Chosen as friends to bear fruit - 16 May 2021 - St Aidan's

Page created by Miguel Joseph
Chosen as friends to bear fruit - 16 May 2021 - St Aidan's
16 May 2021
            Chosen as friends to bear fruit
    Today's service begins on page 404 of the red NZ Prayer Book
Readings                              Sentence
Acts 1:15-17, 21-26                   "You did not choose me, but I chose you
1 John 5:9-13                         and appointed you so that you might go
John 17:6-19                          and bear fruit - fruit that will last."
                                                                          John 15:16a

         Heavenly one,
         you called the resurrected Christ home to be exalted in heaven.
         We wait expectantly for the fulfilment of your promise
         to equip us with the Holy Spirit on Earth.
         May we wait with courage and patience.
         Through Jesus Christ our Liberator,
         who is alive and reigns with you,
         in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
         one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Welcome to St Aidan’s! Please stay for morning tea in the Gathering Area after our services.
If you are new, or would like more information, please make sure to introduce yourself and
fill in the Newcomer’s form.
      Prayer Ministry is available in the side Chapel.
      We serve wine in the common cup and grape juice in individual cups.
             WORSHIP                   CARING                  MISSION
                           5 Ascot Avenue, Remuera, Auckland
Chosen as friends to bear fruit - 16 May 2021 - St Aidan's
What’s on at St Aidan’s                              Prayers
                                           The two teams preparing food at
                                            City Mission this Monday & Friday
8am - Communion.                           The Nominating Committee as they
9:30am - Family Communion.                  carry out interviews for Vicar next
10:45am - Chalice Training.                 weekend
                                           Give thanks for our new Children’s
            This Week                       Ministry and Mainly Music leaders
Women’s Evening Fellowship -               Victims of violence,
Tuesday 18th May, 7:30pm in the             especially those caught up
Gathering Area. Guest speaker is Dr         in random attacks
Christine Roke who will talk to us
about her career in Family Planning.                  Coming Up
All welcome. Fellowship will be
enjoyed over tea/coffee.                Men’s Breakfast - Thursday 27th
                                        May, 7:30am at Brown’s Café.
Wednesday Communion - 11:30am           Contact Pete Macaulay for more
in the Church.                          info.
Vestry Strategic Meeting - 7:30pm       Parish Annual Quiz - *Save the date*
Wednesday.                              Friday 6th August.
Prayer Meeting - 9am each Thursday
in the Gathering Area. All welcome.
                                                   Louise Holidays
Poverty and Inequity in NZ - A talk
by Frank Hogan, 7:30pm Thursday at      Louise will be taking some days off
St Luke’s, Remuera Rd. Full details     over the next two weeks, so her
on the noticeboard.                     working hours may be different from
                                        usual. Please contact Anne if Louise
    Next Week - Pentecost               is unavailable.

*Wear something red for Pentecost*          Chalice Training & Refresher
8am - Communion.
9:30am - Family Communion.              We are holding a training and
                                        refresher session for Chalice people
5pm - Evening Service in the GA.        after the 9:30am service today. If
Please bring a plate of food to share   you can’t make today we plan to run
in a meal together afterwards.          another in a few weeks.
Waiata Reserve Planting Day               City Mission Donations
On Saturday the 29th of May              As we have done in
Conservation Volunteers, in              the past we will be
partnership with the Ōrākei Local        highlighting items
Board, will be hosting a Community       in short supply to
Planting Day at Waiata Reserve,          assist the City Mission as they
Remuera.                                 support those in need, and target
                                         their shortfall.
           Office Relief                 This week we are especially looking
                                         to collect toiletries: toothpaste,
Anne will be taking holidays from
                                         tooth brushes, shampoo, soap.
21st June to 2nd July. We expect to
open the office for limited hours        Please continue to bring along any
during this time, and are looking for    other grocery items to donate to the
volunteers for two or four hour shifts   Mission as you are able.
from 9am to 1pm daily. Duties would
mainly be answering calls and
greeting visitors, no computer work       Children & Families Ministries
necessary. If you have some free         Izzi - Children’s Ministry Coordinator
time to assist please contact Anne at
                                         We recently welcomed or 929 4670
                                         Isabelle Hoskyn as our
extension 1.
                                         new Children and Families
                                         Ministry Coordinator. Izzi
    Parish Prayer Directory              has been a member of our 9:30am
                                         congregation for some time. You can
We are currently in the process of       read her bio on the noticeboard.
updating the Parish Prayer Directory.
If you have changed any of your          Vicki - Mainly Music Coordinator
contact details (address, phone, or      We also have pleasure in welcoming
email) please contact the office to      Vicki White as our new Mainly Music
update your information by Friday        Coordinator. Vicki has been involved
14th May, or complete a change of        with Mainly Music for a couple of
address form on the Newcomer’s           years and also helping out
table, or complete a “Please Add”        for some time, so it’s great
form to have your name included,         to be able to make her an
then drop completed forms in the         official member of the
Suggestions Box.                         team.
Regular Events @ St Aidan’s
                8:00am Holy Communion
Sunday Services 9:30am Family Communion with Youth and Kids’ Church
                5:00pm Evening Service worship with a shared meal on the fourth Sunday of each month

Wednesday Service      11:30am Holy Communion without music held each Wednesday.
                       Thursday mornings at 9am in the GA, or via Zoom - Enter the Zoom online meeting ID:
                       946 0866 8929, or via phone: +64 9 884 6780 and enter Passcode 1 #.
Youth                  School aged youth (11 and over), Sun at 9:30am service and Fri at 7:00pm. Contact Conor.
Kids’ Church           All children aged 3-10 during the 9:30am service. Contact the office.
                       Wednesday at 9:30am in the Hall during school terms. Music and play for families with
Mainly Music
                       pre-school aged children.
Choir Practice         Practise Saturdays, 10:00am in the Bethel Room (in the upstairs offices). Contact Antoinette.
                       All welcome! Contact your home group leader about finishing and restart dates, or speak to
Home Groups
                       Sheryl or Louise for information about joining a Home Group.
Association of
                       A women's fellowship group meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 1:30pm in the GA.
Anglican Women
WEF                    A women’s evening fellowship group. Meets monthly on 3rd Tuesday at 7:30pm in the GA.
Pins & Needles         A knitting for charity group. Meets monthly on 2nd Monday at 10:00am in the GA. All Welcome
Men’s Ministry         Meets on the last Thursday of each month for breakfast at 7:30am.
Contemplative Prayer Meditation each Wednesday 9:45am at 276A Victoria Avenue - contact Anne 524 2452.
St Aidan’s Vestry      Next strategic meeting 7:30pm on Wednesday 19th May 2021.

                                       Contacts @ St Aidan’s
Office:           Anne Godman                             AAW:               Christine K 027 488 2472
Mon-Fri 9– 3.30                            
                  929 4670 ext 1                          Accounts:
Priest in Charge: The Rev’d Louise Anderson                                  or contact the office
Sun               W 929 4670 ext 4                        Choir:             Antoinette Pope 624 9090
Tues pm-Sat am M 027 448 4467                             Home Group         Sheryl Swanevelder 578 2520
                           Coordinators:      Louise Anderson 929 4670 ex4
Vicar’s Warden: Juli Mercer 021 429 345                   Library:           Anne Mercer 520 2861
People’s Warden: James Parkinson 579 7930                 Mainly Music:      Vicki White Wed 9:30am
Kids’ Church:     Isabelle (Izzi) Hoskyn                        
                  929 4670 ext 5                          Mission Shop:      Jenny Haggitt 0277 129 548
                                                          Outreach:          Barbara Weir 021 1701468
Youth             Conor McGrath
& Young Adults: M 021 081 90306                           Pastoral Care      Desré Simpson 522 9445
                                                          Co-ordinators:     Marie Taylor 524 8642
                                                          Pins & Needles:    Marie Taylor 524 8642
                                                                                                           Prayer Circle:     Karel Lee 027 326 1014                                                            Women’s Evening    Jan Evans 578 1505
                    Bank Account number: St Aidans Church Remuera 06-0257-0052666-13
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