Children's catalogue - - The O'Brien Press

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Children's catalogue - - The O'Brien Press
Children’s catalogue

      ob r i e n . i e
Children's catalogue - - The O'Brien Press
Contents                                                                                          All ISBNs listed in this
                                                                                                  catalogue are ISBN-13
Black Flag: Picture Books                                        3
                                                                                              Prices are subject to change
Purple Flag Books: Reading Age 5+                               10                                   without notice

Yellow Flag Books: Reading Age 6+                               13                       Many of our books are also available
                                                                                          as eBooks from and the
Red Flag Books: Reading Age 8+                                  16
                                                                                            world’s leading eBook stores.
Blue Flag Books: Reading Age 10+                                18
                                                                                                 The O’Brien Press Ltd
Green Flag Books: Reading Age 12+                               31                               12 Terenure Road East
                                                                                               Dublin 6, D06 HD27, Ireland
Leabhair Ghaeilge                                               35
                                                                                                  Tel: +353 1 4923333
Title Index                                                     38                                Fax: +353 1 4922777
Trade Representation & Rights Agents                            39                                 Website:

About The O’Brien Press
Founded in 1974, The O’Brien Press is Ireland’s leading independent publish-
er of books for readers big and small. We are family-owned and committed to
putting the best writing and illustration in to the hands of readers everywhere.
Our books for children have won many awards and been translated into many
languages. has loads of information about all of our titles (and previews of
most of them), information on international rights sold, sales and distribution,
our authors and more.
                                                                                                            The front cover image is has hundreds of classroom resources available for free                                from Croke Park Mice: The
download.                                                                                                   Missing Referee by Ruth &
                                                                                                            Triona Croke, illustrated by
Our books are available from, and wherever good books are sold.
                                                                                                            Audrey Dowling. See page 4.
                                                    A GUIDE TO READING LEVELS
                                   Using O’Brien flags to select books for your home or classroom
                                          Republic of Ireland            Northern Ireland and Scotland     England and Wales
                 Black flag               Usable throughout the          Usable throughout the school      Usable throughout the
                 Picture books            school (but especially         (but especially Year 1 [P1])      school (but especially
                                          Junior Infants)                                                  Reception)
                 Purple flag              First Class (also Senior       Year 2 [P2]. Key Stage 1          Year 1. Key Stage 1
                 Reading level 5+         Infants, Second Class)
                 Yellow flag              Second Class (also             Year 3 [P3]. Key Stage 1          Year 2. Key Stage 1
                 Reading level 6+         First Class, Third Class)
                 Red flag                 Third Class, Fourth Class      Year 4, Year 5 [P4, P5].          Year 3, Year 4.
                 Reading level 8+                                        Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2         Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2
                 Blue flag                Fifth Class, Sixth Class       Year 6, Year 7 [P6, P7].          Year 5, Year 6. Key Stage 2
                 Reading level 10+                                       Key Stage 2
                 Green Flag               First Year, Second Year        Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 (sec-     Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 (sec-
                 Reading level 12+        (second-level schools)         ondary school). Key Stage 3       ondary school). Key Stage 3
                 Young Adult              Older and more confident       Older and more confident          Older and more confident
                                          readers                        readers                           readers
This is a general guide to reading levels. It will help you to choose suitable books for children and their abilities.
As children start school at different ages under the various educational systems listed here, and also begin formal reading at different
stages, this suggested guide to suitability for various ages differs for each system.
Children's catalogue - - The O'Brien Press
Black Flag: Picture Books
     My First Book of Irish Vehicles                         The Great Big Book of Irish
     My First Book of GAA                                    Wildlife Through the Seasons
     My First Book of Irish Wildlife                         By Juanita Browne, Illus. Barry Reynolds
                                                             Track nature through the seasons in Ireland
     My First Book of Ireland                                and explore nature in your back garden as well
     Four great board books, full of the Irish way of
                                                             as weird and wonderful natural phenomena,
     life! Bright, colourful pages with photographs of
                                                             such as metamorphosis from Tadpole to Frog
     all the things that make Ireland special.!
                                                             or a starling flock in winter.
     ISBN Vehicles 978-1-78849-126-6
                                                             Literacy Association of Ireland Award Winner
     GAA 978-1-78849-063-4
                                                             ISBN 978-1-84717-915-9
     Wildlife 978-1-78849-165-5
     Ireland: 978-1-78849-188-4
                                                             285x225 mm/80 pages
     €8.99/£7.99/Board book
     160x160 mm/18 pages                                     Let's See Ireland!
                                                             By Sarah Bowie
                                                             Follow Molly's journey around the country. Will
                                                             Mipsy the cat miss her too much while she’s
                                                             gone? A gorgeous picture book for all ages.
                                                             ISBN 978-1-84717-731-5
                                                             261x215 mm/32 pages
     Where's Larry?                                          ISBN 978-1-78849-132-7
     By Philip BarrettI
                                                             €9.99/£8.99 Paperback
     Can you find Larry the Leprechaun in New-
     grange, at The Rock of Cashel and in Dublin's           We're Going to the Zoo!
     St Patrick's Day Parade! It won't be easy: he is        By Sarah Bowie
     the middle of Irish dancers, traditional musi-          Kitty’s excited to be going to the zoo. Her big
     cians, climbers, tourists and many others.              sister Clara thinks it will be boring! But when
     ISBN 978-1-84717-276-1                                  they get there, there’s so much going on!
     €9.99/£8.99/Paperback                                   Follow the sisters as they meet the cheeky
     300x216 mm/32 pages                                     giraffe, the swimming tiger and lots, lots more.
                                                             ISBN 978-1-84717-949-4
     Where's Larry This Time?                                €12.99/£11.99/Hardback
     Larry is hiding again: in Belfast, the Skelligs
                                                             261x215 mm/32 pages
     and viking Dublin! Great family fun.
     ISBN 978-1-84717-745-2                                  P is for Poetry
     €9.99/£8.99/Paperback                                   Poems from Irish Poets
     300x216 mm/32 pages                                     Compiled by Seamus Cashman, Illus. Corrina
                                                             Askin, Alan Clarke, Emma Byrne
     Where's Larry? Colouring Book
                                                             Selected new Irish children’s poetry in a beauti-
     Follow Larry the Leprechaun around Ireland,
                                                             ful, fully -illustrated book.
     and see if you can find him in Newgrange, at
                                                             ISBN 978-1-78849-178-5
     the Cliffs of Moher and in Dublin's St Patrick's
     Day Parade. Find Larry as you colour!
                                                             235x195 mm/64 pages
     ISBN 978-1-78849-007-8
     €7.99/£7.50/Paperback                                   A Dublin Fairytale
     300x216 mm/32 pages                                     By Nicola Colton
                                                             Once upon a time there was a little Dublin girl
     Take the Lead How to Look After
                                                             called Fiona. The city is full of colourful char-
     Your Dog – A Fun & Practical Guide
                                                             acters and creatures from the fairytale realm.
     By Elena Browne, Illus. Jennifer Farley
                                                             Often not seen or heard, they reside in some of
     From exercise and play to comfort and care
                                                             Dublin’s most famous locations and landmarks!
     this book is an ideal guide for children who
                                                             ISBN 978-1-84717-774-2
     already have a dog, would like a dog or love
     learning about dogs.
                                                             ISBN 978-1-78849-131-0
     ISBN 978-1-78849-081-8
                                                             260x215 mm/32 pages
     224x167 mm/48 pages
                                                         3                        Black flag: Picture Books
Children's catalogue - - The O'Brien Press
NEW                                                         The Missing Referee                                                                                            Wee Donkey’s Treasure Hunt
                                                            Croke Park Mice                                                                                                An Adventure All Around Ireland
                                                            By Ruth & Triona Croke, Illus. Audrey Dowling                                                                  By Erika McGann, Illus. Gerry Daly
                                                            A GAA picture book for children by Ruth and                                                                    Wee Donkey travels Ireland trying to find the
                                                            Triona Croke, charmingly illustrated by Audrey                                                                 perfect souvenir for her Grandad.
                                                            Dowling.                                                                                                       ISBN 978-1-78849-180-8
                                                            ISBN 978-1-78849-055-9                                                                                         €12.99/£11.99/Hardback
                                                            €12.99/£11.99/Hardback                                                                                         260x215 mm/32 pages
                                                            260x215 mm/32 pages
                                                            Where Are You, Puffling?                                                                                       Finn’s First Song
                                                            An IrishAdventure                                                                                              A Whaley Big Adventure
                                                            By Gerry Daly & Erika McGann                                                                                   By Gerry Daly
                                                            A puffling has gone in search of adventure –                                                                   Squeeeak ... Thwop ... Thwop ... Dwoooooerr-
                                                            now her parents can’t find her anywhere!                                                                       rp! Dad sings his magical whale songs to Mum
                                                            Can the animals of Skellig help them find their                                                                and baby Finn, far, far away across the huge
                                                            little puffling?                                                                                               ocean. When Finn gets lost, can the other sea
                                                            ISBN 978-1-78849-050-4                                                                                         creatures help him to send his own message?
                                                            €12.99/£11.99/Hardback                                                                                         ISBN 978-1-78849-191-4
                                                            215x260 mm/32 pages                                                                                            €12.99/£11.99/Hardback
                                                            ISBN 978-1-78849-145-7                                                                                         260x215 mm/32 pages
                                                            €9.99/£8.99/Paperback                                                 NEW
                                                            ISBN 978-1-78849-187-7
                                                                                                                                                                           The Vanishing Lake
                                                                                                                                                                           By Paddy Donnelly
                                                            €9.99/£8.99/Paperback: Irish language,
                                                                                                                                                                           Meara’s Granddad lives by the mysterious lake
                                                            translated by Muireann ní Chíobháin
                                                                                                                                                                           of Loughareema. Some days it’s full and shim-
NEW EDIT                                                    A brand new board book edition for young                                                                       mering, and some days it’s completely empty!
                                                            readers!                                                                                                       Grandad has plenty of stories about why it
                                                            ISBN 978-1-78849-323-9                                                                                         vanishes. Is it mermaids? Narwhals? Giants?
                                                            €8.99/£7.99/Board book                                                                                         Meara doesn’t believe any of these stories,
                                                            160x160 mm/18 pages                                                                                            but with a little imagination she may eventually
                                                                                                                                                                           discover the ‘real’ reason ...
                                                                                                                                                                           ISBN 978-1-78849-329-1
                                                            Where Are You, Puffling?                                                                                       €9.99/£8.99/Paperback
                                                            Colouring Book                                                                                                 258x205 mm/32 pages
                                                            By Gerry Daly
                                                            A brand new colouring book for fans of Where
                                                            Are You, Puffling? Gorgeous black and white                                                                 “Mu s t h
                                                                                                                                                                                  ave b e en
                                                                                                                                                                                              t h e sh e ep t hi
                                                                                                                                                                                    ’s h ot a nd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 s t i m e. T h ey go s wim m i ng
                                                                                                                                                                                                   t h ei r wool s o
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a k s up a l l t h e wat er.”
                                                                                                                                                                          w h en i t

                                                            illustrations from the original picture book for
                                                            children to colour in. A perfect gift!
                                                            ISBN 978-1-78849-234-8
                                                            €5.99/£4.99/Paperback                                                                                                                                                                     “That can’t be true, Grandad. Sheep can’t swim,” said Meara.

                                                            260x215 mm/32 pages                                                                                                                                                                       “How would you know?” he replied.

                                                            Puffling and the Egg
                                                            By Gerry Daly, By Erika McGann                                              The Vanishing Lake - OBP Paperback.indd 12-13                                                                                                                                11/01/2022 15:21:11

                                                            When Puffling finds a lost egg on Skellig Mi-                         NEW                                      Chop, Cook, Yum!
                                                            chael, she sets off on a brand new adventure
                                                                                                                                                                           Recipes from the Cool Food School
                                                            to return the egg to its nest!
                                                                                                                                                                           By Deirdre Doyle, Photos Joanne Murphy
                                                            ISBN 978-1-78849-248-5
                                                                                                                                                                           Help children young and not so young make
                                                                                                                                                                           their own breakfasts, lunches and dinners:
                                                            260x215 mm/32 pages
                                                                                                                                                                           safely, and with yumminess guaranteed.
      She spotted the egg in an octopus’s tentacles.
      ‘This is my new favourite stone,’ the octopus said.
      ‘It’s so smooth and round I might keep it forever.’
                                                                   ‘That’s not a stone!’ said the puffling.
                                                                   ‘It’s an egg, and I must get it back to its nest.’
                                                                                 ‘Oh dear,’ said the octopus. ‘Then I’ll
                                                                                                                                                                           From Morning Munchies to Yummy Dinners,
                                                                                 wrap it up tightly, with neat, tidy bows.’
                                                                                                                                                                           Snackalious quick bites to Lunchbox Fill-
                                                                                                                                                                           ers, packed with over fifty tried-and-tested,
                                                                                                                                                                           easy-to-follow recipes. Cooking is a pizza cake
                                                                                                                                                                           with this uniquely Irish cookbook for kids!
                                                                                                                                                                           ISBN 978-1-78849-274-4
                                     20                                                        21
                                                                                                                                                                           242x180 mm/128 pages
Black flag: Picture Books                                                                                                     4
Children's catalogue - - The O'Brien Press
Irish Farm Animals                                             The Sleeping Giant
By Glyn Evans & Bex Sheridan                                   By Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick
A fun family adventure to meet Ireland’s                       Off the coast of Ireland there lies an island. It
farm animals! From cows, sheep, donkeys,                       looks just like a giant sleeping in the sea.
goats and chickens to a whole range of more                    But what if it really is a giant – and what if, one
unusual animals, such as alpacas, rhea and                     day, the sleeping giant wakes up?
rare-breed pigs. Discover fascinating facts                    ISBN 978-1-78849-089-4
about everyday life on the farm.                               €9.99/£8.99/Paperback
ISBN 978-1-78849-121-1                                         275x210 mm/32 pages
261x215 mm/48 pages
                                                               The Day Henry Met ... a dog
                                                               By Gilly
Scout’s Best Day Ever!                                         One day Henry meets a dog. Dog is sad
A Doggy Adventure Around Ireland                               because she doesn’t have a best friend. This
By Jennifer Farley                                             gives Henry a great idea! Join Henry and Dog
Scout sends Cat a series of postcards all about                as they embark on their adventures to find a
his travels around Ireland. But which will be the              best friend for Dog! Maybe, they don't need to
BEST. DAY. EVER?                                               look that far.
ISBN 978-1-78849-174-7                                         ISBN 978-1-84717-999-9
€12.99/£11.99/Hardback                                         €8.99/£7.99/Paperback
260x215 mm/32 pages                                            256x205 mm/32 pages
                                                               Ulster Fairytales and Legends
Island of Adventures                                           By Peter & Nicola Heaney, Illus. Conor Busuttil
Fun things to do all around Ireland                            Evocatively illustrated by Conor Busuttil, this
By Jennifer Farley                                             collection of myths from Ireland’s northern
Ireland is full of adventures! Fun and ex-                     province will enthrall readers young and old.
citement wait around every corner – surf an                    ISBN 978-1-78849-217-1
Atlantic wave, go horse-trekking through the                   €14.99/£12.99/Hardback
wilderness or dance to Irish music.                            280x220 mm/64 pages
ISBN 978-1-84717-971-5                                   NEW   Our Big Day
€16.99/£14.99/Hardback                                         By Bob Johnston, Illus. Michael Emberley
280x220 mm/48 pages                                            This fun and engaging picture book is a
Socks for Mr Wolf                                              celebration of love, family and weddings and is
A Woolly Adventure Around Ireland                              a gentle introduction for children to the idea of
By Tatyana Feeney                                              same-sex partnerships and marriage equality.
Mr Wolf loves looking good. Mr Wolf loves to                   ISBN 978-1-78849-314-7
dance. But more than anything in the world Mr                  €12.99/£11.99/Hardback
Wolf loves his beautiful socks. Until one day, a               260x215 mm/32 pages
hole appears in one … WHAT can he do?                          Eggcorns
ISBN 978-1-84717-906-7                                         From Bumbum Bees to Jellycopters
€14.99/£13.99/Hardback                                         By Chris Judge
261x215 mm/32 pages                                            Have you ever seen a Bumbum bee, or an Ele-
Eva and the Perfect Rain                                       lamp? Does your pet wear Doggles? These are
A Rainy Irish Tale                                             all Eggcorns, where a child’s mispronunciation
By Tatyana Feeney                                              can add a whole other level of meaning!
Eva spends the day searching and hoping for                    Illustrator Chris Judge has brought his bizarre
the perfect umbrella rain that’s not too windy,                sense of humour to imagine them for us all.
too thundery or too drizzly. Finally, she finds it             ISBN 978-1-78849-192-1
in a sun shower and a rainbow shines making                    €9.99/£8.99/Hardback
it the most perfect rain of all.                               160x160 mm/48 pages
Embrace rainy Ireland with Eva in this beautiful
and delightful picture book!
ISBN 978-1-78849-288-1
261x215 mm/32 pages

                                                     5                               Black flag: Picture Books
Children's catalogue - - The O'Brien Press
Brian and the Vikings                                    Dublin
                 By Chris Judge & Mark Wickham                            My Ireland Activity Book
                 When the dangerous Vikings arrive it's up                By Natasha Mac a’Bháird, Illus. Alan Nolan
                 to Brian to save the day with the help of his            A bright and fun-filled activity book. Puzzles,
                 friends and his cleverest invention yet.                 games, colouring, stories and tons of facts.
                 ISBN 978-1-84717-687-5                                   ISBN 978-1-84717-892-3
                 Brian and the Giant                                      270x215 mm/24 pages
                 Strange things are happening in Brian’s village                          The Wild Atlantic Way
                 – horrible smells, no water in the river – and                           My Ireland Activity Book
                 Brian wants to find out why.                                             ISBN 978-1-84717-834-3
                 ISBN 978-1-84717-773-5                                                   Cliffs of Moher and the
                 Both titles €8.99/£7.99/Paperback                                        Burren
                 220x280 mm/32 pages                                                      My Ireland Activity Book
                                                                                          ISBN 978-1-84717-770-4
                 The O'Brien Book of Irish Fairy
                 Tales and Legends                                        The Pooka Party
                 By Una Leavy, Illus. Susan Field                         By Shona Shirley Macdonald
                 Irish fairy tales and legends are full of enchant-       A madcap tale of what to do if you feel sad and
                 ment, brave deeds and lost loves. Told from              lonely, starring one shapeshifting hero with
                 generation to generation, they are as fascinat-          some musical monsters, flying cakes and a
                 ing now as they were to their original listeners.        guest appearance by the Moon.
                 With stunning illustrations to draw the reader           ISBN 978-1-78849-277-5
                 back to a time of heroes and myth.                       €9.99/£8.99/Paperback
                 ISBN 978-1-84717-313-3                                   280x220 mm/32 pages
                 265x205 mm/96 pages                                      The Night-time Cat and the Plump,
                 Magical Celtic Tales                                     Grey Mouse
                 By Una Leavy, Illus. Fergal O'Connor                     A Trinity College Tale
                 Magical Celtic Tales is a collection of ten won-         By Erika McGann, Illus. Lauren O’Neill
                 derful stories - some well known, others almost          Follow Pangur Bán as she searches Trinity
                 forgotten - from Brittany, Cornwall, Ireland, The        College for the plump grey mouse. Along the
                 Isle of Man, Scotland and Wales.                         way she meets Oscar Wilde, Count Dracula
                 ISBN 978-1-84717-546-5                                   and others. Will Pangur Bán get her prize or
                 €14.99/£13.99/Hardback                                   will the mischievous mouse evade capture?
                 265x205 mm/96 pages                                      ISBN 978-1-84717-945-6
                 The Children of Lir                                      260x215 mm/32 pages
                 Ireland’s Favourite Legend
                 By Laura Ruth Maher, Illus. Conor Busuttil
                                                                          Ancient Ireland Colouring Book
                 This charming rhyming story tells the legend             From Newgrange to the Vikings
                 of The Children of Lir, who were turned into             By Conor McHale
                 swans by their wicked stepmother and forced              Choose to colour from over sixty drawings of
                 to wander across Ireland for 900 years.                  famous ancient Irish people and landmarks,
                 ISBN 978-1-78849-106-8                                   historic battles, figures from mythology.
                 €14.99/£13.99/Hardback                                   ISBN 978-1-84717-629-5
                 261x216 mm/32 pages                                      €6.99/£6.50/Paperback
                                                                          297x210 mm/32 pages
                 Reindeer Down!
                 An Irish Christmas Tale
                                                                          A Rosette for Maeve?
                                                                          By Anna McQuinn, Illus. Paul Young
                 By Natasha Mac a’Bháird, Illus. Audrey Dowling
                                                                          Join Lisa as she prepares her calf Maeve to
                 Santa’s sleigh is flying over Ireland, delivering
                                                                          compete at the local agricultural show with, and
                 presents to all the boys and girls. But then
                                                                          find out how she does!
                 Dancer hurts her leg and can’t pull the sleigh.
                                                                          ISBN 978-1-84717-340-9
                 ISBN 978-1-78849-273-7
                                                                          €7.99/£7.50/Paperback/190x240 mm/32 pages
                 256x205 mm/32 pages

Black flag: Picture Books                                             6
Children's catalogue - - The O'Brien Press
Aim High                                                My Book of Kells Colouring Book
      Irish sports stars, trailblazers and                    Illus. Eoin O’Brien, David Rooney
      mavericks                                               The Book of Kells is one of the world’s most
      By Donny Mahoney, Illus. Eoin Coveney                   famous illuminated manuscripts. Now you
      Meet the Irish men & women who topped the               can colour it in yourself, with this selection of
      Sporting world. From heavyweight boxing                 pictures big and small from this beautiful book.
      champion Dan Donnelly to our greatest runner,           ISBN 978-1-84717-274-7
      Sonia O’Sullivan. From Brian O’Driscoll’s               €6.99/£6.50/Paperback
      amazing rugby performances to Rosemary                  297x210 mm/32 pages
      Smyth’s rally driving brilliance. Inspiring words       Flossie McFluff
      and pictures for children of all ages.                  An Irish Fairy
      ISBN 978-1-78849-208-9                                  By Eoin O’Brien, Illus. Audrey Dowling
      €16.99/£14.99/Hardback                                  Three stories in rhyme about little fairy Flossie
      242x180 mm/64 pages                                     McFluff. Flossie may be tiny and shiny, but she
      Best-Loved Irish Legends                                is tough and smart, whether it’s helping to deal
      By Eithne Massey, Illus. Lisa Jackson                   with litter louts in her precious forest, or helping
      Simple retellings of some of Ireland’s greatest         a leprechaun to find his missing gold. Beauti-
      legends, brightly illustrated.                          fully and magically illustrated.
      ISBN 978-1-78849-030-6                                  ISBN 978-1-78849-218-8
      €12.99/£11.99/Paperback                                 €8.99/£7.99/Paperback
      280x220 mm/64 pages                                     256x205 mm/32 pages
      Mini hardback ed./€4.99/£4.99/149x114 mm                Bright Sparks
      English language: ISBN 978-1-84717-237-2
                                                              Amazing Discoveries, Inventions and
      French language: ISBN 978-1-84717-357-7
      German language: ISBN 978-1-84717-358-4
                                                              Designs by Women
                                                              By Owen O'Doherty
      Italian language: ISBN 978-1-78849-024-5
                                                              Fifty extraordinary discoveries, inventions and
      Spanish language: ISBN 978-1-84717-924-1
                                                              designs by inspirational women from around
      Irish Legends: Newgrange, Tara &                        the world. Learn learn how inventions happen
      the Boyne Valley                                        from this beautifully illustrated guide.
      By Eithne Massey, Illus. Lisa Jackson                   Literacy Association of Ireland Award Winner
      Legends from the heart of ancient Ireland, with         ISBN 978-1-78849-054-2
      'The Origin of the Boyne', 'The Foster-child of         €14.99/£13.99/Hardback/
      Aonghus' and 'The Salmon of Knowledge'.                 197x260 mm/48 pages
      ISBN 978-1-84717-683-7                                  The Story of Croke Park
      €9.99/£8.99/Hardback                                    By Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh, Illus. Graham
      280x220 mm/64 pages                                     Corcoran
NEW   Murphy’s Law                                            Gaelic sports icon Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh
      By Muireann ní Chíobháin, Illus. Paul Nugent            shares his lifelong passion for the GAA with
      A picture book for young readers about an               young readers, as he guides them through its
      accident-prone dog whose tail is always getting         history, and its most iconic stadium.
      him in trouble.                                         ISBN 978-1-78849-206-5
      ISBN 978-1-78849-292-8                                  €16.99/£15.99/Hardback
      €12.99/£11.99/Hardback                                  280x220 mm/48 pages
      260x215 mm/32 pages                                     Shooting for the Stars: My Journey
      The Story of Ireland                                    to Become Ireland’s First Astronaut
      By Brendan O’Brien, Illus. Cartoon Saloon               By Norah Patten, Illus. Jennifer Farley
      An award-winning, spectacular tour of Ireland’s         Travel high into space and learn about space
      history, from the ice age to the present day.           travel, astronaut training & life without gravity.
      Beautifully illustrated and a great read.               Irish Book Awards Winner: Irish Children’s
      96 pages                                                Book of the Year (Senior)
      ISBN 978-0-86278-881-0                                  ISBN 978-1-78849-100-6
      €19.99/£17.99/Hardback/285x225 mm                       €16.99/£14.99/Hardback
      ISBN 978-1-84717-184-9                                  242x180 mm/44 pages
      €9.99/£8.99/Hardback (mini)/210x148 mm
      ISBN 978-1-78849-149-5
      €12.99/£11.99/Paperback /250x197 mm
                                                          7                         Black flag: Picture Books
Children's catalogue - - The O'Brien Press
My Ireland Counting Book                                               A Galway Fairytale
                    Illus. Eoin Ryan                                                       By Caitriona Sweeney
                    One Stone Castle.... Two Irish Wolfhounds ...                          Fans of A Dublin Fairytale will be enchanted
                    Add some Hurleys, Thatched Cottages, Tin                               by this modern take on the Hansel and Gretel
                    Whistles, Bodhráns, Connemara Ponies and                               fairytale set in modern-day Galway.
                    Irish Dancers for lots of counting fun!                                ISBN 978-1-78849-224-9
                    ISBN 978-1-84717-931-9                                                 €12.99/£11.99/Hardback
                    €7.99/£7.50/Paperback                                                  260x215 mm/32 pages
                    215x270 mm/32 pages
                                                                          IRISH LAN
                                                                                           Síscéal ó Ghaillimh
NEW PAP             My Little Album of Dublin                                              Irish language edition, translated by Marcus
                    An English / Irish Wordbook                                            Mac Conghail
                    By Juliette Saumande, Illus. Tarsila Krüse                             ISBN 978-1-78849-272-0
                    Takes the youngest of readers on a fun filled
                    tour of the Fair City. Along the way, they will
                    build up their vocabulary in English and Irish.
                    ISBN 978-1-78849-348-2                                                 Gulliver
                    €11.99/£11.99/Paperback                                                By Jonathan Swift, Retold by Mary
                    261x215 mm/32 pages                                                    Webb, Illus. Lauren O'Neill
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 NOW IN IR                                                                                 whistle, the sound is sweeter than the sweetest
                    An tUan Beag Dubh ó Chonamara
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                    ISBN 978-1-78849-143-3                                                 252x193 mm/80 pages
                    260x215 mm/32 pages

  Black flag: Picture Books                                           8
Children's catalogue - - The O'Brien Press
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                                                                               Fantastic Facts About Your Favourite
Inspiring Irish Lives                                                          Animals
             Blazing a Trail                                                   With Alan Nolan
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             Illus. Lauren O’Neill                                             to children, illustrated with black & white animal
             Salute the remarkable Irish women who                             art/doodles, activities and quiz pages – interac-
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             From adventurers and inventors to presidents.                     ISBN 978-1-78849-065-8
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             ISBN 978-1-78849-004-7
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                                                                               A funny, warm picture book set in Dublin,
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                                                                               home to Dracula’s creator, Bram Stoker.
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                                                                               ISBN 978-1-78849-119-8
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             242x180 mm/64 pages
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             ISBN 978-1-78849-151-8
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Children's catalogue - - The O'Brien Press
Purple Flag     nd a s The perfect way to introduce the beginner reader to
              p aBooks:                        All titles 196x130mm, 64 pages, B&W, €6.99/£6.50, paperback

  Reading    Age
   for Beginner    5+ the
                Readers        wonderful world of books. Exciting stories with lots
                         of illustration and simple text.

                 Muckeen the Pig               Amy's Wonderful                             Katie's
                 By Fergus Lyons               Nest                                        Caterpillars
                 Muckeen loves being           By Gordon Snell,                            By Stephanie Dagg,
                 dirty and muddy. And he       Illus. Fergus Lyons                         Illus. Stephen Hall
                 loves his food. But when      Amy, a little robin, is                     Katie just loves her pet
                 he is taken to market         alone and has to fend                       caterpillars. Then she
                 Muckeen does not like it      for herself. She decides                    goes on holiday and can't
                 at all!                       to build a nest, but she                    wait to greet them on her
                 Panda 1                       doesn't know how!                           return. To her dismay
                 ISBN 978-0-86278-528-4        Panda 5                                     they have changed! Who
                 No Shoes for Tom              ISBN 978-0-86278-530-7                      wants silly old butterflies
                 By Una Leavy,                                                             as pets? Not our Katie …
                                               The Little Black                            Panda 9
                 Illus. Margaret Suggs
                 Tom just HATES wearing
                                               Sheep                                       ISBN 978-0-86278-572-7
                                               By Elizabeth Shaw
                 shoes! He has such fun                                                    Katie's Cake
                                               This charming book tells
                 with his bare toes. But                                                   By Stephanie Dagg,
                                               the adventures of an
                 then the snow comes …                                                     Illus. Stephen Hall
                                               outcast little black sheep:
                 Panda 2                                                                   Katie finds that it's not
                                               how he saved the whole
                 ISBN 978-0-86278-526-0                                                    easy to replace icing
                                               flock in a snowstorm, put
                                               Polo the bossy sheepdog                     once you've licked it all
                 Ribbit, Ribbit                in his place - and gave                     off the cake.
                 By Anne Marie Herron,         the shepherd a great                        Panda 12
                 Illus. Stephen Hall           idea!                                       ISBN 978-0-86278-617-5
                 Freddy loves being a          Panda 6                                     #
                 frog! 'Ribbit, ribbit,' he    ISBN 978-0-86278-463-8                      Granny Makes a
                 says when anyone talks
                 to him. It's great fun for
                                               A Garden for Tom                            Mess
                                               By Una Leavy,                               By Brianóg Brady
                 a while, then everyone
                                               Illus. Margaret Suggs                       Dawson, Illus. Michael
                 gets tired of Freddy and
                                               Tom would love to have                      Connor
                 his antics. But he will not
                                               his very own garden and                     Why does everyone
                 give it up. He is a frog
                                               Dad arranges it for him.                    blame Danny for the
                 and he will stay a frog.
                                               But Tom is impatient.                       mess, when Granny did
                 Until Polly comes up with
                                               Things are not growing                      it? Panda 13
                 a good idea … Panda 3
                                               fast enough for him …                       ISBN 978-0-86278-612-0
                 ISBN 978-0-86278-527-7
                                               Panda 7
                 Fireman Sinead                ISBN 978-0-86278-568-0
                 By Anna Donovan,
                                               Sinead the Dancer                           Barry's New Bed
                 Illus. Susan Cooper                                                       By Una Leavy,
                                               By Anna Donovan,
                 Sinead has decided what                                                   Illus. Moira McNamara
                                               Illus. Susan Cooper
                 she will be when she's                                                    Your first real bed is a big
                                               Sinead wants to learn
                 big – a fireman. There                                                    adventure – but a little
                                               dancing, but what type?
                 are no women fireman                                                      scary too! Panda 14
                                               Irish dancing? Ballet?
                 everyone tells her, but                                                   ISBN 978-0-86278-644-1
                                               Sinead just doesn't fit
                 Sinead doesn't listen …
                                               in. What can she do?
                 Panda 4
                                               Panda 8
                 ISBN 978-0-86278-529-1
                                               ISBN 978-0-86278-571-0

Purple flag books: Reading Age 5+               10
Danny's Sick Trick           Ducks in Trouble                         Muckeen and the
By Brianóg Brady             By Patrice Aggs,                         UFO
Dawson, Illus. Michael       Illus. Patrice Aggs                      By Fergus Lyons
Connor                       On the farm, some very                   A big silver spaceship
Danny hates Auntie           strange noises are keep-                 beams Muckeen up into
Bessie's dinners so          ing the farmer awake!                    the sky! Panda 28
much that he decides to      Pandad 20                                ISBN 978-0-86278-832-2
get sick so that he won't    ISBN 978-1-84717-154-2
have to visit her! Another
hilarious Danny story.
Panda 15
                             Bad Hair Day
                             By Catherine Doolan,                     Helpful Hannah
ISBN 978-0-86278-689-2
                             Illus. Maeve Kelly                       By Marie Burlington
Spotty Sally                 Finn is trying desperately               Hannah is amazing.She
By Anne Marie Herron,        to be cool, but nothing                  can fix anything. Granny
Illus. Stephen Hall          works. Until he tackles                  would prefer her to knit
Sally ADORES spots and       his hair...Panda 22                      and sew and cook.
dots and she'll never,       ISBN 978-0-86278-748-6                   But Granny is in for a
ever get tired of them! Or                                            surprise one stormy,
will she? Panda 16
ISBN 978-0-86278-640-3
                             Conor's Cowboy                           snowy morning...
                                                                      Panda 29
                             Suit                                     ISBN 978-0-86278-837-7
                             By Gillian Perdue,
Danny and Baby               Illus. Michael Connor                    Shoestring Soup
Do It All                    When Conor's parents                     By Fergus Lyons
By Brianóg Brady             give him a present of a                  The poor man is TIRED
Dawson, Illus. Michael       cowboy suit he wants to                  of shoestring soup. He
Connor                       wear it all the time - even              tries eating a cookery-
Why does Danny Brown         to school! Panda 23                      book sandwich -- yuck!
want his baby sister         ISBN 978-0-86278-778-3                   He even tries being a
Susie's Baby Do-it-all?                                               duck -- Quack Quack!
It can only mean more
                             The Big Brother                          -- to get some nice crusts
                             By Stephanie Dagg,
TROUBLE for poor Dan-                                                 of bread. But nothing
                             Illus. Alan Clarke
ny! Panda 17                                                          works. What can he do?
                             Dara will soon be a big
ISBN 978-0-86278-690-8                                                Panda 30
                             brother! But what does a
                                                                      ISBN 978-0-86278-871-1
Snip Snip!                   big brother do for a little
By Creina Mansfield,         baby?Panda 24                            Tina and the
Illus. Maeve Kelly           ISBN 978-0-86278-779-0                   Tooth Fairy
Erin loves to cut things                                              By Gordon Snell,
with her scissors, but
cutting things can cause
                             Conor's Concert                          Illus. Peter Blodau
                             By Gillian Perdue,                       Tina is always in trouble!
lots of trouble. Panda 18                                             And the tooth fairy? She
                             Illus. Michael Connor
ISBN 978-0-86278-722-6                                                is never in trouble. Oh
                             Conor is learning the
                             piano. He makes up his                   dear! How will these
                             own very special music.                  two get on? Can they
My Dog Lively                But will it do for the                   ever have fun together?
By Patrick Deeley,           concert?                                 Panda 31
Illus. Martin Fagan          Panda 26                                 ISBN 978-0-86278-601-4
Jenny finally gets the       ISBN 978-0-86278-847-6                   Lighthouse Joey
puppy she has always
longed for, but she soon
                             Strawberry Squirt                        By Marie Burlington
                             By Patrice Aggs                          Lighthouse Joey and his
realises that pets can be                                             friend Danny find a pair
                             Strawberry Squirt is
a lot of hard work. Panda                                             of strange boots. Could
                             a great game, but the
19                                                                    they belong to the old
                             rabbits don't want Short
ISBN 978-0-86278-723-3                                                pirate Jumping Jack?
                             Legs to play.Panda 27
                             ISBN 978-0-86278-805-6                   Panda 33
                                                                      ISBN 978-0-86278-945-9

                                        11                 Purple flag books: Reading Age 5+
Pageboy Danny                                         Where's Murphy?                                 Emma the
                    By Brianóg Brady                                      By Anna Donovan,                                Penguin
                    Dawson, Illus. Michael                                Illus. Tatyana Feeney                           By Sarah Webb,
                    Connor                                                Murphy is Rory’s best                           Illus. Anne O'Hara
                    Uncle Ted is getting                                  friend.                                         Emma has to be a pen-
                    married and Danny will                                Every day they play                             guin in the school play,
                    play a special part at the                            together.                                       but she is NOT happy
                    wedding. But, as usual,                               But one day Rory cannot                         about it.
                    Danny has other ideas...                              find Murphy ... Panda 36                        Panda 38
                    Panda 34                                              ISBN 978-1-84717-081-1                          ISBN 978-1-84717-195-5
                    ISBN 978-0-86278-950-3
                                                                          Danny's Crazy                                   Muckeen and the
                    Conor's Canvas                                        Christmas
                    By Gillian Perdue,
                                                                                                                          Big Freeze
                                                                          By Brianóg Brady                                By Fergus Lyons,
                    Illus. Michael Connor                                 Dawson, Illus. Michael                          It's snowing and Muck-
                    Conor’s class are all                                 Connor                                          een is looking forward
                    painting special pictures                             Danny decides to                                to lots of fun! But - Oh! -
                    for a show. Will Conor's                              dispose of some unwant-                         trapped in his shed, he is
                    painting be chosen to                                 ed presents in order to                         not happy at all.
                    hang in a real gallery?                               make room for more of                           Panda 39
                    Panda 35                                              his own, with hilarious                         ISBN 978-1-84717-243-3
                    ISBN 978-1-84717-875-6                                consequences...
                                                                          Panda 37
                                                                          ISBN 978-1-84717-124-5

A new look for Danny Brown: full colour
throughout, with speech bubbles for
added fun!
All titles by Brianóg Brady Dawson, Illus. Michael Connor
196x130 mm/64 pages

                    Danny Brown and the Talking                                                      Danny Brown and the Big
                    Teeth                                                                            Surprise
                    Danny Brown is always in trouble.                                                Danny’s back! And he’s in trouble with Gran-
                    Why did he take Granny’s teeth to school?                                        ny - again! This time he has to keep Granny’s
                    Just WHAT was he thinking?                                                       secret until Mum’s birthday, but Danny isn’t
                    Now Mum is cross, teacher is cross,                                              very good at being good. Can he keep the
                    and Granny is VERY cross.                                                        secret without getting into trouble? What do
                    But Danny was only having fun, wasn’t he?                                        you think?
                    ISBN 978-1-84717-879-4                                                           ISBN 978-1-78849-010-8
                    Danny Brown and the Monster                                                      Danny Brown and his Daft Dog
                    Toothbrush                                                                       It’s freezing at the park! Granny has warm
                    Danny hates brushing his teeth, so when he                                       socks. Baby Susie has a warm hat. Poor
                    gets a new toothbrush he wants to get rid of it!                                 Keeno has nothing to keep him warm. Not
                    He tries flushing it down the toilet, burying it in                              to worry... Danny has a plan. What could go
                    the garden and throwing it for Keano, his dog,                                   wrong?
                    but it keeps coming back!                                                        ISBN 978-1-78849-011-5
                    A fun story about a boy who can’t help getting
                    into trouble. Illustrated in colour throughout.
                    ISBN 978-1-84717-880-0

Purple flag books: Reading Age 5+                                          12
Yellow Flag Books: Reading Age 6+
The next step up from Pandas, O’Brien Flyers are first chapter books
for improving readers.
For age 6+, these fun, exciting stories have lots of illustration and
slightly more advanced text.
All titles €6.99/£6.50/Paperback
196x130 mm/64 pages
                    Trouble for Tuffy
                    By Ann Bermingham, Illus. Marie Burlington
                    Mum goes out for the day and Dad is left in
                    charge of twins Katie and Ted. That means               Fishbum and Splat!
                    anything could happen. Tuffy the dog tries to           By Conor McHale
                    keep order. Katie and Ted play at dressing              Fishbum and Splat are two demons whose
                    up. Tuffy knows something BAD is about to               fondest wish is to stargaze. But there is noth-
                    happen. But what can he do?                             ing in Hell except ... broken furniture! A trip to
                    ISBN 978-0-86278-554-3                                  Heaven explains why the furniture is there, and
                    Anna's Secret Granny                                    gives them the chance to collect a star. But
                    By Stephanie Dagg, Illus. Phillip Morrison              can they grab it?
                    Anna doesn’t have a granny. All her friends             ISBN 978-0-86278-735-6
                    have at least one. Grannies buy you treats              Blue, Where Are You?
                    and take you on special trips, so Anna decides          By Wes Magee, Illus. Margaret Suggs
                    to draw a pretend secret granny. Imagine her            Mum, Dad, Josh and Jo are moving to a new
                    surprise when Granny steps out of her picture           house, and of course the family cat, Blue,
                    and comes to life!                                      comes too.
                    ISBN 978-0-86278-686-1                                  But on their first evening in their new home,
                    Jigsaw Stew                                             Blue is nowhere to be found. Josh and Jo
                    By Conor McHale                                         search every inch of the house – they look in
                    Jack MacAnoolie is stuck in a snow storm with           the bedrooms, in the attic, even out in the barn.
                    his little sister. The freezing weather has left        Where is Blue?
                    their family without food. Eating the furniture         ISBN 978-1-84717-009-5
                    keeps them going. But when Jack’s mother                The Little Witch Who Can't Spell
                    makes a stew out of a jigsaw, strange things            By Marie Burlington
                    start to happen. Can Jack save the day?                 Little Willow Witch can’t spell. Her magic spells
                    ISBN 978-0-86278-688-5                                  are all mixed up. Then she finds a wand, a
                    Ed's Bed                                                powerful wizard’s wand.
                    By Eoin Colfer, Illus. Woody Fox                        ‘Oh no!’ meows Spooky her cat, as he runs for
                    Poor Ed Cooper seems to have one problem                cover.
                    after another. Ed is having problems in school,         Little Witch and a powerful wizard’s wand spell
                    he just can’t get his head around his time-ta-          only one thing and that’s … T-R-O-U-B-L-E!
                    bles. At home things are bad too -- Ed has              And Spooky is right.
                    started to wet his bed. What is Ed to do?               A funny and action-packed story with amusing
                    ISBN 978-0-86278-679-3                                  and clever illustrations throughout.
                                                                            ISBN 978-0-86278-982-4

                    Don't Open that Box                                     Mad Grandad's Doppelganger
                    By Conor McHale                                         By Oisín McGann
                    Two boxes -- one large, one small -- arrive             Grandad has lost his car and Lenny is helping
                    for Granny Lambert. But wily Belzoni, her cat,          him to look for it. But Grandad is acting very
                    sees the note printed on the small box that             strange ... even stranger than normal.
                    reads: Don’t Open that Box, Open this one               Lenny has to find out what’s wrong with Gran-
                    first! Unfortunately Granny doesn’t notice the          dad. But that’s not all. Something is following
                    sign and opens the big box. Out jumps a croc-           Lenny and Grandad
                    odile, and snap, snap, snap, Granny is gone.            – and it’s not friendly …
                    And Belzoni is next on the menu ...                     ISBN 978-1-84717-197-9
                    ISBN 978-0-86278-705-9
                                                                       13            Yellow flag books: Reading Age 6+
Mad Grandad                                               A Rather Remarkable
                By Oisín McGann.
                All titles €6.99/£6.50/Paperback                          Grizzly Bear
                196x130 mm/64 pages                                       By Gerry Boland, Illus. Áine McGuinness

                Mad Grandad and the Robot                                 Marco Moves In
                                                                          ‘A grizzly bear walked all the way from the zoo
                                                                          to my front door and not a single person no-
                The new robot gardener looks like a great way
                                                                          ticed him. I suppose it helped that it was night,
                to cut down on boring work: but the robot has
                                                                          and that he was wearing a big black duffle
                other plans!
                                                                          coat.’ Patrick welcomes his unexpected guest
                ISBN 978-1-84717-869-5
                                                                          and keeps him hidden from the neighbours,
                                                                          police and his very distractable mum!
                                                                          ISBN 978-1-84717-229-7
                Mad Grandad and the Flying                                210x142 mm/64 pages
                Lenny and Mad Grandad take their new flying               Marco: Master of Disguise
                saucer for its first flight. Getting into space is        ‘Most of my class class had a pet of some sort.
                easy: getting home alive might be harder!                 But no one I knew had a grizzly bear sleeping
                ISBN 978-1-84717-870-1                                    in their garden shed. Marco wasn’t a pet, of
                                                                          course. He was my friend. My best friend.’
                                                                          Can Patrick stop Marco being sent back to
                                                                          the zoo? An absurd and hilarious tale of real
                                                                          ISBN 978-1-84717-273-0
                                                                          210x142 mm/64 pages
                                                                          Marco: Moonwalker
                                                                          In their latest escapade, Marco Moonwalker,
                                                                          Patrick discovers that Marco can play the
                                                                          trombone, banjo and even dance like Michael
                Mad Grandad and the Mutant
                                                                          Jackson! But disaster strikes when he is spot-
                River                                                     ted without his mask: how will Patrick and Mum
                Lenny goes fishing with his grandad, and he is            get him out of the Zoo again?
                amazed when they drag up a mermaid in her                 ISBN 978-1-84717-301-0
                car! But then they find there is much, much               €7.99/£7.50/Hardback
                worse waiting for them in the deep and dirty              210x142 mm/64 pages
                river ...
                ISBN 978-1-84717-960-9                                    The Lough Neagh Monster
                                                                          By Sam McBratney, Illus. Donald Teskey
                Mad Grandad and the Wicked                                When NESSIE arrives from Scotland to visit
                Pictures                                                  her monster cousin NOBLETT there is bound
                Grandad and Lenny are trying to paint the                 to be trouble.
                living-room. But Grandad's paint is very old              Noblett loves his peaceful secret garden and
                and it's gone all strange. Everything they paint          has little time for his troublesome cousin from
                comes alive. And the pictures are evil …and               Loch Ness.
                very hungry!                                              ISBN 978-0-86278-375-4
                ISBN 978-1-84717-961-6                                    €6.99/£6.50/Paperback
                                                                          196x130 mm/80 pages
                Mad Grandad and the Kleptoes
                Things keep disappearing down the back of
                Grandad's sofa -- who, or what, has taken
                them? When Lenny and Grandad discover the
                Kleptoes and their hideout, things turn nasty.
                ISBN 978-1-78849-046-7

Yellow flag books: Reading Age 6+                                    14
Alfie Green                                              Alfie Green and the Supersonic
By Joe O’Brien, Illus. Jean Texier                       Subway
                                                         When the Emerald Cactus in the Desert of
Alfie Green and the Magical Gift                         Doom explodes, Budsville is covered in spar-
The first book in an enchanting series of ad-
                                                         kling green sand ... Soon the evil Desert Elves
ventures featuring a boy whose life every child
                                                         will arrive on their Scorpion Chariots. How can
will want to have.
                                                         Alfie stop them?
ISBN 978-1-84717-041-5
                                                         ISBN 978-1-84717-592-2
196x30 mm/80 pages
                                                         196x130 mm/80 pages
                                                         Alfie Green and the Chocolate
Alfie Green and a Sink Full of                           Cosmos
Frogs                                                    Budsville’s chocolate fair cancelled? No way,
The second book in an enchanting new series              Alfie decides. Chocolate seeds from Arcania
of adventures featuring a boy whose life every           are the answer, but only if he can survive the
child will want to have.                                 Roaring Rainforest, the vicious Spider Plant
ISBN 978-1-84717-079-8                                   and the Forest Ogre.
€7.99/£7.50/Paperback                                    ISBN 978-1-84717-196-2
196x130 mm/80 pages                                      €7.99/£7.50/Hardback
                                                         177x130 mm/76 pages
Alfie Green and the Bee-Bottle
Gang                                                     The Most Beautiful Letter in the
The third book in an enchanting new series of
adventures featuring a boy whose life every              World
child will want to have.                                 By Karl O'Neill, Illus. Emma Byrne
ISBN 978-1-84717-054-5                                   Poppy finds a mysterious red envelope in the
€7.99/£7.50/Paperback                                    park - where did it come from and who is it for?
196x130 mm/80 pages                                      An extraordinary gift book - as seen on a park
                                                         bench near you!
Alfie Green and the Fly-Trapper                          ISBN 978-1-84717-011-8
Alfie Green is back, this time grappling with a          €9.99/£8.99/Paperback
giant Venus Fly-Trap which threatens to eat              196x140 mm/64 pages
everything in his house.                                 The Leprechaun Who Wished He
ISBN 978-1-84717-072-9                                   Wasn't
€7.99/£7.50/Paperback                                    By Siobhán Parkinson, Illus. Donald Teskey
196x130 mm/80 pages                                      Laurence is a leprechaun who has been small
                                                         for 1100 years and is sick of it! He wants to
                                                         be TALL. He wants to be cool. Then he meet
Alfie Green and the Monkey                               Phoebe, a large girl who wants to be small.
Puzzler                                                  ISBN 978-0-86278-334-1
The circus has come to town. But it's no                 €5.99/£5.50/Paperback
ordinary circus. All the kids from Budsville are         196x130 mm/80 pages
really excited, except for Alfie who suspects all
is not what it seems ...
ISBN 978-1-84717-174-0
196x130 mm/80 pages
Alfie Green and the Conker King
It’s time for the Budsville Primary School
Conker Championship, and Alfie needs to find
a special conker. Alfie Green Book 6
ISBN 978-1-84717-283-9
196x130 mm/80 pages

                                                    15            Yellow flag books: Reading Age 6+
Red Flag Books: Reading Age 8+
                Demon from the Deep End                                Diabolic Downloads
                By James Allison, Illus. Dani Cruz                     By Jim Halligan, Illus. Fabian Erlinghäuser
                When Liam Brodie, his sister Sophie and                We all like to get something for free ... right?
                horror-movie fan Evan are offered a free trip          But some gifts come with strings attached.
                to Spain they jump at the chance. They’re not          ISBN 978-1-84717-065-1
                expecting to star in their own real-life horror        €6.99/£6.50/Paperback
                story…                                                 196x130 mm/80 pages
                ISBN 978-1-84717-134-4
                196x130 mm/80 pages
                                                                       Juliet's Story
                The Milo Adventures                                    By William Trevor, Illus. Alan Clarke
                                                                       William Trevor's only book for children. Juliet
                                                                       loves stories, but she doesn't have any of her
                                                                       ISBN 978-0-86278-823-0
                                                                       196x130 mm/128 pages

                By Mary Arrigan
                Milo and One Dead Angry Druid
                When Shane’s gran digs up a weird ancient
                stone, best buddies Milo and Shane find them-
                selves face to face with its owner − one dead
                angry druid.
                ISBN 978-1-84717-351-5
                196x130 mm/112 pages

                Milo and The Raging Chieftains                         Wolfgran
                Two days before the Grand Opening of the               By Finbar O'Connor, Illus. Martin Fagan
                local restored Castle, Milo is whooshed back           A sequel to Little Red Riding Hood, Wolfgran
                through time to sort out an ancient battle and         is a wonderfully irreverent take on the world
                save nice Miss Lee who has been abducted               of fairy tales. Disguised as a little old lady, the
                because she is descended from Macanbhaird,             Wolf is causing mayhem as he prowls the city.
                the Chieftain of the Castle.                           ISBN 978-0-86278-730-1
                ISBN 978-1-84717-561-8                                 €6.50/£5.99/Paperback
                €7.99/£7.50/Paperback                                  196x130 mm/80 pages
                196x130 mm/176 pages
                Milo and the Pirate Sisters                            The Poison Factory
                When ghostly Mr Lewis has to leave his cosy            By Oisín McGann
                home in the castle, Milo and Shane help set            When Gaz loses his football and his little
                him up in a local ruined mill. Little do they          brother there's nothing for it but to go into the
                know the danger this puts him in, and the              spooky chemical factory to get them back! But
                trouble it will cause for themselves –and this         Kanker & Byle is no ordinary factory...
                time Mr Lewis can’t help them.                         ISBN 978-0-86278-941-1
                ISBN 978-1-84717-562-5                                 €6.95/£6.50/Paperback
                €7.99/£7.50/Paperback                                  196x130 mm/96 pages
                196x130 mm/176 pages

Red flag books: Reading Age 8+                                    16
Cass and the Bubble                                    Charlie Harte and his Two-
                                                       Wheeled Tiger
Street Gang                                            By Frank Murphy, Illus. Celine Kiernan
By Erika McGann, Illus. Vince Reid                     Charlie makes a strange-looking bike from old
The Clubhouse Mystery                                  bits and pieces - not exactly cool, but full of
There’s an intruder in the clubhouse!                  character - which changes his life!
The gang find the door left open, crumbs on            ISBN 978-0-86278-532-1
the table and hairs on the floor. Someone has          €6.50/£5.99/Paperback
been sneaking in when nobody’s home. But               196x130 mm/96 pages
who? Join Cass and the Bubble Street Gang
as they investigate.                                   Adam's Starling
ISBN 978-1-84717-920-3                                 By Gillian Perdue, Illus. Barry Reynolds
€7.99/£7.50/Paperback                                  Winner of the Eilís Dillon Memorial Award.
196x130 mm/160 pages                                   Adam's Starling tells the story of nine-year-old
Making Millions                                        Adam who is finding life very diffficult. At home
The gang need money and quick, and they                no-one has any time for him and at school
have some super-genius ideas on how to                 bullies pick on him.
make it! Like Operation Start a Company,               ISBN 978-0-86278-685-4
Make Loads of Money for Nicholas’s Project             €6.95/£6.50/Paperback
and Probably Also Become Millionaires!                 196x130 mm/160 pages
ISBN 978-1-84717-921-0
€7.99/£7.50/Paperback                                  Tommy the Theatre Cat
196x130 mm/192 pages                                   By Maureen Potter, Illus. David Rooney
Diary Detectives                                       Tommy lives an adventurous life, full of variety
While helping with a car boot sale, Cass finds         and fun. He gets entangled in events both
a very old diary. It talks about picking on the        onstage and offstage. He even co-stars in the
drama kids on the bus, and a horrible prank            show!
played during their end-of-year show. Who              ISBN 978-0-86278-919-0
wrote the diary? Can the Bubble Street Gang            €6.95/£6.50/Paperback
unmask the wicked writer?                              196x130 mm/80 pages
Cass and the Bubble Street Gang Book 3
ISBN 978-1-78849-022-1                                 The Supermarket Ghost
€7.99/£7.50/Paperback                                  By Gordon Snell
196x130 mm/192 pages                                   Maria thinks it is going to be a dull summer
Scavenger Hunt                                         until she meets a strange boy with an unusual
When an elderly woman called Carmella loses            request. An exciting and unpredictable ghost
her locket, Cass must put her detective skills         story for younger readers that's a little scary,
to the test to solve the mystery of golden             but not too scary!
locket.                                                CBI Cover competition-winning cover
ISBN 978-1-78849-093-1                                 ISBN 978-1-78849-212-6
€7.99/£7.50/Paperback                                  €7.95/£6.99/Paperback
196x130 mm/224 pages                                   196x130 mm/80 pages
                                                       Ice Dreams
                                                       By Grace Wells, Illus. Lisa Jackson
The Great Pig Escape                                   Twins Nina and Alex Popadopolus live on the
By Linda Moller                                        beautiful island of Naxos. One day their blind
Runtling the pig and his siblings narrowly             grandfather senses something terrible is com-
escape the terrible fate of being sold at the          ing ...This delightful story reminds us that when
market. While making their way across coun-            people work together anything is possible!
try, they learn all sorts of new things about          ISBN 978-1-84717-045-3
themselves, about humans and about the                 €7.99/£7.50/Paperback
world outside the farmyard.                            196x130 mm/128 page
ISBN 978-0-86278-667-0
196x130 mm/144 pages

                                                  17               Red flag books: Reading Age 8+
Blue flag books: Reading Age 10+
                Sheila Agnew                                            Marita Conlon-McKenna
                                                                        Probably Ireland’s favourite children’s author.
                Marooned in Manhattan                                   Marita’s first book, Under the Hawthorn Tree,
                After Evie Brooks’ mother dies, she is forced to        was published in 1990 and became an instant
                go live with her uncle Scott, a vet in New York         classic. Translated into a dozen languages
                City: between the pets, their owners, Scott             worldwide, it set the scene for an explosion
                and his lawyer girlfriend, the Summer quickly           of Irish children’s literature in the years that
                becomes a whirlwind of change and activity!             followed.
                ISBN 978-1-84717-558-8
                €7.99/£7.50/Paperback                                   Under the Hawthorn Tree
                196x130 mm/224 pages                                    The first book in the famine trilogy
                                                                        Under the Hawthorn Tree is Ireland's top
                Central Park Showdown                                   selling children's book and a classic for young
                With the arrival of her father from Australia,          readers worldwide. Set during the Irish famine,
                Evie’s life is thrown into turmoil. Not only has        it follows three children as they travel across
                she to contend with a new woman in Scott’s              the country to find their family.
                life, but now she has to face the prospect of a         ISBN 978-0-86278-206-1
                custody battle between her uncle and her fa-            €9.99/£8.99/Paperback
                ther. Can Evie’s friends rally and convince her         196x130 mm/160 pages
                father to withdraw his application for custody?
                ISBN 978-1-84717-559-5                                  Wildflower Girl
                €7.99/£7.50/Paperback                                   The second book in the famine trilogy
                196x130 mm/240 pages                                    At seven, Peggy made a terrifying journey
                                                                        through famine-stricken Ireland. Now thirteen,
                                                                        and determined to make a new life for herself,
                Anna Carey                                              she sets off alone to America …
                The Boldness of Betty                                   ISBN 978-0-86278-283-2
                It’s summer 1913 and Betty Rafferty has had             €9.99/£8.99/Paperback
                to leave school aged 14. She is lucky to gets           196x130 mm/176 pages
                a job in a sweet shop, but is bored and looks           Fields of Home
                with envy at her customers who attend the               The final book in the famine trilogy
                nearby posh girls school. But life in Dublin            For Eily, Michael and Peggy the memory of the
                becomes anything but boring when industrial             famine is still strong. But Mary-Brigid, Eily's first
                unrest brings the city to a halt.                       child, has the future to look forward to. What
                ISBN 978-1-78849-123-5                                  kind of future is it?
                €9.99/£8.99/Paperback                                   ISBN 978-0-86278-509-3
                196x130 mm/416 pages                                    €9.99/£8.99/Paperback
                The Making of Mollie                                    196x130 mm/192 pages
                Mollie Carberry’s life seems pretty dull until          The Blue Horse
                she discovers her older sister Phyllis is a             Katie's whole world is turned upside down
                suffragette! When she and her friend Nora get           when her family's home is destroyed by fire.
                involved they must face the question of how far         Everything they had is gone, and instead of
                a girl should go for her beliefs.                       pulling together it seems as though her family
                ISBN 978-1-84717-847-3                                  is falling apart.
                €9.99/£8.99/Paperback                                   ISBN 978-0-86278-305-1
                196x130 mm/304 pages                                    €8.99/£7.99/Paperback
                Mollie On The March                                     196x130 mm/176 pages
                Mollie Carberry is a suffragette! Well, sort of.        No Goodbye
                Mollie and her best friend Nora have been               It's hard to pretend that everything is normal
                bravely fighting for women’s rights – even              when your whole life has been turned upside
                though no one else really knows about it. But           down … Four children come to terms with their
                when they hear a big protest is being planned,          mother's sudden departure.
                they know they have to take part.                       ISBN 978-0-86278-362-4
                ISBN 978-1-78849-008-5                                  €8.99/£7.99/Paperback
                €9.99/£8.99/Paperback                                   196x130 mm/176 pages
                196x130 mm/352 pages

Blue flag books: Reading Age 10+                                   18
Safe Harbour
Sophie and Hugh are left homeless when their
                                                                  Judi Curtin
house is bombed during the London Blitz.                          Lily at Lissadell series
Their mother is seriously injured and their Dad                   All titles illus. Rachel Corcoran
is away fighting, so the children are sent to
                                                                  Lily at Lissadell
their grandfather in Ireland.
                                                                  The time has come for Lily and her friends to
ISBN 978-0-86278-422-5
                                                                  leave school and find work; some are emigrat-
                                                                  ing to America, some going to work in shops.
196x130 mm/176 pages
                                                                  Lily is going into service in the Big House –
In Deep Dark Wood                                                 Lissadell. A warm and engaging story about
When Bella Blackwell moves in next door, life                     friendship, life in the early 20th century and
takes a frightening and thrilling turn for Mia.                   how the political world affects everyone.
Her brother and granny don't trust "The Bird                      ISBN 978-1-78849-197-6/288 pages
Woman", and when she disappears their fear                        €8.99/£7.99/Paperback/196x130 mm
become real. A thrilling adventure story.
                                                                  Lily Steps Up
ISBN 978-0-86278-615-1
                                                                  A Lissadell Story
                                                                  Nellie is overjoyed when Lily and Maeve man-
196x130 mm/208 pages
                                                                  age to track down her sister, Johanna, and fix it
                                                                  so she comes to Lissadell. But when a valua-
Eoin Colfer                                                       ble locket goes missing, Johanna is the chief
Benny and Omar                                                    suspect; should Lily take the blame, so that the
Moving to Tunisia is a real eye-opener for a                      sisters can stay together?
young Wexford hurling fan. Eoin Colfer's hilari-                  ISBN 978-1-78849-255-3/320 pages
ous debut novel.                                                  €8.99/£7.99/Paperback/196x130 mm
ISBN 978-1-78849-082-5                              NEW EDIT      Lily’s Dream
€8.99/£7.99/Paperback                                             A Lissadell Story
196x130 mm/240 pages                                              The further adventures of Lily: life as a maid in
‘Hilarious -- there is hardly a page which will                   Lissadell House is always interesting, but with
not have a reader laughing aloud’                                 her friendship with Maeve under strain, a war
The Irish Times                                                   in Europe starting and uncertainty about her
                                                                  future, she needs all her wits about her!
Benny and Babe                                                    ISBN 978-1-78849-327-7/288 pages
Benny suffers a severe blow to his pride when                     €8.99/£7.99/Paperback/196x130 mm
he meets Babe. He may be a wise guy, but
she is at least three steps ahead of him, and
                                                                  Alice and Megan series
                                                                  All titles illus Woody Fox
they are on her territory.
                                                                  €8.99/£7.99/Paperback/196x130 mm
ISBN 978-0-86278-603-8
€7.95/£7.50/Paperback                                             Alice Next Door
196x130 mm/240 pages                                              Best friends NEED to be together. Don't they?
‘there is a sequence ... of about twenty pages                    Megan's best friend Alice has moved away
[that] is one of the most sustained pieces of                     -- but the two friends hatch a risky plot to get
comic writing that I have come across in an                       back together.
adult or children’s book. It’s brilliant.’                        ISBN 978-1-84717-669-1//208 pages
Robert Dunbar - Today with Pat Kenny
The Wish List
Meg Finn dies after a botched attempt to rob
a pensioner, Lowry: her soul is up for grabs as                   Alice Again
the divine and demonic each want her! How                         Alice and Megan are back!
can she tip the scales in her favour to save her                  While enjoying spring mid-term together they
soul? A tale of life, death and an unexpected                     plot to get rid of Alice's Mum's new boyfriend.
hereafter.                                                        More fun with Alice and Megan!
ISBN 978-0-86278-894-0                                            ISBN 978-1-84717-670-7/240 pages
196x130 mm/224 pages

                                                   19                       Blue flag books: Reading Age 10+
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