WINTER 20202020 Colchester Recreation Colchester Senior Center Cragin Memorial Library - Colchester CT

Page created by Shane Graves
WINTER 20202020 Colchester Recreation Colchester Senior Center Cragin Memorial Library - Colchester CT
Colchester Recreation
                                                          Colchester Senior Center
                                                          Cragin Memorial Library

                                                          WINTER 2020
The Official Publication of the Town of Colchester

Online Registration
for all Colchester Recreation Programs:
WINTER 20202020 Colchester Recreation Colchester Senior Center Cragin Memorial Library - Colchester CT

                                          3 Tailored Account
                                          3 Exceptional Insurance
                                            Solutions in Your World
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    176 Norwich Avenue | Colchester, CT |

2                 the Chronicle
WINTER 20202020 Colchester Recreation Colchester Senior Center Cragin Memorial Library - Colchester CT
Table of Contents

                                                                             First Selectman’s Note......................................... 4

                                                                             Parks & Recreation Contacts............................. 5

                                                                             Community Events................................................ 9

                                                                             Recreation Adult Programs.............................18

                                                                                  Adult Enrichment............................................19

                                                                                  Adult Health & Wellness................................21

                                                                                  Teen & Adult Sports......................................23

                                                                             Recreation Youth Programs...........................24

                                                                             Registration Information...................................31
  Gilbert P. Kaback, P.C., 100 Linwood Avenue, Colchester, CT


                                                                             Cragin Memorial Library...................................34

                                                                             Senior Center.......................................................42

                                                                                  Special Events....................................................43

                                                                                  Travel.................................................................... 44

                  Gilbert P. Kaback, Esq.                                                                   Produced by
   Divorce and Family Law                                                                    the Chronicle
   • Free Initial Consultation                                                   Publisher                                    Sales Representatives
   • Bankruptcy/Foreclosure Defense                                              Michael Schroeder                            Marilyn Antignani
   • Support, Custody & Visitation                                               Advertising Manager                          Jean Beckley
   • Post Divorce Modifications                                                  Jan Koivisto                                 Jackie Gottlieb
                                                                                                                              Laurie Moulthrope
   • Access to a certified Divorce Financial Analyst                             Production Manager
                                                                                 Lynn Coleman
   • Wills,Trusts and Estates                                (860)537-0874
   • Collections/DWI/Motor Vehicle                  Cover Design & Layout
                                                                                 Heidi Graf
   • Probate Matters                                                  Colchester CONNECTION - WINTER 2020                                                                               3
WINTER 20202020 Colchester Recreation Colchester Senior Center Cragin Memorial Library - Colchester CT
First Selectman’s Note

        Top Selling Agent
    Chairman’s Circle – Top 2% Nationally

    Joyce M. Covone
              Realtor®, ABR                                              Generosity Continues in Colchester
                                                                   With the Holiday season upon us, I just wanted
      860-608-1708                                                to say thank you to all of those that continue
       11 Hayward Ave.                                            to give their time, money, and resources to
     Colchester, CT 06415                                         those less fortunate in town. Colchester is
      Each Office Independently Owned & Operated
                                                                  truly blessed to have such a large number of
                                                                  residents willing to give so much to others.
                                                                   Our fuel bank relies solely on the donations
        STILL                                                     of others. I want to thank everyone who has

                                                                  contributed to help keep homes warm this
     AT DDC........                                                The food bank also relies on the community.
                                                                  We have so many people who donate food or
                  FALL SPECIAL:                                   money to ensure no Colchester resident ever
       With this ad, ages 3-7 ballet or                           goes hungry. The food bank would not be
         jazz and all adult classes,                              possible if it wasn’t for the assistance of many
       receive 15 percent off tuition!                            volunteers that help with the shopping and
        Tap                               Jazz                    stocking of shelves.
        Ballet                            Hip Hop                  For all of you that have helped this year, please
        Acrobatics                        Contemporary            know that I appreciate all of your efforts and
        Modern                                                    you are truly making a difference.
                                                                            Art Shilosky
                           Dance Center                           		First Selectman

    711 Middletown Rd. • Rte. 16, Colchester


4                                                the Chronicle
WINTER 20202020 Colchester Recreation Colchester Senior Center Cragin Memorial Library - Colchester CT
Parks & Recreation Contacts

                                                                        League Contact Info
                                                                            Colchester Youth Wrestling
                                                                   Matt Whitney,
                                                                     Colchester Baseball & Softball League
                                                                          Patrick Walsh,
                                                                      Colchester Cougars Youth Football &
                                                                       Stacy Kelsey,
                                                                      Paula McDowell,
                                                                            Colchester Youth Lacrosse
                                                                                   Montez Johnson
                                                                     Galaxy Youth All Star Rec Cheerleading
                                                                    Tina Everett,
                                                                              Colchester Soccer Club
                                                                    Tim Daniels,
                                                                                  Youth Basketball
                                                                   Matt Pulse,
                                                                                   Men’s Softball
     Recreation Director                                            John Wissler,
     Tiffany S. Quinn, CPRP, CYSA, NYSA,
     Recreation Supervisor                                                       Women’s Softball
     Amanda Hart,                                         Lynne Stephenson
     Recreation Specialist                                        
     Matthew Cicchese,
                                                                   Colchester Sports Leagues are independent organizations.
   PUBLIC OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 8:30a.m. - 4:30pm              They operate individually and separately from the Colchester
                                                                   Recreation Department. Each organization has its own Board
   DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS                                      of Directors, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures. If you have
   For concerns regarding parks and grounds call (860) 537-7288    questions or need more information, please contact the
      James Paggioli, Director                                     league directly.
      Dean Hunniford, Operations Director
      Tim Angell, Supervisor
   PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEMBERS                                    WE’RE LISTENING!
     Eric Kundahl, Chair             Tracey Bruni                  We want to hear from you! Any questions or
     Kristin Moody                   Norm Kaplan
                                                                   comments? Call or drop us an e-mail. Keep
     Lynne Stephenson                Matt Pulse
     Brenda Kniska                   Vacant                        This important information! 127 Norwich Ave,
     		                              Vacant                                    Colchester, CT 06415                                                  860-537-7297
     COLCHESTER RECREATION • 127 Norwich Avenue • Colchester CT, 06415 • (860) 537-7297                Colchester CONNECTION - WINTER 2020                                                           5
WINTER 20202020 Colchester Recreation Colchester Senior Center Cragin Memorial Library - Colchester CT
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6                                                   the Chronicle
WINTER 20202020 Colchester Recreation Colchester Senior Center Cragin Memorial Library - Colchester CT
Recreation Department Letter

                                        Minimum Wage Increase
     Colchester Recreation believes that every employee       minimum wage increase will result with a $40,000
   deserves fair wages. We know firsthand how hard            increase in our annual expenses. Undoubtedly we will
   our employees work to offer the very best camps,           be paying more for products and services from our
   events and programs. The majority of our employees         vendors who will likewise raise their prices to cover
   are hired on a temporary or seasonal basis and are         their increased operating cost.
   between the age of 15 and 23. This includes students,        So, how do we recover this additional cost? How will
   teachers and parents seeking supplemental funds or         this affect your expectations of parks & recreation?
   experience that will advance them from earning a           What does this mean to you, our loyal customers and
   “learning” wage to a higher–paying, “living” wage.         patrons? Some impacts you might see include:
     Minimum wage will increase from $10.10/hour to $15/
   hour in the next four years. This bill was passed by the    • Unusually substantial incremental increases in
   General Assembly on May 17, 2019, and signed into law         user fees for programs and services over the next
   by the Governor on May 28, 2019. The approved phase-          three to four years and beyond. It will challenge
   in looks like this:                                           our ability to remain affordable-but we promise to
                                                                 look at all options before raising fees.
    1. October 1, 2019: $11.00,
                                                               • Reduction in services to our residents
    2. September 1, 2020: $12.00,
                                                               • Decrease in our part time, seasonal employment
    3. August 1, 2021: $13.00,                                   opportunities.
    4. July 1, 2022: $14.00,                                    Colchester Recreation’s events, programs and
                                                              activities are completely self-funded. This means that
    5. June 1, 2023: $15.00,                                  we need to bring in enough revenue from program
    6. The State of CT will establish COLA indexing           fees, donations and sponsorships to cover all of
       beginning October 15,2023.                             our expenses. Program Fees will be rise, reflecting
                                                              the increase in wages, so Colchester recreation can
    7. Every October 15th the Commissioner of Labor is        continue to operate on a zero based budget. The
       to announce an increased minimum wage                  minimum wage increase may not affect your taxes
       effective January of 2024 and every subsequent         or the mill rate, but it will have an impact on our
       January.                                               program participants.
     This state mandate will have a dramatic impact on          As we approach budget season and plan for 2020,
   municipal budgets, including Colchester Recreation.        we will focus on maintaining quality programs. We
   Our programs and services payroll budget will see an       will take the time to make changes that bring value
   increase of nearly 50% over the next few years. The        to the community and the programs. These decisions
   impact is not just at the entry level however. The wage    are difficult and we understand the impact they may
   compression has a tremendous “domino” effect on            have on our participants. We WILL do our best to
   proportionate wage increases necessary for veteran         provide a level of service that delivers a quality of life
   and supervisory seasonal employees. The graduated          that you have all come to enjoy and expect.                  Colchester CONNECTION - WINTER 2020                                                  7
WINTER 20202020 Colchester Recreation Colchester Senior Center Cragin Memorial Library - Colchester CT
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8                                                                                          the Chronicle
WINTER 20202020 Colchester Recreation Colchester Senior Center Cragin Memorial Library - Colchester CT
Community Activities & Events
                                                                              New York on your Own Bus Trip- Spring Trip
        2019 Holiday Arch Sponsorships                                        Saturday May 9, 2020
                                                                              Radio City, Rockefeller Center, Met Museum of Art, Times Square, 34th Street
   There are only 6 arches left! This may be your last chance to              and so much more! The day is yours to explore and there is bound to be some-
    get your name on the Town Green for the holiday season!                   thing for the whole family to enjoy! The deluxe motor coach will depart from the
                                                                              Colchester Town Hall at 7:00AM and transport passengers to New York City.
                                                                              The motor coach will pick up passengers at 6:00PM and bring passengers back
                                                                              to Colchester.
                                                                              Suggested drop off locations (actual locations may change slightly on the day of
                                                                              the trip to accommodate road conditions, parking restrictions, etc.)
                                                                              1st Drop-off: Met Museum of Art, 5th Ave at 82nd Street
                                                                              2nd Drop-off: Rockefeller Center Area (Radio City Music Hall, St Patrick’s
    For more information, call Colchester
                                                                              3rd Drop-off: Times Square (Theater District, Madame Tussaud’s, Bubba
        Recreation at (860) 537-7297                                                        Gump’s)
                                                                              4th Drop-off: Macy’s, 34th Street (Garment District, Empire State Building)
                                                                              5th Drop-off: Canal Street
                                                                              Activity #    4325
                                                                              Age:          All Ages (minors must be accompanied by an adult)
 Holiday Homecoming, Stuff the Cruiser &                                      Fee:          $65 per person
 Letters to Santa                                                             Registration deadline: May 1, 2020; Min 35/Max 50
 Saturday December 7, 2019 at 4:30PM on the                                   Scavenger Hunt
 Colchester Town Green                                                        January 1, 2020-March 1, 2020
 Let’s kick off the holiday season with a celebration! The Colchester Fire    Calling all families & adventure seekers! Colchester Recreation is hosting
 Department, Colchester Police and Colchester Recreation have a fun           a Town-Wide Scavenger Hunt. Teams of up to 5 players, all ages are encour-
 night of activities and holiday magic planned. Please join us at 4:30PM      aged, are challenged to get out and explore Colchester this winter! 2020
 for performances by St. Andrews Choir, Doreen’s Dance Studio and             brings a new challenge and new adventures. Points will be awarded for each
 Bacon Academy Carolers. DJ Montez will be playing holiday music,             completed task. For more information, email Colchester Recreation at park
 leading the sing-alongs and keeping everyone entertained. Oz-N-
 Bones Food Truck will be selling their delicious items to keep everyone      Register online at
 full and warm!                                                               Birthday Parties at William J Johnston
 During the afternoon, Santa will drive through some lucky neighbor-          Middle School
 hoods to wave to the children from his decorated fire truck. Around          Let Colchester Recreation help with your Birthday Party! We will use the gym
 5:30 the fire trucks will bring Santa to the Town Green where he will        and cafeteria at William J. Johnston Middle School for a 2 hour birthday party on
 help light the holiday tree. After the lighting of the tree, there will be   Friday evenings, Saturdays or Sundays! We will provide the space for your party,
 time for every child to visit with Santa in the gazebo.                      you provide the kids! We can assist with staff, equipment and provide cake and
                                                                              paper goods if desired. To learn about all of the Birthday Party options, please
 All children are encouraged to bring their letters to Santa and mail them    call Colchester Recreation at (860) 537-7297 or visit our website at www.colches
 to the North Pole in our special mail box. Santa and Mrs. Clause will
 mail a personal letter back to every child that sends him a letter from
 Holiday Homecoming. Please remember to include the child’s name,             Volunteer of the Month
 age and address on each letter. Please print the child’s name & ad-          Colchester Recreation will accept nominations from Colchester organizations,
 dress clearly.                                                               groups, businesses, schools and individuals for the Volunteer of the Month!
                                                                              Nomination forms are available on our website at
 Everyone is encouraged to bring a new, unwrapped and unused gift to          reation-department.
 the Colchester Police annual Stuff a Cruiser. All gifts will benefit local     Nomination Criteria
 families. The Colchester Lion’s Club & Leo’s will be handing out hot ap-
 ple cider and cookies as well as collection non-perishable food items          • A resident of Colchester
 for the Colchester Food Bank. Colchester Hayward Fire Department               • A volunteer with a specific group for more than 3 months
 cadets will also be there giving out hot chocolate.                            • 14 years or older
 Do you collect the annual Colchester Holiday Ornament? We will have            • Must not receive financial compensation
 the 2019 special edition ornaments for sale at the Holiday Homecoming.         • Must not have won the award within the past 3 years.                           Colchester CONNECTION - WINTER 2020                                                                          9
WINTER 20202020 Colchester Recreation Colchester Senior Center Cragin Memorial Library - Colchester CT
            SATURDAY DECEMBER 7, 2019

                       HOLIDAY MUSIC BY DJ. MONTEZ
                        BACON ACADEMY CAROLERS
                         DECORATED FIRE TRUCK!!
                     THE LIGHTING OF THE TOWN TREE!
 Mail your letter to Santa in the special North Pole Mailbox! Please include the child's
         name, age & address and each child will receive a letter from Santa!
                         (Please print name & address clearly)

                     CHFD Cadets will be handing out hot chocolate.

     Colchester Police Department will be collecting new & unwrapped toys for local
                       families in need. Please consider donating.

      Colchester Lion's Club & Leo's will be collecting non-perishable items for the
          Colchester Food Bank. They will be giving out cookies & apple cider.

           Free fun run at Bacon Academy. 9:30AM Registration & 10:00 Race!

        Colchester Choir & Orchestra will be performing at the federated church.
                              The Concert starts at 6:30PM.

            Colchester Historical Society will be open that day to celebrate.

10                       the Chronicle
2019 Colchester
     The Colchester Hayward Dire Department will escort
                                                                                                Holiday Ornament
       Santa on a special Firetruck following this route:
                  SANTAS 2019                                                                    ORNAMENTS CAN BE PURCHASED AT COLCHESTER
                                                                                                     RECREATION IN TOWN HALL STARTING
                                                                                                          MONDAY DECEMBER 2, 2019

    HOLIDAY                                                                                            Colchester Recreation will also be selling prior years ornaments.

                                                                                 2019 Colchester
      **All times are approximate and subject to change and are                2019  Colchester
                                                                                Holiday Ornament
                                                                                 2019 Colchester
     dependent on if there is an emergency. Please allow 15 before

                                                                           Holiday Ornament
                and after estimated times for santa’s arrival.

   Start 2:00pm                          Left on Cirillo Drive                     Ornament
                                                                                   ORNAMENTS CAN BE PURCHASED AT COLCHESTER

                                                                                       RECREATION IN TOWN HALL STARTING
      Leave Fire Headquarters
                                      3:15pm                                                MONDAY DECEMBER 2, 2019
      Left out of firehouse              Left on Woodbine
      Continue on Broadway               Left on West Road
                                                                                        Colchester Recreation will also be selling prior years ornaments.

      Continue on South Main Street      Left on Melanie Lane             ORNAMENTS CAN BE PURCHASED AT COLCHESTER
      Left on Norwich Avenue             Right on Hunters Court          ORNAMENTS       CAN BE PURCHASED AT COLCHESTER
                                                                              RECREATION IN TOWN HALL STARTING
      Right on Chestnut Hill Road
      Right on Country Place Road
                                         Right on Melanie Lane               RECREATIONMONDAY    IN DECEMBER
                                                                                                       TOWN HALL2, STARTING  2019
                                         Left on Fran Drive
   2:15pm                                Left on Carli Boulevard                      MONDAY         DECEMBER            2,  2019
                                                                            Colchester Recreation will also be selling prior years ornaments.

      Right on Birch Circle              Left on Starwood Trail
                                                                               Colchester Recreation will also be selling prior years ornaments.
      Straight on Cobble Way             Left on Carli
      Right on Meadow Drive           3:30pm
      Left on Birch Circle               Left on Shady Brook
      Right on Meadow Drive              Straight on Carli
      Right on Maple Drive

                                                                            FREE FUN RUN
                                         Left on West Road
      Left on Norwich Avenue             Left on New London Rd
      Left on Halls Hill Road            Left on Lake Hayward Road
   2:30am                             3:45pm
      Left on Christy Lane                                                             100 METER & 200 METER DASH
                                         Right on Cabin Road                            ¼ MILE, ½ MILE & FULL MILE
      Left on Halls Hill Road            Left on Lakeview Drive
      Left on Prospect Street            Left on Cabin Road
                                                                                               Day Of Registration 9:30-10:00       AM
                                                                                                                    RUNNING + FITNESS + FOOD

                                                                                                    Run begins at 10:00 AM
      Left on Westerly Terrace           Right on Elliott Drive                                      Bacon Academy Track
      Left on Buckhalter Road            Right on Kennedy                                    611 Norwich Ave, Colchester, CT 06415
      Left on Berry Lane                 Right on Dara Drive                                  Parents Must Remain with children
      Right on Fern Drive                Left on Flom Road
      Left on Edgewood Drive                                                                                                               AWARDS WILL
                                                                           ELF RUN-
                                      4:00pm                               SATURDAY DECEMBER 7, 2019                                         BE GIVEN
   2:45pm                                Left on David Drive               ACTIVITY #4315
      Left on Fern Drive                                                   Children (and adults) are encouraged                                OUT!
                                         Left on Kennedy Drive
      Left on Alexander Drive            Left on Elliott Drive
                                                                           to wear their favorite Elf, Santa or
                                                                                                                                          Pre-Register online at
                                                                           other festive COSTUME! !
      Right on Berry Lane                Right on Midland                                                                   
      Left on Chestnut Drive             Right on Lynn                     SUPERBOWL RUN-                                                ation-Department then
      Left on Dorset Road                Right on Crestview
                                                                           SUNDAY FEBRUARY 2, 2020                                     "Register Online". Search by
                                                                           ACTIVITY #4316                                                       Activity #
      Right on Berry Lane                Left on Dr. Foote                 Children (and adults) are
      Right on Alexander Drive                                             encouraged to wear their favorite                          For more information contact
      Left on Chestnut Drive          4:15pm                               team apparel!                                                Colchester Recreation at
      Left on Parum Road                 Right on Cabin Road                                                                                860-537-7297 or
      Right on Lake Hayward Road         Right on Middletown Road          SHAMROCK RUN-
                                                                           SATURDAY MARCH 14, 2020                                            Don Levine at
      Left on New London Rd              Left on Linwood Cemetery Road     ACTIVITY #4317                                    
                                         Right on Wall Street              Children (and adults) come dressed in                            or Kelly McAlpine
   3:00pm                                Right on Gill Street              GREEN! The more shamrocks the
      Right on West Road                 Right on Wall Street              better!
      Right on Woodbine Road             Back to Fire Headquarters
      Left on Sweetbriar Drive
      Left on Woodbine Road                          Colchester CONNECTION - WINTER 2020                                                                                          11
            Holiday Gingerbread House Contest
          Contest Rules:
          Contest Rules:
             1. Drop
             1. Drop
                 Drop off off    your
                          off your      pre-made
                                 your pre-made      gingerbread
                                        pre-made gingerbread        house
                                                     gingerbread house     to
                                                                    house to  the
                                                                           to the  Recreation
                                                                              the Recreation    Department,
                                                                                    Recreation Department,
                                                                                                Department, 127  127 Norwich
                                                                                                                 127 Norwich  Ave,
                                                                                                                     Norwich Ave,   Colchester
                                                                                                                               Ave, Colchester
                CT,   Dec.
                      Dec.      2-4,
                                2-4,  2019,
                                      2019,   8:30
                                              8:30  am-4:30
                 CT, Dec. 2-4, 2019, 8:30 am-4:30 pm.           pm.
             2. Gingerbread
             2. Gingerbread
                 Gingerbread Houses   Houses    will
                                       Houses will   be
                                                will be  displayed
                                                     be displayed    throughout
                                                          displayed throughout
                                                                     throughout thethe Town
                                                                                   the Town    Hall
                                                                                        Town Hall   Dec.
                                                                                               Hall Dec.  5-
                                                                                                     Dec. 5- 18,
                                                                                                          5- 18, 2019.
                                                                                                             18, 2019.
             3. All
             3. All  visitors
                 All visitors
                     visitors to   to  the
                                    to the Town
                                       the Town    Hall
                                            Town Hall    will
                                                   Hall will   be
                                                          will be encouraged
                                                               be encouraged
                                                                  encouraged toto  vote
                                                                                to vote  for
                                                                                   vote for  their
                                                                                         for their favorite
                                                                                             their favorite  gingerbread
                                                                                                    favorite gingerbread   house.
                                                                                                             gingerbread house.
             4. Each
             4. Each      gingerbread
                 Each gingerbread
                          gingerbread house  house   will
                                             house will   be
                                                     will be  awarded
                                                          be awarded    a fun
                                                               awarded aa fun superlative
                                                                          fun superlative    award
                                                                               superlative award     ribbon.
                                                                                             award ribbon.
             5. The
             5. The   “Community
                 The “Community
                       “Community Favorite” Favorite”   will
                                            Favorite” will   be
                                                        will be  awarded
                                                              be awarded   to
                                                                  awarded to  the
                                                                           to the  gingerbread
                                                                              the gingerbread     house
                                                                                    gingerbread house     with
                                                                                                  house with    the
                                                                                                          with the  most
                                                                                                                the most  community
                                                                                                                     most community   votes.
                                                                                                                          community votes.
             6. Families,
             6. Families,        friends,
                 Families, friends,         teams,
                                  friends, teams,    etc.
                                            teams, etc.    are
                                                     etc. are   encouraged
                                                           are encouraged
                                                                encouraged toto work
                                                                             to work   together
                                                                                 work together   to
                                                                                       together to    submit
                                                                                                  to submit   creative
                                                                                                      submit creative  entries.
                                                                                                              creative entries.
             7. This
             7. This   isis aaa free
                 This is        free  event!
                                free event!
             8. Questions?
             8. Questions? Call the
                Questions?           Call
                                     Call the  Colchester
                                          the Colchester     Recreation
                                               Colchester Recreation      Department-
                                                              Recreation Department-      (860)
                                                                          Department- (860)     537-7297
                                                                                          (860) 537-7297

        Colchester Recreation
         WE WI L L DO T HE R E S T ! ( 8 60 ) 5 3 7 - 7 2 97
             WWW. COL CHE S T E R CT . GOV/ R E C
         VA L E NT I NE POS T I NG A CT I VI T Y # 4 1 2 9
           VA L E NT I NE MA I L A CT I VI T Y # 4 1 3 0

                                                                                  A FESTIVE HOLIDAY DANCE PARTY FOR ALL
                                                                                  Please join us for this welcoming evening of music,
                                                                                  merriment, food, and maybe even a surprise visit by Santa
                                                                                  Claus! Individuals of all abilities are welcome to attend
                                                                                  with a buddy or two. Parents are encouraged to stay.
                             $1: Valentine                                                                           FRIDAY DECEMBER 13, 2019
                             $5: Valentine                                                                                     6:00PM-8:00PM
                                                                                                                    COLCHESTER ELEMENTARY
                                                                                                                          SCHOOL CAFETERIA

          Kindness Hearts                                                                                                     $5.00 Per Person
                                                                                                                                Pre-Registration is Required
                 SHOW YOUR GR AT I T UDE, T HANK A F R I END,                                        
                                SHAR E A KI ND WOR D!
                                                                                                                                              Activity #4323
           DI SPLAYED I N T HE COLCHEST ER R ECR EAT I ON OF F I CE.                                                For more information, (860) 537-7297 or
          BET T ER YET . . . LET US MAI L YOUR VALENT I NE F OR YOU!                                               

12                                                                                 the Chronicle
             Colchester Town   Town
                           Colchester Town  Hall
                                   FAMILY       GAME
                                FAMILY            GAME
      A FREE community
                   A FREEevent open
                           communityto event
                                       all!   open to all!
   A FREE community              event
                           Community         open
                                        Activities    to all!
                                                    & Events
         Enjoy a FUN night of Enjoy
                              food, various
        prizes for the winners! Compete
                                     a FUN night
                                    for the
                                                          and BINGO
                                                    food, various
                                            winners!  family or
                                                                  board games and BINGO with
                                                               against your family or neighbors!              NIGHT
njoy aToFUN
                night    of  food,     various      board       games
                                                                 and searchand     BINGO   wi
                                                       Friday January 25, 2019
         Register: and search Activity
                         To Register:  #3991
                                                            5:30PM-7:30PM   Activity #3991
 zes for the winners! Compete against                        yourTown
                                                        Colchester    family
                                                                           Hall or neighbo
                                                                                                Friday January     25, 2019

                                                                                            A FREE community event open to all!
                   Friday January 24, 2020
                                                                                         Enjoy a FUN night of food, various board games and BINGO with

 Register:    and search Activity #39                 5:30PM-7:30PM
                                                                                        prizes for the winners! Compete against your family or neighbors!

                                                                                                  Colchester Town Hall
                                                                            Colchester Town Hall
                        Friday January 25,                  2019 community event open to all!
                                                                                    To Register: and search Activity #3991

                                      A FREE community A FREE      event open
                                                             FUN night of food, various board games and BINGO wi
           Family Game     Colchester
                   Enjoy aNight  isFamily
                           FUN nightgenerously Town
                                     of food,Game   Night
                                              various      Hall
                                                      board gamesbywinners!
                                                            is the  Alpha
                                                                   and      Q,
                                                                        BINGO   INC.
                                                                               with        by Alpha
                                                                                          for       Q, family
                                                                                                  your INC. or neighbo
             A FREE community event open to all!
                            the winners! Compete   against your family or neighbors!
                                              To Register:
                        To Register:   and search Activity #4269and search Activity #39
           Enjoy a FUN night of food, various board games
                                                       Family and
                                                              GameBINGO     with
                                                                  Night is generously sponsored by Alpha Q, INC.
          prizes for the winners! Compete against your family or neighbors!

         To Register: and search Activity #3991

                 Colchester Recreation &               STAY TUNED!
                                   Family Game Night is generously sponsored by Alpha Q, INC.
                     Creative Canvas
Family Game Night
            invite you to a is generously sponsoredSUMMER by          Alpha Q, INC.
                                                                 OF 2020
                      Wood Sign Painting
                                                                                                REGIONAL SUMMER CONCERT SERIES &
                       Give-Back Night
                                                                                                     INTERNATIONAL FOOD FEST!
            Family Game
                    Friday Night
                                       2020       sponsored by Alpha Q, INC.
                        6:00PM-8:00PM                            Dates, Locations & Times coming soon!
                               179 Linwood Avenue
                               Colchester, CT 06415                                                 Sponsors needed for Colchester concerts.
                                $45.00 Per Person
                                                                                                  Concerts will be held in Colchester, Salem and
                  20% of all funds raised will be donated back to
                               Colchester Recreation                                                               Marlborough.
                     Daycamp & Program Scholarship Fund

                     To Register:
                                   "Calendar & SignUp"

             Creative Canvas allows outside food and beverages at the facility.
                           Please consider bringing your own.

                         **Available signs may vary on the night of the event.                                      Colchester CONNECTION - WINTER 2020                                                      13
TUNITIES   Community Activities & Events
                                                                                                                        Summer Camp 2019
 ion Day Camp will begin
               2020 COLCHESTER SUMMER DAY CAMP

                                                                                        was a huge success! We served
           t applications on                                                            over 200 individual children ages 5
                                                                                        years-12 years, over the span of 9
2020. Applications will be
i d a y F e b r u a r y 2 8 , 220 0       20.
                                                                                        weeks. Camp Director Cari Duigou
                                                                                        and Assistant Camp Director Stacy
                                                                                        Bellas-Violette led a phenomenal

                                    2 0 C O L C H E Sstaff
                  Colchester Recreation Day Camp will begin TER  teamS Umade
                                                                          MM up Eof Rveteran
                                                                                        D A staff
                                                                                              Y Cwho  A Mhave
                                                                                                            P been working
c a n b e f o u n d o n t h e t o w nat camp for years, and some new staff who were excited to be
                    accepting employment applications on
                Monday January 27, 2020. Applications will be

                                                           a part of a fun and exciting summer! The Leader-in-Training
                   accepted until Friday February 28, 2020.

o l c h e s t e r c t . g o v s t a r t i n g program, which is a program for teens, had more than 25
                All job descriptions can be found on the town
                   website at starting
                                                           teenage leaders, learning and growing at camp!
                               January 13, 2020.

ry 13, 2020. All completed applications must be turned into the

                         Office of the First Selectman.
                                                              Throughout the summer, campers went on field trips to
i o n s m u s t b e t u r n e d i n t o tplaces               he   like CT Science Center, Sear’s Park in East Hampton,
                                                           Silver Lanes Bowling, a CT Tigers Baseball game, and the
e F iCr sotl cSh
               eel esct e
                        tmr Rae
                              nc. rC e
                                     o l ca
                                          h ets tieo  e c rNew
                                                   r Rn     Da tEngland
                                                            e      o nyDAir
                                                                  ia      aCyMuseum.
                                                                               Caam  m pThey
                                                                                          wp igot
                                                                                               l l to
                                                                                                   bw eexperience
                                                                                                        g iinl l new
                                                                a c c e p t i n g e mand  p l ohave
                                                                                                 y mnewe nadventures.
                                                                                                            t a p p l i cThere
                                                                                                                          a t i owere
                                                                                                                                 ns o also
                                                                                                                                        n on-site camp-wide
                                                          M o n d a y J a n u a r y 2 7 , 2 0 2 0 . A p p l i c a t i o n s w i l lInternational
                                                                                         activities  like  Color Wars,  Camp    Olympics,              Fest, a
          accepting employment applications on
               2 0 2 0 C O L C H E S T E R S U M M E R D A Y aCcAcMePp t e d u n t iHalloween          costume   parade
                                                                                         l Friday February 28, 2020.     and  the ever
                                                                                                                                       popular end of summer
                                                          A l l j o b d e s c r i p t i obash,
                                                                                          n s Ticket-2-Ride
                                                                                                 c a n b e f ocarnival
                                                                                                                   u n d day!
    Monday January 27, 2020. Applications will be                                                                          on the town

                                                              website at starting
                                                                                   J a n uNot a r only
                                                                                                  y 1 3did, 2 campers
                                                                                                              0 2 0 . have a fun and exciting summer,
           ccepted until Friday February 28, 2020.   A l l c o m p l e t e d a p p l i c a t i o n s m uabout
                                                                                         they   also  learned   s t bthe
                                                                                                                       e timportance
                                                                                                                            u r n e d iof
                                                                                                                                        n tgiving
                                                                                                                                            o t hback
                                                                                                                                                   e to the

          j o b d e s c r i p t i o n s c a n theb2020 e Camp           O f f i c e o fcommunity.
                                                              f oScholarship               t h e F i r Campers
                                                                       u n dfund.oFromntheirthard  h works t S e l eparticipated
                                                                                                       e and town    c t m a n . in a bottle & can drive for

         w e b s i t e a t w w w . c o l c hparticipation,
                                                  e s t etheyr craised
                Colchester Recreation Day Camp will begin
                                                                           t.g $250 from recyclables and the
                                                                                   ov starting
                                                Pay-to-Pie events, which are always a HUGE hit! Campers
                  accepting employment applications on

                               J a n u a r y 1 3collaborated
                                                   , 2 0with2the0Colchester.          Food Bank to do a summer
              Monday January 27, 2020. Applications will be
                 accepted until Friday February 28, 2020.
                                                food drive. At the end of the summer, Day Camp delivered more
              All job descriptions can be found on the town

 l l c o m p l e t e d a p p l i c a t i o n sthanm         u softfood b
                                                     50 pounds
                 website at starting
                             January 13, 2020.
           All completed applications must be turned into the
                                                                           to help    t u rresidents
                                                                                               n e indneed!i n t o t
                    O f f i c e o f t h e F i randsSummer
                       Office of the First Selectman.
                                                     t Stocamp
                                                     grow,     emakelis enew
                                                                         a wonderful place for children to learn
                                                                                t mtry athingsn they
                                                                                                 . have never
                                                                                          experienced before, and to build lasting memories. All of us at
                                                                                          Colchester Day Camp are looking forward to another wonderful
                                                                                          summer in 2020! We are already planning themes, field trips,
                                                                                          and other new and exciting activities for campers to participate
                                                                                          in! We hope everyone has a wonderful year and we will see
                                                                                          everyone in June 2020!

                                                                                           Cari DuigouStacy                     Bellas-Violette
                                                                                        		      Camp Director		Ast. Camp Director

        14                                                                            the Chronicle
OPEN HOUSE-Colchester Recreation
         Saturday, April 4, 2020 from 9- 11 am
        127 Norwich Ave., Colchester CT 06415
         You are invited to stop in
         between 9-11am to visit
         with recreation and camp

         Ask questions,
         share ideas,
         register for programs,
         or just stop in and say HI!

     Save                                                                Waypoint™
                                                                                               L I V I N G S PA C E S
                                                                  CABINETS DESIGNED FOR LIVING

                                                         Waypoint® takes pride in building cabinetry that’s beautiful and
                                                           durable, to meet the rigorous needs of the American family.

                                                         Come Visit
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                   We transfer:
     8mm, 16mm Movies Videotapes
     Audio Cassettes  Vinyl Albums
     Slides/Negatives Photo Prints
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        No shipping!                                   • Distinctive Cabinetry for any room • Granite & Quartz Countertops
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                                                            Design Center East
                          Hours: Tues.-Fri. 9:30-6pm
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                             860-537-2829                    Distinctive Cabinetry & Flooring For Your Home & Office

               199 Old Hartford Road                                        Fax 860-450-8455 • Mon-Fri 9-5 • Sat 9-2
              Aspen Plaza • Colchester                                  
                                                                                 27 Meadow Street, Willimantic             Colchester CONNECTION - WINTER 2020                                                                     15
                                                  Original Art | Original Gifts | Original Lifestyle

                                                 And they are all made by LOCAL artists and artisans!

                                                 Original Fine Art
                                                 Local Pottery
                                                 Silks & Textiles
                                                 Woodworking             22 Darling Road, Salem 860.608.6526
                                                 Needle Felting
                                                 Artistic Frames
                                                 Custom Mirrors
                                                 Turned Bowls
                                                 Woolen Goods
                                                 Forged Iron
                                                 OPEN Thurs-Sun              HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE
                                                                             SAT., DEC. 7th, 5-8pm
                                                 thru December!
                                               Visit to view or register for upcoming classes
     967 Main Street, Willimantic, CT
      860-423-6777               GALLERY • GIFTS • CLASSES

               CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE
              of          COLCHESTER

                                   All of our
                               Customers a Very
                                Happy Holiday

        Thank you for your business in advance!
         Hilltop Auto Body (Free Loaners Available)        Serving Colchester
          435 South Main St., Colchester, CT                For Over 50 Years
                                                                                                   Ash Bashir
                    Full Body Shop, Service and Parts          Gen. Mgr. 537-2331

16                                      the Chronicle

                   H A L F D AY H O O R AY
                                    SCIENCE . TECHNOLOGY . ENGINEERING . ARTS . MATHEMATICS

         Looking for a fun & brain-stimulating activity for your child during Professional
               Development shortened days? Register them for Half Day Hooray!
      Half Day Hooray includes exciting STEAM related performances, hands-on activities,
                        take-home crafts, snacks and SO MUCH MORE!

                               December 6th, February 14th, & May 22nd
                                 12:55PM-4:15PM for kids in grades K-5
                                            $20 Per Child
                           Registration forms and more info can be found online at
      Spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Maximum of 120 kids, minimum of 40 kids to offer the program.
                                 Registration forms for the 12/6 session must be submitted by 11/25.
                               $5 registration available for students who qualify for free/reduced lunch.

                                          S AV E T H E D A T E

          15TH ANNUAL SPRING
               CLEAN UP
          9:00am-12:00pm • Rain Date: Sunday May 3, 2020
                              VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!
                     COLCHESTER RECREATION AT (860) 537-7297
            Register Online at
                                    Activity #4276                    Colchester CONNECTION - WINTER 2020                                                     17
Adult Programs

Teen & Adult Program Calendar                                                                WINTER 2020
       MONDAY            TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY            THURSDAY           FRIDAY        SATURDAY

                                                                                               Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
 Yoga for Seniors          Zumba           Yoga for Seniors   Reset with Yin Yoga                     #4304
         #4263              #4262               #4264               #4277
     4:45PM-5:45PM      6:30PM-7:30PM       4:45PM-5:45PM          6PM-7PM

                                                                                               Ancestry Workshop
      Mat Pilates    Martial Arts Teens     Sculpt & Burn                                          Feb. 1, 2020
        #4265               #4303               #4260
      6PM-6:45PM         6:15PM-7PM            6PM-7PM

     Making Your
                     Pet CPR & First Aid
      Emotions                                 POUND                                            Fishkeeping 101
                         Jan. 28, 2020
     Work For You                               #4259                                                 #4328
        #4307                                  7PM-8PM                                            6:30PM-7:30PM

                      Heart Saver First     Krav Maga &                                         Stop The Bleed
     Sewing Class       Aid & CPR           Kickboxing                                            March 14, 2020
        #4321           March 31, 2020
                                                #4305                                                #4326
       6PM-8PM             #4332
                                               7PM-8PM                                            9AM-10:30AM

 Yoga All Levels                           Adult Volleyball
         #4261                                  #4330
     6:30PM-7:30PM                           7:30PM-9PM

     Krav Maga &                           (Multiple Dates)
     Kickboxing                               12PM-2PM

 How Can They
 Think Like That

     Men’s Pick Up

18                                          the Chronicle
Adult Programs

 Adult Enrichment
                                                                           Registration Deadline: 3/23/20
                                                                           Instructor: Mike Davis

 Ancestry & Genealogy Workshop-                                            Fishkeeping 101
 Researching Your Roots                                                    Have you ever wanted to keep fish but didn’t know where to start?
 Are you interested in learning more about your ancestry and how           Have you tried unsuccessfully to keep fish but want to try again
 to begin genealogical research? Are you looking to dive deeper            with the proper help and guidance to succeed? Learn everything
 into your ancestral journey? Join us at this informative workshop to      you need to know to start and successfully maintain an aquarium
 learn how to access and understand resources to help you research         from day 1 and on. Learn how to start a tank from scratch, keep pris-
 your ancestry! The workshop will focus on American documents,             tine water quality, including water testing and tank maintenance,
 and will briefly introduce international research. Please bring with      what fish to start with, what fish go together, which aquarium is
 you any and all family documents, dates and information to help           right for you, and so much more. We will even cover the beginnings
 your search, as well as a tablet or laptop for some one-on-one as-        of a saltwater aquarium. The course will also cover the benefits of
 sistance towards the end of the class. The instructor will work with      having an aquarium in your home or office and discuss the begin-
 everyone to help them on their individual journey.                        nings of “Intentional Fishkeeping Theory”. So come and enjoy these
                                                                           classes where you will learn more than you can imagine all about
 Activity #: 4300                                                          the amazing work of fishkeeping.
 Day & Time: Saturday February1, 2020 9:00AM-12:00PM
                                                                           Activity #: 4328
 Location:    Colchester Town Hall, Room #1
                                                                           Day & Time: Saturday’s 1/4/20-1/25/20 6:30PM-7:30PM
 Instructor: Sarah Miller
                                                                           Location:    Colchester Town Hall
 Fee:         $40.00 Res./$60 Non-Res.                                                  127 Norwich Avenue
 Registration Deadline: 1/27/20                                                         Colchester CT, 06415
                                                                           Instructor: Jen Lowy, Colchester Pet Shop
 Pet CPR & First Aid
                                                                           Fee:         $40.00 Res./$60 Non-Res. ; Min.3/Max.15
 Learn how to respond to health emergencies and provide basic
 first aid for the four-legged members of your family. Practice and        Registration Deadline: 12/31/19
 preparation will help you be calm and effective in an emergency.          Ages:        16 & Up
 This course is for dog and cat CPR & First Aid. If you want the cer-
 tification and workbook, please pay the instructor the night of the       How Can They Think Like That?
 $15.00 directly. Cash or check only.                                      Do you wonder how people can say some of the things they do? Or
                                                                           even what would be going through their minds to say what they
 Activity #:   4331
                                                                           do? Sometimes it’s very difficult to understand where other people
 Day/Time: Tuesday January 28, 2020 6:00PM-9:00PM                          are coming from. In this course, you’ll learn why we think and say
 Location:    JJIS #79                                                     the things we do. You’ll learn to be more attentive to the things you
 Fee:         $60 Class or $75 with certification & workbook               think and say, and how to be more sympathetic to the mindset of
 Registration Deadline: 1/21/20                                            others. Class is 4 weeks.
 Instructor: Mike Davis                                                    Activity #: 4306
                                                                           Day & Time: Monday’s 2/24/20-3/16/20 7:00PM-8:00PM
 Heartsaver CPR & First Aid                                                             **Class on 3/16/20 in Town Hall Room #3
 The American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid & CPR is a vid-       Location:    JJIS Room #120
 eo-based, instructor led course that teaches students critical skills
                                                                           Instructor: Paige Dest
 needed to respond to and manage an emergency until emergency
 medical services arrives. Skills covered in this course include first     Fee:         $45.00 Res./$65 Non-Res.             CLASS
 aid; choking relief in adults, children and infants; and what to do for   Registration Deadline: 12/30/19
 sudden cardiac arrest in adults, children, and infants.
 This course teaches skills with the AHA’s research proven, prac-
 tice-while-watching technique, which allows instructors to observe
 the students, provide feedback, and guide the students’ learning
 of skills. Must be a minimum of 16 years old to attend. The cost to
 take the course is $75.00 which will cover your class, book and cer-
 tification card. If you are interested in purchasing the Workbook &          Register online at:
 Certificate, please pay the Instructor directly the night of the class.
 $15.00 Cash or Check only.                                               
 Activity #:
                Tuesday March 31, 2020 6:00PM-9:00PM
 Location:      JJIS 79
 Fee:           $60 Class or $75 with certification & workbook                         Colchester CONNECTION - WINTER 2020                                                           19
Adult Programs
Making Your Emotions Work for You                                        Sewing Class
Do you wish your could control negative thoughts, ineffective be-                                Each class will include a kit with all mate-
haviors, and unproductive decisions? Do you find that your emo-                                  rials included and you will take home a
tions control you? Do you want to learn how to communicate your                                  finished project each week. Students will
assertiveness effectively? Take back your control! Learn how to talk                             need to provide a working sewing machine
nicely to yourself, behave more rationally, and make smarter deci-                               and their sewing notions. You will learn a
sions by understanding your emotions and using them as informa-                                  new technique in each class. The 5 week
tion. Yes, you can have a more peaceful life! Class is 6 weeks.                                  class will meet for 2 hours per week (longer
Activity #: 4307                                                                                 if needed to complete your project). Class

                                                                                                 size is limited to 5 students to ensure each
Day & Time: Monday’s 2/3/20-3/16/20                                      person receives personalized attention. Students must know how
             6:00PM-7:00PM                         CLASS                 to operate their sewing machine prior to class. Please bring with
             **No Class on 2/17/20                                       you: Working Sewing machine (including accessories, manual, and
             **Class on 3/16/20 in Town Hall Room #3                     power cord) Scissors, Thread & Pins.
Location:    JJIS Room #120
                                                                         Class Projects:        • Mesh Beach Bag (work with mesh &
Instructor: Paige Dest                                                   		 boxed corners)
Fee:         $65.00 Res./$85 Non-Res.                                                           • Lined Grocery Bag (work with bag
Registration Deadline: 12/30/19                                          		 lining and boxed corners)
                                                                                                • Coin Purses (work with zippers)
Our wonderful instructor will teach you how to use stamps to cre-                               • Scrappy “Quilt as You Go” placemats
ate beautiful cards for every season. The registration fee includes      		 (Learn “Quilt as you go” and bindings”
all of the supplies needed to make 3 cards per class. All supplies are                          • Pillow Case (Work on flat felled and
included in the registration fee.                                        		 hidden seams)
                                                                         Activity #:            4321
January 8, 2020- Theme:
                                                                         Dates & Time:          Mondays, 1/13/20-2/10/20
   Valentine’s Day Cards & Treat Boxes                                                          6:00PM-8:00PM
   12:00PM- 2:00PM- Activity #4290
                                                                         Location:              Colchester Town Hall
   6:00PM-8:00PM- Activity #4291
                                                                         Fee:                   $125.00 Res./$145.00 Non-Res.;
February 5, 2020- Theme:                                                                        Min.3/Max. 5
   Winter Theme for Birthday/Thinking of You                             Instructor:            Nola Weston
   12:00PM- 2:00PM- Activity #4292                                       Registration Deadline: 1/6/20
   6:00PM-8:00PM- Activity #4293
                                                                         Stop The Bleed
March 4, 2020- Theme:                                                    Launched in October of 2015 by the White House, Stop the Bleed
  Triple Layer Stamping with Floral Stamps                               is a national awareness campaign and a call to action. Stop the
   12:00PM- 2:00PM- Activity #4294                                       Bleed is intended to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage by-
   6:00PM-8:00PM- Activity #4295                                         standers to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in
                                                                         a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. No matter
April 2, 2020: Theme:                                                    how rapid the arrival of professional emergency responders, by-
  Water Color Stamping Technique                                         standers will always be first on the scene. A person who is bleeding
   12:00PM- 2:00PM- Activity #4296                                       can die from blood loss within 5 minutes, therefore it is important
   6:00PM-8:00PM- Activity #4297                                         to quickly stop the blood loss. Those nearest to someone with life
                                                                         threatening injuries are best positioned to provide first care. You
May 6, 2020: Theme: Heat Embossing                                       may be able to save a life by taking simple actions immediately af-
   12:00PM- 2:00PM- Activity #4298                                       ter a trauma. This class is FREE to all participants!
   6:00PM-8:00PM- Activity #4299                                         For more information, visit
Location:    Colchester Town Hall                                        Activity:              4326
Instructor: Lorraine Tierney                                             Date & Time:           Saturday March 14, 2020
Cost:        $20 Res./$40 Non-Res. Per Class; Min.3/Max. 8                                      9:00AM-10:30AM
Registration Deadline: one week prior to class                           Location:              Colchester Hayward Fire Department
                                                                         Instructor:            Colchester Hayward Fire Department
                                                                         Ages:                  16 & Up
                                                                         Fee:                   FREE to all; Min.6/Max.24
                                                                         Registration Deadline: 3/7/20

20                                                                 the Chronicle
Adult Programs

 Adult Health & Wellness Classes
                                                                           Ages:        16 & Up
                                                                           Cost:        Res. $80/Non-Res. $100 & $10.00 Drop In Fee
 Mat Pilates                                                               Instructor: Shannon Briggs-Hakenjos
 Whether you’re a beginner or experienced practitioner, this mat           Registration Deadline: 1/2/2020
 workout strengthens the core, tones the hips and thighs, and flat-
 tens the abs. Each exercise emphasizes breathing, core condition-         Sculpt & Burn
 ing, and body awareness. Instructor will pay special attention to         Burn calories and sculpt muscles while using a combination of
 alignment and form. Bring a yoga mat, water, and towel. Class is 9        bodyweight and hand held weights to target all major muscle
 weeks.                                                                    groups. Get ready to incorporate a variety of compound and isolat-
 Activity #:  4265                                                         ed movements to work your lower body, upper body, and core. No
 Day/Time:    Mondays, 1/6/20-3/16/20 from 6:00PM - 6:45PM                 muscle leaves without a workout! All levels welcome. Participants
              **No Class on 1/20 & 2/17                                    will need to bring a mat, water bottle, and dumbbells (5 or 8 pound
              **Class on 3/16/20 held in Room #120                         weights recommended) and a lot of energy. Class is 10 weeks.
 Location:    JJIS Room 79                                                 Activity #:  4260
 Ages:        16 & up                                                      Day/Time:    Wednesdays, 1/08/20-3/18/20 from 6:00 - 7:00PM
 Cost:        Res. $72/Non-Res. $92; Min. 8/Max. 30                                     **NO Class on 1/15/20
 Instructor: Anne Beauregard                                               Location:    WJJMS “The Commons”
 Registration Deadline: 12/26/19                                           Ages:        16 & up
                                                                           Cost:        Res. $80/Non-Res. $100 or $10.00 Drop-In Fee
 POUND                                                                                  Min. 8/Max. 25
                            Channel your inner rockstar with this full     Instructor: Diana Murphy
                            body cardio-jam session that combines          Registration Deadline: 12/27/19
                            cardio, conditioning, and strength train-
                            ing with yoga and pilates-inspired move-
 ments. Using Ripstix®, lightly weighted drumsticks engineered
 specifically for exercising, POUND transforms drumming into an
 incredibly effective and fun way of working out. Designed for all
 fitness levels, POUND® provides the perfect atmosphere for letting
 loose, getting energized, toning up and rockin’ out! Participants are
 asked to bring a mat, water, and lots of energy. Class is 10 weeks.
 Activity #:  4259                                                                  ______________________________________________________________________________

 Day/time:    Wednesdays, 1/08/20-3/18/20 from 7:00 - 8:00PM                                      Full Service Oil Company
              **NO Class on 1/15/20                                                            24-Hour Emergency Service
 Location:    WJJMS “The Commons”                                                          Air Conditioning • Heating • Fuel Oil
 Ages:        16 & up                                                                           Sales • Installation • Service
                                                                                         Let us keep you warm this Winter!
 Cost:        Res. $80/Non-Res. $100 or $10.00 Drop-In Fee
                                                                                 Ask about our budget plans and automatic delivery.
              Min. 8/Max. 25                                                  Mention this ad to save 5 cents per gallon on your first delivery!
 Instructor: Diana Murphy                                                      P.O. BOX 144 ▪ BOZRAH ▪ CT ▪ 06334 ▪ OFFICES (860) 204-0373 ▪ WWW.BCHEATCOOL.COM
                                                                                             ▪ HTG.0393970 ▪ HOD.0001109 ▪ SHM.0004951-SM1 ▪
 Registration Deadline: 12/27/19                                                               

 Reset with Yin Yoga
 Remobilize and strengthen your tissues as you melt away the men-
 tal and physical tensions that clutter the body in this class based on
 Yin Yoga. The focus of Yin Yoga is to exercise the deep connective            Riteway Chimney LLC
 tissues of the body in a series of passively held poses that leave you                  over 20 Years experience
 feeling balanced and open. To rejuvenate these tissues, the poses                 • CSIA Certified               • Cleanings • Masonry
 are held for longer periods of time which improve circulation and                 • Liners Installed             • Caps Installed
 flexibility, release fascia and strengthen joints, and balance the ner-                                                               Top
 vous system. Please bring a water bottle, towel and yoga mat. Class               • Wood/Pellet                  • Prefab Chimneys RaTed By
 is 10 weeks.                                                                      • Stove Installs               • Leaks Repaired
                                                                                Building a Flawless Reputation one satisFied CustomeR at a time
 Activity #:    4277
 Day/Time:      Thursday’s 1/9/20-3/19/20 from 6:00PM-7:00PM                                   Family Owned and Operated                                        Fully

                **NO Class on 3/12/19                                         ESTIMATES                                                                      License
                                                                             OWNER DOES                                                                      & Insuredd
 Location:      WJJMS The Commons                                              ALL WORK                                                                      0602553                         Colchester CONNECTION - WINTER 2020                                                                                      21
Adult Programs
Yoga All Levels                                                         Yoga for Seniors- Wednesday’s
Brand new yogis and seasoned practitioners alike will love this class   Gentle Yoga is perfect for age 55 and over to explore yoga postures,
designed for all levels. You will discover increased concentration, a   breathing techniques and meditation. Yoga improves your balance
stronger sense of awareness, improved strength and balance, and         and strength, stretches your entire body, focuses your mind and
greater flexibility. A great introduction for beginners, or an oppor-   calms your emotions. All levels of fitness or yoga experience are
tunity to invite peace and relaxation for more experienced practi-      welcome. Bring a yoga mat and water. Class is 11 weeks.
tioners. No previous yoga experience is necessary. Bring a yoga mat     Activity #:  4264
and water bottle. 8 Weeks.
                                                                        Day/Time:    Wednesday, 1/8/20-3/18/20 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Activity#:   4261                                                                    **Class on 3/18/20 Location in #120
Day/Time:    Mondays, 1/6/20-3/16/20 from 6:30PM-7:30PM                 Location:    JJIS Room 79
             **No Class on 1/20, 2/10 & 2/17                            Ages:        55 & up
Location:    WJJMS “The Commons”                                        Cost:        Res. $88/Non-Res. $108
Cost:        Res. $64/Non-Res. $84 or $10.00 Drop In Fee                Instructor: Anne Beauregard
             Min. 8/Max 30
                                                                        Registration Deadline: 12/27/19
Ages:        16 & up
Instructor: Monique Bellenoit                                           Zumba
Registration Deadline: 12/26/19                                                             Zumba eliminates the “work” from “working out”
                                                                                            by combining irresistible Latin & International
Yoga for Seniors- Mondays                                                                   music with dynamic yet simple exercise moves to
Gentle Yoga is perfect for age 55 and over to explore yoga postures,                        create a fun, energetic fitness program. Zumba
breathing techniques and meditation. Yoga improves your balance                             utilizes the principles of fitness interval training
and strength, stretches your entire body, focuses your mind and                             and resistance training to maximize calorie out-
calms your emotions. All levels of fitness or yoga experience are                           put, fat burning and total body toning. No dance
welcome. Bring a yoga mat and water. Class is 9 weeks.                                      experience required! Ages 14 & up welcome to
                                                                        participate. Class is 10 weeks.
Activity #:  4263
Day/Time:    Mondays, 1/6/20-3/16/20 from 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM             Activity #:  4262
             **No Class on 1/20/20 & 2/17/20                            Day/Time:    Tuesdays, 1/7/20-3/17/20 from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
             **Class on 3/16/20 held in Room #120                                    **No Class on 2/18/2020
Location:    JJIS Room 79                                               Location:    WJJMS The Commons
Ages:        55 & up                                                    Ages:        14 & up
Cost:        Res. $72/Non-Res. $92; Min. 8/Max. 30                      Cost:        Res. $80/Non-Res. $100 or $10.00 Drop-In Fee
Instructor: Anne Beauregard                                                          Min. 8/Max.25
Registration Deadline: 12/26/19                                         Instructor: Dana Belanger
                                                                        Registration Deadline: 12/26/19

                                                                        Private Classes
                                                                        Are you interested in learning how to garden, learning yoga, get-
                                                                        ting in shape, learning to paint? We understand that some people
                                                                        feel more comfortable learning at their own pace, with more in-
                                                                        dividualized instruction. We can help you achieve your goals with
                                                                        our wonderful program staff. Fees will be based on the cost of the
                                                                        instructor and amount of time scheduled. We will work with you
                                                                        to find the right person to help you achieve your goals. There is no
                                                                        commitment until all parties reach a written agreement. For more
                                                                        information, please email or call (860)

                                      We have fabulous
                                      doctors, friendly staff,
                                      and a great selection               FIND US ON:
                                      of must have eye
                                      wear including Oakley
                                      RayBan and Maui Jim.

22                                                                   the Chronicle
Adult Programs

                                                                            Monday & Wednesday evening.
                                                                            Activity #:  4305
                                                                            Day/Time:    Monday & Wednesday 1/6/20-2/5/20
 Adult Coed Pick-Up Volleyball                                                           7:00PM-8:00PM
 Bump, set and spike your heart out to increase your heart rate, build
 strength, and release your daily tension! All levels of ability are wel-                **No Class on 1/20/20
 come. Previous volleyball experience is preferred. Please check in         Location:    360 Defense Martial Arts
 with the gym supervisor before playing. Exact change is appreciat-         Ages:        15 & up
 ed. 12 weeks.                                                              Cost:        Res. $59/Non-Res. $79; Min.4 /Max. 10
 Activity #:    4330                                                        Instructor: Robert Hesser
 Day/Time:      Wednesday’s 1/8/2020-3/25/2020 7:30PM-9:00PM                Registration Deadline: 12/30/19
 Location:      WJJMS Gym East
 Ages:          18 & up
                                                                            Martial Arts for Teens
                                                                            Help your teen build self-confidence, focus and over physical health
 Cost:          Res. $40/ Non-Res. $60 or                                   all while learn self-defense. These realistic self-defense classes use
                Res. $5/Non-Res. $7 Drop-in fee per week                    krav maga and kickboxing to work on personal protection, situa-
                Min.8/Max. 25                                               tional awareness as well as physical and mental health.
 Instructor:    Recreation Staff
                                                                            Activity #:  4303
 Men’s Pick-Up Basketball                                                   Day/Time:    Tuesday & Thursday 1/7/20-2/6/20
 Think you got game? From Beginner to Advanced, Pick-Up Basket-                          6:15PM-7:00PM
 ball has something for everyone. Bring your best and challenge             Location:    360 Defense Martial Arts
 others during 5 vs. 5 pick-up game. Please check in with the gym           Ages:        12-15
 supervisor before playing. Exact change is appreciated. 12 weeks           Cost:        Res. $59/Non-Res. $79; Min.4 /Max. 10
 of gym time.
                                                                            Instructor: Robert Hesser
 Activity #:    4289                                                        Registration Deadline: 12/30/19
 Day/Time:      Mondays, 1/6/20-4/6/20 from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
                **No Basketball on 1/20/20 & 2/17/20
                **Basketball on 3/2/20 & 3/9/20 is 7:30PM-9:00PM
 Location:      WJJMS Gym West
 Ages:          18 & up
 Cost:          Res. $40/Non-Res. $60 or
                Res. $5/Non-Res. $7 Drop-in fee per week
                Min. 6/Max. 20

 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
 Try out the most sought after martial arts system in the world! This
 class offers a great workout while focusing on ground defense and
 grappling. Practice the art by using leverage and proper technique
 to prove the concept that the smaller person can successful defend
 against a bigger person.
 Activity #: 4304
 Day/Time: Saturday’s 1/11/20-2/29/20 10:30AM-11:30AM
 Location:    360 Defense Martial Arts
 Ages:        15 & up
 Cost:        Res. $59/Non-Res. $79; Min.4 /Max. 10
 Instructor: Robert Hesser
 Registration Deadline: 12/30/19

 Krav Maga & Kickboxing for Teens &
 Join our fast paced martial arts program for fitness, fun and self-de-
 fense. Punch, kick & knee your way to a healthier lifestyle all while
 having fun and learning practical self-defense. Class is held on both

                                                                                              Colchester CONNECTION - WINTER 2020                                                            23
Youth Programs
Youth Activity Calendar                                                                               WINTER 2020
     MONDAY               TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY              FRIDAY            SATURDAY

   Yoga & Mindful                                                                        Adaptive Birthday   Acting Workshop
                      Futsal Soccer After                            Yoga & Mindful Me                           Feb. 1, 2020
  Monday Mornings                             Yoga for Kids (JJIS)                         Party Friday
                       School Program                                      (CES)                              Grades 2-4- #4318
       (CES)                                          #4322                                March 20, 2020        1PM-2:15PM
                             #4333                                          #4311
        #4308                                    3:15PM-4:30PM                                 #4324          Grades 5-8-#4319
                         3:30PM-4:30PM                                 3:15PM-4:30PM
    7:30AM-8:20AM                                                                          6:30PM-7:30PM       2:30PM-3:45PM

                                                                                                             Run, Jump & Sing
   Little Dragons                                                       StartSmart

                      Magic for Beginners                                                                          #4329
    Martial Arts                                                        MultiSport                               9AM-10AM
         #4301                                                             #4267
    4:15PM-4:45PM                                                      5:30PM-6:45PM

   ABC’s of Magic
                        Zumba for Kids
                                                                     Beginner Dance I

    4:30PM-5:30PM        5:30PM-6:15PM                                 4:45PM-5:30PM

  Martial Arts Kids       StartSmart
                          Basketball                                 Beginner Dance II
                                                                      L E T#4272
                                                                             'S CELEBRATE TOGETHER!

    4:45PM-5:30PM                                                      5:30PM-6:15PM

            Adaptive                                                  Join us as we celebrate our birthday's!

                                                                      Individuals of all abilities are welcome to

                       Beginner Dance I                               attend     and celebrate their birthday with
                                                                         Tap & Jazz

            Birthday         #4274
                                                                             friends and family!
                                                                    Friday March 20, 2020

                                                                    Activity #4324
                                                          LET'S CELEBRATE TOGETHER!
                                                          Join us as$5.00
                                                                     we celebrate  our birthday's!
                                                                           Per Person
                                                          Individuals of all abilities are welcome to
                                            L E T ' S C attend
                                                        E L E Band
                                                               R Colchester
                                                                 A celebrate
                                                                   T E T O Elementary
                                                                              ETH    E R !School
   Birthday                                             their
                                            Join us as we  celebrate
                                            Individuals Friday
                                                              friends  and
                                                        of all abilities
                                                                March 20,
                                                                            birthday's! will be served!
                                                                    Dance the night away and celebrate your
                                                                             welcome to

                                            attend andActivity
                                                         celebrate   their birthday with
                                                                    Pre-Registration is Required
                                            their friends and family!
                                                 $5.00 Per
                                     Friday March 20, 2020   For more information (860) 537-7297
  L E T ' S C E L E B R A T E T OActivity
                                     G E T H#4324
                                                 Colchester Elementary School Cafeteria
  Join us as we celebrate our birthday's!        Light refreshments will be served!
                                     $5.00 Per
  Individuals of all abilities are welcome  to Person
                                                 Dance the night away and celebrate your
  attend and celebrate their birthday with birthday!
                                     Colchester Elementary School Cafeteria
  their friends and family!                      Pre-Registration
                                     Light refreshments     will beisserved!
  Friday March 20, 2020                
                                     Dance the night     away and celebrate your
  Activity #4324                     birthday! For more information (860) 537-7297
                                     Pre-Registration is Required
  $5.00 Per Person
                                     For more information (860) 537-7297
  Colchester Elementary School Cafeteria
                                            the Chronicle
  Light refreshments will be served!
  Dance the night away and celebrate your
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