Changing of the Guard - Culture shift at the college Policing taonga sold - Police Association

Page created by Adrian Estrada
Changing of the Guard - Culture shift at the college Policing taonga sold - Police Association
APRIL 2018

          Changing of
           the Guard
                   Culture shift at the college

Policing taonga sold                The OPT                   Built to serve
 Guthrie medal controversy   The pointy end of prevention   Inside the Justice Precinct
Changing of the Guard - Culture shift at the college Policing taonga sold - Police Association

                                                               14                Inside the new
                                                                                 Justice Precinct                  5          Guthrie medal
                                                                                                                              leaves NZ

6       A new line-up                                          12               50 years ago...

4     A question of balance: Association appoints             14     Built to serve: A tour of the new                   Regulars
      Diversity Governance Group                                     Justice Precinct
                                                                                                                         18    Brain Teaser
5     Medal controversy: Guthrie George Cross sold            16     Health & Wellbeing: Not all life-threatening
                                                                                                                         18    Keen on Beer
      to overseas buyer                                              cardiac events are heart attacks
                                                                                                                         19    Keen on Wine
6     Cover story: Mixed reactions to culture shift at        17     Between the Lines: Hacks from the
                                                                                                                         25    Letters
      Police College                                                 Member Services Centre
                                                                                                                         27    Memorial Wall
9     Iam Keen                                                17     Ask Your Aunty
                                                                                                                         27    Contacts
10    Signs of life? Police consider resuscitating SCIIP      20     The Tech Files: Apps to train your brain;
                                                                     Facebook counter-intelligence
10    Pointy end of prevention: The work of the
      Christchurch OPT                                        21     Sport: Sports Diary; rafting; golf; hockey          Cover photomontage:
                                                                                                                         photos by JANE DUNN/
12    ‘That horrific day’: Former cop recalls Wahine          24     Postcards from… Whangamata – island                 WELLINGTON POLICE
      tragedy of 50 years ago                                        adventures and Kiwi art                             and NZPA

                         April 2018                      Police News is the magazine of the           Printed by City Print Communications, Wellington.
                                                         New Zealand Police Association, originally
                         ISSN 1175-9445                                                               This publication is printed on environmentally
                                                         the New Zealand Police Journal, first
                                                                                                      responsible paper stock, sourced from
                                                         published in 1937.
                         Published by the                                                             sustainable forests, and uses vegetable-based
                         New Zealand Police              Opinions expressed are not necessarily       inks. The blue wrap envelope is biodegradable
                         Association                     those of the Association.                    and recyclable.
                                                         Those wishing not to receive a personal      © NZPA Police News must not be reproduced
                         P.O. Box 12344,                 copy of Police News should contact the       in part or as a whole without the formal consent
                         57 Willis St                    editor ( to be      of the copyright holder – the New Zealand
                         Wellington 6144                 removed from the distribution list.          Police Association.

2 | APRIL 2018
Changing of the Guard - Culture shift at the college Policing taonga sold - Police Association

                                                                from the
   Prevention in
         action             10    I
                                        n my role, I am privileged to hear
                                        first-hand about policing right
                                        through the ranks, and Police, like
                                  many contemporary organisations, is
                                                                                   As a strongly opinionated person who
                                                                                 is not afraid to speak out, I have learnt,
                                                                                 albeit by sometimes making mistakes,
                                                                                 that you can maintain professionalism by
                                  talking about culture.                         choosing when and how to express your
                                    Culture is what defines an organisation,     opinion.
                                  for those within it and for those it             Any organisation that practises a
                                  interacts with externally. For culture to      culture where freedom of expression
                                  be positive, it must be reinforced through     and diversity of views are not respected
                                  actions from the top, and not left to feel-    or encouraged will suffer long-term
                                  good rhetoric and glossy posters to walk       consequences.
                                  that talk.                                       Police has adopted the Police High
                                    Police has adopted the “culture              Performance Framework (PHPF), a key

                                  philosophy” and taken to heart                 plank of which is to encourage people
                                  the 2007 Commission of Inquiry’s               to bring their individual approach to their
  Missing a beat                  recommendation for strong, well-defined        respective roles. As you will read in this
                                  and widely understood values to be part        issue of Police News, the PHPF is alive
                                  of its business model, appointments            and well at the Police College with its
                                  process and performance management.            increased “emphasis on values-based
                                    The legitimacy of Police culture can,        behaviour, problem solving and personal
                                  however, be undermined when theory             responsibility”.
                                  and practice do not align, as can happen         Police is talking about upskilling an
                                  when values are applied from a limited         individual recruit’s perspective so they
                                  perspective that fails to respect the          can apply their particular skills to real-
                                  interpretation of others.                      world policing in the districts they are
                                    A variety of approaches can be taken         assigned to.
                                  to tackle any problem. It is inappropriate       However, we are seeing too many
                                  to question someone’s professionalism          examples where the talk just doesn’t align
                                  simply because you don’t agree with an         with the walk.

                                  individual’s approach. Multiple approaches       It is not a healthy culture when
                                  can still be professional.                     individuals who offer a different opinion
                                    You can’t promote diversity of style and     are disrespected, silenced or actively
                Sport             initiative and then whack it down under        encouraged to look outside Police for
                                  the guise of not meeting Police values.        their future.
                                    I am increasingly concerned by                 This points to a failure in the
                                  examples where different opinions              organisation’s cultural practice and seems
                                  are not only discouraged, but actively         to be diversity of a kind that is strictly on
                                  chastised for deviating from the               management’s terms… which is not really
Phone: (04) 496 6800              “party line”.                                  diversity at all.
Fax: (04) 471 1309                  It appears that some diversity of thought
Editor: Ellen Brook               is being deliberately stifled within Police,
                                  with Police then referencing values as a
                                  justification for this emerging practice.
Website:      Accusing individuals with different
Facebook:		     points of view of not acting professionally
          nzpoliceassociation     or with integrity is not compatible with a      Chris Cahill
Twitter: @nzpoliceassn            successful organisational culture.    

                                                                                                           APRIL 2018 | 3
Changing of the Guard - Culture shift at the college Policing taonga sold - Police Association
The Buzz

   WAS A KIWI.”                     Association president Chris Cahill with the newly formed Diversity Governance Group. From left, Kelly Larsen
  Constable Cassandra Power’s       (Christchurch), Region 6 director Mike McRandle, Sally Patrick (Hastings), vice-president Craig Tickelpenny,
                                    vice-president Marcia Murray and Sarah Stirling (Police College).
  instructions to her colleague,

                                    It’s all about balance
  Constable Brad Huntley, after
    they drove by a week-old
kiwi chick wandering on the road
         (see story p13).

                                              he Police Association has set up a                Just a week after the DGG’s establishment,
                                              Diversity Governance Group (DGG),               the Association board approved some
                                              which met for the first time last               significant recommendations to jump start
                                    month at the National Office in Wellington.               its commitment to diversifying the voices at

    “MY ONE                           Association vice-president Marcia Murray
                                    is the group’s sponsor, joined by fellow VP
                                                                                              leadership tables – at committee and board
   AND ONLY                         Craig Tickelpenny and Region 6 director                   • For the rest of this year, a non-board
 INTERACTION                        Mike McRandle, with Association members                      member from the DGG will be seconded
                                                                                                 to board meetings to offer a different
                                    Sarah Stirling (Police College), Kelly Larsen
    WITH NZ                         (Christchurch) and Sally Patrick (Hastings)                  viewpoint on matters being discussed
  POLICE 10/10                      completing the team.                                         and, by being involved, to gain first-hand
                                                                                                 exposure to how the board operates.
– WOULD LOSE                          They have been tasked with implementing
                                    the Association’s Gender Balance Strategy,                   A report detailing this experience will
THINGS AGAIN.”                      which was the outcome of a workshop in                       go to committees with the aim of
                                    May last year that considered the causes                     reaching women involved in Association
  Twitter user The Melted Mask      and consequences of gender imbalance in                      representation. The intention is to increase
    @AndyAstruc after police        Association leadership positions.                            this representation to two “shadow” board
 returned his lost wallet to him.     The draft strategy based on their findings                 attendees.
                                    was adopted by the board and confirmed at                 • The board has approved a maximum of
                                    the annual conference, with a directive to                  seven representatives to attend the annual
                                    bring it into effect in recognition of the need             conference as observers. The impetus is to
                                    for a proactive approach to encouraging                     provide regions that do not have a female
   “How many                        more women into leadership positions.                       delegate the opportunity for female
                                                                                                representation. Observing the conference
                                      Now the work begins to align the
additional people                   Association with its constitution’s Rule 35 (1),
                                    which directs the Association to “endeavour
                                                                                                will expose these members to the job of
                                                                                                delegates and workings of the conference.

will die if we don’t                to create a balance on the board reflective
                                    of New Zealand society (recognising the
                                                                                              • Succession planning and diversity will now
                                                                                                be included as an item on future board

stop these drivers                  democratic nature of its appointment
                                                                                                agendas, backing up the work being done
                                                                                                in the regions to ensure identification of

 before they kill                     Although the starting point has been
                                    gender diversity, the DGG’s scope will also
                                                                                                potential women representatives, and
                                                                                                mentoring and development support for

    someone?”                       include diversity of ethnicity, age, skills, work
                                    groups and experience.
                                                                                                women on committees.
                                                                                              • It was also approved that, from now
 Region 3 director Scott Thompson     Research into diversity in leadership shows               on, one of the two representatives
         on fleeing drivers.        higher performance outcomes when a range                    attending PFAWAC (Police Federation of
       – Rotorua Daily Post         of perspectives are at the table, and this                  Australia Women’s Advisory Committee)
                                    includes better results in problem solving and              conferences will report in person to the
                                    connecting with a wider audience.                           board post-conference.

   4 | APRIL 2018
Changing of the Guard - Culture shift at the college Policing taonga sold - Police Association

Controversy follows
sale of policing

          he overseas sale of a unique
          medal awarded posthumously
          to Aramoana massacre hero
Sergeant Stewart Guthrie has raised
eyebrows in policing circles around New
  Guthrie was awarded the George Cross
for bravery after he was shot dead on           Sergeant Stewart       No one has questioned the right of
                                                Guthrie was
November 13, 1990, by gunman David Gray,        posthumously           the family to sell the medal, but the
who killed 12 others the same day at the        awarded the George
seaside settlement near Dunedin.                Cross, pictured,       decision to let it leave the country
                                                for his bravery at
  The medal is the second-highest
Commonwealth award (after the Victoria
                                                Aramoana in 1990.      has raised serious concerns.
Cross), given for conspicuous gallantry
“not in the face of the enemy”, and the         to buy the medal, and nor were two other        The citation for the issuing of the medal
highest that can be awarded to a civilian. It   recognised medal experts, John Wills and        appeared in the London Gazette in
recognised Guthrie’s courage and heroism        Phillip O’Shea.                                 February 1992. It read in part:
on the day.                                       No one has questioned the right of the
  Two other George Crosses have been            family to sell the medal, but the decision to   With limited resources available to him
awarded in New Zealand, but both to             let it leave the country has raised serious     and impending darkness, Sergeant Guthrie
military personnel and both still in the        concerns.                                       had the task of locating and containing the
country, one housed at the Waiouru Army           The feeling among some in Police, and in      crazed gunman, dealing with the wounded
Museum and the other held by the family         the wider policing community, is that the       and preventing further loss of life. On arrival
of the recipient. That makes the Guthrie        medal is a taonga not only of the country’s     near the gunman's house, Sergeant Guthrie
medal one of a kind.                            policing history, but New Zealand history       deployed the constable to cover the front
  Until last year, the medal was held by his    in general.                                     of the house while he located himself at the
widow. When she died, the award passed            Lord Ashcroft has said he will provide        more dangerous position at the rear. A thin
to their children, who made the decision        the medal for display in the Lord Ashcroft      cordon of the gunman's house was later
to sell it.                                     Gallery of the Imperial War Museum in           completed by the arrival of a detective and
  A sale was brokered with a well-known         London. He has been quoted as saying, “this     two constables… The gunman had been
private medal collector, British billionaire    much-treasured decoration will be safe and      sighted within his house and it can only be
businessman Lord Ashcroft, and an               secure… for a very long time to come”.          presumed that Sergeant Guthrie chose the
application was made to New Zealand’s             This has raised another question: Why is      dangerous position based on his sense of
Ministry of Culture and Heritage which          a medal awarded to a civilian in peace time     responsibility and the fact that he knew the
approved its export under provisions in the     in New Zealand considered suitable for          area and the gunman. Sergeant Guthrie had
Protected Objects Act 1975.                     display in a British war museum?                taken cover in sand dunes… when suddenly
  The ministry has said that when it gave         One suggestion has been that a much           out of the darkness he was confronted by the
approval for the cross to leave New             better resting place – and one accessible       gunman. Sergeant Guthrie very courageously
Zealand, it followed all the procedures         to more New Zealanders who have some            challenged him, saying "Stop... stop or I
under the act, including seeking advice         connection with the events at Aramoana          shoot". The sergeant then discharged a
from expert examiners, although it has not      – would be the Otago Settlers Museum            warning shot from his .38 calibre police
said who those experts were.                    in Dunedin, which already has a section         revolver. The gunman then moved around
  Police News is aware that Police was not      devoted to the mass killing that remains        and down upon the sergeant killing him
asked for an opinion, or offered a chance       the deadliest in New Zealand.                   instantly in a volley of shots.

                                                                                                                             APRIL 2018 | 5
Changing of the Guard - Culture shift at the college Policing taonga sold - Police Association

        OF THE GUARD
                 A different approach to recruit training is getting
                       a mixed reaction. Ellen Brook reports.

                                as it the recruit with the man bun   standards for recruits and a lack of discipline
                                that started it all? Or was it the   at the college could possibly be true.
                                funky outfits appearing in the         The answer seems to depend on which side
                   dining room? Or a pair of unironed overalls?      of a philosophical or generational divide you
                     It might even have been the story about the     are on.
                   young cop who wondered whether Police               The fact is that things have changed at the
                   could legitimately ask him to search a rubbish    college. And change, as anyone in Police
                   dump for evidence.                                knows, is the one constant you can rely on.
                     Whatever the triggers were, the stories           It is true that recruits are allowed to dress
                   about what might or might not be happening        more casually in the dining hall and during
                   at the Police College were spreading, from        PT (no more ironed T-shirts, and the blue
                   conversations in the corridor to, inevitably,     shorts have been replaced with pants of your
                   the online milieu of the keyboard warrior.        choice). They no longer have to parade or
                     Emails started arrived in the Police News       do drill practice once a week (that is reserved
                   inbox asking if rumours about a lowering of       for graduations).

6 | APRIL 2018                                                                                     Photo: JANE DUNN/WELLINGTON POLICE
Changing of the Guard - Culture shift at the college Policing taonga sold - Police Association
Room inspections are kept to a minimum
and recruits can wear their hair pretty much
how they like.
  Discipline is, well, less disciplined – if
you’re late for class, for example, you’re
more likely to be threatened with a note
in the diary than being told to drop to the
ground and do 10 push-ups.
  The imperative to salute senior officers
in the college grounds has been scrapped,
unless they are visitors. And all recruits and
staff are encouraged to call each other by
their first names.
  That last one really rankles with those        Phil Weeks, director of training (left), Inspector Iain Saunders, head of school for initial training (centre) and
who have trained and served and become           Superintendent Scott Fraser, general manager training, say there are good reasons for the new approach at
                                                 the Police College.
used to the structure and respect of rank.
Serving staff attending courses at the
college report being stunned by the relaxed        “It was a rigid, learning-by-rote                         of the Police High Performance Framework
environment, so different to when they           environment. But policing was a lot simpler                 strategy, with increased emphasis on
were there.                                      than it is now. We are creating recruits                    values-based behaviour, problem solving
  One of the fears being expressed is that a     who are fit for purpose, prepared for the                   and personal responsibility.
more casual approach at the college could        complexities of a drug and cybercrime                         Since February last year, recruits have been
give recruits a false impression of what’s       environment, not rote learning.”                            evaluated on a “behaviourally anchored rating
expected in a section environment, where           The trainers say it’s quite obvious to them               scale”, on top of their usual exams, assessing
command and control is vital.                    that the standard of recruits has improved                  their ability to make good judgments as well
  Phil Weeks, director of training at            over the years and that those coming                        as pass practical and academic tests.
the college, puts the changes into the           through now are incredibly bright people.                     “We are measuring how they put their
“continuous improvement” basket. He and          And along with more diversity in the ranks,                 knowledge into practice,” Mr Weeks says.
Inspector Iain Saunders (head of school for      thanks to targeted recruitment strategies,                  And if they fall short on the behaviour scale,
initial training) and Superintendent Scott       there is also more diversity of thought, they               they will not be graduating.
Fraser (general manager training) say there      say. “Cognitive standards” have been raised,                  The trainers say the recruits are being
are good reasons for the new approach.           in part because of improved recruitment.                    “measured like never before and to a higher
  It began about three years ago with the          The people turning up for their 16 weeks                  standard”, but it may not be in ways that an
goal of developing a style of recruit training   at the college have already been through 12                 older generation of cops might recognise.
that better reflected the modern policing        weeks of preparation study at Unitec, and                     “For example, while they still learn about
environment, they say.                           when they head to district they will have up                police powers, the Bill of Rights and
  The focus is on creating a new breed           to five weeks of field training during their                criminal law, we don’t teach them about
of officer, equipped for a changing crime        probationary period.                                        the Immigration Act – they can find out the
landscape and who is able to engage freely         The college is also channelling the spirit                answers on that for themselves. Continued
with the community – the friendly face of
  “The world is more complex and the              The focus is on creating a new breed of officer,
college needed to develop training to
                                                  equipped for a changing crime landscape
match that and what is happening in the
districts,” Mr Saunders says.                     and who is able to engage freely with the
  In the old days, he says, it was assumed
that officers would learn all they needed
                                                  community – the friendly face of policing.
from the rule book.

                                                                                                                                                    APRIL 2018 | 7
Changing of the Guard - Culture shift at the college Policing taonga sold - Police Association
“The recruits are learning about                “If they don’t get out the car, who will?”      Mr Fraser is clear that when faced with
themselves and their skills.”                   wondered one perplexed sergeant, who            critical incidents, their recruits are street
  Marching drills have been dispensed           says it shouldn’t be the job of districts to    ready. “We are training them for the
with. “Marching doesn’t happen in the           “re-correct” these young officers. “They        real world. If they are faced with critical
districts and parading is counter to PHPF,”     should have been prepared for what to           incidents, they are ready to make good
Mr Saunders says, adding that, previously,      expect at the college.”                         decisions and to support their supervisors.”
during the 16 weeks at the college, recruits      Whether that’s the result of training in        Mr Fraser says he has been told by a
were spending up to 20 hours on marching        an adult learning environment, with not         sergeant from Counties Manukau that the
and only four on burglary.                      enough marching, or just what we’ve come        recruits arriving in the past two years are
  The new style of training is also tailored    to expect from “millennials”, no one is         the best he has ever worked with. “We
to the needs of districts, they say, and        exactly sure.                                   have had a phenomenal response from
there is a huge emphasis on Auckland-             An Auckland officer with 27 years’            sergeants who have been impressed with
based recruits and the requirements of          experience says he has noticed a distinct       the recruits we are turning out.”
metropolitan districts.                         lack of “emotional intelligence” and social       With 4000 recruits going through in the
  And, contrary to what some might think,       skills among the new crop of constables, an     next four years, there has never been more
appearance is critical, they say. The current   observation that will no doubt disappoint       demand on the college.
uniform standards are as outlined in the        the college.                                      What is worrying some observers with
Police rules. However, the                                                                                 long memories is that the college
days of short back and                                                                                     has been though a similar cycle
sides and “military buns” for                                                                              before. In the late 1990s, the
women are gone.                  “It shouldn’t be the job of districts                                     administration introduced a more
“They come in as                                                                                           relaxed, campus-style regime,
individuals on day one and      to ‘re-correct’ these young officers.                                      complete with university papers,
leave as individuals at the
end of their training,”
                                 They should have been prepared                                            in an attempt to create degree
                                                                                                           qualifications and introduce an
Mr Saunders says.                for what to expect at the college.”                                       element of professionalisation.
  Scott Fraser says the                                                                                      It was an experiment that didn’t
aim is to produce recruits                                                                                 stand the test of time (although
who can talk and engage with people               Others say that while they are not yet        the university exams were retained until
at all levels, who are approachable and         convinced about the wisdom of relaxing          around 2010) and was swept away in the
know how to handle themselves in all            the college’s quasi-military approach           early 2000s by another new broom, with
sorts of situations. “There is more focus on    to training, they have been pleasantly          less emphasis on “tree-hugging” and more
community and sharing knowledge.”               surprised with their crop of constables.        focus on pride in the uniform, a strong
  But are they going to jump when the           “They do have a ‘softer’ side to them,”         operational focus, attention to street skills
section sergeant says jump?                     says one sergeant, “which may not be            – and marching.
  Sergeants in some districts are reporting     appropriate in every situation, and I thought     And now, the guard is changing again and
that one thing they have definitely noticed     that might present problems, but they have      the full effect of that may not be clear for
about the “new breed” is that they tend to      proved themselves.”                             several years.
be more opinionated, more questioning of          Another serving officer acknowledges            “We are working our way towards a
authority and not scared to come forward        that there are indeed some exceptional          perfect storm with the numbers of recruits
and make complaints.                            recruits, “but there has been a gradual         going through at the moment,” one
  More alarmingly, there have been anecdotal    decline in the standard of appearance at        anxious sergeant told Police News.
reports about new officers who have been        the college and too many NCOs are scared          Another goes further: “The whole idea
reluctant to do cordon duty, attend a sudden    to tell anyone off. Out in the real world, we   seems to be that we are all one and all
death or even get out of their patrol car       are supposed to be tidy, which helps us         equal, which flies in the face of command
to attend a call-out after using TENR and       when engaging with the public, particularly     and control. It’s a lab and the recruits are
deciding it was too dangerous.                  older people.”                                  the lab rats.”

8 | APRIL 2018
Changing of the Guard - Culture shift at the college Policing taonga sold - Police Association

                                                                                This column is written by a frontline police member. It does not
                                                                                        represent the views or policies of the Police Association.

Roster stomper                                      A recent email trail seen by a lot of staff    between now and September. So if I want

S    ometimes we’re so busy in the big            really calls into question Police judgment       to take any time off before then, I may find
     cities racing from job to job that we        and directives around professional               I have an insufficient leave balance, even
forget about the challenges of our country        conduct. What was obviously meant as             though I don’t. Confusing? Yes!
cousins, but I hear from some semi-               a bit of satirical banter from a departing         New leave tip – don’t put your leave
rural mates that things are a bit grim for        staff member, shared among a few                 request into the system until you absolutely
their PST.                                        other members, was seized on by Police           have to.
  The bosses introduced an exciting new           martinets who appear to have had a
                                                  humour bypass.
                                                                                                   Want a new job?

roster “to trial”. Sure, it would mean one
                                                                                                         pparently it’s difficult these days to
less sergeant, but there would be more              The overreaction continued when
                                                                                                         score a permanent job. My days of
constables, two-up every shift, they              directives were issued not to attend the
                                                                                                   promotion are well behind me, but another
were told.                                        officer’s farewell. In the precious “values”
                                                                                                   old buddy told me to have a look at the
  Anyone who has worked one-up for                hierarchy, that’s a low blow, never mind the
                                                                                                   advertised jobs because about half of them
any length of time in a rural location will       lack of compassion and common sense.
                                                                                                   are “expressions of interest” for a fixed
appreciate the temptations of such an                                                              period of time. What’s going on there?
ingenious roster. These guys probably
                                                  Leave planning

                                                 R      eading last month’s Police News, the         How can anyone get a promotion when
felt like Adam when Eve offered him that                                                           half the jobs advertised are temporary?
                                                        article on “The facts of leave” caught
delicious apple… they knew something was                                                           Who can afford to move to a different
                                                  my attention. See, I’ve been around for
a bit off – there was a snake hanging about                                                        town or city for a six to 12-month
                                                  a while and seen these questions asked
– but they were desperate.                                                                         secondment? And do those “expressions of
                                                  and answered many times by the Police
  Now, it seems, the new roster was never                                                          interest” ever get advertised as permanent
                                                  Association. But one thing has changed.
actually a trial, but a fait accompli, and no                                                      roles, or do we just keep rolling them over?
one really thinks it’s better. The promise        We now have MyPolice (cue horror film
                                                                                                     Questions, questions… this time without
of losing a sergeant was kept. The two-up         music). So here’s something new you
units? Not so much.                               should know: if you try to organise yourself
                                                  – you know, “plan” your leave using
Consquences...                                    MyPolice – it takes the future leave you         Stay safe out there...
A    nd complaining about anything?               have planned off today’s balance.
       Well, it seems there are                     For example, if I want to take four weeks      Constable Iam Keen
consequences for complaining, even if             off in September, it will take four weeks        To update Iam Keen
it’s meant to be taken with a grain of sand,      off my leave balance at today’s date. It         with information, email
er, salt.                                         won’t take into account the leave I accrue

    Members – new discounts for you
          We’ve added four new providers to our Member Discount programme.

   New Balance                       Educare Early                           Jukebox Diner                               Kai Carrier
 40% off athletic footwear and     Learning Centres                             Members can get a range                    Get a 30% discount
   fitness apparel from the                  20% off childcare            of discounts at this 1950s-themed       off this range of environmentally
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                       To find out more about these discounts and others available through the Member Discounts
                    programme, go to our website,, login, then click on ‘Member Discounts’
                        from the ‘Products and Services’ menu. You need to be logged in to view the discounts.

                                                                                                                                   APRIL 2018 | 9
Changing of the Guard - Culture shift at the college Policing taonga sold - Police Association

SCIIP still dead
in the water
          olice is looking into how it might       “Once that happened,” says Mr Read,

                                                                                                                  At the
          resuscitate its embarrassing           “any further development of Investigator
          and expensive “dead duck”              stopped.”
Investigator product.                              The system has since been bought by
   A multimillion-dollar national Police         New Zealand-based software firm Jade
management system that was supposed              and, Mr Read says, Police is working with
to help detectives investigate the most          that company to sort out what needs to
                                                                                                   A reactive frontline squad
serious crimes and monitor child sex             be done to make it usable.
offenders continues to be a disappointing          “Once this work has been completed              with a holistic approach
failure.                                         a decision will be made on what will              to criminal behaviour
   Although Police are now trying to             happen with SCIIP,” he says.
breathe life back into the Serious Crime           With the project in limbo for all               is behind the success of
Investigations and Intelligence Project          practical purposes, serious crime                 Christchurch’s Offender
(SCIIP), its dismal track record is not          investigators throughout the country
giving cause for optimism.                       have reverted to the Serious Crime                Prevention Team.
   In early 2013, SCIIP recommended              Template (SCT) which predated

that Police implement an off-the-shelf           Investigator. “SCT has been updated and                      ealing with organised crime in
product called “Investigator”, which went        modified, and is still being updated to be                   New Zealand is at the sharp end
live in August 2015.                             used in the medium term,” Mr Read says.                      of policing, where our highest-
   From the get-go, and during testing,            Mr Read has said he is unable to                risk, hard-core offenders are making a
there were problems, and that has been           provide the cost for the initial project          nuisance of themselves through drugs,
acknowledged by Police.                          or any additional costs. He will say only         firearms and family harm.
   Detective Superintendent Peter Read           that there were no costs associated with            Perhaps it’s not the first place that comes
has now been tasked with seeing what             transferring the Investigator product to          to mind when thinking about Prevention
can be done to revive “functionality”. He        Jade, as that was external to Police.             First, but it’s where the Christchurch
says Investigator wasn’t working well “in          However, it has been reported                   Offender Prevention Team (OPT) do their
the environments that Police wanted              (NZ Herald, June 17, 2017) that at least          best work, based on a simple premise –
it to”.                                          $7.2 million was paid to Wynyard for the          remove the offender from the criminal
   What is frustrating to investigations staff   contract and that more money will be              equation, and do it as quickly and efficiently
is that Police already knew it probably          needed to finish the job.                         as possible.
wasn’t up to the job in its existing form.         Mr Cahill told media that the question            If it sounds like basic, old-school policing,
User testing had thrown up issues                now was whether it was worth spending             you’re right, it is. As OPT OC Detective
around its suitability, but, as one officer      more money to fix what appeared to                Senior Sergeant Kylie Schaare says, a lot of
says: “Police persisted, trying to ram a         be a “dead duck”. “It certainly wasn’t the        what they do is “common sense stuff”. The
square peg into a round hole.”                   game-changer it was made out to be,”              difference is, the team also looks at options
   Mr Read admits that in hindsight              he said.                                          to prevent reoffending, such as referrals for
the testing should have been more                  What is bothering at least one detective,       drug and alcohol treatment.
extensive.                                       who has contacted Police News, is a                 “We take a holistic view of what might be
   Before he became president of the             perceived lack of accountability over the         contributing to the offending and what we
Police Association, Chris Cahill, an             project’s failings or, to use his phrase, “what   do over and above arrest to change that
inspector, had used Investigator and             appears to be an enormous balls-up”.              behaviour,” Kylie says.
says all the staff struggled with it. “I ran       There appeared to be an “imbalance                They focus on the top 2 per cent of
a homicide on it, but it just frustrated all     in the application of accountability”             offenders who are committing 20 per cent
the staff. They had to keep clicking and         between the “sirs” and the “rest”, he             of the crime, and a key to targeting and
clicking to open up multiple fields, going       said. “They appear to much more easily            catching them is a rapid response to “hot”
back and forth.”                                 hide their mistakes behind some kind of           information.
   The developer, Wynyard Group, branded         corporate ‘cost of doing’ business image.           A problem identified a few years ago was
as a market leader in high-consequence             “What worries me is that this kind of           that a lot of the piping-hot intel coming
crime fighting and security software, was        project failure will occur again and I think      into police from tip-offs, or human source
asked to fix the problems. How successful        we’d all like to know what has been learnt,       management units (HSMU), was not being
it might have been is a moot point now,          how those lessons have been integrated            acted on quickly enough. By the time the
as in October 2016, the California-based         into the project process and that this kind       public safety teams or organised crime units
company went into receivership.                  of failure won’t be repeated.”                    were able to react, it was often too late.

10 | APRIL 2018
Identifying and shutting down gang headq
                                                                                        uarters                            AFTER
 BEFORE                                         is on the OPT radar in Christchurch.

pointy end of prevention
 DCC/HSMU-Warrant Squad-OPT Information Flow                                                                                    i   = Priority information

                                          T&C/DCC                          Tasking and Coordination                                    OPT

                                                                           Deployment Model/Daily T&C                               Execute SW
                                                                       (District Commanders Intent / Focus)

                                     Crime Stoppers                                                                          Prevention Activity
                                                                          Offender Prevention Team
                                                                              For Search Warrant, etc
                                     Comms P6 Jobs                                                                                 OPT
                                                                                                                          Prevention Return Visits
                                                      i                       Warrant Squad (CIS)                         To Target / Target Location
                            CHIS Information (HSMU)                                                                 (One week later and additional visits if required)
                                                                                (Assessment Made)

    The intel had been languishing in a paper               about creating relationships within the             There is a strong child protection focus.
 tray or inbox, and the trail was cold.                     community, dealing with families, finding         “When we go into homes where there are
    But since the OPT has been equipped                     out what’s triggering the offender, making        children, I ask staff to check if there is food
 with the right staff to “take every                        referrals to other agencies and making            in the fridge, beds for all the children, etc,”
 opportunity to prevent harm”, it’s had some                youth crime a focus.”                             Kylie says.
 impressive results.                                          The OPT model, which is now being                 “If things don’t look good, there will be
    Last year, over a four-month period,                    considered for rollout across other districts,    a referral to another agency. It’s about
 it dismantled a gang HQ in central                         had its genesis in Christchurch about five        keeping a wide focus and being the voice
 Christchurch, closed down other drug                       years ago.                                        for children in need.”
 houses, arrested 14 patched gang members                     OPT manager Detective Inspector Greg              It is also high risk. “There are often
 and 37 associates, and seized substantial                  Murton says it evolved from the time when         firearms,” says Kylie. “We are regularly
 amounts of meth, cannabis, synthetics and                  the regular rosters included spending a           seeing two or three weapons most
 firearms along the way. They made nine                     couple of weeks on prevention-type work,          weeks.”
 youth referrals, nine family harm referrals,               doing the rounds of hot spots, etc. That            Despite that, it’s a popular secondment.
 four mental health referrals and 38 Housing                morphed into the OPT which combines               And why wouldn’t it be… getting out there
 NZ evictions for meth use and illicit activity.            the talents and resources of traffic targeting    to deal with priority offenders quickly
    In 2016, the team carried out 181 search                teams, youth crime teams, five rotational         and efficiently is what most people join
 and surveillance operations and 264 search                 PST members, five AOS members and that            Police to do – shutting down gang pads,
 warrants, seizing 145 firearms, 12,040                     valuable HSMU intel.                              removing a violent abuser from a family
 rounds of ammunition, 15 kilograms of                        “It’s really common sense stuff and we are      home, arresting a mobile meth cook and
 dried cannabis, 2263 cannabis plants, 786                  getting some fantastic results, which is why      identifying a young person who might be
 grams of meth, 1687gm of synthetics and                    this model will be tried elsewhere,” Kylie        helped down a different pathway.
 $579,754 in cash.                                          says. “In some ways, it’s old school, dealing       Now that the model is almost ready to be
    But behind the short-term reactive                      directly and appropriately with the offender,     rolled out to other districts, it’s likely that
 policing are the wider goals. “It’s not                    but it doesn’t stop there.                        there will be plenty of members putting up
 just about kicking in doors. We have a                       “We always ask what else we can do to           their hands to be part of the OPT action.
 full wraparound focus. My job is also                      prevent this happening again.”                    – ELLEN BROOK

                                                                                                                                                    APRIL 2018 | 11

   ‘That horrific day’
   Former police officer Ian Blackie was an 18-year-old cadet
   on April 10, 1968, when he and other trainee policemen
   were sent to help in the Wahine rescue effort.

              his month, Police and                                                                                   Later in the morning, a bus
              other agencies will mark                                                                              arrived and they were told to go
              the 50th anniversary                                                                                  to the barracks and pick up their
   of the sinking of the Wahine                                                                                     rain gear. The bus took them to
   passenger ship at the entrance                                                                                   Eastbourne.
   to Wellington Harbour on April                                                                                     “I could see the waves in the
   10, 1968.                                                                                                        harbour and I was shocked at
      It will be an emotional day as                                                                                the sheer size, 20 to 30 feet
   the Police launch Lady Elizabeth                                                                                 high, with a couple of hundred
   III leads a flotilla of up to 50 boats                                                                           yards in between the peaks.
   along the harbour front, each                                                                                    The waves were rolling in south
   boat dropping 51 flower petals                                                                                   to north, but that was about to
   into the water to represent the                                                                                  change.
   lives lost in the tragedy.              Ian Blackie as a cadet in 1968 and today. He has lived in Canada           “We walked through a rickety
      They will be watched by up to        since 1974, working in construction, and owns a company that             wooden farmer’s gate onto
                                           builds concrete underground parking structures.
   300 family members, including                                                                                    a farm track in very rough
   survivors, the governor-general, prime           In 1968 he was an 18-year-old police                 condition just a few yards from the
   minister, police commissioner, the             cadet attending the Police Training                    water’s edge. I could see a ship of sorts
   Wellington mayor and members of                School in Trentham, Upper Hutt, as part                out in the harbour listing to one side with
   the public.                                    of the Alphonsus Quin Wing.                            the waves crashing over the stern. The
      Half a world away in Vancouver,               He recalls the morning well. The rain                visibility was very poor.
   Canada, Kiwi expat Ian Blackie will be         and the wind were howling outside                        I couldn't see the other side of the
   grappling with his own thoughts of             their classroom windows and they had                   harbour or Wellington, and with the wind
   “that horrific day” – memories that have       heard on the radio that the interisland                and rain it obscured anything happening
   stayed with him for five decades and           ferry was possibly in trouble as cyclone               out around the ferry.
   which he wishes he could forget.               Giselle bore down on Cook Strait. “At
                                                  about 10am, our instructors called us
                                                  together and we were briefed about the
                                                  situation, and that we might be called                  “The survivors had
                                                      out to assist.”
                                                                                                         to walk out along the
                                                                                                            track, all wearing
                                                                                                         their life jackets. That
                                                                                                          was one of the most
                                                                                                           surreal memories.
                                                                                                          Almost none of the
                                                                                                           survivors, once on
                                                                                                          land, discarded the
                                                                                                          one instrument that
                                                                                                            had saved them.”
            Survivors coming ashore at Seatoun, aided by police.
            Ref: 35mm-01157-24-F /records/23018716

12 | APRIL 2018
In Brief

                                                                                                          Rescue cops make Kiwi
                                                                                                          House donation
                                                                                                          When three cops on their way to the
                                                                                                          NZPA Waka Ama Championships in
                                                                                                          Paihia rescued a disoriented week-old
                                                                                                          kiwi chick that had wandered on to the
Police cadets (in berets) from the Alphonsus Quin and Les Spencer wings were sent to Eastbourne to join
other police at the beach where survivors were coming ashore and bodies were being recovered.
                                                                                                          road and took it to the Otorohanga
Photo: IAN MCFARLANE, Museum of Wellington City and Sea Collection, ref 2167                              Kiwi House, it made the news. But the
                                                                                                          story didn’t end there. The altruistic kiwi
  “We had very little information and                   “He did not have his helmet or his                rescue motivated the organiser of the
kept plodding to where the Lower Hutt                 raincoat or his tunic, which he may have            waka ama prizegiving to auction a spot
personnel were. The wind had shifted                  given to one of the survivors.                      prize and $375 was raised for the Kiwi
around from the southwest to west by this               “The survivors had to walk out along the          House, where little “Constable Kiwi” is
time and we were feeling the full force.              track, all wearing their life jackets. That         said to be recovering well. One of the
Within an hour we were soaked through,                was one of the most surreal memories…               rescuers, Constable Cassandra Power,
but I don't recall feeling cold.                      almost none of the survivors, once on               of New Plymouth, said a cheque was
  “As we approached the Lower Hutt unit,              land, discarded the one instrument that             posted to the Kiwi House on behalf of
we saw survivors in the water, just their             had saved them.                                     the waka ama teams.
heads were visible. In the distance we                  “It’s been 50 years since that horrific
could see rescuers at the water’s edge                day. There is more, but it is so graphic and        Annual leave clarification
assisting the survivors, with some bodies             visual still in my mind, it’s hard to give a        In last month’s article The facts of leave,
washing up on the pebbled beach.                      satisfactory account.                               we overlooked the distinction between
  “There were two Land Rovers there, an                 “Most of the New Zealanders who died              annual leave entitlement and annual
  old grey one with a wooden deck on it               were washed up on that barren beach.                leave accruing.
    and a newer police Land Rover. As I               Most, I saw, were elderly… the strain was             “Annual leave accruing” is the leave you
      walked up, I remember one particular            obviously too much.                                 have accrued since your last anniversary
        constable who was the shift watch               “Our members, along with some of the              date. Any unused annual leave accruing
          house keeper, Constable Joyce,              outstanding civilians, loaded the bodies,           on your anniversary date then becomes
            who I knew from station duty.             so respectfully, on to the transport. We            your “annual leave entitlement”.
              He was in extreme distress.             were so isolated and short of manpower                Annual leave entitlement is subject to
                 “He was sitting on a                 or help.                                            the 50 days’ maximum balance. Other
                  rock and shivering, as                “It was an honourable day for New                 leave types – TOIL, DDOs, PCT, shift
                     he was soaked right              Zealand Police and a few civilian helpers,          workers leave and alternative holidays
                      through and obviously           including the farm employees. Everyone              for working on statutory holidays and/
                         suffering from               that day stepped up to the plate and did            or commissioner’s holidays where
                           exposure.                  their job, as was expected.”                        applicable – are combined with your
                                                                                                          annual leave entitlement as soon as
                                                                                                          they are earnt and then also subject to
                                                                                                          the 50 days’ maximum rule.
                                                                                                            Under the constabulary and Police
                                                                                                          employee collective agreements, you
                                                                                                          can hold a balance of 50 days’ “leave
                                                                                                          entitlement”. To clarify, this includes
                                                                                                          the above leave types plus your annual
                                                                                                          leave entitlement, but not your annual
                                                                                                          leave accruing. Your balance may go
                                                                                                          over 50 days when factoring in your
                                                                                                          annual leave accruing, but on your
                                                                                                          anniversary date, when all annual leave
                                                                                                          becomes your annual leave entitlement,
                                                                                                          you must have a balance of no more
                                                                                                          than 50 days.
                                                                                                            Unfortunately, MyPolice does not
                                                                                                          (although it should) make a distinction
                                         The Wahine sinking in Wellington Harbour.                        between annual leave entitlement and
                                         Photo: ALEXANDER TURNBULL LIBRARY
                                         Ref: EP/1968/1648a/1a-F /records/22843727
                                                                                                          annual leave accruing, which means
                                                                                                          the annual leave balance displayed
                                                                                                          combines both.

                                                                                                                               APRIL 2018 | 13

Built to
 It’s big and beautiful,
 which isn’t something
 we usually hear about
 police stations.

                          From left: one of several
                          cafes in the precinct;
                          staff settling in before the
                          opening last month (Photo:
                          STUFF); the public courtyard
14 | APRIL 2018           in the centre of the complex.
The state-of-the-art custody suite,
                                         which Police shares with Corrections,
The open-plan                            has 500 cameras, cells with variable
offices feature                          opaque/clear windows, and a secure
“activity-based                          elevator up to the courtrooms.
working” desks and
conversation areas.

                                                                                                        There are several pluses for Police staff:

                                                                                                        • Quick access to the undercover car parks via air

                                 he newly opened Justice Precinct in Christchurch
                                                                                                          bridges – one road policing officer said it took him
                                 appears to be full, not only of police (and other
                                                                                                          only a few minutes to get into his patrol car and be
                                 justice-related groups), but also of potential.
                                                                                                          on the road.
                        It cost $300 million and was dogged with delays, but the
                      42,000-square-metre mega justice centre is finally open.                          • Quick access to the courts – staff can wait in their
                         The precinct is owned by the Ministry of Justice and also                        own offices until they are needed.
                      houses Corrections, the courts and the headquarters of                            • Every frontline officer has their own full-length locker
                       the Fire Service, St John and Civil Defence. There’s a large                       (at last, somewhere to comfortably store the SRBA
                       courtyard in the centre, open to the public, with water                            and other clothing and equipment).
                       features and places to sit.                                                      • A range of cafes, and kitchen areas on each level.
                           Police is the largest tenant, with 800 staff housed
                                                                                                        • Smart doors that set off alarms if they are
                         over five floors, encompassing Canterbury District HQ,
                                                                                                          left open.
                         Christchurch Central Police Station, South Comms and
                         the District Command Centre.                                                   • A front counter that incorporates the latest
                            No doubt everyone working or visiting the building                            safety features.
                          will be comforted to know that it has 133 base isolators,                     • Easy access to evidence and exhibit storage rooms
                           designed to keep the precinct standing in a big shake, and                     via laneways from the vehicle bays (reducing the
                           that the emergency operations centre can function for 72                       risk of items being stored in inappropriate places
                           hours off the grid with enough food and water to last for                      overnight).
                            three days.
                                                                                                        • Within the open-plan offices, staff work in related
                              The precinct is divided into three buildings connected
                                                                                                          “neighbourhoods” – eg, adult sexual assault, metro
                             by a series of “air bridges”, enabling easy access and
                                                                                                          crime and the investigation support unit are based
                             encouraging collaboration between agencies.
                                                                                                          near each other.
                               On a smaller scale, Police staff are having to get used
                             to some new ways of working, including hot desking, or,                    • A special ops room for big cases.
                              as it’s now called, activity-based working, big open-plan                 • A state-of-the-art custody suite – the mothership of
                              office spaces and “riser” desks, albeit with a multitude                    the station – that is shared with Corrections.
                              of conversation areas and meeting rooms and breakout
                               spaces if privacy or silence is needed.                                    On the negative side, there have been issues with the
                                  The idea, says Sergeant Jon Harris, one of the project                waste water system and radios not working properly in
                                team overseeing the transition to the new station,                      some areas.
                                is that you can sit where you want, with a variety of                     Jon says Police ICT is installing another transmitter
                                 configurations of desks and furniture, moving your                     to remedy the problem of radio blind spots. As for the
                                 tablet from desk to desk, desk to table, table to chair, or            waste water issue, he says that was an isolated incident
                                  heading to a                                                          in the courts building and was fixed some time ago.
                                  private room.

                                                    One of the covered car parks for Police vehicles.                                         APRIL 2018 | 15

a beat
Not all cardiac events are heart attacks,
but they can be just as life threatening.                                                                                     Occasional dizziness
                                                                                                                              was a sign that
Inspector Scott Miller is sharing his story                                                                                   Inspector Scott
                                                                                                                              Miller’s heart wasn’t
to raise awareness about heart health.                                                                                        working properly.

        ying in a hospital bed watching a          reading a book, when six people – doctors       It got Scott’s heart working properly
        heart monitor as it registers that         and nurses – rushed in. My pulse was down     straight away and he was discharged a
        your heart has just stopped would          to 18 and I was completely unaware of it.”    couple of hours later. He needed about
be disconcerting, to say the least.                  Over the next five hours, his heart         two weeks to recover, but didn’t get back
  Scott Miller wasn’t exactly relaxed about it     stopped and restarted itself seven times.     to work and full duties for six week until
as it was happening, but at least, he says, he       Yes, he admits, at that point he did feel   he had full medical clearance and was at a
was in the right place.                            “a bit crook”. “I was watching the monitor    PCT fitness level.
  It was September 2015 and several hours          as the heartbeat gradually stopped for          In the first year, there were three-monthly
earlier that day, Scott, who was 57 at the         longer and longer periods, from five          checks. That’s down to once a year and
time, had got out of bed and walked down           seconds to 12 seconds. On the other side      the pacemaker is now having to work only
the hallway of his house. The next thing he        of the bed was the emergency crash cart.”     14 per cent of the time, instead of 100 per
knew, he was leaning with his hands on a             The medics realised that the normal         cent, as it did earlier.
table. “I had blacked out, which I knew was        electrical conduction                                               It’s a great result for
not normal,” he recalls, but he still felt okay,   system in Scott’s                                                 Scott, now 59. Since his
so he went to work.                                heart was not           If you ever have                          cardiac event, he says,
  He did ring his doctor later that                working properly.                                                 some members of Police
morning, arranging for an early afternoon          It was reaching the     a blackout, no                            have got in touch to ask
appointment. He was thinking about the
fact that in the previous few weeks he
                                                   top chamber of
                                                   the heart, but not
                                                                           matter how                                what happened and about
                                                                                                                     the pacemaker. He’s happy
had noticed intermittent split-seconds of
dizziness when he stood up or bent over.
                                                   making its way to the
                                                   second and bottom
                                                                           insignificant,                            to share his story and has
                                                                                                                     a message, especially for
  He hadn’t been too worried about it              chambers. He was        get to the doctor.                        men: “Get checked.
because about 15 years earlier he had              given a drug to keep                                              Men are bad at seeking
experienced similar dizziness and a doctor         his heartbeat at 45 beats per minute.         help. If I hadn’t got this checked out, it
told him he was fine and just needed to              Although the docs knew what was             would have been fatal for me. See your GP
walk a bit more, which he did and the              happening to Scott, they didn’t know why.     annually for a check, whether you’re feeling
symptoms disappeared.                              He was relatively young (mid-50s) and fit     okay or not. If you ever have a blackout,
  This time, however, there was no such            and didn’t match the profile of men with      no matter how insignificant, get to the
reassurance. A test at the medical centre          this condition, who are usually older. But    doctor.”
showed that Scott’s pulse was 32 – almost          what they did know was that to fix it, he       It’s good advice. Heart attacks and other
half the normal rate of 60.                        needed to have a pacemaker fitted as soon     cardiac events do affect apparently fit
  He was sent to A&E at Wellington                 as possible.                                  people. Being alert to any possible warning
Hospital. “They hooked me up and were                The procedure was simple, but lifesaving.   signs, such as dizziness, tiredness or chest
able to see that, actually, my heartbeat           Without it, Scott’s heart would have          pain, is important.
must have been in the low 30s for some             continued to slow until it could no longer      Scott says that, in hindsight, he realises he
time, maybe up to a year. I just hadn’t            restart itself.                               was tired, but he didn’t connect that to his
noticed it, apparently, because my body              The flat, oblong pacemaker, about four      health. He had a demanding job in covert
was used to it.”                                   centimetres long, was inserted between        ops at Wellington CIB for many years
  In the ward, he was connected to a heart         the chest muscle and the skin, under local    and now, thanks to modern medicine,
monitor. His partner, Bridget Robinson, a          anaesthetic. It has two wires, one of which   he has been able to continue taking on
senior sergeant at Wellington Central, and         attaches to the middle chamber of the         new challenges and is the acting area
his eldest daughter were at his bedside.           heart and the other that goes to the          commander for Wairarapa.
  “A few hours later, I was sitting up in bed      lower chamber.                                – ELLEN BROOK

16 | APRIL 2018

  Between                                                                                         She’s firm
                                                                                                  but fair
  the Lines                                                                            Dear Aunty
                                                                                       Not wanting to toot my own horn here,
  Membership hacks from the                                                            but for a long time I’ve been pretty much
                                                                                       invincible, health-wise. That is, until my
  Member Services Centre team                                                          child started going to daycare. Now, I seem
                                                                                       to be felled by every germ or bug going.
       0800 500 122                               The last time I caught a nasty case of man
                                                                                       flu, it happened to be around Waitangi Day,
                                                                                       so the long weekend was ruined. You’ll be
                                                                                       pleased to know I survived and am back,
                                                                                       fighting the good fight. That was until I
                                                                                       asked Workforce Management (WFM) to
                                                                                       change that statutory holiday to a sick
       Call me, maybe?                                What’s up MSC?                   leave day, and was shot down in flames.
                                                                                       They say that if you’re sick on a statutory
         Wanna chat? We do.                     A warm welcome to Holly Bowman.
                                                                                       holiday, it’s tough bikkies and the public
        Try calling us off-peak.                     She’ll soon be helping you        holiday remains a stat hol. WTF WFM?
                                                        out on the phones.             Not Iron Man
That’s outside of 12 noon and 2.30pm.
Remember we are here between 8am
                                                     #rookie #dreamteam
                                                                                       Dear Not Iron Man
             and 5.30pm.
                                                                                       As it turns out, WFM weren’t leading you
                                                                                       down the garden path. Sorry, but if you’re
          #offpeakisonfleek                                                            sick on a public holiday, the day remains
                                                                                       a public holiday, not to be swapped for
                                                                                       sick leave. This is standard across most
                                                                                       employment contracts and is covered in
                                                                                       the collective agreement under the leave
                                                                                       sections and by section 61A of the Holidays
                                                                                       Act 2003. May I suggest some vitamin C
  Look who turned one!                                                                 supplements for the winter?

   The best-looking MSC member,
               Weta.                                                                   Hi Aunty
    Our team mascot and Police                                                         I’m a sworn member of Police and I have
     Dog Training Centre dawg.                                                         to be vetted for compliance with the
                                                                                       Vulnerable Children’s Act 2014 (VCA). I’m
        Happy birthday, bubs.
                                                                                       fine with the vetting process, but Police
 A year of training, laughs, toys, trails                                              say I must supply my home address too.
        and puppy dog tales.                                                           I don’t see why, as they know where I
                                                                                       work and can contact me any time. It’s
                                                                                       just ridiculous! I’ve never given Police my
    #weta_k9 #wetawoo #delta                                                           home address as I don’t want my personal
                                                                                       information shared or “misplaced”. Do I
                                                                                       have to give in to their request?
                                                                                       Privacy Concerns

                                                                                       Dear Privacy Concerns
                                                                                       The short answer is yes. The slightly longer
  Life admin: tax edition                        Kids! They grow so fast.              answer is: Police has statutory obligations
  Tax return looming? Accountant                 Still paying for your 30-year-old’s   to meet vetting requirements under the
    needs your tax certificates?                             Health Plan?              VCA. To do that, it needs your home
                                                                                       address so it can cross-check information
  For Health Plan and/or house, car,            Reckon they are big and ugly enough    under the vetting process and be sure it
    contents insurance, email us.                        to pay their way?             is vetting the right person. The vetting is
        We need to know:                           They CAN take over their own        completed internally by Police, so your
   which policies; tax year dates.                        Health Plan!                 information is not being passed to an
                                                                                       external agency. The bottom line is, if you
 We will email the certificates to you.          Contact us and we will sort it out.   can’t be vetted, you won’t be deployable.

                                                  #sortedin10 #policefamily            Email questions for Aunty to
      #getitsorted #noworries                        #continuethelegacy      

                                                                                                               APRIL 2018 | 17
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