CHA Tenant Selection Plan Grace Manor 3401 Ogden Ave - Public Hearing May 2021

Page created by Alberto Ortiz
CHA Tenant Selection Plan Grace Manor 3401 Ogden Ave - Public Hearing May 2021
CHA Tenant Selection Plan

Grace Manor
3401 Ogden Ave
Public Hearing
May 2021
CHA Tenant Selection Plan Grace Manor 3401 Ogden Ave - Public Hearing May 2021
Grace Manor TSP

   Development Team:
   • Grace at Jerusalem CDC
   • East Lake Management &
     Development Corp.

   Property Management:
   • East Lake Management Group, Inc.
CHA Tenant Selection Plan Grace Manor 3401 Ogden Ave - Public Hearing May 2021
Neighborhood Context
CHA Tenant Selection Plan Grace Manor 3401 Ogden Ave - Public Hearing May 2021
Homan Ave

                          Trumball Ave
                        Saint Louis Ave
Site Context

                                          CTA Pink Line
                     Central Park Ave
CHA Tenant Selection Plan Grace Manor 3401 Ogden Ave - Public Hearing May 2021
Existing Site Photo
CHA Tenant Selection Plan Grace Manor 3401 Ogden Ave - Public Hearing May 2021
Existing Site Photo
CHA Tenant Selection Plan Grace Manor 3401 Ogden Ave - Public Hearing May 2021
• 64 Rental Units

           CHA RAD   Affordable

1-BR           9          20

2-BR          10          25

Total         19          45

• Ground Floor Community

Construction Start:        Q4 2021
Anticipated Completion:    Q2 2023
CHA Tenant Selection Plan Grace Manor 3401 Ogden Ave - Public Hearing May 2021
• 64 Rental Units

           CHA RAD   Affordable

1-BR           9          20

2-BR          10          25

Total         19          45

• Ground Floor Community

Construction Start:        Q4 2021
Anticipated Completion:    Q2 2023
• Laundry in-building
• Package room
• Computer room
• 20 parking spaces
• Bicycle storage
• Rooftop patio
• 1st floor community
• On-site management
• Resident Service
Tenant Selection Plan
  CATEGORY                             Administrative Plan 2020                                            MTSP 2003                                         GRACE MANOR TSP 2021

  MAXIMUM INCOME       Not to exceed 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) or          Maximum income limit for public housing rental units        RAD PBV LIHTC – 18 units with project-based subsidy
                       the income limits established by HUD by family size.          should not exceed the maximum permitted by law.             and must also meet eligibility requirements for LIHTC
                                                                                     If mixed-income/mixed finance development’s financing       •      18 units at or below 60% AMI
                                                                                     structure contains tax credits, or other financing          LIHTC Only - 42 units must meet eligibility requirements
                                                                                     programs, the tax credit or other program rules regarding   for LIHTC.
                                                                                     maximum income and eligibility for public housing rental    •      42 units at or below 60% AMI
                                                                                     units apply.

  CREDIT & FINANCIAL   Credit Check on all members of the household age 18 &         Credit Check conducted (medical related & student loan      Same as Adm. Plan 2020
  STANDING             older (including live-in aides).                              debts not considered)

                       The CHA will provide information to all applicants
                       regarding how to obtain a free copy of their credit report.

                       If housing is denied based on the criminal background
                       information, the CHA will provide a copy of the criminal
                       background information used.
Tenant Selection Plan
  CATEGORY                                   Administrative Plan 2020                                               MTSP 2003                                            GRACE MANOR TSP 2021

  UTILITIES                  Applicants who owe funds or judgment debts to any utility    Outstanding or current delinquent debts owed to a utility Same as Adm. Plan 2020
                             company or cannot obtain utility connections will be denied. provider must be made current prior to approval for
                                                                                          admission or applicant must be current on a payment plan.

                                                                                             Applicant must be able to obtain utilities in his/her name.

  DEBTS TO PUBLIC            No debts owed funds or judgement debts to any utility        No debts to any PH programs (“Working to Meet” and               Same as Adm. Plan 2020
  HOUSING                    company or cannot obtain utility connections will be denied. Exception provisions for CHA RRC families only)

   Bankruptcy                N/A                                                             No bankruptcies within past 2 years                           Same as Adm. Plan 2020
                                                                                             NOTE: Denial based on blanket prohibition because of
                                                                                             bankruptcy is not acceptable/lawful. Bankruptcies             .
                                                                                             reviewed as part of an overall screening can be

  RESIDENTIAL HISTORY Applicant’s past two years of residential history, including           Verify past 2 years or residential history, including lease   Proposed Change – Review of three rather than two years
                      any lease violations, will be reviewed and verified.                   violations.                                                   of residential history

                                                                                                                                                           Same as Adm. Plan 2020
                             Applicant’s past performance in meeting financial
                                                                                             If lease compliant at time of application, violations not a
                             obligations, especially rent, will be considered
                                                                                                                                                           Change: For RAD PBV units, no debt due to any public
                             Applicants evicted from CHA or any other subsidized
                                                                                                                                                           housing authority unless an applicant has arranged and is
                             housing program w/ last 2 yrs. from eviction date for           No judgments in favor of landlord in past 2 years.
                                                                                                                                                           current in a payment plan to pay off the entire debt owed.
                             nonpayment of rent will have his/her application rejected.      Judgment that is not the fault of the tenant shall not be
                                                                                             considered a judgment in favor of a landlord.
                                                                                                                                                           Same as Adm. Plan 2020
                             Applicants with a record of disturbance of neighbors,           If landlord judgments exist, but none in last year before
                             destruction of property, or living habits at prior residences   admission, the applicant must demonstrate one year
                             which may adversely affect the health, safety, or welfare of    without a landlord judgment. The first year of residency
                             other residents are reviewed.                                   in the mixed-income/mixed finance community will be
                                                                                             evaluated to satisfy the second year of the requirement.
Tenant Selection Plan
   CATEGORY                                 Administrative Plan 2020                                             MTSP 2003                                         GRACE MANOR TSP 2021

  HOUSEKEEPING      Housekeeping habits at prior residences which may                      Lease compliance in housekeeping.                          Same as Adm. Plan 2020
  HABITS            adversely affect the health, safety, or welfare of other
                    residents are reviewed
  SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Provide documentation that children age 7-17 are enrolled              Verify family members age 6-16 are in school               Same as MTSP 2003
  & CHILD CARE      in and will attend school regularly or prove enrolled in
                    school & demonstrate improved attendance record.                       Must provide adequate day care or supervision for        Same as MTSP 2003
                                                                                           children under 13 years old (“Working to Meet” provision
                            Provide documentation that children age 13 and under will
                                                                                           for CHA RRC families only)
                            be adequately supervised when and adult is not present in
                                                                                                                                                    Same as MTSP 2003
                            the unit.
                                                                                           Children between the ages of 16 and 18 who drop out are
                                                                                           required to engage in 30 hours per week of work or
                                                                                           combination of activities leading to self-sufficiency.

  EMPLOYMENT &              Every applicant, resident and adult authorized family          Head or co-head of household must work 30 hours a          RAD Units - Same as MTSP 2003
  ECONOMIC SELF-            member of a public housing unit, age 18 up to age 54, is       week.
  SUFFICIENCY               required to be engaged, 20 hours a week, on a regular basis,   All other household members age 18 or older must be        LIHTC units- Head or Co-Head Applicants for LIHTC
                            unless the resident or adult authorized family member of the   engaged in one or a combination of the following           Units must be employed 20 hours per week or otherwise
                            household is exempt or approved for Safe Harbor.               activities to meet the 30 hours per week word criterion:   have sufficient gross monthly income of at least 2 ½ times
                                                                                           •       Employment                                         the monthly rental amount.
                            Any member of the applicant or resident’s household, who
                                                                                           •     Enrollment and regular attendance in an economic
                            is 17 years of age and not attending school full-time, will be
                                                                                                 self-sufficiency program
                            subject to the CHA Work Requirement. Applicants from the
                            public housing wait lists are not eligible for Safe Harbor.    •     Verified job search and/or employment counseling
                                                                                           •     Basic skills training
                                                                                           •     Enrollment and consistent attendance in a regular
                                                                                                 program of education, including GED, secondary
                                                                                                 or post-secondary education, or English
                                                                                                 proficiency or literacy classes
Tenant Selection Plan
  CATEGORY                Administrative Plan 2020                          MTSP 2003                                        GRACE MANOR TSP 2021

  “WORKING TO MEET” N/A                              Head or co-head of household who are not employed for     Proposed Changes to MTSP 2003:
  EMPLOYMENT (RRC                                    30 hours a week must be engaged in one or a combination :
  Residents only)                                    of the following activities to meet the 30 hours per week •     All members rather than just head or co-head of the
                                                     work criterion:                                                 household 18 years and older must be engaged in
                                                     •      Employment                                               one or a combination of the following activities for
                                                                                                                     20 hours each week:
                                                     •      Enrollment and regular attendance in an economic
                                                                                                               •     Employment, including without limitation
                                                            self-sufficiency program
                                                                                                                     employment for 20 hours a week rather than 30
                                                     •      Verified job search and/or employment counseling         hours.
                                                                                                               •     Criterion same as MTSP 2003
                                                     •      Basic skills training
                                                     •     Enrollment and consistent attendance in a regular
                                                           program of education, including GED, secondary
                                                           or post-secondary education, or English proficiency
                                                           or literacy classes
                                                     All other household members age 18 or older must be
                                                     engaged in one or a combination of the following
                                                     activities to meet the 30 hours per week criterion:
                                                     •       Employment
                                                     •     Enrollment and regular attendance in an economic
                                                           self-sufficiency program
                                                     •     Verified job search and/or employment counseling
                                                     •     Basic skills training
                                                     •     Enrollment and consistent attendance in a regular
                                                           program of education, including GED, secondary
                                                           or post-secondary education, or English proficiency
                                                           or literacy classes.
                                                     •     Retired receiving a pension
Tenant Selection Plan
   CATEGORY                               Administrative Plan 2020                                                        MTSP 2003                                                   GRACE MANOR TSP 2021

   EXEMPTION for BOTH   •      55 years of age or older; blind or disabled with verification.   •      Enrollment and attendance in high school, college, trade       •      Same as Administrative Plan 2020
   EMPLOYMENT and                                                                                      school, or other institution of higher learning as full-time            (1) Age and (2) Primary caretaker of bind or person with
   WORKING to MEETING   •      Primary caretaker of a blind or person with disability with             student                                                                 disability with verification
   EMPLOYMENT                  verification.                                                    •      62 years of age or older.

                        •      Retired and receiving a retirement annuity or pension.           •      Disabled with verification that disability precludes
                                                                                                       working.                                                       •      Same as MTSP 2003
                        •      Single parent serving as the primary, full-time caretaker for                                                                                   (1) enrollment and attendance in high school, college,
                               children age 12 months and under; or Receiving TANF and          •      Primary caregiver disabled individual with verification of              trade school, or other institution of higher learning and
                               have an active Responsibility and Services Plan (RSP).                  disability and status as caregiver.                                     (2) one adult household member who elects to stay
                                                                                                                                                                               home to care for young children, and (3) who as a result
                                                                                                •      One adult household member who elects to stay home to                   of a serious medical impairment is temporarily (for a
                                                                                                       care for young children provided there are at least two                 period of less than 12 months) unable to meet the 20-
                                                                                                       adults in the household, and at least one of those adults               hour employment requirement,
                                                                                                       meets the work requirements.

                                                                                                •      Retired and receiving pension.

  CRIMINAL HISTORY:     18 years & older, will conduct a criminal background check.             Conducted on all household members 18 years of age & older.           Household members 18 years & older, we will conduct a criminal
                                                                                                                                                                      background check.
  CRIMINAL BACKGROUND   Criminal history in past 3 yrs. involving crimes of violence to         3-year criminal background check
  SCREENING – MAY       persons or property as documented by police arrest or conviction
  PROHIBIT ADMISSION    documentation, or a pattern of behavior and the likelihood of non-      Sealed juvenile records not reviewed                                  3-year criminal background check
                        lease compliance.
                                                                                                Criminal activity with mitigating circumstances                       Any applicant household member who was evicted from any
                                                                                                                                                                      housing for drug related or other criminal activity within 3 years
                                                                                                                                                                      from the date of the application.

                                                                                                                                                                      Any household member has a record of any conviction or
                                                                                                                                                                      adjudication, other than acquittal, for any misdemeanors within
                                                                                                                                                                      the last 3 years of conviction or completion of parole or home-
                                                                                                                                                                      monitoring, whichever is later

                                                                                                                                                                      Any household member has a record of any conviction or
                                                                                                                                                                      adjudication, other than acquittal of the following, which
                                                                                                                                                                      includes, but is not limited to: murder, attempted murder, domestic
                                                                                                                                                                      abuse, rape, arson, kidnapping, felony assault, burglary, treason,
                                                                                                                                                                      crimes involving harm to adults, children or animals, crimes
                                                                                                                                                                      involving explosives, terrorism, and fraud.
Tenant Selection Plan
        CATEGORY                           Administrative Plan 2020                                              MTSP 2003                                         GRACE MANOR TSP 2021
  CRIMINAL               There is reasonable cause to believe that a household            However, the Property Manager may admit the household Same as MTSP 2003
  HISTORY:CRIMINAL       member’s illegal use or pattern of illegal use of a drug may     if the Property Manager determines that:
  BACKGROUND             threaten the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of
                                                                                          i. The evicted household member who engaged in drug-
  SCREENING – PROHIBIT   the premises by other residents; (p.16) (24 CFR § 960.204
                                                                                          related criminal activity has successfully completed a
  ADMISSION              (a)(2)(ii)).
                                                                                          supervised drug rehabilitation program approved by the
                                                                                          Property Manager, or
                                                                                          ii. The circumstances leading to the eviction no longer
                                                                                          exist (e.g., the criminal household member has died or is

                         Evicted within 3 years from PH programs for drug related         Any household member is currently engaging in illegal       Same as MTSP 2003
                         activity, exemption allowed for mitigating circumstances –       use of a drug.
                         such as offender won’t reside in the household, completed
                         rehabilitation, etc.
                         Convicted for manufacturing methamphetamine on PH                SAME                                                        Same as Administrative Plan 2020
                         Currently engaged in the use of illegal drugs, including the     SAME                                                        Same as Administrative Plan 2020
                         distribution, possession, sale or use in violation of the
                         Controlled Substance Act (21 USC 801, et seq., 841).

                         Current pattern of drug use                                      SAME                                                        Different - N/A
                         Current pattern of alcohol abuse                                                                                             Different - N/A
                         Applicant or household member ever convicted of a crime          SAME                                                        Same as Administrative Plan 2020
                         requiring registration under a state sex offender registration
                         program including the ten-year Illinois State Sex Offender
                         Registration Act

                         Applicant or household member ever convicted of child

                         Arson Conviction                                                                                                             Same as Administrative Plan 2020
Tenant Selection Plan
  Right of Return Contract (RRC)
  “As part of the Plan for Transformation, all original 10/1/99 residents are guaranteed a choice of permanent housing. Each
  household that was (and remains) lease-compliant has the right to choose where they wish to live on a permanent basis, be that in a
  new or rehabilitated public housing unit or in the broader community using a CHA voucher. In fact, these 10/1/99 residents are
  guaranteed first choice of any rehabilitated or redeveloped property and their claims take precedence over any person on the general
  wait list. That said, 10/1/99 residents are obligated to make that choice only once and when they do, their ‘right of return’ is satisfied
  under the law”.
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