Collecting Covid: Wales 2021

Page created by Sean Reyes
Collecting Covid: Wales 2021
Collecting Covid:
Wales 2021
There are two sections to this questionnaire.
The information contained within Part 1 will be made available to researchers and other
members of the public.
The information contained within Part 2 is personal and will be held securely and not shared
with anyone, unless the Museum is obligated to do so for legal purposes. Your name and
contact details will be used by the Museum to manage your contribution. The information will
also be anonymised and used to help build a statistical profile of Wales during COVID-19.

Part 1
Daily Life
Has the pandemic changed your relationships with others?
For example, your family, friends or neighbours?

How have you been connecting/communicating with others during this time?

If you work, attend school or a college/university, how has the pandemic impacted on
your experience?
Collecting Covid:
Wales 2021
What has been your experience of family or community events during the pandemic
– e.g. funerals, weddings, social or religious festivals?

During the pandemic, have you discovered anything new about your local area
– e.g. the natural environment or history/archaeology?

Health and Wellbeing
Have you needed to access or been unable to access any medical, social care services
or safe spaces?

What are your thoughts on the vaccine? Tell us about your experience.
Collecting Covid:
Wales 2021
How are you feeling emotionally? Have your feelings changed over time, and through
the various lockdowns?

What has been the most difficult experience for you since the start of the pandemic?

What has been the most positive experience for you since the start of the pandemic?

Government and Information
How do you feel about the Welsh Government and the UK Government’s response to the crisis?
Collecting Covid:
Wales 2021
What aspects of lockdown restrictions have affected you most?

How are you feeling about the easing of restrictions and unlocking of society?

The Future
What things or moments during the pandemic will stay in your mind?

How will life be different for you?
Collecting Covid:
Wales 2021
We may wish to follow-up on your story, are you happy for us to contact you?

   Yes      No

If we share your story, how would you like to be named:

We understand that sharing your story might be difficult at this time. For wellbeing advice and
support, the following helplines and resources are available:
Bawso 0800 731 8147
LGBT Cymru Helpline 0800 840 2069
Live Fear Free Helpline 0808 80 10 800
Mind Cymru 0300 123 3093
Wales Learning Disability Helpline 0808 8000 300
Collecting Covid:
Wales 2021

Part 2
About You
Full name:                                                                Postcode:

Email address:                                                            Year of birth:

Which language(s) do you speak?

What is your language of choice?

Please choose the options that you most closely identify with, or feel free to select ‘self-describe’
and tell us in your own words. If you do not want to share, please select ‘prefer not to say’.

   Female           Male        Non-binary         Prefer not to say
Is your gender identity the same as the gender you were given at birth?

   Yes         No          Prefer not to say

Sexual orientation:
   Gay/Lesbian             Bisexual       Straight (heterosexual)      Prefer not to say

Relationship status:
   Single           Married / Civil partnership       Widowed

   In a relationship (not living together)         In a relationship (living together)

   Prefer not to say

Collecting Covid:
Wales 2021
Broad ethnicity:
   Asian       Arab        Black          Romany / gypsy / traveler      Mixed ethnic group

   White        Prefer not to say       Self-describe

Religious belief:
   Buddhist         Christian         Hindu        Jewish      Muslim        Sikh

   Prefer not to say       No religion        Self-describe

Do you have any of the following conditions?
   Learning disability          Long-term illness/condition      Sensory impairment

   Mental health condition           Physical impairment       Prefer not to say

Other, please self-describe

Participation and Use Agreement
The collecting and recording of people’s memories about life in Wales has always been an
important part of the work of Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales (the Museum), it is
part of our Royal Charter and is integral to our Public Task. The Museum’s aim is to safeguard
these memories, and your contribution will form part of the National Collection and be archived in
the public interest. This agreement will allow the Museum to permanently preserve and use your
contribution and ensure that it is added to the Museum’s collection.
I agree that my contribution will become part of the National Collection cared for by Amgueddfa
Cymru – National Museum Wales. It will be preserved as a permanent public reference resource,
for use in research, publication, education, lectures, broadcasting, online and digital resources,
and also third-party use deemed appropriate by the Museum.
If I am under 18 my parent or legal guardian has agreed to my participation, and to the use
of any photographs (of or by me), and any audio/visual contributions, and has completed the
demographic information on my behalf.

Copyright Agreement
I declare that I am the legal owner, free from encumbrance, of the material uploaded, and I hereby
donate them to the Museum as an absolute and perpetual gift.
I am the copyright holder of the contribution I have uploaded and fully and permanently assign to
Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales all copyright. However, if I want to, I may still use
the material I have uploaded for my own personal use.
I understand that my name and contact details will be used by the Museum to manage
this contract.
Collecting Covid:
Wales 2021
Your Personal Data
Your name will only be used as you have specified in the questionnaire. The Museum will deal
responsibly and with integrity every time your contribution is used and will make sure to extend
courtesy to contributors as appropriate.
For information about how the Museum will use your personal data you can review our
Privacy Policy at

Signature:                                            Date:

Thank you for taking part
Please return your completed questionnaire and signed participation agreement by post or email.
Collecting Covid
St Fagans National Museum of History
St Fagans, Cardiff , CF5 6XB

Thank you to the following groups and organisations for their help and support in developing
this questionnaire.

Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales Youth Forum | Millie Bethel | Elisabeth Bunker
Holly Dickens | Meliha Hussain | Dylan Mccandless | Kirsten Scoggins | Cathays High School Parent
Learning Group | Draig Enfys, promoting LGBT+ history and Welsh heritage | Easy Read Wales
Innovate Trust | Mencap Cymru | Oasis Cardiff | Platfform | Pride Cymru | Race Council Cymru
Re-Live | Romani Cultural and Arts Company | Sight Life | Stonewall Cymru | Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel
Wales Puja Committee.
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