regional coastal     disease (Ward and Kennedy 1996, Boal et al.
            sage scrub habitat loss range from 66% to 90%          1998), and to a lesser degree, gunshot and poison
            (County of Orange 1996). Oak woodlands are also        (Boal 1997). A more detailed demographic study
            becoming increasingly rare in Orange County.           including reproductive success and juvenile and
               Significant conversion of agricultural land to      adult survivorship in urban and natural areas
            the current urban landscape in Orange County           would provide a more robust analysis of whether
            began in the 1940s (County of Orange 2005). It         the urban setting in Southern California is an
            was not until 1998 that P. H. Bloom (unpubl.           ecological trap.
            data) noted the first successful nesting attempt          Trend analysis from the North American
            of Cooper’s Hawks in the urban setting of his          Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) for 1980 to 2007
            neighborhood. While some older neighborhoods           indicates a survey-wide increase in Cooper’s
            frequently contained Cooper’s Hawk nesting             Hawk populations of 4.6% per year, with a 5.9%
            territories, vast areas of urban Orange and Los        increase per year in the United States and a 5.7%
            Angeles Counties do not contain nesting Cooper’s       decrease per year in Canada (Sauer et al. 2008).
            Hawks. We contend that until approximately ten         Most of the increase has occurred in northern and

            12                        STUDIES IN AVIAN BIOLOGY     NO. 45    Lepczyk and Warren

Lepczyk_5490022_online_CH08.indd 12                                                                                      17/08/12 2:56 PM
eastern portions of the survey area, while declin-           Berger, D. D., and H. C. Mueller. 1959. The bal-chatri
               ing populations have been observed in western                  trap for the birds of prey. Bird Banding 30:18–26.
               portions of the survey area, including Canada and            Bielefeldt, J., R. N. Rosenfield, W. E. Stout, and
               most of California. Specifically within California             S. M. Vos. 1998. The Cooper’s Hawk in Wisconsin:
               and California foothills, trend analyses indicate              a review of its breeding biology and status. Passenger
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                                                                              Pp. 99–123 in B. A. Pendleton, B. A. Millsap, K. W.
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                                                                              Cline, and D. A. Bird (editors), Raptor management
               have recently been downgraded from a California                techniques manual. Science Technical Series No. 10.
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               ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                                P. J. Detrich, T. L. Maechtle, J. O. McKinley, M. D.
                                                                              McCrary, K. Titus, and P. F. Schempf. 1992. The
               We would like to thank C. Tischer, L. Allen, C.
                                                                              dho-gaza with Great Horned Owl lure: an analysis
               deBeauvoir, S. deBeauvoir, S. Sheakely, A. Pettis, J.
                                                                              of its effectiveness in capturing raptors. Journal of
               Walcek, S. Stoffel, and S. Stewart for their countless
                                                                              Raptor Research 26:167–178.
               hours of radio-tracking; L. Backus, Z. Henderson,
                                                                            Bloom, P. H., and M. D. McCrary. 1996. The urban
               and J. Hall for their GIS expertise; and S. Porter of
                                                                              buteo: Red-shouldered Hawks in southern Califor-
               Communications Specialists, Inc., who donated much
                                                                              nia. Pp. 31–39 in D. M. Bird, D. E. Varland, and
               of the telemetry equipment. Partial funding for this
                                                                              J. J. Negro (editors), Raptors in human landscapes:
               study was provided by Sea and Sage Audubon Society
                                                                              adaptation to built and cultivated environments.
               and The Wildlife Society, Western Section. We thank
                                                                              Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
               Rancho Mission Viejo, Caspers Wilderness Park, Starr
                                                                            Bloom, P. H., M. D. McCrary, and M. J. Gibson. 1993.
               Ranch Audubon Sanctuary, and The Nature Conserv-
                                                                              Red-shouldered Hawk home-range and habitat use
               ancy for access to their land. Lastly, we thank J. Manning
                                                                              in southern California. Journal of Wildlife Manage-
               and the reviewers for comments that greatly improved
                                                                              ment 57:258–265.
               the manuscript.
                                                                            Boal, C. W. 1997. An urban environment as an ecolo-
                                                                              gical trap for Cooper’s Hawks. Ph.D. dissertation,
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