CAVALIER CONNECTION - The Woodlands College Park ...

Page created by Guy Mcbride
CAVALIER CONNECTION - The Woodlands College Park ...

  March 25, 2022                                                                  Volume 18 Issue 30

                             We are off and moving through the 4th grading period. Over
                             the next several weeks, we have a lot of events going on. End of
2-PTO                        Course Exams for English I and II will be the week of April
3–COUNSELOR CORNER           4th. We move quickly to Prom season with CP’s on April 29th.
3—COLLEGE & CAREER           Close behind, we have EOC exams for Algebra I, Biology, and
5-CAVALIER NEWS              US History and the start of AP exams. Weaved in all of this is
                             track, Baseball, Softball, Tennis, Golf, and our Fine Arts UIL contests!! Then we
                             move to Graduation for the 2022 Senior class. It is busy and everything will go fast.
                             Please make sure you are aware of all the dates so you do not miss out.
ADMINISTRATION               Have a great weekend!!!
Dr. Mark Murrell
Dr. Susan Caffery
Academy Headmaster
Mr. Clint Holden
Associate Principal for
Dr. Susan Hersperger
Associate Principal of
Curriculum and Instruction
Ms. Melanie McCarthy
Associate Principal for
   Photo credit: Woodlands
     Student Center, and
    TWCP Staff/Yearbook
CAVALIER CONNECTION - The Woodlands College Park ...
College Board School Code
Naviance website:
                                                                                  The Grad Night
family-connection/auth/login/?                                                    Committee will be at all
hsid=cphs                                                                         lunches on Tuesday,
Progress Report Dates                                                             March 29th and
1st 9-weeks: 9/2,9/23, 10/14                                                      Wednesday, March 30th.
2nd 9-weeks: 11/04, 12/02, 1/7
3rd 9-weeks: 1/27, 2/17, 3/25                                                     If your senior hasn’t registered yet
4th 9-weeks: 4/14, 5/5, 6/1                                                       please have him/her stop by and
Report Card Dates                                                                 register. We accept cash, check or
1st 9-weeks: 10/14/21                                                             credit card. The registration fee is
2nd 9-weeks: 1/7/22
3rd 9-weeks: 3/25/22                                                              $65.
4th 9-weeks: 6/1/22
                                                                                  For more information:
Exam Schedule                                                           
Fall Exams: TBA
Seniors Spring: 5/12-5/18
Spring Exams: TBA
*no passes will be sent during
 testing sessions
*early release 5/24-5/26 at 11:30 am

STAAR Testing Schedule
12/8-12/10(retest) 4/5-4/7-8
EOC Testing Window
AP Testing Dates
*no passes will be sent during
  testing sessions
SAT Test Dates                                                               -
10/2, 11/6, 12/4, 3/12, 5/7,
(SAT on CP Campus 10/13                                          Join our FABULOUS PTO!!
ACT Test Dates
9/11, 10/23, 12/11, 2/5,4/9                                      Please click here to join!

10/13 during school                    Amazon Smile is a simple
                                       way to support TWCP. Every
Cavalier/Peer Tutoring                 time you shop on Amazon
2:45-4PM CCC                           through Amazon Smile, a
                                       portion of your eligible pur-
PTO Meetings
                                       chase will be donated to
9:00 a.m. LGI 1
                                       TWCP PTO! Simply go to
                              or click on
PTO “PNO” Fundraiser                   the link https://
Sawyer Park-6pm-4/21         
                                       0812007 and enter Woodlands
PTO Brown Bag Lunches                  College Park Parent Teacher
@ 11:00 am - LGI                       Organization as your charity of
10/5, 12/13, 2/15, and 4/12            choice. Amazon Smile uses
                                       your same Amazon account
                                       with all of
                                       your settings.
CAVALIER CONNECTION - The Woodlands College Park ...
Pep Rally Dates
8/27, 9/17, 10/15, 10/29, 11/4                                      Counselor Web page, click here
Homecoming Pep Rally/Parade
TBA, (NEAT)on 1/28
Spring Pep Rally: TBD
*No passes will be sent during the pep rally

Senior Information
Senior Lighting: 8/23 6:00 pm
Sr. Parent Info Night: 8/30
Mandatory Sr. Mtg: 3/23                        Visit Platform to be determined: Please check with College and Career Center or Naviance
Prom: 4/29                                     U of Colorado, Colorado Springs            Mon March 28, 2022 10:30 AM
Honor Grad Breakfast: 4/26
Senior Awards Night: 5/16                      The University of Texas at Arlington       Tue March 29, 2022       8:00 AM
Senior Picnic: TBA
                                               University of Alabama in Huntsville        Thu March 31, 2022       1:30 PM
Graduation Practice: TBA
Graduation: 5/22                               United States Army Cadet Command           Fri April 1, 2022        9:00 AM
PTO Grad Night: 5/22
                                               University of Missouri-Columbia            Fri April 1, 2022        10:30 AM
Early Release Days
12/15-17 5/24-26 - 11:30 am                                                             We are so excited to announce that our
School Holidays (Students)9/6,
10/8-11, 11/22-26, 12/20-1/4, 1/17                                                     Conroe ISD Annual Junior Jumpstart
2/18-21, 3/11-18, 4/15-18                                                              Event will be taking place on March 30th,
Important Dates                                                                        2022 at The Woodlands High School from
8/23 Senior Lighting                           6:30pm-8:30pm. This is a long standing district wide program that is for juniors
      Ceremony 6 pm                            and their parents. Again, this program is a CISD program being held at TWHS. At
19- Open House 6pm
8/30 –Sr. Parent Info/                         this time the program is in person and we are excited to let you know who our pre-
        Financial Aid Night 6:30               senters will be in the coming weeks.
9/13 –10th/New to TX
        Parent Information                      Junior Jumpstart is an evening event that provides topics to juniors and their
        Night—6:30 pm
9/20– Jr. Parent Information                   families about college admissions, military, and workforce opportunities for stu-
        Night 6:30 pm                          dents.
9/27–Spanish Parent Info
       Night 6:30 pm                           It is our annual way to kick off senior year in a strong way!
1/13-Incoming 9th graders
      Parent Info Night 6:30pm                  Each session is hosted by a college representative who is an expert in that specific
1/24- Spanish Parent
                                               field. In the past we have offered sessions on applying to college as an athlete,
      Info Night 6:30 pm
1/27– Upperclassman Parent Info                applying to fine arts programs, college 101 for first time parents, transferring
       Night 6:30pm                            from 2 year to 4 year colleges, financial aid, applying to selective schools, applying
2/3–CP Showcase/Course
      Fair/Advance Course                      to engineering programs, and many more. The representatives will be speaking
      5:30 pm-7pm                              about the topic not their school.
4/11 _NHS Induction Ceremony
4/26-Honor Graduate                            Typically there are between 20-30 different sessions to choose from! It's an awe-
        Breakfast 8am
       (Invitation Only)
                                               some event and we encourage you to attend.
                                                We will let you know the topic sessions and presenters over the next month or so,
4/29 -Panoramic Picture
        (before release)                       but please put 3/30/22 @ TWHS from 6:30-8:30 on your calendar.
5/16- Senior Awards Night
      6:30pm-Auditorium                        This is an event that is open to all juniors and their parents, and we encourage
tba- Graduation Practice                       that you decide which sessions work best for you prior to that night. We highly
tba- Senior Picnic
5/22 Graduation 7:30 pm                        suggest parents and students split and attend different sessions if there are two
   Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion             offered at the same time.
CAVALIER CONNECTION - The Woodlands College Park ...
Online Information

                                                        Senior News
       Cavalier Connection
         Child Nutrition
         CISD Calendar
         CISD Website
        Exemption Policy
      Parent Access Center
                                                              It’s that time seniors! Time to order
  TWCP Website(Campus/Parents)
       What Bus Do I Ride?
                                                              your Announcements, Caps and Gowns
                                                                                                  Order now!
       School Cash Online
    TEA School Accountability                                      for graduation.
Assistant Principals
Danny Johnson
                                                              Please note: New gown design, older
A-Chj                                                         year gowns will NOT match.
Lee Koslosky
Julie Roth
Chris Allen
Kelsea Meredith                                                                   —
Ashley Wallace

Christina Flores
 Lead Counselor                  Grad Night— May 22, 2022                                
Debra Creel
 College and Career
Meagan Piatkowski-9th grade       Senior Dues - $125
  A-KIZ                           Senior class dues are for all the activities throughout the school year; these can be
Shannon Andersen- 9th Grade       paid online through the SchoolCash Online. Please see Mrs. Meredith or Mrs. Roth
  KJ-Z                            for more information, or if you are having difficulty paying senior dues.
Cindy Doud
                                  Please note:
Dion Henry                       *Senior Dues are optional. Seniors do not have to pay any dues to graduate. *Seniors who graduate
Cart-Fle                         early may still pay dues and participate in all activities. *Any senior attending prom MUST pay
Mary Lou Florian                 dues. *An early graduate cannot go as a date to prom. They are considered seniors and must pay
Flf-Ifz                          dues.
Mary Edgerly
 Ig-McF                            Senior Dues Cover:                       Senior Dues do NOT Cover:
Chiante Deal                     * Senior Lighting
                                                                            *Cap, Gown or Graduation Announcements
 McG-Ram                         *Senior T-Shirt (Spring)
                                                                            *Prom Date Ticket
Jamie Slabaugh                   *Prom Ticket (Sr. Only)
                                                                            *Homecoming Ticket
Ran-Ste                          *Senior Picnic
                                                                            *Panoramic Picture
Tammy Morrow                                                                *Prom Pictures
Stf-Z                                                                       *GradNight ‘22
CAVALIER CONNECTION - The Woodlands College Park ...
Tardy Policy
Students are expected to be in their
                                            Grad Night— May 22, 2022                      
assigned classrooms when the tardy
                                            Get your Senior a ticket for the 2022 College Park Grad Night at Main Event now!
bell rings. Each student is allowed six
tardies per semester, and each of       CP GRAD NIGHT is a yearly tradition for the Seniors. It is a lock-in event that allows
those six tardies is a warning. The     our graduates to enjoy a safe, alcohol and substance free evening, full of games, arcades,
purpose of the warnings is to help      live trivia contests, karaoke, tattoo artist, casinos, laser tag, money machine, bowling,
students deal with mishaps in the hall, DJ, cash prizes, raffle prizes, unlimited food and drinks, plus so much more - all night
bad weather, heavy traffic, etc. When long!
a student exceeds six tardies, the
                                                  Following Commencement Ceremony@ Main Event
student will begin receiving conse-
quences from their Assistant Princi-              Check-in: 11:00PM Sunday, May 22, 2022
pal. Tardies will start over after each           Event Ends: 5:00AM Monday, May 23, 2022
semester. Students seen intentionally             Price - $65
being tardy may have all tardy privi-
                                          To register online, go to:
leges revoked and consequences ele-
vated. Students who drive to school    EVERYTHING IS INCLUDED AT THE BEST PARTY EVER!
may have additional consequences       Food, drinks, PRIZE$, casino, karaoke, live trivia game, money machine, airbrush artist,
including suspension of parking and/or bowling, laser tag, unlimited video games, photo booth, cash prize$, FREE RAFFLE,
loss of parking privileges.            plus more - all night long! Last party with your class! Everybody goes - don’t miss it!

Safety is the upmost importance for
our students. For the safety of our
students, all lunches brought in to
school for your student will need to be   VERIFICATION OF
signed in at the front office. Lunches    ENROLLEMENT (VOE)
will be taken to the AP office for the
students to pick-up. There will be
                                          Obtaining a VOE is the responsi-
NO food deliveries accepted by any
                                          bility of the student and the stu-
outside vendor. Our students know         dent alone . As of this year, we will
that the AP office is the location to     no longer be accepting phone re-
pick up items. Thank you for your         quest for VOE’s.
help and cooperation.
                                          VOE request must be made 24
                                          hours in advance of when they are
                                          needed. To obtain a VOE, have
                                          your student come to the AP’s of-
                                          fice and use the iPad to sign in and
                                          select Request VOE. Their VOE
                                          form will be ready 24 hours later,
        You can also find us on           and the student will need to come
        Facebook and Twitter              to the AP office to pick it up and
                                          show a picture ID when doing so.
                                          VOE forms cannot and will not be
                                          emailed. No exceptions.
                                          For any questions you can contact
                        Click Here        Mrs. Jenni Cavazos.
CAVALIER CONNECTION - The Woodlands College Park ...
The EFTA application season is here! The Educa-
tion for Tomorrow Alliance will be offering summer
internships, both virtual and in person during the
summer of 2022 for juniors (class of 2023). This is
a competitive program, meaning that you must
complete an online application. EFTA includes in-
ternships from a VARIETY of fields not just STEM/
Medical fields. It is an incredible opportunity. There
are internships in: Architecture, Arts, Communica-
tion, Photography, Business, Non-Profits, Educa-
tion and Training, Healthcare, Human Services, IT,
Computer Science, Law, Marketing, Sales, STEM,
Applications are now open and will be due
April 8th.
Attached is a flyer that has a TON of information
on it, including a sign up for virtual information ses-
sions that I highly suggest students/parents attend
to get additional information.
PLEASE READ the website and the details includ-
ed there.
CAVALIER CONNECTION - The Woodlands College Park ...

                   AFRICAN AMERICAN


CAVALIER CONNECTION - The Woodlands College Park ...
Texas Torque achieved success at our first
competition of the season in Waco!

We ended the qualification rounds as the
fourth-ranked team and finished the
competition as an alliance captain that advanced
to the finals.

The performance of our Chairman’s team earned us the opportunity to contend at the District
Champs in April and helped bring home the Engineering Inspiration Award.

Shreyas, our team’s robot driver and Safety Captain, as well our business lead, Macy, received the
Safety Star of the Day for their commitment to maintaining a safe work environment for everyone.
Texas Torque is now the third-ranked FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team in Texas because of
our hardworking team members working tirelessly around the clock.
CAVALIER CONNECTION - The Woodlands College Park ...
The Cavalier Express will have spirit shirts and items, as well as
                                    Pep Rally T’s, football tickets, and much more.
                                                  Stop by and say Hi!

                               Monday’s and


                               5:30-7:30pm in

                              the College and

                              Career Center

Purchase at

 Tuesdays and Thursdays
 College and Career Center
CAVALIER CONNECTION - The Woodlands College Park ...
                         Mar 31              Pre-UIL Concert                           7:00 PM
                         Apr 6               Choir Boosters Meeting                    7:00 PM
                         Apr 12              Cavalier Kids Festival All Day            TWCP
                         Apr 19-20           UIL Event                                 Klein Cain HS
                         Apr 21-22           UIL Event                                 Willis HS
                         On March 14, members of the Cavalier Choir,
                         accompanied by Directors Erin Bodhaine and
                         Kent Doerries, as well as Dr Murrell and nine
                         parent chaperones, traveled to sunny Orlando, FL
                         for the Annual Choir Spring Break Trip. Students
                         who participated stayed at Universal’s Cabana
                         Bay Resort and enjoyed fun-filled days and nights
College Park Fine Arts

                         at Disney’s Magic Kingdom, Disney’s Hollywood
                         Studios, Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure
                         and Disney’s Animal Kingdom. The highlight of
                         the trip was participating in Disney’s Imagination
                         Campus Performing Arts Workshop Soundtrack Session. The students worked with a Disney Clinician,
                         with a focus on vocal technique. They enjoyed creating sound effects and performing voice overlay to
                         the music from the movie Tangled. Students then watched a clip of the masterpiece they created. A fun
                         and educational time was had by all - no one wanted Spring Break to come to an end!
                         **Did you know that when you shop at, AmazonSmile donates to TWCPHS Cavalier Choir Booster
                         Club? Set it up today and start sharing the love!

                         Spring 22 Semester Events
                          March 25: Spring Varsity Orchestra Concert-CP Auditorium 7pm

                         March 29-31: String Orchestra UIL Contest

                         April 28: Full Orchestra UIL-Klein HS.

                         May 7: Orchestra Senior Farewell Concert-CP Auditorium. 7pm

                         May 18: String Fling-Large Gym. 6pm/7:30pm
College Park Athletics News   News and shout outs!
                                       SPRING 22 EVENTS                                       PRODUCTIONS

                                                                                                March 2-4, 22
                                                                                                 Arms and the Man
                                                                                               March 8
                                                                                                  Stinky Cheese Man
                                                                                              April 20-23
                                                                                                            12 Angry
College Park Fine Arts

                         Facebook   Twitter   Instagram: collegeparkcavalierband   Color Guard Instagram: twcpcolorguard
                                             Athletics Website

                         Lonnie Madison
                         Athletic Director
College Park Athletics

                                                         March 25-27 State Championship (Boys) TBA

                         March 24-26             CP @ Rice Invite                          all day
                         April 2                 CP –College Park Invite                   all day
                         April 13-14             CP @ District 13-6A Meet Grand Oaks       4pm
                         April 21                CP @ Area Championship Grand Oaks         all day
                         April 29-30             CP @ Regional Meet (Midway HS)            TBA
                         May 14                  CP @ State Meet                           TBA
March 24-26   CP @ Bi District (Woodforest)        7:30pm
College Park Athletics

                                       CAVALIER SOCCER
                         March 24      CP vs Bi District (Thorne Stadium)      7pm

                            COLLEGE PARK
                                     WATER POLO

                         March 25-26   CP vs A. Maloney Tournament TBA
                         March 28      CP vs ORHS                     4:30/5/6pm
                         April 4       CP vs GOHS                     4:30/5/6pm
                         April 11-12   1st round Region (CFISD Nat)        TBA
                         April 18-19   2nd round Region (CFISD Nat)        TBA
                         April 22-23   Semi-Finals and Finals (CFISD Nat) TBA
                         May 6-7       State Tournament (U of Houston) TBA
                         April 20           CP @ UIL Region II-6A                  TBA
                         May 9-10           CP @ UIL State                         Legacy Hills
College Park Athletics

                         March 25-26        CP @ Kingwood Invitational             Kingwood
                         March 29-30        CP @ District 13-6A Championship   High Meadow Ranch
                         April 18-19        CP @ UIL Region II-6A                  TBA
                         May 16-17          CP @ UIL State                         Legacy Hills

                         March 24-26              CP @ Tournament TBA
                         March 31-April 1         CP @ District Tennis Championship
                         April 11-14              CP @ Regionals– Waco, TX
                         April 26-27              CP @ State Championships
March 25     CP vs TWHS            7pm
                         March 29     CP vs Grand Oaks      7pm
                         April 1      CP @ Grand Oaks       7pm
                         April 5      CP @ Willis           7pm
                         April 8      CP vs Willis          7pm
College Park Athletics

                         April 9      CP vs Langham Creek   2pm
                         April 12     CP vs Conroe          7pm
                         April 14     CP @ Cornoe           7pm
                         April 19     CP @ ORHS             7pm
                         April 22     CP vs ORHS            7pm
                         April 23     CP vs Lake Creek      2pm

                         March 25     CP vs Willis          4:30/6:15 pm
                         March 29     CP @ Conroe           4:30/6:15 pm
                         April 1      CP vs ORHS            4:30/6:15 pm
                         April 5      CP @ TWHS             4:30/6:15 pm
                         April 8      CP vs Grand Oaks      4:30/6:15 pm
                         April 12     CP @ Willis           4:30/6:15 pm
                         April 14     CP vs Conroe          4:30/6:15pm
                         Aprl 19      CP @ ORHS             4:30/6:15pm
                         April 22     CP vs TWHS            4:30/6:15pm
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