CLIL Silvia Minardi Docente di lingua inglese presso il Liceo classico statale "Salvatore Quasimodo" di Magenta (MI), Presidente nazionale LEND ...

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CLIL Silvia Minardi Docente di lingua inglese presso il Liceo classico statale "Salvatore Quasimodo" di Magenta (MI), Presidente nazionale LEND ...


              Silvia Minardi
              Docente di lingua inglese presso il Liceo classico statale
              "Salvatore Quasimodo" di Magenta (MI),
              Presidente nazionale LEND – Lingua e nuova didattica
CLIL Silvia Minardi Docente di lingua inglese presso il Liceo classico statale "Salvatore Quasimodo" di Magenta (MI), Presidente nazionale LEND ...

1   Questions on CLIL

2   From «what» to «how»

3   Scaffolding in CLIL
CLIL Silvia Minardi Docente di lingua inglese presso il Liceo classico statale "Salvatore Quasimodo" di Magenta (MI), Presidente nazionale LEND ...
1   questions
CLIL Silvia Minardi Docente di lingua inglese presso il Liceo classico statale "Salvatore Quasimodo" di Magenta (MI), Presidente nazionale LEND ...
CLIL Silvia Minardi Docente di lingua inglese presso il Liceo classico statale "Salvatore Quasimodo" di Magenta (MI), Presidente nazionale LEND ...
CLIL: che cosa (NON) è?
▪ Non è insegnamento per immersione o bilingue

▪ Non è per alcuni (gli studenti più bravi)

▪ “It’s not backdoor language teaching or additional subject


▪ “It’s not ‘dumbing down’ of subject content”

▪ Non è insegnare ciò che gli studenti già sanno in un’altra lingua

▪ Non è necessariamente per docenti madrelingua
CLIL Silvia Minardi Docente di lingua inglese presso il Liceo classico statale "Salvatore Quasimodo" di Magenta (MI), Presidente nazionale LEND ...
CLIL: che cosa è?

    “Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a dual-

 focused educational approach in which an additional language is

        used for the learning and teaching of both content and


Coyle (2007: 5)
CLIL Silvia Minardi Docente di lingua inglese presso il Liceo classico statale "Salvatore Quasimodo" di Magenta (MI), Presidente nazionale LEND ...
CLIL: che cosa è?
                   “CLIL is a move
The 64 million     from WHAT to
dollar question:   teach to HOW we
HOW do we do       can help our
CLIL?              children
CLIL Silvia Minardi Docente di lingua inglese presso il Liceo classico statale "Salvatore Quasimodo" di Magenta (MI), Presidente nazionale LEND ...
From «WHAT»
2   to «HOW»
CLIL Silvia Minardi Docente di lingua inglese presso il Liceo classico statale "Salvatore Quasimodo" di Magenta (MI), Presidente nazionale LEND ...
CLIL Silvia Minardi Docente di lingua inglese presso il Liceo classico statale "Salvatore Quasimodo" di Magenta (MI), Presidente nazionale LEND ...
A CLIL lesson is not a language lesson neither is it a subject lesson
transmitted in a foreign language. According to the 4Cs curriculum (Coyle
1999), a successful CLIL lesson should combine elements of the following:

- Content - Progression in knowledge, skills and understanding related to
specific elements of a defined curriculum
- Communication - Using language to learn whilst learning to use
- Cognition - Developing thinking skills which link concept formation
(abstract and concrete), understanding and language
- Culture - Exposure to alternative perspectives and shared
understandings, which deepen awareness of otherness and self.

Do Coyle
To use the 4Cs planning guide:

Start with content
Define it.
What will I teach?
What will they learn?
What are my teaching aims/objectives?
What are the learning outcomes?
An example
Content: water (through the medium of

Teaching objectives (what I plan to teach):

   • to understand the water cycle,

   • to raise awareness of the effects of climate

    and climate change on water supply,

   • to explore ways of saving water.
Learning outcomes

By the end of this unit learners will be able to:
- give a small-group presentation explaining
   the water cycle;
- discuss the concept of drought in a range of
   countries and create a policy for reducing its
- design a water saving poster and
   questionnaire to work with data on how the
   class saves water;
- discuss and evaluate how to improve saving.
To use the 4Cs planning guide:

Now link content with communication.
• What language do they need to work with the content? Specialised vocabulary and phrases?
• What kind of talk will they engage in?
• Will I need to check out key grammatical coverage of a particular tense or feature eg
comparatives and superlatives?
• What about the language of tasks and classroom activities?
C. Communication [Language and linguistic considerations]
Language of learning
( i.e. essential vocabulary/ grammar associated with the topic)
Key phrases needed for example:
                   Le château est situé …
                   La fonction du château est de…
                   Il nous faut…
                   Parce que…
Key vocabulary
      Language for learning
(i.e. language needed to …)
Language: How to describ e
          How to explain
          How to justify/ present a case
This language to be scaffolded via writing frames and talk frames and activities
Learning how to learn: Language for group work
                   Understanding instructions
                   How to deal with not understanding
                   How to make a mini presentation

                  Language through learning
Dictionary use for vocabulary extension Homework research
Come iniziare? Con quale input?                 MULTI-

Come favorire la comprensione?                  SCAFFOLDING

       Come guidare l’apprendimento (compiti/attività/domande)?

                        FROM LOTS TO HOTS
Let’s have a try
3   with
  Look at the
  picture and
  write some
questions about
TASK: read the
text and
underline the
information you
already know

PHASE 1: activate

Learning outcomes
▪ Use of cognates

▪ Using synonyms and antonyms

▪ Teaching chunks, collocations

▪ Paraphrasing

▪ Using “think-alouds”

▪ Writing prompts / frames

▪ Substitution tables
THINK-ALOUD protocol
1. Choose an appropriately leveled text that meets the content area
2. Before teaching, carefully read the text, thinking about your own
   reading processes as you come across text structure, unfamiliar
   vocabulary, text features, concepts.
3. Introduce the text and activate or build on background knowledge.
4. Give all students a copy of the text.
5. Begin the think aloud by reading. Model how to: address text
   structure, unfamiliar vocabulary, new concepts, highlight or
   underline sections, write margin notes.
6. Encourage students to share their thoughts aloud.

                                                       (Miller & Veatch, 2012)
Sentence frames
Sentences with fill in the blanks that support students at earlier
stages of language proficiency.

Examples of frames:
- The ____________________ has ____________________
- The ____________________ revolted against the
- A ____________________ is larger/smaller than a
Sentence stems
In a sentence stem students must continue the thought and
complete the sentence. Sentence stems give students just
enough structure to begin more elaborate writing.

    - Based on the experiment, I can conclude that…
    - In the beginning I thought…, but now I think…
    - One way that ___and ___are alike is that….
    - On the other hand, they are different because…
Writing frames
                               Writing frames provide
                               learners with
                               the structure for a piece of
                               writing and help
                               to organise a text or speech.

Write about air pollution. Finish the sentences.
           Pollution is caused by…                 These words will help you.
           Pollutants                              coal               oil
           The main pollutants are…                natural gas        burning
           They are produced by…                   lung cancer       ozone odourless
           Consequences                            colourless
           Polluted air can cause…                 diesel engine     poisonous
           It also leads to…                       …
           It irritates…
Substitution tables
Substitution tables are
the best option for
learners with low level
command of the foreign
language. They
provide full
sentences with multiple

Unfortunately, they take
much time to prepare
for teachers.
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