Page created by Cheryl Richardson
books connect the world


  Valentina Scalzo
  q 3917668206


  Project manager: Maura Sassara

Graphic design and online catalogue: Marta Oitana

    Books connect the world

    The cultural excitement and the quality
    of the offer represented by Italian
    independent publishers has allowed them
    to reach a share of about 50% in the book
    The new, decisive Law for Books
    and Reading - that safeguards both
    bibliodiversity and the market - which the
    Senate unanimously approved in 2020,
    after ten years of hard work, is due to the
    determination of independent publishers
    and booksellers Associations, together
    with a Cultural Ministry sensitive to the
    needs of one of culture's economic pillars.
    ADEI – Associazione degli Editori
    indipendenti italiani i.e. Association of
    Italian Independent Publishers – represents
    about 250 independent publishers, some
    Regional Associations, and is the promoter
    of an important independent book fair that
    takes place both in Milan and Genoa.
    This first international catalogue,
    published for the 2022 Frankfurter
    Buchmesse, is a further signal of the
    liveliness and variety of ideas, projects,
    and colours of the Italian 'indie' World.
    It marks an important step towards
    openness to debate not only among
    publishers, but also with book
    organizations, associations, and book
    events all around the World.
    In such a delicate moment for
    international relations, we think this
    represents both a concrete instrument
    and a positive emblem of cultural
    exchange and friendship.

                               Marco Zapparoli
                                ADEI President

By clicking on one of the categories listed
below you will have access to the interactive
catalogue where you can refine your search           NOVEL
at your leisure.
The cross-selection of one or more                   SHORT STORIES
categories and/or one or more themes will
automatically generate a selection of titles
that match the chosen characteristics.
You can also use keywords by entering them
in the "free text".                                  HYBRID
Both the categories and the themes have
been chosen with particular attention to the         POETRY
trends found in the editorial productions of
recent years; for example, in the categories
you will find the "hybrid text" (fiction-non-        CHILDREN 0-6
fiction) or the "audiobook", and among the
themes "social inequalities" or "LGBTQ+".            CHILDREN 7-11
Then clicking on the "+" symbol, in the upper
left of the individual covers, you can access
                                                     MIDDLE GRADE
the complete page that also contains the link
to the publisher’s website, where you can
view the entire catalogue.                           YOUNG ADULTS
Once the search is complete you can print it
on paper or in .pdf, or save it in .csv format       COMICS AND GRAPHIC NOVELS
by clicking on one of the buttons below.

______________________________________               PICTURE BOOK

                                                     AUDIO BOOK
  Click here to access the online catalogue

                                                     TRAVEL GUIDE

                                                     PICTURE BOOK WITHOUT WORDS

                                                     HIGH READABILITY
                                                     AND ACCESSIBLE BOOK



Academic Books                            Humor
Adventure                                 Illustration
Agriculture                               Inclusion
Animals                                   Informatics
Anthropology                              Information Sciences
Antiques and Collectors items             Interior Design
Archeology                                Law
Architecture                              LGBTQ +
Astronomy                                 Librarianship
Autobiographies, Letters and Memoirs      Linguistic
Aviation                                  Literary Critique
Beauty                                    Literature
Biography                                 Marketing and Advertising
Biology                                   Mathematics and Physics
Body, Mind and Soul
                                          Military Sciences
Business, Economy and Finance
Career and Jobs
Cartography                               Mountain
Chemistry                                 Music
Cinema, Radio and Television, Video Art   Mysteries, Thrillers, Horror
Civil Rights and Racism                   Numismatics
Computers and Informatics                 Peace and Justice
Costume and Traditions                    Pedagogy
Creative Writing                          Philology
Cuisine and Gastronomy                    Philosophy
Cultural Heritage                         Photography
Current Affairs and Politics              Political Sciences
Design                                    Popular Cultures
Didactics                                 Psychology and Psychiatry
Disability                                Reference
Discrimination and Gender Equality        Religion
Diversity                                 Right
Dystopia                                  Sacred Texts
Ecology, Environment and                  School
Protection of the Planet
                                          School Publishing
                                          Science Fiction
Esotericism and Occult Sciences
Fairy tales                               Sexuality
Family and Emotional Relationships        Social Inequalities
Family Sagas                              Sociology
Fantasy                                   Sport
Fashion                                   Sport and Physical Education/
Food and Nutrition                        Motor Sciences
Foreign Languages                         Tales
Games                                     Technologies
Gardening                                 Theater and Dance
Geography                                 Tourism and Guides
Geology                                   Travel and Places
Graphics                                  Urban Planning
Health and Wellness                       Videographic Books
History                                   Visual Arts
Hobbies and Free Time                     Zoology


66THAND2ND                                                             ADD EDITORE
                            ________________                                                       ____________

66thand2nd is a publishing house based in Rome active in              add editore is an independent publishing house based in
the fields of literary fiction and non-fiction, which focuses         Torino, Italy, with over 200 titles in its catalogue and which
on sports literature and emerging voices from around the              was set up in 2010.

                            WHERE’S THE VICTORY?                                                   THE ECLIPSE
                                                                                                   OF HONG KONG
                            La Ragione di Stato
                                                                                                   Ilaria Maria Sala
                            192 pages
                            mm. 138x190                                                            200 pages
                            15,00 euro                                                             mm. 140x210
                            isbn 9788832972436                                                     20,00 euro
                                                                                                   isbn 9788867833443
                            Hybrid, Other
                            Current Affairs and Politics,                                          Non-fiction
                            Humor, Sport                                                           Current Affairs and Politics,
                                                                                                   Political Sciences

An account of the tragi-comical Italian expeditions in the
football world cups of Italia 90, Usa 94 and France 98.               5 years on from the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong
The iconic games, the most extraordinary plays, the                   to China, the former British colony is changing so fast that
weirdest tactic ideas, the most creative self-destructive             we need to stop and observe its territories and history to get
tendencies – in the backdrop of an historical decade.                 an idea of what it was, rather than being sucked into a spiral
                                                                      of senselessness.

                            UTO AND GESSO                                                          “BLESSED" POLLS
                            Gabriella Dal Lago                                                     Lorenzo Pregliasco
                            160 pages
                                                                                                   208 pages
                            mm. 143x210
                                                                                                   mm. 140x210
                            15,00 euro
                                                                                                   18,00 euro
                            isbn 9788832972252
                                                                                                   isbn 9788867833474

                            Mysteries, Thrillers, Horror,
                                                                                                   Current Affairs and Politics,
                            Family and Emotional
                                                                                                   Information Sciences,
                                                                                                   Political Sciences

Two brothers, just about twenty, are sitting in a car in the          We believe that polls can predict the future, yet it is already
parking lot of a motorway, blocked by snow. Uto and Gesso             hard to get a proper snapshot of the present. We only
are their names. This is a novel of a night that slips into the       need to think back to the sensational cases of Brexit and
past and overflows in the future, to tell about the ghosts and        Trump in 2016, when reality overturned the polls and the
who remains to guard them.                                            forecasts... or did it?

                            FUJI: LAUDA, HUNT                                                      ON THE HIGH SEAS
                            AND THE OTHERS
                                                                                                   Danilo Zagaria
                            Diego Alverà
                                                                                                   250 pages
                            224 pages                                                              mm. 140x210
                            mm. 153x230                                                            16,00 euro
                            17,00 euro                                                             isbn 9788867833832

                            isbn 9788832972511
                                                                                                   Non-fiction, Middle grade
                            Novel, Other                                                           Biology, Ecology, Environment
                            Motorsport, Biography, Sport                                           and Protection of the Planet, Sea

The 1976 world racing championship will be assigned on the            A voyage of discovery of the underwater world: kelp forests
Japanese circuit near Mount Fuji. The two contenders are              and posidonia meadows, sheets of floating ice, able to
Niki Lauda, miraculously survived after a shocking accident           host and feed colourful fish; grains of sand that are the
just a few months before at Nürburgring, and James Hunt,              invaluable ingredients of the contemporary world, from the
a talented and often impetuous competitor.                            artificial islands of Dubai to smartphones.
AG BOOK PUBLISHING                                                         ALTREVOCI EDIZIONI
                  _____________________                                                      _________________

AG Book Publishing is an independent publisher based in                AltreVoci Edizioni, independent publishing house founded in
Rome. It publishes a wide range of fiction and nonfiction,             2020. Italian and foreign fiction and non-fiction.
comics, and books in foreign languages.

                           OLTREMARE                                                               L'ALBA DEL DIO FALCO
                           FRA INCONTRI E POESIE
                                                                                                   Stefano Santarsiere
                           Marella Giovannelli
                                                                                                   472 pages
                           112 pages                                                               mm. 140x210
                           mm. 170x240                                                             16,90 euro
                           18,00 euro                                                              isbn 9791280100252

                           isbn 9788898590889
                           Short stories, Poetry                                                   Adventure, Mysteries,
                           Autobiographies, Letters and Memoirs,                                   Thrillers, Horror
                           Sea, Travel and Places

The encounters narrated by the author and the photographs,             Charles Fort, expert on mysterious news, finds Roberta
taken from her personal archive, see her directly involved.            Fantini in front of his door. She discovered a software
Sardinia is always the protagonist, both in prose and in               platform hidden inside a video game. Aldo Imbonati is
poetry: room, therefore, for unpublished poetic compositions.          investigating on the trail of blood that they leave behind,
                                                                       in an attempt to escape two ruthless serial killers.

                           LE VACANZE ROMANE DEL                                                   IL GRANDE HANS
                           CINGHIALINO DI FIRENZE
                                                                                                   Daniele Grillo
                           Indira Yakovenko
                           illustrator Indira Yakovenko                                            232 pages
                                                                                                   mm. 140x210
                           28 pages                                                                15,90 euro
                           mm. 170x240                                                             isbn 9791280100115

                           16,00 euro
                           isbn 9788898590896
                           Children 7-11, Travel guide
                           Visual Arts, Adventure,
                           Tourism and Guides

The little boar Dante, from Florence, decides to find wings            Hans Gueber is an affable Austrian pensioner with a passion
to travel freely. His journey will begin in Rome. The dragon           for useless inventions, with an unusual height: two meters
Paolo will make him discover the most beautiful places in              and eighteen. One day he decides to stop playing the role of
Rome with its historical animal inhabitants. But will Dante            husband, father and inconclusive inventor and to embark on
find the wings?                                                        the most incredible journey of his life.

                           RITRATTI DI EMOZIONI                                                    BALLANDO NEL SILENZIO
                           Monia Margheriti                                                        Darinka Montico
                           illustrator Monia Margheriti
                                                                                                   240 pages
                           28 pages                                                                mm. 140x210
                           mm. 170x240                                                             15,90 euro
                           15,00 euro                                                              isbn 9791280100153
                           isbn 9788898590872
                           Other                                                                   Autobiographies, Letters and Memoirs,
                           Visual Arts, Body, Mind and Soul,                                       Body, Mind and Soul
                           Family and Emotional Relationships

A succession of texts and portraits that describe our                  When the world stopped, in early 2020, Darinka found
emotions, from the saddest moments to those when we                    herself at a crossroads: to go home or find a new one. She
rediscover our dreams and passions. A hymn to hope, that               chose Bali. Between mysticism and rationality, this book is
is for each of us the light and salvation from the darkness            the curious diary of a long-awaited journey. Because even
of life.                                                               when the music dies down, the dance can continue.
ANNULLI EDITORI                                                            ARAS EDIZIONI
                           _______________                                                            ________________

A publishing house that produces travel guides, historical                Aras Edizioni is an independent, non-fiction publisher
and philosophical essays and fiction. Its aim is to spread                based in Fano (Marche, PU). Its areas of interest are Critics
the history and culture of its land, remaining resistant to               and Literature, History and Philosophy, Psychology and
identitarian closures.                                                    Pedagogy, News and Society.

                           CLAUDE GLASS                                                               LA NOSTRA FEDE
                           Marco Saverio Loperfido                                                    Piero Gobetti,
                                                                                                      a cura di Giorgio Fontana
                           192 pages
                           mm. 120x195                                                                64 pages
                           12,00 euro                                                                 mm. 110x180
                           isbn 9788895187433                                                         10,00 euro
                                                                                                      isbn 9791280074041
                           Ecology, Environment                                                       Non-fiction
                           and Protection of the Planet,                                              Political Sciences, History
                           History, Travel and Places

“Claude Glass” is an epistolary novel. The story of                       Piero Gobetti (Turin, 1901-Paris, 1926) writes the political
an impossible friendship lived through a magical                          pamphlet 'La nostra fede' [Our Faith] in 1919. Gobetti's faith
correspondence that spans the centuries, a tormented                      is laic and it is the instrument to stand up against political
declaration of love for landscapes and a polemical pamphlet               and social status quo, thanks to civil responsability for a
against land consumption.                                                 humanity's moral change.

                           ITINERARIES SUSPENDED                                                      VITA INTELLETTUALE E
                           ABOVE TUSCIAN LANDSCAPES.                                                  AFFETTIVA DI BENEDETTO
                           STORIES OF (IM)POSSIBLE CITIES                                             CROCE. SULL'ESTETICA
                                                                                                      E LA CRITICA LETTERARIA
                           Mario Dinarelli
                                                                                                      Giancristiano Desiderio
                           144 pages
                           mm. 135x210                                                                236 pages
                           14,00 euro                                                                 mm. 130x210
                           isbn 9788895187587                                                         19,00 euro
                                                                                                      isbn 9791280074423
                           Non-fiction, Hybrid
                           Architecture, Ecology, Environment and                                     Non-fiction
                           Protection of the Planet, Urban Planning                                   Biography, Literary Critique

Tuscia still offers the chance to read beauty in its                      Aesthetics and economy rule contemporary life, despite this
landscapes; a beauty still cloaked in the magic of time,                  Croce's ideas are still necessary to claim ourselves as men
remaining almost unscathed by the modern urban                            and women, to struggle against propaganda, conformism
transformations. The author writes a fictional narrative                  and slogan. This book is a way to know Croce's masterpiece
essay, building itineraries suspended over those landscapes.              and its contemporaneity.

                                                                                                      URSULA HIRSCHMANN.
                           MUSONIUS THE ETRUSCAN.                                                     COME IN UNA GIOSTRA
                           THE PHILOSOPHY AS
                           “SCIENCE OF LIVING”                                                        Marcella Filippa
                           Luciano Dottarelli                                                         180 pages
                                                                                                      mm. 130x180
                           176 pages                                                                  16,00 euro
                           mm. 120x170                                                                isbn 9791280074102
                           13,00 euro
                           isbn 9788895187457                                                         Non-fiction
                           Biography, Philosophy, History

Prof. Dottarelli reconstructs the life and thought of the                 Ursula Hirschmann (Berlin, 1913-Rome, 1991) is one of the
Neostoic philosopher Gaius Musonius Rufus, emphasizing                    most important figures for the European federal project
the originality of his philosophical vision compared to that              starting from the Manifesto of Ventotene. The book is about
of his contemporaries (e.g., on the role of women), and the               her extraordinary private and public life and it reveals a
relevance of his “science of living”.                                     female modern profile of the XXth Century.
ARGENTODORATO EDITORE                                                            ASTARTE EDIZIONI
        ________________                                                                 ________________                                                       

The Ferrara-based publishing house Argentodorato deals             Astarte Edizioni is a young Italian publishing house
with the publication and the enhancement of quality fiction        aiming at giving voice to the many identities living on the
and non-fiction books, aiming mainly, but not only, to             Mediterranean shores, in order to rediscover a common
promote italian writers.                                           identity.

                           SORDELLO DA GOITO                                                   WOMAN'S WORST
                           AND PENINSULAR ITALY:                                               ENEMY: WOMAN
                           RELATIONS BETWEEN ABRUZZO
                           AND THE PELIGNO TERRITORY                                           Beatrice Hastings
                                                                                               translators Carolina Paolicchi,
                           Aldo Di Virgilio                                                    Elena Alibrandi
                           142 pages
                                                                                               142 pages
                           mm. 150x210
                                                                                               mm. 150x210
                           10,00 euro
                                                                                               15,00 euro
                           isbn 9791280273017
                                                                                               isbn 9791280209153
                           Non-fiction, High readability
                           and accessible book                                                 Non-fiction
                           Popular Cultures, History,                                          Discrimination and Gender Equality,
                           Literature                                                          Inclusion, Sexuality

Through an in-depth study that traces the human and                This pamphlet, written in 1909 by Beatrice Hastings, is an
artistic events of a character who moved on the boundaries         intentionally provocative critique of the patriarchy and of
between reality and legend, such as Sordello da Goito, the         the myths related to pregnancy and maternity, promoted by
book aims to explore the link between the troubadour and           women themselves. It is published in the original language,
the city of Civitella Messer Raimondo.                             with front-page Italian translation.

                           THE PREFECT OF JUDEA.                                               LE DANNATE DEL MARE.
                           THE TRAGEDY OF MEDIOCRITY.                                          DONNE E FRONTIERE
                                                                                               NEL MEDITERRANEO
                           Massimo Trifirò                                                     Camille Schmoll
                                                                                               translator Marco Galiero
                           171 pages
                           mm. 148x210                                                         245 pages
                           13,00 euro                                                          mm. 150x210
                           isbn 9791280273239                                                  22,00 euro
                                                                                               isbn 9791280209177
                           Novel, Non-fiction
                           Religion,                                                           Non-fiction
                           History, Sacred Texts                                               Current Affairs and Politics,
                                                                                               Civil Rights and Racism,
                                                                                               Discrimination and Gender Equality
Iudaea, 33 A.D. In the year in which an epochal event is
about to take place in the turbulent Roman province, the           Based on field research made carried out on the European
life of Pontius Pilate, the powerful praefectus Iudaea,            borders, this book is a narrative about the role of women in
accidentally crosses over with that of a seemingly                 the Mediterranean migrations, highlighting its peculiarities,
insignificant man, Iesus filius Iosephi.                           and a critique of the current European migration politics.

                           THE SURRENDER                                                       HIZYA
                           OF THE GODS.
                           THE BORDER.                                                         Maïssa Bey
                                                                                               translators Marta Ingrosso,
                           L. M. Squarzoni                                                     Barbara Sommovigo

                           225 pages                                                           309 pages
                           mm. 150x200                                                         mm. 120x170
                           14,00 euro                                                          18,50 euro
                           isbn 9791280273208                                                  isbn 9791280209207

                           Novel                                                               Novel
                           Fantasy                                                             Costume and Traditions, Discrimination
                                                                                               and Gender Equality, Diversity

Leonor's gift is a sign of foresight and power; she received       Hizya, by the name of the feminine main character, is an
it as a legacy of an ancient pact between the ruling house         intimate novel about women’s struggle towards autonomy,
and the Gods. However, one day that gift is revealed to be         depicting the daily life of the Algerian society and the
coveted by other houses, and a series of mysterious events         suffering of the young people that cannot imagine their own
begins to haunt her world.                                         future.
BABALIBRI                                   BOTTEGA ERRANTE EDIZIONI
                                 __________                                  ________________________

Babalibri is a children’s publishing house which offers                 Established in 2015, the publishing house Bottega Errante
picture books by famous artists from all around the world.              has an overall catalogue of 90 titles: the best literature from
It works with schools and libraries in order to improve                 Eastern Europe and the Balkans, and Italian fiction from the
children’s creativity.                                                  borderlands.

                                 MILANO: THOUSANDS                                                   STEFAN ZWEIG.
                                 OF STORIES                                                          THE YEAR WHEN EVERYTHING
                                 Patrizia Zelioli
                                 illustrator Giulia Orecchio                                         Raoul Precht

                                 192 pages                                                           224 pages
                                 mm. 200x200                                                         mm. 130x200
                                 16,50 euro                                                          17,00 euro
                                 isbn 9788883623363                                                  isbn 9791280219374

                                 Children 7-11, Travel guide                                         Novel
                                 Costume and Traditions, Tourism                                     Biography, Literature
                                 and Guides, Travel and Places

A book about the city of Milan that is truly special because it         A sui generis biographical novel about a pivotal year in
makes the city known, for the first time, through its stories:          Stefan Zweig's life: 1935, when the writer decides to leave
stories of people who have lived in Milan and stories related           his wife and Austria to settle in safer Britain, but also a
to monuments and palaces.                                               pivotal year for the whole of Europe, with the advance of
                                                                        Nazism and the warnings of a changing world.

                            THE HOUSE OF SOUNDS                                                      THE BELGRADE CICADA
                                                                                                     Marina Lalović
                            Claudio Abbado
                                                                                                     illustrator Elisabetta Damiani
                            illustrator Paolo Cardoni
                                                                                                     184 pages
                            48 pages
                                                                                                     mm. 130x200
                            mm. 220x280
                                                                                                     14,00 euro
                            16,00 euro
                                                                                                     isbn 9791280219015
                            isbn 9788883621505

                            Children 7-11
                                                                                                     Autobiographies, Letters and Memoirs,
                                                                                                     History, Travel and Places
                            Letters and Memoirs, Music

Claudio Abbado has a truly unique role in this book: he tells
                                                                        Belgrade is the last capital in Europe still maintaining its
kids, starting from his own story, his passion for music. He
                                                                        authenticity without striving to make it attractive to tourists.
explains with simplicity and clarity which instruments make
                                                                        As a journalist, in an intimate journey in her hometown,
up an orchestra and what is the so-called "musical writing".
                                                                        Lalović describes the city after twenty years she left it, just
                                                                        before the fall of Milosević.

                                 THE STORY OF GENERAL                                                MY HOME ELSEWHERE
                                 TOMMASO, THE ONE
                                                                                                     Federica Marzi
                                 WHO NEVER WANTED
                                 TO GO TO WAR                                                        336 pages
                                                                                                     mm. 130x200
                                 Isa Tutino Vercelloni                                               17,00 euro
                                                                                                     isbn 9791280219107
                                 24 pages
                                 mm. 210x210                                                         Novel
                                 11,50 euro                                                          Diversity, Family and Emotional
                                 isbn 9788883621182                                                  Relationships, Travel and Places
                                 Children 0-6
                                 Peace and Justice

Tommaso is a naughty little boy who has the misfortune of               In her vivid debut novel, Marzi outlines the portrait of
having a garibaldian great-grandfather, a crusader ancestor             two extraordinary female figures: Amila, born in Bosnia,
and an uncle who had a brother lieutenant colonel.                      and Norina, from Istria, who live and meet in Trieste, the
They send him to the Academy of Military Studying Strategy.             city where they sought a shelter and have the chance for
But Tommaso is not doing great at school…                               rediscovery origins and think of a new beginning.
CAISSA ITALIA                                                          CAMELOZAMPA
                            _____________                                                          __________________

Active since the turn of the millennium, Caissa Italia                  Camelozampa is an independent publishing house of books
publishes books on chess, golf, rock music, linguistics,                for children and YA, founded in 2011, winner of the BOP -
games, fiction and non fiction, and children's books.                   Bologna Prize for the Best Children’s Publishers of the Year
                                                                        (Europe) in 2020.

                                 WHAT IF THE                                                       EXTINCTIOPEDIA
                                 WORLD WERE
                                                                                                   Serenella Quarello
                                 THE CHILDREN’S?                                                   illustrator Alessio Alcini
                                 Haider Bucar
                                                                                                   64 pages
                                 illustrator Francesco Gallo
                                                                                                   mm. 240x330
                                                                                                   23,00 euro
                                 24 pages
                                                                                                   isbn 9791280014863
                                 mm. 130 X 220
                                 13,90 euro                                                        Children 7-11, Picture book
                                 isbn 9788867291151
                                                                                                   Animals, Ecology, Environment
                                                                                                   and Protection of the Planet
                                 Children 0-6
                                 Illustration, Peace and Justice

Wonder what children see when they observe the adult                    We invite you on a journey to discover which animals aren’t
world? Going to the movies, social distancing, school, the              with us anymore, and who is at risk of disappearing. Find
news, war, family dinners, the sky: the world around us is              out what you can do, what we can do, in order not to lose
not always what it appears at first glance. What if we tried            these little bits of life.
to look at it through the eyes of the children?

                            WHERE DO                                                               HERBARIUM
                            BUTTERFLIES GO                                                         OF MY DREAMS
                            TO SLEEP AT NIGHT?                                                     Bimba Landmann
                                                                                                   illustrator Bimba Landmann
                            Sara Marconi
                            illustrator Kris Di Giacomo                                            56 pages
                                                                                                   mm. 270x330
                            24 pages                                                               22,00 euro
                            mm. 187x264                                                            isbn 9791254640180
                            15,90 euro
                            isbn 9788867291236                                                     Children 7-11, Picture book
                                                                                                   Adventure, Ecology, Environment
                            Children 0-6, Picture book                                             and Protection of the Planet
                            Animals, Illustration

                                                                        Bimba Landmann takes us into the world of our dreams,
We all can see butterflies during the day, but where do
                                                                        explored as in a herbarium, in a fascinating metaphor
they hide at night? A journey of discovery of the surprising
                                                                        between our inner life and the growth of the natural world.
colours that paint the dark, of the life that flows incessantly
                                                                        Until we understand that dreams are our most important
when the silence takes over, lulling us into dreams as light
                                                                        tool to change the world for the better.
as butterflies.

                                 LET'S PLAY CHESS                                                       LITTLE PANTHER
                                 Yuri Garrett                                                           Chiara Raineri
                                 illustrator Marcello Carriero                                          illustrator Chiara Raineri

                                 96+8 pages                                                             40 pages
                                 mm. 210x210                                                            mm. 220x220
                                 11,90 euro                                                             16,00 euro
                                 isbn 9788867291019                                                     isbn 9791280014825

                                 Children 7-11, Handbook                                                Children 0-6, Picture book
                                 Games, School, Sport                                                   Animals, Family and Emotional

Almost 100 years of professional experience merge into this             Like a baby discovering the outside world, Little Panther
unique book, which took almost ten years in writing. LPC                compares what surrounds her with what she knows best,
is NOT your nth beginner’s book disguised as a children’s               her mom. A sweet picture book playing with surprise: each
book: quite to the contrary it was conceived and written for            page doubles with the flap, associating an adjective to
children only. And it is our bestseller!                                shapes, colours, flavours, aromas.
CARTHUSIA EDIZIONI                                     CASA EDITRICE ASTROLABIO -
                                                                           UBALDINI EDITORE

Carthusia edizioni is a publishing company that deals with       
children's books and special projects.
                                                                           Publishing house founded by Mario Ubaldini in 1944,
                                                                           characterized by two main editorial lines: depth psychology
                                                                           and Oriental philosophies and religions. A new series on
                                                                           musical studies started in 2006.
                                 THE GOOD JOURNEY
                                 Beatrice Masini                                                       THE ITALIAN OPERA
                                 illustrator Gianni De Conno
                                                                                                       IN THE 18TH CENTURY
                                 36 pages                                                              Piero Weiss
                                 mm. 285x285
                                 20,00 euro                                                            298 pages
                                 isbn 9788869450495
                                                                                                       mm. 150x210
                                 Short stories, Picture book                                           27,00 euro
                                                                                                       isbn 9788834016510
                                 Beauty, Illustration,
                                 Travel and Places                                                     Non-fiction
This book face the great theme of the journey and what
makes it positive. A text full of suggestions aimed at
transmitting a message: traveling is a personal experience,
and a journey is “good” if it has the ability of enriching the             This study on the origin and developments of eighteenth-
person who makes it, wherever it takes place.                              century Italian opera in Italy arises from the direct analysis
                                                                           of documents in the libraries of Neapolitan conservatories
                                                                           and major Italian musical institutions.

                                 I AM BLU
                                 Irene Guglielmi                                                       WHAT IS THE PSYCHE.
                                 illustrator Irene Guglielmi                                           PHILOSOPHY AND NEUROSCIENCE

                                 36 pages                                                              Franco Fabbro
                                 mm. 285x285
                                 20,90 euro                                                            616 pages
                                 isbn 9788869451522                                                    mm. 150x210
                                                                                                       32,00 euro
                                 Picture book, Picture book                                            isbn 9788834018200
                                 without words
                                 Animals, Inclusion, School                                            Non-fiction
                                                                                                       Psychology and Psychiatry
Blue is a bee different from all the others, because she's
blue and black. Tired of the jokes and teasing of her hive
companions, she ventures through distant meadows and                       A voyage to discover the psyche and the conscience. A very
flowers, where she will discover a world inhabited by many                 wide-ranging work, animated by a profound integration
friends of the most disparate shapes and colours.                          between the theories of modern cognitive sciences and the
                                                                           spiritual, social and human experience.

                                 WHILE YOU SLEEP
                                 Mariana Ruiz Johnson                                                  THE COMPOSITION OF THE
                                 illustrator Mariana Ruiz                                              TECHNIQUES AS A TOOL TO
                                 Johnson                                                               REDISCOVER A LIVING PRACTICE

                                 36 pages                                                              Francesca Proia
                                 mm. 285x285
                                 20,90 euro                                                            200 pages
                                 isbn 9788869450174                                                    mm. 150x210
                                                                                                       16,00 euro
                                 Picture book, Silent book                                             isbn 97888340018552
                                 Body, Mind and Soul, Illustration,
                                 Travel and Places                                                     Non-fiction, Handbook
                                                                                                       Body, Mind and Soul, Philosophy,
A highly colorful and richly detailed book: each page is a                                             Health and Wellness
journey ...
While you sleep is a silent book, a book without words                     A documented history of yoga from its origins to the present
dedicated to reading, especially that of parents to their                  day, in which the author traces a path to understand and
children at bedtime, because in the night and in dreams                    give life to a practice of techniques's composition, on a
stories and their characters come alive.                                   discipline that is a philosophy created by the body.
CITTÀ DEL SILENZIO                                                            DALIA EDIZIONI
                       ________________                                                              ______________

Città de silenzio mainly engaged in the field of university-             Dalia’s publishing projects, focused on literary fiction
level publishing. Now also publishes narrative nonfiction                and illustrated fiction for children, are stories with no
and fiction to understand the problems of our society from a             pre-conceived points of view, which deal with contemporary
literary perspective.                                                    and stimulating themes.

                             MERCANTI DI UOMINI.                                                     DISCOVERING FREEDOM
                             RETI E INTERMEDIARI PER
                             LA LIBERAZIONE DEI CAPTIVI                                              Giulia Ceccarani
                             NEL MEDITERRANEO                                                        illustrator Giulia Ceccarani

                             Andrea Zappia                                                           64 pages
                                                                                                     mm. 160x230
                             280 pages
                                                                                                     12,90 euro
                             mm. 150x210
                                                                                                     isbn 9788899207564
                             25,00 euro
                             isbn 9788897273400                                                      Children 7-11
                             Non-fiction                                                             Ecology, Environment and Protection
                             Academic Books,                                                         of the Planet, Tales, Family
                             Military Sciences, History                                              and Emotional Relationships

Through private correspondence, the acts of the
                                                                         Is freedom where there are no rules, or is it with rules that
chancelleries of the Consulates, the reports of the
                                                                         freedom is won? Ten little girls and boys escaping from
missionaries and the sources of an economic-financial
                                                                         the boring rules of adults, will discover a secret courtyard
nature, this important book reconstructs the complex
                                                                         where they can finally be free from the rules of adults but...
mechanisms of the redemption of slaves in the Modern Age.
                                                                         will it really be like that?

                             IMMAGINI DAL MONDO                                                      DON'T THINK TWICE
                             ALTRO. ORIZZONTI VISUALI
                             SULL’ALTERITÀ AMERINDIANA                                               Arjuna Cecchetti
                             Paola Farinella Grana                                                   248 pages
                                                                                                     mm. 135x210
                             212 pages                                                               15,00 euro
                             mm. 150x210                                                             isbn 9788899207526
                             22,00 euro
                             isbn 9788897273790                                                      Novel, Young adults
                             Non-fiction                                                             Family and Emotional
                             Anthropology, Visual Arts                                               Relationships

The european misunderstanding of amerindian cultures                     A trip in the nature of the Apennines, which Sara, rebellious
has conditioned the iconographic imagery of the American                 13 year old girl, does to reach the only place that truly
Indian and was the basis of the persistence - throughout the             belongs to her. An epic journey, a novel about the possibility
Modern Age - of iconographic-imaginative stereotypes that                of living in symbiosis with nature, of accepting its laws. It
refer to the Middle Ages.                                                takes courage: "Don't think twice".

                             SULL’EPILESSIA                                                          TULA HUNTING
                             (SCRITTI 1909-1928)                                                     FOR COLORS
                             Gerolamo Cuneo                                                          Arjuna Cecchetti
                                                                                                     illustrator Roberta Procacci
                             400 pages
                             mm. 155x235                                                             96 pages
                             28,00 euro                                                              mm. 140x190
                             isbn 9788897273844
                                                                                                     13,50 euro
                                                                                                     isbn 9788899207571
                             Medicine,                                                               Children 7-11
                             Psychology and Psychiatry                                               Archeology, Visual Arts, Adventure

Gerolamo Cuneo was a pioneer of studies on metabolic                     The world of 14,000 years ago told in first person by Tula, a
diseases and the intestinal origin of epileptic seizures. This           Sapiens child. Between bee stings, fearsome hunters, bear
important book collects - for the first time - all the scientific        assaults and lions ambushes, the hunt for the colors of Tula
writings on the epilepsy, with the report of the daily clinical          and her friend Faina to make the cave painting that will
observations of the patients.                                            bring peace among the Great Lake clans.
DE NIGRIS EDITORI                                                      DURANGO EDIZIONI
                        ________________                                                       ________________

Thanks to the success of our authors, we have created an                To know in order to change, to connect in order to generate
“ad hoc” catalog to collect those difficult books that the              is our mission. We explore disciplines, we cross their
exponents of publishing houses would never have taken into              borders, to transmit the urge to commit to change.

                            CAMMINANDO                                                             CULTURE DI GENERE
                            A TESTA SCALZA                                                         Gaia Peruzzi, Vittoria Bernardini,
                            Dalila Giglio                                                          Raffaele Lombardi, Alessandra
                                                                                                   Massa, Angelica Spampinato
                            96 pages
                                                                                                   151 pages
                            mm. 150x210
                                                                                                   mm. 115x190
                            16,00 euro
                                                                                                   10,00 euro
                            isbn 9791280624659
                                                                                                   isbn 9788899476519

                            Non-fiction, Handbook
                            Body, Mind and Soul,
                                                                                                   Discrimination and Gender Equality,
                            Discrimination and Gender Equality,
                                                                                                   LGBTQ+, Sociology
                            Health and Wellness

Dalila is twenty-one when the first hairless patch appears              Gender cultures change the world. Feminist and LGBTQI+
on her scalp. At that moment she does not know it yet, but              movements claim the same social rights for all of the
those are her first signs of her illness: alopecia areata,              gender and sexual orientation minorities. This essay
an autoimmune disease that causes sudden loss, total or                 explores the youth microcosm through a work of research
partial, of hair and body hair.                                         based on social autobiographies.

                                                                                                   WOMEN ALL WHORES
                            FELICI SI MUORE
                                                                                                   Lucia Bainotti, Silvia Semenzin
                            Carlo Pizzoni
                                                                                                   143 pages
                            154 pages                                                              mm. 115x190
                            mm. 150x210                                                            15,00 euro
                            18,00 euro                                                             isbn 9788899476496

                            isbn 9791281105027
                            Novel, Short stories                                                   Current Affairs and Politics,
                            Current Affairs and Politics, Family                                   Discrimination and Gender Equality,
                            and Emotional Relationships,                                           Sociology
                            Travel and Places

                                                                        Donne tutte puttane is an essay that questions the issue of
This book collects 16 tales of life, love, death and friendship.        the hegemonic masculinity (functional to the patriarchal
Each of them contains childhood memories, stories of war                society in which we are immersed), the so-called revenge
and conflict, deep and unexpected bonds between people.                 porn, and calls for a pact between genders based on mutual
                                                                        respect, self determination, and freedom.

                            SIAMO SOLO                                                             ZOOCRACY
                            SOGNATORI ABUSIVI
                                                                                                   Roberto Inchingolo
                            Monica Buonanno
                                                                                                   199 pages
                            110 pages                                                              mm. 133x203
                            mm. 150x210                                                            15,00 euro
                            16,00 euro                                                             isbn 9788899476397

                            isbn 9791281105041
                            Short stories, Non-fiction                                             Animals, Current Affairs and Politics,
                            Civil Rights and Racism,                                               Zoology
                            Diversity, Urban Planning

We are the Vele di Scampia Committee, we represent the                  The animals' social systems resemble the humans' political
story of many dreaming citizens, inhabitants of the sadly               systems. This essay about the evolution of politics in nature
known district of Naples, Scampia.                                      is a journey through ideologies and systems of government
                                                                        that, and this is the surprise, are not and exclusive of
                                                                        humans. Welcome to the zoo of politics.
EDITRICE BIBLIOGRAFICA                                                              EDIZIONI EFFETTO
            _____________________                                                               _______________

The production of Editrice Bibliografica is addressed to               Edizioni Effetto was born in 2017 and specializes in fiction
operators in the publishing, communication and research                books. Before being published, our books undergo a careful
sectors, with particular attention to the world of libraries.          selection to guarantee the reader an experience that we
                                                                       hope will want to repeat.

                            CULTURE DRIVEN. IMPACTS,                                               IL PERIODO IPOTETICO
                            MEASURES AND TALES BETWEEN
                            ECONOMICS AND IMAGINARY                                                Marco Pinti
                            Annalisa Cicerchia                                                     576 pages
                                                                                                   mm. 140x210
                            248 pages                                                              25,00 euro
                            mm. 150x210
                                                                                                   isbn 9788832195330
                            23,00 euro
                            isbn 9788893573146                                                     Novel
                            Non-fiction                                                            Current Affairs and Politics,
                            Cultural Heritage,                                                     Adventure, Dystopia
                            Business, Economy and Finance

The book deals with the importance of talking about the                A revolution broke out from the suburbs of Paris, and it
impacts of culture and how to detect and account for them              flared up all over Europe in a short time. A novel of a new,
with appropriate perspectives, responding to the need for              barbaric and delicate lineage. A picaresque symphony,
simple and manageable answers, without mortifying the                  overlooking the chaos. A niche for wild creatures, in the
depth and complexity of the factors involved.                          uncertain hour of sunset.

                            MUSEUMS FOR INTEGRATED                                                 LA LUCE DELL'EQUATORE
                            SUSTAINABILITY. NEW EDITION                                            Andrea Cantone
                            Michela Rota
                                                                                                   376 pages
                                                                                                   mm. 140x210
                            344 pages
                            mm. 150x210                                                            19,00 euro
                                                                                                   isbn 9788832195415
                            23,00 euro
                            isbn 9788893572897
                            Non-fiction, Handbook                                                  Adventure, Family Sagas,
                            Cultural Heritage                                                      History

Sustainability, with all its implications, is an open challenge        For more the 100 years the word Africa has been tattooed
that most museums still have to face systematically. The               on the heart of many families in Roasio, a small village
book wants to increase the awareness about these topics                between Turin and Milan, in the North of Italy. The ambitious
and to provide more professional tools supporting museal               twenty years old Alessandro Testa left Italy to join his
operators involved for being active witnesses.                         brother in Nigeria, as many other peers did in...

                            LOST SUBJECTS.                                                         IL FANTASMA DELLA MIA
                            THE MUSEUM TO THE TEST                                                 LIBERTÀ - 11 SETTEMBRE 2001
                            OF THE VISITOR
                                                                                                   Michele Petragnani
                            Giovanna Brambilla
                                                                                                   408 pages
                            264 pages                                                              mm. 140x210
                            mm. 150x210                                                            19,00 euro
                            23,00 euro                                                             isbn 9788832195323
                            isbn 9788893573603
                            Non-fiction                                                            Current Affairs and Politics,
                            Cultural Heritage                                                      Autobiographies, Letters and Memoirs,

A useful tool to move through the complex triangulation                Author who escaped the attack on the Twin Towers on
between museums, works of art and the public. The aim                  September 11, 2001. Novel that cleverly mixes the author's
is to offer an unprecedented look at the creation of links             personal story, his escape from the 9/11 bombing, and a
between cultural heritage and people, ranging in various               fictional spy story.
sectors to make new research and actions possible.
EDIZIONI GRUPPO ABELE                                                                EDIZIONI MINERVA
           _____________________                                                                ___________________

For forty years we are committed to publishing significant             Founded in 1989 in Bologna, Minerva publishes around 100
works that offer new insights, books as tools to take side.            titles a year. Her publications range from biographies to
Our main themes are peace, nonviolence, justice and human              sports, from fiction to illustrated books (photography, food,
rights.                                                                children’s books).

                            ISOLE CARCERE                                                          OCEAN
                            GEOGRAFIA E STORIA
                                                                                                   Francesco Vidotto
                            Valerio Calzolaio
                                                                                                   176 pages
                            240 pages                                                              mm. 130x210
                            mm. 140x210                                                            15,00 euro
                            23,00 euro                                                             isbn 9788873818311
                            isbn 9788865793176
                            Non-fiction                                                            Popular Cultures,
                            Ecology, Environment and Protection                                    Mountain,
                            of the Planet, Geography, History                                      Family and Emotional Relationships

History, social function and characteristics of detention in           Ocean is a woodcutter, a husband, a father and a book. The
the prison islands. From the ancient times to the present              book that saves his life from oblivion because his memory
day, a historical and geographical compendium enriched                 is fading fast. The older he gets, the less he remembers and
with photographs, maps and charts on the themes of                     these pages will outlive him. They tell a story that has the
solitary confinement and imprisonment.                                 force of a lightning splitting a fir tree.

                            TROVARE LE PAROLE.                                                     PANINI.
                            ABBECEDARIO PER UNA                                                    STORY OF A FAMILY
                            COMUNICAZIONE CONSAPEVOLE                                              AND MANY STICKERS

                            Federico Faloppa, Vera Gheno                                           Leo Turrini

                            224 pages                                                              320 pages
                            mm. 120x170                                                            mm. 140x210
                            15,00 euro                                                             18,00 euro
                            isbn 9788865793213                                                     isbn 9788833242736

                            Non-fiction                                                            Novel
                            Discrimination and Gender Equality,                                    Biography, Family Sagas,
                            Inclusion, Linguistic                                                  History

Two sociolinguists deal with 26 key concepts following the             The story of the family that invented sticker albums.
letters of the alphabet. The point in building a manual of             Through small rectangles of paper the Panini family helped
conscious communication is to give to the readers a daily              spread optimism in the country. Four brothers and four
instrument for struggle with hate speech, stereotypes and              sisters, born in poverty, were able to imagine the future.
internet trolls.                                                       From their intuitions a global myth was born.

                            PROPAGANDA EUROPA                                                      SIRO
                            Alexander Damiano Ricci                                                Francesco Vidotto

                            160 pages                                                              180 pages
                            mm. 120x170                                                            mm. 130x210
                            14,00 euro                                                             15,00 euro
                            isbn 9788865793169                                                     isbn 9788873813682

                            Non-fiction                                                            Novel
                            Civil Rights and Racism,                                               Popular Cultures, Mountain,
                            Discrimination and Gender Equality,                                    Family and Emotional
                            Social Inequalities                                                    Relationships

The essay describes the stalemate that undermines the                  A leather diary that is over fifty years old preserves a faded
development of the European union from within; is filled               story, stained with wine, sweat and many tears. A story
with numerous interviews and first hand testimonies from               hard as stone, terrible and sweet, kept secret, hidden in the
activists for human rights, immigration, housing rights and            silence of the people of a mountain village. A story of love
gender equality.                                                       and resignation: the story of Siro.
EDIZIONI NISROCH                                                        EDIZIONI PEDRINI
                        ________________                                                        __________________

Edizioni Nisroch was created to disseminate ideas,                   Edizioni Pedrini is an independent publisher founded in
principles, that are able to enrich our understanding, in            Turin in 1951. Our main series are "Images", "Anthropos"
order to promote real freedom. We love the heretics and the          and "Literature classics".
dreamers of a better world.

                           GENNARINO DI GENNARO                                                  L'ANTICA FIAMMA
                                                                                                 UN VIAGGIO SOSPESO
                           Giovanni Fusco                                                        TRA PASSATO E PRESENTE

                           416 pages                                                             Marianna Giglio Tos
                           mm. 170x240
                           19,90 euro                                                            624 pages
                           isbn 9788831381338                                                    mm. 148x210
                                                                                                 18,00 euro
                           Novel, Young adults                                                   isbn 9788894607796
                           Social Inequalities, Fantasy                                          Novel

Gennarino is a young hero who does not fight dark wizards,           Rediscovered diaries are the pivot of "L'antica fiamma"; a
but the everyday bullies in defence of the weakest. Thin             journey suspended between past and present, earth and
and with bushy hair, he was born in Naples, from a drug              stars. Alchemy, esotericism and an obscure curse trace the
addicted mother and an unknown father. At the age of 12 he           life of Bianca Maria, countess of the Issogne Castle, place in
discovers that he has extrasensory gift...                           which her ghost appears.

                           THE LONG JOURNEY                                                      MERAVIGLIOSA ITALIA
                           OF A SHOE FROM MARCHE                                                 PIEMONTE - VALLE D’AOSTA
                           TO THE WORLD
                                                                                                 Piero Abrate
                           Emanuela Properzi                                                     illustrator Paolo Marengo

                           184 pages                                                             174 pages
                           mm. 150x210                                                           mm. 168x240
                           20,00 euro                                                            18,00 euro
                           isbn 9788831381406                                                    isbn 9791280602091

                           Non-fiction                                                           Travel guide
                           Design, Fashion, History                                              Costume and Traditions,
                                                                                                 Tourism and Guides

Shoes carried a relevant symbolic value throughout history           Meravigliosa Italia - Guide to Piedmont and the Aosta Valley.
due to their association with the rank of their wearer. The          Royal residences, the egyptian museum and extraordinary
authoress leads us to the discovery of Marche and how the            natural corners. 15 Itineraries for all the seasons:
region influenced shoe fashion from the Roman age up to              museums, lakes, mountains; a fascinating journey through
our present days.                                                    places renowned for their cuisine.

                           THE JOURNEY                                                           TRACCE DI SACRO
                           OF NAUSICAA                                                           MITO E TRADIZIONE TRA
                                                                                                 PIEMONTE E VALLE D'AOSTA
                           Monica Morganti
                                                                                                 Massimo Centini
                           132 pages
                           mm. 150x210                                                           182 pages
                           20,00 euro                                                            mm. 148x210
                           isbn 9788831381444                                                    15,00 euro
                                                                                                 isbn 9788894607703
                           Body, Mind and Soul,                                                  Travel guide
                           Psychology and Psychiatry, History                                    Cultural Heritage, Costume and
                                                                                                 Traditions, Tourism and Guides

Milan, 1927. Nausicaa, a young artist, is ready to take the          "Tracce di sacro - Myths and traditions between Piedmont
challenge. She will cross the ocean to exhibit her paintings         and The Aosta Valley" with in the appendix the steps of the
in New York. But a sudden and serious eye disorder brings            Via francigena. From the Aosta Valley to Ivrea in Piedmont,
her to explore the secret spaces of the self.                        is a selection of sacred and devotional itineraries marked by
A pleasant dive in Jungian psychology.                               symbolic and ritual expressions.
EDIZIONI PIUMA                                              EDIZIONI SAN GENNARO
                            ____________________                                        ____________________

Edizioni Piuma is an independent publishing house for                     From the Rione Sanità district, in the heart of Naples,
children. It publishes illustrated books, children’s books,               “San Gennaro” in a vibrant publishing house that waves
middle age and young adult.                                               together publications on Beauty, Memory, and Identity.

                            THE CLOUD ARTIST                                                          DOMENICA
                            Giorgia Simoncelli                                                        Patrizia Rinaldi
                            illustrator Paolo d'Altan
                                                                                                      80 pages
                            182 pages                                                                 mm. 140x210
                            mm. 148x210                                                               9,00 euro
                            18,00 euro                                                                isbn 9788832087321
                            isbn 9788897443308
                                                                                                      Novel, Short stories
                            Novel, Middle grade Dystopia,                                             Family and Emotional Relationships,
                            Fantasy, Mysteries, Thrillers, Horror                                     Travel and Places

Boys and Girls Strega Prize 2021 selection as a debut novel.              The novel epitomizes the story of every emigrant from
A fantastic detective story set during the Victorian era in pure          the Global South. Domenica get back to her birthplace, in
steampunk style. The greatest cloud artist in all of London               southern Italy, where she is finally ready to face unresolved
has disappeared, only his daughter is hot on his trail.                   issues. Memories and the never truly severed bond with the
                                                                          loved ones will lead her through this journey.

                            BEYOND THE FOG                                                            SANTA SANITÀ
                            Alice Bassi
                            illustrator Paolo d'Altan                                                 Diana Lama

                            234 pages                                                                 64 pages
                            mm. 148x210                                                               mm. 140x210
                            18,00 euro                                                                8,00 euro
                            isbn 9788897443414                                                        isbn 9788832087307

                            Middle grade, Young adults                                                Novel, Short stories
                            Adventure, Dystopia,                                                      Discrimination and Gender Equality,
                            Science Fiction                                                           Social Inequalities,
                                                                                                      Mysteries, Thrillers, Horror

After yet another human error, the earth is overrun by                    If one lives with two difficult parents and with no one caring
a toxic fog. The only salvation is climbing to the highest                for them, it can happen that one gets involved with the
shelters. Carlotta, left alone, must face her fears and reach             criminal underworld. That's what happens to Peppeniello,an
the top of the Dolomites. Coming-of-age and adventure                     eleven-year-old who wanders through alleys bustling with
novel about the fragile environmental issue.                              legends,violence,compassion, and forgiveness.

                            RITA AND                                                                  TORNARE
                            THE DEATH RIDE
                                                                                                      Sara Bilotti
                            Sara Beltrame
                            illustrator Tommaso Vidus Rosin                                           64 pages
                                                                                                      mm. 140x210
                            208 pages                                                                 8,00 euro
                            mm. 148x210                                                               isbn 9788832087161
                            18,00 euro
                            isbn 9788897443445                                                        Novel, Short stories
                                                                                                      Disability, Mysteries, Thrillers, Horror,
                            Children 7-11                                                             Travel and Places
                            Humor, Illustration, Travel and Places

A child's shock in front of a dead person, a missing                      Lucia does no longer live at the Sanità district, but she is
grandmother, and a nutty babysitter are the fun ingredients               forced to return there to obey the orders of the local crime
of our little Protagonist's big adventure. Will Rita be able              boss, a difficult but well-paid task. She is a lonely woman,
to drag her family along to begin a journey to find her                   hardened by life. She feels emotionally numb except
grandmother and explain the meaning of death?                             towards her disabled sister.
EDIZIONI SEB27                                                   EDIZIONI SPARTACO
                            ________                                                         ____________________

Edizioni SEB27, an independent publisher for 30 years,                Edizioni Spartaco is an independent publisher, founded in
specializing in history, social sciences, and current affairs         1995. The main series are: I Saggi (non-fiction and docu-
in topics such as human rights, women, and migration.                 fiction) and Dissensi (fiction) which is the strong point of the
                                                                      publishing house.

                            AVERE UNA MUSA DI FUOCO                                                THE LEGEND
                                                                                                   OF THE MALOMBRA
                            Piero Somaglino
                                                                                                   Vincenzo Sacco
                            248 pages
                            mm. 120x200                                                            144 pages
                            16,00 euro                                                             mm. 130x200
                            isbn 9788898670659
                                                                                                   14,00 euro
                                                                                                   isbn 9788896350829
                            Novel, Non-fiction
                            History, Theater and Dance
                                                                                                   Adventure, Popular Cultures, Fantasy

Jean learned to be a puppeteer and falls in love with                 There is a new hero in town, indeed there was. Dark,
Shakespeare, and Helaine, the fiery redhead of the Holden             mocking, restless, Malombra is a figure in the popular
Marionettes Company. A journey of fact and fiction, theater,          imagination of Southern Italy, forerunner of the most beloved
and the desire for social justice in Italy, Europe, and South         modern superheroes, which he encompasses all under his
America at the end of the 19th century.                               vermilion top. In 1848, his enemy is the rising Mafia.

                                                                                                   CASES OF BOLLA
                            TRAME DI GUERRA
                                                                                                   THE DEATH
                            E INTRECCI DI PACE.
                            IL PRESENTE TRA PANDEMIA                                               AND THE MAGICIAN
                            E DEGLOBALIZZAZIONE
                                                                                                   Marco Castagna
                            Mario Giro
                                                                                                   168 pages
                            128 pages                                                              mm. 130x200
                            mm. 120x200                                                            14,80 euro
                            14,00 euro                                                             isbn 9788896350935
                            isbn 9788898670710
                                                                                                   Ecology, Environment and Protection
                            Current Affairs and Politics,
                                                                                                   of the Planet, Esotericism and Occult
                            Peace and Justice
                                                                                                   Sciences, Mysteries, Thrillers, Horror

A political scientist and expert in mediation and                     When the enchanting Rebeca knocks on his door for help,
international cooperation analyzes the current crisis of              the Sicilian diviner Bartolomeo Bolla knows that the tarot
globalization and the impact of the pandemic and recent               has already foreseen it. The curious, ecologist, irresistible
war in Europe. A timely work for deciphering the complexity           Bolla is destined to enter the firmament of the most original
of the contemporary world.                                            detective characters.

                            SGURBIÓL.                                                              WITHOUT DISTURBING
                            DELLE COSE E DEL TEMPO DI LELIA                                        THE TULIPS
                            Antonella Romeo                                                        Federico Guerri
                            280 pages                                                              152 pages
                            mm. 120x200                                                            mm. 130x200
                            16,00 euro                                                             14,00 euro
                            isbn 9788898670642                                                     isbn 9788896350973

                            Novel, Non-fiction                                                     Novel
                            Social Inequalities,                                                   Adventure, Family and Emotional
                            Family Sagas, History                                                  Relationships, History

The life of Lelia, born in 1931 to a sharecropper a hard life,        It is a novel about bonds, memory and a sense of
later city’s worker. Against this background, life during             community, a modern tale full of apps, friendship, love,
the war, the hosting of children by Emilian peasants and              pizzas and stories. Alberto, 75 years old, is the oldest
afterward, the pursuit of justice for the victims of fascism          delivery «guy» in Italy. Thus he'll know his neighbors and
and factory workers’ rights.                                          he'll be catapulted into an adventure in the Netherlands.
EDIZIONIDELLASSENZA                                                ENRICO DAMIANI EDITORE
                                                                                  E ASSOCIATI

Edizionidellassenza, founded in 2018, publishes collections             
of works by as great as underrated contemporary authors
such as Emmanuel Bove, Luisa Stella, Carlos Liscano and                 We're specialised in non-fiction books: memoirs, essays,
Jiři Orten.                                                             books about mindfulness and meditation, and "gli adagi" our
                                                                        guides to (re)discover the most beautiful Italian cities, slowly.
                         DELLE PALME
                         (NOVEL)                                                                     MILANO ADAGIO

                         Luisa Stella                                                                Teresa Monestiroli

                         162 pages                                                                   208 pages
                         mm. 140x214                                                                 mm. 115x165
                         12,00 euro                                                                  15,00 euro
                                                                                                     isbn 9788899438470
                         isbn 9788894384352

                         Novel                                                                       Travel guide
                         Diversity, Psychology and Psychiatry,                                       Cultural Heritage,
                         Family and Emotional Relationships                                          Tourism and Guides,
                                                                                                     Travel and Places

A tired and idle man ends up being obsessed by a young
and enigmatic creature, Adele, living opposite his window.
The more her eyes draw back the more his glance longs to                Teresa Monestiroli invites us to slow down and stroll
investigate her mystery.                                                through the hidden cloisters, restaurants, museums and
                                                                        cinemas of Milan, get lost in their elegant slowness and,
                                                                        perhaps, discover something about ourselves.

(SHORT STORIES)                                                                                      NAPOLI ADAGIO
                                                                                                     Francesca Amirante
UN’ALTRA ELIDE (THEATRE)                                                                             256 pages
                                                                                                     mm. 115x165
                                    Luisa Stella                                                     17,00 euro
                                                                                                     isbn 9788899438951
                                    929 pages
                                    mm. 224x145x84                                                   Travel guide
                                    36,00 euro                                                       Cultural Heritage,
                                    isbn 9788894384345                                               Tourism and Guides,
                                                                                                     Travel and Places
                                    Novel, Short stories
                                    Family and Emotional
                                    Relationships, Creative
                                    Writing,Theater and Dance           Naples is a city of breath-taking beauty and stark contrasts.
                                                                        To find our way through its narrow alleys, Francesca
                                                                        Amirante advises us to take our time and be ready to meet
The four volumes set features two novels, several short                 its vibrant humanity.
stories and theatre works by Luisa Stella, Sicilian novelist and
playwright, considered by the critics an heir of the greatest
Sicilian and European tradition.

                                                                                                     VENEZIA ADAGIO
                                                                                                     Paola Zatti
                         TRE INSONNI
                         (NOVEL)                                                                     320 pages
                                                                                                     mm. 115x165
                         Luisa Stella                                                                18,00 euro
                                                                                                     isbn 9788899438692
                         249 pages
                         mm. 140x214                                                                 Travel guide
                         14,00 euro                                                                  Cultural Heritage,
                         isbn 9788894384376                                                          Tourism and Guides,
                                                                                                     Travel and Places
                         Diversity, Family and Emotional
                         Relationships, Creative Writing
                                                                        A slow-paced voyage from San Marco to Rialto, from
The lives of Antonio, Ivo and Tea are ravaged by insomnia,              Giudecca to Dorsoduro, through palaces, gardens, churches
whose ancient and submerged relation to guilt is as                     and works of art. A guide to relish the liveliest and most
ambiguous as growlingly intolerable. Through them Luisa                 authentic side of Venice and its isles.
Stella travels deep into a never-ending wake.
EQUILIBRI                                                              EXÒRMA EDIZIONI
                            ______________                                                         ___________________

Equilibri aims to promote critical reflection on reading                Exorma (from the Greek “to sail”) publishes mainly italian
and youth literature, to define methodological proposals                literature, travel literature, reportage, narrative essays,
on reading education for teachers and educators, and to                 with particular attention to anthropological, aesthetic and
promote quality youth fiction.                                          current social issues.

                            D-DAY DOG                                                                ITACA.
                                                                                                     L'ISOLA DALLA SCHIENA DI DRAGO
                            Tom Palmer
                            translator Manuela Salvi                                                 Luca Baldoni
                            illustrator Tom Clohosy Cole
                                                                                                     312 pages
                            184 pages                                                                mm. 122x180
                            mm. 140x210                                                              17,50 euro
                            15,00 euro                                                               isbn 9788898848935
                            isbn 9788894514032
                                                                                                     Hybrid, Travel guide
                            Novel, Children 7-11                                                     Adventure, History,
                            Animals, Family and Emotional                                            Travel and Places
                            Relationships, History

                                                                        Special mentions: Gambrinus Award 2019 and Maldini
Jack loves his dog Finn more than anything. When he                     Award 2020. Ithaca emerges abruptly from the sea covered
leaves for a school trip to the D-Day beaches in Normandy,              with a dense green. A journey with Ulysses, history, local
the discovery of the true story of Emile Corteil, a young               legends, the landscape and paths, the Byzantine city, the
paratrooper, with his dog Glen will guide Jack towards a                Venetian admiralty, the adventurers of the 19th century.
new awareness of the sense and non-sense of war.

                            L'ETÀ SOSPESA                                                            ROSA SPINACORTA

                            Aidan Chambers                                                           Mario Ferraguti
                            translator Gabriela Zucchini
                                                                                                     180 pages
                            235 pages                                                                mm. 122x188
                            mm. 140x205                                                              16,00 euro
                                                                                                     isbn 9788831461375
                            17,00 euro
                            isbn 9788890580895
                            Non-fiction                                                              Anthropology, Adventure,
                            Literary Critique, Didactics,                                            Popular Cultures

Aidan Chambers, English novelist and essayist, is regarded              In post-war Italy, in a convent of nuns, a little girl is chosen
as one of the founders of Young Adult literature. In this book          to dress the Madonna, a wooden statue. But Our Lady is
he traces the history of youth literature, to identify its roots        never naked and whoever dresses her cannot exist. Tecla
and outline the defining criteria for what he considers a true          will have to deny her own body, but when she becomes a
literary genre: Youth Fiction.                                          teenager and suffers violence everything changes…

                            ZUCCHERO E SALE                                                          UNA MAPPA PER
                            Benedetta Bonfiglioli                                                    LA CITTÀ BIFRONTE
                            illustrator Martina Vanda
                                                                                                     Valentina Parisi
                            176 pages
                            mm. 140x210                                                              264 pages
                            15,00 euro                                                               mm. 122x188
                            isbn 9788894514025                                                       17,00 euro
                                                                                                     isbn 9788898848683
                            Short stories, Young adults
                            Family and Emotional Relationships                                       Non-fiction, Hybrid
                                                                                                     Current Affairs and Politics,
                                                                                                     History, Travel and Places

Twelve stories about joy and wounds, conquests and storms,              The exclave of Kaliningrad is Moscow's outpost on the
death, love, the everything and nothing of adolescence and              Baltic: its history makes us understand its strategic
youth. Twelve stories of how life goes, or doesn't go, when             importance in the current war landscape. If ancient
you grow up.                                                            Königsberg had not been destroyed by the Allies and then
                                                                        by the Red Army in 1944, Kaliningrad would not exist at all.
GAGIO EDIZIONI                                                         GIACONI EDITORE
                            _______________                                                        __________________

Gagio Edizioni is an Italian editorial project that want to             A publishing house focused on Marche, a region in the
create unique works interwoven with words and images.                   centre of Italy full of amazing traditions, misterious legends
                                                                        and historical figures like Leopardi and Raffaello that
                                                                        inspire our authors.

                            LA PUNGA                                                                ALLUNAGGI. COSMONAUTI
                            DELITTO A VILLA DI CASTRO                                               DELLA LETTERATURA

                            Sesto Santoli                                                           Stella Sacchini
                            illustrator Simone Sanna                                                translators Allievi dell'Istituto
                                                                                                    Comprensivo "Vincenzo Pagani"
                            176 pages                                                               di Monterubbiano
                            mm. 150x220
                            15,00 euro                                                              280 pages
                            isbn 9791280369093                                                      mm. 150x210
                                                                                                    12,00 euro
                            Novel                                                                   isbn 9791281120006
                            Costume and Traditions, Mysteries,
                            Thrillers, Horror, Illustration                                         Poetry, Picture book
                                                                                                    Diversity, Inclusion, Foreign Languages

The quiet village of Villa di Castro, in the Sardinian region
of Gallura, is upset by a heinous murder, a young woman                 Allunaggi collects the most beautiful poema to the Moon
has been found brutally beheaded and the Prefect Valentino              from all around the world and in many languages.
begins to investigate the case between old traditions and

                            PASSENGERZERO                                                                EXTRAORDINARY
                            RIPARTIRE DAL CAMMINO                                                        VISIONS OF FERMO

                            Davide Angelo Oldani                                                         Monia Marchionni
                                                                                                         translator Lucy Howell
                            236 pages
                            mm. 150x220                                                                  176 pages
                            13,00 euro                                                                   mm. 240x240
                            isbn 9791280369062
                                                                                                         25,00 euro
                                                                                                         isbn 9788894834758
                            Short stories
                            Travel and Places, Family and                                                Other
                            Emotional Relationships, Photography                                         Visual Arts, Cultural Heritage,

                                                                        Extraordinary visions of Fermo, a fascinating city in
Lost his job, lost his partner and frightened by the return of
                                                                        Marche region, is a project where archival images, staged
an ancient threat, Davide falls to the bottom of despair. He
                                                                        photographs and texts are combined with a constant dialogue
decide to start the Camino de Santiago and after a thousand
                                                                        between the artist, the places and the city inhabitans.
kilometers, a man very different from the one who left
arrives at the Cape of Finisterre.

                            STORIE AI MARGINI                                                       L'APOSTATA
                            DELLA CITTÀ
                                                                                                    Stella Sacchini, Fabio Pedone
                            Gabriel Garcìa Pavesi
                            illustrators Beatrice Giannini,                                         92 pages
                            Chiara Intropido, Lorenzo Franzosi,                                     mm. 120x160
                            Bricolage Grafico                                                       10,00 euro
                                                                                                    isbn 9788894834802
                            204 pages
                            mm. 150x220                                                             Novel
                            13,00 euro                                                              Biography, Civil Rights and Racism,
                            isbn 9791280369055                                                      Career and Jobs
                            Short stories
                            Adventure, Dystopia, Illustration

Living on the border of wonder and horror, in the desolated             This book shows the story of under-age work in American
plains of the Northern Italy. People pushed on the edge,                factories. L'apostata collects the memories of one of the
over the border which separates fear and loneliness from                most important writers of the XIX century, Jack London.
the incredible experience of the ones who have eyes to see
and guts to seek.
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