College of Opticians of BC - Board Meeting (DRAFT MINUTES)

Page created by Tommy Harrison
College of Opticians of BC – Board Meeting (DRAFT MINUTES)
Meeting Date & Time:
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
8:30am - 11:45am

Meeting Venue:
Via Zoom Teleconference

Meeting called by Peter Luongo, Chair

Board Members:
Peter Luongo
Kim McEachern
Erik Bucaneg
Piotr Majkowski
Sue Randhawa
Martin Semaniuk
Barbara Larkin
Karl Chua
Raheem Savja

Lisa Bannerman (Registrar/Executive Director)
Christopher Dodge (Deputy Registrar/Manager of Quality Assurance)
Meagan Marsh (Manager of Inquiry & Discipline)
Madeline Neufeld (Manager of Registration)

Better health through excellence in opticianry regulation to ensure safe quality vision care for all.

Regulating opticians in the public interest. We set and enforce standards and promote best practices for
vision care in BC.

Integrity   Ethical & Fair
Transparent Accountable
Relational  Collaborative
1. Call to Order
Call to Order                                                                              Peter Luongo
                  This meeting was called to order at 8:33am

                  2. Adoption of Agenda for November 3, 2021, meeting

                  Motion – Be it resolved:
Adoption of the
Agenda                                                                                     Peter Luongo
                      •   That the agenda for the Board meeting on November 3,
                          2021, be adopted as presented.

                  Motion carried by general consent.

Conflict of       3. Conflict of Interest Declaration
Interest                                                                                   Peter Luongo
Declaration       No conflict of interest was declared.

                  4. Approval of Consent Agenda

                  Motion – Be it resolved:
Approval of
Consent               •   That the consent agenda, which included the Board minutes        Peter Luongo
Agenda                    from July 29, 2021 and October 5, 2021, and the Quality
                          Assurance, Patient Relations, Inquiry, and Registration
                          Committee Reports, be approved.

                  Motion carried by general consent.

                  5. Conflict of Interest for Educators

                  Ms. Bannerman provided a summary of the issue for discussion –
                  whether having educators from the profession on the Board or
                  Registration Committee was a conflict. Mr. Majkowski, Mr. Chua, and
                  Mr. Bucaneg declared conflicts for this discussion and were moved to        Lisa
New Business      the virtual waiting room.                                                Bannerman
                  Mr. Savja asked about the current policy and Ms. Marsh provided
                  some additional clarification. The Board agreed with little discussion
                  that conflicts could arise with educators on the Registration

                  Motion – Be it resolved:
•   That educators cannot be appointed to the Registration

            Motion carried by general consent.

            6. Committee Appointments

            Mr. Dodge presented the recommendations made for committee
            appointments and reappointments to be in place for 2022. The Board
            discussed the vacancies that remained in both Patient Relations and
            Discipline, and the fact the Discipline required an elected Board
            member. Ms. Larkin provided her experience and what should be
            considered for those contemplating the role. After some discussion,
            Mr. Semaniuk offered to fill the vacancy in Discipline. Mr. Chua also
            offered to fill one of the vacancies in Patient Relations.

            Motion – Be it resolved:

                •   That the following changes be approved, to be effective once
                    existing terms expire:

                     For the Inquiry Committee:
                       -Reappoint Piotr Majkowski
                       -Remove Rafia Tariq                                          Christopher
                       -Appoint Courtnay Poole                                      Dodge & Lisa
                       -Appoint Piotr Majkowski as Chair                            Bannerman

                     For the Patient Relations Committee:
                       -Remove David McGowan
                       -Remove Barbara Larkin
                       -Remove Erik Bucaneg
                       -Appoint Peter Luongo
                       -Appoint Karl Chua

                     For the Quality Assurance Committee:
                       -Reappoint Martin Semaniuk
                       -Reappoint Piotr Majkowski
                       -Appoint Janine Santiago as Vice-Chair

                     For the Registration Committee:
                       -Remove Peter Luongo
                       -Remove Heather Odermatt
                       -Remove Stephanie Weir
                       -Remove Karl Chua
                       -Appoint Barbara Larkin
-Appoint Laila Noorie
                            -Appoint Pam Saeidi
                            -Appoint Clara Tam
                            -Appoint Barbara Larkin as Vice-Chair

                       For the Discipline Committee:
                         -Remove Erik Bucaneg
                         -Appoint Marty Semaniuk

               Motion carried by general consent.

               7. Registrar’s Report

               Ms. Bannerman updated the Board on the progress made for a new
               HR manual, prompted by the Governance Working Group’s direction
               to create a Respectful Workplace Policy.

               Ms. Bannerman also updated the Board on the new office lease, the
               savings from releasing all workstations, and the newly proposed
               costs associated for per-person office use. Ms. Bannerman also
               discussed how some regulators in the Hub space are planning for
               partial returns through COVID, in the new year.                            Lisa
               The Board was reminded that they’d receive a year-end Board
               Evaluation Survey to complete in the next few weeks, to help identify
               any issues or improvements for the coming year. They would also be
               receiving something to complete from 7mesh, the consulting firm
               hired to conduct the annual Registrar Evaluation.

               Ms. Bannerman also provided progress updates on the work being
               done to the Standards of Practice, and the ICSH Toolkit being
               developed through BCHR.

               8. Financial Review

               Ms. Bannerman presented the financials, with the Board asking for
               clarification on certain items. The Board also asked about projected
               Registration numbers, which led to a discussion about students and         Lisa
New Business
               the lack of licensure for some graduates after completing their         Bannerman
               national exams.

               Ms. Bannerman also presented the Board with some options for
               consideration regarding the renewal fees for 2022. The Board
               discussed and ultimately decided on a slight increase to avoid
significant cutbacks on projects, and will look closer at increasing the
               use of reserves.

               Motion – Be it resolved:

                   •   That the following registrant fees be increased for 2022, with
                       further consideration to changing the reserve policy:

                        $650 for opticians (including CL)
                        $725 for opticians with refracting (including CL)
                        $295 for non-practicing

               Motion carried by general consent.

               9. Indigenous Cultural Safety and Humility

               Guest Tanya Davoren, Senior Director of Health for Métis Nation BC,
Presentation   presented information to the Board regarding her organization,               Guest
               including the structure, some background and statistics, along with
               Métis Nation BC’s current health initiatives in the province.

               10. Governance Working Group Update

               Mr. Majkowski presented a summary of the report, including the
               topic of passing motions via email. The Governance Working Group
               recommends that the Board consider a motion to address this issue,
               as some attempts to pass motions have proven complicated and
New Business   confusing over email. The Board discussed and agreed.
               Motion – Be it resolved:

                   •   That the Board bans all motions by email, by the Board or

               Motion carried by general consent.

               11. Risk Register

               Ms. Bannerman updated the Board on recent website issues, and the             Lisa
               changes required to correct them. The Board was also updated on a          Bannerman
               potential disciplinary hearing in 2022, and the work being done in
               getting the bylaws updated.
12. In-Camera Session

               Motion – Be it resolved:

                   •   That the meeting be moved to an in-camera session.

               Motion carried by general consent.

In-Camera      Minutes from the In-Camera session will be filed as “Board Meeting      Peter Luongo
               In-Camera Minutes – November 3, 2021”.

               Motion – Be it resolved:

                   •   That the meeting be moved out of the in-camera session.

               Motion carried by general consent.

               13. Board Meeting Dates 2022

               Ms. Bannerman recommended to the Board that in planning the
               quarterly meeting dates for 2022, they consider shifting the 3rd
               meeting from July/August to mid-September to avoid Annual Report
               deadlines and vacation conflicts. An extra call will likely always be   Christopher
               needed to approve the audited financials in late-July.                  Dodge & Lisa
New Business                                                                           Bannerman
               Motion – Be it resolved:

                   •   That the quarterly meeting schedule be approved as

               Motion carried by general consent.

               14. Adjournment
Adjournment                                                                            Peter Luongo
               The meeting was called to adjourn at 11:40am.
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