CHALLENGE Factsheet Easter 50 Challenge 2022 - Ultra Challenge

Page created by Mitchell Flores
CHALLENGE Factsheet Easter 50 Challenge 2022 - Ultra Challenge
Easter 50 Challenge 2022


        organised by
CHALLENGE Factsheet Easter 50 Challenge 2022 - Ultra Challenge
Take on a 50km Ultra or 25km – and make it an active Easter! From our
    Windsor Racecourse basecamp – you can Walk, Jog, or Run looped routes
    through the Great Park with great views of the Castle, along the Thames Path,
    and enjoy some wonderful countryside.
    From the Racecourse basecamp – the 25km loop heads along the Thames Path passing
    Alexandra & Home Park, with a pit stop for snacks & drinks near historic Runnymede, before
    heading to Windsor Great Park with magnificent views of the Castle.
    The full 50km Ultra option initially takes in the same route as the 25 km’er, with lunch back at
    the Racecourse – followed by a further 25km loop heading west along the Thames Path, passing
    through Dorney & Eton Wick, and then following the Jubilee River back to basecamp.

                                                              Stats                                               Challenge Key
                                                              Full Challenge: 50km/320m climb                     Full 50km Challenge
                                                              First Half Challenge: 25km/175m climb
                                                                                                                  1st Half Challenge

                                                                                                                  General Key
                                                                                                                       Challenge Start
                                                                                                                       Challenge Finish
                                                                                                                       Major Rest Stop
                                                                                                                       Minor Rest Stop
                                                                                                                  00   KM Markers

                                                    25   50                                                            Route Direction


                     Dorney Lake

                     Windsor Castle

                     The Long Walk

                                                                                                        12   12

          We were so impressed how well
       organised it was. From registration to                       For my first event I was amazed at how
      the finish line everything was amazing -                        well organised it was. Particularly as
      the staff were so lovely and helpful - the                    I was on my own. Very well signposted.
        catering was outstanding and all the                              Excellent medical assistance.
       facilities clean and tidy. A huge thank                           Very friendly crew. Fab event!
                     you to you all!!

1    E50 2022 v.4                                               @ultrachallenges
CHALLENGE Factsheet Easter 50 Challenge 2022 - Ultra Challenge
Easter 50 Challenge 2022

    CHALLENGE Factsheet
    Distance options

     Full 50km                                          Half 25km
     Ultra Challenge                                    Half Challenge
     Windsor racecourse > Windsor racecourse            Windsor racecourse > Windsor racecourse
     Sat 9 April | 7-8:30am                             Sat 9 April | 8:30am-11am

    DISTANCE & ELEVATION:                              DISTANCE & ELEVATION:
    50km / 320m climb                                  25km / 175m climb

    REST STOPS & MEALS                                 REST STOPS & MEALS
       12.5 km – snacks, hot drinks & water            12.5 km – snacks, hot drinks & water
       25 km – picnic lunch & fizzy drinks             25 km – picnic lunch & fizzy drinks
       37 km – snacks, hot drinks & water              Finish – glass of fizz, medal & t-shirt
       50 km – BBQ
       Finish – glass of fizz, medal & t-shirt

2    E50 2022 v.4                                   @ultrachallenges
CHALLENGE Factsheet Easter 50 Challenge 2022 - Ultra Challenge
Easter 50 Challenge 2022

    CHALLENGE Factsheet
    Our Support
    An Ultra Challenge is all about pushing yourself further and
    setting your own goals. We lay on the best support services
                                                                                  During the Challenge
    and hospitality all the way to the finish line - to give you the                    Rest stops every ~12.5km – covered with seating, toilets
    best chance of achieving them.                                                       & rest areas
                                                                                        FREE - food & drinks – catering to all dietary
    Whichever distance you choose – you will receive the                                 requirements
    same full support:                                                                  First aid support – at stops & en route
                                                                                         Fully signed route & online maps
    Before the Challenge…                                                         
                                                                                        Chip-timing – keeping track of you
          Dedicated Challenge App to help you prepare                                  Trek Masters – to help guide you
          Challenge Manual & Event Guides                                              Group departures during the night
          Training Walks & Runs                                                        Baggage transfer service
          Kit & equipment lists - discounts & advice                                   Emergency support & route pick ups
          Preparation videos & pre-event briefing                                      Shuttles for retirees to take you forward
          Online forums - meet fellow Challengers                                      Bookable transfers before and after your Challenge
                                                                                        Medal, T shirt & glass of fizz at the finish!

    Optional Extras

    Parking                                                                       Getting away
    Park your car all day at Windsor Racecourse from Saturday                     Operating on a regular basis (you may have to wait for
    06:00 am                                                                      up to 45 minutes at quiet times) throughout the Saturday
    All day parking: £5 per car                                                   afternoon until 21:00.
                                                                                  Finish > Slough Station ............................................... £5 pp
    Getting there
    Our shuttle service will take you from your chosen train
    station, to the startline of the challenge at Windsor                         Baggage
    Racecourse and running during the below times:                                Paid in cash on the day – no need to ‘pre book’ – the below is
    Slough Station > Start ...............................................£5 pp   simply for reference
                                                                                  We will look after your bag safely & securely through the
                                                                                  day, should you need to bring any change of clothes for after
                                                                                  the challenge. Paid in cash on the day.
                                                                                  Baggage storage Windsor : £5 pp

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CHALLENGE Factsheet Easter 50 Challenge 2022 - Ultra Challenge
Easter 50 Challenge 2022

      CHALLENGE Factsheet
      Route & Rest Stops

                REST STOP                                                                            FOOD/CATERING
                                                           LEG    TOTAL        CUT OFF    CUT OFF                                            FREE                PARKING
                                                           KM      KM           TIMES      TIMES
                                                                                 50k        25k

                1: START:                                          0            9:30        10:30    Free tea / coffee, biscuits,
                Windsor Racecourse, Maidenhead                                                       energy drink, & water.                                           
                Road, Berkshire, Windsor SL4 5JJ.                                                                                                                      £5
                                                         U 14
      STAGE 1

                2: MID POINT:                                     14            12:45       15:00    Variety of free snacks, tea /         For all retirees
                                                                                                     coffee, energy drink, & water.        to the finish
                Runnymede, Ground, Egham, Surrey
                TW20 0AE.                                U 11
                3: REST STOP:                                      25          16:00        19:00    Picnic lunch incl. for all -
                Windsor Racecourse, Maidenhead                                                       snacks, teas, coffee, water &                                    
                Road, Berkshire, Windsor SL4 5JJ.          U 12                                      energy drinks.                                                    £5

                4: MID POINT:                                      40          20:30             -   Variety of free snacks, tea,          For all retirees
      STAGE 2

                Dorney Reach.                                                                        coffee, energy drink & water.         to the finish
                                                           U 13

                9: FINISH:                                         50          23:00             -   Hot meal + tea, coffee, energy
                Windsor Racecourse, Maidenhead                                                       drink, water & free snacks.                                      
                Road, Berkshire, Windsor SL4 5JJ.                                                                                                                      £5










          0km            5km          10km               15km           20km             25km          30km             35km        40km                      45km            50km

     Windsor                                 Runnymede                                 Windsor                            Dorney Reach                                       Windsor
      0km                                      14km                                     25km                                 40km                                             50km

4         E50 2022 v.4                                                                                     @ultrachallenges
Easter 50 Challenge 2022

    CHALLENGE Factsheet
    Funding & Cost options

                    Option 1                                  Option 2                                                Option 3

         Self Funding                             Sponsorship                                          Mixed Funding
           For You                                 For Charity                                          For Charity
         Pay for your place, no                Pay a small registration fee &                              Pay half of your place &
     fundraising target but you can            fundraise for a charity of your                          fundraise a smaller target for
            raise if you like                              choice                                                   charity

    50 KM CHALLENGE:                         50 KM CHALLENGE:                                        50 KM CHALLENGE:
    £129 Registration Fee                    £20 Registration Fee                                    £72.50 Registration Fee
    • Pay online as you register             • Pay online as you register                            • Pay online as you register
    • Fundraise if you want no commitment    • Commit to fundraise £395 for your                     • Commit to fundraise £218 for your
                                               chosen charity                                          chosen charity
    25 KM CHALLENGE:                         • 50% due 3 weeks before the                            • 50% due 3 weeks before the
                                               challenge                                               challenge
    £79 Registration Fee
                                             • Remaining 50% due 4 weeks after                       • Remaining 50% due 4 weeks after
    • Pay online as you register
                                               the challenge                                           the challenge
    • Fundraise if you want no commitment
                                             • Charity pays for your place on the                    • Charity pays for half of your place on
                                               event                                                   the event

                                             25 KM CHALLENGE:                                        25 KM CHALLENGE:
                                             £10 Registration Fee                                    £45 Registration Fee
                                             • Pay online as you register                            • Pay online as you register
                                             • Commit to fundraise £250 for your                     • Commit to fundraise £135 for your
                                               chosen charity                                          chosen charity
                                             • 50% due 3 weeks before the                            • 50% due 3 weeks before the
                                               challenge                                               challenge
                                             • Remaining 50% due 4 weeks after                       • Remaining 50% due 4 weeks after
                                               the challenge                                           the challenge
                                             • Charity pays for your place on the                    • Charity pays for half of your place on
                                               event                                                   the event

                                             Fundraising Deadlines At least 50% of the Sponsorship target (for either the Sponsorship for Charity
                                             or Mixed Funding option) should be with your Charity by 3 weeks prior to the Challenge. At this time
                                             your Charity will pay a Fee for your place to the Organiser (similar to the Self Funding cost). Failure to
                                             meet the 50% target may result in cancellation by your charity. The remaining 50% should be with your
                                             Charity 4 weeks after the Challenge.

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