Colouring Book - Australian Marine Conservation Society

    Book While you’re staying safe indoors, let’s go for
         a dive into the beautiful oceans around Australia.
         Come with us and explore the gorgeous
         corals of our Great Barrier Reef, the deep dark
         seamounts in our cool southern seas, and
         meet the ocean’s largest fish! Let’s go!

Colouring In
                                Colour in the underwater
                                playground and marine life!

                                   DID YOU KNOW
                                  that the Great Barrier Reef is
                                  the largest living structure in the
                                  world? It’s so big that you can see
                                  it from space! It is home to over
                                  1500 species of fish. One fish that
                                  divers love to swim with is the
                                  mighty Maori Wrasse which eats
                                  sea urchins, crabs and molluscs
                                  and has even been seen eating
                                  crown of thorns starfish.
2   Colouring in - Coral Reef
Can you find all of the
marine life? Circle all the
words you find!
1. Sea turtle
2. Clownfish
3. Shark
4. Reef
5. Dolphin
6. Whale
7. Coral
8. Ocean
9. Stingray
10. Seahorse

  3   Children Find-A-Word
Draw an Orange Roughy!                                             DID YOU KNOW
                                                                 The Orange Roughy is a very special fish. It is a
What do you think a one-hundred-year-old fish would look like?
                                                                 very old fish which can live up to 150 years! That’s
Draw a picture and share it on our Facebook page!                longer than people! The Orange Roughy lives on
You might even go in the draw to win a prize!                    underwater mountains. Not many fish live to be that
                                                                 old so we have to make sure they are protected -
                                                                 and not caught in the nets of big fishing boats.
 4    Draw Orange Roughy
Numbers Game
                         Connect the dots to find our friends and turn two whales into a pod!

                             DID YOU KNOW
                           that whales used to be hunted for their oil and flesh until people stood
                           together to save them? Groups like AMCS played a big part in helping our
5   Whale Numbers Game     wonderful whales stay safe from harpoons.
Spot the
                                  Can you spot all the
                                  differences between these
                                  two octopus gardens?
                                  Circle the 10 differences
                                  you can see!

                                     DID YOU KNOW
                                    the Great Barrier Reef is made
                                    up of almost 3000 different
                                    coral reefs?
6   Octopus Spot-the-Difference
Colouring In Activity #2                            DID YOU KNOW
Colour in our dolphin friends playing together!   that dolphins are very clever animals, that like to play
                                                  with their friends just like you and me? They catch fish
                                                  together with their friends by working in a team!
  7   Colouring in - Dolphins



                               17                19
                                                          •                22

                               •     18

                   13                                              23

                    •   12 •

                                                 • •
                                                               •            97
                                                                            •            98
                               11            25                                                          99
                                                                                                         •        100                                                                                         110
                                                                                                                   •        101                                                                        109
                                    10                        26
                                                                                                                            •         102
                                                                                                                                       •        103 104                                         108
                                                                                                                                                                                                 •      •

                                                                                                                                                •         •         105 106
                                                                                                                                                                    •         •        •
                                             9                 27                        •

                                                                                                     •   31

Game                                             8                     28        29                               32
                                                                                                                        33        34                                              39        40
                                                                                                                        •         •        35
                                                                                                                                            •        36        37        38
                                                                                                                                                                  • • • • •                           41
Connect the dots to                                                                                                                                  •                                                        42

see what ocean animal
                                                                                                                                                              • • •                             90    89 88
                                                           6                                                                                                                           91
is hiding on the page!                                                                                                                                        • •
                                                                                                                                                                     • •          92                          87 86

                                                                   5                                                                                                     93

                                                                                                                                                                         • •
                                                                                                                                                                                                         • •85
                                                                                                                                                                                                      83 84

                                                                            4                                                                                                •
                                                                       •             3                                                                         95                          81
  DID YOU KNOW                                                                   •                                     • •                                                            80    •
                                                                                                 2                                                                            79       •
                                                                                             •                                   44 43                                            •
                                                                                                                           • •
 that the Australian Marine                                                                                   1             45
                                                                                                                                                 •                  77 78•
                                                                                           • 46             62                                           75  •76
                                                                                                                                                         • •
 Conservation Society has been
                                                                                                       60 61
                                                                                                     59 • •

 around for over 50 years? We

                                                                                                   •58 • 64
 are the only charity in Australia                                                         48        •                                                        74

                                                                                                                                      • •
                                                                                                                                                    • • •
 dedicated to protecting our                                                        50   49  •
 oceans and all of the amazing                                                   51  •           •
                                                                                                           65                                                 73
                                                                                        • • 56

                                                                                52• • 54 55
 animals that live underwater!                                                                                                            •
                                                                                                          67                                            72
                                                                                     53                  68                                           71
 8    Children Numbers Game

                                                                                                                                      69        70
Shark Maze                        DID YOU KNOW
Can you make your way through
                                 Sharks are often misunderstood as being big, mean eating machines! Most sharks
the sharks to the finish line?   are actually very shy, and lots of them are threatened with extinction. This is not
                                 good, because sharks are very important for the health of our coral reefs and oceans.
 9   Shark Maze
Numbers Game
                                                              DID YOU KNOW
What do you think this is? Connect the dots to see what
ocean animal is hiding on the page and then colour it in!   that whale sharks are the world’s largest fish! They are big
                                                            gentle giants that eat their food by filtering tiny creatures
                                                            through their gills, like plankton, small fish and squid.
 10   Children Numbers Game #2
Colouring In
                                    Activity #3
                                    Colour all of the ocean
                                    animals in!

                                       DID YOU KNOW
                                      Our oceans are very special
                                      and they need you and me
                                      to protect them. They are the
                                      home for many animals like
                                      dolphins, turtles, whales and
                                      sharks. All those animals need
                                      to play their own part to keep
                                      the sea healthy - so we need
                                      to make sure that they are all
                                      safe - which is why groups like
                                      AMCS exist.
11   Colouring in - Ocean Friends
Adult Colouring Book
     “With an extinction crisis and a climate emergency upon us, our oceans are vulnerable in ways almost inconceivable
     a generation ago. And it’s clear that our corals, beaches, fish and marine mammals will not be saved if we assume
     governments and corporations will act swiftly and spontaneously to rescue them.
     That’s why the work of AMCS is critical. For over 50 years the nation’s peak marine charity has worked to facilitate,
     encourage and shame the powers-that-be to do what needs to be done to keep our seas and shores alive.
     Australia’s oceans need advocates and guardians as never before, and no one does this work better than AMCS”.
     										Tim Winton, AMCS Patron.

13   Adult Colouring-In #1
                         1. Carcharias taurus
                            (Grey Nurse Shark)
                         2. Amphiprion ocellaris (Clownfish)
                         3. Rhincodon typus (Whale Shark)
                         4. Caretta caretta
                            (Loggerhead Sea Turtle)
                         5. Myliobatoidei (Stingray)
                         6. Cheilinus undulatus
                            (Humphead Wrasse)
                         7. Acropora cervicornis
                            (Staghorn Coral)
                         8. Plectropomus leopardus
                            (Leopard Coral Grouper)
                         9. Hippocampus bargibant
                            (Pygmy Seahorse)
                         10. Orcaella heinsohni
                             (Snubfin Dolphin)

14   Adult Find-A-Word
15   Adult Colouring-In #2
16   Adult Colouring-In #3
17   Adult Colouring-In #4
Where’s Whaley?
                       Can you spot our AMCS Whale hiding in the ocean?
18   Where’s Whaley?
19   Adult Colouring-In #5
Just like our national parks on land, marine national parks provide
                      protection for ocean wildlife and their homes. Our marine parks are safe
                     havens for our threatened sea turtles, dolphins and whales. It is our great
                      privilege, and our great responsibility, to manage them wisely and with
                      the future in mind. AMCS has worked tirelessly for more than 50 years
                    to establish marine parks to protect Australia’s most special ocean places
                       – including the Great Barrier Reef, which was previously unprotected.

                           If you’d like to help us protect our oceans and the incredible
                              animals that call them home — please visit our website:

20   Marine Parks
21   Adult Colouring-In #6
22   Adult Colouring-In #7
23   Adult Colouring-In #8
Australia’s oceans
                                 contain the richest,
                             most diverse life on Earth.
                             It is our honour and duty
                                  to protect them for
                                generations to come.

24   Adult Colouring-In #9
We need your help
 We hope you enjoyed this colouring-in                    My details
 book. We need your help to protect our
 beautiful and fragile oceans. Donate today
 to save our seas for generations to come.
                                                          Address:                                                                  Phone




                                                             Please send me more information about leaving a gift in my Will to AMCS.
                                                             Please send me more information about Sea Guardians and making an
                                                             affordable automatic monthly donation to AMCS.

                                                                Yes - I will protect our oceans and ocean animals
                                                          Please accept my gift of $
                                                             Please find my Cheque or Money Order enclosed.
                                                             Please make payable to the Australian Marine Conservation Society.
                                                             Please debit:      Visa      MasterCard

Want to learn more?                                       Name on Card:

                PO Box 5815, WEST END QLD 4101
                                                          Card Number:
                                                          Expiry Date:       M M / Y       Y    Signature(s):
                                   Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
3   Children Find-A-Word        4     Draw Orange Roughy         6    Octopus Spot-the-Difference

                                8     Children Numbers Game

                                                                 14   Adult Find-A-Word

                                    The ocean animal is one of
9   Shark Maze
                                     our favourites - a whale!

                           10       Children Numbers Game #2

                                        It’s a whale shark!
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