RCP Person of the Year - Henry Newrick - River City Press

Page created by Betty Jenkins
RCP Person of the Year - Henry Newrick - River City Press
Vol. 35, No. 49, December 19, 2019
                   52 Ingestre Street, Wanganui. Phone 345 3666 or 345 3655, fax 345 2644, email rivercitypress@xtra.co.nz

  RCP Person of the Year -
      Henry Newrick
BY DOUG DAVIDSON                                        international high achiev-   and encouraged by              3    $
                                                        ers to Whanganui to give     Mayor Hamish McD-             out the pain relief Possum
 Entrepreneur, Henry Newrick is the RCP                 presentations. These         ouall, he brought together    8  ! /
Citizen of the Year 2019 for his positive               included:                    a number of journalists,       !     ;
promotion of Whanganui, his development                              historians and photogra-      and is now marketing it
of businesses based here and his ongoing                marketing expert, adver-     phers to write articles and   vigorously, not only in
contribution to Whanganui life.                         tising guru and public       " !  #    New Zealand but also
                                                        speaker                      table book ‘From the Sea      in Europe and North
  Henry returned to         He was 70 when they                     to the Mountain. Whan-        America. An article about
Whanganui in October      returned, perhaps the age     Speaker, motivator and       $   $ %          
RCP Person of the Year - Henry Newrick - River City Press
Check out what’s House of Hospice - the charitable face
in this week’s RCP    of Whanganui’s businesses
  Meeting with Henry
     ;-                                       Whanganui’s        leading     Meanwhile, marketing of
 $'‚X !                                    businesses are joining         the property is being sup-
page). He has so many                                     forces to raise funds for      ported by:
ideas. Not all of them                                    Whanganui Hospice in              Q  8Q   Q 
prove to be successful                                    one of the biggest charity     Works
 $ B  /                                   support events seen in the       3@ $    -
do. He has really con-                                    city in recent years.           [QY
tributed to Whanganui                                       A two-bedroom relocat-         QRQ 
since he returned to his                                  able dwelling is currently       <   Q 
hometown and fully                                        being assembled by a             When complete, the
deserves to be named                                      dedicated team of tradies      moveable home will be

RCP Person of the Year - Henry Newrick - River City Press
Check out Bruce Tonkin’s                                                                                         In praise of... written thank you letters

   photos of Castlecliff
  Bruce Tonkin lives            Bruce got
 ;  #            B
Beach and is frequently       job at John
seen on the beach with        Souter
his dog ‘Boy’ taking          Photogra-
photographs on “what          phy. John
nature throws up.” The        encouraged
results are great – well      him to play
worth going onto the          with the
Whanganui News                cameras
Online Facebook site          and gave
and searching for Bruce       him les-
Tonkin to view them.          sons. Those
  He sees himself as a        were the
‘visual story teller’ rath-   days when
er than a photographer        you ‘rolled
and believes that his         your own’
pictures are especially       – that is
popular with those            B/! 
who can’t easily get to       a camera                                                                                                        The performance at the Lake
the beach or are living       (24 or 36)                                                                          This is intended to be a     handwritten ‘thank        RCP said “I am looking
away from Whanganui.          from huge                                                                         regular feature celebrat-      you’ notes from dif-      forward to wearing the
He adds that the many         canisters.                                                                        ing the good little things,    ferent members of the     silver fern and making
appreciative comments         John also                                                                         happenings and ideas in        team. They were well      my family and school
he receives are “hum-         printed all                                                                       Whanganui. If you have         written. The one to the   proud.”
bling and encourage me        B/                                                                        any ideas please let us
to continue.”                 region in a                                                                       know.
  You will be able to         dark room                                    Bruce and his dog ‘Boy’                We were approached
see the pictures in an        and processing unit over                                                          by students from St
exhibition next year. He      the road from his studio    Coast to Coast three        why I capture pictures    Mary’s School, who
will be joining artist,       in the Bridge Block of      times, the Mountains to     now – creating some-      had been selected for
Claire Gibney in a joint      Victoria Ave.               XB& /        thing positive out of a   the New Zealand Black
exhibition. She uses lo-        Moving on, work-          did the canoeing section negative.”                   Sticks team. They will
cal beach stones, shells,       $B 8/     in a team competing           After working in        be representing New
grass and driftwood           Co-op Wool Stores and       in the Crater to Lake       Sydney, backpacking       Zealand at the World
with resin to create her      then the painting and       competition. (Ruapehu       through Vietnam and       Stacking Championships
own distinctive art.          paperwork business,         to Taupo).                  being deported from       in Singapore next year.
  If you expect Bruce to      Bishop and Tonkin,            But he also experi-       Alaska, USA, (they          They were running a
be using a large camera       alongside his father and    enced a period of “deep     claimed he was working •  !/
with huge zoom lenses         grandfather, Bruce be-        " !  B& on a tourist visa), he re-   were to sing at Funky
– you’ll be surprised         came a shepherd initially   years. I still don’t under- turned to Whanganui. He Ducks café at Virginia
that instead he uses          at Maungmahu and later      stand why, everything        †  !  # Lake to help raise funds.
his smart phone – a           on Fields Track. In the     was dark. I couldn’t use    and his three children,   My wife donated one of
Huawai P20 Pro. It has        process he became good      a camera. I retreated into eight grandchildren and    her paintings for the raf-
three Leica lenses with       enough to represent         my man cave.” Thanks        one great grandchild.     – 
RCP Person of the Year - Henry Newrick - River City Press
Grant helps take recycling to Bouquet of
     Whanganui pensioners         the Week
  Recycling has become
far easier for residents
at three Whanganui pen-                                                                                                                          Lindsay
sioner housing complex-                                                                                                                        Watson has
es after the installation of                                                                                                                   being part of
recycling containers.                                                                                                                          Hospice for
  The containers are part                                                                                                                      a long time,
of a year-long trial by                                                                                                                        ever since
the Whanganui District                                                                                                                         she worked
Council as it looks to                                                                                                                         there as a
make access to recycling                                                                                                                       secretary
facilities easier, particu-                                                                                                                    to manager
larly for residents who                                                                                                                        Tom Joll.
aren’t able make use of                                                                                                                        Since retiring
the Whanganui Resource                                                                                                                         she continues
Recovery Centre. There                                                                                                                         to volunteer
is no kerbside recycling                                                                                                                       for the Hos-
service in Whanganui.                                                                                                                          pice shop in
  The trial has been sup-                                                                                                                      Gonville. As
ported by a grant from                                                                                                                         her nomina-
the Glass Packaging                                                                                                                            tor says,
Foru, and should it be                                                                                                                         “Lindsay
successful, will be rolled                                                                                                                     and Hospice
out to nine other pen-                                                                                                                         are synony-
sioner housing complex-                                                                                                                        mous.”
es, Whanganui District                                                                                                                           Sue
Council Waste Advisor,                                                                                                                         Lumsden, the
Stuart Hylton, says.                                                                                                                           manager of
                                                                                                                                               the Hospice                 Lindsay Watson
  “Council has 12
pensioner housing units                                                                                                                        shop says, “Lindsay turns up almost every day (on
housing around 250                                                                                                                             some Tuesdays she helps out at the blood donors
residents. This trial chose      Whanganui District Council pensioner housing complex residents, Allan and Sandra make use of one of clinic), at 8.30am and opens up the shop for the vol-
three complexes which                                   the new recycling containers installed as part of a trial.                             unteers. This includes on Saturdays.”
showed the greatest                                                  - Photo: Whanganui District Council                                         Her focus is on pricing, sorting and cleaning dona-
interest in using a service                                                           says.                                                    tions as well as making jars of marmalade to help
                               containers through its     ! / B -                                  the country’s only glass
following a survey of all                                                               The Forum has, to date,                                with the fundraising.
                               network and funded the     cled which supports our                                  container manufacturer
complexes. Council will                                                               funded over $3.4 million                                   Sue says, “Lindsay is totally dedicated to the work
                               $750 transport cost.       aim of an 82% recovery                                   O-I New Zealand.
monitor the success of                                                                in grants for projects                                   of Hospice and spends a lot of her time here. She is an
                                 “We were able to use     rate for glass bottles and                                 V$ $  B 
the trial, including costs                                                            ranging from infrastruc-                                 awesome person.”
                               our networks to supply     jars in New Zealand. We                                  a huge waste of valuable
to determine whether it                                                                                                                          |  &  ! ˜ !– 
                               bins for this worthwhile   hope the trial is a success ture to public place recy-   resources as it can be
should be rolled out to                                                               cling, events and research.                              put together by Nichola and her team at the Flower
                               trial which will provide   and is rolled out more                                      B   
all pensioner housing                                                                 This funding is sourced                                  Room, an Inter Flora Top 20 Club Member. She also
                               access to recycling for    widely.”                                                 Zealand, Dominic says.
complexes across the                                                                  through the Forum’s prod- It’s also one of the most      received a voucher for lunch for two at the Grand
                               those who aren’t neces-      Improving glass recy-
district.”                                                                            uct stewardship scheme,                                  Irish Pub.
                               sarily able to get to a    cling is the core function                               sustainable packaging
  The Council originally       recycling centre,” Glass   of the Forum, which         which has over 100           materials.
applied for just over          Packaging Forum Scheme runs the country’s only         member brands that pay         Using recycled glass to
$8,000 from the Forum          Manager, Dominic           Government-accredited,      a voluntary levy based on make new glass bot-
to help fund the recycling     Salmon, says.              voluntary product stew-     the amount of glass they     tles and jars reduces the
containers. However, the         “The trial means more    ardship scheme for glass    put to market.               need for virgin material
Forum was able to source       glass will be diverted     bottles and jars, Dominic     Glass is recycled at       – in fact, 1kg of recycled
                                                                                                                   glass replaces 1.2kg of
                                                                                                                   virgin materials. It also
                                                                                                                   means the furnaces can
                                                                                                                   run at a lower tem-
                                                                                                                   perature so there are less
                                                                                                                   emissions, Dominic says.
                                                                                                                   According to the latest
                                                                                                                   information from O-I,
                                                                                                                   every 10 percent of recy-
                                                                                                                   cled glass content reduces
                                                                                                                   emissions by 5 percent
                                                                                                                   and generates energy
                                                                                                                   savings of approximately
                                                                                                                   3 percent.
                                                                                                                     “A great little statistic
                                                                                                                   we’d love people to keep
                                                                                                                   in mind when doing their
                                                                                                                   recycling is that the en-
                                                                                                                   ergy saved by recycling
                                                                                                                   a single bottle could light
                                                                                                                   a 15-watt low-energy
                                                                                                                   light bulb for 24 hours,”
                                                                                                                   Dominic says.

                                                                                                                          Mere Kirihimete me
                                                                                                                          nga mihi o Te Tau Ho
                                                                                                                          Merry Christmas and
                                                                                                                          New Year greetingsgs
                                                                                                                          Harete Hipango MP for Whanganui
                                                                                                                                                   ng anuii
                                                                                                                          Whanganui Office
                                                                                                                          Suite 7, 210 Victoria Ave, Whanganui 450
                                                                                                                          06 348 9150
                                                                                                                          Hawera Office
                                                                                                                          44 Victoria St, Hawera 4610
                                                                                                                          06 278 4059
                                                                                                                          Stratford Office
                                                                                                                          Stratford Community House, 52 Juliet St
                                                                                                                          Stratford 4332 • 06 765 8464

                                                                                                                                                        Authorised by Harete Hipango MP,
                                                                                                                                                        Parliament Buildings, Wellington.

RCP Person of the Year - Henry Newrick - River City Press
RCP is now
    ~ NZ’s greatest athlete dies ~                                                                                   closed until
                                                                                                                    January 13 -
  By Trevor Mackay        gold double at Tokyo         B   
  New Zealand’s           four years later, with       seen to be believed.
greatest athlete was a    victories in the 800m          “They’d said he                                            our first paper
humble fellow. The late   and 1500m and be-            couldn’t handle hills
Sir Peter Snell demon-    tween those Olympics,        and obstacles but he                                        for 2020 will be
strated that regularly    put Whanganui on the         took them all in his
and notably as a friend   world sporting map           stride. He stopped on                                         January 16.
of my parents, Alan       with his world mile re-      B"  
and Gwen.                 cord at Cooks Gardens.       youngster and still won
  Dad was the track         Snell established him-     the race by 300-400
 B  !        self as one of the great-    yards. There were only                                       We wish you
the Evening Post in       est middle distance run-     a couple of hundred
Wellington when Peter
was a young runner
                          ners of all time, but was
                           #  '
                                                       people watching but it
                                                       was an unforgettable
                                                                                                                   all a very Merry
and was excited by his
potential after watch-
                          He befriended my father
                          to the extent that he told
                                                       run to all who saw it.”                                     Christmas and
ing him win national
880 yards and one mile
                          me he always enjoyed
                          talking to him, which                 Wife, Miki and
                                                                                                                   a happy holiday
titles in 1959.
  3 $ B  !
                          was exactly what they
                          did after Snell had been
                                                                    Peter Snell                                         season.
the wins – not lost on    the major attraction at
Dad – was that Snell      a big night meeting up
won the titles within     north. Dad had taken
the space of an hour.     my mother with him
Dad, a conservative       to the meeting and the
fellow, was convinced     pair and the athlete
New Zealand had an        found that the stadium
Olympic champion on       had emptied. Dad said
its hands.                B " 
  He said Peter had not   to send his story back
only won both races       to the Evening Post
against class athletes    through a recording. Pe-
but had shown, because    ter volunteered to look
of the brief respite      after Mum while Dad
between races, that       completed his task.
he had tremendous           Dad, who saw a lot of
strength.                 Snell’s races, believed
  Because Snell was in-   his greatest race was not
experienced, Dad was      one at the Olympics, but
almost alone in tipping   in the national cross-
him for top honours in    country championships
the Olympics at Rome      in Napier in 1962. In
the following year.       an article in the Sports
  Snell, of course,       Post, the day after he
won gold in the 800m      retired, Dad said Snell’s
at Rome, won a rare       superiority in a high

                                                                                    RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2019 - 5
RCP Person of the Year - Henry Newrick - River City Press
Damn Raucous Brass performing

                                                                                      Are our priorities                                                               group is a coalition of 13
                                                                                            right?                                                                     member organisations,
                                                                                  The $2.3M shared                                                                     including Living Streets
                                                                                pathway from Taupo                                                                     Aotearoa, Grey Power,
                                                                                Quay to London St is now                                                               Disabled Persons As-
                                                                                complete and was opened                                                                sembly, CCS Disability
                                                                                recently by Hon Phil                                                                   Action, Alzheimer’s NZ,
                                                                                3!  'œ{Q       pushchairs and wheel-        Disabled Persons As-        Blind and Low Vision
                                                                                allocated to cycleways        chairs) and especially for sembly, CCS Disability        NZ, Deaf Action NZ,
                                                                                around New Zealand            those people who have        Action, Alzheimers NZ,      Association of Blind
                                                                                and it is a travesty to see     Ÿ $ $ Blind and Low Vision NZ, Citizens NZ, Health Ac-
                    Damn Raucous Brass performing Friday                        the lack of use of those      or seeing, using the foot-   Deaf Action NZ, Associa- tion Trust, Age Concern,
  B    &  !      and Fat Freddie’s Drop, all arranged for completed so far. I am not     path is a necessity and the tion of Blind Citizens NZ, Dunedin Pedestrian Net-
modern New Orleans brass sound,       the Orleans 2nd line sound.               talking about recreational    main connection to their     Health Action Trust, Age    work, Retina NZ, Visual
Damn Raucous Brass have fashioned       This Friday is the last day of work for cycleways like the Moun-      community. If e-scooters, Concern, Dunedin Pe-           Impairment Charitable
their creativeness taking homage      " "   B - tain 2 Sea – I am a regular     bikes and other personal     destrian Network, Retina    Trust Aotearoa NZ.
from bands like 8 Hot Brass and       son to come out to Lucky Bar and party user myself – but I could        transport devices are al-    NZ, Visual Impairment         Footpaths4Feet have
Luck Chops. Roast any song with       hard with Damn Raucous Brass. There still count on one hand the         lowed on footpaths, these Charitable Trust Aotearoa "   ˆ
layers of trumpet, trombone and       will be horn driven, dancing, shout-      number of cyclists I have     people, as well as able-     NZ.                         signature petition to
Tuba, shake it up with drum kit and   ing, singing with the band and we will    seen using the commuter       bodied pedestrians, will       Footpaths4Feet have       Minister, Tracey Martin,
energy, our music quickly becomes     come and dance and play with you on       designated Te Tua Iwi (St     be put at higher risk of     "  ˆ $ -     to keep pedestrians safe.
an exuberant expression of our musi-   – '/     Hill St) cycleway. Central       injury and feel less safe.   ture petition to Minister   They say “We feel that
cianship. Full on, danceable, raucous and Brassy!                               V & / !  ˆž           E-Scooters are not seen    Tracey Martin to keep       footpaths should be
and fun.                                We have a really interesting front      of the Te Tua Iwi Cycle-      much on Whanganui foot- pedestrians safe. They say for people on foot or
  On Friday night we are showing      band tonight; Late Night Tales are local way, so local ratepay-         paths – yet. If the horrify- “We feel that footpaths     using mobility devices,
a bunch of new songs which range      and young and a must hear. They kick      ers are fronting up with      ing injury statistics seen   should be for people on     while safe and appropri-
from Ain’t No Use (LAB) through        #ˆ›`"/'                            œ{'@   -        in Auckland (2432 ACC        foot or using mobility de- ate facilities should be
to the slightly raged original, Oh My   Damn Raucous Brass are at Lucky           œ`        /! /™\ˆ      vices, while safe and ap-   provided on-road for
Baby. Our covers song list ranges       8 \'V $ˆ›`"/' is available for footpath       Q\‰"       propriate facilities should people using personal
from Louis Armstrong to Hendrix       œ &     '                      maintenence across the        here let them stay away.     be provided on-road for     transport devices. We
                                                                                entire city – and noth-              Pedestrians are       people using personal       think allowing these two
                                                                                ing is allowed for new                pushing back         transport devices. We       groups to mix will result
                                                                                footpaths in Whanganui –        Living Streets Aotearoa think allowing these two       in more injuries and less
                                                                                ratepayers can be excused       Ÿ  !  -    groups to mix will result   walking.”
                                                                                for wondering where           wide organisation and has in more injuries and less        Finally, this is the last
                                                                                Council’s priorities are.     come together to support     walking.”                    / ! \'C*
                                                                                   Pedestrians are feeling    members of the NZ com-         Finally, this is the last been a great year – and
                                                                                          less safe           munity who use footpaths  / ! \'C*  the future for Whanganui
                                                                                  Personal safety when        to get around.               a great year – and the      has never looked better.
                                                                                enjoying shared pathways        They say “Walking is       future for Whanganui has      Merry Xmas, Kind
                                                                                is a serious issue for many   the cheapest and most        never looked better.        Regards and a Prosperous
                                                                                – especially in our busier    sustainable form of            The Footpaths4Feet        New Year.
                                                                                communities across NZ.        transport but does require
                                                                                  For many people on foot     investment in, for exam-
                                                                                (and including those in       ple, footpaths, crossings,
                                                                                                              bridges, seats, planting
                                                                                                              and signage. Generally,
                                                                                                              shared paths represent a
                                                                                                                                                Golf results
                                                                                                                                             Tawhero 9 Hole Golf Results - 17/12/19
                                                                                                              downgrade for walkers.”        Multiplying Stableford: Ladies Division 1: Joan
                                                                                                              Anyone can join this         Shore 48, Judy Carson 34, Kaye How 33 on c/b from
                                                                                                              lobby group for walkers      Bev Shingles.
                                                                                                              through their website.         Ladies Division 2: Helen Donaldson 48, Jan Ruby
                                                                                                                The Footpaths4Feet         42, Jean Walsh 36.
                                                                                                              group is a coalition of 13     Men’s Division 1: Peter Granger 46, Dave Johnston
                                                                                                              member organisations,        41 on c/b from Sam McGregor.
                                                                                                              including Living Streets       Men’s Division 2:
RCP Person of the Year - Henry Newrick - River City Press
Whanganui District Council wishes you
                                          a safe and happy holiday season

Here are our opening hours for Council facilities               Mobile Library (weekdays only)                                   Cooks Gardens Event Centre & Velodrome
and services during the 2019/2020 Christmas and                                                                                  For event or booking enquiries, please call Whanganui
                                                                23 December 2019: Regular timetable
New Year period.                                                                                                                 Venues & Events on (06) 349 0513, or email:
                                                                24 December 2019: Regular timetable                              events@whanganui.govt.nz
If you have an urgent enquiry you can contact us at
any time on (06) 349 0001.                                      25-26 December 2019: CLOSED
                                                                27 December 2019: Regular timetable                              New Zealand Glassworks, 2 Rutland Street
Customer Services (101 Guyton Street)
                                                                30-31 December 2019: Regular timetable                           Monday to Sunday: OPEN 10.00am - 4.30pm
Infrastructure (179 St Hill Street)
23 December 2019: OPEN 8.00am - 5.00pm                          1-2 January 2020: CLOSED                                         OPEN every day except Christmas Day

24 December 2019: OPEN 8.00am - 12 noon ONLY                    3 January 2020: Regular timetable resumes
25 December 2019 - 5 January 2020: CLOSED                                                                                        South Beach Café, Whanganui Airport
6 January 2020: OPEN 8.00am - 5.00pm (normal hours resume)      Gonville Library, 44 Abbott Street                               24 December 2019: OPEN 6.00am-5.00pm
Full Council services will resume on Monday, 6 January 2020     23 December 2019: OPEN 9.00am - 5.00pm                           25 December 2019-5 January 2020: CLOSED
                                                                24 December 2019: OPEN 9.00am - 5.00pm                           The terminal will be open one hour before scheduled Air
                                                                                                                                 Chathams’ departures or arrivals during this period
Innovation Quarter, 179 St Hill Street                          25-26 December 2019: CLOSED
23 December 2019: OPEN 8.00am - 5.00pm                                                                                           6 January 2020: OPEN from 9.00am (normal hours resume)
                                                                27 December 2019: OPEN 9.00am - 5.00pm
24 December 2019 - 5 January 2020: CLOSED
                                                                28 December 2019: OPEN 10.00am - 2.00pm
6 January 2020: OPEN 8.00am - 5.00pm (normal hours resume)                                                                       Splash Centre, Springvale Park
                                                                29 December 2019: CLOSED
                                                                                                                                 23 December 2019: OPEN 6.00am - 8.00pm
                                                                30-31 December 2019: OPEN 9.00am - 5.00pm
Sarjeant on the Quay, 38 Taupō Quay                                                                                              24 December 2019: OPEN 6.00am - 6.00pm
                                                                1-2 January 2020: CLOSED                                         25 December 2019: CLOSED
Monday to Sunday: OPEN 10.30am - 4.30pm
OPEN every day except Christmas Day                             3 January 2020: OPEN 9.00am - 5.00pm (normal hours resume)       26 December 2019: OPEN 10.00am - 5.00pm
Sarjeant above the i-SITE                                                                                                        27 December 2019: OPEN 8.00am - 6.00pm
Monday to Friday: OPEN 9.00am - 4.30pm                          Alexander Library | Te Rerenga Mai o Te Kauru                    28 December 2019: OPEN 8.00am - 6.00pm
                                                                Pukenamu Queen’s Park
Saturday and Sunday: OPEN 10.30am - 4.30pm                                                                                       29 December 2019: OPEN 8.00am - 6.00pm
                                                                24 December 2019: OPEN 9.30am - 5.00pm
Public holidays: OPEN 10.30am - 3.00pm                                                                                           30 December 2019: OPEN 8.00am - 6.00pm
                                                                25-26 December 2019: CLOSED
OPEN every day except Christmas Day                                                                                              31 December 2019: OPEN 8.00am - 6.00pm
                                                                27 December 2019: OPEN 9.30am - 5.00pm
                                                                                                                                 1-2 January 2020: OPEN 10.00am - 5.00pm
Whanganui i-SITE Visitor Information Centre,                    30-31 December 2019: OPEN 9.30am - 5.00pm                        3-5 January 2020: OPEN 8.00am - 6.00pm
31 Taupō Quay                                                   1-2 January 2020: CLOSED                                         6 January 2020: OPEN 6.00am - 8.00pm (normal hours resume)
Monday to Friday: OPEN 9.00am - 5.00pm
                                                                3 January 2020: OPEN 9.30am - 5.00pm (normal hours resume)
Saturday and Sunday: OPEN 9.00am - 5.00pm
                                                                                                                                 Whanganui East Aquatic Centre, 67 Tinirau Street
Public holidays: OPEN 9.00am - 3.00pm
                                                                Hakeke Street Library, 65 Hakeke Street,                         26 December 2019: OPEN 12 noon - 5.00pm
OPEN every day except Christmas Day                             Whanganui East
                                                                                                                                 27-29 December 2019: OPEN 11.00am - 5.00pm
                                                                Monday to Friday: OPEN 9.00am - 1.00pm
                                                                                                                                 30-31 December 2019: OPEN 11.00am - 6.00pm
Whanganui Regional Museum, Watt Street                          Closed on public holidays
                                                                                                                                 1-2 January 2020: OPEN 12 noon - 5.00pm
OPEN every day (except Christmas Day) 10.00am - 4.30pm
                                                                                                                                 3-5 January 2020: OPEN 11.00am - 5.00pm
Free entry                                                      Rangiora Street Library, 10 Rangiora Street, Castlecliff
                                                                                                                                 For opening hours from 6 January 2020, please visit:
Whanganui Regional Museum Archives, Watt Street                 Tuesday to Friday: OPEN 10.00am - 4.00pm                         www.splashcentre.co.nz
23 December 2019 - 3 January 2020: CLOSED                       Saturdays: OPEN 10.00am - 2.00pm
6 January 2020: OPEN 10.00am - 1.00pm (normal hours resume)     Closed on public holidays                                        Dog Pound, Ridgway Street
                                                                                                                                 OPEN Monday to Friday 12 noon - 1.30pm or by prior arrangement
Durie Hill Elevator                                                                                                              by calling (06) 349 0001
                                                                Royal Wanganui Opera House Box Office, 69 St Hill
Monday to Friday: OPEN 8:00am - 6:00pm                          Street                                                           CLOSED weekends and public holidays only
Saturday to Sunday and public holidays: OPEN 10:00am - 5:00pm   23 December 2019: OPEN 10.00am - 4.00pm
OPEN every day except Christmas Day                             24 December 2019: OPEN 10.00am - 12 noon                         Whanganui Resource Recovery Centre, Maria Place
                                                                25 December 2019 - 5 January 2020: CLOSED
Davis Library, Pukenamu Queen’s Park                                                                                             The front part of the centre is open 24/7 for dropping off glass,
                                                                6 January 2020: OPEN 10.00am - 4.00pm (normal hours resume)      paper, cans, plastics and clothing
23 December 2019: OPEN 9.30am - 6.00pm
                                                                Bookings can be made online at: www.whanganuivenues.co.nz        Drive-in area
24 December 2019: OPEN 9.30am - 6.00pm
                                                                                                                                 23 December 2019: OPEN 10.00am - 4.00pm
25-26 December 2019: CLOSED
                                                                Whanganui War Memorial Centre, Watt Street                       24 December 2019: OPEN 9.00am - 3.00pm (reduced hours)
27 December 2019: OPEN 9.30am - 6.00pm
                                                                23 December 2019: OPEN 10.00am - 4.00pm                          25-26 December 2019: GATE CLOSED
28 December 2019: OPEN 10.00am - 5.00pm
                                                                24 December 2019: OPEN 10.00am - 12 noon                         27 December 2019: OPEN 9.00am - 3.00pm (reduced hours)
29 December 2019: OPEN 10.00am - 3.00pm
                                                                25 December 2019 - 5 January 2020: CLOSED                        28 December 2019: OPEN 9.00am - 4.30pm
30 December 2019: OPEN 9.30am - 6.00pm
                                                                6 January 2020: OPEN 10.00am - 4.00pm (normal hours resume)      29 December 2019: OPEN 9.00am - 4.30pm
31 December 2019: OPEN 9.30am - 6.00pm
                                                                Bookings can be made online at: www.whanganuivenues.co.nz        30 December 2019: OPEN 9.00am - 4.30pm
1-2 January 2020: CLOSED
                                                                For event or booking enquiries, please call Whanganui Venues &   31 December 2019: OPEN 9.00am - 3.00pm (reduced hours)
3 January 2020: OPEN 9.30am - 6.00pm (normal hours resume)
                                                                Events on (06) 349 0513                                          1-2 January 2020: GATE CLOSED
                                                                                                                                 3 January 2020: OPEN 9.00am - 4.30pm (normal hours resume)

www.whanganui.govt.nz                        facebook.com/whanganuidistrictcouncil                                –•Ťŧ

                                                                                                                            RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2019 - 7
RCP Person of the Year - Henry Newrick - River City Press
Council cracks down 2020 Whanganui Arts Review submission
  on roaming dogs             day - February 18
  Whanganui        District                                                                 The Whanganui Arts             having a solo exhibition
Council is taking a zero-                                                                 Review is the longest run-       at one of New Zealand’s
tolerance approach to                                                                     ning event of its type in        prestigious public galler-
dogs found roaming in                                                                     the country and the Sar-         ies.
response to increasing                                                                    jeant Gallery Te Whare             The pattillo project has
reports of dogs attacking                                                                 o Rehua Whanganui has              " B  
cats in the Gonville, outer                                                               announced that the 32nd          to elevate local artists na-
Gonville and Tawhero ar-                                                                  edition of this much-loved       tionally and will be an on-
eas.                                                                                      open call exhibition in          going exhibition line for
  Council Chief Execu-                                                                    partnership with Anne            the Sarjeant for the years
tive, Kym Fell says, “Un-                                                                 Pattillo and her company         to come. It is envisaged
der the Dog Control Act,                                                                  pattillo, who is the prin-       that the pattillo project
dog owners are respon-                                                                    cipal sponsor. Submission        will support and uplift the
sible for keeping control                                                                 day is Tuesday, February         huge talent pool in this
of their dog at all times                                                                 17, 10.30 – 4.30pm at Sar-       region and expose Whan-
which includes making                                                                     jeant on the Quay.               ganui’s artists nationally
sure it can’t escape from                                                                   The pattillo Whanganui         and that therefore the pat-
their property.                 Mr Fell asks members of    escape.                        Arts Review is intended to       tillo project will ultimate-
  “While our animal man-      the public to report roam-     “This means making              –  !     ly become synonymous
$/  Ÿ !         ing dogs.                    sure it is fenced, gates are   Whanganui region’s crea-         with the most exciting art -
up all reports of roam-         “If you see any roam-      not left open and the dog      tive energy and as such,         from New Zealand’s most
ing dogs, we are stepping     ing dogs report them to      is secured in an appropri-     it is open to artists of any     exciting art region.
up our response over the      the Council immediately      ate place on the property      age, who live in the Whan-         Principal sponsor, Anne
next month. Any dogs          on (06) 349 0001 day or      at night and when you are      ganui region, including          Pattillo says, “Our pur-
found roaming will be         night. We will have some-    not at home.                   Ruapehu and Rangitikei           pose with the pattillo
immediately impounded         one on site to investigate     “It’s also prudent for       and all areas that link to       project is to provide a
and an infringement is-       as quickly as possible.”     cat owners to keep their       the Whanganui River.             mentored opportunity for
sued,” Mr Fell says.            Because dogs often         cats inside at night. This     Works of all media are ac-       winners of the Arts Re-
  “We will also pursue        roam without their own-      will keep them safe from       ceptable for entry.              view to showcase their
prosecutions of own-          ers’ knowledge, Mr Fell      roaming dogs as well as          Supported in principal         work on what we think is
 ! $   B        reminds dog owners to        preventing them from           by pattillo, the Arts Re-        New Zealand’s premier
mauling cats or any other     check their property to      getting injured in cat         view is also sustained by        arts stage; the Sarjeant                                 Anne Pattillo
animal.”                      ensure their dog cannot      B$£Q8'          a strong group of Whan-          Gallery. The current rede-
                                                                                          ganui businesses, with this      velopment will strengthen          ever recipient of the pat-     - $5000 and the pattillo
                                                                                          year’s Whanganui Arts            and extend the standing of         tillo project is a huge hon-   project.
                                                                                          &  # $ &            the gallery as the place to        our. The addition of men-         \ ; œ Y; 
                                                                                          Merit Awards of $200             be seen for New Zealand            torship and a solo show is     Awards from Dalgleish
                                                                                          each, two Excellence             and international artists          a huge boost to the pattillo   Architects & Article and
                                                                                          Awards of $1000 each and         alike. Winning the Arts            Whanganui Arts Review          Vernon Money Poppy .
                                                                                          the main award, the Open         Review is an important             and I believe it will be an       Q  R    
                                                                                          Award of $5000 plus the          recognition for any artist.        invaluable step in the fu-     value of $200 each from:
                                                                                          opportunity to accept the        We hope the pattillo pro-          ture development of my         Friends of the Sarjeant
                                                                                          pattillo project - a solo art-   ject adds value to that rec-       career. I very much look       Gallery, River City Pic-
                                                                                          ist showcase exhibition.         ognition - Whanganui Arts          forward to working with         8/ # -
                                                                                            The pattillo project gives     Review winner.”                    the team at the Sarjeant       ate, Renata’s Art & Fram-
                                                                                          the winning Arts Review            The inaugural pattillo           Gallery to develop work        ing, Wanganui Garden
                                                                                          artist the opportunity to        project artist is Dr Kath-         over the coming year.”         Services, Edith Collier
                                                                                          experience professional          ryn Wightman, who won                The sponsors are:            Trust and Whanganui
                                                                                          curatorial support, con-         the 2019 pattillo Whan-              
RCP Person of the Year - Henry Newrick - River City Press
~ New ‘Arts in the Region’ fund ~
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44 Years not long enough for
    teacher, Lynette Tuffy
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 /'£ 3                                                                                 Enliven creates elder-centred communities that recognises elders as individuals and
 $         ˜'
RCP Person of the Year - Henry Newrick - River City Press
Albi & The Wolves band to Looking good! Mainstreet Whanganui’s
    perform this Friday       vintage costume competition
                                                                                          The Vintage Costume competition on the Sunday of
  Have                                                                                  Whanganui’s Vintage Weekend could be a highlight of
you heard?                                                                              the long weekend. As part of Mainstreet’s Caboodle
Auckland’s                                                                              party, The Metropolitan Club are proud to present the
Albi & The                                                                              } $ / /"   X ‹ ˆ
Wolves and                                                                              at 2.00pm at Majestic Square.
local hero’s                                                                              ™$  ‹  "  !;"  
The Conrays                                                                             in ‘Heritage, history, vintage and retro cultural events’
are teaming                                                                             as well as in Whanganui. Her grandfather, Graham
up together                                                                             ‹     " /   }   R&   
for a Christ-                                                                           father also lived here. She has been coming here annu-
mas bash                                                                                ally since 2013 to organise a vintage costume event as
that will not                                                                           she does in places such as Napier, Te Papa, Auckland
be forgot-                                                                              Museum and MOTAT. Her background was in produc-
ten on 20                                                                                  $/$€ V '*
December at                                                                               She told the RCP that, “Whanganui is a stylish place
the Whan-                                                                               and the competition gives people the opportunity to
ganui Musi-                                                                             dress up, possibly in their parents old clothes and a plat-
cians Club.                                                                             ! /     / #' ¤C &    & $  
Albi & The                                 Albi & The Wolves
                                                                                        since I was 14,” she adds. “People love to comment on
Wolves is made up of the     a high level of technical   V #8  ‹           them as they are eye catching. You have to get used to it
proud albino frontman,       ability and a solid body of Keating.                       and it opens up interesting conversations.”
Chris Dent, on vocals and    songs with real impact-       Tickets are only $20 and       The categories include:                                                  Photo courtesy of Sally Jane Smith
acoustic guitar, Pascal      musically and emotion-      will be available on the            $ \' 3  8"" V $   R       gerous, who have over 50 years combined costume
Roggen on the electric       ally.”                      door or at www.event-          Deco style.                                                      $  ;"     /' Y   !  
violin and Micheal Young       If that does not spike    B ' ' €'‹!         &   '    & ""      all participants receive a My Home Town Whanganui
on the double bass.          your interest then perhaps Albi & The Wolves! Get          boating or picnic clothing.                                   guide for entering.
  In their 5 year career     the fact that they won the  your tickets now and don’t       X/
Wanganui Motor Boat Club Regatta on the River in the new year
  The annual Wanganui       for motor boat racing          tended by around 30           is hoping to see two of
Motor Boat Club Re-         in the Southern Hemi-          boats from all around the     the Lupton’s hydroplanes
gatta returns on Tues-      sphere,” says Bruce.           North Island.                 competing.
day, December 31 for          The regatta this year          It will start at the club     Programmes will be
practices and for racing    also serves to determine       rooms on the Anzac            available at the club
on January 1 and 2. This    the winners of three           Parade side of the river,     rooms and there will be
is the 99th regatta and     North Island titles. These     between the Dublin and        a public address system.
will serve as a trial for   are:                           Aramoho Railway               Racing starts at 11am
the 100th in 2021, which      X `!     bridges. The course is        and will continue until
Past Commodore, Bruce       of up to 3 litre engines       of four laps with 800m        B   '
Gaudin, says “Will be       with speeds of up to early     straights. Bruce explains       It will be a great public
much bigger.”               80mph.                            '¤3 Ÿ-        spectacle with or without
  The event has a proud       
Create a luxe Christmas table Benefits of using a mortgage broker
   / †                                                                If you’re looking to take out a home loan, it’s likely          & / "" $   #   
                                                                   you’ve heard about mortgage brokers. But what do they                       $  '
and if your to-do list                                                             ­@* #                    It’s a valuable relationship that can last years
is anything like ours,                                                               B­                                     It’s important to remember that taking out a home
you'll be looking for                                                               A great mortgage adviser will guide you through the                 &$\_ `~ // / ' -
 / "                                                              "   #;" &  "                $     ! $$B    /-
make it easy. One way                                                             stress and hassle. Less admin and paperwork for you               mitments you’re ever going to make.
to bring your Christ-                                                             /  &/  / !   $$                    / $ &      / $$    B; 
mas to life is through                                                            B      $  / /'                                         interest rate for two years. After two years, it’s time to
a beautiful Christmas                                                               ’ / B  $/ $$ & '               &     &  ;"  "  B;
table design.                                                                       They work for you, not the bank                                  B  'R!B& / $B 
  Interior Designer,                                                                While mortgage advisers have great relationships with           it’s time to upsize the family home, or you might have
Shelley Ferguson, is                                                              the banks and other non-bank lenders they work with,               $ ˜            " $
here to help showing                                                               * !  'R    &          an investment property. These are all options that your
   ;                                                           !   B   /               &  "$   $ " &  -
 / $  ;                                                                      &  / '                         &  ""     / !" "
easy steps.                                                                         It’s not just about the loan                                    $    ' X / /  & $  $   
  1. Choose a theme          gone for gold leath-        $ " ' Q B /! $ * † $-              take time, so having a strong relationship with your ad-
  8 "          "/      @*&$ ! –   $/ $$ / "   -                  viser is valuable in the long term.
theme. This is a good        from Farmers, with a       theme, using a variety      $  & $#                  ~'' ' €
"      fun pattern.                 ! –   $~/ " ' C*   / $$  & * †   
guide your shopping,           !"              !   $   $"    ! /-
$ & !  -       crockery                   your table too. We’ve     !   ! /  $†  '
ate a beautiful visual         Have some fun by         $ "  " -     Your mortgage adviser will help you understand the
 /"  '        / ; $ / $          nies and roses, grouped  /  ""  $ "~"" &  "
Have a look online on          '@*&      together in vases along         / $$     "-
Pinterest or Instagram          #            '¯ #  /   #  '  &    $  
to get inspired by           ranges from Farmers,       heights of vases to bring      &   -
   # / '       but they still have a      some dimension and        tion from your bank to put towards your legal fees.
@*&  ;           &!     interest to the table.      They come at no cost to you
summer theme for our         makes it work together       ($)        @       /  B     / $$
table.                        /"!$€    touch                      &  "  //      
                  /  '                3 /! B  $ &        '  -
  Start simple, by             #$             /-        & * !  "           & 
building a base with a       glassware                  thing that you love to     / $  '
   '         3   /;      your table so that it                 -
We’ve used simple            we’ve used gold            feels like ‘you’. Shelley ers
white linen to ground          !       !&          @   $ / $$ &  * /"  
the look and a table         glassware to elevate         ‚   $             $ !   $ ! "  
runner to draw your          the look.                  Y  /  #'@  * / &   #" -
   '          %      '       is a must, it smells      ! /       &   !-
3  "/         centrepiece                divine).                  !   !" ! / $   
suit your theme - we’ve        Now for the fun part       ~'' ' € non-bank lenders. This means you don’t need to spend

                                                                                                                               RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2019 - 13
Age Concern providing gifts for over
     200 people alone at Christmas      ‘Fabulous Fakes’ on show at Mangaweka
 Age Concern is “over-
whelmed by the gener-
                             Malcolm said, “We have
                             been humbled by the sup-
                                                           en’s Fashion, Options
                                                           Party Store, Party King,
                                                                                        the volunteers put them
                                                                                        into categories of edible,
                                                                                                                                     ‘Yellow Church’ Gallery, SH1
osity of the Whanganui       port. Even little kids came   Just Looking Bates Watch-    toiletry and novelty with
community” in providing      having spent their pocket     maker and Goldcoin.          the plan of having one item
gifts for over 200 elderly   money on a gift.”               Three schools – Wan-       of each in a gift bag. On        ‘Sir Edmund
people, who are likely to      A number of businesses      ganui Intermediate, Wan-     Monday nine volunteers         Hillary’ (left)
be along over Christmas.     also helped out. They in-     ganui East and James Cook    /    Ÿ            looks on as
The word was spread          cluded Gonville Library,      in Marton - have been busy   wrapped up all the pre-         Mangaweka
 &8 –      Aramoho Health Centre,        preparing cards.             sents. Michelle said, “As      Fakes & For-
among their networks,        141 Pharmacy, Ballen-           The presents came un-      the gift bags and most of      geries 2019/20
and manager, Michelle        tynes, Fifty Five – Wom-      wrapped and Michelle and     the Christmas paper was            Winning
                                                                                        gifted, we had to purchase     Artist, Marty
                                                                                        only six rolls.                   Loughnan
                                                                                          Age Concern was able             (centre),
                                                                                        to identify recipients from      receives his
                                                                                        people they knew already.             3    
                                                                                        They were not necessarily         from ‘Yel-
                                                                                        members of clients. The         low Church’
                                                                                        gifts were delivered on       Gallery owner,
                                                                                        Tuesday and Wednesday,        Richard Aslett
                                                                                        December 17/18.                  (right). The
                                                                                          Michelle says, “It has      exhibition runs
                                                                                        been wonderful to be able      to 9 February
                                                                                        to help those alone to en-           2020
                                                                                        joy Christmas and have a
                                                                                        happy smile.”
                                                                                         Volunteers, Margaret           C!       B     Gallery with resident artist/   petition. A former local
                                                                                        Higgs, Margaret Turner        boots with some additional        musician, Richard Aslett.       politician, he appeared on
                                                                                        and Pamela Pointon            Creative Culture these holi-        Richard is an abundantly      the most recent X-Factor
                                                                                        with a selection of the       days, then a short scenic         published Photographer and      and New Zealand’s Got
                                                                                        gifts and gift bags           trip up State Highway One         Designer, having won sev-       Talent, performing at the
                                                                                                                      to the township of Man-           eral awards, including his      $ ~B    ¤  
                                                                                                                      gaweka is a must! As well         screen-print image of Man-      Favourite”.
                                                                                                                      as the newly refurbished          gaweka’s DC-3 Aeroplane           He was privileged to visit
                                                                                                                      Café, River Rafting, Horse-       which graced the cover of       Antarctica, with much of
                                                                                                                      Treks, Fishing and Cycle          the Whanganui Phone Book        his visual work featuring
                                                                                                                      routes and many accommo-          and more recently winning       icebergs plus the Rangitkei
                                                                                                                          "   B          the design for the 2019         River and Ruapehu moun-
                                                                                                                      the “Yellow Church” Art           Police Pride T-shirts com-      tain scenery.
                                                                                                                                                                                          The ‘Yellow Church’
                                                                                                                                                                                        Gallery is home to the two
                                                                                                                                                                                        yearly “Fakes & Forger-
                                                                                                                                                                                        ies” Art Exhibition, which
                                                                                                                                                                                        is currently showing, fea-
                                                                                                                                                                                        turing several Whanganui
                                                                                                                                                                                        Artists’ work including
                                                                                                                                                                                        Ahu Te Ua’s impressive
                                                                                                                                                                                        ‘Colin McCahon’ Tuhoe
                                                                                                                                                                                        Triptych, plus over 50+
                                                                                                                                                                                        World Famous Artworks;
                                                                                                                                                                                        All on display until Sunday
                                                                                                                                                                                        the 9 February 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Graham Christensen will
                                                                                                                                                                                        present a new exhibition
                                                                                                                                                                                        in March and Richard is
                                                                                                                                                                                        always on the lookout for
                                                                                                                                                                                        exciting emerging Artists,
                                                                                                                                                                                        so if interested, forward
                                                                                                                                                                                        info and images.
                                                                                                                                                                                          The ‘Yellow Church’
                                                                                                                                                                                        Gallery is Open 10am-
                                                                                                                                                                                        5pm weekends, most other
                                                                                                                                                                                        days, and by appointment.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Contact Richard on 027

       Seasons greetings and best                                                                                                                                                       52 666 12 or email: man-
                                                                                                                                                                                        or visit: www.RichardAs-

       wishes for the festive season.                                                                                                                                                   lett.co.nz

       Our Christmas Hours:
       Taihape, Feilding, Marton & Ohakune
       Closing Friday December 20th 2019, Reopen Monday January 13th 2020.
       Closing Friday December 20th 2019, Reopen Monday January 6th 2020
       with a skeleton staff.
       For an emergency Solicitor phone 027 203 7701.

                                                           Ph (06) 349 0555 | www.treadwellgordon.co.nz
Santa and children enjoyed their trip on the Waimarie cruise
  The annual Santa
Cruise on Sunday, De-
cember 15, was a great
success for the children
and their caregivers.
Santa’s sleigh was the
Coastguard Rescue boat
Energy Direct Rescue
which sped Santa to
the Waimarie, where
children eagerly waited
his appearance. Once on
board Santa was the man
of the day as he gave
away two sacks of pre-
sents. Face painting and
balloon twisting were
very popular and added
to the day.
  Over Christmas there
will be no rest for the
Waimarie team as they
move into their busiest
time of the year with
sailings six days a week                       Azarlea looking forward to her present              Santa being assisted on board the Waimarie
beginning in January plus
a number of special event Vintage Weekend.           the Whanganui com-
cruises including Jazz,    Manager, Phil Pollero     munity for their ongoing
Vintage and Steampunk     says, “As we move to-      support of the Paddle
Cruises over Whanganui ward Christmas, we thank Steamer. “

                                                                                                                 Always Buying & Selling

                                                                                  all our
                                                                               readers and
                                                                               a very Merry

                                                                                              RIVER CITY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2019 - 15
Charity appeals to drivers to “look out
 for your mates” this festive season Wonderful Christmas display at Winter Gardens
  Road safety charity,        supports people bereaved        This is because even small
Brake, is appealing to par-   and injured in crashes,         /   !    #
tygoers and organisers to          # $      drivers' reaction times,
ensure everyone in their      that drink and drug driv-       judgment and co-ordina-
group gets to and from           $ –    ""       tion. Alcohol also makes
celebrations safely.          everyone to help put a stop     it impossible for drivers
  As work Christmas par-      to it. Drink and drug driv-     to assess their own impair-
ties and other celebrations   ing deaths and injuries are     ment because it creates a
are in full swing and with    cruel and needless, ending      !   !  B  
many people planning          and ruining lives and leav-     and means drivers are
parties for this weekend,     ing behind traumatised          more inclined to take risks
Brake is reminding eve-       families to pick up the         and believe they are in
ryone to plan their travel    pieces.                         control when they’re not.
and if driving to events,         “We want everyone to           Brake’s key messages
making sure the designat-     enjoy this holiday season       on drink driving:
ed driver stays sober.        and get to their destination      * Never drink any
  Brake’s Driving for         safely. If you're driving       amount of alcohol if
Zero campaign urges           home from celebrations it's     you’re driving
drivers not to drink any      vital you take your respon-       * Never drink if you’re
amount of alcohol or take     sibility for people's safety    driving early the next
any drugs before getting      seriously. It's a proven fact   morning                         The annual Christmas display at the Winter        – '3  "   ! #  -
behind the wheel. The         that even small amounts           * Plan ahead and make       Gardens at Virginia Lake is one to go to. Wendy     ours, New Guinea impatiens and begonias as well
charity also urges family       !    $ –     sure you can get home         Bainbridge, Senior Parks Manager at the Dis-         /  # !  $'
and friends to speak out      your risk of crashing. So       safely by using public        trict Council says, “It is put together by Nicola    Wendy also recommends checking out the out-
and stop a loved one drink    even if you feel okay after     transport, booking a taxi/    McDowell, a long term contractor who also has       door area of the Winter Gardens. “We have a new
or drug driving.              a drink, the reality is that    rideshare, or having a so-    a special display at Easter and events such as      bench seat, thanks to the Men’s Shed, some new
  Figures show that in        if you get behind the wheel     ber driver who sticks to      Mother’s Day.”                                      /    / B '£
2017, alcohol and/or          you're putting yourself and     soft drinks. Don’t accept       Apart from snow, Father Christmas, reindeers, a    The usual opening hours for the Winter Gardens
drugs was a factor in 111     others in needless danger.      a lift from someone who’s     bag of Santa’s letters and the Red Baron’s plane,   are from 9am to 5pm and from Christmas Eve to
fatal and over 1,100 in-      The only safe amount of         been drinking.                the area is full of colourful Christmas themed      30 December, it will close at 7pm.
jury crashes resulting in     alcohol to have if you’re         * Take responsibility for
130 deaths and over 1,500     driving is none.”               others: Never buy a drink
injuries. Research shows        Facts                         for someone who is driv-
that drinking any amount        Drivers with even 20-         ing, speak out to friends
  !   #    50mg alcohol per 100ml          who plan to drink and
driving.                      of blood are at least three     drive and if you’re hosting
  Caroline Perry, Brake’s     times more likely to die        a party help your guests to
New Zealand director          in a crash than those with      plan a safe way home be-
said: “As a charity that      no alcohol in their blood.      fore the party starts.

City mission                                         Whimsical tales of old Wanganui
                                                                                          Celebrating Christmas past
Christmas Day Meal                                        - By Murray Crawford       tion of other similarly       days later the Chronicle       X  &  
                                                          “The new year was ush-     absurd pieces of mischief,    announced: “The hero           is said, of proceeding to
open to 450 people                                      ered in with the custom-
                                                        ary rejoicings.” (Chroni-
                                                                                     wantonly hurled stones
                                                                                     through the windows of
                                                                                                                    !       $
                                                                                                                                                    But in contrast to the
  The annual City Mission Christmas Day meal            cle: 2 January, 1879).         Ÿ        morning has made him-          above, the usual acts
is on Christmas Day, starting at noon. It will be          “At some of the church-   < ™Ÿ           self scarce, having left for     !       
held at the Whanganui Function Centre at the            es devotional services           !R 'X   Wellington by steamer on
Whanganui Racecourse and City Mission Man-              were held; while through-    disgraceful proceedings                                                                   the traditional time of
ager, Karrie Brown says, “We enjoy the location         out the town bells were      should not have been                                                                      goodwill to all men. On
 " "  '3/ $ !        rung, guns discharged        possible. Knowing the                                                                     Christmas Eve in 1918
 ‹   ;"" /&          B ;         predelictions of some of                                                                     / ¤  
nicely.”                                                the main streets being       our Wanganui youth on                                                                     a lord”, sat on a fence on
  3  {_   &           paraded by companies         such occasions, the whole                                                                 Taupo Quay.
 $! / Q  ]
Ingestre St Bible Church hosting a
                      free breakfast this Sunday
                                         Ingestre St Bible                                                “as an opportunity to          #
                                       Church on the corner                                               connect, reconnect and        members. Pastor Kiny-
                                       of Ingestre and Camp-                                              just have conversations.      ua is supported by his
                                       bell Streets is hosting                                            It is our way of serv-         !R '3 "
                                       a free breakfast on                                                ing our community.”           have two daughters
                                       Sunday, December 22                                                Following the breakfast,      – Kara aged four and
                                       and are inviting people                                            there will be “a short        Kega aged one year
                                       who live in the area of                                            and sweet” carol service      and four months.
                                       Plymouth Street across                                             with the nativity story         3^ !/ 
                                       to Somme Parade and                                                and a Christmas mes-          are from Kenya and
                                       St George’s Gate to join                                           sage of hope.                 this will be their fourth
                                       them. Invitations have                                               3        Christmas in Whan-
                                       been delivered already,                                            120 members with              ganui. Kinyua says,
                                       either in person or by a                                           membership evenly             “ISBC has been so
                                       –'3 $                                             spread with young             warm and welcoming
                                       it a BBQ breakfast and                                             people through to older       that it has been easy to
                                       carols.                                                            members and from              settle in. We see Whan-
                                         3 /! /                                                #    '3     ganui as home.”
                                       discussion on the com-
                                       mandant of Christ “to
                                       love your neighbour as
                                       yourself,” says Pastor
                                       Kinyua Kathuri. “We
                                                                                                          Keep safe this
                                       looked at the parable
                                       of the ‘Good Samari-
                                       tan’ and how he helped
                                        /  ! # 
                                       ethnic and religious                                                 R&   #        remember to get your
                                       backgrounds who had                                                for the summer holi-          prescription medicine
                                       been robbed and beaten                                             days, St John is working      supplies. Be prepared
                                       and left by the side of                                            hard to make sure New          B   
                                         '£3V                                                  Zealanders stay safe and      make sure you call 111
                                       Samaritan arranged for                                             well this festive season.     in an emergency.”
                                       the man to be taken to a   Pastor Kinyua Kathuri                     Last year St John             “Christmas is an
                                                                                                          responded to over 1,000       extremely busy time
                                                                             hospital and to meet all     emergency incidents           for emergency ser-
                                                                             the costs.                   on Christmas Day with         vices. Paramedics will
                                                                               3// -            the most common being         respond as soon as pos-
                                                                             cided to invite personal     breathing problems,           sible to life-threatening
                                                                             friends and those who        chest pain and assaults.      and serious incidents,
                                                                             live close by as well           St John Director of        but if your condition is
                                                                             as those in the area         Operations, Norma             not urgent there may
                                                                             served by the Church.        Lane, says Christmas          be a delay in getting
                                                                             As a central city church,    can be a stressful time       an ambulance to you
                                                                             ISBC has members             for some people, espe-        and we ask for your
                                                                             coming from a variety        cially if they are on their   patience.”
                                                                               !'3            B   
                                                                             last year and it was a       issue. Physical and men-           St John wants
                                                                             great success with 193       tal health problems can         everyone to have a
                                                                             people sharing break-        increase over this time        relaxing and enjoy-
                                                                             fast.                        and it’s important to          able Christmas and
                                                                               3"   /       check on those who may           has some useful
                                                                             at 9am in the lounge         be alone or vulnerable.          information for
                                                                             downstairs. Church             “See your doctor
                                                                             members will be serv-                                           keeping safe:
                                                                                                          before going on holiday
                                                                             ing and will have con-       if you have ongoing             * Know the address of
                                                                             tributed to the breakfast.   medical conditions and        where you are staying
                                                                             Pastor Kinyua sees it                                      so emergency services
                                                                                                                                         B  ˜ '
                                                                                                                                          * Drink sensibly,
                                                                                                                                        of water, have a sober
                                                                                                                                        driver and know your
                                                                                                                                          * Be sun smart. Slip,
                                                                                                                                        slop, slap and wrap.
                                                                                                                                          * Be safe on the
                                                                                                                                        roads, watch your
                                                                                                                                        speed, be courteous to
                                                                                                                                        other drivers and drive
                                                                                                                                          * Keep children away
                                                                                                                                        ! /˜'
                                                                                                                                          * Keep batteries
                                                                                                                                        and small parts from
                                                                                                                                        Christmas gifts away
                                                                                                                                        from children to avoid
                                                                                                                                        swallowing, as the bat-
                                                                                                                                        tery can become lodged
                                                                                                                                        in the oesophagus with
                                                                                                                                        dangerous results.
                                                                                                                                          * Keep safe around
                                                                                                                                        water, wear life jackets
                                                                                                                                        when boating and
                                                                                                                                        supervise children at
                                                                                                                                        the beach or swimming
You don’t need to travel far for some Recent
 of the Summer Programme events RCP
  While the Whanganui
Summer Programme
                             consultant, will share
                             slides and talk about
                                                            and on January 28 there
                                                            is a guided tour of A
                                                                                           Depart 2pm from Veter-
                                                                                           ans’ Steps.
                                                                                                                       nity buildings (including
                                                                                                                       a solar array), edible
                                                                                                                                                   (January 13) and Bushy
                                                                                                                                                   Park Tarapuruhi night
next month features          changes over the years.        Whanganui Story in               A tour of the Quaker      landscape and emerg-        spotting (January 17).      Congratulations to
many long distance             Earlier this year a          the upper galleries with       Settlement returns to the   ing native forest will be     You can book col-       Julian Garrett, who is
trips, it is possible to     group of Wanganui              Senior Curator, Libby          programme on Janu-          followed by a provided      lection and gallery       the lucky winner of the
enjoy a number of            Tramping Club mem-             Sharpe. Both these are         ary 26. The 43-year-old     afternoon tea. Meet at      tours with the museum     Christmas Countdown
events without leav-         bers trekked to Everest        also 1-2pm.                    community continues         2pm, 76 Virginia Road.      and pay for the herit-    Giveway, winning $200.
ing town, says WSP           Base Camps at 5,364m             Tree lovers and his-         to seek sustainable           Three trips just beyond   age trees tour at the     Thank you to everyone
trustee, Dave Scoullar.      high in the Himala-             #&          solutions for day-to-       the town limits are the     departure point. Book     else who entered. Watch
The popular Tuesday          yas. Local man, Basil          overlooked with two            day living. A one-hour      Q    #     all other events at the   out for more competi-
night talks at the Davis     Hooper, has selected           walking tours especially       guided tour of the          Beach walk (January         Whanganui i-SITE,         tions over the next few
Theatre return, with         photos from the 130km          for them. On January           award-winning commu-        8), Paloma Gardens          Taupo Quay.               months.
three scheduled.             return journey and on          7 heritage trees, some
  On January 14 ex-          January 28 will provide        listed as protected, will
perienced Whanganui          a virtual reality trip to         B  
tour leader, Bev Stuart,     †/" $~ #"              botanist, Colin Ogle,
will show that there is      for the climbers who           in a 90-minute stroll
a lot more to Peru than      test themselves in a bid       that takes in Moutoa
Machu Picchu and the         to conquer the world’s         Gardens Pakaitore and
Inca Trail. As someone       highest mountain.              Pukenamu Queen’s Park
who has lived there and        The Whanganui                Reserve. Depart 2pm
knows the country well,      Regional Museum is             from outside the court-
 #"            # $ ~           house, corner Market
experience of its many
cultural traditions be-
                             (1-2pm) of the store-
                             rooms to see the treas-
                                                            and Bates Streets. No
                                                            booking necessary.               Celebrate a decade of Caboodle with the Decade Dinner
yond the tourist traps.      ures that tell the story of      On January 30 local
  Whanganui has one of       Whanganui. These run           historian, Kyle Dalton,
the best collections of      on January 8, 9, 15, 16,       takes a three-hour walk
historic housing styles      22, 23, 29 and 30. Also        through Pukenamu
and construction types       on January 14 there is         Queen’s Park Reserve, a
known in New Zealand         a guided tour (1-2pm)          fascinating tour explor-
– if you know where            !$¥@ ’       -          ing the long and inti-
to look. On January                3±   ~         mate history behind our
21, Denis McGowan,           ~
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